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Engineering Programmes (MLEP) Model Question Paper with Synoptic Answer Key Course Code: TML052: Engineering Mechanics - 2
Maximum Allowed Time: 180 Minutes Instructions for the students 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All questions are compulsory. "Long Answer type Question (LAQ)" is a supply type question of 20 marks, which requires typical answer of about 60-80 lines in about 32-40 minutes. "Short Answer type Question (SAQ)" is a supply type question of 05 marks, which requires typical answer of about 15-20 lines in about 08-10 minutes. Use of non-programmable type of scientific calculator is allowed. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. Maximum Marks: 100

Q No.

Question (Q) Long Answer type Questions (LAQs)

Q Marks

A) A car, starting from rest, accelerates uniformly for 1 min and reaches a speed of 70 km/hr. i) Determine its acceleration ii) Determine the distance it travels in this time iii) Determine its mean speed b) A boy throws a ball straight up to a height of 10 m. When the ball leaves his hand, it is 1.5 m above the ground. i) Calculate the velocity with which the ball leaves the boys hand ii) Calculate how long the ball in the air is before it drops on the ground. Synoptic Answer Key SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 A) i) v = 70 km/hr = 19.44 m/sec a = v / t = 19.44 / 60 = 0.324 m/sec



Marks 1 2 2 1 4 4

ii) Distance the car travels in this time = x 0.324 (60)2 = 583.2 m iii) Mean speed = Distance traveled / total time = 583.2 / 60 = 9.72 m/sec B) i) Velocity with which the ball leaves boys hand = (2gh)1/2 = (2 x 9.81 x 8.5)1/2 = 12.91 m/s ii) Time the ball is in air before it reaches the height of 10 m = 12.91 / 9.81 = 1.316 sec Time the ball takes to drop from the height of 10 m = (2 x 10 / 9.81)1/2 = 1.428 sec Total time the ball is in the air = 1.316 + 1.428 = 2.744 sec

07 08 2

4 2 20

A) i) Define mass of a body. ii) If a body has mass m on earth, what will be its mass on the moon? B) An iron meteorite is approximately spherical, with diameter d = 3 m. It is traveling at 5 km/s when it strikes the earth vertically. If the average resistance of the earth is 690 MN/m2 of projected area of the meteorite, determine the depth h to which the meteorite penetrates the earth. Assume specific weight of the meteorite on the earth to be 72.3 kN/m3 Synoptic Answer Key SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Key A) i) The mass of a body is a measure of the quantity of matter in the body. The mass of a body is a fundamental property of the body. ii) The mass of the body on the moon will be the same as on earth. B) Since meteorite is approximately spherical, its projected area = (3)2 / 4 = 7.069 m2 Resistive force that acts on the meteorite = 690 x 7.069 = 4877 MN Mass of the meteorite = 72.3 (33) / 6(9.81) = 104.2 kN After penetrating the earth to a depth h, the meteorite comes to rest. Deceleration by resistive force = 4877 x 106 / 104.2 x 103 = 46800 m/sec2 Velocity of the meteorite when it strikes the earth = 5 km/s; H = (5 x 1000)2 / 2 x 46800 = 267 m Marks 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3

A) Define the term (i) Work, (ii) Power, and (iii) Work performed by gravity B) A cannon of mass 1500 kg fires a projectile of mass 3 kg horizontally with a muzzle speed of 300 m/s. Friction is negligible. a) Determine the recoil speed of the cannon. b) Calculate the work performed on the system by the explosive charge. Synoptic Answer Key SN 01 Key A) (i) If a constant force moves a body along its line of action, Work is said to be done and is equal to the product of the magnitude of the force and the distance that the body is moved. (ii) Power is the time rate at which work is performed. (iii) The work performed on a body by the force of gravity equals the weight of the body multiplied by the change in the height of the center of gravity of the body. B) a) (i) Since the explosive forces are internal to the system consisting of the cannon and projectile, linear momentum is conserved. (ii) (mc vc + mp vp)


Marks 2

02 03

2 2

04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3

= (mc vc + mp vp)


(iii) Initially both the cannon and projectile are at rest (iv) Thus (mc vc + mp vp) (v) and (mc vc + mp vp) =0


