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COLD OPEN FADE IN: EXT. STREET- DAY It is another typical day in the city. The streets are littered with people taking part in the rat race and traffic is bumper to bumper. JOHNNY ODONNELL walks out of a coffee shop with two CUPS OF COFFEE. He is wearing street clothes, a BADGE around his neck and a pair of slick sunglasses. As he walks over to his squad car, a BIKER speeds right by, almost hitting him. ODonnell gives him a dirty look and walks over to the car and sits in the passenger side. In the drivers seat is his partner GABRIEL BRIXTON. Brixton is wearing aviators, street clothes and a BADGE around his neck, similar to ODonnell. He is surveying the streets, expecting the unexpected and almost eagerly waiting for criminals to take down, just like he and his partner do every day. Theres nothing they would rather be doing right now. ODONNELL (hands Brixton coffee) Here ya go partner. Anything going on out there? BRIXTON Nothing yet. ODONNELL Somethings sure to be going on. This citys just full of bad guys to take down. BRIXTON (smirking) Yeah, just the way we like it. ODonnell lets out a cocky laugh, takes a sip of his coffee and checks out the streets. The RADIO spurts out some random orders to other police officers in the city.

BRIXTON Remember when we were kids and we talked about how we were gonna save the world and be admired heroes? ODONNELL Yeah, but we also tried to get super powers by eating green play doh. BRIXTON Dont you ever think about it though? Serving the Big Apple is great but dont you ever want to do more? ODONNELL (laughing) Good old Brixton, always the patriot, always wanting to make Uncle Sam proud. Suddenly, the Radio chimes in and gets Brixton and ODonnells attention. RADIO Calling all units, Calling all units. We have a 10-41 in progress on 32nd Street. Suspects are considered Armed and Dangerous. ODONNELL Armed and Dangerous? Sounds like our kinda party. ODonnell and Brixton both cock their GUNS, and Brixton starts the car. BRIXTON How are we gonna do it Johnny? ODONNELL With their hands in the air. BRIXTON And ours on the trigger. They both pound their fists and speed off, throwing the cups of coffee out the window.

EXT. BANK MOMENTS LATER A very loud ALARM rings through the air as 5 BANK ROBBERS rush out of the bank. They are wearing MASKS and holding GUNS and BAGS filled with money. They cut through the parking lot when a speeding car cuts in front of them, and 3 of the Bank Robbers stop dead in their tracks, but one keeps running around the car. BANK ROBBER 1 (yelling) What are you guys doing? Lets Suddenly the driver side door is thrown open and hits the Bank Robber in the face and he slams to the ground. Brixton and ODonnell step out of the car with their GUNS drawn. ODONNELL So, who wants to get arrested first? The remaining Bank Robbers split up into two groups and run off, trying to delay the inevitable. BRIXTON Look, theyre running. they run. I love it when

ODonnell head after one group of robbers and Brixton goes after the other group. EXT. BACK STREETS CONTINOUS

ODonnell is hot on the trail on 2 Bank Robbers. One of them turns around and wildly fires some shots at ODonnell to try to slow him down. ODonnell does a necessary spin move to dodge the bullets and fires two rounds and hits one of the Bank Robbers who flails to the ground. The other Bank Robber abandons his fellow criminal and cuts a corner. ODonnell takes a different route to try to cut him off. EXT. BACK YARDS CONTINOUS the other two Bank Robbers. They climb spread the distance, but Brixton jump right over the fences. He whips out throws them at one of the Robbers feet.

Brixton is right behind over a fence and try to performs a parkour like a pair of HANDCUFFS and

The handcuffs lock around the Robbers ankles and trip him up. As Brixton runs by him, he kicks him in the face and knocks him out and continues after the other Bank Robber. EXT. ALLEYWAY CONTINOUS One of the last Bank Robbers is running down an alleyway. He looks behind him and see no sign of ODonnell. He slows down, slightly relieved, when ODonnell comes out of nowhere and lands right on top of him pins him to the ground. ODONNELL Sorry to drop in so unexpectedly, but youre under arrest. ODonnell cuffs the Bank Robbers hands together. EXT. STREET CONTINOUS Brixton is still after the last Bank Robber, who tries to slow the relentless cop down by throwing things like trashcans and the like. Brixton easily jumps over them. He puts on the brakes and picks up a TRASHCAN LID BRIXTON Enough of this. Time to take out the trash. Brixton launches the trashcan lid at the Bank Robber and nails him right in the head. The Bank Robber falls right to the ground and Brixton stands over his body. BRIXTON Bulls eye. FADE OUT.

ACT ONE FADE IN: INT. POLICE STATION MOMENTS LATER ODonnell is sitting down on a couch and cleaning off his GUN after thwarting the bank robbery. Brixton walks up to him with an envelope in his hand. BRIXTON Did you finish up the paper work for today? ODonnell looks at a WASTEBASKET on the ground that is filled with a bunch of PAPERS. ODONNELL Ill just get a desk monkey to do it later. BRIXTON How about this paper work? Brixton hands ODonnell a LETTER and ODonnell reads it. end of the letter, he is nearly jumping out of his seat. ODONNELL No way. National Security of the USA wants you? BRIXTON This is it Johnny boy. The chance of a lifetime. A chance to defend the greatest country on Earth. ODONNELL (standing up) But what about here Brixton? What about the force? BRIXTON Theres always gonna be bank robbers and drug dealers here. We cant stop it. This is a chance to make a difference in the world. By the

ODONNELL (angrily) So what youre just gonna leave like that? Weve been partners for as long as I can remember, and best friends for longer then that, and youre just gonna abandon me? ODonnell turns around to walk but Brixton grabs him by the arm and pulls out an ENVOLOPE from behind him. BRIXTON (smiling) I never said I was going alone. A surprised ODonnell takes the envelope and eagerly RIPS it open and reads its contents and his frown quickly turns into a smile ODONNELL (laughing) You son of a bitch. BRIXTON So what do you say? ODONNELL What the hell? Lets go make Uncle Sam proud. Brixton and ODonnell reach out and grab each other by the forearms, eager to take on the challenges that await them. EXT. NATIONAL SECURITY HQ GROUNDS DAY A Bus pulls up into a parking lot and parks next to a field. As soon as the bus comes to a complete stop, a couple of RECRUITS exit the bus, carrying BAGS filled with personal belongings and wearing sweatpants and white t-shirts. Some are excited, some are nervous. ODonnell and Brixton are the last ones to get off. Like the others, they are wearing sweatpants and t-shirts, but Brixton keeps on his sunglasses. The partners check out their surroundings.

