Shallow Space (Week 6)

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A story is told as much by silence as by speech.

Susan Griffin

Welcome back! If you had missed the events that has transpired Friday, Christopher James as known as C.J. as known as The Amazing Poof was caught in a mishap with the shows stage explosives props. Shortly after the explosion C.J. was rushed off to the hospital. He has little cuts and bruises but the major injury was the temporary lost of hearing. The doctor put C.J. on house rest meaning no work for the next two weeks. One week to let his ruptured ear drums heal and a second week to fully regain his hearing. Since C.J. isnt able to talk this week because he cant hear a thing well be seeing through his eyes for the next two weeks. Are you guys ready? Good. Here. We. Go. *Snap*

Monday, June 18th 6:20 AM

C.J. clock rings at six ten AM. The clock has been ringing for ten minutes now. C.J. is unable to hear the loud buzzing of his alarm. C.J. rolls over only to open his eyes at the sight of his ringing alarm. He notices the small hammer between the two bells of the clock slamming against the bells. C.J. stares at the ringing alarm in disbelief. Hes in disbelief about the lost of his hearing. C.J. finally realizes he cant hear a thing. Hes deaf to the world. The people and objects in silence are louder because hes missing the luxury of hearing. C.J. is lying in his bed pondering if he ever knew the sound of his alarm clock in the first place. A puzzled look appears on C.J.s face as he stares at his ringing clock. He then reaches over to his clock to turn the alarm off. After C.J. turns the alarm off on his clock he then rolls back over on his side to get comfortable. He fluffs his pillow up and then places his right hand under his pillow onto the trigger of his gun thats under his pillow. C.J. closes his eyes and goes back to sleep. 6:39 PM

C.J. is just finished dicing tomatoes to prepare for his spaghetti sauce for tonights dinner. He notices his cellular phone lighting up next to the tin bowl on his counter. C.J. places the diced tomatoes into the tin bowl. C.J. reaches for his phone and there is a text from Chris, saying, Chris G.: 6:39 PM Yo! The show was good today. C.J. replies, Me: 6:40 PM K. How was Jay? Chris replies, Chris G.: 6:41 PM He was cool. Lola might b the problem. C.J. replies, Me: 6:41 PM How so? Chris replies, Chris G.: 6:42 PM Shes actin strange 2 me. Idk. C.J. replies, Me: 6:43 PM She has been hanging with Jay a lot. Do u think she on that stuff? U know?

Chris replies, Chris G: 6:45 PM Naw. I dont think so. Ya kno what, I will keep an eye on her. K? C.J. replies, Me: 6:45 PM Cool. Keep me posted. Chris replies, Chris G: 6:46 PM K.

Wednesday, June 20th 9:20 AM

C.J. is mindlessly sitting on his couch watching a daytime show. He smirks as he reads the captions at the bottom of his television screen. C.J. notices a picture falling of the wall. C.J. instantly grabs his gun on the table thats in front of him. C.J. calmly cocks back the hammer of the gun and then firmly grabs the handle of the gun. He walks toward the picture thats on the floor as he bends over to pick up the picture another picture falls off the wall. C.J. notices the falling picture out of the corner of his eyes. His head instantly turn with an alert look on his face. C.J. races into his bedroom pointing his gun first. C.J. checks under his bed and in his closets. C.J. walks back into the living room area and notices another picture on the ground. C.J. slowly walks over to his front door and places the chain lock into the latch on the door. He then slowly unlocks his front door with his gun in his left hand. C.J. slowly opens the door as he peeks through the small opening. Only to his surprise his neighbors are trying to move a big couch into their apartment. His lady neighbor says something to C.J. Of course C.J. can not hear what shes saying so he gently smiles and waves at the husband and wife neighbors. C.J. closes his door and then locks all the locks on the door. He goes back to sitting on his couch to watch his show.

11:51 PM

C.J. is unable to sleep so he paces around his apartment thinking about ideas for the show. When new ideas come about C.J. writes the ideas down on a note pad. Hes on the eleventh sheet of paper in the note pad, full of ideas. As C.J. is pacing around with all the lights on in his place his gun sits on the table. C.J. notices his curtains flowing in the air in his living room. C.J. walks over to the window and feels the soft, cooling wind on his skin. For once in his life he appreciates the calming night wind on his skin. He inhales as he close his eyes and embraces the wind on his skin. He then opens his eyes to look out the window into the dark, gloomy, and eerie night sky. He sees a crow sitting on the street wires. He thinks to himself he never saw an actual crow in real life only in movies. His mind begins to race with dark thoughts and he begins to have bad feelings about this night. He looks over at his gun on the table and at that moment his cellular phone lights up on the table next to his gun. C.J. walks over to his phone and picks it up to be surprised by a text message from Robyn, saying, My Love: 11:59 PM I love u C.J. replies, Me: 11:59 PM I love u 2 babe!

