The Paper by Saachi Pai: Saachi Pai 3/5/12 Short Story Assignment (Scenes 1,2, and 3) Period 3

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Saachi Pai Short Story Assignment (Scenes 1,2, and 3)

3/5/12 Period 3

The Paper By Saachi Pai

Scene One
Gazing up at the sky, and at the forest around me, something seemed different. There werent any birds chirp6ing, or even perched on trees. The rusty leaves on the ground were coarser than usual. The crispy fall air lost its magical feel. All the pristineness and life of this place has been lost. Whats wrong with the forest? I asked my best friend Beatrice, whom I was walking home with. There was a long silence. After giving her a major look of curiosity mixed with annoyance, she finally answered. I dont know, Cindy. But something does look wrong. I shuddered, and pinched myself, incase this was a dream. Unfortunately, it wasnt. Beatrice and I have known each other since we were in 1st grade. We live quite close to each other, just 2 blocks away. Our families are both very poor, and one day when my mom didnt have any food to cook, Beatrices parents stumbled across us and offered dinner. I know it seems like such a small gesture of kindness, but it meant so much to us. It still does. Since then on, Beatrice and I stayed together through thick and thin. All weve got is each other. Both of us are in 8th grade, which means were 14 years old. Beatrice excels in school. She is the smartest person I know. One time, when she got an A- in art, she cried. It was her first time ever getting an A- in anything, and now she thinks she wont be accepted into a prestigious college. She also thinks her record has been scarred for life. If I get a B, I rejoice. I hate school. If only I had the smarts of Beatrice, or the poise and charm of Isabella, a girl who everyone admires and envies. The category pretty does not really fit me either. My mom tells me Im

the most beautiful girl god has made. But shes my mom, and dont all moms say that to their children? I have one younger brother named Cole, and we fight a lot, but I still care about him. Everyone in my family looks alike. My hair is very long, going down to my hips. Its a dark, chocolaty brown. My eyes are big and light brown. Im pretty tall for my age, but not as tall and lean as Isabella. I have tan colored skin, the complete opposite of Beatrices. She is so pale; I swear shes a vampire. Well, I dont swear, but I do have some pretty good proof. Back to reality. Beatrice I moaned, The forest is starting to creep me out. There was no reply. Just to contribute to the ominous feeling, the forest started becoming darker. Its only 4 oclock and the sky is darkening? What on earth is happening? Its May, for crying out loud! Beatrice exclaimed. I instinctively grabbed her arm and made a dash for the end of the woods where our houses were. As we were running, Beatrice screamed, What do you think this is all about? A-and why are we running? I think I had lost my mind, because I cried, Help! Help! the whole time. The forest is was so lonely; no one would probably hear me. I knew that, so what was there to lose? If people could hear us Them thinking were maniacs? Nah, they already do. I finally settled the dispute within myself and decided that there was nothing to lose. After a few minutes of running, it started getting very foggy. Hot, burning tears stared pouring out my eyes. It never usually took us this long to reach home. Beatrice began to tear too. This was officially the worst day of my life. Beatrice I panted, Lets just try to get home now. Weve been doing that for the last hour! This is not going to work. Somethings up, Cindy. First I thought it was just bad weather and you were overreacting Thanks! I interrupted, sarcastically. But now she continued, I think you were right. The forest has never been in this shape. Yeah. Lets just try to get home as fast as possible. I replied.

We looked up at the starless night sky, gave each other an its either now or never look, and began to run again. We frantically ran like we did before, and it was just pure adrenaline that kept us on our feet. After a lot of running AHHHHH! I had tripped on this weird looking pile of twigs and leaves. No I moaned, Beatrice, are you there? Beatrice? BEATRICE! I screamed as loud as I could, and possibly broke my vocal chords. IM HERE! she exclaimed. Friendship wise today was a rough day. I looked back at the pile of leaves and twigs. They looked very peculiar, almost like they were decorated. The twigs were in a circular shape, and the dark green leaves were inside the circle. It looked as if whoever set up this creation was trying to hide something. I removed the leaves one by one, and slowly managed to dig up a box. I was right! By now Beatrice was watching me, and nudged me to open the box. What if theres something dangerous in hear? I asked. Just open it. Its worth a risk. Maybe itll help us find our way out of this forest. Beatrice said. Alright then. I agreed. I enclosed the box in my hands, and cautiously began to tear the cardboard. The box was plain brown, and didnt have any writing or stamps on it. When I made the last tear, I laid the box on the ground. Beatrice and I gazed at it, and I finally opened the box. Our mouths dropped. We were shocked. That is all I can say.

