Vocational Studies

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What is Vocational Education?

Vocational education is a form of education in which people are provided with practical skills which will allow them to engage in careers which involve manual or practical abilities. Some examples of careers for which people can receive vocational education training include: aviation mechanics, hotel management, hairstyling, plumbing, air conditioner installation, and cab driving. Vocational education is also known as vocational education and training (VET), Voc. Ed., or technical school. People who are interested in vocational education usually have a high school diploma, and they pursue vocational education rather than college or professional school. Vocational education has a specific and practical focus, rather than an academic one, and it is designed to provide people with the skills needed to start a career in an area of interest. After training, people will be eligible for licensure if a license is required in their chosen field, and they can start work immediately. Many governments contribute to vocational education to ensure that people with technical skills will be readily available, and to provide career options for people who are not interested in college, or who may not be able to afford a technical or trade school on their own. For example, low income people in the United States can participate in Job Corps, a program which provides vocational education, housing, and support. Learning a trade can generate immediate income after graduation, and technical school tends to be much less expensive than college or professional school. The trade may require some investment in equipment, such as a truck and tools for a plumber, and over time, a skilled tradesperson can potentially achieve a very high salary, with benefits attached, for those who work for other people and companies. Trade schools also offer opportunities for people who are interested in switching careers, as they are equipped to work with older adults as well as youths. Some high schools offer vocational training to their students so that students can graduate with job skills which may be applied immediately or honed in an advanced program. These schools may specifically cater to people who are interested in entering a technical trade, or they may have two educational tracks, with one aimed at college preparation, while the other gets students ready to enter the work force. These programs can provide students who are struggling over what to become when they graduate with exposure to several different trades and career possibilitie

Is it time for a vocation?

Right now, over five and a half million 16-year-olds have just received their GCSE results, and are trying to figure out their next steps in life. Regardless of whether they have achieved the grades they want or need, they have the opportunity to start shaping their careers now, and take important steps to ensure they are able to fulfil their aspirations. In order to do that, they need to be aware of all the options available to them. Our latest research shows that many young people in the UK today (62%) have a clear idea about what their dream job would be. But that still leaves over a third who are still unsure about which career they want to pursue. When I was young, vocational education was only seen as the acceptable route for those people who weren't 'academics'. If you were good at school, got the right grades, then you did your A-levels and went on to university; if not, then went straight ahead and got a job or did a vocational qualification. Let me dispel that myth. The term 'vocational' actually means 'work-related'. So if you are doing a vocational qualification it means you are learning skills that will help you to get, and do, a job. That's it. Vocational education is not an 'easier' alternative to taking A-levels, it is something that provides people with practical skills and the underpinning knowledge people need to understand how to use these skills. Some people are not aware that you can actually get vocational qualifications that will take you up to the same level as a degree, so the opportunities for continued personal development are still there, even if you don't choose the conventional route. With a vocational qualification, you're more likely to be able to start working sooner, giving you the experience you need to back up what you're learning - and you get to earn money at the same time. And the money earning doesn't stop there. Another popular misconception is that vocational and academic routes are binding - if you start in one or the other, you have to follow the same one for the length of your career. Vocational education and conventional qualifications should be seen as complementary, not mutually exclusive. A top surgeon who goes on a course to get up to speed on the latest techniques is learning skills that they will use in their work. It's no different to someone taking a vocational qualification. Yet some of this year's GCSE candidates probably won't even consider vocational routes as an option. A lot of people are still unaware of the wide range of options, both as qualifications and apprenticeships, available to them. Vocational education is still viewed by many to be a narrow route. At City & Guilds we have over 500 different qualifications - and they're not all for plumbers, hairdressers and chefs. For example, we have teaching, healthcare, travel and tourism, journalism and even

law qualifications. We know that despite what the media might like to say about young people, these are the same career areas they put at the top of their wishlist. It's no secret that the ever-increasing competition for people with the right skills and experience is going to make it tough for employers to find the right staff to fill their vacancies. The UK's job market is about to be put under a worldwide spotlight with events such as the Olympics set to breathe life into many industries. With a focus on UK construction, sportsmanship and tourism - all of which are career paths young people can aspire to follow, -there will be a greater need for highly skilled tradespeople than ever before. So if you are interested in a specific career, apply yourself straight away. A new academic year is coming up in September, and community colleges and training providers will be hosting open days and advising thousands of students all over the UK about courses that might interest them. Go to one and just start talking to people: college staff, current students and even businesses looking for apprentices. Ask as many people for advice as possible. By knowing what skills are going to be in demand and providing young people with qualifications that will equip them with these skills, we can help make them more aware of the areas where there is the most demand, and encourage them to be more positive about their future careers.

Can vocational courses such as plumbing training offer a better experience than traditional courses?

- Published July 7, 2011

In the current economic climate it is now more difficult than ever to gain meaningful employment as the job market requires experience and proof that you can apply skills. Vocational courses, such as plumbing training, have become increasingly popular with employers as it provides potential employees with the skills and experience of the industry before they have started a position with the company.

What is the difference between vocational courses and traditional courses?

Vocational courses differ greatly from traditional classroom and home learning based courses. Vocational courses offer more hands-on based training blending classroom theory with hands-on experience which reinforces the skills learnt through the duration of the course. This compares to the more traditional classroom based learning offered by schools and universities, which do not provide the same level of hands on training many vocational courses offer. The government have also recently promoted the benefits of vocational courses over traditional ones as a viable option to gaining meaningful employment. This has been done through national campaigns as well as through funding for apprenticeships, making businesses more willing to provide apprenticeship opportunities to students.

