Designing, Developing and Delivering Effective Showroom Training

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Management Consultants & Trainers

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Designing, Developing and Delivering

2 days highly interactive program specially developed for AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY Addresses the skills necessary to design, develop and deliver effective training for your showroom sales team

12 Years & Growing

Effective Showroom Training

VENUE: SHERATON SUBANG HOTEL & TOWERS DATE: 20th - 21st August 2009 TIME: 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM


To register please call: 603 - 7490 4529/4530 (Gregory/Banu) or Visit us online at
Save more with Inhouse Training All participants receive a course certication Save more with group of 3 registrees and more


DESIGNING, DEVELOPING AND DELIVERING EFFECTIVE SHOWROOM TRAINING FOR THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY has been specicially designed for those responsible for ensuring the showroom sales team are adequately equipped to sell and present a range of vehicles to both walk-in and appointment customers. This 2-day program has been developed using tried and tested training models developed specically for the automotive industry. The emphasis of the program is on developing training modules to improve salespersons performance in the areas of product knowledge, competitor awareness, proling customers, matching vehicle features to customer needs and making effective vehicle presentations.

This program will teach participants to: Understand adult learning processes and determine the most suitable training methodology to impact skills and knowledge to showroom salespersons. Determine what product knowledge can be book-learned and what needs to be taught through effective training modules. Determine the effectiveness of existing training modules and adjust or redesign the training to maximize effectiveness. Design and develop new training modules to address specic skills or knowledge decit. Develop collateral materials (worksheets, visuals, PowerPoint presentations, etc.) to enhance training. Create innovative, interesting and fun learning modules. Consider the effectiveness of the training venue, time and available resources. Deliver or facilitate training modules in an effective manner. Design and/or develop skills and knowledge tests
Terence Hockenhull is British, however he has spent all of his working life in South East Asia. He is the President of Charteris Consulting, Inc. and has built a highly successful business designing, developing and delivering effective training programs to both local and multinational corporations. With 20 years cultural exposure working and living in Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan and Indonesia, he uses his extensive industry experience to develop results-driven learning programs based on well-researched skills and his exposure to Asian cultures. Mr. Hockenhull is a strong advocate for professionalizing sales teams through appropriate training and the use of effective planning tools. His training programs have a direct, practical and culturally-sensitive application. His involvement with Nissan Motors (Japan) over 4 years has provided him with a wealth of experience in the automotive industry. Involved directly in the design and development of training to support the launch of 18 new models, he is ideally placed to pass on his skills and knowledge in this seminar. Mr. Hockenhull is an engaging facilitator, trainer and consultant. With his unique understanding of the practicalities of sales and negotiation together with his extensive industry experience across a wide range of product and service corporations, he develops training that has immediate impact and produces measureable results. He is a regular guest speaker at sales conventions and events throughout the region. He has written articles on sales and management for a number of prestigious publications including a weekly column for Business World Newspaper in the Philippines. Mr. Hockenhull is a training associate and program director for RCJ Consulting, Sdn. Bhd. His training programs and consultancy services are exclusively offered in Malaysia by RCJ Consulting. please visit our website

DAY 1 Module I Identifying training needs: This module addresses possible areas where showroom salespersons may require training. Specically, it looks at the areas of product knowledge, selling skills, cultural (corporate) issues and market awareness. It considers the symptoms of a lack of skills and knowledge in these areas and allows participants to quickly identify areas where training is needed. Module II Auditing skills and knowledge: Sales or showroom managers must be able to quickly dene exactly what skills and knowledge are held by individuals under their employment and relate these to the needs of the organization. This module will demonstrate how to develop skills and knowledge audits to determine the training requirement and target audience. Module III Dealing with skill and knowledge decits: Skills or knowledge decits need to be addressed in different ways. This module will discuss the different training methodologies that may be effectively used. Module IV Evaluating the effectiveness of existing training modules and programs: In many cases, the sales or showroom manager will have to determine the effectiveness of existing training programs and consider whether the loss of man-hours to attend such training benets the organization. This module will show how to quantify the effectiveness of existing training programs by measuring training program scope, coverage and results. The skills used in this module may also be used to evaluate training programs offered by outside vendors to address specic training needs. Module V - Determine the need for training: This module helps determine factors other than training which may be causing below par performance and considers other strategies that might be more effectively used in lieu of training. Further, it provides the skills to determine if knowledge and skills are really required for effective job performance. Module VI - Appropriate training methodology for skills or knowledge based training: Skills and knowledge-based training often require different approaches in terms of design and delivery. This module will address the differences between the two approaches and determine the most effective models to achieve the training objective. DAY 2 Module VII - Developing knowledge-based training modules: This module is a practical session where the participant will be supervised, coached and guided through the development of a knowledgebased training module. Consideration will be given to the formulation of a training objective and the necessary development of a training module to meet this objective. Module VIII - Developing skills based training modules: This module is a practical session where the participant will be supervised, coached and guided through the development of a skills-based training module. Consideration will be given to the formulation of a training objective and the necessary development of a training module to meet this objective. Module IX Supporting training with materials: This module covers the necessity for and development of training materials including worksheets, structured learning exercise (SLE) resources and other training delivery collaterals. Module X Practical considerations (time, venue and resources): Participants will quickly recognize that training cannot always be delivered in the perfect venue, over the desired period of time or to all of the target participants. Considerations such as time, lost man-hours, availability of trainers, cost and available resources will all impact on the decision to train. Participants will be shown how to factor this into training program design and delivery. Module XI - Training preparation: Prior to the delivery of training, trainers must prepare, avail of all of the necessary training materials, secure required resources and mentally prepare to deliver the training. This module provides an easy to use check-list on training program preparation. Module XII - Delivering the training: This session covers the basics of effective training program delivery addressing such issues as training authority, delivery and presentation skills. Module XIII - Closing review: A review of all skills learned during the program and action planning for skill implementation in each participants activities.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Senior Sales Executives, Sales Managers, Sales Directors, Showroom Managers HR and Training Personnel
for any enquiries please email to

