Dua Getting Married

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Dua'a for getting married

MATRIMONIAL AFFAIRS (i) PROPOSAL OF MARRIAGE Inspite of growing up to the age of sexual maturity, if a boy or a girl has not received a suitable offer of marriage, recite surah al Ajzab (chapter 33) regularly. Inshallah, soon he or she will be married. If a gown up girl is not received any offer of marriage recite surah al Mumtahinah (chapter 60) five times daily, Inshallah, soon she will be married. If a grown up girl is not receiving any offer of marriage recite surah at Taha (chapter 20) and blow breath on a glass of water and let the girl drink it. Inshallah, soon she will be married. If a grown up girl is not receiving an offer of marriage, recite verse 36 of Yasin 100 times before salat of tehajjud for 40 days, inshallah soon she will be married. SUBH'AANALLAD'EE KHALAQAL AZWAAJA KULLAHAA MIMMAA TUMBITUL ARZ'U WA MIN ANFUSIHIM WA MIMMAA LAA YA'LAMOON It is written in Biharul Anwar that to invoke the almighty Allah that a grown up boy or a girl be suitably married carry out the following a'mal of du-a'a of Mashlul (i) Recite du-a'a al Mashlul (see selected Soorahas and Du-a'as volume one and two) preferably after Fajr salat or any obligatory salat for 40 consecutive days. (ii) Do not eat animal flesh (iii) Always remain the state of Ablution (iv) Wear Ihram dress at the time of reciting the du-a'a Dua'a 181 To invoke the almighty Allah that a grown up boy or a girl be suitably married, recite the following du-a'a after giving gifts to the deserving mumin brothers or sisters. O causer of the causes; O he who opens the doors of (opportunities); O He who gives answer to the call from wherever (He is called). YAA MUSABBIBAL ASBAABI YAA MUFTTIH 'AL ABWAABI YAA MAN H'AYTHU MAA DU-I'YA AJAABA Dua'a 182 According to Biharul Anwar to invoke the almighty Allah that a grown up boy or girl be suitably married recite the following du-a'a 100 times daily for 40 consecutive days after any obligatory salat.

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Make easy (my difficulty) by Your superabundant favours, O the mightiest mighty. SAHLAM BIFAZ "LIKA YAA A'ZEEZ Dua'a 183 It is written in Bihar al Anwar that if a grown up girl is not receiving any offer of marriage, her father should pray a 2 rak-at salat (like Fajr salat) on Friday after Jumu-ah prayers and after the salam go into Sajdah and recite surah al Muzzammil (chapter 73) 21 times. Inshallah very soon she will be married to a suitable man. Dua'a 184 It is written in Biharul Anwar to write the following portion of verse 132 of at Ta Ha on a paper with the solution of musk, saffron and rose water and bind it as a Ta'wid on the right arm, if a man desires to be married soon. Bind another Ta'wid like above on the right arm of the man or woman who is negotiating the proposal of marriage. (It is) We who give you subsistence; and the (good of) the hereafter is for those who safeguard themselves against evil with full awareness of divine laws. NAH'NU NARZUQUK WAL A'AQIBATU LITTAQWAA Dua'a 185 It is written in Kanzul Maknun to write the following du-a'a on a paper like a Ta'wid and bind it on the right arm of the grown up girl who is not receiving any offer of marriage. Inshallah, soon she will be married. As there is ismi a'z'am in this du-a'a, it should be removed during menses. O Light of everything which guides them, You are He who cuts asunder darkness with His light. YAA NOORA KULLI SHAY-IN WA HUDAAHU ANTALLAD'EE FALAQAZ' Z'ULUMAATI BINOORUHOO Dua'a 186 According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq, it is written in Biharul Anwar, whoever

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desires to marry should recite the following du-a'a before making a formal request for marriage. O my Allah, I desire to marry, so arrange for me a woman from those who willingly abstain from what is unlawful and who safeguards her soul (integrity) for my sake, and (because of her) not only my means of sustenance will increase but also I will have them in abundance; and also make it sure that she will give me a virtuous son, who will be a noble successor in my life and after my death. ALLAAHUMMA INNEE UREEDU AN ANTAZAWWAJA FAQADDIR LEE MINAN NISAA-IA'-FIHUNNA FARJAN WA AH'FAZ'IHUNNA LEE FEE NAFSIHAA WA AWSA-I'HUNNA LEE RIZQAN WA A'Z'AMIHUNNA LEE BARAKATAN FEE NAFSIHAA WA MAALEE FAQADDIR LEE MINHAA WALADAN T'AYYIBAN TAJ-A'LUHOO KHALAFAN S'AALIH'AN FEE H'AYYAATEE WA BA'-DA MAWTEE Dua'a 187 It is written in Biharul Anwar that if unmanageable impediments are obstructing your marriage write the following verses (Ta Ha: 131, 132) with saffron and keep it on the body. Inshallah all hindrances will disappear.

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Do not strain your eyes towards that which We have given for enjoyment to parties (wedded pairs) of them, the splendour of the life of this world, so that We may try them in it. The provision of your Lord is better and more lasting. Enjoin prayer (salat) on your followers, and adhere steadily to it. We do not ask you to provide (subsistence), (it is) We who give you subsistence; and the (good of) the hereafter is for those who safeguard themselves against evil with full awareness of divine laws. WA LAA TAMUDDANNA A'YNAYKA ILAA MAA MATTA'NAA BIHEE AZWAJAM MINHUM ZAHRATAL H'AYAATID DUNYAA LINAFTINAHUM FEEH WA RIZQU RABBIKA KHAYRUW WA ABQAA WA-MUR AHLAKA BISS'ALAATI WAS'T ABIR A'LAYHAA LAA NASALUKA RIZQAA NAH'NU NARZUQUK WAL A'AQIBATU LITTAQWAA. Dua'a 188 It is written in Biharul Anwar that Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir said : "After Nikah (marriage) when the bride and bridegroom come into their house, both should pray a two rakat salat. Then they should say salawat and all those who have come with them should also say salawat and amin. Then the bridegroom should recite the following du-a'a

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O my Allah, bless me with her love, friendship and readiness to please (me). Let me also be always ready to please her. Keep us together and let it be the best togetherness, and let us always compensate each other easily; verily, You like the lawful and dislike the unlawful. ALLAAHUMMARZUQNEE ULFATAHAA WA WUDDAHAA WA RIZ'AAHAA WAR-Z'INEE BIHAA WAJMA'BAYNANAA BIAH'SANIJ - TIMAAI'NAA AYSARITILAAFIN FA-INNAKA TUH'IBBUL H'ALAALA WA TUKRIHUL H'ARAAMA

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