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(VBB 4223) Environmental Management System

Assignment 2

Aduot Madit Anhiem 12926 Civil Engineering

Coastal Erosion Coastal erosion is a gradual disintegration and washing away of beaches, including the san, soil and natural habitats that have formed along the edges of beaches. Coastal erosion changes the nature of the surrounding surf and tides, possibly making the area dangerous for boats and requiring constantly updated maps. The cause of coastal erosion is the movement of waves and tides which can affect river deltas, beaches and coastlines with soft sediments. Rain and Ocean erode the coastline, and the effects usually occur if the earth has been weakened in some ways. More so the global warming affects icebergs, therefore the melting leads to rise of water levels. Coastal Erosion damages wastewater collection systems, contaminates drinking water supplies, and it interferes with public power supplies, hence there are heavy losses of properties. High levels of water cause coastal homes to flood or slide into the water, industrial and commercial facilities that are in low-lying areas are impaired or shut down, and beaches submerged, therefore permanent changes in topography are exhibited. Coastal Erosion can be prevented by constructing groins and jetties to trap the sand and extend channels so sediment is carried farther from coast respectively. Building sand dunes and growing vegetation around them, as well provision of artificial beach nourishment can control the coastal erosion.

Wetlands Destruction According to EPA 1995 Wetlands are defined as lands where saturation with water is the dominant factor determining the nature of soil development and the types of plant and animal communities living in the soil and on its surface. From that we can simply say that wetland destruction involve conversion of wetlands to open water either by expansion or existing water bodies or creation of new water bodies. The main causes of wetland destruction are dredging, construction, the creation of levees and dikes as well as chemical contamination of the wetlands. Also the introduction of non-native species to the ecosystem and grazing by domestic animals are some particular causes of wetland destruction. The natural causes can be erosion, sea level rise and droughts which are beyond human control. The effects of wetland destruction are dire to wildlife in that it is a loss of habitat, and their survival is jeopardized. Some are total displaced and some can extinct. For people flooding is on frequent basis therefore destruction of human properties, and also there is problem of subsistence of the land in and around the wetland.

The preventive and control measures is to control water regime to slow conversion to open water, hence maintaining the status quo. Provision of new channels, to divert navigation from areas; where the maintenance of navigation channels is detrimental to wetland developments. Introduction of sluice gates, and other control structures; across the levees, to divert water, during high stands in wetlands.

Deforestation Deforestation is a practice of cutting down trees to an extent that the global climate slowly undergoes changes. Deforestation is caused by the destruction of the forests which is due to the short term of economic reasons, governments corruption to have wealth and power by harvesting the riches of the forest. Population growth and urbanization are causes of the deforestation, in that there will be urban construction, and this set people to cut down trees to be used or building materials, furniture and more clearing the forest for expansion of the accommodating urban areas results to a massive deforestation. The population increase demands more agricultural practices such that crops are grown and this put forth the cutting down of forests. The other causes are; needs to use trees for fuel especially the countries where there is need of firewood and charcoal which are used for cooking and heating purposes. Commercial purposes are another cause of deforestation for instance the clearing of forests for oil and mining exploration the forests are cleared and lastly the forest fires which do occur naturally clears huge forest hence there is loss of forests and habitats for the wildlife. The effects of deforestation which are both economical and environmental are soil erosion which is due to exposure of the soil to the sun making it infertile due to volatile nutrients lost. Disruption of water cycle because trees maintain the water cycle through absorption, evaporation and transpiration. Loss of Biodiversity where some of the animals get extinct, and more so the flooding and drought since the flow of water is altered and disrupted hence possible alternate periods of flood and drought are manifested. Lastly there is climatic change such as global warming which is largely caused by emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Regarding deforestation solutions, the practical implementation of purported strategies requires collective effort of all responsible citizens. A legislation concerning cutting of trees, forest management, reforestation, commercial growing of forest and so on must be enacted. Illegal logging, infrastructure development and mining should be kept under control.

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