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MARCH, 2011

Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST), a nascent public sector academic institution, strives to achieve academic excellence through continuous improvement of its research and teaching by providing faculty and students with an environment conducive for creation and dissemination of knowledge. At KUST, we place great emphasis on optimal usage of the available resources without compromising on quality. Our programs and activities are not only structured to address the socio-economic needs of the region but also have a modern orientation so that our graduates and faculty can compete internationally. KUST has made considerable progress in 2009-10 in terms of academics, and manpower, etc: The average enrollment of the university during the year has been between 1100 1200 students. The average output of the students during the year has been about 600 in various disciplines. Around 60 scholars, who were sent for seeking higher studies under the HEC approved projects and other sources, are about to complete their PhD in various disciplines 04 scholars have arrived and joined KUST after completion of their PhD under indigenous and foreign-based scholarships. State-of-the-art lab equipments, costing over Rs. 50 millions, have been procured under the approved projects for the Departments of Chemistry, Plant Sciences, Physics, Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering, Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC), Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Zoology. FM Radio (98.2 Mhz) station has been established and functions under the Department of JMC. Two new departments, i.e., Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Center for Religious Studies were opened. In the year 2009-10, our faculty members published about 171 research papers in various disciplines whereas 33 papers were presented in national and international conferences and seminars in various parts of the world. The best Teacher Awards for the year 2009-10 was conferred upon Prof. Dr. Fida Younas Khattak and Dr. Ejaz Ahmad, Assistant Professor by the HEC. KUST has started two online journals in the field of Medical Sciences and Information Technology.

In 2009-10 thirteen training workshops/seminars were organized by various departments/institutes in order to build research capacity and dissemination of knowledge of the target group. 896 students were granted financial assistance worth Rs. 3.669 million under various scholarship schemes during the year. Furthermore, the HEC gave financial assistance of Rs. 17.778 millions to the Internally Displaced People (IDPs) students. The university organized various sports activities on campus and participated in all Pakistan intervarsity sports events. Central Academic Block, Central Library, Four Student Hostels (02 boys and 02 girls), Hostel for Visiting and Foreign Faculty, Students Services Center, and Establishment Block, which were under construction since 2007, have been completed. Construction of Boundary wall around the campus including hilltop fencing, security pickets, 04 kilometer roads with roadside lights have also been completed during the year.


Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST), established in December 2001, is progressing in a multidimensional way. The number of students and employees is on the rise as KUST expands and develops its physical and intellectual infrastructure.

The Annual Report 2009-10 reflects the progress KUST has made. It gives an overview of the academic and developmental activities during the year. We look forward to receiving feedback and guidance from you. Lets think of ways and means to strengthen KUST.

Nasir Jamal Khattak, PhD (Amherst)


Rationale Kohat University of Science and Technology is a Public Sector University endeavoring to be at the forefront of science and technology such that to provide the entrepreneurship, research, education and other client agencies with innovative ideas through highly motivated, ambitious, and forward-looking graduates. To develop and sustain high quality education, KUST is providing strong academic, guidance, and welfare systems designed to support students from every walk of life and every community. Capacity building, degree programs, and an ever-growing national dimension, are our distinctive characteristics, all planned to contribute to the outstanding employment prospects of our graduates. The establishment of KUST is in line with the objectives of the Higher Education aiming to ensure the availability of quality education and uplifting of research capabilities of the universities. The capital of the province Peshawar - has well-established universities (both in the public and private sectors) while the southern part lacked such facilities till the recent past. Establishment of KUST is a first single step towards this great journey. It covers the southern and western flank of the province and thus completes the network of the universities in all parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Location Kohat University of Sciences & Technology is situated at a distance of 9km from Kohat City on Indus Highway. Briefly to mention, the historic city of Kohat, lying at the confluence of Orakzai and Kurram Agencies on one side and Dara Adam Khel on the other side is famous for being the centre of Inter Services Selection Board, Home of Signals, Cadet College Kohat, and Tanda Dam. It has one of the most beautiful cantonments of the Province and a famous Kohat Fort made by Mughal Emperor Akbar. Kohat lies at the periphery of Southern areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and is at a distance of 66 km from the provincial capital, Peshawar. The newly constructed Kohat Tunnel has further enhanced its strategic importance. It is the hometown of many brave sons who have served and are serving in the armed forces of Pakistan and other government institutions and have rendered great sacrifices for the country on many occasions

Objectives of KUST

Promote and facilitate the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in the country in general and in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, in particular. Undertake research on goal-oriented problems in those areas where fast solution may be expected through the introduction of such facilities. Hold workshops and colloquia for training of manpower. Create awareness about the various programs offered and to ensure their accessibility. Extend advanced facilities in said programs to the students and scientists from neighboring countries for collaborative education and research.

MISSION VISION AND GOALS Mission Statement Kohat University of Science & Technology aspires to be one of the most energetic and responsive universities of the province, offering unparalleled educational opportunities for the students seeking the highest quality undergraduate, graduate, and continuing personal or professional enrichment in arts and sciences and selected professions. The goal of KUST is to be a publicly supported Doctoral/Research University. KUST will be known especially for the individual commitment of each member of its diverse faculty and staff to extending educational opportunity and ensuring student learning and success, both at the graduate and undergraduate levels; its nationally and internationally recognized capacity for research and scholarship; and its willingness to join its resources in collaboration with those of other institutions to address the major educational, economic, social, and cultural needs of the region. KUST has a special responsibility to build the intellectual capital of this region. KUST is the only University in the Kohat Division, fully engaged in the discovery, dissemination, synthesis, and application of knowledge. It provides for the educational, economic, social, and cultural advancement of the people of the region through continuous professional education opportunities, research, and collaborative relationships with internationally renowned institutions. Vision Statement The primary commitment of KUST is to extend educational opportunities and to ensure success for qualified students of diverse backgrounds through informed and effective teaching in arts and sciences and in selected professional programs of Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Information

Technology, and Health, and services designed to support students' intellectual and personal development. With a broad institutional commitment to education as the foundation for constructive citizenship, professional practice, and lifelong learning, KUST is prepared to focus interdisciplinary resources to address seven broad areas of concern to the region: 1) Natural Sciences; 2) Social Sciences; 3) Business and Finance; 4) Information Technology; 5) Health; 6) Education; and 7) Applied Sciences and Technologies. Goals 1. Educational To improve educational opportunities that respond to the intellectual and professional needs of the region.

Increase number of doctoral programs in high demand fields. Maintain a broad portfolio of graduate and postgraduate programs. Increase enrollment systematically to 10,000 students by the year 2020. Use effective review and assessment as the basis for program improvement. Foster channels of communication to and from the community that facilitate the integration of the University and its programs into the life of the community.

2. Research To increase both faculty and student research that will address fundamental and regional problems.

Expand campus physical and human infrastructure supportive of research. Secure public and private funding for faculty and student research. Accelerate the research activity of the University that meets the needs of the region. Communicate university research activities to the public to increase understanding, enhance support, and facilitate the application of the products of research.

3. Services To provide a variety of services that respond to the ongoing and emerging regional needs.

Increase collaborative relationships with regional public, private and nonprofit institutions. Establish web-based one-stop enrollment for undergraduate student services.

Provide services which impact positively the many challenges facing the region, province, and nation by developing partnerships that educate and provide research opportunities and which also impact public policy, education, and ethical issues. Promote relationships through public relations to strengthen existing partnerships and develop new ones. Foster lifelong relationships with alumni through the implementation of cultural, athletic, and career-related program offerings, including creation of the new Alumni Center, connecting alumni to the University and the community.

4. Physical and Financial Infrastructure To increase the physical and financial infrastructure as needed to support the expanding educational, research, and service activities of the University.

Increase the capacity of the University for increased enrollment through an aggressive construction program. Increase the infrastructure in support of technology. Develop creative and entrepreneurial partnerships and programs, which help tackle space and financial issues unmet by state appropriations. Maintain sufficient controls to ensure effective and efficient use of resources available to the University.

5. Faculty and Staff Development To provide support for faculty and staff development:

Assist faculty members in delivery of effective instruction to a diverse student body, including those with differing intellectual abilities, learning styles, personal circumstances, levels of motivation, and academic preparation Enhance faculty effectiveness through assistance with the integration of information technology into instruction, research and creative efforts Assist faculty and staff members to serve as more knowledgeable and effective academic advisors, especially with respect to general degree requirements and campus-wide academic policies and procedures Assist staff members in obtaining training necessary to ensure professional competence

6. Student and Community Life To enhance student and community life:

Implement programs that integrate new students into the academic and social structures of the campus Create new opportunities of foreign education for students

Involve students in activities and programs that promote healthy lifestyles and physical development Provide quality entertainment through the Athletic Program Enhance student morale and pride in the University Pursue joint sponsorship of events with private sector Promote student activities and accomplishments through public relations activities Plan for and effectively manage facilities that enhance student learning and development outside the classroom

7. Learning in a Culturally Rich Environment To enhance opportunities for learning in a culturally rich environment:

Increase the enrollment, retention, and success of qualified students from diverse backgrounds Increase the recruitment, retention, and success of faculty, staff, and administrators from diverse backgrounds Foster an environment that recognizes the benefits of diversity and supports an inclusive community

8. Students To graduate students with the breadth and depth of knowledge and the intellectual and professional skills which prepare them for a productive life in an ever-changing world;

Foster a realistic understanding of their personal potentials Promote a commitment to responsible citizenship and a capacity to lead Encourage strong ties and commitment to the University and its mission and vision Develop fundamental skills of inquiry in writing, mathematical and logical reasoning, information literacy and technology, and the sciences Develop an understanding and appreciation of the themes of liberal education for private and public life in the areas of arts and society, the western tradition, global understanding, and ethical issues and cultural critique Develop oral and written communication skills Develop the ability to engage in reasoned debate about pressing moral concerns and to resolve them in an ethically sound and responsible manner

9. Public Knowledge To enhance public knowledge of the educational opportunities and services provided by the University:

Create and produce visually appealing publications to communicate vital information Conduct a comprehensive public relations program that utilizes comprehensive media relationships, special events and public speaking activities Develop and implement an image advertising campaign to build and create awareness of the services, capabilities and contributions of the KUST that enhance business and improve quality of life in the region Successfully complete the philanthropic campaign Continue to educate constituents about KUST giving opportunities Conduct outreach events involving alumni to raise awareness and interest in the opportunities and services provided by the University Communicate the Universitys crucial role in the region and province to legislative, business, and local government leaders about University needs and resources

Faculty of Science is one of the pioneering Faculties of the Kohat University of Science and Technology (KUST). In our Faculty, we place emphasis on high quality teaching complimented by originality in research work. Our strength is our highly skilled faculty members who publish regularly in international journals of repute; and our students that are enrolled through a rigorous process of selection from across the province on the basis of merit established through a test administered by an independent body. We are making every effort to create an atmosphere that is conducive for learning and innovation. Our syllabi are set to provide our students with the training and impart skills that would enable them to play an effective role in the modern competitive world. KUST is still going through its infancy and is open to new ideas. We have set very high goals for ourselves in the Faculty, nonetheless. We aim at generating innovative ideas in sciences and technologies with a very vast scope: ranging from medicinal and plants chemistry to polymer science; from surface chemistry to structural chemistry; from reaction dynamics to molecular dynamics; from lasers to viable energy resources; from smart materials to nanotechnology; from ferromagnetic to superconducting and spintronic devices; from artificial intelligence to cognitive modeling; and from pure algebra to applied computational fluid dynamics. Our Chemistry Department can be easily grouped among the very best in the region with highly trained academic and support staff. This department enjoys the reputation of the most productive department in KUST in terms of research publications and grants. This department acquired state of the art equipment used for high end research and chemical analysis. It has a strong graduate program with dozens of students pursuing their PhD degrees. The Department of Physics also follows the course and has been able to attract very energetic faculty members involved in teaching in diverse areas and pursuing research at the frontiers of sciences. The Institute of Information Technology, alongside the largest body of students enrolled for the undergraduate and graduate programs, is also catering for the computational needs of the entire campus. This Institute has recently launched its own research journal with international editorial board that has already brought international recognition to KUST. Our Mathematics Department is not only looking after a large number of support courses for the students of other departments, but has its own undergraduate degree program. The faculty is also involved in research projects and would soon become a research productive department. We have recently started with the undergraduate program in Electrical and Computer Engineering with young and energetic academics offering courses designed according to the modern trends in engineering. Currently, we are in the process of accreditation of this program with the Pakistan Engineering Council. We have every reason to believe in the potentials of our faculty members as well as our students. The Faculty of Science at KUST would soon make its mark at the


national and international level, not only by continuing to produce highly skilled graduates but also by publishing the amount of new knowledge it creates and get it published in international journals of repute.

Fida Younus Khattak Dean of Sciences



INTRODUCTION The institute was established in September 2001. It offers four years BS, two years MSc and MS programs. The Institute of Information Technology (IIT) has the following manpower detail: Number of faculty having PhD Degree 1 Number of faculty having MS/MPhil Degree (18 years) 2 Number of faculty having MSc/BS-Hons Degree (16 year) 3 4 Number of faculty on study leave Total 03 13 26 09 1

ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2009-10 Student Enrolment Details S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Degree Program BSCS BSCS BSCS BSCS BSCS MCS MCS MCS MSCS Session Male 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 2009 65 68 30 48 55 23 37 49 02 377 Enrolment Female 07 02 06 0 01 06 14 06 02 44 Approx Date of Degree Completion February 2011 February 2012 February 2013 March 2014 March 2015 February 2011 March 2012 March 2013 May 2012


Workshops, Seminars, etc Career Counseling Workshop Seminar on Grid Computing on October 8, 2009

PUBLICATIONS Research Published by Mr. Sadeeq Ullah, Lecturer IIT S.No 1 Research paper Journal or conference web address Traffic Responsive Signal Timing Plan International Journal of Intelligent Generation based on Neural Network Information Technologies 5(3) July-Sep 2009 A Proposed Rank based Information Dissemination Topology for the Cooperative and Non-Cooperative PSO Rankbased Optimization Particle International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI'10: July 12-15, 2010, USA)

Swarm International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (Brussels Belgium 8-10 Sep- 2010)

Research Published by Mr. Saif ur Rehman, Lecturer IIT S No Research paper Journal or conference address 1 International publication on Conference paper Association rule mining having title Similarity Based Mining for Finding Frequent Itemsets in 2nd Nov ICCCS 2007 Daegu University South Korea


Research Published by Mr. Amjad Mehmood, Lecturer IIT S No Research paper Journal or conference web address 1. Finding Heuristics Usability Problems in Universities Web 11 IASTED Conference held Sites of Pakistan Crete, Greece 2010 July-Sep 01,2010


Extra Curricular Activities Organized Blood Camp and Color Day


INTRODUCTION The Department of Chemistry was established in October 2004. It consists of 22 faculty members supported by 07 para teaching staff. It offers BS (Hon), MSc, M.Phil and PhD programs. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2009-10 S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Degree Program BS (Hons) BS (Hons) BS (Hons) BS (Hons) BS (Hons) MSc MSc MSc M.Phil M.Phil M.Phil PhD PhD Session 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12 2009-13 2010-14 2008-10 2009-11 2010-12 2008-10 2009-11 2010-12 2008-10 2009-10 Male 4 14 3 11 19 41 32 36 8 16 17 4 1 Enrolment Female 3 6 6 4 06 7 17 19 3 3 3 Nil 1

RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Projects 1. A research Project of worth 2 million approved in the name of Dr. Javid Hussain for two years by HEC Completed entitled Isolation, Structure Elucidation and Biological Activity of Some Medicinal Plants Belonging to the Family Labiatae has been completed 2. A research Project of worth 1.2 million entitled Phytochemical Investigation and Biological Activity of Genus Sonchus with Emphasis on Biologically Active Constituents. Approved by PSF submitted by Dr. Javid Hussain to PSF has been approved for two years and the work on the project is in progress. 3. Got a research project of Rs. 2.2 million by Dr. Syed Tasleem Hussain, Associate Professor from HEC for the Optimization of Conditions for Conversion of Gypsum into manufacturing end product on pilot scale basis.


