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Determination of the Mechanical Efficiency of the Gears

F.I. Petrescu and R.V. Petrescu


Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:

Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:

Abstract. The paper presents an original method to determine the efficiency of the gear. The originality of this method relies on the eliminated friction modulus. The paper is analyzing the influence of a few parameters concerning gear efficiency. These parameters are: z1 - the number of teeth for the primary wheel of gear; z2 - the number of teeth of the secondary wheel of gear; 0 - the normal pressure angle on the divided circle; - the inclination angle. With the relations presented in this paper, one can synthesize the gears mechanisms.

Key words: Gear, efficiency, tooth, pressure angle, wheel

1 Introduction
In this paper the authors present an original method to calculating the efficiency of the gear. The originality consists in the way of determination of the gears efficiency because one hasnt used the friction forces of couple (this new way eliminates the classical method). One eliminates the necessity of determining the friction coefficients by different experimental methods as well. The efficiency determined by the new method is the same like the classical efficiency, namely the mechanical efficiency of the gear. Some mechanisms work by pulses and are transmitting the movement from an element to another by pulses and not by friction. Gears work practically only by pulses. The component of slip or friction is practically the loss. Because of this the mechanical efficacy becomes practically the mechanical efficiency of gear. The paper is analyzing the influence of a few parameters concerning gear efficiency. With the relations presented in this paper, one can synthesize the gears mechanisms. Today, the gears are present every where in the mechanicals world.

F.I. Petrescu and R.V. Petrescu

2 Determining the Momentary Mechanical Efficiency

The calculating relations are the next (1-20), (see the fig. 1):

F = F cos F = Fm sin 1 Fm = F + F 1 m v2 = v1 cos 1 v12 = v1 sin 1 v1 = v2 + v12


With: Fm - the motive force (the driving force); F - the transmitted force (the useful force); F - the slide force (the lost force); v1 - the velocity of element 1, or the speed of wheel 1 (the driving wheel); v2 - the velocity of element 2, or the speed of wheel 2 (the driven wheel); v12 - the relative speed of the wheel 1 in relation with the wheel 2 (this is a sliding speed). The consumed power (in this case the driving power) takes the form (2). The useful power (the transmitted power from the profile 1 to the profile 2) will be written in the relation (3). The lost power will be written in the form (4).
Pc Pm = Fm v1 (2) Pu P = F v2 = Fm v1 cos2 1


P = F v12 = Fm v1 sin 2 1


The momentary efficiency of couple will be calculated directly with the next relation:

Pu P F v cos 2 1 = m 1 i = Pc Pm Fm v1

i = cos 2 1


The momentary losing coefficient will be written in the form (6):

P F v sin 2 1 = m 1 = sin 2 1 i = Pm Fm v1

i + i = cos 2 1 + sin 2 1 = 1


One can easily see that the sum of the momentary efficiency and the momentary losing coefficient is 1.

Determination of the Mechanical Efficiency of the Gears


n v2

2 t F Fm 1 P rp1 F v12

2002 Victoria PETRESCU The Copyright-Law Of March, 01, 1989 U.S. Copyright Office Library of Congress Washington, DC 20559-6000 202-707-3000


1 rb1


Fig. 1 The forces of the gear

Now one can determine the geometrical elements of the gear. These elements will be used in determining of the couple efficiency, .

3 The Geometrical Elements of the Gear

One can determine the next geometrical elements of the external gear (for the right teeth, =0): The radius of the basic circle of wheel 1 (of the driving wheel) (7); the radius of the outside circle of wheel 1 (8); the maximum pressure angle of the gear (9):
1 m z1 cos 0 (7) 2 1 m (m z1 + 2 m) = ( z1 + 2) 2 2

rb1 =

ra1 =


cos 1M

1 m z1 cos 0 rb1 2 z cos 0 = = = 1 1 ra1 z1 + 2 m ( z1 + 2) 2


And now one determines the same parameters for the wheel 2: the radius of basic circle (10) and the radius of the outside circle (11).
rb 2 = 1 m z2 cos 0 (10) 2 ra 2 = m ( z2 + 2) (11) 2

