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Questions for My Mother at Sixty-Six Kamala Das

WHY HAS THE POET BOUGHT IN THE IMAGE OF THE MERRY CHILDREN SPILLING OUT OF THEIR HOMES? 2 answers. The poet is bringing out the contrast between her mother's weakness & frailty and the blossoming life around by bringing in young trees sprinting and merry children spilling out of their homes. The poet highlights the helplessness and weakness of old age with the help of contrasts. The mother dozes off with her mouth open, whereas the children spilling out of their homes signify movement and energy, which the old people are bereft off.

< poem? the in to refer ache? familiar>/"> What does the "familiar ache" refer to in the poem? 2 answers. Most people would have a childhood fear of losing their mother - may sound illogical, but is usually the truth. Now, being an adult, the author faces with the same fear and the same ache that she felt as a kid of losing her mother. It is now justified as a valid fear as her mother is frail and weak. The poet is pained to see her mother old and suffering. The sight of her mothers pale and weak face looks like that of a corpse, which arouses her childhood'sfamiliar ache in her heart.

why are the growing trees described as sprinting

1 answers. the poet recollects her days when she was young and energetic, but the days past as fast as the trees were running behind when she was on her way to the air port with her mother. the trees symbolizes the growing days and the children in the street symbolizes the new hope and happiness in life which remains for a very short period of time and the days of happiness runs out very fast.

why are the growing trees described as sprinting 0 answers.

why does the poet smile and what does she say while bidding goodbye to her mother? 2 answers. She is happy to see her mother is still breathing. But she is beset with sorrow and insecurity as she departs at the airport bidding goodbye to her mother and trying to hide her fears by smiling as she looked at her. She could only keep smiling and tell her see you soon knowing full well that she might not see her. The poet smiles in order to put up a brave front so that her mother may not observe her pained and frightened look. She smiles in order to reassure her mother and says that she would soon see her again.

WHAT DOES THE POET'S MOTHER LOOK LIKE? 2 answers. The poet's mother looks wan and pale which the poet has tastefully compared to a late winter's moon. The poets mother at sixty-six, is sitting beside the poet and is dozing off with her mouth open. This is a sign of old age. Her face was pale like a corpse.


The vividly colorless image of an ashen corpse & a pale winter moon are what the poet has used to signify her ageing mother. The poets mother at sixty-six, is sitting beside the poet and is dozing off with her mouth open. This is a sign of old age. Her face was pale like a corpse. Imagery of death has been created by the poet in this comparison.

WHAT POETIC DEVICES HAS THE POET USED IN 'MY MOTHER AT SIXTY-SIX'? 1 answers. The most used poetic device by the author is simile. She uses it in both cases to describe her monther's wan look - "ashen like a corpse" & "pale as a late winter's moon".

My Mother at Sixty-Six Kamala Das why does the poet not talk anything to her mother on her way to airport and at the airport? 0 answers.

__what does the pain and ache the poet feels 1 answers. the poet had been in constant fear of losing her mother since her childhood. every time the separation from her mother would aggravate the ache. but this time the poet could see the death was imminent and the pale face of her mother brought the pain to the fore. she could not utter a word and simple watched her mothers' pale and puckered face perhaps for the last time

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