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Upcoming AmSoc events: Jun 2nd - Tennis Matches & Churrasco Jun 30th - 4th of July Party

Monthly Newsletter June 2012

Independence Day Celebration at the U.S. Consulate

The countdown begins for our annual Fourth of July Celebration, which will take place on Saturday June 30 at the U.S. Consulate. We will be hosting the event the weekend before the holiday because this year the Fourth falls on a Wednesday and we want to be sure that everyone can make it! AMSOC wants to especially thank William Popp, Acting Consul General of So Paulo, and proudly acknowledge that the American Consulate will once again co-host this event with the American Society. The Independence Day Celebration will take place in the sporting area inside the compound. For those of you who have never visited this part of the Consulate, its a very pleasant surprise with a very beautiful and spacious area that has the infrastructure to receive both American Society members and Consulate coworkers. The Gates will open at 1:00pm on the Henri Dunant side, and opening ceremonies with the Marines Color Guard will start at 1:30 pm. William Popp will then read the Presidents message and (continued on page 8)

Neighborhood Issue
Page 10: What is happening in the neighborhoods we rarely visit? A lot! So read our list and hop on the metro.

Page 12: Brazils neighboring countries have a lot to offer for travellers. Here is our choice of must-sees!

Dancing the Night Away

The American Society Annual Gala on May 11 was an incredible evening for all! More than 400 guests attended the event, held at Buffet Torres in Moema and R$30,000 was raised for our charity, Associao Maria Helen Drexel. The cocktail hour was filled with champagne, drinks and lots of bidding on great trips, jewelry, dining, and other fantastic items in the silent auction. Gifted pianist Betth Ripoli set the mood with her beautiful piano accompaniment. After cocktails, the doors to the grand room opened and guests were treated to the songs of jazz vocalist Alissa Sanders while they dined. Fabulous prizes such as trips to the Brazilian wine country, Aspen, Buenos Aires and New Orleans

Our Mission
The American Society of So Paulo promotes friendship by organizing social, cultural and athletic events for its diverse membership; encourages integration with the Brazilian society; and supports the American traditions of education, philanthropy and volunteerism.

were sold during the live auction and after, everybody danced the night away to the music of DJ Magoo. It was certainly a night to remember! (continued on page 6 with pictures)

Presidents Corner
I would like to thank all of you for coming out to the American Society on Friday May 11 in Moema. The event was a tremendous success, everybody had fun and we raised R$30,000 By Joe Sherman, AmSoc president for Associao Maria Helen Drexel to help them finish a community center for their children. Thank you all again for your support! In May we also held the Annual General Meeting with a great turnout at the new home of the incoming U.S. Consul General. I was speaking to one of our long time members at the event and he filled me in on some of the new U.S. tax requirements on U.S. citizens and green card holders living overseas. The U.S. is the only country in the industrialized world that taxes based on nationality, rather than residence. Now, due to some hidden American accounts in Switzerland, there are new forms to fill out on foreign bank accounts, and foreign banks have to disclose information on the accounts of U.S. citizens. Last year U.S. citizens filed the normal tax return (1040) and FBAR (TDF 90-22.1). The tax return is sent to the IRS, and the FBAR, information on foreign bank accounts, is sent to the U.S. Treasury, not the IRS. The FBAR is required if you have more than US$10,000 in a foreign bank account. Beginning this year we now have the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or FATCA. This new act includes another form, 8938, which is required if you had over US$200,000 on December 31, 2011, or over US$300,000 in foreign bank accounts at any point of the year. This form is sent to the IRS. So there are two forms, FBAR and 8938, which require similar information, one sent to the IRS and one to the U.S. Treasury. This new act demands the every financial institution outside the U.S. identify and report all American account holders to the IRS. Foreign banks understandably reacted negatively due to the steep compliance costs and unrealistic deadlines. The IRS has since extended deadlines and eased compliance terms. One of the consequences of FATCA is that some European banks are closing American citizens accounts and/or refusing to open an account. The U.S. government is going after money launderers. They are also going after the foreign accounts of Americans who reside in the U.S. As you may recall, this all started after the IRS discovered that the Swiss bank, UBS, was helping Americans avoid U.S. taxes. But, by creating all these new reporting requirements they are affecting the Americans living in a foreign country who obviously need a bank account. FATCA is creating a problem to open an account plus the added cost of paying for tax preparation. I am not a tax expert but the above is a simple summary of what has changed recently. I have heard of a few cases of problems in opening bank accounts in So Paulo, let me know if any of you have or are having problems. Let me conclude on a happier note I hope to see many of you at our Fourth of July celebration on June 30! Abraos, Joe

About Forum

Forum is published monthly, with the exception of January and July, by

Lynn Cordeiro, editor and layout Ernest White II, staff writer Forum is printed by EGB. ( Views expressed in Forum do not necessarily reflect those of the American Society board of governors, members, or staff. Forum reserves the right to edit content for brevity and/or clarity.