CONFERENCES/SEMINARS ORGANIZED/ATTENDED 19th National Chemistry Conference organized by Chemistry Department, KUST in June 9-11 2009 in Baragali, Abbotabad. 8th International & 20th National Chemistry Conference organized by Quaid-eAzan University in February 27-29 2010 attended by 06 faculty members and 08 no of students of Chemistry Department.

PUBLICATIONS Sr. # Title of Paper Antibacterial Activities of Dodonaea viscose Heavy metals in brick kiln located area using atomic absorption spectrophotometer: a case study from the city of Peshawar, Pakistan Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activities of Physalis minima Linn' The antinociceptive activity of Polygonatum Verticulum Phytotoxic, insecticidal and leishmanicidal activities of aerial parts of Polygonatum verticillatum Synthesis and antileishmanial and antimicrobial activities of some Impact Name of Journal Factor Dr. MURAD ALI KHAN Molecules MDPI Publishing Basel 1.252 Switzerland Vol. Date Page #






Environ Monit Assess






Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry




632 637,


Journal of Ethnopharmacology






African Journal of Biotechnology


Vol. 9(8),

Feb, 2010



Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry








2,3-disubstituted 3Hquinazolin-4-ones UV spectrophotometric Analysis Profile of Ascorbic Acid in Medicinal Plants of Pakistan Evaluation of Chemical Analysis Profile of Citrullus colocynthis Growing in Southern Areas of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Pakistan

World Applied Sciences Journal




World Applied Sciences Journal





Journal of Hazardous Materials Journal of Asian Natural products Research Chemistry of Natural Compounds Journal of Medicinal Plants Research J. Chem. Eng. Data, Asc. American chemical Society Desalination

Dr. TASLEEM HUSSAIN Removal of Co2+ Ions from aqueous solution by Cation 2.975 exchange sorption onto NiO One New triterpene ester from Nepeta Suavis Antibacterial Activity of the chemical constituents from Ranuculus Lactus Endogenous Transitional Metal and Proximate Analysis of Selected Medicinal Plants from Pakistan Viscosities and densities of Rubedium bromide Salt in dimethyle Sulfoxide + water from temp: 25-45co Effect of sorption on Co (II), Cu (II), Ni (II) and Zn(II) ions precipitation 0.651 0.5




2. 3.

Vol. 11 No. 12, Vol. 45.

2009 2009

997-1000 No.5.

















Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry

DR. JAVID HUSSAIN New Diterpene Aldehyde and a Benzene Derivative of Ester from Nepeta junce,

47( 7)


625 - 627





5. 6. 7.

8. 9.




Platelet Aggregation, Antiglycation, Cytotoxic, Phytotoxic and Antimicrobial activities of Extracts of Nepeta juncea African Journal of Proximate and nutrient Biotechnology analysis of selected vegetable species: A case study of Karak region Pakistan Pakistan Journal of proximate and nutrient Nutrition investigation of selected medicinal plants species of Pakistan African Journal of Assessment of allelopathic Biotechnology potential of selected medicinal plants of Pakistan Asian Journal of One New Triterpene ester Nat. Product from Nepeta suavis Organic Letter Desymmetrization of Cyclic mesoEpoxides with Silicon Tetrachloride Catalyzed by PINDOX, a Chiral Bipyridine Mono N-Oxide Chemistry of Natural Antibacterial Constituents Compounds from Ranunculus laetus Rec. Nat. Prod. Chemical Constituents and Antioxidant Activity of Geranium wallichinium GAH7 World J Growth promotion of Microbiol cucumber by pure Biotechnol. culturesof gibberellinproducing Phoma sp. Journal of Assessment of herbal Medicinal Plants products and their Research composite medicinal plants through proximate and micronutrients analyses Pak. J. Bot Inorganic Profile and Allelopathic Effect of Endemic Inula Koelzii from Himalaya Pakistan

African Journal of Biotechnolog

8 (6)



8 (12)





620-624 10241029 9971000 5390 5393

8 (6) 11(12)

2009 2009

11 (23)


45( 5) 3:4

2009 2009

720-721 193-197












American Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sciences.


Evaluation of the Chemical Composition and Trace Elements Analysis of Nepeta suavis and Phlomis bracteosa belonging to family Labitae , Journal of Proximate Analysis of The American Sciences Locally Manufactured Herbal Journal of American Medicines and Its Raw Science; Material Essential Oils Analysis and Biological Activities of Eugenia caryophyllus, Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Growing in Pakistan. SYED MURTAZA HUSSAIN Analysis of Silymarin Oil Contents in the Seeds of Silybum Marianum Collected From different Regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan








The International Journal of Essential Oil Therapeutic s (2)




J. Chem. Soc. Pak.

6, 31








DR. AZHAR UL HAQ ALI SHAH Two new antiplasmodial J. Enzymes Inhibition flavonoid glycosides from & Medicinal 1.4 Duranta repens Chemistry Synthesis of new Enantiomerically pure Organoiodine Catalysts and Synthesis 2010 2 their Application in the Functionalization of Ketones Hypervalent bromine Angew. Chem. 2009, compounds: smaller, more Angew. Chem. Int. reactive analogues of 10.879 Ed. 2009, 48, 1018hypervalent iodine 1020. compounds Surface tensions and thermodynamic parameters Colloids and Surfaces of surface formation of A: Physicochem. Eng. 2.097 aqueous salt solutions: III. Aspects, 2009 Aqueous solution of KCl, KBr and KI Iodoxolone-Based Organic .Lett. 2009, 5.90

25 (6)















Hypervalent Iodine Reagents DR. IJAZ AHMAD J. Enzymes Inhibition & Medicinal Chemistry Pharmaceutical Biology Chem. Nat. Compounds J. Enzymes Inhibition & Medicinal Chemistry Bioorg. & Medicinal Chemistry Lett.



3. 4.



Two new antiplasmodial flavonoid glycosides from Duranta repens Xanthine Oxidase\Tyrosinase inhibiting and antifungal oxindole alkaloids from Istais costata Antibacterial Activity of the Chemical Constituents from Ranunculus laetus Antioxidant phenylpropanoid glycosides from Buddleja davidii "Repenins A-D, four new antioxidative coumarinolignoids from Duranta repens Linn." Presence of Blood Pressure Lowering and Spasmolytic Constituents in Buddleja crispa


25 (6)




48 (6)



0.5 1.4

54 (5) 24 (4)

2009 2009 993-997





Phytotherapy Research


23 (4)



1. 2. 3.

Significance of Vitamin C in Plants Sesquiterpenes. The potent antioxidants Investigation of Inorganic Constituents of Commercial Tea Brands and fresh Tea Leaves Comparative Study on Heavy Metals in Taraxicum Officinale Comparative Study of Heavy Metals in of Wheat Crops Growing in Different Environmental Conditions Investigation of Heavy Metals contents in Medicinal Plant Eclipta Alba Analysis of Vitamin C in Selected Medicinal Plants

DR. IQBAL HUSSAIN J. Chem. Soc. Pak. Paki. Sci. Ind. Res J. Chem. Soc. Pak International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research J. Chem. Soc. Pak


31(1) 51(6)

2009 2009 2009

169- 170 343 422-426










6. 7.

J. Chem. Soc. Pak J. Chem. Soc. Pak

0.224 0.224



28-33 Accepted












UV Spectrophotometric Analysis Profile of Ascorbic Acid in Medicinal Plants Phytochemical Composition and Heavy Metals Contents of Xanthium Strumarium and Solanum Xanthocarpum Tadational Uses of Medicinal Plants in Dara Adam Khel Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan Evaluation of Chemical Analysis of Profile of Citrullus colocynthis Growing in Souther Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan Efficacy of Metronidazol, Mebendazol and Albaendazole against Giardiasis and its Effects on Body Weight & Feed Intake in Cattle. Analysis of Artemisinin Species Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography Analysis of Heavy Metals in Selected Medicinal Plants from Dir Swat and Peshawar Districts of Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Proximate Composition, Mineral and Vitamin Contents of Selected Vegetables Grown in Peshawar Effect of Season and Soil Concentration on the Uptake of Minerals in Spinacea Oleracea Screening of Anti-Oxidant Activities of Selected Medicinal Plants.

World Applied Science Journal. World Applied Science Journal







Journal of Medicinal Plant Research





World Applied Science Journal




World Applied Science Journal




World Applied Science Journal




J. Chem. Soc. Pak




J. Chem. Soc. Pak




J. Chem. Soc. Pak World Applied Science Journal








Organotin(IV) Esters of 4Maleimido-Benzoic Acid:

DR. IQBAL KHAN MARWAT Journal of Brazilian 1.46 Chemical Society







Synthesis, Characterization and in vitro Anti-leishmanial Effects Analaysis of Silymarin and oil Contents in the seeds of Silybum Marianum Collected from Different Regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan Serum Sialicacidchangesinnoninsulin-dependant Diabetesmellitus (NIDDM) Patients Following Bittermelon (momordicacharantia) And Rrosiglitazone (Avandia) Treatment

Journal of The Chemical Society of Pakistan


28, No. 2








MS. SAIMA GUL Organotin(IV) Esters of 4Maleimido-Benzoic Acid: Synthesis, Characterization and in vitro Antileishmanial Effects OTHER ACTIVITIES Pakistan Academy of Science Series Lectures FUTURE PLANS


Journal of Brazilian Chemical Society





To strengthen the seminar library for the consultancy of students and staff. To strengthen the present resources with modern equipments and knowledge. To strengthen the faculty by recruiting more qualified staff and by refreshing & polishing already existing faculty by arranging training and workshops. To provide opportunities to the teachers and students to visit foreign universities to update their knowledge in light of the recent research trends & to pursue their Ph.Ds & higher education.



INTRODUCION The Department was established in 2004. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2009-2010 Students Enrollment 28 students were enrolled in B.S. Physics while in M.Sc. Physics 35 Students were enrolled. Similarly in M.Phil 02 Students were admitted. Honors and awards Marrie Currie Fellow Ship (International Award) EPSRC/DEL award for Masters in Plasma Physics (International Award) Conferences, Trainings, Seminars, Workshops attended Mr. Ikam Ullah attended Training on RS & GIS Applications in Natural Reference Management organized by SPAS Directorate, SUPARCO Islamabad (Nov 17-20 2009) PUBLICATIONS The faculty members published the following (6) papers in national/international abstracted Journals: Description 1. T.W.J. Dzelzainis, J. Chalupsky, M. Fajardo, R. Faustlin, P.A. Heimann, V. Hajkova, L. Juha, M. Jurek, F.Y. Khattak, M. Kozlova, J. Krzywinski, R.W. Lee, B. Nagler, A. Nelson, F.B. Rosmej, R. Soberierski, S. Toleikis, T. Tschentscher, S.M. Vinko, J.S. Wark, T. Whitcher, and D. Riley, Plasma emission spectroscopy of solids irradiated by intense XUV pulses from a free electron laser, High Energy Density Phys. HEDP 6, 109 (2010) 2. Delserieys, F.Y. Khattak,C.L.S Lewis, and D. Riley "Optical Thomson scatter from a laser-ablated magnesium plume" (2009) Journal of Applied Physics Vol:106 pp:083304 3. Bob Nagler et al "Turning solid aluminium transparent by intense" (2009) Nature Physics Vol:5 pp:693-696


4. N. L. Kugland, G. Gregori, S. Bandyopadhyay, C. M. Brenner, C. R. D. Brown, C. Constantin, S. H. Glenzer, F. Y. Khattak, A. L. Kritcher, C. Niemann, A. Otten, J. Pasley, A. Pelka, M. Roth, C. Spindloe, and D. Riley, "Evolution of elastic xray scattering in laser-shocked warm dense lithium" (2009) Physical Review E Vol:80 pp:066406 5. David Riley, Gareta JJ Angulo, Saiz E Garcia, FY Khattak, J J Kohanoff, S Sahoo, Naz G Shabbir, SFC Shearer, KA Thornton, C Gregory, Nigel C Woolsey, M Notley and David Neely "Structure of warm dense matter via angularly resolved X-ray scatter" (2009) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Vol:51 pp:124036- (Journal) 6. Jameel-un Nabi, M.Sajjad, Comparative study of Gamon teller strength distributions on odd.odd nuclear 50V and its impact on electron-capture rates in astrophysical environments. Physical Rev.C 76, 055803 Participation in Conference/Workshops Mr. Arif Zaman attended National Conference on Material Processing Characterization, Properties and their Economic Potential (December 1-3, 2010 University of Peshawar) Mr. Sajid Khan attended Conference on First NCP Scientific Spring-2009 (April 6-9, 2009) and Conference on International Scientific Spring-2010 (March 0106, 2010)

FUTURE PLANS The Department is planning to establish thin Film Lab, Computational Physics Lab, Laser and Optics Lab. We are trying to establish a strong laser and plasma research group, high energy Physics research group (String Theory which will be first time introducing in KPK) and theoretical Physics Lab



INTRODUCTION The department was established in 2004. PUBLICATION Books Dr. Abdus Saboor, Dr. Serge, B. Provost and Dr. Munir Ahamd (2010). Univariate and Bivariate Gamma-Type Distributions, Published by German Publisher Publication in National / International abstracted Journals Dr. Abdus Saboor Munir Ahmad and Abdus Saboor (2009). Properties of a newly defined hypergeometric power series functions. Pak. J. Statist. Vol. 25(2), 227-233 Mr. Rashid Nawaz Optimal Homotopy asymptotic method for solution of tenth order boundary value problems by Rashid Nawaz, M.N Khalid , S islam, Shazia Yaseen (2010). Canadian Journal on computing in mathematics, Natutal sciences, engineering & medicine Vol.1, No 2 march 2010 Papers presented in Conferences/Seminars/Symposia Dr. Abdus Saboor Properties of a newly defined hypergeometric power series function, 3rd National conference on Statistical Sciences at FAST, Lahore on 28- 29 May, 2007 Mr. Rana Muhammad Humza S. Reddy G., R. M. Humza, E. Gutheil: Modeling and Simulation of Evaporating Water-Niterogen Spray using Direct Quadrature Method of Moments R. M. Humza, S. Reddy G., E. Gutheil: Modeling and Simulation of Evaporating Water-Niterogen Spray using Direct Quadrature Method of Moments


Mr. Wali Khan MOEA/D- DRA with Two Crossover Operators in UKCI 2010 Presented

Mr. Muhammad Asif Jan MOEA/D for Constrained Multiobjective Optimization: Some Preliminary Experimental Results(UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence(UKCI 2010)) Participation in conference/workshops Dr. Abdus Saboor Professional Competency Enhancement Program for Teacher (PCEPT) sponsored by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan and organized by Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat, Pakistan held on June 28-July 29, 2010 Mr. Abid Saeed 23th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, June 2009, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. A4A6 -- Algorithms for Approximation VI, 31 Aug 4 Sep 2009, University of Leicester, England. Seventh International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, June 2010, Avignon, France.

