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Does a strong corporate culture enhance organisational performance? Discuss, with reference to the key academic studies in this area.

A fish discovers its needs for water only when it is no longer in it. Our own Culture is like water to a fish. It sustains us. We live and breathe through it.

An organizational or corporate culture has diverse perspective according to the discipline or field in which that is working. For example there are different and unique cultures for marketing, finance management or sociology disciplines. Culture is basically considered as the pre-observed rules and regulations that the employees and the users have to follow. According to the schein (1985) corporate culture is, a set of basic assumptions invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaption and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and relation to those problems. So this culture is a basic tool to manage the organizational functions with its best ways. Management and the organizational performance correlate with



the functions it has. That according to sachein is come into the action plan through culture and basic assumptions by group of people (organization). Corporate culture is something that is defined differently by many researchers and authors. But most of them believe in this concept of corporate culture that is defined as the set of believes, values and behaviour patterns that form the unique and identical recognition for the organizations and at the same level it shapes the behaviours of the employees in such way that is in best way to the corporation. (Schein 1998, Van de post 1998). Some researches takes this concept and practice in such a way like Grant (2005, Pg. 216) says that corporate culture is an effective mechanism to have better control and coordination among the stockholders of the organization. So getting control and cooperation is also another characteristic of corporate culture along with core values, assumptions and behaviours. The corporate culture works like the same way for the organization as the personality shows the characteristics of an individual. This is considered as the behind the scene force that do


therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in



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Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1998)

Literature Review:


not work formally but it is the force that gives a direction and meaningful purposes of the existence of the organization. By utilizing this unifying force organizations develop the behaviours of the individuals and the employees for the best interests of the organizations (Van de Post et al, 1998).

During last few decades the corporate culture has attain a significant for the organization due to its potential impacts and effects for their success and the performance. The Van der Post et

al. (1998) states that organizational culture and performance have a strong relationship in between. It is also said that the developed norms, values and behaviours of the employees under a certain culture lead them to have right direction towards the core organizational goals and missions. In short we can say that the corporate culture is basically something that is

aligned with the corporate strategy. It need to go with it roots to get the potential results and achievements. Many of the researchers conclude this fact that corporate culture is related to organisational strategy, especially when a particular strategy is needed to be implemented in an organization (Schwartz and Davis 1981, Rashid and Anantharaman 1997). Some researchers examined the relationship between corporate culture and its performance. For example, Van der Post et al. (1998) examined the organizations in South Africa on these two constraints. He widely held a research over the relationship between financial performance

culture has a positive relationship with the financial performance of the firms. On the other side of coin, he also drawn some results that the corporation with weak culture differs in the


single perspective.

financial performance with relative to the companies who have a strong organizational culture. To make the results more authentic and accurate Van der Post (1998) used fifteen different dimensions for the measurement of the corporate culture rather than sticking on a

To implement a strategy in an organization is a critical process as most of the higher level of management does face it. At the passage of time it will be getting more complex for the organizations. And Grant M. (2005) urges that a strong and fool proof strategic plan leads an organization to the high level of performance and Rashid and Anantharaman (1997) interpret that strategic planning is something that needs a strong link with the culture of the organization for the successful implementation. Trough this cause and effect argument we can have a conclusion that strategic planning that is the backbone for the organizational performance is dependent upon the strong alienation with the corporate culture. According to


and corporate culture in the specific area. As a result he attained a result that the corporate



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the Kotter and Heskett 1992, the firms long term performances are correlated with the impact of the corporate culture. They also argued that the firms with the strong cultural values implemented on their stakeholders like employees, customers and the stockholders performs in such a significant way that they make other companies suffering from the lose through the competitive edge of the strong organizational culture. And those companies have huge margins to compete them in the organizational performances. The companies with

strong and positive culture have a significant efficiency and performance heights. The competitors has to face real trouble to compete them in the traits, the cultural organizations are adopting. In the futuristic point of view, they also believe that the age is not so far when

organizational success or failure will be determine by the cultural values of that specific

organization. In the support of these arguments the Sadri and Lees (2001) states that whenever an
organization has a positive culture, it provides a range of benefits to it. And these benefits provide the

organization a leading competitive edge over the other organizations. On the parallel scenario, they also warned us about the negative culture. As the positive culture has the positive impact, similarly the negative culture has a negative impact on the organizational performance. This negative culture can harm in various different ways. For example, it can take away the firm from the current trends, needs and the strategic requirements. So the flexibility in the organizational culture can be harmed badly and in a result you have to face drastic consequences in the future industry. Similarly corporate culture also reduces many factors that can be leading role for the organizational performance. According to a research the findings clearly shows that a constructive organizational culture reduces the job stress and other psychological issues in a working environment. Similarly the organizations with constructive cultures do not face the problems like the role conflict, ambiguity and job stressors.



Through the elimination of these factors, the job performance, job satisfaction and the employee commitment get strengthened and ultimately it provides a path towards organization success (Pool,

Through this literature review, it comes to our consideration that organizational culture plays a vital role in the promotion and success of an organization. Similarly this is the organizational culture develop the employees values, behaviours and attitudes in such a way that it increases job satisfaction, organizational performance and strong commitment.




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Trompenaars Alfons and Hampden Turner, (1998), Riding the waves of the culture: Understanding diversity in global business 2nd edition, McGraw Hill, USA

Schein, E.H, (1985), Organizational Culture and Leadership, Jossey-Bass, CA.

Grant M, (2005), contemporary strategy analysis 5th edition, Blackwell publishing, UK

Kotter and Heskett, (1992), Corporate Culture and Performance, Free Press, New

Pool, S.W. (2000), Organisational culture and its relationship between job tension in measuring outcomes among business executives, Journal of Management




Development, Vol. 19 No. 1, pp. 32-49.

Sadri, G. and Lees, B. (2001), Developing corporate culture as a competitive advantage, Vol. 20, pg. 853-859 Van der Post, de Coning, and Smit, (1998), The relationship between organisational culture and financial performance: some South African evidence, South African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 29 No. 1, pp. 30-41. Schwartz and Davis, (1981), Matching corporate culture and business strategy, Organisational Dynamics, winter, pp. 30-48. Rashid and Anantharaman, (1997), A study of corporate culture strategy and culture, Malaysian Management Review, Vol. 32 September, pp. 25-29.


York, USA.


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