(vi) mc = 1500 kg, vc = ?, mp = 3 kg, vp = 300 m/s (vii) Substituting values given in step vi, in step v (viii) 1500 x vc + 3 x 300 = 0 (ix) Recoil speed of the cannon vc = - 900 / 1500 = -0.6 m/s B) b) i) Work performed on the system by explosive charge = mc vc2 + mp vp2 ii) mc vc2 + mp vp2 = 1500 (-0.6)2 + 3 (300)2 = 135270 J or 1.3527 x 105 J

A) Define the terms Collision, Elastic collision, Inelastic collision, Completely inelastic collision. What happens to momentum during (i) elastic collision, (ii) Inelastic collision B) In nuclear reactors, high-speed neutrons are produced when uranium undergoes fission. In order to improve the probability of another fission reaction, these neutrons are slowed down by elastic collisions with nucleus of carbon atoms. The mass of a neutron is mn = 1.67492 x 10-27 kg. The mass mc of the carbon nucleus may be taken as 12 times that of the neutron. The average kinetic energy of a neutron released in a fission reaction is 1.6 x 10-13 J. A neutron collides head-on elastically with the nucleus of a carbon atom, which is initially at rest. i) Determine the velocities of the neutron and the carbon nucleus immediately after the collision. ii) Determine the kinetic energies of the neutron and the carbon nucleus immediately after the collision. iii) What percentage of the neutrons kinetic energy is transferred to the carbon nucleus? Synoptic Answer Key SN 01 02 03 04 Key A) A collision is an event in which large interactive (contact) forces between bodies act for a relatively short time. If the total kinetic energy of a system does not change during a collision, the collision is said to be elastic collision. A collision between two or more bodies in which some of the kinetic energy of the bodies is lost is called an inelastic collision. In an inelastic collision, the bodies may rebound after the impact and separate, or they may remain attached (stick together). If they stick together and move as one body, the collision is called a completely inelastic collision. Momentum is conserved in an elastic collision. Momentum is also conserved in an inelastic collision. B) Kinetic energy of a neutron released in a fission reaction = 1.6 x 10-13 J Mass of neutron (mn) = 1.67492 x 10-27 kg mn vni2 = 1.6 x 10-13 J, where vni denotes the initial speed of neutron vni2 = (2 x 1.6 x 10-13 ) / 1.67492 x 10-27 vni = 1.382 x 107 m/s Since the carbon nucleus is at rest before the collision, the initial momentum pi and initial kinetic energy Ti of the system composed of the neutron and carbon nucleus are: pi = 1.67492 x 10-27 x 1.382 x 107 = 2.3147 x 10-20 kg m/s Ti = 1.6 x 10-13 J After the collision, the final momentum pf and final kinetic energy Tf of the system are: pf = mn vnf + mc vcf Tf = mn vnf2 + mc vcf2 where vnf and vcf are the final speeds of neutron and carbon nucleus respectively. Since it is an elastic collision and both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved, p i = pf 2.3147 x 10-20 = mn vnf + mc vcf = 1.67492 x 10-27 vnf + 12 x 1.67492 x 10-27 vcf = 1.67492 x 10-27 (vnf + 12 vcf) vnf + 12 vcf = 1.382 x 107 .. (i) Ti = Tf 1.6 x 10-13 = mn vnf2 + mc vcf2 = 1.67492 x 10-27 vnf2 + x 12 x 1.67492 x 10-27 vcf2 = 1.67492 x 10-27 (vnf2 + 12 vcf2) 2 vnf + 12 vcf2 = 1.9105 x 1014 .(ii) From equations (i) and (ii), vnf = -1.17 x 107 m/s and vcf = 0.2126 x 107 m/s 08 Kinetic energies of the neutron and the carbon nucleus immediately after the collision are: Tn = mn vnf2 = 1.67492 x 10-27 x (-1.17 x 107)2 = 1.146 x 10-13 J Tc = mc vcf2 = ( x 12 x 1.67492 x 10-27)( 0.2126 x 107)2 = 4.542 x 10-14 J Percentage of neutrons kinetic energy transferred to carbon nucleus = (1.6 x 10-13 - 1.146 x 10-13) x 100 / 1.6 x 10-13 = 28.4% Short Answer type Questions (SAQs) Marks 1 1 1 1