Now one can determine the minimum pressure angle of the external gear (12):

F.I. Petrescu and R.V. Petrescu

2 tg1m = [( z1 + z2 ) sin 0 z2 sin 2 0 + 4 z2 + 4 ] /( z1 cos 0 )


Now one can determine, for the external gear, the minimum (12) and the maximum (9) pressure angle for the right teeth. For the external gear with bended teeth (0) one uses the relations (13, 14 and 15):

tgt =

tg 0 cos


cos 1M

z1 cos t cos = z1 +2 cos


tg1m = [( z1 + z2 )

2 sin t z cos 2 sin t z2 + 4 2 + 4] 2 cos cos z1 cos t cos


For the internal gear with bended teeth (0) one uses the relations (13 with 16, 17-A or with 18, 19-B). A. When the driving wheel 1, has external teeth:
tg1m = [( z1 z2 )
2 sin t z cos 2 sin t + z2 4 2 + 4] cos cos z1 cos t cos 2


cos 1M

z1 cos t cos = z1 +2 cos


B. When the driving wheel 1, have internal teeth:

tg1M = [( z1 z 2 )
2 sin t z cos 2 sin t + z2 + 4 2 + 4] 2 cos cos z1 cos t cos


cos 1m

z1 cos t cos = z1 2 cos


Determination of the Mechanical Efficiency of the Gears


4 Determination of the Efficiency

The efficiency of the gear will be calculated through the integration of momentary efficiency on all sections of gearing movement, namely from the minimum pressure angle to the maximum pressure angle; the relation (20).
= 1

i d =



d =

M 1 1 [ sin( 2 ) + ] = 2 2 m


1 sin( 2 M ) sin( 2 m ) sin( 2 M ) sin( 2 m ) [ + ] = + 0 .5 2 2 4 ( M m )

5 Determining of Gearing Efficiency in Function of the Contact Ratio

One calculates the efficiency of a geared transmission, having in view the fact that at one moment there are several couples of teeth in contact, and not just one. The start model has got four pairs of teeth in contact (4 couples) concomitantly. The first couple of teeth in contact has the contact point i, defined by the ray ri1, and the pressure angle i1; the forces which act at this point are: the motor force Fmi, perpendicular to the position vector ri1 at i and the force transmitted from the wheel 1 to the wheel 2 through the point i, Fi, parallel to the path of action and with the sense from the wheel 1 to the wheel 2, the transmitted force being practically the projection of the motor force on the path of action; the defined velocities are similar to the forces (having in view the original kinematics, or the precise kinematics adopted); the same parameters will be defined for the next three points of contact, j, k, l (Fig. 2).

O2 Fl, vl rb2 Fml, vml K2 l k rl1 rk1 rj1 A j i ri1 j i rb1 O1 K1 Fmi, vmi Fi, vi

Fig. 2 Four pairs of teeth in contact concomitantly

F.I. Petrescu and R.V. Petrescu

For starting we write the relations between the velocities (21):

vi = vmi cos i = ri 1 cos i = rb1 1 vj = vmj cos j = rj 1 cos j = rb1 1 vk = vmk cos k = rk 1 cos k = rb1 1 vl = vml cos l = rl 1 cos l = rb1 1
From relations (21), one obtains the equality of the tangential velocities (22), and makes explicit the motor velocities (23): (21)

vi = vj = vk = vl = rb1 1 rb1 1 r r r ; v mj = b1 1 ; v mk = b1 1 ; v ml = b1 1 cos i cos j cos k cos l


v mi =


The forces transmitted concomitantly at the four points must be the same (24):

Fi = Fj = Fk = Fl = F
The motor forces are (25):


Fmi =

F F F F ; Fmj = ; Fmk = ; Fml = cos i cos j cos k cos l


The momentary efficiency can be written in the form (26).

i =
= Fi vi + Fj vj + Fk vk + Fl vl Pu P = = = Pc Pm Fmi vmi + Fmj vmj + Fmk vmk + Fml vml