It was something that was so scarce in our town. Something we all dreamed about even seeing. Especially me, because I love to do something that relates to this specific object. People even say Im talented in it. It was paper. A thin, coarse, white sheet of paper. Now I know what you must be thinking: Paper? Paper? Youre getting all worked up about Paper?

Yes, I am. In school, we have our very own sets of chalkboards and whiteboards. Every time we have to take new notes we erase the chalkboard and write down new notes. How do we study for tests? We have to memorize and remember things. Thats how it works in our little town of Bernut. There are so many trees in this forest, but the mayor forbids cutting them down. Also, our town doesnt take shipments from other states or countries. So, no paper. This is AMAZING! I shouted, hearing my own echo reflect through the forest. Finding paper was probably the only good thing that happened to me today. How is paper going to help us? Beatrice asked, and why are you so happy? I am so happy because I can finally get to paint, and show people what good I have in life! I half screamed, feeling tears start to form in my eyes again. I didnt know if they were happy tears or sad ones. I stumbled to my bag that was laying 2 feet beside me. After opening my backpack and grabbing the worn out paint set deep in it, I ran to the piece of paper and immediately hugged it to my chest, like a mother would do to her baby. Feeling the paper in my palms, I wondered what I would paint. There were a million different options, but sadly, only one could be chosen. Closing my eyes, I wondered what to paint. Beatrice was silent the whole time, because she understood how much this meant to me. Painting has always been my favorite thing to do on earth, but the sad thing was that I have never been able to express it. Now I finally have a chance to do what I love. I was going to take that chance right now.

Scene Two I finally decided what to paint, but there was a problem: My paints were way too dry and crusty. I had a risky idea in mind that I was willing to take. Beatrice can I see you water bottle for a second? Ummyes, but why? Youll see! I replied. I turned around, facing away from Beatrice, having a mischievous look on my face, and looked at the paints and the paper. 54321ended the countdown in my mind, and I dumped Beatrices water on the paints. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING? shouted Beatrice, with her fists clenched. Im just trying to make the paints a little wetter! I said, attempting to suppress a laugh, but obviously failing. One day Ill get back at you for all this. Beatrice exclaimed. Yeah, right. Youre so bad at revenge! I replied. We both had a hearty laugh. Guess our friendship was back on track. I began to paint. My hand slowly lowered to dip the paintbrush in the now soaked paint. There werent that many colors. The paint set consisted of five colors: black, white, blue, red, and yellow. The amount of different colors did not matter though, as I could mix the colors to create an infinite amount of shades and tints. Here I go I thought. The paintbrush touched the piece of paper, and this feeling was probably the best Ive experienced in my life. I cant describe it. Its too good. After what seemed like an hour to Beatrice, but 5 minutes to me, the painting was finally finished. Proudly admiring it, I called over Beatrice to take a look. So what do you think? I expectantly asked. It took some time for Beatrice to come up with an answer. Itsthis is so Im speechless. Beatrice said. She looked extremely surprised. A good speechless or bad speechless? I questioned.

An amazing, wonderful, magical, excellent speechless. She said. Thank you Beatie. Dont call me that! she replied. We both laughed. I had painted my dream world. An amazing, fascinating, enchanting dream world. It consisted of lots of people who were all wealthy. Poverty didnt exist in this world. There were flying cars, and trees made out of cotton candy. Little children were playing hopscotch and enjoying life. People would greet each other kindly, and there wasnt any bullying. This world was so colorful, and each building was painted in a different neon color. The ground was bouncy, and whenever you walked outside it felt like you were jumping on a trampoline. It was the complete opposite of Bernut. But the best part was that there was paper. Lots of it. On the other side of the paper, I had painted the nightlife of my dream world. The stars were shining the brightest they could. People were mingling and having the times of their lives. Everyone was outside, eating in restaurants where you could order anything you wanted (there was no menu). People were dancing to music, talking, laughing, and having fun. There was a park for little kids, a huge mall for shopping, and a senior park for old people to enjoy. In my dream world, there was something for everyone to like. Sports lovers? Yes, there is a sports arena. Musicians? There is a huge music hall where they can perform. Braniacs like Beatrice? They can join quiz bowls for free, and compete in competitions. Painters like me? We have a huge studio with tons of paper. We can also share our art in the monthly artist showcase. Everyone has friends, and no one feels lonely in my world. This world is perfect. Everyone is happy. Everyone can express who he or she is. Its perfect. After a long time, I finally signed my name on it (just to clarify that I was the one who painted the picture). 5 minutes passed, with the whole time being spent by Beatrice and I observing the intricate details I had included in the painting

