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2nd Term International MBA & Executive MBA


Advertising Management

1. Advertising Defined 2. Marketing Mix Factors 3. Product category 4. Promotion 5. Tasks for Advertising in 21st century 6. Advertising Mix factors 7. Michael Porters 5 Force Model 8. Objective of Advertising 9. Consumer Behavior & Market Segmentation 10. Organizational Buying Behavior 11. Media Planning & Product Positioning 12. Direct Advertising & Outdoor Advertising 13. Advertising Budget 14. Sales Promotion 15. Database & Web Marketing 16. The Perfect Plan 17. Advertising + & - Points 18. Advertising & Services 19. Advertising of Small Business 20. Rural Advertising 21. Media Promotion & the Need Gap in Rural Media

Consumer Behavior

Unit-1(Consumer Behavior origin & applications ) CB Origin and definition Development of marketing concept Customer Value , Satisfaction and retention Simplified model of consumer decision making

Unit-II(Consumer Motivation ) Motivation as a psychological force The dynamics of motivation

Unit-3 (Personality and Consumer Behavior) What is Personality Theories of Personality Brand Personality Self and self Image

Unit-4 (Consumer Perception) Elements of perception Dynamics of perception

Unit-5 (Consumer Learning ) Elements of consumer learning Learning theories Cognitive learning theory

Unit-6 (Consumer Attitude) 1:30 hrs lecture What are attitude Models of attitudes How attitudes are learned Strategies of attitude change Cognitive dissonance theory Attribution theory

Refer Book: Consumer Behavior, Ninth Edition, Leon G. SchiffmanLeslie, Lazar Kanuk - Pearson Education

Media Planning

Secession 1 2

Chapter Roles & Structures Media Basics

Topics Reach Television metrics Share Plan metrics, Print metrics

2 3 4

Media Strategy TG Definition Market Prioritization

Media Weights

Media Mix Decision


Market growth Brand & Category Development Index Disparate markets Allocating Budgets by markets Competitive review Normalised grp's Setting Efficient media Weights Setting Task Based Media Weights Why Media mix Media Choices TG Media Consumption Quantitative Parameters & Factors Factors that affect scheduling Scheduling Patterns Scheduling for Impact

6 7 7'-8

Building a Plan Evaluating Media Buys The Buying Process Steps in buying Process matching the buying strategy to the vehicle the post buy allocation of budget breakeven planning Factors that affect budget setting

8 9

Plan Implementation Budget Setting

Solution Approach

Product & Brand Management Contents 1. Product: Basic Concepts 1 21

What is Product? Product Classification Product Management: Modifying Existing Product Lines Managing New Product Opportunities Industrialization of Personalized Service Distinctive Competence Business System Value Chain Entertainment as Customer Value Managerial Challenge Internal Marketing Convergence 2. Product Market Strategies for Leaders, Challengers, Followers 64 73

Marketing Strategies of a Leader Market Challenger Strategies Choice of an Attack Strategy Market Follower Strategies Market Nicher - sOver-designing Market Leaders Indifference 5. Product Life Cycle and Market Evolution 74 107

Product Life Cycle Span Market Evolution Pioneer Advantage Decline Stage 6. New Products: Planning and Development 108 156

Faster New Product Development Organisation for New Products Stages in the New Product Development Process Reverse Innovation Creative Errors Measuring 7 Pricing the Offer 201 213

What the Market can Bear? Value of the Product and Brand Value Proposition Cost Analysis Estimating the Market Size 8 Concept and Product Testing 214 227

Sales and Market Forecasting Sales Forecasting Methods Concept Testing Product Testing (Pre-testing)

Budgeting for Products

240 243

What is Marketing and Product Budget? Approaches to Market Budgeting 10 Branding Decisions What is a Brand? Branding Decisions Evolution of Brands 11 The Anatomy of a Brand Brand Identity Brand Positioning 12 Brand Culture and Brand Rituals Local Culture Influences a Brand Rituals 13. Brand Equity 264 292 256 259 252 255 244 251

Brand Equity Brand Buying and Selling Brand Equity and Advertising Appendix 14. Product and Brand Failures 310 318

