The Dog Rambler E-Diary 18 June 2012

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The Dog Rambler E-diary

To 18
June 2012
Walk Dogs on walk Saltoun Wood, East Lothian Length 6 miles

Cyrano, Dylan, Jolie, Lucas, Maggie, Tim, Struan & Talaidh

Back from a weeks break just in time for the good weather. Maybe we brought some of it back with us from the west coast. The evidence of some seriously bad weather lingered on in the wet and waterlogged tracks of this often dry woodland. A bunch of very excited dogs greeted each other lavishly as we travelled around making our collections. I even thought I detected a sneaking sign of welcome from Struan and Talaidh. A week apart and they were all very glad to see each other again. Bouncing from the car in the little car park at Saltoun Wood. Half hidden by trees. They tore off onto the track at the edge of the woods and we began our outing. Bundling along. Maggie so excited she kept breaking into runs. This of course attracted the attention of Jolie and Tim. Taking Jolie away from her frantic pouncing around Lucas. Who was pretending to hide behind me. It was no hiding place. Dylan and Struan hooked up before Dylan dropped back caught by a scent on the wind. What little there was of it on this fairly still and clear day. The twitter of birdsong drifting between the trees and across the open ground of the recent felling. Slowly being reclaimed by a host of plants. Creating new hidden depths which Cyrano explored. To his and

Maggies delight finding the odd pool of water half hidden from view. As we left the woods to walk around the fields the true extent of the recent growth was now visible. Crops bordered the track, several feet high, forming a corridor of green. A deep curtain, of folds and turns. Jolie, Lucas and Tim raced along the track. Maggie again joining in and finding herself quickly pursued. Cyrano stuck on the track now watched them. Thought about playing with Lucas until Tim bundled over. Too boisterous, Cyrano thought. He joined Struan and Dylan, a more stately pair. Under bright sunshine we turned and turned again around the fields. A patchwork of different crops. Jolie, Lucas and Tim turned and turned around each other. Underfoot though a half flooded track slowed us down. Cyrano waiting for the woods again. Once in he was off at a pace as they all disappeared into the trees on the narrow wet path. We splashed along, even Dylan now jumping over cast off braches from the recent felling. Maggie too not letting up with short bursts of speed. We found a wide track again and looped away to the far end of the wood. Something slipped almost unseen across the track. A flash of fawn and red. Spotted by some of the dogs but not well enough to give serious chase. Looking and sniffing just off the track. Unsure of what it was they had seen. Under darkened trees, stretching their thin limbs high, reaching for that erratic sun, we swung around. Clearings opening up splashing us with sunshine. Cyrano and Maggie splashing in the pools beside the track. Even on the track there were enough patches of water to ensure we all got a little wet and a little more dirty. Maggie found a stick and was soon being given chase by Jolie and Tim. Cyrano outdid her with a much larger one. No one pursued his and soon he found it too heavy. Lucas by now was having a rest, walking beside me. A rest that lasted all the way back. They had all run themselves out with their high spirits and were a much calmer bunch when we arrived back at the car. Nick

Photo slideshow from the walk

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