The American Society of So Paulo Rua da Paz, 1431 04713-001 So Paulo, SP Tel: (11) 5182-2074 Fax: (11) 5182-9155 email the editor:



The American Society of So Paulo

Welcome to our New Members

Welcome the following New Members who joined us recently. We are very grateful for your support! Name Daniel GRINGAWS Dario Luiz GOLALVES Sidney DEL GAUDIO Rachel LOVEJOY Heidy Rosimari Avelino da SILVEIRA Diana CHAN Lauren PRALLE Regina DEL GAUDIO Spouse Flavia LANDSBERY Membership Family Membership Single Patron Membership Family Membership Single Membership Junior Membership Single Membership Single Membership D. d. Gonalves Cobranas + Law Office GSI GROUP/AGCO IBM D. d. Gonalves Cobranas + Law Office Ernst & Young J. P Morgan Company

CAC News
The AmSoc Community Action Committee informs about news within the community and supported charities and asks for your active participation. The Un-Sexiest Campaign Ever, AmSocs Community Action Committees cleaning supplies campaign, is coming to an end. CAC set a goal of receiving 2000 liters or kilos of cleaning supplies for its day care centers and orphanages because cleaning supplies are an overlooked necessity. Nearly 1700 kilos and liters have been donated so far either in actual cleaning supplies or cash to buy them - and CAC would like to thank everyone who participated in something so unsexy but so necessary. With many families traveling abroad for the summer, the Angel Party committee would like to remind everyone that the Angel Party will be held on November 10 at Chapel School. If youd like to take advantage of good prices abroad to buy a gift bag for a child, let us know and well supply you with a childs name, clothes sizes and a shopping list. Finally, with winter now in semi- or full-swing, many of the kids at AmSocsupported institutions find themselves without warm jackets, boots, socks, blankets and sweatshirts. If youre cleaning out your closets, please let us know if youd like to donate used items to our institutions to help keep our kids warm. We need everything from warm baby items to winter clothes and blankets for extra-large teenagers. For more information about any of these initiatives, contact Eileen Tasso at or Sue Banman Sileci at



Little League Announcement

The AMSOC Little League Program is a core AMSOC activity and tradition which we have proudly maintained for over 40 years. We are now seeking a motivated and dedicated volunteer to serve as the AMSOC Little League Coordinator for the Fall 2012 season. The sports we traditionally offer our children are: Soccer, Basketball, Flag Football, Tennis, and Baseball. Little League games take place on alternating Saturday mornings during the school season and are open to kids between the ages of 5 and 13. Little League Coordinator Responsibilities: Support the Coaches/Parents for each sport. Assist or recruit coaches when needed. Manage the equipment for each sport. Be Present at the school when Little League is in session: from 9am to noon. Work with AMSOC Office on scheduling of playing fields and other related activities. Organize the Season finale, including: BBQ or picnic, awards & shirts/caps. In short, the Coordinator will make Little League happen for our member families and youngsters interested in sports.

New Cultural Activities Group!

Youre invited to Come, Join Us, the new cultural program of the American Society. Due to the enormous diversity of culture in So Paulo, we have decided to have numerous informal cultural gatherings throughout the year: concerts in the park, museums, galleries and much much more. So open your AmSoc emails that have the subject Come, Join Us and participate in a new cultural adventure. Our hope is that through these informal gatherings, we become more of a community, get to know each other better and appreciate the vast cultural riches that So Paulo has to offer. So...... Come, Join Us!



The American Society of So Paulo

Consulate Corner: Passport Renewal Tips

By Amy Graddon Whether you are an American who is settled in Brazil for the long term or are a frequent traveler to the United States and back, its important to always keep your passport up-to-date. While most individuals remember to check their passport when planning a trip, we recommend that Americans living overseas always keep their passports up-to-date as you never know when you might have an urgent need to travel. While adult passports are typically valid for ten years, passports for minors under the age of 16 are only valid for five years due to how quickly children change in appearance. So before planning that family vacation, remember to check both the adults and the childrens passports. If you find that you need to renew your passport here are some tips to make the process as smooth as possible. All passport applications are by appointment only and can be made online at http://brazil.usembassy. gov/service.html Appointments are available during our public office hours which are Monday - Friday 8:3011:30a.m and Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 2:003:30p.m. When scheduling an appointment, keep in mind that the typical processing time for a full validity passport is ten working days as the passport is printed in the U.S. and then sent to Sao Paulo. If your passport has been stolen or lost and/ or you have an urgent need to travel, email us at ACSInfoSaoPaulo@state. gov or call us at 5186-7000 to inquire about an emergency appointment and the possibility of a limited validity emergency passport. Procedures regarding passport delivery have recently changed and if you would like your passport returned by mail it is now necessary to bring a registered mail envelope with sufficient Brazilian stamps with you to your appointment. You do not need to bring a registration label - the label will be affixed to the envelope by the post office once the Consulate returns it to them. The Brazilian post office (Correios) typically considers one passport to be 70 grams which currently requires 4.95 Reais worth of stamps. If you choose not to have your passport delivered by mail, you or a representative can pick the passport up at the Consulate during our public office hours. Remember also that you must come in person to renew your passport and for children under the age of 16 it is required either that both parents be present or the absent parent must provide written notarized consent to passport issuance. If you have any questions about passport procedures, you can always find more information at http://brazil. or by email at Happy traveling!