The Delta Habit Factor (DHF) Model Reasons of New Product failures Plan B for Success 15. Packaging 328 335

Packaging Packaging and Sales Promotion Packaging Scene in India Flexible Packaging Packaging Trends Sachets Aerosols

Media planning and buying

Using Advertising and promotion to Buld Brands

Marketing Communication The Functional area of Marketing Communication IMC, A Concept and Process

IMC Patners and Industry Organization

Full Service Advertising Agency How Does Cross Functional Planing Work How do Agencies and clients work together on IMC

2 3 4

IMC Planning Data Driven Communication Creative Message Strategies How to Develop a Creative Message Strategy The IMC Message Strategy Brief The Big Idea Message Execution Copy Writing Art Direction

The Marketing Communication Function

Consumer Sales Promotion and Packaging Channel Marketing : Trade, Promotion and CoMarketing

Public Relations and Brand Publicity Direct Marketing the Dialogue Builder Experiential Contact : Events Sponsorship & Customer Service Social Ethical & Legal Issues International Marketing Communication

7 8 9

Human Resource

1. Human Resources Planning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. HR Within the Capitalist World Economy 2. Weaving HRM in the Fabric of Business Strategy Environmental Scanning: Internal Environmental Scanning: External Getting the Flock Together: HR Planning Building Corporate Quality Towards a Learning Organization

2. Human Resource Strategy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Strategic Human Resource Management: An Overview 2. Importance of Aligning Human Resource with Strategy 3. HR and Organisational Strategies Strategic Challenges for Leadership Knowledge Management and Human Resources Mergers and Acquisions Outsourcing Ethical Issues in Strategic Human Resource Cases 1 - 8

3. Industrial Relations & Labour Laws 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I. A prelude to industrial relations Evolution of industrial relations Industrial disputes prevention and settlement Industrial unrest causes and cures Trade unionism and industrial relations Collective bargaining Negotiation Work participation in industry Section 1

1. Labour laws an overview 2. The apprentices act 1961 3. The contract labour (regulation and Abolition) act 1970

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The employees provident funds and Miscellaneous provisions act 1952 The employees state insurance act 1948 The equal remuneration act 1976 The factories act 1948 The industrial disputes act 1947 The industrial employment (Standing Orders) act 1946

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Section 2 The maternity benefit act 1961 Minimum wages act 1948 The payment of gratuity act 1972 The payment of wages act 1936 The trade unions act 1926 The employees compensation act 1923

4. International HRM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Social and Cultural Context of HRM International Human Resource Management: An Overview International Human Resource Planning Performance Management Training and Development International Strategic Human Resource Management Shifts in International Human Resource Management Industrial Relations

5. Organizational Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Organizational Change Resistances to Change Change Programmes and Processes Organization Development: Phases Organization Development: Interventions

6. Personnel Management 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Personal management -an overview Function of personal management Personal policies, procedures and programs Human resources planning Recruitment and selection process Promotions, transfers, separations, absenteeism And turnover Employee training Performance appraisal

Project Management

Concepts of Project Management 1. Introduction to Project Management 2. Project Planning & Scheduling 3. Project Finance & Budgeting 4. Managing Human Resources in Projects 5. Quantitative Methods in Project Management 6. Project Risk Management 7. Project Quality Management 8. Contracts Management in Projects 9. Project Total Quality Leadership Unit I Leadership: Concept, Implications and Quality 1. Concept and Roles of leadership 2. Leadership and Management 3. Leader, Controlling Authority, Organization and People 4. Leadership, Competitors, Competence and Performance 5. Leadership Responsibilities, Self Care, Dilemma and Priorities 6. Leadership Mission, Goals, Approach, Quality, Effectiveness and Success Unit II Academic Thoughts on Leadership Effectiveness 1. Trait Approach 2. Leader- Group-Situation Approaches 3. Behavioral Style Approach 4. Motivational Approach (Abraham Maslows Theory of Hierarchy of Needs, David McClellands Theory of need for Affiliation, Achievements and Power, Theory -X and Theory Y, etc) 5. Skill Approach (Technical, Inter-personal, Conceptual and Administrative skills) 6. Systems Approach 7. Value based Approach.[ To be discussed in Unit III. Unit III Value Based Approach to Leadership 1. Concept, Implications, and Challenges for Value Based Leadership 2. Prevalent thoughts on Leadership Values, Ethics and Role Model 3. Leadership Values Cherished in the Modern Era

