Intro To Software Engineering

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An Introduction to Software Engineering

Spring Semester, 2008 Copyright Reserved

Requiremnent Engineering

Review of Last Lecture (1/2)

Software lifecycle
From the viewpoint of software Typical lifecycle of software

Software process
From the viewpoint of software development Provide well-defined steps to develop software

Copyright Xinjun Mao

Requiremnent Engineering

Review of Last Lecture (2/2)

Software development process model
Waterfall model Prototyping model Incremental model RAD model Spiral model

Merits and draws CASE tool and environment

Improve the quality and efficiency of software development
Copyright Xinjun Mao 3

Requiremnent Engineering

Todays Topic
How to get the customers requirements?

Copyright Xinjun Mao

Chapter 7 in Textbook

Requirement Engineering
Prof. Mao Xinjun Tel: 0731-4573649 Department of Computer Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology

Requiremnent Engineering

What is Requirement Engineering? Task and Process of Requirement Engineering Requirement Engineering Technology Software Requirement Specification and Review Summary

Copyright Xinjun Mao

Requiremnent Engineering

If you are required to develop a library information software system, what will you do firstly?
What functions that the system may have? What behaviors that the system may have? What performances that the system may have? What is the scope and boundary of the software?
Copyright Xinjun Mao 7

Requiremnent Engineering

Software Requirement
To understand customers requirements about the software to be developed is extremely important Software requirement ()
Customers needs about the developed software, including functions, performance, design constraints, schedule, etc.

Sample of software requirements

Function: borrow book, renew book, Performance: the time of query book must be lower 1 second Constraints: software should be deployed and run under windows OS Schedule: development period is 6 months
Copyright Xinjun Mao 8

Requiremnent Engineering

Requirement Engineering
What is requirement engineering? ()
The process to obtain customers or end-users ( ) requirements of software Encompasses a set of tasks that lead to an understanding of software requirements Helps software engineers to better understand the problem they will work to solve

Copyright Xinjun Mao

Requiremnent Engineering

Who Does IT?

Software Engineers Analysts () Managers Stakeholders ()
Customers End-users

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Importance of Requirement Engineering

Basis and precondition of software development

If you do not know what the problems are, you will have no way to know how to solve Without it, the resulting software has a high possibility of not meeting customers needs Establishes a solid base for design and construction

Standard to check whether the developed software meets customers or end-users requirements

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Complexity of Requirement Engineering

Customers are unable to express requirements explicitly

Typically, they can not tell you what they want clearly

The requirements that customers or end-users present are often

incomplete inaccurate inconsistent

Software requirements are often extremely complex and large scale

Copyright Xinjun Mao 12

Requiremnent Engineering

Problems and Challenges

If the above problems can not be solved, the developed software will be incorrect
Lost the desired functions of customers Implemented functions are not the right ones that customers or end-users want

Therefore, technologies and methods are necessary to support requirement engineering

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

What is Requirement Engineering? Task and Process of Requirement Engineering Technology of Requirement Engineering Software Requirement Specification and Review Summary
Copyright Xinjun Mao 14

Requiremnent Engineering

Task of Requirement Engineering

Obtain and understand software requirements in a complete, consistent and accurate way, and generate software requirement specification (SRS) document

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Scope of Requirement Engineering

Communication Planning Modeling
Analysis of requirements Design of software Requirement Requirement Engineering Engineering

Coding Testing

Copyright Xinjun Mao 16

Requiremnent Engineering

Process of Requirement Engineering

Requirement engineering is completed through the following seven activities
Inception () Elicitation () Elaboration () Negotiation () Specification () Validation () Management ()
Copyright Xinjun Mao 17

Requiremnent Engineering

Inception (1/2)
Identify and discuss with stakeholders Anyone who benefits in a direct or indirect way from the system which is being developed: Customers, end-users, consultants, product engineers, software engineers

Find and create stakeholders list Work toward collaboration to support elicitations Ask: who else do you think I should talk to? to find more

A list of stakeholders
Copyright Xinjun Mao 18

Requiremnent Engineering

Inception (2/2)
Related Complete

Questions when interacting with stakeholders

Who is behind the request for this work? Who will use the solution? What will be the economic benefit of a successful solution Is there another source for the solution that you need?

