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Period 6 Due: 11/18/09 The Auspicious Day of a Princess By Linda Ortega On a far away land lived a young woman

whose intrepid character surpassed her position in society. Her origin was unknown since her parents had found her one fated night outside their humble shack without a note or any information. However, on one auspicious day, all their questions will have answers. A knock on the pliant door ranged throughout the shack; waking up the residents in its path. At the entrance stood a short, pompous man with piercing eyes and clothes that demand respect, and the first words out of his mouth were, Ive come for the princess. Overcome with confusion and daunt, the parents responded, What is this nonsense you speak stranger. Will you care to explain? My name is Duke of Hansford; and the story goes like this: On an auspicious night on a faraway kingdom, two little girls were born to the king. You see our kingdom is very superstitious and the two little girls would have cause anarchy since twins happen to be a bad omen among our people. He knew right away that in order to disentangle himself from his dilemma, he had to disappear one of the twins. He made an arduous decision to disappear the last one to be born, which of course would be your Ann. The king then hired me to abscond with the newborn babe to a distant place You mean to tell me, Ann bellowed, that I was victim of larceny, and at your hand! Your father wants to rectify himself. You see after your departure everything went on as usual, except for one ominous day in which a soldier, with a hidden agenda, hoodwinked your sister and killed her. After your sister was incinerated, your father became extremely depressed; the only words he spoke were, get her home.

Period 6 Due: 11/18/09 What makes you think I would go back to such a biased man, anyways that is not my home, Ann said. The stranger simply replied, You have no choice, for my kingdom is on the precipice of disaster. The parents overcome with much fear once again, asked the Duke for a much needed reprieved. After much persuasion on the parents part and much revile on Anns part, she finally agreed to visit her father. * * * Ann and the Duke at last reached the gates of the castle, where access was granted immediately. Once inside the pompous castle, a butler directed them to the kings quarters. As soon as the disheveled king set eyes on Ann, his eyes filled with tears and his once inanimate face filled with remorse and happiness. Even if she denies it, upon seeing her fathers apparent grief, her intrepid exterior cracked and her eyes filled with tears.

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