Fellowship Community Church

The Welcome Place since 1921
Phone (11) 3253-7609

09:00 am - Walking in Faith Classes (English and Portuguese)


10:30 am Worship Service (English only) 06:00 pm Culto em portugus

Conveniently located on Rua Carlos Sampaio, 107 Bela Vista Just a block and a half from the Brigadeiro Metro station on the Avenida Paulista



Dancing the Night Away

(continued from front page)



The American Society of So Paulo

Thank You to Our Sponsors and Donors

AMSOC would like to thank all the businesses and individuals who helped make the Gala event a resounding success. The evening would not have been possible without their generosity. Alcoa Alsco Aline Fontaine Alissa Sanders Amadeus American Airlines Amway do Brasil Aspen Skiing Company Azul Linhas Areas Brasileiras Betth Ripoli Bistr Charl Bges Consultores Buffet Torres Cabot Carlos Yamassaki Cave Geisse Champenoise Chapada Diamantina Resort Chevrolet Cisa Trading CM.2 Fisioterapia Corpore e Vita David Dalmau DJ Magoo Dra. Patricia de Luna/Family Dentistry Dominique Baechler DUI Restaurante Espao Rud Estncia Santa Clara Elevadores Otis FalaPhoto Photography Figueira Rubaiyat Fillity Fishbar & Gastronomia Fogo de Cho Fundio Balancins Galeria Jacques Ardies Galine Sheetkoff Gerson Mendes GOL Airlines Gregory Fink Guarapiranga Golf & Country Club HERSHEYS Hotel Emiliano Hotel Le Renard Imperial Pilates Studio Jair Mendes Jaragua Hotel Casino Jean Rosenthal Juma Amazon Lodge Juquehy Praia Hotel Kasa Torres Lamiti Restaurant La Tartine Lapinha SPA Lear Corporation Lumix Iluminao Mangels Marcos Proena Marriott Hotels & Resorts MDL Produes e Eventos Michele Neyret Nadja Venezian Nespresso Opice Blum Paulo Van Poser Pousada Canto do Camburi Porto Rubaiyat Preldio Joias PricewaterhouseCoopers QPostura Relgios Invicta Romanticos Chales Santo Claro Eco Resort So Paulo Golf Club Serasa Experian Sophie & Theos Cupcakes Spa Med Sorocaba Starbucks Swarovski The Barbizon The Gant Une Fleur Dans La Ville Westin Snowmass Resort White & Case Winepro Yoga Flow Yusho Salon

2010 2012


Independence Day Celebration at the U.S. Consulate

Society If you are not yet a member, our office will orient you on signing up on-line. You may also invite your friends to signup by clicking the Join Now link on our site. 3. Make your reservation Please furnish names of all attendees including babas, document id, and age of all children. 4. S i g n up for salad or dessert Traditionally to make the event as homey as possible, we ask each family to bring along a dish of your favorite recipe to share with all members. Our office will tell you what type of dish we need at the time of your reservation. Since well be inside the Consulate gates, well need to conform to the strict security regulations, so if you dont have a reservation you will not be allowed past security. You will be allowed to enter with cell phones and cameras, but nothing that would normally be considered a security issue. Heres what you have to do to enter the Consulate compound: 1. You must present a valid photo id for each person attending the event. It can be a passport, RG, RNE, etc. 2. No cars will be allowed inside the compound, but on Saturdays it is easier to park and we will be making

(continued from front page) welcome us all to the event. In order to not miss the opening ceremonies, we kindly request that you plan on getting to the Consulate a few minutes earlier than usual, since the procedure for entrance into the sporting compound will require extra time. A typical Fourth of July lunch, that will be sure to appeal to all ages, will be served after the opening ceremony and will include our traditional barbeque hot dogs, hamburgers, fixins, homemade salads and desserts. The U.S. Marines will be serving beer and their wicked caipirinhas to help cover the cost of the annual Marine Ball held every November in So Paulo. During the day well be entertained by the rocknroll band, Alex Valenzi and the Hideaway Cats. Hes got a fabulous array of songs that appeal to one and all. We have also planned on several adult and children activities monitored by the Curumim party organizers. It will include activities such as tennis, soccer goal kicking, trampoline, tug-o-war, giant blow-up slide, face-painting, three legged races, etc. Heres what you have to do participate in this important and entertaining event: 1. Call the American Society Office at 5182-2074 First-come firstserve basis no later than 6/22/2012. 2. Be a member of American

arrangements with a parking lot for those interested (more info will be posted on the AMSOC website). Your Independence Day Committee is working hard to ensure you have a GREAT picnic, so come prepared for good food, good friends, and a fantastic event. See you on Saturday June 30th!



