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Decision support systems (DSS) are a specific class of computerized information systems that support business and organizational decison-making activities." (Information Builders). A properly designed DSS is intended to be able to compile useful information from raw data, documents, personal knowledge, and business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions (Information Builders). "Decision Support System is a general term for any computer application that enhances a person or group's ability to make decisions. Also, Decision Support Systems refers to an academic field of research that involves designing and studying Decision Support Systems in their context of use." (dssresouces)

1. A class of computerized information systems that support decision making activities 2. Interactive computer-based system and subsystems intended to assist executives in becoming better decision makers 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Utilizes present and historical data Utilizes internal information systems with external sources Typically used for strategic and tactical decisions by upper management Knowledge-based system Valuable where amount of available information is prohibitive

8. Diverse as problems they solve;only limited by user group and the developer's imagination 9. User skills vary requiring multiple approaches to DSS development

1. 2. Data driven a. Emphasizes access to and manipulation of large databases of structured data Communication driven and Group DSS a. Hybrid DSS that emphasizes both communication and decision models b. Interactive computer-based system to facilitate solution of problems by decision-

and especially a time-series of internal company data and sometimes external data

makers working together as a group 3. c. Communication, collaboration and decision support technologies that do not 'fit' Document driven

in any of the other groups

a. Newest type of DSS evolving to assist managers b. Integrates storage and processing technologies providing complete document

retrieval and analysis 4. c. Examples of document retrieval: policies and procedures, product specifications, Knowledge driven a. Suggests or recommends actions to managers b. Personal computer systems that contain specialized problem-solving expertise


such as knowledge about a particular domain, understanding of problem domain and skill of solving problems 5. c. Related to concept of data mining Model driven a. Emphasizes access to and manipulation of a model b. Models utilized I. Accounting and financial II. Representational models III. Optimization models

1. 2. 3. Database management system ("DBMS") a. The data bank for the DSS b. Informs user as to types of data available c. Informs user as to 'how to gain access' to data Model building management system ("MBMS") a. Transfers data from DBMS into useful, decision-making information b. Provides user assistance in model building Dialog generation management system ("DGMS") a. Provides data storage and retrieval b. Enhances system user's ability to use and benefit from the DSS

1. Medical profession

a. Obtaining checklist of likely diagnosis for patient Maude III. Medical information database of diseases and drugs which is linked to I. 'ISABEL'; program name II. Created after medical misdiagnosis to daughter of co-founder, Jason

a server referencing medical textbooks, journals and articles IV. Consists of patient information database V. Final analysis of the two databases results in checklist of likely

diagnoses 1. Banking a. Choosing a new bank location b. Three elements I. Database (Excel) containing zoning, population, income, number of

competitors and potential growth information II. Model base containing information and formulas to determine, evaluate

and judge the information input as either quantifiable or subjective III. Interface of database and model base (Visual Basic)

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