05 06 07

1 1

2 2 2


A) Define Newtons first law of motion, second law of motion and third law of motion; B) Define a) Angular velocity and b) angular acceleration of a rotating line. Synoptic Answer Key SN 01 Key Newtons first law of motion: In the absence of applied forces, a particle originally at rest or moving with constant speed in a straight line will remain at rest or continue to move with constant speed in a straight line. Second law of motion: If a particle is subjected to a force, the particle will accelerate. The acceleration of the particle will be in the direction of the force, and the magnitude of the acceleration will be proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass of the particle. Third law of motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. a) Angular velocity of a rotating line is the rate of change of the angular position of the line with time b) Angular acceleration of a rotating line is the rate of change of the angular velocity of the line with time. Marks 3



Assume that the moon is spherical in shape, with radius rM = 1730 km and a mass approximately 1/81 of that of the earth. Determine the acceleration of gravity on the surface of the moon. Take the radius of earth to be rE = 6370 km. Synoptic Answer Key SN 01 02 03 04 FE / FM = (mE rM2) / mM rE2 FE = WE = mgE ; FM = WM= mgM ; Thus, FE / FM = gE / gM From steps 2 and 3, gE / gM = (mE rM2) / mM rE2 = 81 (1730)2 / (6370)2 = 5.97 gM = gE / 5.97 = 9.81 / 5.97 = 1.64 m/sec2 Key FE = G(mmE) / rE2 and FM = G (mmM) / rM2 Marks 1 1 1 1


05 7

1 05

An airplane is flying horizontally at a constant speed of 540 km / hr and is using 3000 kW of power. The propellers are 70% efficient. What is the wind resistance on the plane? Synoptic Answer Key SN 01 02 Key Useful power of the propellers = 3000 x 0.70 = 2100 kW 540 km / hr = (540 x1000) / 3600 = 150 m/s Power used = Wind resistance x Speed of the plane 2100 x 1000 = Wind resistance x 150 Wind resistance on the plane = (2100 x 1000) / 150 = 14000 N or 14.0 kN Marks 2 3

A golf ball that weighs 0.45 N is dropped from a height of 2m above a floor. It rebounds vertically to a height of 1.5 m. Determine the momentum of the ball at the instant before and the instant after it strikes the floor Synoptic Answer Key SN 01 Key Velocity of the ball the instant before it strikes the floor = (2 x 9.81 x 2)1/2 = 6.26 m/s Mass of the ball = 0.45/9.81 = 0.0459 kg. Momentum of ball at the instant before it strikes the floor = 0.0459 x (-6.26) = - 0.287 j (kg.m/s) Velocity of the ball the instant after it strikes the floor = (2 x 9.81 x 1.5)1/2 = 5.42 m/s Momentum of ball at the instant after it strikes the floor = 0.0459 x (5.42) = 0.249 j (kg.m/s) Marks 3



End of Model Question Paper with Synoptic Answer Key

B.Tech. Engineering Programme MLEP Course Code TML053 Fluid Mechanics

Maximum Allowed Time: 180 Minutes Instructions for the students:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Q No. All questions are compulsory. "Long Answer type Question (LAQ)" is a supply type question of 20 marks, which requires typical answer of about 60-80 lines in about 32-40 minutes. "Short Answer type Question (SAQ)" is a supply type question of 05 marks, which requires typical answer of about 15-20 lines in about 08-10 minutes. Use of non-programmable type of scientific calculator is allowed. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. Question (Q) Long Answer type Questions (LAQs) 1 a) b) Explain Newtons law of viscosity. Differentiate between Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluid? U-tube manometer as shown in fig has one limb 30mm in dia & the other limb 5mm in dia. The density of manometric fluid is 780 kg/m3. The large limb is open to atmosphere & the narrow limb is connects to an air duct. Calculate pressure in the air duct if the manometer fluid in the narrow limb rises by 20mm. What is the error if the movement pf the fluid in the large limb is neglected? Synoptic Answer Key SN Key Newtons law of viscosity =u (du/dy) Statement & mathematical expression Meaning of each term Newtonian Non-Newtonian Obeys Newtons law do not obey Newtons law = u(dy/dy) =u (dy/dy)n Example Example Refer pages 19, 20 from textbook Marks 02 02 01 03 02 20 Q Marks

