PBC Bulletin - June 17

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Our Life Together: 17th - 24th June 2012

Sunday 17th
10:00am Worship Service (plus Sunday School inc. Gr. 5 & 6) Speaker Warren Holman 11:30am Morning Tea 2:00pm Glenelg Aged Care Service 5:00pm FUEL Study at Paul & Jolenes - 2 Poseidon Court

Wednesday 20th

7:30pm Home Groups at Kath Lewiss L & D Oakleys T & H Eliass

Enjoying God, Blessing Others

Sunday 17th June 2012

Welcome to our service, especially our Guest Speaker, Warren Holman and all visitors. We are a company of ordinary people who love Jesus and want to share his love and care with everyone. It is our prayer that God will speak with you today.

Friday 22nd
9.30am Walking Group

Monday 18th
7.30pm Music Practice 7:30pm Deacons Meeting

Saturday 23rd
6:00pm Fathers & Sons - Tea and DVD Night at the Hall

Sunday 24th Tuesday 19th

9:30am Walking Group 10:30am Prayer Meeting at Church House 10:00am Worship Service (plus Sunday School) Speaker Warren Holman 11:30am Morning Tea 5:00pm FUEL Study at Paul & Jolenes - 2 Poseidon Court

Our Upcoming Highlights

Glenelg Aged Care Monthly Service: This Afternoon - 2:00pm FUEL Youth Study at Paul & Jolenes home: Tonight - 5:00pm Deacons Meeting at Church House: Tomorrow - 7:30pm Fathers and Sons - Tea & DVD Night: Saturday 23rd June - 6:00pm Silver Threads Craft Group: Tuesday 26th June - 12:00pm Lighthouse Support Group Meeting at PAC: Tuesday 26th - 7:30pm


notices in the bulletin, please contact Wilma Crouch on 5523 3595 or email crouchcastle@hotkey.net.au by 10am Thursdays. Thank you.

Roster 24th June 2012

Door Greeting: Mandy Malseed

Door & Offering: Peter Malseed Childrens Talk: Peter Dalliston Media Desk: Morning Tea: Ian, Karissa Bristow & M Atwell Lawns & Garden: Atwell Church Cleaning: Brown Hall/Kitchen Clean: Dalliston

Thank you to everyone

Loaves & Fishes


Nathan McLean Doug Smith Glenn Sobey Jan Westlake 5526 5293 5523 6950 5529 2439 5523 3639

for your faithful support. Items most needed include: canned vegetables; soup; pasta; shampoo; conditioner; jam; tissues; tea; coffee; sugar; toiletries; biscuits. Place donations in the foyer basket or in the marked box on the piano downstairs .

Offering Counting: R Selwood

Dianne Adams 5523 6202 Glenn Sobey Paul Adams 5521 1875 PO Box 574 Jim Blake 5523 2347 Portland 3305 David Hein 5523 3958 Ph: 5529 2439 (Treasurer) M: 0409 258 135 tractor_commander@hotmail.com

Our website: www.portlandbaptist.org.au


Christian Religious Education, CRE

God has moved in the hearts of many people in Portland and we have over 16 CRE teachers presently active in our schools, teaching children about God and Jesus. Each one of these teachers reaches 60 to 100 children in this way. Our church has provided no less than 6 of this number. HOW IMPORTANT IS THIS MINISTRY! GET INVOLVED TODAY: BECOME A CRE PARTNER Access Ministries equips and enables 3,200 volunteers to over 117,000 primary school children throughout Victoria. The CRE program needs financial resources to support teachers in their ministry with children. We hope to have funding opportunities from time to time. Feel free to BECOME A PARTNER or donate as you see fit: 1 2 3 4 5 Teachers:Debbie Oakley Susan Atwell Tanya Cocks Julie Manson Barb Jeffries Peter Dalliston Peter 0411 409 342 Portland North Primary 3s & 4s Portland North Primary 3s & 4s Bundarra Primary 3s & 4s Portland Primary Preps, 1s & 2s Heywood 3s to 6s Portland North Primary 5s & 6s Speak with your CRE teachers within our church Watch the DVD (you may have seen it Sunday 27th) Think and pray about a financial contribution Decide on what you would like to give Fill in the coupon and post it off to Access Ministries

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Col. 4:2

May Offering total: $15,609 Monthly Budget: $15,150 Weekly Target: $ 3,500 Weekly Average $ 3,254 (avg. from 1st January 2012) Week 29th April $ 889
(no church 29th - IGA fire)