The American Society of So Paulo

Team Ressaca Grabs the Title at the AMSOC Adult Basketball Tournament 2012
By John Kennedy, AmSoc board member The American Society of So Paolo hosted its annual Adult Basketball Tournament on May 5th at the Graded School in Morumbi. Almost 50 people turned out, with six teams vying for first place. It was an exciting day of basketball, complete with demanding 5-on-5 full-court version games that lasted nearly a half hour, and league referees calling fouls and controlling substitutions. The champions were Team Ressaca, led by AMSOCs Little League Basketball coach, David Owens. The round robin tournament was started by separating the six teams into two groups. Each team in the groups played each other; the winners were then pitted against the second place team of the other group. The thirdplace teams were eliminated. The 5-man American Society team played very well with no substitutions in their first two games, beating the teachers from Chapel (49-22) and then PACA (38-29). But the five pairs of tired legs were no match for the deep and rested Team Ressaca, which eliminated the AMSOC team in the playoffs. Last years champions, the Cougars, played well in their first game by beating Team Ressaca (41-34), but they were no match for a resurgent PACA squad that came back strong after their first round loss to AMSOC to beat the Cougars handily at 34-15. The final championship game between PACA and Team Ressaca was tense, with Ressacas David Owens sinking a 3-point shot in the finals seconds to put the game into overtime.

The PACA team fought back hard, tying the score with a 3-point shot as the overtime buzzer sounded. But in double overtime, Team Ressacas big center man was too much for the smaller and scrappy PACA team, grabbing key rebounds and making key shots down the line.

ROUND ROBIN Group A Cougars Ressaca Cougars GM GM Ressaca 41 34 26 30 24 34 Group B PACA AmSoc Chapel AmSoc PACA Chapel 29 38 22 49 49 27

SEMIS Cougars PACA Ressaca AmSoc 15 34 24 10

FINAL Ressaca OT PACA 47 40



Get Down to Downtown

By Ernest White II, Staff Writer For many expats living and working in So Paulo, daily work schedules, school and childrens activities, and social circles all orbit around the southwestern quarter of the city, in areas like Morumbi, Itaim Bibi, and Campo Belo. With lifeand trafficbeing so hectic, who has time to venture into the older, more central parts of the city, especially with its reputation for sketchy, even unsafe neighborhoods? But if you actually take the time to get to know So Paulos downtown area, you might find many neighborhoods are more chaotic than unsafe and offer a wide range of cultural activities, stunning architecture, and plenty of character (and characters). And best of all, with the newly-opened Linha Amarela branch of the citys admittedly limited, but clean and efficient, metro system, popping in and out of Centro on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon has never been easier. One of the citys architectural highlights and an excellent introduction to central So Paulo is the Mercado Municipal, also known as the Mercado. Built in 1933, this vast farmers market features fresh fruits and veggies, fresh and cured meats and fish, jars of jams and preserves, bags of coffee, spices from around Brazil and the world, and a humongous mortadella sandwich, as seen on Anthony Bourdains popular No Reservations. The Mercado is the perfect venue for people watching, or to grab a couple of culinary souvenirs for your next trip home. Just a short walk away, exhilarating Rua 25 de Maro is the mother of all mothers of shopping streets. Every day, hundreds of thousands of people descend on its eight city blocks to work and shop amongst its few thousand stores, which offer designer knockoffs, housewares, electronics, and other knick-knacks. The energy of all that commerce is palpable and its just fun to stroll down the street with all the action buzzing around you. Not too far from that bit of controlled chaos is the Pateo do Collegio, the Jesuit school situated on the point that the city was founded in 1554. The unassuming whitewashed building, rebuilt in the 1950s in the style of the original, speaks to the history of the city as So Paulo dos Campos de Piratininga, a Roman Catholic mission and educational center founded to convert the local TupiGuaran population to Christianity. A few blocks away is the ornate Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil. Housing the cultural arm of Brazils largest bank, the CCBB features a revolving series of cutting-edge photo exhibitions, visual art presentations, artifact displays, stage plays, and film cycles in a stunning edifice, built in 1927. And looming just over the tops of the surrounding highrises is the Edifcio Altino Arantes, So Paulos one-time tallest building, known popularly as the Banespo (named for its old tenant, the defunct, state-owned Banco Banespa). Painstakingly constructed between 1939 and 1947, the building represents the growing economic might of the city and its 20th-century emergence as the New York of Latin Americaindeed the design of the structure is based on New Yorks Empire State Building. Dont miss the spectacular 360-degree view of the city from atop the towers 33rd-floor observation deck! Completing the circuit through the historic part of downtown, called S, is its eponymous showplace cathedral, the Catedral Metropolitana da S. Construction began on the current neoGothic configuration in 1913, replacing the originaland smallercolonial cathedral built way back in 1589, and took over 50 years to complete. Tours of the cathedral are conducted every day except Tuesdays and Sundays. And just a short walk away will lead you to the modern CAIXA Cultural, similar to CCBB in that it is the cultural institute of CAIXA Federal Econmico, featuring a constantly changing array of awardwinning photo and art exhibitions, film cycles, and other events. Situated a kilometer or two north of the historic part of downtown is Estao da Luz, a bright, neoclassical rail depot first opened in 1910, and its attendant museums, the engrossing Museu da Lingua Portuguesa inside the station itself, and the splendid Pinacoteca do Estado across the way. The orange and yellow Estao is itself an architectural treasure, with an impressive bell tower and completely restored faade. Within the station, the Museu da Lingua Portuguesa is the worlds only museum dedicated to the Portuguese language. Through song and poetry, the interactive permanent exhibitions highlight the history of the language and how interaction with various cultures and languages around the world have shaped it into the recognizably beautiful tongue spoken in various forms by over 200 million people. The temporary exhibitions further connect Brazils language to its culture and people, through examinations of folkloric traditions of the countrys Northeast, or homages to Brazilian literary greats like Machado de Assis. Just across the street, at the gorgeously neoclassical Pinacoteca do Estado, the works of classical Brazilian artists share space with more contemporary names. The building itself was constructed in 1897 as an art academy and has been painstakingly restored to capture the essence of its history as a creative space. Separating the two halves of downtownS and Repblicafrom one another is the Vale do Anhangaba. Once a free-flowing stream, the valley still retains an attractive bit of green amidst the glass and concrete of the city. Lording over the entire array is the recently renovated Theatro Municipal, a striking turn-of-last-century confection decorated with baroque flourishes, colorful stained glass windows, and housing one of the citys two opera and symphony halls (the other being the warmly sophisticated Sala So Paulo, home of the state symphony orchestra and located inside the converted rail depot Estao Jlio Prestes).




