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1 . It has an ideal behaviour to absorb and emit radiation A. black body 2 . Bonds form in superimposing the sigma bond.

(pi bond) A. double or triple 3. Who proposed the plum-pudding model?A. JJ Thomson 4 . To increase the rate of reaction A. Reduction of energy activation level 5 The temperature in which water has the highest densityA. 4 degree C 6 The freezing point of waterA.273 K 7 . The Statement, phrase in a contract that cannot be changed, any delay or ins ufficient outcome due to war,strike and acts of God, etc is called? A. Boilerplate clause 8 . The PRC Modernization Law empowers the PRC to set the examination date and v enue of the licensure examination, In what law is the PRC modernization Law embe dded. A.RA 8981 9 It measures humidity in airA. Hygrometer 10 .Ratio of alpha particle to the speed of light. A.1/10 11 . Arrange in descending order according to hardness.A.Thermoplastics, wood, thermostet,ceramic 12 . What is the escape velocity on earth?A. 11200 m/s 13 .what is the escape velocity in the moon?A. 2400 m/s 14 . How many units per hour will be granted when attending as a facilitator of a convention? A. 2 units per hour 15 . How many CPE units will be granted upon completion of Doctorate degree? a. 45 units 16 . What is the unit charge of an alpha particle?A. +2 17 . Material used in pencil leadA. graphite and clay 18 . The distance between the two nuclei of an atomA. bond length 19 .the SI unit to measure the damage for biological radiationA. Sievert

20 .the process of heating and cooling in order to hardened and improve the mach inability alloy/metalA.normalizing 21 . It is an essential information to identify the # of neutron in an atom. A mass number 22 . In engineering economy it is the study where uncertainty is always present. A. possible inaccuracy of the cash flow

23 . What is the AISI-SAE designation for nickel? A. 23xx 24 .what is the English unit for mass?A. slug 25 .What is the unit of radioactivity?A. Becquerel 26 .the mixture of water and soilA. suspension 27 .it is the temperature where the paramagnetic revert to diamagnetic.A. curie temperature 28 .the measure of gauge pressure of a healthy heart is 120 systolic and 80 di astolic what is the unit of measure? A. mmHg 29 .principal energy level in a 4 subshell.A. 4 30 . It consists of 2 proton and 2 neutronA. alpha particle 31 .the internal resistance of the fluid to permanent deformation of non-crystal line material- A. Viscosity 32 .the property of aluminium that makes it a material of choice for IC intercon nectionA. low diffusion coefficient 33 . Coulomb repulsion is the interaction between two ___ nuclei.A. positive 34 .the product of the perpendicular of the scalar quantity. A .dot product 35 . In which of the ff would the soft magnetic ferrite alloy be used? A. All of the choices(magnetic recording head,inductors,electrical machines ) 36 .which of the ff is the most dense material? A. aluminium 37 . Kelvin has no negative scale because:____ A. kelvin scale is naturally zero 38 . The product of the area and the square of the distance of the moment of ine

rtia.A. 2nd moment of inertia. 39 .two isotopes of the same element have: A. the same proton and electron but diff neutron 40 Q.unit of jouleA. kg. m2/s2 41 .adiabatic expansion of heat cannot transfer ____ to its surroundings. A. heat 42 .which of the ff. is/are true about evaporation?A. All of the choices (choices are : larger surface area,low boiling point, atmospheric pressure )???? ? 43.. what is force of gravity per unit volume.A .specific weight 44.sound below 20hz is called__?A. infrasonic 45. What is the hardening temperature of steel? A. 1375-1575 degree F 46.Which of the ff. is the property of the van der waals hydrogen bonding?A. low modulus of elasticity and large thermal coefficient 47. in which of the ff. will invar and super invar be of significant use?A. all of the choices(shadow mark in CRT,piping for liquefied natural gas,bimeta llic strips) 48. Heisenberg uncertainty principle is used to identify__?A. size of the atom 49. Beats can be produced by___ A. sound interference 50. Diamonoids have properties similar to diamonds. Diamonoid is ___times the st rength of titanium. A. 100-250 51. It measures whether the flow of liquid is laminar or turbulent . A. Reynolds number 52. At constant temperature, the bulk modulus of gases is ___ to its pressure . A. equal 53. The electron neutrinos travel from the sun to the earth, the reason why the number of neutrinos that reaches the earth is smaller than expected is because o f ___. A. oscillation 54. the product of area and the square of the distance due to reference is ___? A. law of the 2nd moment of inertia 55. PEC equipment should have a working temperature of___? A. 27 deg C