ODONNELL So this is the best we got to offer Huh? Brixton checks out the Recruits, sizing them up. A big, muscular GOON RECRUIT notices Brixton staring at him and doesnt take too kindly to it. He walks right up to Brixton and gets all up in his face. GOON RECRUIT What are you looking at, four eyes? The other Recruits notice the encounter and gather round. ODonnell stands behind Brixton, just laughing off the conflict surrounding his partner. ODONNELL (to Brixton) You know, you were always good at making new friends. Brixton never takes his eyes away from the Goon Rookie. not even slightly intimidated by him. BRIXTON (to Goon Recruit) Im looking at the guy whose about to make a big mistake if he doesnt play his hand right. GOON RECRUIT Oh yeah? The Goon Recruit tries to sucker punch Brixton, only to have Brixton casually catch his fist in his right hand, without breaking a sweat. The rest of the Recruits are shocked, except ODonnell, whose yawns. This is nothing compared to what hes used to seeing Brixton do. BRIXTON Wrong Hand. Now its mine. The Goon Rookie clutches his hand in pain trying to break free from Brixtons grasp. A loud WHISTLE startles everyone and a voice is heard.


JONES (off-screen, yelling) Officer on deck. The Recruits scatter around and scramble to make a four by four formation. Brixton lets go of the Goon Recruit who falls down to the ground. Brixton and ODonnell find themselves up front. The Goon Rookie sees two feet standing in front of him. He looks up to see CHIEF JONES looking down on him. Jones is wearing a dress shirt underneath a fleece jacket with the National Security eblem emblazoned on it, khaki pants with nice, shiny shoes. But his most noticeable attribute is the dominant mustache that hangs from his face. Jones looks down at the Goon Recruit, ready to tear into him for his stupid actions. JONES On your feet now. The Goon Rookie gets up as quickly as he can and stands tall, but looks intimidated by a smaller Jones. JONES What were you doing on the ground Private? GOON RECRUIT I was just JONES (interrupting) I dont understand that funny accent of yours private. When I ask you a question you better make sure the first and last words outta that mouth are Sir. You get me? GOON RECRUIT Sir yes Sir. JONES Thats a good Private. (walking by recruits) My name is Chief Jones, and I will be your Drill Sergeant and Commanding Officer. You take orders from me and no one else. Is that clear?

RECRUITS Sir Yes Sir. Jones walks down the line, checking out the new recruits, sizing them up as he has done many times before. He walks by Brixton and stands in front of him, focusing on him intensely. JONES Let me see your bag private. Brixton respectfully hands over his bag to Jones, who opens it and looks at the contents. JONES (pulls out GUN) A Colt .45 pistol, (pulls out PICTURE) An autographed picture of Stone Cold Steve Austin, (pulls out FLAG) And an American Flag, wrapped around a six pack of beer. Jones puts down the bag next to Brixtons feet and gives him a smirk. JONES You must be Gabriel Brixton. A murmur is heard among the Recruits, as they have all heard of the Great Gabriel Brixton and cant believe they are standing in his presence. BRIXTON Sir, you have heard of me Sir? JONES (chuckles) Heard of you? I personally requested you. Glad to see you show up. But if you wanna stay here, you better take off those damn sunglasses. I aint training a damn Jonas-Bieber here. Brixton reluctantly, takes off his sunglasses. to walk up and down the line. Jones continues

JONES Let that be a lesson to the rest of You. It doesnt matter who you were And what you have done in the past. Here you are all equally pathetic and worthless. You are in the big leagues now. This isnt some triple A, mickey mouse, gulla gulla island fairy tale. You will not be fighting desperate bank robbers or some junkies looking for a fix. You will be fighting against the most dangerous enemies of the USA. You will be trained to be the best of best. Now go get a good night sleep. Training starts tomorrow. (yelling) Dismissed. Jones walks away and the Recruits pick up their bags and head towards the Barracks. ODonnell and Brixton are the last to leave. ODONNELL I dont think were in Kansas anymore To-To. INT. CAFETERIA DAY

The recruits are hanging out in the cafeteria getting a nice dinner before their training begins. Brixton and ODonnell are sitting down eating dinner together. Nearby, some Recruits are looking over at Brixton are whispering, clearly gossiping about him. They finally muster up the courage and walk over and sit down with him and ODonnell. The two partners nod at their fellow recruits. RECRUIT 1 Hey Mr. Brixton, we just wanted to come over and tell you its an honor to be in your presence. BRIXTON (surprised) Mister? No need for the formalities Im just like you.

ODONNELL (Imitating Jones) Yeah, were all equally pathetic and worthless here. BRIXTON This is my partner, ODonnell, just ignore him, youll be better off. ODonnell and Brixton shake hands with their new friends who are filled with glee with meeting the legendary partners. RECRUIT 2 Oh yeah we know all about both of you. Is it true that you guys once arrested 150 drug dealers in one day? ODONNELL Yeah that was a slow day for us. RECRUIT 1 And did you really that you shoot a bazooka at a terrorist using a hostage as a shield and didnt hurt the hostage? BRIXTON I had to improvise because my gun wasnt loaded. RECRUIT 2 And you took out the biggest crime family in New York by crashing an armored truck right into the golf course they were playing at? ODONNELL (laughing) I remember that, man we were so drunk. TURNER (off screen) Well why am I not surprised? Brixton, ODonnell and the two Recruits turn around to see who it was who said that. DAN TURNER, a fellow recruit who sports a

smart pair glasses and neatly combed hair. Unlike the other recruits, Turner isnt impressed with the famous duo. He stands up and accosts Brixton and ODonnell. TURNER The famous Brixton and ODonnell. You might have everyone else impressed with your little stories but not me. ODONNELL And, uh, who would you be glasses? TURNER (proudly) Turner. Detective Dan Turner, from Los Angeles. Go Galaxy. BRIXTON Ive heard of you. Youre the guy who took down the Zodiac Killer. ODONNELL (confused) Zodiac Killer? BRIXTON Yeah, it was the guy who killed Henry Baker, the guy who did the horoscopes for the LA times. TURNER And I did it the right way. I didnt trot around the city shooting everything that moved. You two are a disgrace to cops everywhere. The partners look at each other, and immediately know what the other is thinking. ODONNELL (sarcastically) Yeah sitting behind a desk all day and pushing pencils, thats real police work.

BRIXTON (angrily) Look we may be on the same side but be damned if I let some desk monkey tell me how I should do my job. TURNER Im just letting you know your little parlor tricks arent going to work here. ODONNELL I guess well find out tomorrow. TURNER Yeah we will. Now if youll excuse me, Im going to go finish my tofu. Turner picks up his FOOD TRAY and goes to leave. As he is walking away, ODonnell sticks his foot out and TRIPS Turner. Turner goes crashing to the ground and gets his food all over his shirt. The Recruits start laughing at Turner, and even Brixton lets out a little smile. ODONNELL Hey Turner, looks like dinners on you tonight. All Turner can do is get up and angrily walk away. Even more Recruits walk over to their table and pat ODonnell on the pack as he and Brixton bask in their popularity. INT. BAD GUY HQ NIGHT In a mysterious room in a building in the middle of nowhere, a small group of BAD GUYS sit around a round table. They all are bad guy looking, some wearing fedoras and some showcasing scars. They have all came here for the same reason, some are getting a little restless and impatient. BAD GUY 1 (frustrated) Whats taking so long? How long are we gonna be waiting?

