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INS Form 1B June 1, 2012 Revision: 0 Page 1 of 3 Pages


Department/Area Curriculum Curriculum Year No. of Hrs/ Sem Credit Unit(s) Prerequisite(s)

Department of Social Sciences and Management AB LGA 2nd Year 54 3 None

Vision of the University The CTU commits itself to the Center of Excellence and Development in Research, Instruction, Production and Extension Services for progressive leadership transcending global, technological, business, and industry-driven education. Mission of the University The CTU is committed to provide advanced and technical instruction for special purposes, industrial trade, teacher education, agtriculture, fishery, forestry, engineering, aeronautics and land-based programs, arts and sciences, health sciences ,information technology and other relevant fields of study. It undertakes research, production and extension services, and provide progressive leadership across the areas of specialization for global empowerment. Goals of the College The integral development of the individual toward fulness as a human being through the humanistic and scientific studies. Objectives of the Program 1. expose students to the social issues to sharpen their concern in their attempt to comprehend the nature of human development; 2. equip students with management skills in preparation for their planned career; 3. prepare students to teach the humanities and social sciences subjects 4. prepare students to the proper study of law or graduate studies if ever they proceed to take up postgraduate degree Course Description The study is primarily designed to assist student in better understanding of Anthropology as distinct social science discipline; focus will be on the origin, development of mans meaningful existence within a group, kinship and family, cultural adaptation, political system, myth, magic and religion, language and the age of globalization. Emphasis is placed on understanding and grasping basic Anthropological concepts that will guide them in analyzing socio-cultural patterns, its trend and development and practical application in the Philippine society.

General Objectives 1. To acquire basic theoretical orientation in Anthropology and be able to identify it as science, and understand its development and trend as a distinct social science; 2. To gain insights on the nature and components of culture and the factors affecting its development and complexity in social groupings, community and civilization. 3. To be able to provide student with significant experiences in conducting Action Research using the anthropological technique. 4. To bring the students to the different eco-tourism destinations within the Visayas Region for them to appreciate Visayan culture Course Content

1. VM OF THE UNIVERSITY and its pertinent policies as well as the goals of CAS 2. The Nature of the Course as a Discipline, its Conceptual Paradigms, and Historical Transitions 3. Research and Method in Anthropological Research: The Ethnographic Technique 4 A. The Nature of Culture a. Culture & society b. Characteristics & Level c. Socialization d. Material and Non-Mat'l components B. Culture & Survival a. Human adaptive pattern & strategies b. pre-agriculture systems c. industrialization d. information technology

To discuss the VM of the university,goals of CAS, and class policies To discuss the historical devlpt. of the discipline Discuss the theories and method in doing ethnographic research 1. to define the terms

Research/ Lecture / Discussion Lecture/Discussion with Powerpoint Presentation Lecture/Discussion with Powerpoint Presentation ** library research

Wk 1 (3 hrs) Wks 2-3 (6 hrs)

Wks 4-5 (6 hrs)

2. to discuss the concepts

** lecture /discussion Wks 6-7 (6 hrs) ** reportorial

3. to apply the concepts to actual situations

5. Anthropology and Language

To discuss the role of language in the formation and determination of culture and behavior to evaluate students performance according to the diferent domains

Lecture/ Discussion with PowerPoint presentation

Wk 8 (3 hrs)



6. Formation of Groups 6.1. Sex and Marriage 6.2 Family and Household 6.3. Kinship and Descent 6.4. Social Classification v Social Stratification 7. Film Showing 7.1. The Stoning of Soraya 7.2. The Children of Heaven 8. Religion, Myth, and Magic 8.1. Religion 8.2. Myth 8.3 Magic

1. to discuss the theories in the formation of society 2. to explain the method in kinship calculation 1. to evaluate the interplay of factors in the perpetuation of social functions 1. to define the key terms 2. to explain the relationship between culture and divine cognition

** Lecture/ Discussion with PowerPoint presentation ** Board work

Wks 9-10 (6 hrs)

** ideational processing

Wks 11-12 (6 hrs)

** library research ** reportorial on selected ethnographic accounts ** discussion Wks 13-14 (6 hrs)

9. Applied Anthropology a. Economic Anthropology b. Political Anthropology c. Medical and Forensic Anthropology

1. to define the contribution of anthropology in other fields

** lecture

Wks 15 - 17 (6 hrs)


To assess students' ability to integrate ideas and formulate their own

Oral/Written Examinations

Wk 18

Requirement of the Course 1. Recitation/Reporting/ Quizzes - 50% 2. Projects/ Term Papers - 10% 3. Term Examinations - 40% 4. Attendance Evaluation Procedures: (Approved Grading System Applicable to the Course/Program) For evaluation and grading of performance, please refer to your Student Manual 2011 edition, p. 42-45 References CARRIER, JAMES. 2005. A HANDBOOK AND ECONOMIC ANTHROPOLOGY. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. KOTTAK, CONRAD PHILIPP. 2006. ANTHROPOLOGY. The Exploration of Human Diversity. USA: McGraw-Hills.

OMAS-AS, ROBERTA, et. Al. 2003. GENERAL SOCIOLOGY. Society, Culture, Population Dynamics, and Gender Development. Quezon City, Phil: Trinitas. NASH, DENNISON. Prospects of Toursim Study in Anthropology. Chapter 8. (ebook). RAPPORT, NIEGEL et. Al. 2000. Social and Cultural Anthroplogy. Key Concepts. London: Routledge. WAITZ, THEODORE. 1863. Introduction to An thropology. The Anthroplogy of Primitive Peoples. London: Society of Anthropology.

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Date Submitted

Upon Recommendation by the Committee: RAMEL S GENOBIAGON Chairman

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