56. Van der waals induced dipole bonding has___? A. low modulus of elasticity and good electrical conductor 57. What alloy consists of 64 % iron and 36 % nickel? A. Invar 58. what is the hole mobility at room temperature? A. 0.05 m2/vs 59. In _____ process, the homologous temperature is the ratio of the working te mperature to the melting temperature. A. Annealing 60. Carbon-14 has how many neutrons?A. 8 61. The mechanical automobile system has 5 cyclic mechanical process. What is th e third step in this process? A. Ignition 62. Smart technology uses actuators. In actuators what material is commonly used ? A. Shape memory alloys 63. The summation of 2 or more thermal reaction equals heat of reaction. A True 64. Thermal energy is _____ to the kinetic energy of the gas molecules. A. directly proportional 65. The energy stored in spring with stone connected to it when oscillated vert ically has___. A. maximum at both ends 66. What is true about the modulus of elasticity? A. All choices are correct(modulus of elasticity of polymer is less than ceramic , modulus of elasticity of polymer is less than metal, modulus of elasticity of steel is almost equal to nickel) 67. Mechanical energy is directly proportional to the ___ of the amplitude. A. square 68. In scattered light, the wavelength is equal to the ____ of the density rais ed to power. A. reciprocal 69. It is the angle of inclination of a screw jack. A. Angle of lead 70. What is the percentage of silicon in iron-silicon alloy which is commonly u sed in aerospace?A. 3% 71. What is the difference of the ground state to activation state of the Neon? A. Electronic configuration *72. The Book value of the first year if depreciation is .(add details pls)A.Double Declining Method 73. What element has a Body Centered Cubic BCC?-

A. Iron (Fe) 74. In heating metals colour indicators are provided to approximate the temperat ure of the metal. What is the approximate temperature of the a dull white colour m etal ? A. 1300 degrees 75. What is the law that states that the mass and temperature of gas is constan t?A. Boyle s Law 76. It is the process of transforming Austenite to Bainite. A. moderate cooling *77. The rise and fall of the liquid in the capillary tube due to adhesion or c ollision is ____ to ??? A. inversely proportional 78. Evaporation in humid airgreater than in normal.A. False 79.Which of the ff. has the same shear modulus? A. cast iron and copper 80. What is the electrical conductivity of aluminium?A. 3.57x10^-7 Key words and answers: *81. In Bhors magnetron .??? -A.9.27x10^-24 *82. relationship of dielectric materials , a macroscopic property to polarizabi lity, a microscopic property. A.ClaussiusMossoti*83. dielectric material which have domains that are simultaneously aligned A.ferroelectric*84. the depreciation is a function of time A. Unit of production85. total heat of reaction can be arrived at by the sum of two or more thermal r eaction A.Hess law86. x-ray beam that passes through a crystalline material refracts due to the pa rallel structure of the crystal A.Braggs law87. allowed to coordinate covalent bond Ans. lone pair of electrons88.metastable iron phase supersaturated in that carbon is the product of the dif fusion less transformation from austenite. a. martensite89. The rise and fall of the liquid in the capillary tube to adhesion or collisi on is ______ to specific weight of the liquid. A. inversely proportional 90. - states that the total power energy of interest and surroundings are const

ant 1st law of thermodynamics 91. MARR- also known as Hurdle Rate

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