Maximum Marks: 100

02 /4 (30)2 * h = /4 ( ) * 20 h = 0.556 mm = 157.28 Pa Pressure in duct Pd = 780 * 9.81 * 20.556 1000 = 153.06 Pa And Pd = 780 * 9.4 * 70 1000 Therefore Error = 2.7%



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Differentiate between 1. uniform and non-uniform flow 2. laminar and turbulent flow Explain the following 1. stream line 2. stream tube Synoptic Answer Key SN Key Marks



Uniform- velocity is same at all points size, shapes of cycles is constant along 05 the length of channel. Non-Uniform- velocity function of space co-coordinates 05 Stream line- at a given instant of time velocity vector is tangential. Stream tube - series of streamline which from a closed conduct. 05 05 20


a) b)

What is venturi meter? Obtain on expression for discharge through a venturi meter? A submarine is cruising at a depth of 15m below the sea surface. If the forward speed if the submarine is 16 km/h, calculate the pressure at the front stagnation point (Density of sea water = 1026 kg/m3)? Synoptic Answer Key SN Key Venturimeter- A device commonly used to measure flow rate. Consists of there sections. 1) Taparing converging 2) Throat 3) Tapering diverging. FigureA1V1 = A2V2 Marks 04





The static pressure at 15m P= gh = 150.976 kPa The dynamic pressure = V2/2 = 10.133 kPa Stagnation pressure = 161.109 kPa

02 05 03 20

a) b)

Explain the difference between laminar and turbulent flow and explain the significance of Reynolds number? Explain the phenomenon of hydraulic jump and the significance of fraude number? Synoptic Answer Key SN Key Marks


2.5 Reynolds experiment- Dye formed a smooth thin, straight streak down the pipe. Flow in layers, less vocatives, low values of Reynolds no.- Laminar flow. Rapid random motion of dye in all directions, flow in 2ac, higher 2.5 velocities. Re- fundamental criterion to differentiate between laminar & turbulent flow, 05 for pipe flow he characteristic length is diameter while for plate flow it is the length. Local non-uniform flow. Non-Uniform flow may be either gradually varied or rapidly varied flow practically observed in gutters during heavy rains or at the bottom of spillways. Within short distance downstream of jump, velocity distribution over the o/s us reasonably uniform & flow is steady. Figure-7.17 from textbook Short Answer type Questions (SAQs) 05


03 02

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Explain the phenomenon of surface tension? Synoptic Answer Key SN 01 Key Cohesive & adhesive forces. Definition of surface tension Practical occurrences- formation of bubble or liquid droplet. Marks 02 03


Comment on stability of submerged bodies? Synoptic Answer Key SN 01 Key What is stability? Condition of stability for submerged body. Location of center of buoyancy & center of gravity. Neutral stable & unstable equilibrium with sketch. Refer fig 2.31 from textbook Marks 01 02 02


Apply Bernaullils equation to orifice meter and venturimeter? Synoptic Answer Key SN 01 Key Refer Fig-4.24 (a) orificemeter from textbook t1 = t2 A1V1 = A2V2 Refer fig. 4.25 from textbook for venturimeter P1/g + V12/2g + t1 = P2/g + V22/2g + t2 Marks 02



State difference minor losses in pipe fittings & valves? Synoptic Answer Key SN 01 Key Sudden expansion & contraction losses in bends. losses in values, tee junction, union socket, sharp pipe entry & exit. Marks 02 03