Mr. Emel Khan Professional Competency Enhancement Program for Teacher (PCEPT) sponsored by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan and organized by Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat, Pakistan held on June 28-July 29, 2010 Mr. Shahid Khan Three day workshop on writing self Assessment manual report organized by QEC KUST. Mr. Rashid Ali Jan Three days workshop on writing self Assessment manual report organized by QEC KUST FUTURE PLANS On the completion of PhD studies of Maths Faculty Members, the Department of Mathematics is going to offer M.Phil and PhD in Mathematics admission.




INTRODUCTION The Department was established in January 2009 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2009-2010 STUDENTS, ENROLMENT Session Spring 2009 Fall 2009 Fall-2010 Total Enrolled Students = Total 47 85 47 179

Conferences, Training, Seminars, Workshops attended i. ii. iii. Satellite and Ground based Environmental Monitoring (SUPARCO) Symposium on Engineering Science (Punjab University) Network performance monitoring (NUST)

PUBLICATION Publication in National/International abstracted Journals Comprehensive analysis of UMTS Authentication and Key Agreement IJCNS (paper ID:100250) (Engr. Mujtaba Hasan) Performance Analysis of VoIP over Wireless LAN USING RSVP ICIIT ,2010 Lahore, PAK (Engr. Mujtaba HAsan) Paper presented in Conferences/Seminars/Symposia Implementation of LPR on fixed point DS9537 (Engr. Muhammad Abeer Irfan) SHOLARSHIP SCHEMES S.No Scholarship 1. 2. 3. Mora Merit Baitul Mall Number of Students 2 6 2


INTERSHIP AND PLACEMENT Three NIP internees were accommodated in the Engineering department during year 2009-2010. FUTURE PLANS The department is in the process of accreditation from PEC. Currently the Department is offering BE Electrical with specialization in Computer and Communication Engineering, but in future other specialization i.e. Electronics, Controls and Power will be introduced. The department is also looking for foreign qualified PhD faculty so that the department could start Masters Programs as well.



The Faculty of Biological Sciences comprises of four departments, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Plant Sciences, and Zoology. The Biotechnology and Microbiology departments are presently housed in the City Campus while Plant Sciences and Zoology are on the Main Campus. All of these departments offer undergraduate and graduate programmes leading to BS, MSc, MS/MPhil, and PhD degrees. The faculty is fairly rich and well resourced in terms of students, academic staff, and research facilities. The slogan of KUST research based teaching could be seen implemented in true letter and spirit in our Faculty. Teaching is complimented with the high quality research, making full use of the recently installed high-tech equipment worth millions of rupees. These include: HPLC, DNA Sequencer, RT-PCR, 2-D Gel Electrophoresis and SDS- PAGE Protein Analysis, Gel Documentation, Double Beam Spectrophotometers, Fermentor, Flame Photometer, Photosynthesis Meter, Leaf Area Meter, Water Potential Meter, Autoclave (various capacities), Growth Chambers and Incubators of various sizes, ultra low temperature Freezers, Centrifuge, and Optical Microscopes of various magnifications. Furthermore, research projects worth tens of millions are either in progress or near to completion, indicating active involvement of its faculty and graduate students in research. The Faculty of Biological Sciences, with the hard work of its faculty and students, has been producing competent and well qualified graduates. In a short span of time, it has grown and developed into an educational centre with emphasis on excellence, innovation, and high quality education with no compromise on discipline. The Faculty of Biological Sciences would surely continue its progress with the same zeal. It would not only continue to produce highly trained human resource to meet the socio-economic and developmental needs of our society but would also produce research work of international standards. Prof. Dr. Shafiq ur Rehman Dean Faculty of Biological Sciences



INTRODUCTION The Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering was established in 2006

ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT DURING 2009-2010 i. Students Enrollment Discipline Bachelor Master M.Phil Ph.D Students Enrolled Semester / Term wise 1st 38 02 2nd 02 3rd 31 03 4th 30 01 5th 6th 55 02 7th 8th 23 Total = PUBLICATION Publication in National / International Abstracted Journals Jamil, M., W. Iqbal, A. Bangash, S. Rehman, Q. M. Imran and E. S. Rha. 2010. Constitutive expression of OSC3H33, OSC3H50 and OSC3H37 genes in rice under salt stress. Pakistan Journal Botany (42(6): .) Sajid, H., F. Aziz and M. Jamil. 2010. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the plant Heliotropium strigosum. African Journal of Biotechnology 9(45):77387743 Jamil, M., Kui Jae Lee and E.S. Rha. 2009. Genetic analysis for distorted segregation of earliness-1 gene in rice. Pakistan Journal Botany 41 (6): 27832789 Total 177 05 05 187


Daud, M.K., Variath, M.T., Shafaqat Ali, Najeeb U., M. Jamil, Hayat, Y., Dawood M., Muhammad Imran Khan, Zaffar, M., Sardar Alam Cheema, Tong X.H., Zhu Shuijin. 2009. Cadmium-induced ultramorphological and physiological changes in leaves of two transgenic cotton cultivars and their wild relative. Journal of Hazardous Materials 168: 614-625 Daud, M.K. Variath, M.T., Shafaqat A., M. Jamil and Zhu Shui Jin. 2009. Genetic transformation of Bar gene and its inheritance and segregation behavior in the resultant transgenic cotton germplasm (BR001). Pakistan Journal Botany 41 (4): 2167-2178 Guangchao Kong, Daud M. K. and Shuijin Zhu Effects of pigment glands and gossypol on growth, development and insecticide-resistance of cotton bollworm (Heliothis armigera (Hbner)) [Crop Protection, 2010. 29(8) 813-819. I.F. 1.331] Mohammad Shafi, Zhang Guoping, Jehan Bakht, Mohammad Aman Khan, Ejaz-ul-Islam, Mohammad Daud Khan and Raziuddin. Effect of cadmium and salinity stresses on root morphology of wheat [Pak. J. Bot., 2010, 42(4): 27472754] Xu, L., Najeeb, U., Naeem, M., Daud, M., Cao, J., Gong, H., Shen, W., Zhou, W. Induction of tetraploidy in Juncus effusus by colchicine [Biol. Planta. 54(4), 2010 , 659-663(5) I.F. 1.656] Daud, M.K., Variath, M.T., Shafaqat Ali, Najeeb U., Muhammad Jamil, Hayat, Y., Dawood M., Muhammad Imran Khan, Zaffar, M., Sardar Alam Cheema, Tong X.H., Zhu Shuijin Cadmium-induced ultramorphological and physiological changes in leaves of two transgenic cotton cultivars and their wild relative [J. Hazardous Materials, 2009. 168: 614-625. I.F. 4.14] Daud, M.K. Variath, M.T., Shafaqat A., Muhammad Jamil, Muhammad Tariq, Mohammad Shafi, Zhu ShuiJin Genetic transformation of Bar gene and its inheritance and segregation behavior in the resultant transgenic cotton germplasm (BR001) [Pakistan Journal Botany, 2009 41(5): 2167-2178. I.F.0.520] Daud, M. K., Sun Yuqiang, Dawood M., Hayat Y., Variath M.T., Wu Yu-xiang, Raziuddin, Mishkat Ullah, Salahuddin, Najeeb Ullah, Zhu Shuijin Cadmiuminduced functional and ultrastructural alterations in roots of two transgenic cotton cultivars [J. Hazardous Materials, 2009. 161(1):463-73. I.F. 4.14] Tong, X.H., Daud, M.K., Sun, Y.Q. Shuijin Zhu Physiological and molecular mechanisms of glyphosate tolerance in an in vitro selection cotton mutant [Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2009. 94: 100-106. I.F.1.719] Tong, Daud, M.K., Shuijin Zhu Selection and characterization of a novel glyphosate-tolerant mutant in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) [Plant Breeding, doi:10.1111/j.1439-0523.2009.01673.x. I.F. 1.026]


Paper Presented in Conferences / Seminars / Symposia Jamil, M. 2009. Salinity reduced growth, PS2 photochemistry and chlorophyll content in radish. Proceedings of the International Conference on plant and Environmental Pollution Kayseri- Turkey. Pp. 56. Rehman, S., Pirzadah, N. Sultan, A. Khatoon and M. Jamil. 2009. Proceedings of the International thematic workshop on Recent advances in plant abiotic stress tolerance Comstech, Islamabad, Pakistan. Pp. 10

INTERNSHIP AND PLACEMENT 10 students of the final semester have completed their internship in NARC, Islamabad STUDENTS EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES DNA Model Exhibition


INTRODUCTION The Department was established in September 2003 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2009 2010 Students Enrollment Enrolment S.No 1 2 3 Degree Program Male BS (Hons) M.Phil Ph.D 77 17 03 Total Students, Enrollment Conferences, Training, Seminars, Workshops attended Fermentation for Biomass Production of Pasturella Multocida 14 17 Sept, 2009 Lab Method in genetic dated 22-26 Feb, 2010 Characterization of field Isolates of Trichoderma Antaginistic towards rhizoctonia solane 08-11 June,2009 Female 10 4 0 Total 87 21 03 111

PUBLICATION Publication in National/International abstracted Journals Research paper Dr Jafar Khan Publications Chairman / Assistant Professor Department of Microbiology 1. Antibiotic sensitivity of genital mycoplasmas Journal African Journal of Microbiology Research African Journal of Microbiology Research

2. Prevalence of M hominis and U.urealyticum among Women with unexplained infertility with and without vagiontis and cerviatis


Research paper Dr. Muhammad Anees Publications Assistant Professor Department of Microbiology



Biotec change in relation to local decrease in soil condusciveness to disease caused by Rhizoctonia.

European Journal of Plant Pathology Fungal Biology Soil Microbiology & Biochemistry Multitrophic Interactions in Soil, Bulletin IQBC/WPRS

2. 3.

Characterization of Field isolation of Trichoderma antagonistic against Rhizoctonia solani. Build up of disease patches caused by Rhizoctonia solani.

4. Mechanisms involved in spatial temporal

mobility of disease patches caused by Rhizoctonia solani in sugar beet field: Induction of antagonists within disease patch, in.

Research paper Ms.Shamim Saleha Lecturer Department of Microbiology 1. Prevalence of Peste Des Petits Ruminants Virus (PPRV) in Mardan, Hangu and Kohat District of Pakistan; Comparative Analysis of PPRV Suspected serum samples using Competitive ELISA (cELISA) and Agar Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID). Veterinary World, Vol.2 (3): 89-92, 2009.


Veterinary World Journal of India

Research paper Mr.Mubashir Hussain Lecturer Department of Microbiology 1. M. Z. Shabbir, M. Rabbani, T. Yaqub, A. Ahmad, F. Akhtar, K. Muhammad, M. Hussain and M. Ahmad (2009) Trend in isolation and antimicrobial susceptibility of mastitis causing pathogens of Nili Ravi Buffalo. Pak. J. Zoology. Ser. 5. pp 273-279 2. Sultan Ayaz, Sanaullah Khan, Umar Hayat, Afshan Bibi and Mubashir Hussain (2010). An epidemic of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Karak District Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Submitted in African Journal of Biotechnology 3. M.Hussain, S.Ayaz, N.Mohammad, R. Farzand and Farmanullah (2010) Factors Affecting


Pakistan Journal of Zoology

African Journal of Biotechnology

American Eurasian


Hemagglutination Activity of Avian Influenza Virus (H7N3, H9N2 subtypes). Accepted in American Eurasian Journal

Journal of Agriculture


Umer Sadiq, Sultan Ayaz, Aftab Anjum, Sumaira Shams, Afshan Bibi, Mubashir Hussain and Abdul Sajid (2010). Pathological Characterization of Contigious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. Submitted for publication in African Journal of Biotechnology Research paper Ms. Robeena Farzand Lecturer Department of Microbiology

African Journal of Biotechnology


Antibiotic Sensitivity of Human Genital Mycoplasmas. African journal of African journal of Microbiology Research 4(9): 704Microbiology Research 707, May 2010

Paper presented in Conferences/Seminars/Symposia Research paper Ms.Shamim Saleha Lecturer Department of Microbiology Journal

1. ASPM gene analysis in Pakistani families with 1. 3rd Arab Genomic primary microcephaly mapped to MCPH5 locus. Conference in Dubai 2. 1st National Conference on Biotechnology and Microbiology Pakistan Detail Dr. Muhammad Anees Publications Assistant Professor Department of Microbiology 1. Characterization of Field Isolates of Trichoderma Antaginistic Towards rhizoctonia Solani Date & Venue

08 11 June 2009 (4day) Lyon France

Participation in conference/Workshops S. No. 1 2 Description Lab Methods in Genetics 22 26 February 2010 Fermentation for Biomass Production of Pasturella No of Participant 01 01


Multocida 14 17 Sept 2009 Characterization of Field Isolates of Trichoderma Antaginistic Towards rhizoctonia Solani 08 11 June 2009


Scholarship Schemes As per recommendations of KUST Scholarship Committee, this department has issued the following scholarship in the year 2009 - 2010 S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Type of scholarship Mora scholarship Merit scholarship FATA scholarship Brother Sister scholarship FATA Fresh/Continued scholarship Political scholarship Financial Aid scholarship No of Scholarship Distributed 2 33 11 07 03 02 01 Total Payments 9000/77485/30550/18620/7350/6100/5000/-


Internship And Placement

Three NIPs have been inducted who are supporting the academics and research activities of the department. The BS students are also given equal chances for internship in the following organization. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. National Veterinary Research Centre Islamabad National Institute of Health Islamabad National Agricultural Research Centre Islamabad HEJ Karachi Qarshi Industries Hattar Candy Land Food Industries Lahore Haleeb Milk Industries Lahore UVAS Lahore NIBGE Faisalabad Pharmaceutical Companies Islamabad


Students Extra Curricular Activities S.No 1 2 3 Event Annual Get together Blood Donation Camp Cricket Competition Date & Venue 2010 City Campus 2010 City Campus 2010 City Campus



INTRODUCTION The department was established in 2005 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2009-2010

Students Enrolment The student enrolment in the year 2009 and 2010 showed a tendency of gradual increase. The total enrolment of students in different programs during the session was as under M.Sc Botany different semesters B.S (Hons) M.Phil Ph.D Total 113 07 07 04 131

International Collaborative Research The Department has successfully completed its part of a collaborative research project with Korean Research Institute of Biotechnology and Biology (KRIBB) in the year 2009. Presently the Korean partners are doing their part of the job and are preparing for further extension of the project. Students output In the year 2009-10, Seventy (70) students successfully cleared their M.Sc in Botany and Three (03) students secured their M.Phil. PUBLICATION Publication in National / International abstracted Journals (Number and Descriptions, only) Number and Description of research publications by faculty members of this department in the year 2009-10



Faculty Member

Number of Publications year wise 2009 2010 06 03 03 Total


1 2. 3.