BAD GUY 2 Do you think that the rumors are true? That Viktor Volchenkov is back? BAD GUY 3 No one has seen him for years. what he has been planning. I wonder

BAD GUY 1 Whatever it is, it better be worth it. VOLCHENKOV (off-screen) Oh I assure you gentlemen. All of the Bad Guys turnaround from the seats to gaze upon VIKTOR VOLCHENKOV. Volchenkov is wearing a fine suit and shiny black shoes. His black hair is slicked back and his face features an eye-patch. Some say his father ripped out his eye as a kid, others say he had it when he came out of the womb. Volchenkov is accompanied by his BODYGUARD, who stands by his side silently and with no emotion on his face. He is also wearing a suit and a white headband. As he sits down, the rest of the Bad Guys act like theyve seen a ghost. VOLCHENKOV It will definitely be worth it. Volchenkov takes a seat at the table, with his Bodyguard standing right by him. VOLCHENKOV Thank you all for joining me. BAD GUY 1 Enough of the theatrics, whats all this about? VOLCHEKNOV Very well. Gentlemen, I have been working On a plan that will bring the United States of America down to its knees. BAD GUY 1 (sarcastically) And how do you plan on doing that? A giant

BAD GUY 1 (CONT) ray gun? BAD GUY 2 Or wait, maybe youve found the ark of the Covenant? Or invented giant insect robots? The two Bad Guys laugh at their own jokes as Volchenkov looks at them without emotion. VOLCHENKOV It seems that we have two volunteers. Volchenkv snaps his fingers and his Bodyguard appears immediately behind the Bad Guys and injects both of them with some type of serum using a SYRINGE. The Bad Guys both start coughing and wheezing, and they clutch their hearts and fall to the ground. The other Bad Guys all stand up, watching in horror as their comrades are being tortured but Volchenkov keeps looking on. Suddenly, two HIPSTERS appear where the Bad guys once were. They are wearing hipster clothes and acting all hipster-y. HIPSTER 1 Thats the thing about My Morning Jacket, their music just makes sense, you know? HIPSTER 2 (pause) Yeah. BAD GUY 3 My Dear God, youve changed them. VOLCHENKOV Yes, and soon all of America will be like them. But I will need help and resources if I am going to spread this serum and turn the USA into the biggest PitchFork festival in the world. BAD GUY 3 But I dont understand, how will making The USA a, a Hipster Nation, bring it down?

VOLCHENKOV Trust me when I say this is only the beginning of my plan. Volchenkov lets out an evil laugh and he is soon joined by the rest of his comrades. The Hipsters look on, shaking their heads at the Bad Guys. HIPSTER 1 (sarcastically) An evil laugh? Yeah, thats never been done before. VOLCHENKOV (to Bodyguard) Kill them. HIPSTER 2 Whatever. The Bodyguard snaps the neck of both of the Hipsters killing them instantly. FADE OUT. ACT TWO FADE IN: EXT. TRAINING GROUNDS DAY The Recruits are involved in a intense game of capture the flag, but with a twist. Each team is equipped with water balloons and if you are hit with a water balloon you are eliminated and cannot help your team anymore. Fortunately, Brixton and ODonnell find themselves on the same team, but unfortunately, Turner is also on their team, a team thats losing. They are playing on a field that has numerous obstacles and objects that provide plenty of cover and hiding places. It is reminiscent of a paintball arena.

Brixton and ODonnell are hugging a corner, and watch as one of their teammates is brutally gunned down by water balloons. He falls to the ground in dramatic fashion. ODONNELL Why are we using water balloons again? BRIXTON Chief said that if we can take down our enemies with water balloons, imagine what we can do with real weapons. ODONNELL Cant argue with that logic. Except were getting our assess kicked. BRIXTON We gotta think of something quick. Turner comes by on the opposite side of the duo, hugging the corner. TURNER (sarcastically) I hope Im not interrupting anything, but were kinda in the middle of something here. ODonnell takes one of his WATER BALLOONS and throws it at Turner, to keep him in line. Turner doesnt even wipe the water from his face. TURNER (annoyed) That doesnt count.

Were on the same team.

BRIXTON Alright, were outnumbered so the only way we can win is if we get the flag. Any ideas? ODONNELL We gotta know what their positions are. (to Turner) Four eyes, use those hubble scopes on your face to check out their formation.

Turner nods, and sticks his head out of cover to scout the other team. After a couple of seconds later, he comes back down completely drenched in water. TURNER They got people on 12 and 2 guarding the flag and a others advancing at 6 and 7. BRIXTON Good man. (to ODonnell) What are you thinking? ODonnell thinks for a bit, and an idea pops into his brain. ODONNELL You remember when we were trapped by the mob in that warehouse? BRIXTON Oh yeah, that was one of my favorite birthdays. You thinking what Im thinking? ODONNELL Fake 23 Blast with a backside Georgia reverse. BRIXTON Ill go high, you go low. ODONNELL Lets do this. ODonnell runs out of the corner to draw the attention of the other team. He takes out some of them with perfectly thrown water balloons and runs away from them. They give chase throwing water balloons but missing by inches. Brixton goes around the other way, unnoticed by the other guards. He climbs some of the obstacles and traverses the higher ground, over the guards on the other team. ODonnell finds himself cornered. He tries to fight back but is outnumbered and out-water ballooned. But he doesnt fret, because he knows that his partner will bail him out soon.

Brixton leaps over the guards firing at ODonnell and bombs them with water balloons. They all fall to the ground like theyve been shot. Now free, ODonnell rushes out of hiding and heads over to the fallen guards. He does a combat roll and picks up some water balloons. He pops up and takes out a couple more guards before taking cover. The guards have become disorganized, frightened and nervous. They dont know which way to face because they could be taken out at any moment. ODonnell same time roll. He who takes comes around the corner firing water balloons at the Brixton jumps down from the battlements into a combat takes out one guard and leaves the rest to ODonnell, out the rest with pinpoint accuracy.