Unit IV Conceptual Appraisal of Researched and Validated Values of Total Quality Leadership 1. Researched and Validated Values of Total Quality Leadership 2. Conceptual approach to the Ethical Application of Researched and Validated Values of Total Quality Leadership

Unit V Ethical Philosophy and Role Model of Total Quality Leadership 1. Ethical Philosophy of Total Quality Leadership 2. A Leaders Role Model for Total Quality in Personal Performance 3. A Leaders Role Model for Optimal Care, Management and Out put of an Organization 4. A Leaders Role Model for Optimization of Performance of the People


PART 1: GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1. Corporate Governance: Introduction 2 .Corporate Governance and Compliance Requirements 3. Best Boards 4. Corporate Governance and Banking Sector 5. Corporate Governance and public Enterprises 6. Corporate Governance: Business Ethics and Social

PART 2: GENERAL REFERENCE AND CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS 7. General reference 8. Current Developments

PART 3: COMPANY LAW AND BOARD MANAGEMENT 9. Company Law and Company Precedents 10. Board Management

PART 4: EXPERT COMMITTEE REPORTS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AWARDS 11. Expert Committee Reports 12. Corporate Governance Awards

Team Development and Leadership: Effective Leadership

1. Introductions 2. The nature of leadership 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Exploring leadership development A strategy for leadership development Selection Training for leadership A career development policy Line managers as leadership mentors Self-development

10. The strategic leader

Strategic Management

1. Business Policy An Overview 2. Strategic Management 3. Strategic Intent 4. Analysis of External Environment 5. Analysis of Internal Environment 6. Corporate Level Strategy 7. Business Level Strategies 8. Strategy Implementation 9. Strategy Evaluation and Control 10. Social Responsibility

Banking and Insurance

1. International Banking & Finance Apte

The Impact of Government Policy and Regulation on Banking The Organization and Structure of Banking Asset-Liability Management The Investment Function in Banking Managing and Pricing Deposit Services Lending Policies and Procedures

2. Credit Risk Management - S.K. Bagchi

Important facets of credit risk Internal credit rating mechanism Industry profile studies and credit audit Basel Accord II

3. Risk Management and Insurance - Scott Harrington, Gregory Niehaus

Objectives of Risk Management Automobile Insurance Homeowners Insurance Retirement Plans Employee Benefits: Overview and Group Medical Coverage Corporate Risk Management and Shareholder Wealth

4. Banking and Capital Markets Guruswamy

Value-at-Risk Disclosures and the Implications on Bank Stakeholders Market Price of Risk Maturity Transformation Strategies and Interest Rate Risk of Financial Institutions International Transmission Effects of Volatility between Financial Markets Managing the Costs of Issuing Common Equity Analysis of the Investment Potential Corporate Governance

5. Credit Appraisal and Monitoring

Analysis of Financial Statements - A Pragmatic Approach Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet items - explained from Banking, Accounting, Legal and Taxation Angles Window Dressing techniques unveiled Spreadsheet, forecasting and Cash budget applications illustrated Decision making in Credit-step by step approach with real life illustrations Assessment of Credit, Operational, Market and Country Risks

6. Asset Liability Management

Risk management in banks Interest rate risk management Exchange rate risk management Liquidity risk management Credit risk management ALM implementation: including RBI guidelines.

7. Managing Banking Risk

Assessment, analysis, and management of financial risk in banking Risk-management principles Management of the treasury function Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Capital adequacy Corporate governance

Finance Management Specialization

1. 2. Strategic Management (Business Strategy)

Business Policy An overview Strategic Management Strategic Intent Analysis of external environment Analysis of internal environment Corporate level strategy Business level strategies Strategy Implementation Strategy evaluation & control Social Responsibilities

Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

Risk and Return Economic and Industry Analysis Security Pricing Bond Analysis Capital Market Theory CAPM Markowitz Model

3. Merger and Acquisition

Introduction Valuation of Firms Defense against Hostile Takeovers HR issues in Merger Cases

4. International Financial Management

Introduction to International Financial Management &International Monetary System. Determination and Forecasting of Exchange Rate.