OW! Beatrice shouted. A round, red button popped out and hit Beatrice in the nose. W-what happened? I asked. This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder. A few seconds after the button had popped out, a paper with some sort of writing on it had appeared out of nowhere. Beatrice clutched it in her hands, and stared at it for quite awhile. Well read it. I told her. Okay. Ill try my best, but its barely legible. She squinted the small blue eyes on her face that matched perfectly with her short dirty blond curls and began to read. If you press this buttonYoull be crossing the borders of human life, And may have to pay the price. It takes you to somewhere you have never seen, And secrets await you, oh young teen. This will test who you are, And see if you can take friendships far. Be aware, this is not a game. If it takes a wrong turn, you are to blame. There is no turning back, If you choose this path. What does this mean? I asked. I have no clue at all. But I think its trying to tell you that if you press that button, youre life will never be the same. I suggest you dont press it because- Beatrice replied.

ARE YOU MENTAL? I blurted. Cmon, Beatrice. Well see someplace weve never ever seen before. Its probably plane tickets or something like that. Besides, dont you want to get out of this stupid town? Im not happy here, and if you were my friend, you would do this for me. Well Beatrice shrugged. Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you so much! I said, and gave her a huge hug. I tapped the button, and something unimaginable happened. My painting was glowing. This was a crazy thought, but it looked as if a portal was forming on it. It was a golden color. Leaves were flying around everywhere. It became extremely windy. Abnormally windy. Before I knew it, Beatrice screamed and got sucked into the painting.

Curse my instincts. Wanting to save my best friend, I jumped into the painting too.

I fell on the ground, then felt a stinging pain on my back. Its like when you jump from a high surface, and only feel the pain in your feet after a few minutes. This was a late reaction. At least I wasnt badly hurt. I dont know where I am, but it looks an awful lot like what was on my painting. There is good news: Beatrice is laying down right next to me. I know where she is now, and that was my main intention for jumping in the painting in the first place. As my eyelids started to actually open, people starting popping here and there out of nowhere. W-what is happening? I muttered to myself. Beatrice was still lying down, with her eyes closed. I checked her pulse, and she seemed fine. I decided to let her be. Random people who looked so strangely familiar were still appearing out of the blue. Then, neon colored buildings started forming. The aroma of delicious restaurant food was filling up in our noses. Trees grew in matter of seconds, and they had lush pink and blue tops. Before I knew it, the ground started becoming bouncier, like a trampoline. It finally hit me.

Scene Three We were in my painting. In my dream world. Beatrice had woken up by now, and she also knew we were in my dream world. This was so weird, the portal and all. I thought this kind of stuff only happened in magical worlds, like Harry Potter. But I should be happy. Im in my dream world, for crying out loud. Besides, the paper is still in my possession, and my whole painting has disappeared from it. WHAT? My painting? All my hard work has just gone. Ugh, and what about home? Its okay, theyll be fine without me. Besides, when I want to go home I can just paint my house and go through the portal again right? Beatrice, This is amazing. My whole painting has come to life. Its surreal! I said. There were so many people, 50 times more than I had drawn on my paper. Crowds were bustling around everywhere. Yeah Its so cool. She exclaimed. Beatrice was still quite flabbergasted after landing flat on her back. I had completely forgotten about the nagging pain in my lower back; this was all too wonderful. Hello! Came a cheerful voice behind us that was directed to me. Umm Hi? I was stunned, because this girl acted like she knew me. You two have no where to stay right? Want to bunk in at my place? We have 3 other girls too! Itll be a major slumber party! Eep! she squeaked. Her long blond hair was so perfect it annoyed me. I remember drawing this girl. She was supposed to be a snob. Beatrice gave me a look, and we both decided it would be better and safer to sleep in someones house, rather than sleeping on a park bench. We walked all the way to her house, which was huge. It was a mansion, and I never even designed this in my painting. I wonder where and how it was designed. So this is it! Girls, come on out! Cheer girl shouted. The other girls looked as snobby as cheer girl. They were exactly like Isabella.