Professor Dr. Shafiq ur Rehman Mr. Zafar Iqbal Mr. Nisar Ahmed

06 03 03 12

Participation in conference/workshops One member of the department participated in the NAHE training workshop for faculty and two faculty members participated in the workshop for Research Development and Techniques organized at KUST in 2010. SCHOLARSHIP SCHEMES During 2009 and 2010 eight students of the department received Political Scholarship. Four students received Mora Scholarship and one student got Japanese need based scholarship. INTERNSHIP AND PLACEMEN 15 (Fifteen) students so far are known to secure internship placement at various degree colleges and universities of the province. The Department of Plant Sciences itself has accommodated 04 (four) internees in the said period of time under NIP.

STUDENTS EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The students of this department are preparing for a Floral Exhibition in the upcoming spring and are also planning to hold this each year in future with different themes. FUTURE PLANS Department of Plant Sciences is planning to establish a Herbarium of national level at initial and later on upgrading it to international level and standards. The strengthening of the existing laboratories and establishing some new labs in the field of molecular biology and systematics are also the future plans.



INTRODUCTION OF THE FACULTY The Department of zoology was established in January, 2004 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2009-2010 1. 2. 3. Strength of 242 students have been enrolled in Zoology 54 students of M.Sc and 4 students of M.Phil have been passed out. Two international conferences have been attended by the faculty.

PUBLICATION Papers published in national / International journal S.No Title of Paper 1 S.I. Anjum, M.J. yousif, S. Ayaz and B.S.saddiqui(2009).Toxicological evaluation of chlorpyrofos and Neem Extract against 3rd instar larvae of Drosophila Meloanogaster.The journal of Animal and Plant sciences20(1):2010,pp.9-12 (ISSN:1018-7081) 2 Sultan Ayaz, Muhibullah, Farmanullah khan, Iqbal hussain, Raiz ullah Khan and Zia Muhammad (2010) Efficacy of metronidazole, mebendazole and albendazole. Against giardiasis and its effects on body weight & feed intake in cattle. World applied sciences journal 10(4):421-425, ISSN. 18184952. Sultan Ayaz, Muhib Ullah, Farman Ullah Khan, Ashan Bibi, Sumera Noreen and Humera Rahim (2010). Epidemiological Studies and Molecular Diagnosis of Giardiasis in Bovine. Pak. j. life & soc. Sci. (2010), 8(2): xxx accepted. (ISSN:1727-49 ) Iqbal Hussain, Lajber Khan,Farman Ullah Khan, Sultan Ayaz and farid Ullah Khan (2010).UV Spectrophotometer Analysis Profile of Ascorbic Acid in Medicinal Plants of Pakistan . world Applied sciences Journal 9(7):800803, ISSN 1818-4952. Sultan Ayaz, Iqbal Hussain, Farman Ullah Khan, Murad Ali and Ihsanullah khan (2010) Evaluation of Chemical Analysis Profile of Citrullus colocynthis Growing in Southern Areas Of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Pakistan ; World Applied Science Journal 10(4):402-405, ISSN 1818- 4952. Raiz ullah, zahid Hussain, zafer Iqbal, Javid Hussain, Farmanullah khan, Naeem khan,Zia Muhammad, Sultan Ayaz, Shabir Ahmad, najeeb ur Rehman, and Iqbal Hussain (2010). Traditional uses of medicinal plants in Darra adem khel NWFP Pakistan. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research vol.4(17) pp. 1815-1821, 4 September, 2010, ISSN.1996-0875 Sultan Ayaz, Azhar Maqbal, Aftab Ahmad Anjum &Sanuallah khan (2009).Molecular Epidemiological Studies of Giardiasis in Cattle, The Internet journal of Veterinary Medicine. Volume 7, Number 1 .ISSN:1937-


8165 8 Iqbal Hussain, Farman Ullah Khan, Lajber Khan, Sultan Ayaz and Ihsanullah Khan (2010).Analysis of artemesinin in Artemisia using high performance liquid chromatography. World Applied Sciences Journal 10(6); 632-636. ISSN 1818- 4952 Mubashir Hussain, Sultan Ayaz, Niaz Muhammad, Muhib ullah, Farmanullah Khan, Humera Rahim, Afshan Bibi and Salma Perveen (2010). Factors Affecting Hemagglutination Activity of Avian Influenza Viruses (H7N3, H9N2 Subtypes) Global Veterinaria 5 (2): 154-157, 2010, ISSN 1992-6197

Paper presented in conferences. 1. Syed Ishtiaq Anjum, M.Ismail ,Abdussalam, Sultan ayaz and javid Hussain (2009) Biocontrol efficacy of Nepeta Clarkei Hook.F(Labiatae) against the larval form of Culex Mosquito. Puplished in 19th National Chemistry Conference 2009;pp.127. 2. Syed Ishtiaq Anjum, Jehangir Khan, Mohammad Naeem, Sultan Ayaz and Javid Hussain(2009).Larvicidal activity of Stychus flucosa against Dipterous larvae after 24 hours of treatment. 19th national Chemistry Conference kust.2009.;pp.`128. 3. Syed Ishtiaq Anjum, mussrat jehan yousif, Sultan Ayaz and Beena sheen(2009).Efficacy of chlorpyrofos and Neem Extract against 3rd instar larvae of Drosophila Meloanogaster and their effect on chorestrase activity after 24 hours of treatment. Published in National conference of chemistry2009;pp.129. 4. Sultan Ayaz, Azhar Maqbool, Shahid Niaz Khan and Sanuallah Khan (2010). Epidemiological Studies and Molecular diagnosis of Giardiasis in bovine.Pakistan congress of Zoology International,CBGP-4;pp.2 5. Sultan Ayaz, Farzana Bibi, Shahid Niaz Khan and Sanuallah Khan (2010).Prevalence of Zoonotic parasites in drinking water of NWFP. Pakistan congress of Zoology International, PAR-1; pp.123 6. Syed Ishtiaq Anjum,M.ismail, Abdusslam, Jehangir Khan, Naeem Khan, Sultan Ayaz, javid Hussain and musrat Yousif (2010).activity and Biological Effect of Nepeta ClarikieHook.F.(labiate) against Insects of medical and Veterinary importance. Pakistan congress of Zoology International, PC18;pp.73. 7. Shahid Niaz Khan , Sanuallah Khan, Rehman bettani and Sultan Ayaz (2010).Morphological and Behavior differences between gaint Honey bee(Apis dorsata) and dwarf honey bee(apis florae). . Pakistan congress of Zoology International, ENT-1;pp107. 8. Sumaira Shams, Sanuallah Khan, Shahid Niaz Khan , Irum Gul, Sobia Attuallah and Sultan Ayaz (2010). Detection of Cytomegalovirus by PCR and simple ELISA in pregnant women. Pakistan congress of Zoology International, CBGP-60.pp.37


SCHOLARSHIP SCHEMES i. Mora scholarship granted to 2 students ii. Japanese scholarship granted to 2 students INTERNSHIP AND PLACEMENT Mr. Mehmood ur Rehman was inducted in zoology as NIP internee in 2009. STUDENTS EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 1. Study tour of M.Sc 4th term student to the areas of Murree, Galyat and Malum jaba for exploring the natural fauna and flora in 2009. 2. Study tour of M.Sc student of fisheries section to the sher abad hatchery to see the practical demonstration of fish hatching and rearing on commercial level in 2010. FUTURE PLANS To establish state of the art laboratories for students and one for researchers To establish well furnished conference room in the Department To establish computer room for students To establish Zoological museum To establish peasantry and animal house in the Department





INTRODUCTION The institute of Education and Research was established in 2001. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2009-2010 Students Enrollment S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Degree Program M.Ed Professional M.Ed one year M.Ed Professional M.Ed one year M.Ed Professional M.Phil M.Phil Session 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2010 2009 Total Male 02 05 01 02 01 04 03 Enrolment Female 03 01 02 00 03 01 01 Total 05 06 03 02 04 05 04 29

HONORS & AWARDS Merit Scholarship: Awarded to three students at Masters Level Conferences, trainings, seminars, workshops organized: Professional Competency Enhancement Program for Teachers (PCEPT) NAHE Phase-II, in collaboration with HEC organized at IER KUST from 28th June 2010 to 29th July 2010. Conferences, Trainings, Seminars, Workshops attended. i. National Curriculum Revision Committee Preliminary Meeting in Education held at Higher Education Commission, Regional Center, Lahore Workshop on Self Assessment Report held at Kohat University of Science and Technology/HEC Pre-STEP workshop entitled Designing and Alignment of Teacher Education Curriculum in the context of International Models held at Margala Hotel at Islamabad





Three- day Workshop on Research Techniques organized by Quality Enhancement Cell held at KUST in collaboration with Higher Education Commission Pre-Service Teacher Education Program (Pre-STEP) meeting for Proposal Review held at Avari Express, Islamabad Four Day Master Trainee workshop of (PCEPT) held at Higher Education Commission, Islamabad A meeting for Project Award Ceremony for member universities organized by Pre-STEP held at Higher Education Commission, Islamabad




Students Output- Master & M.Phil Academic Programme M. Phil Session 1st Batch (Session 2007-09) 2nd Batch (Session 2008-10) Professional (Session 2008-10) Number of Students Passed out 01 03 08 08 Total


M. Ed

Publication in National/International abstracted Journals 1. Role of Direct Teaching Method in the Academic Achievement of Students in English 2. The Higher the Quality of Teaching the higher the Quality of Education 3. Role of Motivational Factors in the Development of Profession as Teachers 4. Peace Perception of Prospective teachers for promoting Peace activities for School setting in Pakistan 5. Diversity of Desired and observed level Qualities among Teacher Candidates perceived by Private School Management 6. Effect of Direct Teaching Method on the Academic Achievement of High and Low Achievers in the Subject of English at Secondary Level 7. Faculty Satisfaction in Higher Education: A TQM Approach 8. A survey study to find out the relationship between leadership styles and demographic characteristics of elementary and secondary school teachers Paper presented in Conferences/Seminars/Symposia 1. Parental Role in The Academic Achievement of Girls in Class 6th In District Kohat presented in The 2nd International Conference on Realizing the


Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through Teacher Education, Avari Hotel, Lahore. 2. Effects of Pedagogical Cycles on Students learning at Secondary level. Poster presented in The 2nd International Conference on Realizing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through Teacher Education, Avari Hotel, Lahore. 3. Investigation of the Problems faced by the Students of 5th class in the subject of Mathematics in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Poster presented in The 2nd International Conference on Realizing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through Teacher Education, Avari Hotel, Lahore.

SCHOLARSHIP SCHEMES MORA Scholarship Awarded to two Students (M.Ed) FATA Scholarship Awarded to two Students (M.Ed)

INTERNSHIP AND PLACEMENT One internee under NIP has been accommodated at IER in 2010 STUDENTS EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Quiz Competition at the end of a Semester Leisure- cum- Study Trip at the end of a Semester

FUTURE PLANS IER is planning to: Launch B.S ( 4-year) and M. A Educational Planning and Management programs Explore opportunities of national and international collaborative research Establish linkages with national and international institutions for exchange of the faculty members and the students.



INTRODUCTION The institute of Management Sciences was established in 2001 ACADEMICS ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2009-2010 Students Enrollment 108 students were enrolled in BBA (Hons) while in MBA 113 students were enrolled. Honors and Awards First prize in debate competition organized by Transparency International at Mirpur University. Won twelve Trophies in Inter-University Sports competition. Two students in 2010 have also won the Fulbright scholarships. Conferences, trainings, seminars, workshops organized Workshop on Anger & Stress Management One day workshop on Leadership Workshop on Effective public speaking One day debate competition on Anti-corruption day Conferences, trainings, seminars, workshops attended Mr. Muhammad Kaleem (Lecturer in IMS) A Study on Transference of Institutional Training of Public Extor Executives To Workpalce In Pakistan-Administrative Reforms Perspective, (international conference on business and economic research, Malaysia. Nov. (2010) Economic crunch and defense expenditures of Pakistan-issues and problems, Al-Idha Journal of Shaikh Zayed Islamic Center Peshawar 2009 Dr. Safiullah Khan (Assistant Professor in IMS) Single Stock Futures Trading: Market Efficiency and an analysis of Asymmetric response of Volatility to News, International Conference on Applied Business Research ICABR 2010, Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates, November 29December 3, 2010 Introduction of Single Stock Futures Trading and its Impact on the Systematic Risk of the Underlying Stocks, 17th Annual Conference of American Society of Business and Behavioural Sciences, Las Vegas, USA February 18-21, 2010. STUDENTS, OTUPUT In Masters total 100 students passed their examinations and were awarded degrees.


In bachelor total 88 students passed their examinations and were awarded degrees.

PUBLICATIONS Publication in National / International Abstracted Journals Dr. Safiullah Khan Safi Ullah, K., and Tahir Hijazi (2009). Single Stock Futures Trading and Stock Price Volatility: Empirical Analysis. Pakistan Development Review, Vol 4, No. 48, pp-234-252 Paper Presented In Conferences / Seminars /Symposia Muhammad Kaleem (Lecturer in IMS) A Study on Transference of Institutional Training of Public Extor Executives To Workpalce In Pakistan-Administrative Reforms Perspective, (international conference on business and economic research, Malaysia. Nov. 2010 Economic crunch and defense expenditures of Pakistan-issues and problems, Al-Idha Journal of Shaikh Zayed Islamic Center Peshawar 2009

Dr. Safiullah Khan (Assistant Professor in IMS) Safi Ullah, K., and Tahir Hijazi (2009). Single Stock Futures Trading and Stock Price Volatility: Empirical Analysis. Pakistan Development Review, Vol 4, No. 48, pp-234-252 Single Stock Futures Trading: Market Efficiency and an analysis of Asymmetric response of Volatility to News, International Conference on Applied Business Research ICABR 2010, Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates, November 29December 3, 2010 Introduction of Single Stock Futures Trading and its Impact on the Systematic Risk of the Underlying Stocks, 17th Annual Conference of American Society of Business and Behavioural Sciences, Las Vegas, USA February 18-21, 2010.


Participation in Conference / Workshops Description Mr. Aftab Shahi along with other students of IMS won the first prize in Debate competition organized by Transparency International at Mirpure University. YLC Karachi workshop

SCHOLARSHIP SCHEMES Students got different scholarships. These include, Merit Scholarship, Mora Scholarship, FEF Scholarship, Japanese- based Scholarship, Fauji Foundation Scholarship, Political scholarship (FATA), Baitualmal Scholarship, Diya Scholarship. INTERNSHIP AND PLACEMENT The institute of Management Sciences is in close collaboration with different government and semi- government and private sector organizations. Each year, the students in their final semester / term are sent to these organizations for getting practical experience in different disciplines including Human Resource, Marketing and Finance. MAPS / PICTURE AND OTHER IMAGES OF DEPARTMENTAL ACHIEVEMENTS In addition to academic activities, extra-curricular activities like sports, debates and funfairs have been the norms of the institute. The institute won twelve Trophies in Inter-University Sports competition last year. Besides this, the students of this institute have been consistently participating in debates, quizes and other extra-curricular activities. FUTURE PLANS The institute plans to start MBA (3.5) years, MBA (1.5) years and M.S programs from the next session. Coming years will hopefully experience the return of our those faculty members who are currently on study leave and are pursuing their PhDs at various renowned institutes of western countries. The institute will then develop an extensive network of strategic partnership around the world with leading European and Asian business schools.



