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Estd: 1998

Introducing emu farming, which is one of the fastest growing agro industries in the world today. Australia is the mother land of the emu industry and spread to the other countries in the last century. Emu breading is today a rewarding occupation in Australia, America, China, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. Also entering this high growth agro oriented activity. Assumed market worldwide demand: The 130 years old ratite industry, organized in South Africa spread over to the other countries in thriving business reaping richest returns. The country high market value for the meat and the other products in US has created a huge demand for the emu product. I have great pleasure to inform you that, the birds have adapted extremely well to over Indian climate conditions and coming up successful. So far our birds have not faced and major disease. The emu has high resistance power and it is not susceptible to any major known diseases. I would like to say few words about the products from emu. The bird grows to a 5-6 feet within 18-24 months and attempts 40-55 kgs of weight. The valuable parts of the bird are mutton is of 25 kgs and fat which yields litters of emu oil and 7-8 Sq feet valuable skin and other useful products are nails and feathers. Emu has long life. The oldest emu recorded is 40 year old pet emu in Australian zoo, recorded in USA show them living well about 30 years. There have productivity through of this period. Emu grows upto 6 feet tall and st weight upto 50 kgs. Emu egg production 10-20 eggs in 1 laying season and every year 5 to 7 % increase in the egg production. Well full matured productivity females may lay in excess of 60 eggs per year. But the average is 20-30 eggs with reproduction cycle standing at 2 years of age can create and abundance of bird in a very short span of time. Adult Height Height at birth Adult weight 48 - 52 days Approximately 70-80 percent 40 55 kgs Eggs Laying Period During winter season of the geographical areas (October to March in India) 30 - 40years (approx) Average Feed Consumption 1 kg per day/bird. Mated in pairs Age at slaughter 12 18 months 18 - 24 months Space per pair Adult bird 720 sft (12ft x 60ft) OR Up to 25 years In 1 acre 300 to 400 birds 10 to 20 eggs in the first breeding season, gradually increases up to 20-30 eggs in subsequent breeding seasons. Incubation Period Percentage of eggs hatched 5 - 6 feet tall 8 - 10 inches

Lifespan Breeding Method Production Starts Productive years Eggs per year

Emu Products: Birds are generally processed at around 13-15 months old, with the average return being 20-25 kg meat, 5-6 ltrs oil, 0.7 m2 skin for leather, 2 leg skins and 0.75 kg feathers. Welcome to visit our website:


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