Cindy, you are gor-geous. One of the cheer girls said. For some reason, this really meant a lot to me,
because nobody has ever genuinely told me that. Thanks You really mean it? I asked. Of course! You think we lie? They exclaimed in unison. Over the next few days, the cheer girls kept overloading me with compliments, food, and clothing. Beatrice started getting annoyed, but I loved it. I got to do so many things that no one can do in Bernut, like painting, riding horses, reading hardcover classics that we could never afford the list was endless. Beatrice didnt seem to like it though. If there was one feeling I have never experienced, its being pampered. Slowly, Beatrice began to grow apart from me, and I started becoming closer and closer to the cheer girls. Beatrice still stayed with us, but we fought a lot and our friendship began to fall apart. One morning, Beatrice tried to tell me that my actions were becoming more and more selfish, but I didnt give in. Cindy Theyre changing you. Beatrice told me softly, so that the cheer girls wouldnt hear. Shut up, you dont know what youre talking about. Theyre just being hospitable. I rudely spat out. Beatrice kept quiet after that. The next morning, when we were eating breakfast Beatrice tried knocking some sense into me again. Cindy, I miss home. I want to see my parents, and I dont know what kind of relationship you have with them, but I love them. Take me home now. Or at least give me the paper, so I can go back to my family. She tried to hold back tears, but failed. Beatrice ran to her bedroom, and it struck me that my actions were wrong. I ran to the bedroom after her. Beatrice! Im so sorry for what I did. I guess I got a little carried away. I miss home too, and please dont cry. I said while chasing her. Please forgive me. I just want to go home too. Even though all this pampering is amazing, and me being able to accomplish my dreams is cool, I think we can find a

solution for me at home. I was also on the verge of tears. I missed my family, but I would miss a chance at following my dreams. What would you do? Cindy Beatrice trembled, Just get a bunch of paper from here, and carry it home when we are going through the portal! Problem solved. That was the smartest solution ever! I always knew I could count on you. Oh, theres so much I owe you. Especially for my bad behavior with the cheer girls. I apologize for excluding you. It was not the right thing to do. I gave her a massive hug and she seemed content with my apology. Now it was time to go home. I ran to a paint shop that was a couple of blocks away, and got paper that could last me a year. I also bought a couple of new paints and paintbrushes (because you know how amazing my old ones were). Okay I panted, Here it is. After dumping all the supplies on the ground. Are you ready to paint? Do you want to say bye to cheer girls first? Beatrice asked. Forget it. I dont even know their names. I chuckled. When I made the last stroke of the painting of my house, we waited for a couple of minutes for the red button to appear. Hey, Beatrice? How long did it take for the red button and that poem to appear? About 5 minutes. She replied. We tried every possible thing to trigger the red button. Beatrice held it close up to her face, I signed my name on it, we observed intricate details, but nothing happened. Could the paper only be used once? Would I ever get to see my family again? I just realized how much I missed them, and how much they must miss me. Oh, how stupid I am. This was all my fault. After a lot of panicking and thinking, Beatrice shouted I GOT IT! This is just a thought but maybe the portal only activates when the place you drew is familiar to the paper. Thats probably why the forest was so gloomy Someone must have drawn a gloomy forest on the paper, and just because our forest was cloudy, the paper has seen it before, thought it was gloomy, and changed the whole look