INTRODUCTION The Department of English was established in 2004. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT DURING 2009-2010 i. ii. iii. iv. v. Students Enrollment: 3 male and one female students 2nd Semester MA English, 6 female and 3 male students in 4th Semester and 8 male and 4 female students in 1st Semester MA English Honors and Awards/ Nil International Collaborative Research /Nil Conferences, Trainings, Seminars, Workshops attended/Nil Students output-B.S., Masters, M. Phil, PhD: 7 male and 4 female students of 1st batch passed MA English. And 6 female and 3 male students passed 2nd batch of the Department of English

SCHOLARSHIP SCHEMES i. ii. iii. iv. Merit Scholarships : 2 students were awarded Rs. 6750/FATA Scholarships: 1 student was awarded Rs. 3050/Poverty cum merit scholarship Nil MORA Scholarships Nil

FUTURE PLANS The Department of English intends to offer IELTS course during the summer vacation, 2011.


INTRODUCTION The Department was established in 2007 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2009-2010 Students Enrollment (Numbers only) : 105 Students output - B.S., Masters, M.Phil, PhD etc : 28

PUBLICATION Books and Journals published :05 Publication in National / International abstracted Journals : 05 Participation in conference/workshops : 02 SCHOLARSHIP SCHEMES FATA Scholarships: 15

FUTURE PLANS 1. To initiate PhD program. 2. To start different projects on economic related issues. 3. Short courses



INTRODUCTION The department of Sociology and Social Work was established in 2007. Courses/ Degrees Offered by Department At present the Dept. is offering following Degree Programs:i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. BS Social Work BS Sociology MSc Social Work MSc Sociology MPhil Social Work MPhil Sociology

Academic Achievement During 2009-2010 Students Enrolment S.No Degree Program Enrolled in Semester/ Session 1 2 BS Social Work BS Sociology Fall 2010 Fall 2010 12 17 02 01 14 18 Enrolment Male Female Total Students

3 4

BS Social Work & Sociology BS Social Work & Sociology

Fall 2009 Spring 2009

20 03

00 20

20 23

BS Social Work

Spring 2008




6 7

BS Sociology MSc Social Work

Fall 2008 Fall 2010

12 04

00 06

12 10

MSc Sociology

Fall 2010





MSc Social Work & Sociology

Spring 2010





MSc Social Work

Spring 2009





MSc Sociology

Spring 2009




12 13

MPhil Social Work MPhil Sociology

Fall 2009 Fall 2009

01 02

00 00

01 02

14 15

MPhil Sociology MPhil Sociology Total

Spring 2010 Fall 2010

01 02 131

00 00 52

01 02 183

Conferences, Trainings, Seminars, Workshops attended 2 International Conferences attended/ participated by Dr. Mamoon Khan Khattak, Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Dept. Papers presented in Conferences/ Seminars/ Symposia SNo 1 Research paper Disaster Sustainable Management Development Journal or conference web address & Papers presented by Dr. Mamoon in Khan Khattak in the International Disaster Management Conferences of 2009 & 2010 organized by Centre for 2 Disaster Management & Disaster Preparedness & Management, University of Peshawar

Pakistan 2009

Ethical Issues in Pakistan 2010


Participation in Conference/ workshops 2 International Conferences attended/ participated by Dr. Mamoon Khan Khattak, Assistant Professor and Chairman of the dept. SCHOLARSHIP SCHEMES The students of the dept. are awarded merit/ position scholarships from KUST. In addition students avail HEC Scholarships, MORA Scholarships, and FATA/Agency Scholarships. Students were given Disaster stricken area scholarships by Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Govt. of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Philanthropists and other welfare organization, KUST Disaster Management Cell subsistence aid. INTERNSHIP AND PLACEMENT The regular students of Social Work, i.e. ,of MSc level in their 3rd and 4th semester and of BS level in their 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th semester are placed in the Welfare and Humanitarian Organization during and after completion of their studies. The follow up of the graduated MSc students shows a highest success/ employment level in the job market. STUDENTS EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The department believes in grooming of the all aspects of the students, personality in addition to their academic training. The students are given Social Welfare Voluntary Assignments. They are made involved in University Seminars and Workshops. They regularly participate in the University Sports events and they have won a number of prizes. The students also participate in the Disaster Management field camps. They are given field visits for their orientation and training. This helps in developing the social, psychological, Moral and Intellectual aspects of students personalities. relations skills, demonstrative These activities support their interpersonal team work, leadership, tolerance, skills,

cooperation, courage and boldness. It also increases their communication skills, mental sharpness, cognition, understanding, conceptual clarity, socialization and civilization. This helps enhance their academic achievements, professional skills and successful societal survival.


Other Social Services Offered by the Department: University Disaster Management Cell The department is running the University disaster management Cell. It performs multifacet activities regarding reducing the impact of Disaster on the KUST students in particulars and society in general. It provides academic support and practical skills and concentarted place for initiating Disaster Impact Reduction type activities in the university. Research & Development Centre The Department has established a Research & Development Centre. This centre works for the leading research guidance to the faculty and students of its own department as well as to the KUST Social Sciences departments. It will establish links with the Development Sector for Researches/ Projects Collaboration. This will enhance the Research activities and a research environment, INSHAALLAH. KUST Psychosocial Counselling Cell The department has started running the KUST Psychosocial Counselling Cell. This is the speciality of Social Work Discipline. This cell works for KUST students, faculty and staff; and individuals who face complexities, condfusions, Psychological distresses, Social distresses, Social malfunctioning and behavioural disorders. KUST Social Work Programme The department is also managing the KUST Social Work Programme. This is a compulsory social work/ welfare activity made by the students (appearing in the BA/BSc degree examination, both males and females of the colleges affiliated with the KUST) in their respective colleges and some donation is also made by them in favour of KUST. It inculcates in them the dignity of labour, spirit of welfare and supportive intitiatives for humaintiy.


FUTURE PLANS The department intends and has started working on the following tasks: PhD Programme The Department intends to offer Ph.D program as and when the Higher Education Commissions criteria is fulfilled. Social Welfare Society The departments has started working on the establishment of a social welfare society. This society is intended for providing social, psychological and economic support to the needy people, especially KUST Students.



INTRODUCTION The Department was established in 2007 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2009-2010 Students enrollment BS (Hons) MA spring 2009 Fall 2009 Spring 2009 09 (currently) 10 (currently) 10 (currently)

International collaborative Research (Educational Broadcast for Radio and TV funded by USAID) 40 Radio & 13 TV Trainings and Workshops organized Radio Production Training Training of Trainers News Gathering

Trainings and Workshops attended Students: Radio Production Training Training of Trainers News Gathering Training of Trainers (Germany) Writing Self Assessment Report Research Techniques MA 12 students (8 male, 4 female)

Teachers: Radio Journalism, Training of Trainers

Student output


SCHOLARSHIP SCHEMES Six of J&MC students were given Mora scholarship while nine FATA students go special scholarships. INTERNSHIP AND PLACEMENT 12 students of MA 4th semester did internship in i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. ARY News Samaa TV Nawa-e-Waqt PUFM 104.6 (University of the Punjab) Radio Pakistan Kohat Campus Radio (University of Peshawar) FM 107 Peshawar

STUDENTS EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Radio KUST FM 98.2 went on air Department decoration competition Production of KUST documentary Launching news bulletin Custodian Audio visual coverage of different on-campus events Guest lectures Debates Spoken English extra classes Basant Celebration Study trip Sports, debates, drama, etc.

FUTURE PLANS We want to transform this department into a centre of excellence in media and communication studies, which will cater to the needs of the students of media studies


both academically and professionally .This center of excellence in media studies will contain a television production house, FM Radio (which we already have), a newspaper where students will get professional training. Besides that this media house will also serve as a PR tool of the KUST. We are establishing liaison with many media organizations around the globe and this liaison will enable our students to get jobs in national and international media.



INTRODUCTION The Center was established in 2007 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT Students Enrollment S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. Degree Program M.A Islamic Studies M. Phil M. Phil Ph. D Session 2010-12 2009-11 2010-12 2009-12 Enrolment Male Female -04 07 -02 -02 01 Total Students 04 07 02 03

Conferences, Trainings, Seminars, Workshops organized Madrasah Teachers Training (03-12-09 to 18-12-09) in collaboration with International Center of Religion & Diplomacy (IRCD), Washington. Conferences, Training, Seminars, and Workshops attended 1. 2. 3- day training workshop on How to write Self Assessment Report(6th to 8th Oct, 2009) conducted by QEC, KUST in collaboration with HEC Orientation Workshop for Islamic Studies Teachers of Universities & Post Graduate Institutions of Pakistan (20th to 26th Dec, 2009) by the Project of Regional Institute for Complementary Education (RICE) at AIOU, Islamabad. 3 -day training workshop on Research Techniques (8th 10th June, 2010) conducted by QEC in collaboration with HEC.


Students output BS, Masters, M. Phil, Ph.D etc 1. 2nd Semester of M.A. Islamic Studies is in Progress 2. Course work of M. Phil leading to Ph.D (Session 2009-11) has been completed and students are engaged in their research work. 3. Course work of Ph.D (Session 2009-12) has been completed and students are engaged in their research work. PUBLICATION Articles published in National/International abstracted Journals (03)


STUDENTS EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Organized an Inter department Speech Competition on topic Expectation of the Nation from the University Students FUTURE PLANS This Center is planning to start a Spoken Arabic Course in summer vacation: i. ii. Speech Competition on topic Womens Problems and their solution in Co-Education System A written competition on the topic of Injustice and its Practical Rectification on Gender basis in Pukhtun Society



The mission of the KUST Medical Faculty is to establish mission based institutes recognized for academic excellence and for producing physicians who will improve the health outcomes in the demised and undemised communities KUST Faculty of Medical Sciences has two institutes at the moment: 1. 2. 3. Institute of Medical Sciences KIMS, Located temporarily in the KDA Hospital Kohat Recognized by PMDC, Islamabad Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences. IPS, located on main campus of KUST To be recognized by Pharmaceutical Council very soon

Beside, MBBS Program, we have additional approved programs from the Academic Council of KUST i.e. college of Dentistry, Nursing and Paramedical schools, to be started under the umbrella of KIMS. In order to educate a diverse group of health workers, we are both committed and have the intensions of uniquely training our admitted students to provide high quality, patient centered, cultural sensitive, cost effective and evidence based cure to diverse population and undeserved communities. We select each new class with intents of ensuing that the institutes will train tomorrow medical leader, secure in the knowledge that they will be prepared to practice their chosen specialty and to meet the health care need of public at both local and global levels. To be the role model of Scientific and medical education; we keep in mind the following points: Every new entry of the class is done on merit, among the hundreds applications. There is an integrated curriculum use of informative technology to optimize medical education facilities to accelerate basic and clinical research and support high quality, cost effective communities care to promote multidisciplinary and inter professional team teaching and learning incorporation of translation research at every level of medical education To develop pipe line programs for future expansion of the faculty.

We are dedicated for advancing biomedical knowledge and human healing through innovative educational and research methodology. In this regard, we have launched an on line medical journal KUST Medical journal and InshaAllah very soon it will be recognized by the HEC and PM&DC


Our entire faculty is proud of its commitments to educating the next generation of scientists, public health promoters and clinicians of being informed advocate, ready to advance research and education and is capable of promoting change in the education and research.

Professor Dr. Farmanullah Wazir Dean Faculty of Medical Sciences KUST Kohat


DEANS MESSAGE I feel Proud of what we are offering and we are determined to do more not only at the undergraduate level but at postgraduate level. We are delighted that you take interest in knowing about us. KUST is located in the district Kohat, south west of the province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) of Pakistan. KUST Faculty of Medical Sciences has two institutes at the moment: 1. Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), located temporarily in the KDA Hospital Kohat Recognized by PMDC, Islamabad 2. Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences. IPS, located on main campus of KUST 3. To be recognized by Pharmaceutical Council very soon These are mission based institutes and I am determined to and request other members of medical faculty to join hands and make every effort for bringing these institutes at par with other internationally recognized Institutes. May Allah, bless you all. Thanks Professor Dr. Farmanullah Wazir Dean Faculty of Medical Sciences KUST Kohat



INTRODUCTION ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2009-10 Students enrollment 300 (50 per class) Conferences, trainings, seminars, workshops organized Workshops: Educational planning and evaluation MCQs Biostatistics and medical writing Communication skills Seminars; hepatitis and HIV / AIDS PUBLICATIONS Journals published KUST Medical Journal (KMJ) Publications in national and International abstracted journals Retinoblastoma Post Enucleation Orbital Recurrence Retinoblastoma in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan Ultrasonography In Diagnosis Of Retinoblastoma Serum and Aqueous Lactate Dehydrogenase ration in the Diagnosis of Retinoblastoma KMJ and critical appraisal of published research(Editorial). Randomised cantrolled trials and the credibility of medical research (Editorial). Medical Journalism In Pakistan: Where Do We Stand? Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology / Volume-45 (6) (4) pages (606-609) Journal of Ayub Medical College / Volume-21 (4) pages (60-62) Pakistan Journal of Medical Research / Volume-49 (1) (18-20) Pakistan Journal of Medical Research / Volume-49 (4) (124-126) KUST Med J 2009 ; 1(2):37 KMJ 2010;2(1):1-2. JPMI 2010;24(3):171-3 1.44 Dec 2010 Sep-Dec 2009 Jan-Mar 2010 Oct-Dec 2010 NIL Nil Nil 2009 2010 2010


(Editorial) Association of Lipoprotein (a) with Lipid disorders in offspring of patients with premature myocardial infarction. Syed Motahir Ali Shah, S. M. Naeem, Muhammad Hanif. Association of Lipoprotein (a) with obesity in children and adolescents in district Swat Syed Motahir Ali Shah,Mian Ihsanullah , Abdur Rasheed. Serum Sialic Acid Changes in NIDDM patients following bitter melon & Roziglitazone treatment Serum Sialic Acid changes in Type II Diabetic Patients on melform and roziglitazone treatment Baig JA, Alam JM, Mahmood SR, Baig M, Shaheen R Sultana I, , Waheed A. Hepatocelllar Carcinoma (HCC) and diagnostic significance of a-Fetoprotein(AFP) Alam JM, Baig JA, Mahmood SR, Sultana I, Shaheen R, Waheed A. Evaluation of Urinary Protein to Creatinine ratio as a predictor of End Stage Renal Disease Sheikh SA, Baig JA, Baig M, Waheed A. Pollution: A Silent Killer Shaheen A, Khattak S, Khattak AM, Kamal A, Jaffri SA, Sher A. Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Level In patients with Type 2 Diabetes and its relation with Periodontitis. The effect of hypoxia and hyperoxia on Generation of VEGF and eNOS in pulmonary artery endothelial cells and its co relation with alteration in Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) level.