End of MQP Synoptic Answer Key

Page 3 of 3

B.Tech. Engineering Progeramme MLEP

Course Code: TML054 Hydraulic Machines
Maximum Allowed Time: 180 Minutes Instructions for the students:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Q No. All questions are compulsory. "Long Answer type Question (LAQ)" is a supply type question of 20 marks, which requires typical answer of about 60-80 lines in about 32-40 minutes. "Short Answer type Question (SAQ)" is a supply type question of 05 marks, which requires typical answer of about 15-20 lines in about 08-10 minutes. Use of non-programmable type of scientific calculator is allowed. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. Question (Q) Long Answer type Questions (LAQs) 1 a) b) How do you classify water turbines? What turbines? What is the difference between impulse & reaction turbines? A Kaplan turbine produces 25Mw operating under a heat of 40m. The blade tip diameter is 2.5 times the hub diameter & the overall efficiency is 0.9. If the speed and flow ratio are 2.0 & 0.6 respectively, calculate the speed of turbine. Take diameter of turbine D=2.5m. Synoptic Answer Key SN a) Key Turbines are prime movers classified according to 1. Direction of flow of water in the runner tangential, mixed 2. Action of water- Impulse & reaction 3. Specific speed Impulse- Entire pressure energy is converted into kinetic energy. Reaction- Part of energy in guide blades & remaining in moving blades b) Speed ratio 2.0 = u u= 56.03 Marks 03 20 Q Marks

Maximum Marks: 100

03 02 02 02

2gH U= HDN 60 Synchronous speed = N= 60 fl P = 60 * 50 = 7 N Machine should run at 60 * 50 = 428.5 N Specific speed Ns = N P H 2

N= 423.5


05 = 673.62

Explain with sketch the working of centrifugal pump. What is manometric head and manometric efficiency? SN 01 Layout of centrifugal pump Main accessories- Strainer & foot valves suction pipe & its fittings, pump, delivery valve, delivery pipe & fittings. Working of each accessory. Manometric head- difference between the delivery & suction pressure heads. Manometeric efficiency man = Hm 2.5 2.5 10 Key Refer fig 14.11/page 514 from textbook Marks 05


(Hm + Hm)

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How do you classify compressors? What is an intercooler? What are its advantages? Synoptic Answer Key SN 01 Explanation03 1. Delivery pressure- low, medium & high pressure comp. 2. capacity- low, medium & large 02 Disadvantages of single stage compressor with increase in compression ratio. 02 Advantages of two stage compression with intercooling. 02 Refer fig 15.5 from textbook 03 P.V. diagram of perfect intercooling. 03 fig 15.6 from textbook Key Marks Classification based on design & principle of operation- Reciprocating & rotary 05




The efficiency of a ceiling fan depends upon the following variables: density & dynamic viscosity and the discharge through fan Q1 the diameter and the speed N1 derive the expression for the efficiency using dimensional analysis? What are the gravitational type pressure measuring instruments? Explain dead weight tester in detail? Synoptic Answer Key SN a) Discharge Q = area of flow * velocity = D2 * V = f ( , , V, D, N ) 2 = V D 3 = N V D 2 = /VD and 3 = n/V 03 02 03 02 Key Marks 03


= f ( R, DN/V ) b) Manometer dead weight tester & McLeod gauge etc. Dead wt. testerApplication calibration purpose constructional features Working how the pressure measurement is carried out. Accuracy of the instrument & its limitations. Sketch fig 17.3/Page 620 from textbook Short Answer type Questions (SAQs) 5 Write a short note on Pelton turbine? SN 01 Key Pelt on turbine impulse turbine Introduction, working principle Main parts- nozzle with its assembly runner with buckets & casing. Sketch fig 13.3 (a)/ page 402 from textbook 6 What is fluid coupling? Explain? Synoptic Answer Key SN 01 Construction of fluid coupling Working principle- How the power is transmitted from driving shaft to the driven shaft. Sketch fig 14.32/page 541 from textbook Key


02 03

05 Marks 02 02 01 05 Marks 02


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Define volumetric efficiency & explain effect of clearance on it? Synoptic Answer Key SN 01 v= Vol of air taken per cycle Stroke volume of cylinder It decreases with increasing clearance volume & with increasing pressure ratio. Refer Page. 552 from textbook 03 Key Marks 02


Explain the significance of Reynolds no.? Synoptic Answer Key SN 01 Re= Inertia force Viscous force = V L = Key VL Marks 02


Significance where viscous forces are dominant- pipe, venturimeter , orifice meter. Refer Page 598 from textbook 03

End of Model Question Paper

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