Brixton run straight to the flag and grabs it. He hoists it with both hands and starts waving it the air in victory. ODonnell gives out a triumphant yell and runs up to join his partner. They high five each other and ODonnell raises his hands in the air. The guards on the losing team just lie on the ground while the recruits on the winning team join Brixton and ODonnell and joining in the celebration, even Turner. They celebrate like the duo just hit a walk off home run. Meanwhile, Jones watches them from afar, mildly impressed with Brixton and ODonnells moves. He is in the company of an OFFICER. OFFICER Those New York cops are pretty good. JONES (back to Officer) Good? (turns around) They got potential to be the best. Jones continues to watch the celebration, looking at two national heroes in the making.

INT. BAD GUY HIDEOUT NIGHT Volchenkov and his Bodyguard are standing in front of a couple of GOONS. They are wearing tacky clothes and have mean looks on their faces. There is a table that has SCHEMATICS and a couple of WEAPONS. There is also a projector showing pictures of a building. VOLCHENKOV The chemicals that we will need to mass produce the Hipster Gas will be located on the 3rd floor storage room. A slide on the projector changes to a list of a numerous chemicals and elements. VOLCHENKOV This is the list of chemicals that I require. GOON 1 (confused) Thats a lot of stuff for such a simple hocus pocus potion. VOLCHENKOV Some of the chemicals will be needed for something else. Something that does not concern the likes of (disgustingly) people of your talents. The Goons continue to stare on, looking stupid and incompetent. Suddenly a very loud CAMERA SHUTTER is heard and everyone turns around to face a SECRET AGENT. He is poorly disguised as a janitor, with a fake mustache and poorly worn wig. He is also holding a very large camera. He stares back at all the bad guys, and realizes that he has just blown his cover. VOLCHENKOV Grab him. The Goons rush out of their chairs and grab the Secret Agent and pin him to the ground. Volchenkov slowly walks over to him and

pulls a GUN out of his jacket and points it right at Secret Agents face, who is scared to death. VOLCHENKOV You forgot to clean the bathrooms on the first floor. The Secret Agent lets out a sigh of relief. He dodged a bullet.

VOLCHENKOV Also, we dont employ any janitors. The scared to death look quickly comes back on the Secret Agents face. Volchenkov rips off his mustache and wig and tears open his shirt to reveal a shirt that says Secret Agent USA on it. VOLCHENKOV Ah, a secret agent from my favorite country. (angrily) The U.S.A. SECRET AGENT (defiantly) You wont get away with us. The greatest country in the world will send others like me, better ones even. VOLCHENKOV Oh then I will expose their terrible disguises and shoot them in the face as well. Volchenkov unmercifully pulls the trigger and puts the Secret Agent out of commission, without showing any signs of emotion. The goons look at the body with some smug satisfaction. GOON 2 So whos gonna clean this up now ? INT. CEREMONY ROOM-DAY The induction ceremony has begun, and five of the best recruits are about to become secret agents for the USA. Among the five are Turner, ODonnell and Brixton. They are standing in a line at full attention, and although their faces dont show it, they are excited for this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Jones is there as well, leading the ceremony with a serious, but proud demeanor. JONES Take a look at yourselves. You made it. You have proven that you are the best of the best and are worthy to serve your country, no matter what it costs you. Congratulations, you are now secret agents of the United States of America. Jones salutes the newly appointed agents and they salute back. JONES Now, go get some rest, you deserve it. Jones walks out of the room. The agents finally break and walk up to each other shaking each others hands and congratulate each other. Jones quickly returns to the room holding a FOLDER filled with PAPERS. JONES Alright breaks over, enough with the gossip girl talk. You have your first assignment. The stunned agents quickly take a seat down around a table. Jones walks over to a COMPUTER, presses a couple of buttons and brings up a picture of VOLCHENKOV. JONES We have just intel that Viktor Volchenkov, Russian terrorist and number three on Americans Most Wanted list has come out of hiding and plans to attack the USA. Brixton and ODonnell share a look, seemingly both thinking the same thing. They have never dealt with anything like this before back in the old days. JONES It appears he plans on using chemical warfare on us. (very seriously) Many Bothans died to give us this info.

TURNER (confused) Who? JONES Manny Bothans. That was the name of the secret agent we had spying on him, until his cover was blown. BRIXTON What sort of weapons does he plan on using? JONES We know that he has created a new type of poison that spreads through the air. When it is inhaled, (beat) it changes people into something terrible, and god-forsaken. TURNER What, like zombies? AGENT Miami Heat Fans? JONES Worse. (pause) Hipsters. The agents are shocked at the very sound of the word. the agents actually THROWS UP in a nearby trash can. One of

JONES However, Volchenkov doesnt have the supplies or ingredients to mass produce the poison. Theres only one place in the world that has everything he needs and its right here in the USA. TURNER The TGRI Laboratories. Correct. JONES The leader in scientific studies

JONES(CONT) in the world. Volchenkov plans on sending a group of his men to infiltrate TGRI and steal the supplies he needs, and its up to us to stop them. (to ODonnell and Brixton) ODonnell, Brixton. The two look up at Jones when he calls their name. JONES You two were quite the celebrities in boot. Lets see how you do in the real world. You will be dispatched to guard TGRI and Make sure Volchenkovs men dont get single colander and bring them to justice. Understood? ODONNELL Yes Sir. BRIXTON Yes Sir. JONES The rest of you will stay here And try to found where Volchenkov is hiding now. Dismissed. The agents stand up and walk out of the room. ODonnell leave, they fist bump each other. ODONNELL Its Showtime. FADE OUT. As Brixton and

ACT THREE FADE IN: INT. TGRI LABS NIGHT The TGRI Labs is locked up for the night. It is a very high tech building filled with labs and the very best technology that the USA has to offer. The hallways are dark and all the doors are locked. Security cameras are at every corner patrolling the hallways. A SECURITY GUARD is sitting alone at a desk watching multiple televisions, keeping an eye on the hallways to make sure there are no intruders or anything else out of the unusual. His feet are up on the desk and he keeps nodding his head, struggling to stay awake. From the dark, two hands appear from behind him holding a WIRE and strangles him. The Security struggles to get free to no avail. The life slowly leaves the Security Guards body and he is tossed to the ground like a rag doll. A BAD GUY walks over the corpse towards a COMPUTER and starts typing. All around the building, the security cameras instantly shut off and doors become unlocked. The Bad Guy pulls out a WALKIE TALKIE and talks into it. BAD GUY Security has been overridden. At the back entrance, a door opens and Volchenkov walks into the Labs surrounded by his entourage of BAD GUYS, including his Bodyguard, who are very well armed. Volchenkov gives some orders out in Russian and the group breaks off into different directions. Two of the Bad Guys turn a corner with their GUNS drawn. They cautiously walk down, keeping their eyes peeled for anything. A NOISE is heard behind them and they turn around quickly, aiming their guns at the corner, only to find two JANITORS pushing a cart. The Bad Guys yell at the Janitors in nonsensical Russian and the Janitors have no idea what they are saying. The Bad Guys approach them with their guns drawn, the Janitors disarm them and knock them out in a flash and they both hit the