Med. Forum 20(9): 21-24;



JAMC 21(3): 145-148;



Journal of Phyto 2.3 medicine. Year 2009 Journal of clinical 1.7 pharmacy and therapeutic. Year 2010 JAMC (2009)21(1)72-75


2010 2009

KMJ (2009)1(1)2-5


KMJ (2009)1(1)17-20 KUST Med J 2009;1(2):514.

2009 2009

Hematological and Clinical Presentations of Acute lekaemia at

Accepted for presentation in 22nd Annual Conference of Physiologists India (Bengalore) and 2nd Biennial Conference of South Asian Association of Physiologist, to be held from 15-17, December, 2010.) Acceptance Letter no 447/GJMS dated 26

Dec 2010

Oct 2010


Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa.

Different cellular signal transduction response to hypoxia and hyperoxia in Pulmonary artery endothelial cells


oct,2010. From: Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences, Gomal Medical College, D I Khan.) Oral presentations in the 1st South Asian conference of Physiological Societies at Shifa College of Medicine, Islamabad,.Pakiistan.The Nov 10-12, 2008 Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences Vol 8, No 2 pp 209-11 Journal of Medical Sciences Vol 8, No 2

Nov 2008



Papers presented in conferences/Seminars/symposiums 1 SCHOLIRSHIPS SCHEMES Merit: 5 Mora 15 FATA /FR 10 Fauji foundation 8 Brother sister concession 1 HEC president directives 1 Minorities 1 IDPs relief} student belonging to effected areas are getting these waivers as Flood relief } provided in the procedure. STUDENTS EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES KIMS organized sports and literary week and a special program of Naat Competition FUTURE PLANS All the remaining components are to be started soon.




INTRODUCTION The institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences was established in 2007 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2009-02010 Students enrollment 352

Conferences, Training, Seminars, and Workshops attended The faculty of IPS has participated in the Workshops on Thesis Writing & Antiplagiarism organized by KUS PUBLICATION Publication in National/ international abstracted journals S# Name of Description Name of Journal Author 1 Dr. Arifullah Antispasmodic & Journal of Khan Bronchodilator Ethnopharmacology activities of Artemisia vulgaris are mediated through dual blockade of muscarinic receptors & calcium influx 2 Dr. Arifullah Antidiarrheal, Pharmaceutical Khan antisecretory Biology &bronchodilatory activities of Hypericum perforatum 3 Dr. Arifullah Antispasmodic & Phytotherapy Khan Bronchodilator & Research blood pressure lowering activities of Hypericum oblongifolium are mediated through calcium channael blickade 4 Dr. Arifullah In vivo studies on Latin American Khan bronchodilatory & Journal of analgesic activities of Pharmacy Hyoscyamus niger &

Vol. Page# 126 480486








Aspalathus linearis

Dr. Arifullah Khan Mr. Farhatullah

Analgesic & antisecretory activities of Terminalia bellerica Antimicrobial susceptibility and ESBL prevalence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from burn patients in the North West of Pakistan Antibiotic susceptibility pattern and ESBL prevalence in nosocomial Escherichia coli from urinary tract infections in Pakistan Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern and ESBL prevalence in Klebsiella pneumoniae from urinary tract infections in the NorthWest of Pakistan

African Journal of Biotechnology Burns

27172719 10201025


Mr. Farhatullah

African Journal of Biotechnology


Mr. Farhatullah

African Journal of Microbiology Research


INTERNSHIP & PLACEMENT IPS Students will start internship in 2012 One NIP internee has been placed in 2010 STUDENTS EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Sports & Debates FUTURE PLANS Launching M.Phi l/PhD Programme Development of Medicinal plants garden Establishment of Modern Pharmaceutical Research Centre




Achievement of the Establishment Section during 2009-10 Establishment Section scrutinized the different applications received in response to different advertisements published in national dailies and conducted their test/demonstration etc. 10th Meeting of the Selection Board was held on July 04, 2009 in which appropriate candidates were recommended for appointment in various disciplines for approval of the Syndicate. Afterwards, 11th Meeting of the Selection Board was also held on July 25, 2009. The recommendations of the Selection Board and many important matters pertaining to the University were placed before the Syndicate in its 9th Meeting held on August 20, 2009 for consideration/ approval. (1-07-2009 to 30-06-2010) The detail information for the period mentioned above is as under: Total No. of Employees recruited Total No. of Selection Board meetings held (04-07-2009 & 25-07-2009) 40 02 01

Total No. of Syndicate meetings held 20-08-2009 Election of members for academic council held on 11-04-2010 FUTURE PLANS

1. The Establishment Section is determined to persistently pursue the goals of the University, by facilitating timely recruitment. 2. Many vacant posts already advertised, have been scrutinized and are ready for placing before Selection Board to be held on December 22 & 23, 2010 respectively. 3. The recommendations of the Selection Board as well as other necessary matters pertaining to the University will be placed before the Syndicate as agenda items for its 11th Meeting which is expected to be held in January 2011.



ANNUAL REPORT In the year 2009-10, the department successfully supervised and provided assistance in the implementation of the following four (04) ongoing projects at KUST: i. ii. iii. iv. Development of Infrastructure for improved educational facilities at KUST Strengthening of KUST Construction of Boundary wall around KUST Construction of Hostel for Boys and Girls at KUST

Continuous monitoring and submission of the reports (both physical and financial), to be intact with the achievement of preset goals of all the above projects have been the duty of the department throughout the year. The team at P&D prepared and submitted a mega project namely Provision of Lab Equipment to various departments at KUST amounting to Rs. 597.328 Millions to Higher Education Commission, Islamabad. In the PSDP 2010-11, ten (10) new schemes/projects have been proposed and submitted to HEC for approval. Moreover, the department is continuously providing guidance and advisory services to the faculty members in preparation of research projects.

FUTURE PLANS The P& D Department plans to implement a computerized management system which will provide for easy project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.


ACHIEVEMENTS & ACCOMPLISHMENT during 2009-2010 Meetings of the Graduate Programs Committee The 4th meeting of the Graduate Programs Committee was convened on 03, February 2010 for filtering the synopses of five MPhil Scholars in Physics and sixteen MPhil Scholars in Chemistry and recommendations were made to the ASRB for consideration and approval. The 5th meeting of the Graduate Programs Committee was convened on 25.10.2010 for filtering the MPhil cases of Social Work & Sociology, Chemistry and Education and proper recommendations were made to the ASRB for consideration and approval. Meeting of the Advanced Studies & Research Board (ASRB) The 4th meeting of the ASRB was convened on 30.03.2010 for making decisions on the recommendations made by the Graduate Programs Committee in its 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th meetings. Moreover the remuneration for the supervision of MPhil/ PhD Scholars was approved as well as approval was granted to the proposed KUST Research Manual. Meeting of the Academic Council The 4th meeting of the Academic Council was convened on 22.07.2010 for consideration and approval of seventy six various items including the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Faculty of Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, requests of various communities for the reservations of seats in BS and Master Programs in KUST, Eligibility criteria for admission in various disciplines, revised Semester Rules and other Rules & Regulations regarding admissions, migration, examinations, evaluation of MPhil/ PhD theses, discipline rules and the cases of establishment of new departments.


Meeting of the Equivalence Committee A meeting of the Equivalence Committee was convened on 22.10.2010 for consideration of master of pharmacy (M.Pharm) degree awarded by the University of Karachi equivalent to MPhil in Pharmacy. Meetings of the Credit Transfer Committee Two meetings of the Credit Transfer Committee were convened on 02.06.2010 & 22.06.2010 for consideration and making recommendations on cases of credit transfer from various universities to KUST in Master and MPhil degree programs. Meetings of the Affiliation Committee The 3rd, 4th, and 5th meetings of the Affiliation Committee were held on 25.03.2010, 17.05.2010 and 29.06.2010 respectively. The following colleges were provisionally affiliated with KUST. 1. Khyber Science College, Takht-e-Nasrati, Karak 2. Danish Degree College for Boys, Chokara, Karak 3. Shamim Girls Degree College, Chokara, Karak 4. Islamia Girls Degree College, Shimla Pahari, Kohat 5. Sheen Ghar Children Academy, Chokara, Karak 6. Hira Degree College, Ahmad Abad, Karak 7. dotCOM College of Education, Pindi Road, Kohat 8. Al-Hafiz Fazal College of Education, Garhi Atta Khan 9. Govt. Degree College, Takth-e-Nasratee, Karak Prospectus 2010 & Onward The directorate has accomplished the task to prepare, design and publish the University Prospectus for the year 2010 & Onward.


Conduction of NAT (NTS) for Admissions The Directorate has conducted two special NAT by NTS for Bachelor and Master Admissions in Fall-2010 Bachelor, Master and MPhil/ PhD Admissions The Directorate advertised the Bachelor, Master & MPhil/ PhD admissions and completed the task under the supervision of Central Admission Committee through a series of meetings. FUTUTER PLAN:

To convene the meetings of Graduate Programs Committee for filtering the synopses of MPhil/ PhD Scholars as well as other related matters. To convene the 5th meeting of Advanced Studies & Research Board for consideration and approval of the minutes of Graduate Programs Committee as well as other matters related to research. To convene the 5th meeting of the Academic Council for the approval of the minutes of the various Board of Studies/ Faculties, Reviewing & Updating Rules & Regulations concerning admissions and other academic matters. To convene a meeting of Affiliation Committee for consideration and approval of affiliation cases. To convene meetings of Credit Transfer Committee & Equivalence Committee etc as and when required.







ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2009-10: completed in last two years i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii.

The following civil works projects are

Central Library Central Academic Block at hill Student Service Centre/ Community Hall Management Block-1 ( V. C House) Hostel for visiting & foreign Faculty Hostel for 200 students(Boys hostel No.1) Tribal Hostel for 200 students(Boys hostel No.2) Girls students hostel No.1 (200 girls Students) Girls students hostel No.2 (150 girls Students) Under ground water reservoir on hill All required Roads Boundary wall around the KUST

Civil works Projects in progress i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Typical Academic Blocks (02 nos.) Officers Apartments (12 Nos) Health Care Centre (1st Floor) Administration Block Auditorium construction Construction of Academic Blocks (02 nos)

Contract for Designing separate sewerage system for the whole KUST campus is being signed with consultant firm and work is started. FUTURE PLANS 1. Jama Masjid 2. Hill profile development in front of Central Academic Block 3. Tube well at KUST, If funds could be arranged PROJECT COMPLETED Central Library Its covered area is approximately 64000 Sft. It has four floors including the basement. Besides library, English, Islamyat, Institute of Education and Research, Fine Arts and Maths departments are temporarily housed in the building.


Central Academic Block at hill Its covered area is approximately 75000 Sft, including a partial basement. Chemistry, Physics, Electrical & Computer engineering, Journalism and Pharmacy departments are working in Central Academic Block. Data centre and KUST Education Radio are also working in the basement of the building. Student Service Centre/ Community Hall The covered area of the ground floor is approximately 17400 Sft. Male, Female and staff canteen is functioning at the ground floor. HBL KUST branch is also working in the student service centre building. Four shops on corners fully facilitate students and staff with routine requirements. Social work & Sociology departments are accommodated in the first floor. Management Block-1 Its covered area is approximately 11,000 Sft, including a partial basement V C/Registrar secretariat, Finance section & Establishment section are currently housed in the building. Hostel for visiting & foreign Faculty Its covered area is approximately 17,500 Sft Works Department, Planning & Development, QEC, ILC and Provost Offices are temporary working in the visiting & foreign faculty building while some blocks are being used as Guest houses. Hostel for 200 students(Boys hostel No.1) Its covered area is approximately 33500Sft. Already 250 students are residing in the hostel. Hostel for 200 students(Boys hostel No.2) Its covered area is approximately 33500Sft. It exactly resembles Hostel-1 and students are residing in the hostel. Girls students hostel No.1 Its covered area is also approximately 33500Sft. Already 240 students have been accommodated this hostel for their residence. Girls students hostel No.2 Its covered area is about 22750Sft.This hostel was completed in 2010. About 150 students and female faculty are residing in it. Under ground water reservoir on hill Its covered area is approximately 2400 sft .Its capacity of water is 200000 gallons and it is supplying water to the whole campus. ON GOING PROJECTS Academic Blocks (02 nos.) under Development of Infrastructure project. Each academic block is a three storey building with covered area of approximately 38000 sft. Fourteen class rooms, four labs and 36 faculty and staff offices along


with necessary facilities are present in the blocks. One of the blocks may be completed up to the end of December 2010. Officers Apartments under Development of Infrastructure project. Its covered area is 15200sft and is a three storied building having 12 apartments. This facility is going to be completed up to the end of December 2010. A Health Care Centre having 7300Sft area, under Development of Infrastructure project is completed and handed over to administration for utilization. This facility has separate wings for male and female patients. All required roads connecting university campus (External Developmental works) under Development of Infrastructure project are completed. A project Boundary wall around the KUST with a cost of 38.146 million has been completed in 2010. Boundary wall length is 2700 Rft in plain area on both the flanks while 13500 rft; GI fence is erected on the hilly area protecting all university property from outsiders and intruders. Chawkidar huts, three gates and Roadside street lamps are also part of the project. Administration Block construction with 23500 Sft covered area under the project Strengthening of KUST is in progress. G floor slab is expected to be poured up to the end of December 2010. Auditorium construction under the project Development of Infrastructure is in progress. Expected completion year is 2012. Construction of Academic Blocks (02 nos) with 5800Sft covered area under the project Strengthening of KUST is under way. Ground floor slabs are poured. This facility may be handed over to KUST administration in 2012, if funds problem does not hinder the pace of work. Land leveling and landscaping are started which changed the university outlook.