Balance of Payment. Management of International Transaction Exposure. Management of Corporate Finance. Working Capital Management & Project Appraisal and Capital Budgeting. Foreign Investment. Measure of Portfolio Risk & Risk Measurement in Investment

5. Financial Markets & Services Section A The financial system in India Money Market New Issues Market Secondary Market Security and exchange board of India

Section B Financial Services Merchant Banking Hire Purchase a. Features legal position hire purchase & installment sale hire purchase & leasing 2. Leasing a. Definition steps in leasing transactions type of lease advantage & disadvantage of lease 3. Venture capital a. Concept meaning feature scope importance 4. Mutual Funds 5. Derivatives

General Management
1. International Marketing Paul

WTO and Implications on International Marketing Country Analysis, Selection, Market Size and Marketing Mix Cultural Factors and Environment Market Entry Mode Licensing, Franchising and Subsidiary International Distributions, Logistics and supply chain management

2. International Financial Management Apte

International Monetary system, currency exposure and risk including currency derivatives, global financial markets Foreign exchange markets Exchange Rate Determination and Forecasting Management of International Financial Risk International Project Appraisal

3. International HRM Aswathappa

Global Perspective and Multiculturalism Nature of IHRM and Strategic IHRM Training and Development International Compensation Management Ethics and Social Responsibility

4. International Retailing Ramkishen

Consumer and retail culture Strategies of Western retailers entering into Asian markets Specific case examples showing why some companies have failed in Asia as well as factors that helped others succeed Globalization of retail markets

5. Strategic Management Marcus

Strategy Basics Internal and External Analysis Mergers, Acquisitions, and Divestitures Innovation and Entrepreneurship Continuous Reinvention

6. Enterprise Resource Planning Olson

An Introduction to Integrated Enterprise Information Systems The Sales/Collection Business Process The Acquisition/Payment Business Process The Conversion Business Process Enterprise System Risks and Controls ERP Systems and E-Commerce: Intra- and Inter-Enterprise Modeling

7. World Class Quality - Keki R. Bhote & Adi K. Bhote Design of Experiments Quality challenges Types of quality tools

Healthcare Management
1. International Marketing Paul

WTO and Implications on International Marketing Country Analysis, Selection, Market Size and Marketing Mix Cultural Factors and Environment Market Entry Mode Licensing, Franchising and Subsidiary International Distributions, Logistics and supply chain management

2. Information Technology for Healthcare Organisations

What is Health Information Technology Quality and current status of Health Information Technology Efforts to encourage faster diffusion

3. Organizational Design in Healthcare Sector

Human Resource Management: A Strategic Choice Model Strategic Human Resource Planning Performance Appraisal as a Strategic Choice for the Health Care Manager Performance-Based Pay Systems in Health Care

4. Research Methodology

Data Collection, Sampling and Interviewing Data Processing, analysis and reporting Selected Applications, Rural Marketing research and organized retailing Export Marketing Research Legal Framework for Healthcare Organisations

Detailed account of the liability of health professionals under the law of torts

Criminal law Consumer law Law of contract Hospital Management

Laboratory management. Indoor Management OT Management Build in backup and restore facilities Maintaining the inventory section of your hospital Hospital Clinical Services

Clinical Services Programs - Cardiac Services, Maternal-Child-Youth Services, Mental Health and Addiction Services Clinical Services Programs - Thoracic Surgery Services, Vascular Surgery Services Medical Leadership Group Change Management, Conclusion and Next Steps

Hospital Management
1. Hospital Administration

Rationale of Hospital Administration Legal Aspects of Hospital Administration Recent Advances in Hospital Administration Risk Management Support and Utility Services

2. Quality Management in Health Care

Quality in Health Care Improvement of quality of services in hospitals Certification / Accreditation of hospitals Quality Management at Department Level Evaluation of Performance

3. Marketing Health Care The marketing process The senior managers role in marketing Marketing research and planning Market positioning and strategy development Marketing Matters: A Guide for Healthcare Executives