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Elicitation (1/3)
Elicit requirements from all stakeholders Identify the problem Define the scope of problem Propose elements of the solution Negotiate different approaches, and Specify a preliminary set of solution requirements

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Elicitation (2/3)
Meetings are conducted and attended by both software engineers and customers Rules for preparation and participation are established An agenda is suggested A "facilitator" (can be a customer, a developer, or an outsider) controls the meeting A "definition mechanism" is used, e.g., work sheets, flip charts, or wall stickers or an electronic bulletin board, chat room or virtual forum
Copyright Xinjun Mao 21

Requiremnent Engineering

Elicitation (3/3)
Result: elicitation work products
A statement of need and feasibility A bounded statement of scope for the system or product A list of stakeholders who participated in requirements elicitation A description of the systems technical environment A list of requirements and the domain constraints that apply to each A set of usage scenarios that provide insight into the use of the system or product under different operating conditions Any prototypes developed to better define requirements
Copyright Xinjun Mao 22

Requiremnent Engineering

Elaboration (1/2)
Create a refined analysis model of software functions, features, and constraints for analyzing

Modeling, refinement Scenario-based
Functionalprocessing narratives for software functions Use-casedescriptions of the interaction between an actor and the system
Copyright Xinjun Mao 23

Requiremnent Engineering

Elaboration (2/2)
OO-based Behavior-based: state diagram Flow-oriented: data flow diagram

Requirement analysis model of software, which defines the informational, functional and behavioral domain of problem
Copyright Xinjun Mao 24

Requiremnent Engineering

Conflict requirements Unpractical requirements with limited resources Agree on a deliverable system that is realistic for developers and customers

Identify the potential conflict and unpractical requirements Rank requirements and discuss conflicts Reconcile these conflicts through negotiation Eliminate, combined and modified requirements

Result: agreed software requirements

Copyright Xinjun Mao 25

Requiremnent Engineering

Create the documents of software requirements

A written document A set of models A formal mathematical A collection of user scenarios (use-cases) A prototype

Software requirement specification
Copyright Xinjun Mao 26

Requiremnent Engineering

Validation (1/3)
To find the errors or missing information in SRS

A review mechanism that looks for

Errors in content or interpretation Areas where clarification may be required Missing information Inconsistencies (a major problem when large products or systems are engineered) Conflicting or unrealistic (unachievable) requirements.

Validated software requirement specification
Copyright Xinjun Mao 27

Requiremnent Engineering

Validation (2/3)
Questions when validating
Is each requirement consistent with the overall objective for the system/product? Have all requirements been specified at the proper level of abstraction? That is, do some requirements provide a level of technical detail that is inappropriate at this stage? Is the requirement really necessary or does it represent an add-on feature that may not be essential to the objective of the system? Is each requirement bounded and unambiguous? Does each requirement have attribution? That is, is a source (generally, a specific individual) noted for each requirement? Do any requirements conflict with other requirements?
Copyright Xinjun Mao 28

Requiremnent Engineering

Validation (3/3)
Questions when validating (cont.)
Is each requirement achievable in the technical environment that will house the system or product? Is each requirement testable, once implemented? Does the requirements model properly reflect the information, function and behavior of the system to be built. Has the requirements model been partitioned in a way that exposes progressively more detailed information about the system. Have requirements patterns been used to simplify the requirements model. Have all patterns been properly validated? Are all patterns consistent with customer requirements?
Copyright Xinjun Mao 29

Requiremnent Engineering

Requirement management is a set of activities that help the project team identify, control, and track requirements and changes to requirements at any time as the project proceeds
Each requirement is assigned a unique identifier Feature traceability table Source traceability table Dependency traceability table
Copyright Xinjun Mao 30

Requiremnent Engineering

What is Requirement Engineering? Task and Process of Requirement Engineering Technology of Requirement Engineering Software Requirement Specification and Review Summary