Scholarship Detail paid to the KUST Students for the FY 2009-2010 S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name of the Scholarship Merit Scholarship Brother/Sister Scholarship Mora Scholarship FATA Scholarship Bait Ul Maal Scholarship HEC FATA Balochistan Scholarship FEF Scholarship No. of Students 519 85 152 111 3 7 19 Amount Paid 1,678,155 263,980 728,050 306,700 33,280 430,450 228,000

Financial Report for the Year 2009-10

A. Current Budget (Recurring) Expenditure Heads Establishment Charges (Including TTS) Expenditure on Acquiring of Physical Assets Buildings and Structures Repair and Maintenance Feasibility Studies Research, Survey & Exploratory Operations Fees Communication Utilities Occupancy Costs Motor Vehicles Travel & Transportation General Employees Retirement Benefits Transfers Total B.SOURCE/INCOME i. HEC Grant Recurring (a) Recurring Grant (b) Add: Grant (c) Tenure Track System Funds B.E 2009-10 350.825 8.730 0.100 4.858 0.060 17.307 0.300 2.050 5.220 4.000 0.180 5.530 19.835 15.000 3.100 437.095 R.E 2009-10 276.472 8.630 0.150 9.683 0.060 15.307 0.300 2.800 10.220 3.300 0.180 4.530 25.710 23.300 2.900 383.542

91.343 88.928

91.343 40.000 35.925


(d) IDP's Funds (e) Provincial Grant to KIMS Sub Total ii. KUST Own Receipts (a) Tuition Fee (b) Examination Fee (c) Affiliation Fee Hostel Rent and Service Charges Other Indigenous Resources Sub Total Deficit Grand Total (A)

180.271 78.250 25.000 0.500 5.200 20.000 128.95 -127.874 437.095

17.777 8.500 193.545 70.130 23.000 0.500 4.200 20.000 117.83 -72.167 383.542


Kohat University of Science and Technology

Developmental Budget
S# (a) 1 2 3 4 Project Name On-going Approved Projects Development of Infrastructure for improved Educational Facilities at KUST Strengthening of KUST Construction of Hostel for 150 Students Construction of Boundary Wall around KUST Total (a) (b) 1 2 3 4 5 New Unapproved Projects: Development of KUST Institute of Engineering and Medical Sciences Provision of Lab Equipments to various Departments at KUST Construction of Multi purpose Sports Gymnasium at KUST Digitalization of Central Library at KUST Establishment of Department of Molecular Biology and Bio informatics at KUST Total (b) Grand Total (a + b) 115.226 195.304 17.157 12.595 340.282 109.383 87.406 18.500 24.191 239.48 B.E 2009-10 R.E 2009-10

10.000 10.000 15.000 15.000 15.000 65.000 405.282 B.E 2009-10 0.250 2.340 6.500 0.000 239.480 R.E 2009-10 0.257 10.940 7.400

Research Projects
S# 1 2 3 Project Name Nutrition Evaluation of Vegetables for Kohat Division and Its Significant Inter University Linkage Program English Scholarship Program (USAID) Phytochemical Investigation and Biological Activity of Genus Sonchus with Emphasis on Biologically Active Constituents Educational Broadcasting from Radio/TV KUST (USAID) Optimization of Conditions for conversion of Gypsom into manufacturing end pilot scale basis. Epidemiology of Leishmoniasis Rice Under the Stress Condition



5 6 7 8

2.246 0.479 1.154 3.175

4.267 1.721 1.154 3.175


Impact of Higher Education & Social Adjustment of Woman in Islamic Perspective Total

1.299 17.963

1.299 30.998



ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2009-2010 Self Awareness Workshop on Role of Quality Enhancement Cell and Assessment Team in Self Assessment Process on July13-14, 2010 organized by QAA, HEC in Karachi.

Capacity Building Capacity building for Faculty members Organized one day workshop on December02, 2010. use of Anti-plagiarism software on

One- day workshop was organized for the faculty members and students of KUST. The purpose of workshop was to make them able to use for Theses/Assignments analysis against plagiarism. Organized three days training workshop on Research Techniques on June 0810,2010 Organized a three- day training workshop on Research Techniques in collaboration with HEC for the faculty of Social Sciences on June 08-10, 2010 Organized a three- day September 27-29,2010 training workshop on Research Techniques on

The office has organized a three-day training workshop on Research Techniques for the faculty of Natural Sciences on September 27-29, 2010 in collaboration with HEC. Surveys QEC conducts Surveys through ten HEC approved Proformas for the feedback of students and faculty. The purpose of the survey is to find out the level of education and further recommendations for its improvement. Teacher Evaluation Survey Teachers Evaluation survey was conducted in all the departments as per the time tables sent by the Heads of the Departments. Surveys were conducted in all the departments with the cooperation of HODs. Reports were compiled and results were communicated to the concerned individuals for their improvement.


Executive summary of the report was also submitted to the Vice Chancellor for his information. Teachers Evaluation Survey Conducted in Feb,2010 Teachers Evaluation Survey Conducted in June,2010

Faculty Resume: Most of the Faculty members of departments have filled their professional and academic background in Faculty Resume Proforma. Digitalization of Five Survey Performa for online Evaluation: To save the time and cost and to update the QEC activities according to international practice, two Proforma were digitalized Teachers Evaluation and Student Course Evaluation Questionnaire. The purpose of this digitalization was to conduct this evaluation online. Assessments External Audit Self Assessment Report of following programs completed by the Program Team members and Assessment Team completed assessment of the programs mentioned. Institute of Information Technology BSCS, MSCS, MIT Programs of IIT. Department of Social Work & Sociology Program of BS Social Work, BS Sociology, M. Sc Sociology, M .Sc Social Work Institute of Education and Research M. Ed One Year. M.Phil Self Assessment Reports in progress: i. Department of Physics ii. Department of JMC iii. Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences iv. Institute of Electrical & Computing v. Institute of Management Sciences vi. Program of MBBS Constitution of Assessment Teams: Assessment Teams (AT) were constituted for the Academic Audit of academic departments. ATs are constituted for all the departments of KUST. Conduct of Academic Audit: On the basis of Self Assessment Reports, Assessment Team visited Institute of Information Technology (IIT), Institute of Education and Research, Department of Social Work and Sociology and came up with the finding reports and recommendations. The audit reports of IIT were presented in a meeting chaired by the vice chancellor and


communicated to concerned HODs for their departments improvement through implementation plan. Reports The Quality Enhancement Cell prepared five year (2005-2009) progress report of Kohat University of Science and Technology and submitted to the Higher Education Commission. As per the requirement of Quality Assurance Agency, HEC, Quarterly Progress report of Quality Enhancement Cell KUST submitted for 2010. Meetings QEC,KUST showed active participation in all Pakistan QECs meeting organized by Quality Assurance HEC Fourteen Meeting held on March012-13, 2010 in HEC, Regional Center Peshawar. QEC KUST had an honor for Participation among thirty participants from all over Pakistan in Roundtable Conference on Federal Provinces Role and Responsibilities in Education on 18th Amendment in Marriot Hotel Islamabad, Sep21, 2010 by center of civic education. Attended Three days 3rd International conference on Assessing Quality Assurance at Higher Education level on December 06-08, 2010 at IQTM, University of Punjab.

Data Collection The University Statistics required by Higher Education Commission of all the Departments of KUST was completed for the period of 2008-2010 Statistics of university manpower was completed and submitted to Pakistan Science Council for Science & Technology. Manpower data compiled from almost all the staff members of KUST holding qualification MA/M.Sc. for Ministry of Labor & Manpower. Data of enrolment/Output Commission. of KUST affiliated colleges to Higher Education

Quality Assurance Nomination of top two scoring teachers as per assigned criteria of Higher Education Commission was sent to HEC for Best University Teachers award for Year 2009.


Focal person for Anti plagiarism: QEC,KUST has responsibility and given access to Anti Plagiarism software and created accounts for instructors which are used further for analysis of theses/Assignments. Designing and preparation of caps & gown for 4 th Convocation (April 18, 2009.) Gown and caps were designed and provided for the entire university faculty; Procession in short time period of 15 days.

Quality Enhancement Cell (Orientation) Quality Enhancement Cell activities highlighted in HEC , News and Views. News letter published for the organized workshop by QEC, KUST with the services of JMC department and sent to all public sector Universities and HEC as well. QEC, KUST uploaded its website for the awareness/orientation and communication of Quality Enhancement Cell activities. News in HEC ,News/Views FUTURE PLAN Online All the Survey and Reports Implement all HEC-QA policies in each and every department of KUST Accreditation of all KUST academic programmes. Expansion of Quality Assurance practices in KUST affiliated colleges. Completion of Anti Plagiarism Policy. QEC,KUST International Linkages with International Agencies


Achievements During year 2009-2010 Overhauling of Double Cabin Pick up from Toyota Frontier Peshawar Overhauling of Staff Car, Toyota Corolla Diesel Engine From Peshawar Land Leveling and Preparation of Lawns Flower Beds Main Round About Centre Median near Main Gate Lawn near Main Gate Lawns near Caf Xtream Front Main Lawns near Central Library Ground leveling near Hostel no 1 and Hostel no 2 Ground leveling near Officer Apartment Ground leveling near Guest House Ground leveling near V.C Directorate up rooting eucalyptus stumps Planting of Red Roses, mepal Trees, Rubber Plants, Pine Trees Planting of Different Ornamental, seasonal Plants Procurement of Different seasonal Flower Gamlas Footpaths from Stones Enter / Exit Visitors Register Induction of Transport Supervisor Establishment of Fitness Gymnasium in Old Cafeteria near Exam Section Establishment of Day care Centre & Medical Centre near V.C Directorate Establishment of Guest House and Preparation of Visitors Registers as well as Preparation of Guest House Assets along with Incharge and Security Guard Tender of Main Cafeteria of KUST and its awarding Contract Tender of 03 x Shops and its awarding Procurements of Shotguns for the Security Guards Contract Agreement with 02 x Security companies for a Hiring of Security Guard with Uniform for the entire KUST. Installation of 05 x Transformers of Different Capacity and Power Independent Feeder / Mini Grid Station File work and meetings with Kohat Offices as well as with Peshawar Provincial Chief Office, Project handed Over to Works Department for the Finalization Security measurements at Main Gate Installation and Procurement of Security Tools like metal detectors, close circuit cameras, mirror view etc Preparation and Issuance of KUST entry Stickers Guards for Hills ( Mountain piquets ) Procurement and Issuance of Wireless to Security Guards Issuance of SKS Rifles to V.C Guards from Police Department Shifting of Store from Domes to Main Campus



Preparation and Installation of Dust Bin / Trash Bins Tender and Contract awarding with 03 x Shops. Suzuki Cultus for Dir.Finance and its Permanent Registration Toyota Corolla Altis 1.8 cc for Vice Chancellor and its Registration Toyota Corolla Altis 1.8 cc S.R / A.T Future Plan 1. Plantation of Grass in Main Lawns near Central Library 2. Installation of Sprinkle System and detailing of Gardeners on it 3. Procurement of Tractor 55 Horsepower 4. Procurement of Tractor Trolley 5. Removal of Wild Trees and Bushes from the hills of KUST 6. Training / Drilling of Security Guards 7. Mini Grid Station Installation through Works Department 8. Shahzore Mini Truck 9. New Heavy Duty Telephone Exchange NTC System 10. Tender of Caf Xtream 11. Tender for the uniform of Security Guards 12. KUST Flags for all Departments 13. Security Tracker System for the Staff Car 14. Fire Extinguisher for all Departments 15. Conversion of PTCL civil Connections to NTC System.


Activities Carried out by Directorate of Sports Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat organized the Intervarsity Table Tennis zone A championship 2009-10 (in collaboration with Higher Education Commission, Islamabad) from 15th April 2010 at KUST. Semi Final match was held on 15th April 2010, between KUST & the University of Science and Technology, Bannu. KUST won the match by 3-0. Final Match was held on the same day between KUST and Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan. KUST came out as winner & Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan was Runner-up of the Championship. Prof. Dr. Shafiq ur Rehman, Vice Chancellor KUST was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Directorate of Sports KUST also successfully organized the Intervarsity Basketball zone A championship 2009-10 (in collaboration with Higher Education Commission, Islamabad) from 25th February 2010 at KUST. 1st Semi Final was held on 25th February 2010, between KUST, & Hazara University, Mansehra and the 2nd Semi Final was played between University of Science & Technology, Bannu and Uniersity of Malakand, Chakdara on the same day. Final Match was held on 26th February 2010 between University of Science & Technology, Bannu & KUST. University of Science & Technology, Bannu came out as winner & KUST, Kohat was Runner-up of the Championship. The worthy Vice Chancellor, KUST, Prof. Dr. Shafiq ur Rehman (Chief Guest) offered congratulation to the organizing Committee for successfully organizing the event and expressed his thanks to Higher Education Commission for giving us a chance to organize this mega event. The university team also took part in All Pakistan Intervarsity Volleyball (Girls) Championship 2009-10 at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore in February 2010 and won two matches in first round. KUST also took part in the Intervarsity Badminton (Boys) Championship 2009-10 at Hazara University Mansehra and got 2nd position in this championship. Along with this, KUST teams participated in the Intervarsity Football, Hockey and Volleyball Championships2009-10. Next KUST participated in the Intervarsity Table Tennis (Boys) zone A Championships 2010-11, which was scheduled from 7th to 9th November 2010 at


Gomal University Dera Ismail Khan. The championship was opened by Prof. Dr. Mansoor Akbar Kundi (Vice Chancellor Gomal University). KUST beat the University of Science and Technology, Bannu in Semi Final match. Final match was played between KUST and Gomal University. KUST players showed excellent performance and won the Final Match by 3-0. Prof. Dr. Khair-Uzaman (Acting Vice Chancellor Gomal University) was the Chief Guest on the occasion. The honourable Chief Guest highly encouraged and offered his congratulations to KUST team. KUST also participated in the All Pakistan Intervarsity Badminton (Girls) championship 2010-11, which was scheduled from 1st to 4th December 2010 at Agriculture University Faisalabad. KUST won the matches from NUST, Rawalpindi and The University of Faisalabad. Furthermore, All Pakistan Table Tennis (Girls) Championship was organized by The University of Faisalabad from 5th to 8th December 2010. There was a colourful opening ceremony. Prof. Dr. Riaz Hussain Qureshi (Adviser, HRD) Higher Education Commission, Islamabad was the Chief Guest on the occasion. KUST team also partook in this championship and beat the G.C. University Faisalabad and qualified for Quarter Final. It is a great honour for us that KUST teams participated in the All Pakistan championships. Additionally, Directorate of Sports KUST successfully organized the Intervarsity Football zone A championship 2010-11 (in collaboration with Higher Education Commission, Islamabad) from 21st December 2010 at KUST. University of Malakand, University of Science and Technology, Bannu, Gomal University, D.I.Khan, Karakuram International University Gilgit and KUST teams partook in this championship. Manager meeting was held on December 21, 2010. All the managers of participating Universities/ teams attended the meeting, in which, all the documents and Entree Forms were checked & evaluated by the scrutiny committee as well as physical verification of the players was done & sports cards were checked once again before the start of each match. The opening match was played between KUST and the University of Malakand, Mr. Muhammad Zafar Director Finance KUST was the Chief Guest on the occasion. KUST team won the match and qualified for semi final. 1st Semi Final was held on 22nd December 2010, between KUST, Kohat & University of Science and Technology, Bannu and the 2nd Semi Final was played between Gomal University D.I.Khan & Karakuram International University Gilgit on the same day.


Final Match was held on 23rd December 2010 between University of Science & Technology, Bannu & Gomal University, D.I.Khan. Gomal University, D.I.Khan came out as winner & University of Science & Technology, Bannu was Runner-up of the Championship. Mr. Azad Khan Khattak, Director Academics Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Honourable Chief Guest offered congratulation to the organizing Committee for successfully organizing the event and expressed his thanks to Higher Education Commission for giving us a chance to organize this mega event. The Directorate of Sports, KUST organized 6th KUST- Inter Colleges Games, 2009-10 in March 2010, in which a total of 23 affiliated colleges (Male & Female) took part along with KUST. In these Games, eighteen affiliated colleges (Boys) participated in different events like, Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Table Tennis, Tug-of-War, Hockey, Cross Country, Volleyball and Squash, while five girls colleges took part in Badminton, Cricket, Table Tennis, Basketball, Netball, Volley ball and Athletics. Moreover, the Directorate of Sports, KUST successfully organized the KUST- Inter Dept. Games, 2010 in May 2010, in which various departmental teams participated in different events like, Athletics, Badminton, Cricket, Table Tennis, Tug of War, Volleyball and Cross Country Race. A colourfull prize distribution ceremony of KUST Inter Department and Inter Colleges Games 2010 was held on June 02 2010 at Central Library KUST. Prof. Dr. Shafiq ur Rehman, Vice Chancellor KUST was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Trophies, Shields and Certificates were distributed among the students during the ceremony. We are very thankful to the worthy Vice Chancellor for encouraging and facilitating us for participating in sports activities. Future Planning: The Directorate of Sports has chalked out a programme to run coaching and training / technical official courses, classified under: A: Basic Sports Coaching and Training Course. The Basic Sports Coaching and Training Course will be organized for the various games & sports to develop basic skills of different games and Athletics. B: Technical Official Courses (Athletics/ Sports) With the passage of time, the rules of various games / sports are being changed. Therefore; the Directorate of Sports has planned Technical Official Courses (male and female) in different games / sports in near future to increase the knowledge of latest rules of the sports man / sports woman and other sports related persons.


