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MAIN AIM: (What do you want the students to be able to do by the end of the lesson?) This is an integrated skills lesson practicing reading and speaking skills based on the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty. By the end of the lesson students will have practiced controlled and less guided speaking practice leading into a dramatization of the story. SUBSIDIARY AIM(S): Sts will have been introduced to and practiced the target lexi related to the story of Sleeping Beauty. In addition they raise their awareness on noun adjective relationships such as beauty beautiful and practise the structure: I will give the gift of (noun) she will always be .(adjective). To raise awareness of the uses of will for promises, threats, requests, making spontaneous decisions etc.

Comments. Fairy Tales and other traditional stories have been exploited for educational purposes and used to stimulate L1 child language acquisition for centuries and with good reason! Fairy Tales stimulate imagination, develop intellect, clarify emotions, identify anxieties, problems and aspirations, and fulfill the need for magic in a world that often seems to lack it. I use Fairy Tales in the language class for three reasons: psychological, linguistic and pedagogfc. Psychologically Fairy Tales represent a part of human consciousness that exists in all cultures. They fulfill a human need to listen to and tell stories and invariably evoke a personal response based on childhood memories. Linguistically the language of Fairy Tales is typically simple in structure but the meanings are evocative and many layered. The language abounds in powerful repeated phrases which provide an almost subliminal grammar input. The authentic literary language is often symbolic and requires critical analysis and as a result escapes the criticism, directed at much ELT material, that simplification of language leads to bland, condescending content. Pedagogically, Fairy Tales provide a rich context for language input. As students are familiar with the story outline and content, there are no problems with comprehension and students can exploit their prediction skills. The language provides a model to focus on structure, lexis and phonology and provides a ready context for follow up writing and speaking activities. Most importantly for me, they provide a short story that can be dramatized within a double lesson period! This particular Fairy Tale students find particularly memorable and fun. Sometimes I start the lesson by saying: OK which of you in this classroom is going to kiss the Princess today? That usually gets the attention of a class of adolescents! Materials / Resources WITH SOURCES: Handouts 1 3.

STAGE AIMS What is the reason for the stage of the lesson? To set the scene. To activate schemata & establish context. To pre-teach key vocab ________________ To provide controlled practice of part of the story and practise target vocabulary.

PROCEDURE What does the teacher do? What do the students do?

INTERACTION (ST-ST, T-ST) TIME MATERIALS Pictures St-st 10 mins _______________ T-st

T. shows pictures of story (on p.p. or visuals). What story is it? Elicit: Sleeping Beauty. Sts (pairs) put pictures in order (H/O1) T. checks order of pictures and pre-teaches vocab frog, king, queen, fairies, gifts, evil witch, spindle, curse. _______________________________________________ Optional (elicited narrative). T. elicits the beginning of the story using gestures for the underlined words and writing the words in bold on the w/b. One day Rose walked around the palace. She went to the tower and climbed up the stairs. She came to a door. She opened the door and saw an old woman spinning cloth. Rose pricked her finger on the spindle and then fell asleep for 100 years. _______________________________________________ T writes the following sentences on the w/b. A. The Prince kisses the Princess and she wakes up. B. The fairies give gifts to the baby Princess C. The Princess pricks her finger and falls asleep D. The evil witch puts a curse on the baby Princess E. The King and Queen have a baby Sts (pairs) match sentences to pictures and put in the correct order.

10 mins ______________

To check comprehension of the story.


To provide skim reading practise. To introduce target structures (happiness-noun: happy-adjective) etc

15 20 mins Sts read text (H/O2) and check their answers. H/O2 ________________________________________________________ _____________ T. What gift can you give a Princess? Write on w/b: T-sts I will give Rose the gift of ______ so she will always be _______ Elicit some examples........happiness................................happy Beauty....................................beautiful Sts write their own sentences. T. gets some sts to read their sentences aloud. 10 mins T. we are going to make a film of this story. Elicit what characters are there? King / queen, good fairies, evil witch, frog, prince, Rose. What do they say in the story? Elicit some examples. Matching activity (H/O3) match the dialogue to the characters and add your own sentences for nos. 3 & 4. Feedback to w/b. ________________________________________________________ Put the sts into characters (groups). Drill the dialogue. Sts stand up and practise their lines several times until it sounds appropriately dramatic. Work on pronunciation and attitude!

To develop reading skills and check comprehension To provide controlled practice and focus on pronunciation

H/O3 10 mins ________________ 10 mins

Freer speaking practice and performance.

Group activity. Sts in groups (X8) practise acting out the story and then perform it to the class. Feedback focussing on performance (not language accuracy!)

15-20 mins






5) Put the pictures in the correct order. Write a sentence for each picture.


HANDOUT 2 Read the story of Sleeping Beauty. Check you have the pictures in the correct order.


Once upon a time there was a King and Queen (1) One day, when the Queen was bathing, a frog came out of the water onto the land. (2) Soon after that the Queen had a little baby girl. The King invited everyone to a party. The good fairies brought gifts. (3, 4). Suddenly the evil witch arrived. She was very angry because the King had not invited her. (5) And, without saying a word more, she turned and left the palace. Everyone was shocked, but then the last fairy came forward to give her gift. (6, 7) When Rose was fifteen years old, she walked around the huge palace alone. One day she went to the tower and climbed up the stairs. She came to a door. She opened the door and saw an old woman spinning cloth. (8, 9, 10, 11) Rose pricked her finger on the spindle. She fell down and lay in a deep sleep. Everyone in the palace fell asleep too. After many long years a Prince came. (12). He came to the tower and opened the door into the little room where Rose was sleeping. There she lay, so beautiful, and he stooped down and gave her a kiss. As soon as he kissed her Rose opened her eyes and looked at him sweetly. (13) They went down together and the king and queen awoke and the whole court and looked at Rose and each other in astonishment. (14, 15). Rose and the Prince lived happily ever after.

HANDOUT 3 SLEEPING BEAUTY Dialogues. Who says these lines of dialogue? KING / QUEEN GOOD FAIRIES PRINCE 1) 2) . EVIL WITCH FROG


Ahhh, if only we had a child Your wish will come true. Before a year has passed by, you will have a baby daughter. She will be called Rose.

3) 4) 5)

Ill give Rose the gift of______________ so she will always be _________________ Ill give Rose the gift of______________ so she will always be _________________ I wont give Rose a gift! Ill put a curse on her. When she is 15 years old she will prick herself with a spindle and she will DIE! Ha ha ha haaaaa.


I still have my gift. I can not undo the curse but, rather than die, Rose will sleep for 100 years.

7) . 8).. 9) . 10) 11) ... 12).

My daughter must not die. I will burn all the spindles in the country. Hello old woman. What are you doing? I am spinning cloth my dear. Come here. Would you like to try? Oh yes please.Awwww!..Ohhhhhhhh! Ha ha ha ha ha ha I am not afraid. I will go and find the beautiful Princes Rose. I will kiss her and she will wake up.

13). 14). 15).

Oh my! You are so handsome. Will you marry me? Oh yes of course. We will live happily 7

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