4. Hospital Waste Management and its monitoring

Safety Measures The Law regarding Biological Waste Treatment Collection and Segregation Transportation and Storage Disposal Techniques

5. Medical Records Organization and Management

Role of medical records in healthcare delivery Legal Aspects of Medical Records Medical Audit International classification of diseases How to economize health service expenditure

6. Personnel Management

Job analysis and Design Orientation, Placement, and Separation Training and Development Compensation and Protection Employee relations Challenges

7. Hospital Planning and Facilities Management

Hospital Planning and Design Outpatient, inpatient and nursing services Planning, organizing and financial management Clinical supportive services Administrative services

Information Technology
IT for Management Lucas

Business Organization and the role of Information Technology Technology Infrastructure Inter and Intra-organizational Systems Building Intelligent Systems for Businesses Planning, Implementing and Managing Information Systems

Knowledge Management Debowski

Value Proposition Culture Structure and Roles/Responsibilities Information Technology Approaches and Measurement

IT Project management Marchewka

How to manage people, time, budget, communications, risks and issues IT project management techniques Benefits of a converging project management-process management connection SPM approach

Corporate Information Strategy and Management Applegate

The Challenges of Managing in a Network Economy Managing Networked Infrastructure and Operations Understanding Internetworking Infrastructure Managing and Leading a Networked IT Organization Managing IT Outsourcing

Enterprise Resource Planning Olson

An Introduction to Integrated Enterprise Information Systems The Sales/Collection Business Process The Acquisition/Payment Business Process The Conversion Business Process Enterprise System Risks and Controls ERP Systems and E-Commerce: Intra- and Inter-Enterprise Modeling

E-Commerce - Bharat Bhaskar

Electronic Commerce: Business Models Electronic Data Interchange Electronic Commerce: Architectural Framework Electronic Payment Systems Internet Advertising

Data Management, Databases and organizations - Richard T. Watson

The Normalization Process An Overview of DBMS and DB Systems Architecture An Introduction to SQL and Relational Database Systems Boolean Operators and Pattern Matching Data Warehousing and Data Mining

Leadership & Entrepreneurship

1. International Marketing Paul

WTO and Implications on International Marketing Country Analysis, Selection, Market Size and Marketing Mix Cultural Factors and Environment Market Entry Mode Licensing, Franchising and Subsidiary International Distributions, Logistics and supply chain management

2. Team development and Leadership - Dr. B. Rathan Reddy

Collaborative teamwork Effective strategies and techniques Cross-functional teams, executive teams and management teams

3. Entrepreneurship - Hisrich

The nature and importance of entrepreneurs International Entrepreneurship Opportunities Creating and starting the venture Financing the new venture Managing, Growing and Ending the new venture

4. Leadership Excellence Hughes

Leadership is a process, not a position Focus on the leader Focus on the followers Leadership skills

5. New venture Creation Timmons

The Entrepreneurial Mind for an Entrepreneurial society The entrepreneurial process The founder and the team Financing Entrepreneurial ventures Startup and beyond

6. Venture Capital - Dilek etindamar

Compare the VCIs of different countries Determinants of the VC industry Role of VC financing Policy suggestions for countries aiming to establish thriving VC industries of their own

7. New Product Development - Michael Z. Brooke & William Ronald Mills

How to plan and execute strategies for developing a continuous flow of new products and services How to create new products that sell How to become a successful innovator

Marketing Specialization
2. International Marketing Paul

WTO and Implications on International Marketing Country Analysis, Selection, Market Size and Marketing Mix Cultural Factors and Environment Market Entry Mode Licensing, Franchising and Subsidiary International Distributions, Logistics and supply chain management

Advantages of International Marketing

Global Scope: Scope of this kind of marketing is so large that it becomes a unique experience. Brand image Consistency: Global marketing allows you to have a consistent image in every region that you choose to market. Quick and Efficient Use of Ideas: A global entity is able to use a marketing idea and mould it into a strategy to implement on a global scale. Uniformity in Marketing Practices: A global entity can keep some degree of uniformity in marketing through out the world.