Objectives of the Courses:The main objectives of these coaching & technical official courses are to provide knowledge in: 1. Management, organization and conduct of sports competitions and Athletes (Track & Field) meet. 2. To attain proficiency in the rules of the respective game / sports. 3. To learn the basic and elementary knowledge of training and coaching in the respective games / sports. 4. An understanding of basic sports medicine and drugs used in sports. 5. To demonstrate the knowledge of basic methods of the training and techniques of the respective games / sports. KUST teams will participate in the following All Pakistan Intervarsity Championships for the session 2010-11. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Athletics Badminton Cricket Volleyball Tug-of-War Basketball Hockey (will organize by KUST in March) Volleyball (Female)



ACHIEVEMENTS: Preparation of white paper on the concept of establishment of Technological Park / Business Incubator at the campus of KUST. Preparation of concept paper on Establishment of School of Engineering Sciences at KUST. Preparation of concept paper on Establishment of Department of Geology at KUST. Preparation of presentation of Technology Incubator Centre at KUST for presentation at HEC. Preparation and conduction of workshops namely Technology Park/Business Incubator at KUST Technological Innovation for New Generation. Half-day training on Future Challenges for Pakistan in Sector of Industry" Half-day training on Interview and Presentation Skills Preparation and submission of research proposals namely Optimisation of conditions for conversion of gypsum into manufacturing endproducts on pilot scale basis. The proposal has been approved by HEC, funds released and spade work initiated. Manufacture of Commercial Grade Sodium Silicate (Water Glass) from Kishore-Marwat Silica Sand deposits of Pezu Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The proposal is in the process of scrutiny Categorization of Kohat Lime Stone on basis of Carbonate commercial application. The proposal is in evaluation stage. FUTURE PLAN:To introduce Local raw material at national and international level and consume it to give a boost to the national economy To familiarize the students with the process of Exploration and prospecting of raw materials. To create an environment based on productive activities for local population. To generate self-employment for the masses. Contents for


To educate and train the students and youth of the area with the methods of chemical processing. To develop basic laboratory facilities for chemical, Mineralogical and Petro logical studies To create industrial pilot-scale facilities at KUST.



Objectives of the project: The project had following specific objectives. i. ii. iii. Equipping students from FATA with the most recognized modern skills of English language. Improving the students university level study and knowledge as multiplier effect Developing a thinking mind of FATA students to pursue studies within the country and abroad, not necessarily in their respective fields but for a wide range of purposes. Making the students compete for wide avenues in job opportunities. Making them capable of a clear understanding of global culture and society. Preparing students to understand international concepts such as globalization, and how to live along with the international community. Enabling the students to work in conductive environment and adapting them to challenging situations as well. Preparing them to reach out to communities for the propagation of the same skills.

iv. v. vi. vii. viii.

However, two scenarios short term and long term were developed to realize these objectives. A brief account of these scenarios is as under. Short term output a) Allowing students to develop their ability to communicate effectively in English by improving the knowledge of grammar, language skills, interactive communication and confidence. b) Learning of rules of vocabulary expansion and development, sentence structure and construction and listening, speaking and writing techniques. c) Enabling students to get benefits from English language skills by practically using it.


d) Attaining Linguistic competence i.e. the ability to control the phonology, and morphology of English language. Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodologies included: e) direct method, delivering lectures, f) audiovisual method, Video conferencing, Slides g) Task based activities, Group discussions, audiovisual clips and pictures h) Documentaries of different societies and cultures i) j) k) Class discussion, word Games, Phonetic exercises Written assignments, sentence construction, standard quizzes Show & fill method.

Academic Achievements during 2009-2010: 1. Organized a Speech Competition of AESP Students twice in the session. 2. Group Discussion Competition of AESP Students. 3. An Interview of the Honourable Vice Chancellor by the AESP Students. All these occasions were very formally being organized and were graced by the presence of worthy Vice Chancellor Dr Lutfullah Kakakhel , Dr Shafiq ur Rehman and Faculty of English Department. Students were honored with trophies & Cash prizes for their participation. i. Students Enrollment: The students were tested for their current knowledge in order to place them in the program. The test criteria included written sample, interview and task assigned. All selectees were from FATA and FRs studying at KUST. There were two Modules in this Program 1st Batch of 50 students & 2nd Batch of 50 Students. Honors & Awards:


As against 100 students enrolled, the final award of course completion certificate were awarded to the students. Scholarships Schemes: The Access English Scholarship Program (AESP) was a free English language learning program, for all the KUST (Fata/Fr/ Backward) students. Students Extra Curricular Activities: Two excursion and study trips of one week each were being organized for the AESP students. Future Plans The office is interested in starting an English Language program for the less privileged Middle level students in near future. This program will help us increase the percentage of students language skill learning to the highest level and give a chance to the poor students to learn Standard English in a standard environment.


ACHIEVEMENTS Book Fair A 02 day book fair was arranged in March 2010. A large number of renowned book sellers from Peshawar, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore and Karachi participated. Apart from KUST students and faculty all affiliated colleges also participated in the book fair. It was the first show of its kind. More than 2000 books were selected by the honorable faculty and purchased for the library. Digital library The facility of digital library is available at KUST under the auspices of HEC. The library provides access to more than 20000 research e- journals from the world renowned publisher free of cost. Beside availability throughout main campus, city campus and at KIMS a number of computers are available in library for search and downloading facility. E-brary The facility of e-brary available for KUST under the auspices of HEC. Ebrary consists of text and reference e-books from the world renowned publishers. Automation The process of library automation is initiated and data of all available material at present is available on spread sheet. The fully automated library with OPAC will be completed in a couple of months. Open source library management software KOHA developed in Newzeland was selected for the purpose and customized according to the need. It is hoped that with in a few months the library will be in a position to provide computer based circulation and OPAC for the users FUTURE PLANS Library has been shifted to its new building. Presently one fourth of the buildings has been occupied for the library services. To occupy the remaining part of the building a proposal will soon be submitted to provide the advance and modern facility in the library. Provision for the modern facilities includes, AVA (Audio visual aids), Printing/Photocopying, Video conferencing, Indexing and Abstracting Reader Advisory Services Computerized circulation Digital searching OPAC and Group discussion. SDI Services (Current Awareness Services)


Establishment of Serial Section Services based on Social Networking



ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2009-2010 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Streamlined the hostels by registering the deserving students and discouraging the illegal students to live in the hostel. Prepared & approved new hostel admission policy for students & TORs for Wardens/Mangers. Prepared Inventory/ Stock record of all hostel items such as furniture, crockery, electrical and sanitary items. Opened Standard canteens in every hostel. Developed lawns & flowerbeds in & around all the hostels.

FUTURE PLANS The Provost Office is committed to extend the facility of hostel accommodation to the maximum number of students. Its dreams will be materialized and goals accomplished in the near future.


ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2009-2010 The following are the main achievements of this section during 2009-10. a. 1108 new students enrolled in BS Program of various disciplines offered by the Departments and b. 900 M.Sc/MS c. 47/1 M.Phil/ M.Phil leading to Ph.D d. 15 Ph.D e. Successfully conducted and announced results and issued DMCs of the following examinations. i. f. Semester System BS Master M.Phil MS Ph.D Pharm-D

Terminal System: 142 results in 2010 & 99 results in 2009.

g. B.A/B.Sc: 2009 Annual & Supplementary, 2010 Annual h. B.Ed: 2009 & 2010 i. j. B.Com: 2009 Annual & Supplementary, 2010 Annual & Supplementary. M.A/M.Sc: 2009 & 2010 Conduct of the above mentioned exams in general and of those in the terror-situation areas of FR Kohat, Oarakzai Agency, Kurram Agency and Hangu in particular are the invaluable achievements of this section. l. Prepared and issued 600 transcripts. m. Awarded 3780 degrees. n. Not only disposed off 606 pending claims of examinations lying since long but also managed timely payments to 873 other exam of the year. o. Long after the establishment of the University the remuneration rates to various examiners, paper setters and other related staff were not paid any attention which was earning a bad name for the University. After almost ten years, the revised rates have, now, been approved by the relevant bodies.

k. MBBS: 2009 Annual & Supplementary, 2010 Annual & Supplementary.


FUTURE PLAN In 2011, our first priority is to bring all our exams at such reasonable and prompt intervals so as our graduates could pace not only students of the national but also the international universities and Degree Awarding Institutes Inshaullah.



ACCOMPLISHMENTS DURING 2009-10 ENSC is committed to provide excellent voice and data services not only locally with in the University main Campus but also to remote sites like City Campus, KIMS etc. I am pleased to inform you that during the year 2009-10 ENSC has successfully accomplished the following activities. Setting up new Data Centre In order to construct a data center that can meet the challenges of the new market, there are three basic areas of data center definition and development: we have tried our level best to cover all these areas and set up a modern, scalable Data Centre. Facilities: including building, security, power, air conditioning and room for growth Internet connectivity: performance, availability and scalability Data center management: monitoring, support, and troubleshooting Users expect a physical and technical environment that offers the highest levels of reliability and flexibility. Accordingly, the Internet data center must provide the physical environment, network connectivity, technical skills and server hardware necessary to keep Internet servers up and running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Setting up repair/maintenance facility Like all machines, computers, printers, network switches, access points etc are subject to wear and tear and get outdated. The high demand for computers, coupled with the need for updates and repair, means that repair/maintenance facility is necessary. Such workshops must be set up properly in order to prevent injury to technicians. Though lacking in some of the diagnostic equipments, we


have established this facility at KUST and our technicians do 60-70 % of the repair work internally. Setting up Video Conferencing Hall Using live Video and Audio, videoconferencing allows you to hold or participate in meetings, conferences, lectures or seminars with out leaving university grounds. KUST is lucky enough to have this modern tool of communication. The students and staff equally utilizing this facility which provides free communication over the Internet. Establishment of KETV KUST is one of the few universities in Pakistan that has registered with PAMRA for its cable television services on the campus for Educational purposes. KUST Educational TV is currently showing 27 channels. Two of the channels are reserved to broadcast lectures and the rest are famous national and international news/sports and entertainment channels. The students and staff have cable TV access in their respective hostels. Intra-building connectivity through Optical Fiber All the buildings in the KUST main Campus are inter-connected through Fiber Optic that serves as the backbone of our Network/Internet services. This technology not only solved the issue of inter-connectivity among the buildings but also reasonably reduced the down time and congestion issues as well. CCTV Surveillance System at Main Campus, City Campus and KIMS Installation of CCTV security system in current dismal security situation particularly in KPK is indispensable. We have successfully installed CCTV system consisting of 9 CCTV cameras covering almost all the main areas of the main KUST campus. This system remains up 24*7. We do record videos that could be seen in case of any incident. Security Siren Installation


In order to inform the students and staff in case of any emergency situation like fire or presence of any explosive in any building KUST has its own alarm system in place. Internet/Network connectivity to Admin Block & Foreign Faculty suites As KUST is new and rapidly growing university, the permanent Admin Block is still under construction. The V.C. house and adjacent foreign faculty suites currently accommodating V.C secretariat, Establishment, Finance, Planning, QEC, Works and ILC etc. have been successfully connected to main Data Center for network/Internet services. Internet provision to KUST Hostels To fulfill the needs of staff and students regarding their lectures, theses, projects, and seminars or for any other information 24 hours internet facility is provided in each & every hostel of the KUST. Speed of surfing and downloading is up to 100KBPS. Fair to mention here that a few universities in Pakistan offer Internet facility in university houses, KUST staff/students living in hostels are lucky enough to have this facility. Up gradation of Internet Link Internet plays a significant role to access information nationally and internationally and get awareness of the research work being carried out around the world in various walks of life. KUST is rapidly growing educational institute. To produce quality graduates in this age of competition, any institute must be wellequipped with IT facilities. KUST initially had only 2MB link which was obviously insufficient to meet the requirements of a growing university. We have successfully upgraded our link from 2MB to 12MB which is now proficiently fulfilling the universitys ever growing needs. Setting up a High Performance Cluster KUST is one of the few fortunate universities in Pakistan that have got a very powerful High performance Cluster of their own. The Ex-Vice Chancellor Dr.


Lutfullah Kakakhel conceived the idea and was mainly instrumental to have this facility in KUST. The cluster consists of 48 nodes, each node having dual processor, thus providing a very powerful High performance Cluster for solving complex CPU intensive problems pertaining to Bioinformatics, Molecular and Cell Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and of course Computer Science.

Provision of Wireless Internet facility at Main Campus ENSC has provided wireless facility to the staff and students in and around the Main University Campus. Now all of our staff and students can access the network resources and Internet through wireless from anywhere indoor and outdoor in and around the University Main Campus. Student and Faculty can utilize this facility in the hostel as well round the clock. Provision of wireless Internet facility at KIMS Most recently we have successfully installed wireless technology in KIMS. Now staff and student of KIMS can utilize this facility in and around the KIMS premises. LAN Connectivity to Hill Academic block As some of the departments like Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Pharmacy, Journalism and English Language Lab etc have moved to new Hill Block, all these departments requested LAN connectivity and Internet facility. We have provided the connectivity, and now all of them fully utilize the network and Internet resources. KUST Web Development In this age of communication where Internet has been instrumental in turning the world into a global village, ignoring the significance of web is not affordable especially for an educational institute. The web site of any organization/ institute is supposed to present the true picture of the institute to the whole world.


In recent past our web development team has made tremendous efforts to make KUST web sit more dynamic and vibrant. In addition to web development the ENSC also provides web hosting facility to the students and faculty of KUST. This could help them to launch their web site with any problems like storage and domain issues. The combination of excellent educational technology and professional management makes the learning environment rich and dynamic. We at ENSC with limited human resources are fully committed to provide the best of our services to meet the ever increasing demands of very rapidly growing KUSTNET.


Annual Report 2009-10 is written, edited and composed by the following committee: 1. Mr. Mohammad Zakir (Convener) 2. Dr. Saleem Khattak (Member) 3. Dr. Wasiullah Malik (Member) 4. Mr. Shujaat Ali Rahi (Member) 5. Mr. Wisal Ahmad (Member) 6. Mr. M. Zeeshan Bangash (Member) 7. Ms. Asiyah Bukhari (Member) 8. Hafiz Nadar Sarfaraz (Member/Secretary) The committee worked at its level best to produce and place all the information pertaining to the progress of all departments in year 2009-10. Editorial Committee


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