The American Society of So Paulo

Across the street lies the externallyimpressive Shopping Light, a run-ofthe-mill shopping mall situated in the former headquarters of the citys electric company. The contrast between this collection of elegant masonry structures and the neighboring modernist office buildingsincluding the Mirante do Valeis striking. Extending northwest from the valley is Avenida So Joo, a once-glamorous thoroughfare that still sees quite a bit of animated street life. One of the newer finds in this area is SOSO Arte Contempornea Africana, an Angolabased art gallery specializing in contemporary African art. Located in a renovated Oscar Niemeyer-designed condominium, SOSO is part of the areas slow-but-steady renaissance. Another part of that rebirth is Galeria Olido, a multimedia cultural center featuring art exhibitions, performances, film screenings, and a small museum. The center also hosts one of the citys official tourist information offices. Between SOSO and Olido on So Joo is the mid-century modernist Galeria do Rock, a multi-level shopping center buzzing with energy and specializing in all the accoutrements of youth culture, from Vans to Bob Marley t-shirts to electric guitars. The motley mixture of punk rockers and hip-hop heads crowding the sidewalk lets you know youre in the right place. A couple of blocks up So Joo is the intersection with Avenida Ipiranga, immortalized by Caetano Velosos paean to our fair citySampaand watched over by the overpriced but always-fun Bar Brahma. Excellent live samba and jazz accompany caipirinhas and feijoada at this So Paulo institution. Further down Ipiranga is verdant Praa da Repblica, with its boisterous and well-stocked weekend crafts market, and the oft-photographed trifecta of modernist architecture: the sleek Edifcio Itlia, the cylindrical former So Paulo Hilton, and Niemeyers pice de resistence, the undulating Edifcio Copan. Atop the Edifcio Itlia is the old school Terrao Itlia bar and restaurant, with peerless, sweeping views of the entire metropolisa sunset cocktail is highly recommended. Lastly, a stroll down leafy Avenida So Luiz gives you a taste of the faded grandeur of downtown So Paulo, with modernist residential masterpieces like the Edifcio Louvre and the Edifcio Viaduto, still inhabited by members of the citys old moneyed class. While none of these areas is even remotely the havens of crime and drugs theyre often described as, a certain amount of precaution is indeed necessary. Like New York, London, or Mexico City, So Paulos Centro has winos, street kids, and bag ladies. Most of them will leave you alone with a respectful but firm Disculpe, no posso ajudar. (Sorry, I cant help.). Of all the areas covered in this article, take the most precaution while visiting S. There is indeed ample police presence, but carelessly whipping out your iPhone is a good way to have it be resold on Rua 25 de Maro, thanks to a stealthy pickpocket. Take minimal cash and be discreet about the digital camera. Downtown is best visited during daytime hours, though there is still plenty of street traffic around metro stations during the evening rush hours. For venues more than two blocks from the nearest metro station, it is wise to take a taxi, just to be on the safe side. And if youd like to visit Centro, but prefer a more organized or guided excursion, we recommend professional and knowledgeable tour guide Flvia Liz di Paolo, who specializes in unique, themed tours of downtown and other areas of the city. DETAILS Bar Brahma Avenida So Joo 677, Metr: Repblica Tel. 3367-3600, CAIXA Cultural Praa da S 111, Metr: S Tel. 3321-4400, Catedral Metropolitana da S Praa da S, Metr: S Tel. 3107-6832, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil Rua lvares Penteado 112, Metr: S or So Bento Tel. 3113-3651, Edifcio Altino Arantes (Banespo) Rua Joo Brcola 24, Metr: So Bento Tel. 3249-7180 Edifcio Copan Avenida Ipiranga 200, Metr: Repblica Tel. 3259-5917, Edifcio Itlia Avenida Ipiranga 344, Metr: Repblica Tel. 2189-2929, Galeria do Rock Rua 25 de Maio 62, Metr: Repblica Tel. 3223-8402, Galeria Olido Avenida So Joo 473, Metr: Repblica Tel. 3331-8399, Mercado Municipal de So Paulo (Mercado) Rua da Cantareira 306, Metr: So Bento (then 5 minutes by cab) Museu da Lingua Portuguesa Praa da Luz (inside station), Metr: Luz Pateo do Collegio Praa Pateo do Collegio 2, Metr: S Tel. 3105-6899, Pinacoteca do Estado Praa da Luz (no number), Metr: Luz Tel. 3324-1000, Rua 25 de Maro Rua 25 de Maro, Metr: So Bento Sala So Paulo Praa Jlio Prestes 16 Tel. 3367-9500, Shopping Light Rua Coronel Xavier de Toledo 23, Metr: Anhangaba, SOSO Arte Contempornea Africana Avenida So Joo 313, Metr: Anhangaba Theatro Municipal de So Paulo Praa Ramos de Azevedo, Tel. 3397-0300, www. theatromunicipal Flvia Liz di Paolo (tour guide)