Please continue to pray for those with ongoing health needs - Stuart Oakley; Matthew Harris; Neil Mitchell; Colin Colston; Daryl Hobbs; Phillip Brown; Julie Manson. Prayer support for the families of all these folk. Peter Berry - pray for Peters hip surgery date to be arranged soon. Also pray for Monika who has had some recent health issues. Uphold - Margaret Wiltshire, Helen & Glenn Sobey and family IGA Staff - after the store fire Portland Business - in tough times Loaves and Fishes - for the care of Portlands needy families Monday Peter & Tanya Cocks, Jack, Liam, Toby Tuesday Roger & Wilma Crouch Wednesday Ian Currie, Timothy Thursday Phil & Jenny Curtis, Felicity, Michael, Genevieve Friday Peter & Robyn Dalliston Saturday Graham Dart & Lyn McDonald Sunday Jan & Colin Donehue

Week Week Week Week

6th May 13th May 20th May 27th May

$4,959 $2,289 $5,100 $2,587

Direct Debit Payments for offerings and donations can be made electronically. Details are as follows:

Acc Name: Portland Baptist Church Direct Offering BSB 704 922 Account No. 100 006 869

Building Fund
May Donations:
Total B/F to 30th April Purchase of Land Other fees & costs Current available balance: $ 7,514 $539,094 $360,000 $ 72,159 $106,935

Forms are available from Peter, Debbie or from the church foyer.

All gifts to the building fund are fully tax deductible. Please take the information sheets (blue & yellow) and envelopes which are available in the porch. You can deposit straight into the building fund via internet banking using the following information: Acc Name: Portland Baptist Church Direct Building Fund BSB 704 922 Account No 100 007 044

Lets press on in faith!

Thought for the Week . . .

To complain that life has no joys while there is a single creature whom we may relieve by our bounty, assist by our counsels, or enliven by our presence, is to lament the loss of that which we possess, and is just as rational as to die of thirst with the cup in our hands.
Our weekly Prayer Group meeting is held each Tuesday at the Church House from 10:30-11:30am. Everyone is encouraged to join in this vital ministry. You will find a very warm welcome there!

BWF is 85!

Save this Date!

Saturday 11 August Trivia Night and Silent Auction at PBC Hall Mark this on your calendar and be prepared for another great

to our BWF Ladies for the The next meeting of Silver Threads will be Tuesday 26th celebration of June in the Hall, starting 12.00 their 8 5 t h midday. Bring your lunch and any Birthday last craft you are doing. We hope to be Tuesday. A reminder of the able to cut and sew items as Fillers for Samaritans Purse Christmas outstanding service and witness boxes, so bring your scissors, of this very special group of sewing machines and yourselves for ladies. Well done everyone and a fun time and fellowship, working together for this cause. God bless you.

Silver Threads Craft Group Congratulations Tuesday 26th

Glenelg Aged Care Monthly Service: This Afternoon - 2:00pm FUEL Youth Study Group: Sunday evenings at Paul & Jolenes home, 2 Poseidon Court - 5:00pm Deacons Meeting at Church House: Tomorrow - 7:30pm Prayer Meeting at Church House: Every Tuesday - 10:30am FUEL Youth: Friday 29th June - watch this space for details Fathers & Sons Tea and DVD night: Saturday 23rd June - 6:00pm. More details to follow. Silver Threads Craft Group: Tuesday 26th June at the Hall - 12:00 midday Lighthouse - Depression Support Meeting: at Portland Arts Centre, Tuesday 26th June - 7:30pm

Thank You
Thank you to those who attended the Thanksgiving Service for Joe Wiltshire. Many thanks to those who provided refreshments for afternoon tea and to everyone who helped in many ways. Calling all

Bolwarra U.C. Ladies Fellowship

Winter Warmer!
Another great MSG fundraiser! Any donations of Auction goods/ services will be gladly accepted.

Trivia & Afternoon Tea

at Bolwarra Sunday School Wednesday 20th June
1:30pm Cost $8.00 - see Kath Lewis or pay at the door


Parents are welcome to use the Parents room just off the foyer, with activities for children up to 2 years, if your child is unsettled. It is soundlinked to the auditorium. The Preschooler Sunday School runs all year round during the service, with Bible stories, activities and crafts. For ages 2 years to Prep, downstairs (door just past side gate).

Fathers & Sons!

Tea and DVD Night
Next Saturday 23 June 6:00pm at the Hall $8.00 pp
RSVP to Mark Atwell 5523 5108

Mission Support Group MSG Meeting Sunday 1st July 12:00pm

Sunday School room All welcome! We will be planning our Trivia Night & Silent Auction (see overleaf) and need your help. Call Debbie for info: 5521 7164.

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