Thursday, June 21st 11:30 AM

C.J. walks out the main entrance of his apartment building dressed in workout gear and notices the leaves are wet in front of his building. At that moment C.J. smell the damp air thats filled with the smell of roses thats across the street from his building. There is calm, cool mist in the air. The scent in the air is the scent thats left over from a spring downpour. C.J. can smell the plant life breathing its oxygen into the air. C.J. inhales through his nose and then smiles just before he walks off. C.J. walks a few feet from the main entrance of his building to his car. C.J. gets into his car and drives off. 5:15 PM

C.J. is now jogging through Wilderness Park thats located near Los Angeles. As C.J. is jogging through the wilderness path hes astonish about his surroundings. He thinks to himself that he has walked and jogged through this park millions of times and he never has noticed the beauty of nature. He inhales the fresh, crisp air in the park through his nose and exhales through his mouth. He realizes that he can almost taste the fresh air. He has been jogging for a few hours now. Hes just happy hes out of his place. No cellular phone just him and his thoughts. C.J. approaches a small river. The sparkles from what little sun is shining hit the water compelling C.J. to take a sip. C.J. kneels down on one knee to grab a handful of water. C.J. closes his eyes and sips the water from his hands. He thinks to himself that this water just might be the most delicious sips he ever tasted. C.J. notices something creeping to the left of him. He rapidly turns his head as his hand is on his gun. There is a deer drinking from the river. The sun is trying to shine through the gloomy wilderness sky. The deer is peacefully drinking the water. The deer calmly looks over at C.J. C.J. smiles and slowly removes his hand from his gun. At that moment C.J. understands the feeling of peace. The deer continues drinking the water so does C.J. Saturday, June 23rd 10:15 AM

C.J. is sitting on the floor in his middle room thats also his library. Books are surrounding him as he sits in the middle of them. His gun is to the right of him on a stack of books. C.J. is looking through an art book and his mind and eyes are drawn to a picture. He mindlessly stares at the piece of artwork on the page. He doesnt see any other picture of art on the page nor words, just one picture. He thinks to himself this portrait is beautiful and empty. C.J. breaks his stare because he notices his phone lighting up on a stack of books. C.J. grabs his phone to see a text message from Jay saying, Jay Wong: 10:21 AM Hey can I pull my dick out @ the n of the Chinese Store sketch?

C.J. replies. Me: 10:21 AM Wtf? NO! Idk whats ur problem but fix that shit quickly! Jay replies, Jay Wong: 10:24 AM Damn son. U didnt have to say it like that. I thought we was bff. K I thought I asked. C.J. notices a book that was under where his phone was placed. The title of the book is Tales from the Insurance Man by Eli C. Briar. C.J. grabs that book and looks through the book. He then stands up from where he was sitting on the floor. He grabs his gun and phone and then he reads the back of the book as he exits the room. 8:13 PM

C.J. is lying on his couch watching his favorite movie. He thinks to himself that this is also his mothers favorite movie. He reaches for his cellular phone thats sitting next to his gun; both are sitting in front of him on the table. C.J. scrolls through his contacts until he gets to mom. He hits send SMS button in his contact option under his mothers profile. C.J. texts him mother, Mom: 8:16 PM Hey mom, just wanna say I love u so much. Then he hits send and places the phone back onto the table. C.J. continues to watch the movie with closed captions.

Sunday, June 24th 10:01 AM

C.J. is jogging around his neighborhood. C.J. stops at the light at a corner because the light is red. C.J. jogs in place as he waits for the light to turn green. The light turns green and C.J. begins to jog across the street. As hes in the middle of the street a car speeds through a red light and hit C.J. C.J. rolls onto the hood then to the roof and then off the trunk of the car. He slams onto the ground very hard. As he lies on the hard concrete he looks to his left only to see one sunflower growing from a crack on the street. Behind the sunflower is a beautiful, clear blue sky. A group of people come to his rescue to help him up from the ground. A beautiful African-American, brown skinned woman with grey eyes, and shoulder length brown hair. The only think C.J. can think is WOW! He is amazed by this womans beauty. He notices the woman is wearing green scrubs, he thinks she must be a nurse. The woman grabs his head to check his pupils. He notices a tattoo of Cupids heart on her right hand on the area between her index finger and thumb. He begin realize shes yelling at him as people begins to surround them. C.J. then point to his ears and signs for a pen and paper. A stranger hands C.J. pen and paper. C.J. writes down on the paper, Thank you for helping me but I am ok. I was deafening last week not by this hit and run. I am good. Thank you again. The woman smiles as she signs with her hands to C.J., Youre welcome, sweetie. Be safe and watch where youre going next time. C.J. doesnt know sign language so he gives her a happy thumb up and begins to jog away. As he jogs away from the woman he looks back over his shoulders at the woman and both exchange smiles. C.J. continues to jog away.

1:00 PM

C.J. enters his apartment still thinking of the young nurse with a heart on her hand. He instantly notices his living room lights and television are off. He hasnt turned any lights off for the past two weeks. C.J. goes to his coat closet for his gun where its taped to the wall of the closet. He quietly cocks back the hammer of the gun. He cautiously enters his place alerted of his surroundings. He notices the lights are out in his kitchen and things are slightly moved around. He notices his bedroom lights are on. He slowly creeps up to the door of his room. Before he opens the door he inhales deeply in nervousness because hes preparing himself to take a life. He slowly opens his bedroom door only to see the lovely sight of Robin lying on her stomach in her underwear smiling at him. Robin happily waves at C.J. and a huge smile appears onto C.J.s face. C.J. hides the gun behind his back as he rushes over to Robyn. C.J. gives Robyn a passionate kiss as shes on her knees on the bed with her arms wrapped around C.J.s neck. C.J. thinks to himself, her lips are so soft and her breath taste like strawberries. Hes thankful shes here for him at his time of need. Before their passionate kisses turns into sexual intercourse C.J. stops himself and backs out of the room. He signs to Robyn with his index finger to give him a minute. C.J. goes to put his gun back into its hiding place. He rushes back into his bedroom with a big smile on his face. Once he enters the bedroom he closes the door.

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