South America: Traveling around the neighborhood

By Melissa Harkin, AmSoc member The continent of South America contains incredibly dynamic and diverse culture and terrain. From the snow-capped Andes to the Amazon Rain Forest, active volcanoes, and alpine forests, travelers seeking adventure will have a once in a lifetime experience. The diverse culture ranges from Indigenous peoples that still farm on the rural highlands like their Incan ancestors to major international metropolises. Each country in South America is very unique in its culture, people, and landscape, but one thing is for certain: they each possess stunning scenery and their own natural wonders, some of which have made them famous. With thirteen countries it can be daunting to decide which one to visit. Every country has distinct highlights, especially for outdoor adventures. After reading about each country and depending on your particular travel interests, youll be able to plan your perfect trip. Explore some of the most exciting and beautiful cities in South America, from the vibrant beach culture of Rio, to the lively tangoobsessed Buenos Aires, to the mystic Cusco and its ancient Incan Empire. Countries Argentina is a huge country and contains some of the worlds natural wonders, from glaciers and volcanoes, to the Andes Mountains, and the Iguazu Falls. Its European influence can also be felt, especially in Buenos Aires, with its Parisian-like architecture and its many outdoor cafes. And the wine region of Mendoza is oenophiles paradise. Many people are drawn to Brazil to see one of its most beautiful cities: Rio de Janeiro. Set amongst beautiful white-sand beaches and forest-covered mountains, it is a breathtaking site, not to mention its famous lively nightlife. Brazil also contains some of the most important ecosystems on the planet: the Amazon Rainforest, and the Pantanal swamplands. Peru is famous for its Inca ruins, as it was once the capital of the mighty empire, and is now the gateway to the mysterious and captivating lost cities, including the unforgettable Machu Picchu. What makes these ruins even more breathtaking is the scenery they are set amongst, such as lush cloud forests of the Andes, the Peruvian rainforest, and the Pacific coast. Situated on the Pacific coast and on the edge of the Andean Mountains, Chiles natural landscape is breathtaking. View snow-capped peaks from the pristine lakes of the Puerto Montt Lake District, and the stunning Torres del Paine mountain range in southern Patagonia. Known more for its violence and drug trade, Colombia is still one of the most beautiful countries in South America. There are also many parts of the country which are perfectly safe to travel in. With the Andes stretching over the west and the virgin beaches of the Caribbean and Pacific coasts, the country has no shortage of stunning landscape. The fifth largest country in South America, Venezuela boasts some of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world, including Angel Falls, the highest waterfall in the world. Youll also find long stretches of pristine coastline, the rainforests of the Amazon, and the majestic Andean peaks. Situated in between Argentina and Brazil, Uruguay is often over-looked by most travelers, making it a great destination if you are looking to go off the beaten path. Some highlights include the tranquil Atlantic coastline, quaint seaside villages, and the capital Montevideo. Uruguay also has the reputation of being affordable and one of the safest countries in South America. For a more authentic trip, Paraguay will take you to the most remote places in all of South America. In the west youll find a rich agricultural region of rolling hills, grasslands, and subtropical rainforests. This is the heartland of Paraguay, with most of its economy coming from agriculture and the black market. Bolivia is a great place to see some of the most extreme and diverse landscape in South America. From glacial peaks to the high-altitude deserts of the Andes, to the steamy subtropical rainforests of the Amazon, this largely undiscovered country is also home to a large population from indigenous descent. Suriname, Guyana, and French Guinana are perhaps three of the least visited countries in South America, but feature large areas of unspoiled, virgin rainforests. Ecotourism has been booming recently, with many opportunities to take guided tours through forests for excellent wildlife spotting, trekking, and rustic camping. Best Cities Buenos Aires Argentina Argentinas capital is one of the most distinctive cities in South America. The inexpensive indulgences and European-influenced architecture will make you think youve traveled back in time to 1920s Paris. Stroll down the wide, tree-lined avenues and relax at