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Requirement Elicitation (1/3)



Com m unication


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Requiremnent Engineering

Requirement Elicitation (2/3)


Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Requirement Elicitation (3/3)


Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Joint Team
Joint Team
Stakeholders Analysts Software engineers

Communication Cooperation

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Requirement Modeling and Analyzing

Problem Decomposition () Abstract () Modeling () Multiple Viewpoints () Prototype ()

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Problem Decomposition
What is problem decomposition?
Decompose big problem into small problems Decrease and control problem complexity

Sample of problem decomposition

Reader management Book management Book borrow

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Abstract (1/2)
What is abstract?
Catch the related parts and discard the unrelated parts To grasp the essence and core of problem

Sample of abstract



Cloth Appearance Abstract




Copyright Xinjun Mao

Requiremnent Engineering

Abstract (2/2)
Abstract of reader (related parts)
Name Department Photo Type Email Telephone Mobile .

Abstract of reader (unrelated parts)

Height Age Thesis Father Blood Supervisor

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Modeling (1/3)
What is model of system
Model is the simplification of the real system and it encompasses the related parts of system, ignores the unrelated parts of system Software requirement model describes the requirement of system to be developed in an accurate way

Why modeling
Simplify the description and analysis of software requirement Specify the software requirements from multiple viewpoints and different levels
Copyright Xinjun Mao 40

Requiremnent Engineering

Modeling (2/3)
Methods for requirement modeling
Data flow requirement modeling Object-oriented modeling

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Modeling (3/3)
Sample of modeling: Data Flow Diagram

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Multiple Viewpoint
What is multiple viewpoint
To describe and analyze software requirements from multiple viewpoints and different levels

What is multiple viewpoint

To grasp the customers requirements in a complete and clear way

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

What is prototype?
Prototype is the intuitive and simple model of systems to be developed. It mainly focuses on the operation style, process and interface.

Why prototype?
Prototype as interaction media between developers and customers Prototype can easily find the problems of software requirements

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Prototype Method
Initial Requirement

Rapid Design Suggestions Requirements


Evaluate Prototype

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

What is Requirement Engineering? Task and Process of Requirement Engineering Technology of Requirement Engineering Software Requirement Specification and Review Summary

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Software Requirement Specification

Software requirement specification
Functions and Behaviors
E.g., borrow book, renew book

Response time should be less than 1 second

Design constraints
Running under Windows XP

Schedule: 6 months
Copyright Xinjun Mao 47

Requiremnent Engineering

Standard for SRS

Standardization of SRS
International Government Enterprise Military,

Sample template of SRS

See (doc)
Copyright Xinjun Mao 48

Requiremnent Engineering

Review of SRS
Reviews is necessary before SRS is to be submitted formally to designers Who participate in the reviews
Customers and end-users Requirement analysts Software designer

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Principles of Review
Correct Consistent Complete Verifiable Understandable Modifiable Traceable
Copyright Xinjun Mao 50

Requiremnent Engineering

What is Requirement Engineering? Task and Process of Requirement Engineering Technology of Requirement Engineering Software Requirement Specification and Review Summary

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Summary (1/2)
To capture accurate, consistent and complete requirements are extremely important for developing software Requirement engineering covers seven activities
Inception, elicitation, elaboration, negotiation, specification, validation, management

Technologies are necessary to support the requirement engineering

Modeling, abstract, decomposition, prototyping, etc.
Copyright Xinjun Mao 52

Requiremnent Engineering

Summary (2/2)
Software requirements should be written as a document software requirement specification Software requirement specification should be reviewed before it is delivered to designer
Customers, end-users, requirement analysts, software designers, etc. should participate in the reviews Quality of software requirements should be considered
Copyright Xinjun Mao 53

Requiremnent Engineering

See assignment1 (doc)

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Next Lecture
Building Requirement Model with Data Flow Oriented Technology Chapter 8.6 in Textbook

Copyright Xinjun Mao


Requiremnent Engineering

Introduction to Software Engineering


Practice, Practice and Practice

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