Course Outline Vibrations Final

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Course Outline for Semester Spring 2012 Course Code ME 307 MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Instructor: Tariq Manzoor Office: Mechanical Engineering department Class Time and Place: As per time table Course Description This course will have a good understanding of the modeling of vibratory motion of mechanical systems using both single and multiple degree of freedom concepts. Students will be able to design simple vibration isolation systems. They will understand the concepts of natural frequencies and mode shapes and their significance in the solution of multiple degree of freedom problems. Students will have an introduction to the use of some mathematical methods as a solution to differential equations of motion. They will be able to complete basic system modeling tasks. Course Objectives 1- To help students in their understanding about vibratory motion of mechanical systems. 2- To persuade students how to select and design for damping of a particular vibratory motion of mechanical systems. 3- To help students about the design related to vibratory motion of mechanical systems.

Format In order to achieve the objectives, a variety of teaching methods will be employed including contents presentation, individual and group exercise and methods practices sessions. This is a two credit-hour course. Homework Assignments Homework assignments are designed to help you learn the mechanics of the methods discussed in class and to give you an opportunity to apply these concepts in a straightforward manner. In addition to their value as learning exercises, doing a careful and thorough job on the homework assignments is the best preparation for the exams. Assessments and its Weightages: Quizzes 6 Assignments 10% 10%

Sessionals 2 30% End Term Exam 50% Grading policy will be relative with F grade below 40%

Student Participation and Attendance Policy Students are expected to attend all classes. Students learning and grade depend upon your regular attendance. Students are expected to attend the section, for which they are enrolled, except on an occasional basis as approved in advance by the Teacher. Please note the official policy of the Institute regarding attendance. Students should make every effort to be in class on time. Lectures style and Teaching Methodology Consistent with the course objectives, lectures will address learning objectives associated with weekly topics (as outlined in the schedule below), including basic principles and working examples. While lectures will closely parallel material contained in assigned readings, they are not substitutes. In particular, lectures will clarify, expand and where necessary, update material contained in assigned readings. The students will be provided the PowerPoint slides and hard copies of the lecture material. Students Meeting Times and Office Hours Monday to Friday between 1430 to 1630, please check for regular class timings Text Book and Recommended Books 1. 2. 3. 4. Mechanical Vibrations by S. S. Rao Mechanical Vibrations by Schaum Outline Series Theory of Vibration with Applications by William T. Thomson Any other given material

Course Contents and Weekly Schedule Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Introduction to the vibratory motion of mechanical systems Harmonic motion, degrees of freedom, periodic motion Harmonic motion, periodic motion, vibration terminology. Free Vibrations: Equation of motion Free Vibrations, Energy methods Viscously damped free vibration Logarithmic decrement Harmonically excited vibration Forced harmonic vibration Vibration isolation Vibration analysis and measurments

Week 7 Week 8 Week 9

Sessional Exam-1 Two Degree of Freedom System Normal modes of vibration Two Degree of Freedom System:

Co-ordinated coupling Forced harmonic vibration Week 10 Two Degree of Freedom System: Week 11 Vibration absorber Vibration damper Vibration of Elastic Bodies

Free and forced vibration of a uniform bar Week 12 Vibration of Elastic Bodies: vibration of a uniform bar with end masses Week 13 Vibration of Elastic Bodies Free and forced lateral vibrations of simply supported thin beams Week 14 Sessional Exam-2 Week 15 Torsional vibration of circular shafts with single rotor and two rotors Week 16 critical speed of rotating shafts with single rotor and two rotors Week 17 modeling the damping systems Week 18 Measurement of Vibrations Week 19 Final examination


Tariq Manzoor

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