of the forest. The person who came to our forest mustve been from your dream world, and wanted someone else to experience the magic of the paper, so he left it in the forest. Wow you really are a genius I exclaimed, wide eyed. So what does the paper recognize thats close to home? Umm, Maybe you can draw the forest! Beatrice said. I drew the forest, as gloomy as could be. With no birds, rusty leaves on the ground, and the lifeless plants. Beatrice and I waited for a long time, but nothing happened. I stood up, bursted into tears, and screamed, Im sorry mom dad Cole! You have the most foolish, repugnant daughter ever! Calm down, Cindy She put her hand on my lap. Well find a solution to this. Promise. I sat down silently, because I cried out all the tears I possibly could. But then, one last idea came to me. Maybe, the paper didnt recognize just the forest. Maybe it recognized Beatrice and I in the forest. Instantly grabbing the paints, I painted Beatrice and I observing the little details of my dream world painting in the forest. There. I whispered as the last stroke was painted. I silently prayed in my mind that this would work. After a few seconds a miracle took place. I called over Beatrice to come and see what just happened, and she gasped gave me a questioning look. Okay, maybe Im not a genius, but I do have a brain. The red button had appeared. Yes, the red button that had changed my life. Without thinking twice, I gently tapped it with my finger. The golden portal started forming. Beatrice and I were above and beyond grateful. She grabbed the paper I had bought from the store, I gave her a quiet thanks, and we held hands and jumped into the spiraling golden portal. Here we were. At the forest. Back home.

We reached. We safely made it. THANK YOU! I bent down to my knees and screamed at the sky. I had no clue who I was thanking. God, probably. Beatrice was gushing out happy tears, and running around hugging the moss covered trees. The forest was still in its same, creepy state. Nothing changed since we left. I wondered what my parents must have been doing. I hope they havent been mourning my disappearance. I wonder if I can even show myself to their faces anymore. I quickly dismiss these thoughts, and become grateful that Beatrice and I have reached home- well, not home, but close to home- and our parents will soon know that were not dead. Cindy! You had come up with the best idea ever! I guess my smarts really did rub off on you Beatrice sneered. No! I came up with that plan all by myself! I told her. Okay, I give you some credit. Anyways, lets get down to business. Weve been through the worst. I know for a fact that we can get out of this forest, and be brave this time. Okay? Beatrice asked. Yeah. We can do this. If only we had a map- I said. Theres no time for if onlys! Beatrice blurted. She really was determined. As we were coming up with a plan (because you know how well our running techniques work) The nearby bushes started to rustle. Beatrice and I didnt notice it at first, but then the sound became louder. Something was making its way towards us. Probably a little animal that can do us no harm but still, Beatrice and I have never come across any animals other than tiny robins. The noise gradually became louder, and I began to doubt that a petite robin was the source of the sound. Suddenly, Ah! Beatrice, we have to reach home. That was my catch phrase nowadays. But there was a problem. That phrase wasnt coming from my mouth. I promise, I didnt speak those words.

Beatrice, did you just hear someone that sounds like me? I asked, putting my palm to my head. No, I didnt. Lets just focus on the plan. Youre blocking my flow of thoughts. Beatrice exclaimed. She was either way too much into the plan (so she couldnt hear the voice), or I was officially going mad. Then, something made Beatrice notice it too Cindy, I have a plan! Somebody that sounded like Beatrice said. This voice was coming from the far right, where the rustling bushes are located. Okay, okay. Now I believe you. Beatrice stated, Lets go over there and see whats producing the noise that is so similar to our v-voices. She shakily exclaimed. We both slowly made our way to the bushes, tiptoeing so that there was utter silence; you could hear a pin drop. When we finally reached the bushes that were hiding the source of the noise, we were hesitant to go through them. Cmon, we can do this. We were probably hallucinating when we heard our voices. Just watch there be nothing behind these bushes. Beatrice said. Beatrice was trembling, and failed to hide it. She lowered her hand to the bush, and slowly tried to pull the leaves away, so the producers of the noises could be seen. It felt like forever, because Beatrice was pulling the bush so slowly, with barely any success. The noises were probably nothing. Worst case, it would be the wind. Our minds were definitely playing tricks on us, because who could create noises so similar to our voices other than us? Nothing was wrong right? When Beatrice had finally finished shoving away the bushes, we were stunned. I rubbed my eyes at least a million times. Beatrice was shaking her hear, saying No no I knew this could happen. I was not hallucinating. The wind couldnt create such noises. There was no tiny robin behind the bush. Something was wrong. We were cloned.