REGISTER NOW! FAX BACK TO 603-7490 4532 About In-House Training WE ARE AT
2-6-4, 6th Floor, Menara KLH Business Centre, Off 2 1/2 Miles, Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala Lumpur.

: 603-2381 0567 / 603-7490 4528/29/30 PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT US at:Fax : 03-7490 4532 603-7490 4529 OR 603-7490 4530 Email : (Gregory/Banu) Website :

If your company wishes to have a cost-effective inhouse training program customized to your company needs,


In Training - We Build People RCJ Consulting is a rm specializing in training of managers and executives of an organization and providing consulting and advisory services in the areas of strategic marketing and business development, business nance, business redesign and change management. In the area of training, we believe that training programs affect behavior in two ways. Firstly, it directly improves the skills necessary for the employee to successfully complete his or her job. Secondly, training increases an employees self-efcacy i.e. it enables employees to be more willing to undertake job tasks and exert a high level of effort.
OUR MISSION: OUR mission is to improve the effectiveness of organizations by making executives and managers think, feel and act as if they owned the business. OUR BELIEF: OUR progression comes from the belief that we have to: Look Beyond Tomorrow but Take Action Today. OUR APPROACH: RCJ Consulting has a uniquely formulated approach towards executive and managerial development. It is made up of 5 key components of training, which is Finance, Marketing & Sales, Quality Products & Services, Strategy and Change; yet we give cognizance to the fact that Teambuilding, Human Resource Management, Information Technology and specic skills development are core areas for success in an organization. IN CONSULTING: We Rationalize, We Change, We Justify IN the area of consulting, we strive for solutions whose appearance is simple but whose inuence is far reaching and has both immediate and strategic benefit. We, therefore aim at developing progressive, objective-oriented strategies to achieve tangible and measurable results. As we believe, that solutions must be owned by client ofcers and personnel, we work with clients in joint project teams and transfer skills and capabilities. This practice leads to lasting business results. We only recommend what is implementable. Our trainers and consultants are industry practitioners and professional consultants.


Mail the attached registration form with your cheque to:-


2-6-4, 6th Floor, Menara KLH Business Centre, OFF 2 1/2 Miles, Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.

Customer Service Hotline Tel : 603-2381 0567 / : 603-7490 4528/29/30 Fax Tel : 03-7490 4532

E-mail Web


Registration:Registration forms must be completed and submitted together with full payment to:RCJ CONSULTING SDN. BHD. before commencement of the course. Otherwise, your registration(s) will be treated as unconrmed. Payment can be made either by cheque or bank drafts payable to RCJ CONSULTING SDN BHD and crossed A/C PAYEE ONLY. Cancellation:Cancellation from the course is subject to the following:- Fourteen (14) days prior to commencement - 75% refund. - Less than fourteen (14) days prior to the commencement - 50% refund. - No show - no refund; if a participant fails to attend the program, the course fees will not be refunded nor allocated to another program.


Yes! I/We will attend Designing, Developing & Delivering Effective Showroom Training 20th - 21st August 2009 - Sheraton Subang Hotel & Towers PARTICIPANT (S) DETAILS COMPANY DETAILS

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2600 / person


300 / person



2800 / person


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