4 F rb1 1 = F rb1 1 F rb1 1 F rb1 1 F rb1 1 + + + cos 2 i cos 2 j cos 2 k cos 2 l 4 4 = 1 1 1 1 4 + tg 2 i + tg 2 j + tg 2 k + tg 2 l + + + cos 2 i cos 2 j cos 2 k cos 2 l

Relations (27) and (28) are auxiliary:

Determination of the Mechanical Efficiency of the Gears


K1i = rb1 tg i ; K1 j = rb1 tg j ; K1k = rb1 tg k ; K1l = rb1 tg l K1 j K1i = rb1 (tg j tg i ); K1 j K1i = rb1 2 2 tg j = tg i + z1 z1

2 2 K1k K1i = rb1 (tg k tg i ); K1k K1i = rb1 2 tg k = tg i + 2 z1 z1 K1l K1i = rb1 (tg l tg i ); K1l K1i = rb1 3 2 2 tg l = tg i + 3 z1 z1


tg j = tg i

2 2 2 ; tg k = tg i 2 ; tg l = tg i 3 z1 z1 z1


One keeps relations (28), with the sign plus (+) for the gearing where the drive wheel 1 has external teeth (at the external or internal gearing) and with the sign (-) for the gearing where the drive wheel 1, has internal teeth (the drive wheel is a ring, only for the internal gearing). The relation of the momentary efficiency (26) uses the auxiliary relations (28) and takes the form (29).
i =
= 4 = 4 + tg 2 i + tg 2 j + tg 2 k + tg 2 l

4 = 2 2 2 2 4 + tg i + (tg i ) + (tg i 2 ) 2 + (tg i 3 ) 2 z1 z1 z1 4 = 4 2 2 4 + 4 tg 2 i + 2 (0 2 + 12 + 22 + 32 ) 2 tg i (0 + 1 + 2 + 3) z1 z1 1 = E 4 2 E 2 1 + tg 2 i + (i 1) 2 2 tg i (i 1) E z12 i =1 E z1 i =1 1 = 4 2 E ( E 1) (2 E 1) 4 tg1 E ( E 1) 1 + tg 21 + 6 2 E z12 E z1 1 = 2 2 ( E 1) (2 E 1) 2 tg1 ( E 1) 1 + tg 21 + 2 3 z1 z1 1 2 2 2 tg1 1 + tg 21 + ( 12 1) (2 12 1) ( 12 1) 3 z12 z1


F.I. Petrescu and R.V. Petrescu

In expression (29) one starts with relation (26) where four pairs are in contact concomitantly, but then one generalizes the expression, replacing the 4 figure (four pairs) with E couples, replacing figure 4 with the E variable, which represents the whole number of the contact ratio +1, and after restricting the sums expressions, we replace the variable E with the contact ratio 12, as well. The mechanical efficiency offers more advantages than the momentary efficiency, and will be calculated approximately, by replacing in relation (29) the pressure angle 1, with the normal pressure angle 0 the relation taking the form (30); where 12 represents the contact ratio of the gearing, and it will be calculated with expression (31) for the external gearing, and with relation (32) for the internal gearing.

m =

1 2 2 tg 0 1 + tg 0 + (12 1) (2 12 1) (12 1) 2 z1 3 z1
2 2
2 z12 sin 2 0 + 4 z1 + 4 + z 2 sin 2 0 + 4 z 2 + 4 ( z1 + z 2 ) sin 0


a 12.e. =

2 cos 0


a 12.i. =

z e2 sin 2 0 + 4 z e + 4 z i2 sin 2 0 4 z i + 4 + ( z i z e ) sin 0 2 cos 0


6 Conclusions
The best efficiency can be obtained with the internal gearing when the drive wheel 1 is the ring; the minimum efficiency will be obtained when the drive wheel 1 of the internal gearing has external teeth. For the external gearing, the best efficiency is obtained when the bigger wheel is the drive wheel; when one decreases the normal angle 0, the contact ratio increases and the efficiency increases as well.

1. Petrescu, R.V., Petrescu, F.I., Popescu, N.: Determining Gear Efficiency. Gear Solutions magazine, 19-28, March (2007)

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