ground at the same time. The Janitors take off their uniforms, and reveal themselves as who else but Brixton and ODonnell. BRIXTON Surprise. ODONNELL Lets go give the rest of them a warm USA welcome. Brixton and ODonnell both pull out their trusty PISTOLS and head down the hallway. Meanwhile, Volchenkov and his men are in the storage area rummaging through boxes, crates and safes looking for the chemicals they need. Close by, a door creaks open quietly, and ODonnell pokes his head in to scout the room. ODONNELL Thats them alright. BRIXTON How many? ODONNELL 8 thugs, one mean looking son of a bitch And (beat) I dont believe it. Brixton, hes here. BRIXTON (confused, surprised) What? Who? ODONNELL Volchenkov. The son of a bitch is here. A shocked Brixton pokes his head through to see for himself, and gazes upon Volchenkov, who is standing in the middle of the room. ODONNELL We gotta call this into HQ. to know about this. Chief has

ODONNELL pulls out a WALKIE TALKIE from his pants. ODONNELL HQ, get me Chief Jones now. CUT TO: INT. HEAD QUARTERS OFFICES Jones is barking orders left and right as he and his people try to find Volchenkov, but the answer is about to smack him right in the face. An OFFICE DRONE walks up to Jones and hands him a WALKIE TALKIE. OFFICE DRONE Its Agent ODonnell. Says its important. Jones grabs the walkie talkie right out of his hands without even a thank you because people like him dont have time to waste with politeness. JONES (into walkie talkie) Jones. CUT TO: INT. TGRI LABS ODONNELL Jones, Volchenkov is here at TGRI. I repeat he is here. CUT TO: JONES The look on Jones face turns to disbelief. JONES Hes there with his men? Right under our nose the whole time. Jones slams his fist on the table, upset with himself for being so stupid. CUT TO: ODONNEL AND BRIXTON ODONNELL Sir what are your orders?

CUT TO: JONES JONES (clearly) Do not engage. I repeat, Do not engage. Ill be sending a force over for back up. Well be there ASAP. Jones out. CUT TO: ODONNEL AND BRIXTON ODonnell puts away his walkie talkie and looks over to Brixton. BRIXTON (annoyed) Wait for back up? By the time they get here Volchenkov will have everything. We gotta act now. ODONNELL (hesitantly) I dont know Brixton, these guys dont look like pushovers. I mean check out their hardware. I dont think we can take them ourselves. BRIXTON Look, this might be the only shot we get at bringing Volchenkov down and stopping his entire operation. I say we take him out now. ODonnell looks back into the room and then back to Brixton. takes out his pistol and cocks it. ODONNELL Alright, lets do this. Brixton and ODonnell sneak into the storage area and take cover, unnoticed by the guards. They quietly move around the room to get into the best position possible for a surprise attack. As Brixton and ODonnell sneak around, the Bodyguard notices a small moving shadow out of the corner of his eye. He practically vanishes from Volchenkovs side and investigates. He

Brixton and ODonnell find themselves the best position to launch into action. Their pistols are locked and loaded and ODonnell looks at Brixton, waiting for their cue. BRIXTON (quietly) 32 BODYGUARD (interrupting) 1. ODonnell whips his head around to find the Bodyguard standing right behind him. He pulls his pistol up to fire but the Bodyguard disarms him and throws him to the ground. BRIXTON (yelling) Johnny. Brixton comes out of cover with his pistol raised and unknowingly exposes himself to the rest of Volchenkovs men, who immediately draw their weapons and begin firing at Brixton. Luckily, bad guys have terrible aim so they miss Brixton and he is able to find cover and fire a couple shots back. Volchenkov takes quick control of the situation. VOLCHENKOV (to his men) You three. Surround him and draw him out. The rest of you finish stealing the supplies. (to one of his men) You. Execute emergency phase B. The Bad Guy nods and does as he is ordered, just like the rest of his counterparts. The tables have quickly turned as ODonnell and Brixton suddenly find themselves losing, a position they have not been in often. ODonnell is going toe to toe with the Bodyguard and finding him too much to handle. He swings wildly but cant land a punch as the Bodyguard effortlessly dodges them. ODONNELL (frustrated) Stop moving so I can hurt you.

ODonnell throws a haymaker only to find the Bodyguards hand. The Bodyguard counters with a nasty front kick that sends ODonnell falling backward. While ODonnell is getting his ass kicked, Brixton is having bullets whiz right past his ear as Volchenkovs men have him pinned down. But Volchenkovs men are too busy trying to hit Brixton they forget to remember how many bullets are left in the clip and they run out. As soon as Brixton hears the guns go click, he strikes into action. Brixton jumps out of cover and fired three quick shots into a Bad Guy and he falls over a crate. The other two reload their guns and fire at Brixton, but he has already taken cover again. Unexpectedly, Volchenkov tells them to hold fire and walks slightly towards where Brixton is. VOLCHENKOV Another secret agent sent by the USA. But there is something about you that stands out. Mr. Brixton I presume? What a pleasure to meet you. BRIXTON The pleasures all yours Volchenkov. VOLCEHNKOV (to ODonnell) And this must be Mr. ODonnell. ODonnell is being held in a full nelson by the Bodyguard. VOLCHENKOV Well since you are both here I can assume that the USA has discovered my plan and intends to stop me by all means, correct? BRIXTON You must take us pretty lightly if youd think we were gonna sit by and watch you destroy our country huh? VOLCHENKOV Then allow to me tell you this. It doesnt matter famous and feared you were patrolling the streets. Out here, you are nothing but

VOLCHENKOV(CONT) a fly on the windshield. You are powerless and there is nothing you, your partner or your country can do to stop me. ODonnell falls to the ground in front of Volchenkov and right by Brixton. ODonnell nose is dripping with blood and his face is badly bruised. Brixton pokes his head out and sees him BRIXTON (worried) Johnny. A Bad Guy comes up to Volchenkov and says something in Russian. VOLCHENKOV Unfortunately, we must be going now but we have a lovely parting gift for you. Farewell, Mr. Brixton and Mr. ODonnell. Volchenkov and his men leave out the door and quickly lock it so Brixton cant follow. Brixton gets up and checks on ODonnell. BRIXTON You alright partner? ODONNELL (coughing) I dont think nows the best time to play doctor. Look. ODonnell points to a suitcase lying on the ground. It is opened and has a digital clock inside with a bunch of wires coming out of it and it has counting down fast. Its a bomb thats ready to blow. BRIXTON (picks up ODonnell) Come on, we gotta get outta here. With ODonnells arm around his shoulder, Brixton rushes over to the door and kicks it down. He rushes out of the building as fast as he can.