The American Society of So Paulo

the many cafes, and at night enjoy the best tango shows in town. Rio de Janeiro Brazil Explore the most beautiful parts of Rio, including the Corcovado Mountain, Sugar Loaf Mountain, and the Tijuca Forest, where youll get the chance to trek to the summit and see the famous statue of Christ the Redeemer. Enjoy the scenic beaches, Guanabara Bay and the vibrant beach culture of Copacabana. At night you can opt to see a traditional samba show at one of the many nightclubs. Cusco Peru Cusco is Perus most popular attraction, and it is no wonder, since the city is set amidst the heart of the ancient Inca Empire. Snow-capped mountains, and the towering fortress of the ancient Sacsayhuaman surround this beautiful colonial city. Cusco is also a great base for excursions to the surrounding rainforests, whitewater rafting trips, mountain biking, trekking, and mountain climbing. Montevideo Uruguay Montevideo, is located on the coast of the Atlantic, and is where nearly half of the population resides. The alluring coastline is one of the most beautiful on the continent, and since it is the main tourist destination, a traveler can get there easily with efficient transportation on the inter-beach route (interbalnearia), which runs from Montevideo to Chuy. You can fly into Montevideo, or you can take the more scenic route, a boat trip from Buenos Aires on the River Plate. The best time to visit is from September to April. Ollaytantambo Peru This village is located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas (Urubamba Valley). It is also home to the most magnificent of the Inca ruins and where the Inca elite lived. Youll find ancient irrigation systems and a temple that was built for astronomical observation. Close by is the Pisac village where they have a handicrafts market every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Puerto Varas Chile This charming village just outside of Puerto Montt and situated on the shores of Lake Llanquihue is one of the most popular tourist spots in Chile. Enjoy the spectacular views of the Calvuco and Osorno volcanoes and the surrounding forests. There are also many opportunities for outdoor activities, including whitewater rafting, volcano ascents, fly-fishing, sea kayaking, boat trips, and hiking in one of the several national parks. El Chalten Argentina Located in Patagonia, El Chalten is a great place to begin a mountain trek. It has been named the National Hiking Capital because of the many hiking and trekking opportunities, including the Torre and Fitz Roy summits and the Viedma, Upsala, and Moyano glaciers. Tiradentes Brazil For a relaxing vacation and to get away from it all, visit this colonial mining town situated just north of Rio. Stroll through the historic town and relax in the cozy restaurants. Colonia del Sacramento Uruguay Travel back in time in this quaint colonial town with cobblestone lanes and historic buildings reminiscent of Lisbon. This village is a favorite among Argentineans, who frequent the long stretches of coastline. General Information on South America Natural Wonders: Angel Falls, Atacama Desert, Avenue of the Volcanoes, Galapagos Islands, Guanaabara Bay, Iguazu Falls, Lake Titicaca, Orinoco Delta, Pantanal, Amazon River, Tierra Del Fuego, Torres del Paine, Tungurahua Volcano, The Andes, Kaieteur Falls, Purace National Park, the Falkland Islands, Perito Moreno Glacier, Peninsula Valdes, Patagonia, the Darien Gap, Los Llanos, the Pantanal. Ancient Ruins: Chan Chan, La Ciudad Perdida, El Sipan, Ingapirca, Machu Picchu, Nazca Lines, Pachacamac, San Agustin, Tiahuanaco, Climate: Varies with altitude. Generally temperate climates inland near the mountains and hot temperatures near the coast and regions close to the equator. Popular Activities: Trekking, mountaineering, rock climbing, skiing, whitewater rafting, boating, fishing, kayaking, mountain biking, hang-gliding, scuba diving and snorkeling, surfing, eco-tours, tango dancing, dining, and nightlife. Melissa Harkin runs a translation company called Melissa Harkin Translations (11-8428-8714)




H ousing
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A Note to Our Readers


June 2012
2 8, 9 and 10 Saturday From Friday to Sunday Wednesday Thursday

The American Society of So Paulo

Learn more about this months AmSoc events (highlighted) at
Important Dates: Corpus ChrIstI (Br), 12 ValentInes Day (Br), 17 Fathers Day (us)

