WA4 Pupil Book

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A Foundation Course in English ~ Pupil’s Book Mary Bowen Printha Ellis New Edition Mary Bowen Printha Ellis New Edition cope and sequence All units practise skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking based around particular structures and vocabulary. Specific study skills are listed separately. Study Skills Unit Vocabulary 1 What is the policeman doing? Pages 8-12 He's going to 90 tothe bank. Places ina town What ore we going to do this week? ‘Adverbs of frequency The library is never open on Sundoy. Speling: words ending in nk Categorising 2 Clifton was a small town. Pages 13-17 ‘There were houses and shops onthe bridge. Jobs and professions Speling: words beginning wit sh ‘At midnight the feworks started. Comparative adjectives ‘Alphabetical order The sets were norower and citi 3 When is the next train? Pages 18-22 Can | have ..pleose? Would you ike ..7 Places in 0 town Speling: questions words dike... How much ..? Directions beginning with wh Excuse me, where's the ».? Tum right/eft; go straight Punctuation: question mark 4 The puppet factory. Pages 23-27 Can paint the face? IRems for sewing and You must wear on opron. ‘making things Be very careful. Watch your fingers! Speling: shor a; a + mogice ‘Alphabetical order: book titles 5 The Family Fun Palace. Pages 28-32 It will have three cinemas. hall we go trampolining? Sport and sport equipment Yes, lt’ Let’s go inside. it will be doudy inthe west. Points ofthe compass ‘After lunch well walk tothe river. Speling: words ending in lk 6 Join the Smile Club. Pages 33-37 You should goto the dentist. Dentisry and anatomy You shouldn't ext mucha .. Do you eat fruit? Spelling: words beginning with ch Punctuation: apostrophe (short foxmpossession) 7 You have to do your homework. Pages 38-42 You have tobe at school... You have to do your homework. Schaol vocabulary ‘Open the window so that fresh aircon come in Fist oid Speling: words ending in sh 8 Everybody had a picnic. Pages 43-47 Everybody had a sondwich. Nobody had sice of cake. Singular indefinite pronouns Do you play sports more than twice a week? | never play sports. She doesn’t have many Tove lot of Speling: words beginning or ending in sk Punctuation: inverted commas; capital letters; question marks 9 Animals in danger. Pages 48-52 How tll is o giraffe? There are 500,000 monkeys. Animals There were ony afew leaves. There was only litle grass. Speling: numbers CCtegoring different forms ‘of speech

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