EXT. TGRI LABS ENTRANCE MOMENTS LATER Brixton drags ODonnell out of the building just as the bomb goes off. Fire bursts out of the windows and the force of the explosion throws Brixton and ODonnell through the air and they land on the ground hard as debris conveniently falls around them. The partners slowly get up and look at the destruction. ODONNELL Chief is not gonna be happy about this. INT. NATIONAL SECURITY HQ DAY Brixton and ODonnell are standing in front of Jones desk in his office. An infuriated Jones throws down a FOLDER with papers overflowing out of it on his desk. JONES (yelling) 150,000 dollars in damages you two caused with your little stunt at TGRI. Not to mention you let Volchenkov get away with everything he needed. Now, I got the entire U.S. government up my ass, and the President is so pissed, he just kicked me out of his fantasy football league. So it looks like Team Jonesing For a Victory isnt gonna threepeat this year. What were you thinking out there? All Brixton and ODonnell can do is stand there and take it. Until Brixton decides to do whats right. BRIXTON Sir, it was my idea to disobey your orders. Agent ODonnell didnt have anything to do with it. ODonnell gives Brixton a what do you think youre doing look and Jones gives Brixton a hard stare. JONES (to ODonnell) Is this true?

ODONNELL (hesitantly) Yes Sir but I JONES (interrupting) Then thats all I need to hear. dismissed Agent ODonnell.


ODonnell gives Brixton a worried look and reluctantly leaves the office. JONES What did I tell you on the first day of boot camp Brixton? This isnt a monkey petting zoo, that crap isnt gonna fly here. You left me no choice. Right now this country is better off without you. Your suspended for 2 months without pay. Your gun and your Born in the USA cd. Now. BRIXTON Sir just give me another shot JONES (loudly) Now. Brixton pulls out his PISTOL and a copy of Bruce Springsteens Born in the USA and puts it on Jones desk. JONES Now get the hell outta my office. Brixton slowly turns around and leaves Jones office. ODonnell, who has been waiting outside the office, catches up to him. ODONNELL Hey what were you doing in there? BRIXTON Look it was my fault he got away, not yours. You shouldnt get punished for my mistakes. You gotta find Volchenkov and stop him. ODONNELL But what about you?

BRIXTON Forget about me, Im not good enough to serve our country. Brixton walks away from ODonnell, ignoring his pleas for him to come back. ODonnell stares on, deeply concerned about his friend. Back in Jones office, Turner walks in holding a stack of papers, to report to Jones some new information that has come to light. JONES Agent Turner, what have you got for me? TURNER Sir, Ive looked into what exactly Volchenkov and his men stole from TGRI, and it doesnt make any sense. JONES What do you mean? TURNER I had forensics look into the formula for creating the hipster gas and what specifically is needed. JONES And? TURNER (looking through paperwork) And some of the chemicals Volchenkov took arent needed for the hipster gas. I have no idea what he could possibly need them for. JONES Volchenkov may be hiding something up his sleeve. Look into the other chemicals that were stolen and report back to me. Get Agent ODonnell to help you, he may have learned something during his little encounter. TURNER Yes Sir.

Turner goes to the door, but before opening it he turns around and faces Jones. TURNER Sir, I know its not my place, but dont you think you were a little harsh on Agent Brixton? I mean, I know me and him dont exactly get along but he is the best agent we have. Jones looks at Turner and then turns around and stares out of his window. BRIXTON Brixton is on a journey now. Either he will complete it and become the man he is destined to be, or he will be lost forever. INT. BAD GUY HIDEOUT DAY Volchenkov is sitting in a chair in his office, looking out of a window. A BAD GUY walks in, eager to report news. BAD GUY Master, the gas has been released and the poison is ready. VOLCHENKOV (turning around in chair) Excellent. Prepare my chopper. Time to execute the final phase of my plan. A smug look appears on Volchenkovs face. He feels unstoppable as his plan comes closer and closer to succeeding. EXT. CITY MOMENTS LATER Hundreds of people the terror that is bench and opens up air but instead of violently. are walking down the street, unbeknownst of about to strike. A CITIZEN sits down on a a NEWSPAPER. He takes a big breath of fresh breathing it out, he begins to cough

He falls over on to the ground, clutching his chest in pain, and shaking his entire body. As he stands up, he is wearing hipster

clothes and smoking a CIG. He is the first of many as other HIPSTERS appear out of thin air. HIPSTER (to other hipsters) Lets go get drunk then complain about how getting drunk is so mainstream. GIRL HIPSTER Cool. FADE OUT.

INT. NATIONAL SECURITY HQ- MOMENTS LATER As usual, everyone at the National Security HQ is busy and running around like mad men. Turner is sitting at a desk typing on a computer as ODonnell looks through a bunch of papers next to him. Jones is barking out orders left and right in order to find Volchenkov. An OFFICE DRONE runs up to Jones with a CELL PHONE in his hand and an urgent look on his face. OFFICE DRONE Sir, we have some troubling news. People in New York have been calling the police saying that people are turing into hipsters everywhere. There have been over 50 reported sightings in the last 20 minutes. JONES (worried) Dear God. Its begun. (to the entire office) Listen up everyone. Volchenkov has launched his first attack in New York. That means he has to be somewhere in the city. And this time (looks at ODonnell) hes not going to get away. ODonnell rolls his eyes and goes back to looking through some papers. JONES (to Office Drone) Assemble any available men and have them equipped and ready to leave in 10 minutes. (to Turner) You two to stay here and keep trying to pinpoint Volchenkovs exact location. If you find out any new intel Im the first to know. Understand? ODONNELL What?

TURNER But Sir JONES (interrupting) Thats an order. Jones leaves with the rest of the agents and Turner and ODonnell reluctantly stay at their desk. ODONNELL I cant believe this. out on the action. Were missing

TURNER What did you expect? You didnt catch Volchenkov the first time, what makes you think youll get him this time? ODONNELL Stuff it poindexter. Just keep staring at your computer and crunching numbers. TURNER For your information, Im trying to figure out Volchenkov is up to. ODONNELL What are you talking about? TURNER Im talking about those chemicals you couldnt stop him from stealing. He doesnt need them for the Hipster gas so why take them? ODONNELL What kind of chemicals are we talking about here? TURNER Deadly ones. After some research, I found out they can be combined and used as a poison that shuts down major organs in the body. The thing is that it is very difficult to spread. It has to be consumed by a person to work but it dissolves in food and water. It doesnt add up.

