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LESSON PLAN (RPP) Learning subject Class / Semester Meeting Tme alocation Competency standars : : : : : Biology XII (twelve)

/ 1 I 2 45 minutes 3. Understand the application of basic concepts and principles of heredity and their implications on Science, Environment, Technology and Society 3.5 Explain the events of mutation and its implications in Science, Environment, Technology and Society 1. The students can to expalin the definition of genetic abnormality and disorders. 2. The students can to explain the causes of genetic abnormalities and disorders 3. The students can to explain the types o genetic and abnormalities and disorders 4. The students can to explain the prevention of genetic abnormalities and disorders

Basic competency Purpose

: :

I. Indicator II. III. Explain the defenition of genetic abnormalities and disorders Explain the causes of genetic abnormalities and disorders Explain the types o genetic and abnormalities and disorders Explain the prevention of genetic abnormalities and disorders Learning purpose The students can to explain the defenition of genetic abnormalities and disorders The students can to explain the causes of genetic abnormalities and disorders The students can to explain the types o genetic and abnormalities and disorders The students can to explain the prevention of genetic abnormalities and disorders Study Material The inheritance of eyecolor and the shape of the nose are example of harmless inheritance of traits. Problems arise when inherited genes express defects or hereditary disorders that causes disability or evev death. The defenition of genetic abnormalities and disorders A genetic abnormality is the deviation of general or normal is the deviation of general or normal characteristic in humans. Genetic disorders are the nonfunctioning of genetic factors that control the structure and physiological functions of human body.

Genetic abnormalities and disorders Genetic abnormalities and disorders in human are caused by mutations. A gene mutation is the change in genetic arrangement, causing defects or abnormalities. Generally, mutant allels are recessive to the wild type normal dominant allels. However, several mutations are found to be dominant, as we will discuss later. a. Dominant, single autosomal allele b. Recessive, single autosomal allele c. Sex-linked alleles d. Chromosome aberration

Type of genetic abnormalities and disoredrs Type of genetic abnormalities and disoredrs in human can be grouped based on causes, as written previously. a. Autosomal recessive allel inheritance, one of its example is albino is the abnormalities and disorders caused absence of melanin (skin pigment) b. Autosomal dominant inheritance, one of its example is achondroplasia (dwarfism) is the abnormalities and disorders caused the failure in cartilage and bone growth. However, intelegence, head size, and body proportion are normal. c. X-linked inheeritance of recessive, one of its example is color-blindness is the abnormalities and disorders caused the allel recessive where the person cannot differentiate red-green or all colors. d. Aberration of chromosome number, one of its example is XYY condition where light mental retardation or no symptoms at all. e. Aberration of chromosome structure, one of its example is cri du chat syndrome where mental retardation and abnormal larynx.

Prevention of genetic abnormalities and disorders Genetic abnormalities and disorders defects are inherited from parents to children. Therefore, all of these abnormalities are not contagious as infectious diseases are. Because most of them are congenital, they are hard to cure or treat as yet. Some are letal and some require the patients to undergo therapy or become handicapped for life. The chance of having genetic disorders and defects may be minimalized by preventing marriages between closely related families. This reduces the risk of inheriting both lethal or mutated allels from both parents.


Learning Method Learning Model Learning Metho : Cooperative Learning : TAI (Team Assisted Individualization)


Learning Steps Activity Type Phase Time

A. Beginning Activity 1. Teacher open the lesson with greeting. 2. Teacher extend goal of instruction purpose. B. Core Activity 1. Teacher give task to student to learned the subject by individually. 2. Teacher give first quiz to student in invidually to get first score. 3. Student has grouped in 5 groups depend on their first score and then let them discussion about the subject. The teacher also guided the student to make resume and explaining about the subject. 4. Teacher give second quiz to student in Phase 5 15 minutes Phase 4 45 minutes Phase 3 13 minutes Phase 2 10 minutes Phase 1 2 minutes

individually to get second score. The score is acumulating to their friend in groups. C. Last Activity 1. Teacher give appreciation to groups about the study result. Phase 6 5 minutes


Media and Study Source : A cupboard and marker : Students activity sheets : 1. Aryulina. 2007. Biology For Senior High Schol Grade XII. Esis. Jakarta.

1. Tools 2. Media 3. Study sources



a. Evaluation Technique : Written tesk b. Evaluation Type : Essai

Makassar, June




........................................... NIP.

Wahyu Taatillah NIP.

Question and answer for quiz

1. What is the heredity disease that caused the number finger has more than five . . . . (polydactyl) 2. Disease of heredity that caused the blood cant coagulate called as . . . . (hemophilia) 3. What is the meaning of lethal . . . . (lethal is meaning that if the disease caused organism has died before its born) 4. Why male can infected color blind disease . . . . ( because color blind disease has kindred with X chromosome) 5. What is albino disease . . . . (Disease of heredity that caused pigmentation process has abnormal in skin and another body part).

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