AO2-2C School Safety NB

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School Fire Safety Check

Can you obtain a copy of the schools fire safety documents? (If so include a photocopied version in the appendix)

How many fire extinguishers did you find in the school?

We found 79 fire extinguishers around the school

Where were these fire extinguishers located?

The fire extinguishers were in places where a fire is likely to happen. They were also near the exits to buildings such as main doorways and fire exits.

Was there a high concentration of fire extinguishers located anywhere in the school?

There are 2 fire extinguishers In: reception gym kitchen school hall technology rooms food tech room

How many fire exits are their in the school? Were all of the fire doors open? (i.e. none were locked)

42 fire exits, these range from doors, to fire windows. All of the doors were closed but not locked. Apart from the fire exit in G7, the door leading to the exit is locked.

Can you find out how long it usually takes to evacuate the school? What are the schools evacuation procedures, for example are pupils registered where do they line up? Have there been any recorded fires in the school, if so what happened?

It takes approximately 6 minutes to evacuate the school when the fire alarm is alerted All of the pupils and members of staff have to assemble at the lower playground. Tutors are given registers and absent lists so they can record who is in school. There was a fire in the kitchen. There was a fire in the old boys toilets. A pupil had set fire to some toilet rolls which eventually led to the whole toilets going up in flames. Also a photo copier ignited

What other fire safety equipment is located within the school?

Fire blankets Fire hose

Are the emergency services contacted automatically or does a member of staff need to phone the emergency services?

The school need to ring the emergency services to alert them if the fire is official

Can you explain how an automatic fire safety system works?

Once one fire alarm is triggered, the rest are set of simultaneously

Did you find any fire safety hazards in the school, if so where are they and what do they consist of?

1.fuse box was open in PE classroom 2. fire extinguisher is behind the p.cs in G7 3. no fire extinguishers in changing rooms 4. windows are locked in Mrs Hughes room

5. Escape door is locked in G7 6. fire extinguishers are behind door and a machine in the gym How could these fire safety hazards be remedied? 1. To lock the fuse box 2. To move the fire extinguishers so that the are easily visible and easy to access 3. Keep window unlocked so that can be used as an escape route 4. Always make sure there are 2 ways out of a room. Keep doors unlocked Overall how safe from a fire accident do you think the school is? Overall, the school has very good fire safety system. The school has regular fire alarm drills and has plenty of fire extinguishers, alarms and exits scattered around the school. Most buildings have multiple escape routes be it doors or windows. If there was a fire accident, I think the school would handle it efficiently and effectively and would be sure there are no casualties.

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