ODONNELL Well good luck with that. Im going to do some research of my own. ODonnell opens a drawer in his desk and takes out a COLD BEER. He sits down, puts his feet up on the desk, cracks it open and takes a big gulp. Obviously, Turner is annoyed by his colleagues behavior in the workplace. But then he takes a good look at the beer and he has a eureka moment. TURNER (exclaiming) Thats it. Turner takes ODonnell beer right out of his hands and looks at the can, specifically the ingredients. A shocked and very angry ODonnell pulls out his GUN and points it right at Turner. ODONNELL Give it back, now. TURNER Of course. Why didnt I see notice before? ODONNELL (still pointing gun) Give it back, now. TURNER Listen to me, the poison dissolves in water and food, but it wont dissolve in alcohol once its fermented. Thats how Volchenkov plans to spread the poison. ODONNELL (slowly) Give it back, now. Turner gives ODonnell back his beer just to get him to shut up about it. ODonnell puts his gun away. TURNER (pondering) But what could this poison have to do with the hipster gas? What?

ODonnell takes a drink of his beer when a look of sudden realization come onto his face, and he drops the beer to the floor. ODONNELL Oh no. CUT TO: EXT. BEER STORE-MOMENTS LATER At a normal beer distributor in the city, a HIPSTER walks out but he is not empty handed. In his right hand is a case of PABST BLUE RIBBON BEER. CUT TO: INT. NATIONAL SECURITY HQ-CONTINOUS ODonnell and Turner are soaking in what they have just learned. ODONNELL Everyone whose been affected by the Hipster gas is going to kill themselves and they dont even know it. TURNER We have to let them know. Tell everyone not to drink the poisoned PBR. ODONNELL That wont work. If we tell hipsters not to drink it, its only going to make them drink it more. TURNER But wont they notice it? The poison must make the beer taste terrible. ODONNELL PBR already tastes terrible, no of the hipsters will notice it. Turner becomes more and more frustrated with each of ODonnells points. He is ready to give up hope. TURNER So what are we gonna do? ODonnell thinks for a second. He heads over to the computer on his desk and searches for something.

ODONNELL Here look. This is the PBR Brewery, its located here in Washington. TURNER (beat) Thats convenient. ODONNELL Volchenkov has to go there in order to poison the PBR. We have to get there as soon as possible and stop Volchenkov. If we dont, then every hipster in this countrys dream will come true. (pause) They will all be underground. TURNER Ill let the Chief know and get our equipment and transportation prepared. ODonnell gets up from his desk and starts to leave. gives him a baffeled look. TURNER Hey, where are you going? ODonnell stops and turns around to face Turner. ODONNELL We cant do this by ourselves. gonna need some help. Were Turner

EXT. PBR BREWERY MOMENTS LATER The PBR Brewery up and running, with trucks coming and leaving filled with cases and cases of beer. Volchenkov and his entourage of goons arrive and walk right in. A few workers approach them but they are quickly dispatched and the bad guys continue to go about their evil plan.

INT. BRIXTONS APARTMENT LATER ODonnell arrives at Brixtons apartment looking for him. He whips open the door to his bedroom and sees someone lying on the bed. ODONNELL Brixton. Thank god youre here. up we gotta Get

ODonnell grabs Brixtons shoulder to wake up and sees Brixton has grown a very long and bushy beard. Brixton has bags under his eyes and overall, looks like shit. ODonnell is taken back by his appearance. ODONNELL Dear God, what happened to you? Its only been 1 day since youve been suspended. BRIXTON Yeah Im still trying to get over it. ODONNELL We need your help. The hipster gas has been released and Volchenkov is going to poison all the PBR in the country. We gotta stop him before its too late. BRIXTON Youre better off without me Johnny. I cant help you. ODONNELL Dont say that. Youre talking crazy. BRIXTON I had a shot out Volchenkov and I missed. Im just not good enough. I never was. ODONNELL Did you forget why we even came here? To make a difference. To serve our country. To make Uncle Sam proud. Now we have a chance to do all of those things

and your gonna throw it away? this will jog your memory.


ODonnell pulls out a BADGE from his pocket and tosses it to Brixton. He catches it and takes a good look at it. It was his old badge when he was a cop in New York. He reminisces about all the great things he did as a cop and all the hardships he went through. If he could come out of top of that, he can come out on top of anything. ODONNELL I cant do this without my partner. Brixton looks back at his partner. looks at ODonnell. He gets up from his bed and

BRIXTON Lets go kick some Russian ass. The lifelong partners grab each other by the forearms, just like old times. Brixton gets cleaned up, arms himself with his trusty PISTOL, and puts on his clothes which includes his LEATHER JACKET and trademark SUNGLASSES. INT. PBR BREWERY MOMENTS LATER Volchenkov is overlooking his heavily armed goons as they go to work in the brewery, preparing the poison and making sure everything goes according to plan. Volchenkov confidently walks around, his plan has come to far for anything to stop him now. When suddenly, a door flies open and a seriously injured Bad Guy flies through it and falls hard to the ground. Volchenkov turns around and sees the body and sends two goons to check it out. The goons notice a small bulge under the goons shirt. They lift up the shirt to see a GRENADE taped to the guard and under that, there are words written on his stomach that read Have a Nice Day and a smile face. The Goons look at each other just as the grenade explodes and kills the two goons and sends everything into a frenzy. Just then, Brixton comes through the same door before armed with double PISTOLS and takes out two guards.

A goon fires his weapon back when ODonnell appears behind him, taps him on the shoulder and as the goon turns around, he gets promptly shot in the face. In another part of the Brewery, run to help. They run across a and fall to the ground hard. A his uniform and reveals himself MACHINE GUN. two goons hear the commotion and recently mopped floor and slip JANITOR walks by and takes off as Turner who pulls out a

TURNER Caution. Slippery when wet. Meanwhile, Volchenkov takes cover as his goons engage in battle against Brixton and ODonnel. He pulls out a PISTOL of his grabs one of his goons. VOLCHENKOV Is the poison ready? GOON Yes sir. We just have to get to the distillery to add it to the beer. VOLCEHNKOV Grab it and follow me. The Goon grabs a SUITCASE and follows Volchenkov to the distillery. Turner gets there just in time to see them running away and turns to Brixton, who is brutally punching a Goon in the face. TURNER Brixton, Volchenkovs getting away. Go after him. Well cover you. Brixton nods, drops the Goon and goes after Volchenkov as Turner and ODonnell continue fighting the rest of the Goons. As ODonnell is shooting, his PISTOL is kicked out of his hand. A surprised ODonnell turns and comes face to face with Volchenkovs Bodyguard. ODONNELL Oh good, I wanted a rematch.