What types of vocational Courses are on offer?

With the governments promotion of vocational courses it has now made a more varied amount of disciplines that people can undertake including things such as nursing, law and teaching, meaning students will benefit from experience in the industry.

As training providers ourselves we know the benefits that gas, electrical and plumbing training can provide to our trainees. Many of our trainees go on to work for other companies with many more deciding that they want to set up their own companies and work for themselves. With vocational courses such as ours prospects for gaining meaningful employments are higher, as many of our courses require on-site experience to pass the course, which we can arrange for you. If you would like to find out more about the courses we offer simply fill out a form on the right or call us free on 0800 331 7500 and we will get back to you.

Electrician Training Courses at RF Training

We offer a comprehensive electrician training course for anyone looking to start a rewarding career as an electrician. For those who are already qualified, electrician training is also available to widen your job prospects. The electrical industry is always expanding with more people requiring quality electricians to complete work both domestically and commercially. With our electrician training you can earn in excess of 30,000 a year. If you wish to learn more about our electrician training courses we offer, then speak to one of our advisors by filling in the form or giving us a call on 0800 331 7500

Why choose RF Training for Electrician Training

RF Training has a 100% pass rate for all electrician training. Our electrician training courses are run regularly throughout the year You can complete your electrician training part time or full time. RF Trainings electrician training courses are City and Guilds accredited We provide you with ongoing technical support and advice once you have completed your electrician training so that you can start your career problem free.

Electrician Training Courses We Offer

We offer full electrician training for new entrants to the electrical installers industry as well as electrician training updates for current electricians. Have a look at our electrician training courses below. If you want to find out more information about our electrician training then fill out the form or give us a call on 0800 331 7500. Intensive 7 Week Electrician Training Course This electrician training provides you with all the skills you will need to become an electrician. The electrician training course incorporates modules which carry industry recognised qualifications. Those new to the industry are advised to undertake this electrical course. 17th Edition Wiring Regulations This qualification is aimed at those who have not previously completed a Wiring Regulations electrician training course or gained the qualification prior to 2001. Click here if you want to find out more about our 17th edition training or here if you require our 17th edition courses update. Part P Full Scope/Defined Scope Work affected by Part P is subject to notification and inspection by building control which is costly. The solution to this is self-certification, something that you can do with these short electrician training courses. Find out more about the part p qualificationhere. PAT Testing This electrician training is designed for electricians who want to expand their job prospects. During this electrician training you will learn how to test companies electrical equipment so they adhere to PAT guidelines. expand you portfolio today with by finding out about the PAT testing regulations. Certificate in Fundamental Inspection, Testing and Initial Verification This electrician training is intended to help you to understand the requirements for Inspection and Testing covering installation certificates. details can be found here about the electrical installation certificate. Domestic Periodic Inspection and Testing

This course is ideal for current electricians who want to expand the jobs they can take on by completing domestic periodic inspection and testing, which landlords require when renting a property. Click here if you want to learn how to complete a periodic inspection report. At RF Training we appreciate that not everybody will fit neatly into a box and that training needs can be dependent on previous experience. If you cannot find what youre looking for, contact us today and we will be more than happy to talk to you about your electrician training requirements.

Why Vocational Courses Offer a Great Route to Employment

Guest post by Luke Glassford from RF Training: specialists in delivering training courses for the plumbing, electrical and gas industries. There are many tactics job seekers can use to help get ahead and gain employment in todays competitive job market, from practicing and honing interview techniques to correctly formatting and updating CVs. The most important factor in gaining new employment, though, is what is actually written in those CVs, and what experiences and skills can be demonstrated during interviews. In the ever more competitive job market, employers are increasingly looking for candidates with real work experience and transferable skills that mark them out as committed, talented and dedicated workers. That's why vocational courses like plumbing or electrician training can provide current job-seekers with a great chance to get that new job and become a success in their chosen career. Because of this, vocational courses have been growing in popularity over the past few years and are expected to continue to become a viable route for many young people looking to begin a career. The rise of University tuition fees and the lack of job prospects after graduation are also factors encouraging young people as well as those wanting to change careers to seek relevant vocational qualifications before entering the job market. There are many advantages to taking vocational courses before entering the job market, which will help make the candidate stand out once they begin applying for jobs. The benefits of vocational courses include:

Gaining industry recognised qualifications Learning of relevant workplace skills Gaining valuable practical work experience Acquiring a wider understanding of the chosen industry

Proven ability to work within the chosen industry

As well as helping the candidate stand out to prospective employers, the taking of vocational courses can also help a job seekers confidence in obtaining a new job in a new industry as the vocational qualifications will provide them with all the skills, experience and knowledge required to succeed. If you are interested in taking a vocational course to help boost your employability then here a few tips to help get you started:

Research your chosen industry fully and get accustomed to what is expected of employees in the position you desire Read job descriptions of similar roles and learn what skills and knowledge employers are looking for Look into exactly what qualifications you will need to succeed in your chosen career there are many vocational qualifications available so you need to actively pursue the right ones for the right job

These tips are very important as all industries are different, so it is essential that you look into exactly what skills, knowledge, experience and qualifications will be required to help you really stand out when it comes to applying for jobs.

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