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Integrate Pivotal Tracker with Zeta Test

How to integrate Pivotal Tracker with Test Management Software Zeta Test
2012-06-18, this document contains a short description on how to configure Pivotal Tracker integration and how to perform tests with active Pivotal Tracker integration.

Table of content
How to integrate Pivotal Tracker with Test Management Software Zeta Test ................................ 1 Steps .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Start Zeta Test and open your project .......................................................................................................................... 2 Open Global Project Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 2 Open Bug Tracker Settings ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Configure Bug Tracker................................................................................................................................................... 4 Bug entering information.......................................................................................................................................... 5 Configuring your user.................................................................................................................................................... 7 Running a test run ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 Finished! ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13

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Integrate Pivotal Tracker with Zeta Test

Start Zeta Test and open your project

Open Global Project Settings

Click Manage, then click Global project settings.

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Integrate Pivotal Tracker with Zeta Test

Open Bug Tracker Settings

Click Bug tracker, then click Configure Bug Tracker plug-in.

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Integrate Pivotal Tracker with Zeta Test

Configure Bug Tracker

Configure the bug tracker according to your needs, similar to the following settings:

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Integrate Pivotal Tracker with Zeta Test

Use the following formats for the URLs: Web service URL = Project URL ={ProjectID} Root URL = Ticket URL ={ProjectID}/stories/{BugID}

To configure the project ID, first enter the Web service URL and your user name and password, next click the in the Project ID line to select a project from the list.

Bug entering information To further configure the dialog box that the user sees later to transfer bugs to the Pivotal Tracker, click the button in the Bug Entering Information line.

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Integrate Pivotal Tracker with Zeta Test

You can configure mandatory fields like Bug title and Bug description as well as optional fields like labels.

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Integrate Pivotal Tracker with Zeta Test

Configuring your user

In order to provide information about the user that is entering, you have to store Pivotal Tracker user information on the current user. If you are using the default example project which has disabled the user management functionality, you have to first activate the user management in order to access the user management functions.

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Integrate Pivotal Tracker with Zeta Test

Set the Disable user management to No. This enables the user management main menu option.

Click the User management button and edit your user.

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Integrate Pivotal Tracker with Zeta Test

In the Edit user dialog box, select the Bug tracker tab and click the Configure bug tracker plug-in button. Fill in the field Author name with the login name of your Pivotal Tracker user.

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Integrate Pivotal Tracker with Zeta Test

Youve finished the configuring part (you can adjust it any time you like in the future, of course). If you do not want your user to log in, disable the user management again by setting the Disable user management option in the Global project settings dialog to Yes.

Running a test run

Next, you can start a test run, as described in the users manual at First, create a new test run.

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Integrate Pivotal Tracker with Zeta Test

Clicking OK starts the test wizard form.

Switching to the Bug tracker tab and clicking the Add button shows the dialog box that you configured in the previous steps.

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Integrate Pivotal Tracker with Zeta Test

Fill out the fields (or leave the defaults) and click the OK button. This creates the Pivotal Tracker story:

Clicking the Open button directly navigates your browser to the Pivotal Trackers story page.

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Integrate Pivotal Tracker with Zeta Test

Youve successfully configured Pivotal Tracker connectivity in Zeta Test and created an example story in Pivotal Tracker from within the integrated, intuitive Test Management Environment Zeta Test, available at

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