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Roshi Flippo


Open book report, English literature, 3vwo

Ally Condie

Roshi Flippo


My book report is about the book Matched. The author is Ally Condie. 2010 was the year of the first publication. The publisher is Penguin Group.

Matched is a futuristic book. I know because they do things that we want to invent now but just didnt happened yet. The book tells you not to listen to everything they say but think about it and if you dont agree do something about it. The story takes place in the Society. Its a country where everyone wears the same clothes, where they say what you have to eat to stay at optimal health, who is the best person to get offspring with etc. The ones who are in charge, Officials are they called, decide everything, especially high officials. I think the time is a hundred or two hundred years from now, you cannot be very specific. The main character, Cassia, tells the story from her point of view.

Cassia is in the beginning a normal girl who is never been in trouble. When you get matched you get a micro card where everything about your match stands on. Cassia is matched with a boy she knows already, that is very rare. But when she is watching the card she sees first Xander s face. But then the screen turns black and sees the face of Ky, she also knows him. A few days later her Grandfather dies. She gets a forbidden poem from him. From that moment Cassia starts thinking of the Society is that perfect as she think. She learns to

Roshi Flippo


write, that is also forbidden. From the brave girl she was she turns into a rebellious girl.

The moral of the author is that you dont have to do everything someone says to you. You have to know if you agree with it. When you dont, you have to do something about it. The Grandfather of Cassia and Ky tell her.

I like the book because there is love in it but not the whole book is about it. I also read it in Dutch. The way the Society is ruling really everything, I cant believe no one stands up and says something. Everyone just listen and doesnt ask a question, thats really weird and a little unrealistic. Now everyone wants to say there opinion and it can now, I dont think that anyone wants to change that in the future. It means no one cant get the power if no one is a loud to say there opinion anymore.

When you turn seventeen you can to choose to be matched. Only when you are matched then you can have kids. The story starts at the Matching Banquet. The Society matches you to someone you will have the best offspring with. Also Cassia has been matched but she doesnt know if it is the right person for her.

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