3. Product and Brand Management Anandan

Development Processes and Organizations Identifying Customer Needs Concept Generation, Selection and Testing Design for Manufacturing Product Development Economics

Advantages of Product and Brand Management 4. Advertising Management: Concepts and Cases Mohan

The Agency World Managing the Client-Agency Relationship How Advertising Works Planning Advertisements - the Strategy Evaluating Advertisements


Strategic Management Marcus Strategy Basics Internal and External Analysis Mergers, Acquisitions, and Divestitures Innovation and Entrepreneurship Continuous Reinvention

6. Market Research - Nargundkar / Beri

Marketing Research Management Data Collection, Sampling and Interviewing Data Processing, analysis and reporting Selected Applications, Rural Marketing research and organized retailing Export Marketing Research

7. Consumer Buying Behavior Peter

A Perspective on Consumer Behavior Affect and Cognition and Marketing Strategy Behavior and Marketing Strategy The Environment and Marketing Strategy Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy

8. Sales Management and Promotion Havaldar

The Strategic Role of Selling and Sales Management The Process of Buying and Selling Organizing the Sales Force Salesperson Performance: Behavior, Role Perceptions, and Satisfaction Designing Compensation and Incentive Programs.

Production and Operations

1. International Logistics - Pierre David

Globalisation and International Trade Logistics Service Providers Procurement and Outsourcing Logistics and Financial Management Measuring and Managing Logistics Performance

2. TQM

Introduction to Total Quality Management Customer Satisfaction Statistical Process Control TQM Tools Quality Systems

3. Quantitative techniques in Management Vohra

Linear Programming Sequencing Queuing Theory PERT and CPM Decision Theory

4. Operations Research - Aditham B. Rao

Complex modeling Developing a decision support system Simulation techniques

5. Materials Management - P. Gopalakrishna

Materials: The Profit Center Standardization and Materials Management Financial Aspects in Materials Management Warehousing Management

International Buying Ethics in Materials Management

6. Enterprise Resource Planning Olson

An Introduction to Integrated Enterprise Information Systems The Sales/Collection Business Process The Acquisition/Payment Business Process The Conversion Business Process Enterprise System Risks and Controls ERP Systems and E-Commerce: Intra- and Inter-Enterprise Modeling

7. Project Management: The Managerial Process - Gray & Larson

Organization Strategies and Project Selection Estimating Project Times and Costs Developing a Project Plan Reducing Project Duration Partnering: Managing Inter-organizational Relations

Pharmaceutical Management
1. Sales Management and Promotion

Basic Concepts of Promotion Communications Marketing and Advertising Planning Sales Management, Personal Selling and Salesmanship Personnel Management in the Selling Field Sales Control and Cost Analysis

2. OTC Marketing

Regulatory and legal standards Marketing and promotional issues specific to brand-name Direct-to-Consumer Advertising Advertising of Compounding Products, Off-Label Promotion, Gifts to Physicians Developing an effective in-house promotional review system

3. Pharmacology

Introduction to biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics Drug pharmacokinetics following single intravenous administration Steady-state principle and drug pharmacokinetics during constant-rate intravenous infusion Disease state and drug pharmacokinetics Nonlinear pharmacokinetics

4. Brand Building in Pharmaceutical Introducing pharmaceutical branding strategies Building pharmaceutical brands Communicating pharmaceutical brands Alternative brand models The future of pharmaceutical branding

5. Understanding Pharma Brands: Advertising and Promotion Trends in pharmaceutical advertising and promotion Framework for understanding the informational effects of pharmaceutical promotion Pre- and post-approved drugs, ethical considerations in drug advertising, and FDA and FTC concerns Pharmaceutical leadership Relationship between the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry

6. Consumer Behaviour in Pharmaceuticals

Policy, perspectives, and operations Relationship management in healthcare Lifestyle and health products organics, nutriceuticals Strategic Marketing in pharmaceutical Consumer-driven healthcare

7. Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory process for getting pharmaceuticals, biologics, and medical devices approved Current Good Manufacturing Practices Good Clinical Practices Quality System Compliance Corresponding documentation requirements

Retail Management Specialization

1. International Retailing Ramkishen

Consumer and retail culture Strategies of Western retailers entering into Asian markets Specific case examples showing why some companies have failed in Asia as well as factors that helped others succeed Globalization of retail markets