Tennis Matches + Churrasco BMW Jazz Festival

Come play tennis and enjoy a Brazilian barbecue! 10 am at So Paulo Athletic Club SPAC . Questions call John Kennedy: (11) 9951-9103 Starts at 8:30 pm at Via Funchal . To see the schedule: http://www. To buy your tickets you can go to Via Funchal or buy online Time: 8h30 - 11h00. Location: Emporio Santa Maria - Avenida Cidade Jardim, 790. Please RSVP to: Renowned for the rich intensity of his performances, his prolific discography and the remarkable results, Thomas Dausgaard conducts the great German composer, Johannes Brahms with the OSESP chorus. Time: 9h00 - 12h00. Location: Given upon RVSP. Please RSVP to redrose@ Conducted by Joo Maurcio Galindo. One of the most celebrated symphonies, Beethovens # 9 is a must see.! At Sala So Paulo: Pa Julio Prestes, 16 - Campos Elseos. 9 pm. Time: 12h00 - 14h30. Date: Wednesday, 27th of June 2012. Location: To be determined. Please RSVP to The July 4th Celebration comes early this year and is co-hosted by the American Consulate! You cant miss it! At the consulate sporting area compound, 1pm. Call us to make your reservation: 5182-2074. For more information, see the article on page 8! One of the most renowned experts in Beethoven, Rudolf Buchbinder comes to So Paulo. At Sala So Paulo: Praa Julio Prestes, 16, at 9pm. To buy your tickets you can go to Sala So Paulo or Mozarteum Brasileiro (Av. Brig. Faria Lima, 1811 - 5 andar - Cj 521, or buy online:

13 21 and 28

INC Monthly Coffee & Red Rose OSESP Season: Thomas Dausgaard conducts Johannes Brahms INC Red Rose Symphony #9 - Beethoven

16 20

Wednesday Wednesday

27 30

Wednesday Saturday

INC Monthly Luncheon Independence Day Party (July 4th)

July 30


Rudolf Buchbinder

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No Place Like Home

By Maureen Kennedy Alves As I sit and write this months column, a good friend of a good friend is packing up her house and her family in Boston in preparation for a transfer to Sao Paulo. Another couple I recently met, Americans, are in the process of closing up their two-year-stint here to move back to the New York City area. And my husband and I are readying ourselves for a move in early June from one apartment in Moema to another. All this moving got me thinking about change, whether its going to live in a foreign country, returning home after a couple of years away, or just heading down the block to a bigger place that will accommodate your growing family. Moving is never just about how far you go its about letting go of the familiar, saying good-bye to one phase of your life and opening yourself to another. For me, Im happy to be moving everyone will now have their own bedroom and my very active one-yearold will have more outdoor space to play in then hell know what to do with (at least for the first week, anyway). But as the date gets nearer and the reality sinks in a little more, that old familiar bittersweetness (the same one that gets me teary when I hear Ill be home for Christmas) creeps in. You see my current apartment, as much as it drives me crazy at times, is not just an apartment; its a container of incredible memories: The spot in the living room where my newborn slept in his Little Lamb swing for hours; the TV room where I sat night after night intently trying to understand my first Brazilian novela (thanks, Ti Ti Ti); and the sound of my mothers voice from the kitchen, asking if I wanted tea, during her visit here after the birth of my son. This apartment carries the many precious moments I spent being new to Sao Paulo, new to marriage and new to motherhood. I know when I arrive in the next apartment it will feel strange at first, almost empty and Im not talking about furniture. Ive moved more times that I care to admit (mostly due to having been a restless twentysomething who somehow felt the need to change apartments with the same frequency that Lady Gaga changes hairstyles) and one thing Ive learned is that it takes time to infuse a new place with your spirit or your essence. Until then, you wake up sometimes in the morning wondering where you are. Or feeling like youre wearing a skin that just isnt quite right. The same holds true for moving to a new neighborhood, even if its within the same city. I remember crying in a taxi ride south down the FDR Drive in New York City when I made the move from Manhattan to Brooklyn. I felt like I was being banished from my beloved island, and as I looked out the taxi window to the streets around my new abode, it all felt so unfamiliar. I had a similar experience when looking for apartments my first weekend after arriving in Sao Paulo. When my husband, who has lived in this city for most of his life, asked me what neighborhoods I wanted to live, the tears came again. How was I to know? It all seemed so strange to me I couldnt imagine that it would ever feel familiar (and yes I did sob those sentiments to him, rather dramatically I might add, though looking back, I blame that one on the pregnancy hormones). What I didnt know then was that just like moving to a new home, we eventually infuse our new neighborhood, our new city, even our new country with our spirit. And undoubtedly its spirit fills us as well. Maybe its the friendly people at the local padaria, or the way the sunlight hits a jasmine tree in our neighbors yard, or just a kindly older gentleman who always says hello when we pass him on our daily afternoon stroll. Whatever it is, we can be sure that a new place will one day feel familiar. And maybe, if were lucky, will very much feel like home. My father always used to tell me when I was in high school that the only constant in life is change (though some of you may want to add death and taxes to that list). As usual, he was right and I find theres no greater reminder of that than when we move. Moving reminds us that try as we might, we cant make things last forever. Life keeps moving forward, whether we like it or not, calling us to our next adventure.

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