The Bodyguard throws a haymaker but ODonnell counters and connects with a right cross that sends the Bodyguard stumbling back. ODonnell cracks his neck and puts his fist up like a prizefighter. ODonnell throws a punch but the Bodyguard ducks and throws a couple body blows. ODonnell grabs the Bodyguards back and throws him like a professional wrestler. The Bodyguard gets up and launches a kick at ODonnell, who grabs his foot and delivers another cross hook that sends the Bodyguard spinning. ODonnell stands over the Bodyguard, who sweeps his leg and he falls down right next to him. The Bodyguard grabs a PIPE and starts swinging at ODonnell, who counters by rolling around and avoiding the pipe. ODonnell gets on his feet and goes to swing the pipe again but ODonnell catches it, knees the Bodyguard in the stomach and finishes him off with a vicious uppercut that sends the Bodyguard flying through the air and onto a table. ODonnell stands over his victim and cracks his knuckles. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the barrel of a gun at the hands of a Goon. A shot is fired and ODonnell flinches, but he isnt dead. Instead, the Goon falls down and ODonnell turns around and sees Turner aiming his gun. ODONNELL (weirdly) Thanks. TURNER (weirdly) Dont mention it. Meanwhile, Brixton is walking carefully down a hallway, stalking his prey. He has both pistols drawn, pointing them out in front of him. When out of nowhere, a Goon jumps on him and puts him in a strangle hold, causing Brixton to drop his pistols. Volchenkov steps out of hiding and looks at Brixton as he struggles for freedom. VOLCHENKOV Well Mr. Brixton it appears your journey is at an end.

BRIXTON (gasping for air) Not today. Brixton flips the goon over and onto the ground. He gets on top and delivers a couple of punches because he really hates when people try to kill him. Seeing his chance to finish his nemesis off, Volchenkov aims hits gun right at Brixton, and cocks it. ODonnell enters the hallway and sees his partner, his best friend, about to be killed and runs over as fast as he can. Brixton turns around to see himself staring at Volchenkov with a loaded gun pointed right at him. A look of fear appears on his face. VOLCHENKOV Goodbye, Mr. Brixton. Volchenkov pulls the trigger but the bullet hits ODonnell. ODonnell falls to the ground clutching his stomach. Brixton kneels down besides his friend, holding onto him as blood pours out of ODonnell. Volchenkov uses this as an opportunity to get away and carry out his plan. BRIXTON (worried) Johnny. Hold on buddy. Stay with me. ODONNELL (coughing) I always knew Id go out with a bang. BRIXTON Everythings gonna be alright, just hang on. ODONNELL Dont waste your time, you gotta stop Volchenkov. BRIXTON Im not leaving you here.

ODONNELL Brixton, you gotta make sure Im the only American who dies today. Brixton is fighting through tears as ODonnell puts his fist up for a pound. ODONNELL How are we gonna do it Brixton? BRIXTON (choked up) With their hands in the air. ODONNELL And ours on the trigger. Brixton pounds ODonnell and lays him on the ground, picks up his guns and charges after Volchenkov. Brixton walks into an empty room. There seems to be no sign of Volchenkov anywhere, except for a COMPUTER in the center of the room on a table. The screen reads TRANSFER WILL BE COMPLETE IN 5 MINUTES. Brixton walks straight towards the computer when he is ambushed from behind by Volchenkov. Volchenkov knocks Brixton to the ground, who loses his gun. Volchenkov gets right on top of him and begins choking him with a rusty CHAIN. Gasping for air, Brixton elbows Volchenkov in the stomach as hard as he can until Volchenkov is forced to let go. Brixton goes on the attack by upper cutting Volchenkov who goes flipping over a table. Brixton walks around the table to finish the job, but Volchenkov secretly whips out a SWITCHBLADE. Brixton picks Volchenkov up only for Volchenkov to swing his blade at Brixton and cut him in the face. Brixton staggers back, grabbing his face, and tries to regain his composure. Volchenkov stands in front of him and tosses the blade back and forth from his hands.


You cant stop me now Mr. Brixton. In one minute, the poison will be injected into the beer, and all of the USA will crumble, and you will have front row seats. BRIXTON Hate to break it to you, but this game is gonna be delayed, on account of justice. Volchenkov screams and charges at Brixton. He swings wildly with his blade and Brixton dodges the attacks. Volchenkov lunges forward and Brixton sidesteps, grabs Volchenkovs wrist and breaks his arm. Volchenkov screams in pain as Brixton throws him to the ground. With his enemy no longer posing a threat, Brixton runs over to the computer. The timer now reads 10 seconds. Thinking fast, Brixton does what he does best. He grabs his gun from the floor and shoots up the computer. The computer frizzes up and Brixton hears Injection Aborted and it powers down. Brixton breathes a sigh of relief. BRIXTON Its over Volchenkov. You lost.

Brixton turns around and finds no trace of Volchenkov and a door that is swinging open. Turner comes into the room and Brixton turns around to face him. BRIXTON We did it. TURNER (sadly) Brixton, its ODonnell. Brixton looks right at the ground, truly a bittersweet moment for our hero. EXT. GRAVEYARD DAY Heavy rain falls to the ground. Brixton is standing in front of tombstone that reads Jonathon Seamus ODonnell. Rain drips down his face and sunglasses as he pulls something from his pocket.

Its ODonnells old New York police badge, and Brixton places it on top of the tombstone. He takes one last look before he walks away, leaving his partner and best friend to rest in peace. INT. JONES OFFICE THE NEXT DAY Jones is sitting down at his desk and Brixton is sitting down in front of him. Jones desk is littered with papers and files. Even though Volchenkovs plan has been thwarted, theres still much work to be done. JONES What can I say Brixton, you did it. I dont know how but you did it. JONES(CONT) Volchenkov may have gotten away but it will be years before he can strike again. BRIXTON But Sir, what about those people who were infected by the hipster gas? JONES Oh dont worry about that. We found a cure and were giving it to the infected as we speak. CUT TO: EXT. STREETS CONTINUOUS A HIPSTER is walking down the street listening to his Ipod, when an AGENT walks up to him and punches him right in the face. The Hipster falls over, but when he gets back up he is wearing normal clothes and is no longer a hipster. CUT TO: INT. JONES OFFICE JONES (holding a piece of paper) Also, I think that we can forgot about that little suspension of yours. Jones rips up the piece of paper and throws it in the trash. BRIXTON Thank you Sir.

JONES Im sorry to hear about ODonnell. He was a good man. If you need to take some time for yourself then by all means BRIXTON (interrupting) To be honest sir, I think ODonnell would want me right back out there. JONES Well then, in that case, we got another job for you. Intel has found the whereabouts of one of the most JONES(CONT) dangerous people in the world. Jones throws a folder to Brixton, who opens it to find a picture of Osama Bin Laden. JONES Think you can handle it? Brixton stands up and puts on his sunglasses. BRIXTON Justice is coming to you Bin Laden. And his name is Gabriel Brixton. FADE OUT.

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