2. Consumer Buying Behavior Peter A Perspective on Consumer Behavior Affect and Cognition and Marketing Strategy Behavior and Marketing Strategy The Environment and Marketing Strategy Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy

3. Information Technology for Retailing Khurana

Hardware and Software at Point of Sale (PoS) Automatic Identification and Data Capture Customer Relationship management Data Mining E-Talling

4. Retail Business Environment Pradhan

Retail in India Strategy and Planning Managing retail Creating and sustaining value Cases

5. Retail Franchising Sidhpuria

Basics of Franchising Preparing for franchising Investigating and evaluating a franchise

Financial Aspects of franchise Managing the franchise relationships

6. Retail Merchandising - Pradhan

The buying function in Retail Buying for different types of stores Planning assortments Category Management Pricing

Supply Chain Management

1. Introduction to supply chain management 2. Designing the supply chain network 3. Demand Management and Customer Service 4. Supply Chain planning and implementation 5. Order Processing and Information systems 6. Supply chain planning and strategies 7. Location strategy in a supply chain 8. Managing Inventories in a supply chain 9. Transportation strategy in a supply chain 10. Purchasing and supply chain decisions 11. Organisation and customer in a supply chain 12. Co-ordination and information technology in a supply chain 13. Supply Chain performance measurement 14. Benchmarking the supply chain 15. Supply chain performance 16. Global supply chain management 17. Current issues in supply chain management 18. Supply chain challenges for the future

International Logistics - Pierre David

Globalisation and International Trade Logistics Service Providers Procurement and Outsourcing Logistics and Financial Management Measuring and Managing Logistics Performance


Introduction to Total Quality Management Customer Satisfaction Statistical Process Control TQM Tools Quality Systems

Quantitative techniques in Management Vohra

Linear Programming Sequencing Queuing Theory PERT and CPM Decision Theory

Operations Research - Aditham B. Rao

Complex modeling Developing a decision support system Simulation techniques

Materials Management - P. Gopalakrishna

Materials: The Profit Center Standardization and Materials Management Financial Aspects in Materials Management Warehousing Management International Buying Ethics in Materials Management

Enterprise Resource Planning Olson

An Introduction to Integrated Enterprise Information Systems The Sales/Collection Business Process The Acquisition/Payment Business Process The Conversion Business Process Enterprise System Risks and Controls ERP Systems and E-Commerce: Intra- and Inter-Enterprise Modeling

Project Management: The Managerial Process - Gray & Larson

Organization Strategies and Project Selection Estimating Project Times and Costs Developing a Project Plan Reducing Project Duration Partnering: Managing Inter-organizational Relations

Hospitality & Tourism

1. International Hospitality Business - Larry Yu

Developments in hospitality Current research in global operations New developments, new management concepts, and new corporate mergers Analyzes the complexity of the political, economic, financial, commercial, and cultural environment which affects the hospitality sector

2. Introduction to Hospitality Management - John R. Walker

Careers in Hospitality The Hotel Business The Restaurant Business Recreation, Theme Parks, and Clubs Leadership and Management Human Resources and Motivation

3. Safety and Security in Tourism - Hall, Timothy and Duval

Safety and security: Towards a neew Understanding? Freud, Tourism and Terror The impacts of Terrorism Tourism Eclipsed by Crime Crisis Communication and Recovery for the Tourism Industry

4. Benchmarks in Hospitality and Tourism - Sungsoo Pyo

Study of operational units and businesses Benchmarking model How to operationalize benchmarking

5. Tourism Forecasting and Marketing - Kevin K.F. Wong & Haiyan Song

Traditional versus modern forecasting techniques Evaluations of current and past forecasting methods Modeling and forecasting destination choice The impact of forecasting and marketing on tourism demand

6. Service Quality Management in Hospitality and Tourism - Kandampully, Mok & Beverley Sparks

Concepts and strategies that will improve the delivery of hospitality services Services management Service quality management

7. Public Relations and Advertising

Managing the Client-Agency Relationship How Advertising Works Planning Advertisements - the Strategy Planning the Advertising - Creative Briefing Advertising and the Law

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