This was insane. Weird. Crazy. Madness. How-how could this happen? Us being cloned? What! I pinched Beatrice. Beatrice pinched me. Unfortunately, again, this wasnt a dream. We stared, openmouthed at the clones. Did I really look like that? Beatrice was shocked to see herself, and I was twice the times shocked to see myself. What was happening? Before anything else happened, things started swirling around, and the world and everybody around me was shaking. The sky was now the ground. Everything was turning black. This was better I blacked out. Cindy Cindy wake up. Beatrice gently shook me. I checked her pulse, and she seems fine. Just fainted probably. She said. I opened my eyes, and at first nothing made sense. I didnt realize what had happened. But after a few minutes, reality sinked in. I was cloned. Beatrice was cloned. Aww I moaned. Cindy! You woke up! Oh, thank god. It was so awkward with the clones just staring at me for about an hour. Beatrice exclaimed. What are we going to do? I whispered to the real Beatrice, after finally getting up. And why is this happening? I dont know what were going to do about this, but I do have a guess of why this happened. Beatrice said. I think that since you drew us on the piece of paper, and we were already there, drawing ourselves, it duplicated us. You know what I mean, right? There are two sets of us: the ones drawn on the paper that the painting has created, and the real ones who were drawing the painting: us. Beatrice explained. Oh now I get it. I shakily said, I think I have an idea of how to get the clones out of here. What? Beatrice happily asked. I stepped a foot closer to our clones. They were so scary; I was definitely going to have unpleasant dreams this night.

Look. Im Cindy, youre Cindy. I bravely attempted saying to my clone, But Im the real one. You dont belong here, so do what I say, and go through this portal Ill come up with shortly, okay? No response. Please? I asked. No. came a cold, dark voice from our clones. What? Beatrice shouted, You have to. Were your masters, and you must listen to us. Why? Beatrice clone asked. Im not listening. She stated. Beatrice and I turned around, and secretly devised a plan that would trick the clones. It would feel bad tricking ourselves, but we had to take desperate measures. Cindy I asked, Have you ever wanted to go somewhere youve never been to? See somewhere youve dreamed of seeing? Then I turned to the Beatrice clone. Beatrice, dont you want to travel the earth, and get out of Bernut? Dont you wish to see the beauties of the world? I persuasively asked. I continued my speech, saying I can take you there. To the place of your dreams. Trust me, okay? I pleaded. The clones seemed pretty convinced. I couldnt believe it. My clone said Paris? Egypt? Rome? Madagascar? Another planet? Utah? Ind- Anywhere. I interrupted, slightly smiling. Even Beatrice clone looked surprised and excited. The clones discussed a little bit, and decided that it would be okay to listen to our plan. We want to go to well, can you make it a surprise? Somewhere nice though, please. Beatrice clone decided. Of course I can. I replied. I painted my dream world on the paper. I knew Cindy clone would love that, because shes me after all. The button appeared, I pressed it, and the portal magically came. They were stunned, just like we were when we first gazed upon the portal. That seemed like years ago. I showed them what to do, and Cindy clone followed. Beatrice was hesitant, though. How will we be able to go back home? Beatrice clone asked.

Umm I trembled, Well come and get you soon. Okay! Yay! Beatrice clone said. She stepped into the portal while I was holding the paper (so they didnt get it), and it finally closed. I wondered how the portal knew when to close. I felt so bad tricking the clones, but what else could we do? There was no other choice. Who knows, maybe my guilt will make me actually go get them. Time to go home! Beatrice said. She was so happy our plan worked, and by mistake, she dropped her backpack and all her schoolbooks fell out. Oh no! Ugh, this is just going to take more time! She screamed. While we were picking up her books and putting them back into her bag, I found a piece of paper that could really help us. We were so lucky today. I had found a huge map of Bernut, which had included this forest. Beatrice, look! I found a map in your bag! A map! I said while rejoicing. She was so happy, but didnt know why a map was in her bag. We walked home, and finally reached. I was standing in front of my doorstep, and Beatrice gave me a huge hug and ran two blocks away to her house. How would I face my parents? What do I say? Are they even home? Theyll be so relieved. My finger instantly tapped the doorbell, because I couldnt wait any longer. Little Cole opened the door, and his mouth dropped. I-its me. I trembled. I started crying, and hugged him so hard, he probably started crying out of pain. No, he genuinely missed me. My mom ran down the kitchen, and looked about ten years older than she actually is. Im sorry! I gushed out, I didnt mean to run off like that, a-and I missed you all like crazy! She hugged Cole and I. My dad came, and joined the group hug. Its the first time Ive seen him cry. I was home. Actually home.

I have a lot to tell my family, about the paper that has changed my life completely.

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