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Library Newsletter

UNESCO Office, Jakarta

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UNESCO Librarian : Rosinta P. Hutauruk ( )

November 18, No. 33

News from UNESCO Office, Jakarta

Sixth Session of the Intergovernmental Committee (6.COM) Bali, Indonesia, November 2011

Hosted by the Government of Indonesia, the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage will hold its sixth session in Bali, Indonesia, from 22 to 29 November 2011, as scheduled. More

Stakeholders Consultative Meeting on Heritage Tourism Promotion and Revitalisation of Local Community Livelihood in Cultural Industries at the Borobudur World Heritage Site

This meeting was organised as a complimentary activity to the Save the Borobudur World Heritage Site: Emergency Operation for the Safeguarding of the Borobudur Temple Compounds from the Damage caused by the Mt. Merapi Eruption and Revitalisation of the Local Community Livelihood in Cultural Industries and Heritage Tourism project and took place between 9th-10th November at the Manohara Centre of Borobudur Study in the Borobudur Temple Compounds, Maglang Regency, Central Java. More

Online Publication
Beyond the Commonwealth Teacher Recruitment Protocol: Next Steps in Managing Teacher Migration in Difficult Circumstances

Based on papers presented at the Symposium2 and a review of the literature, this paper asks what the issues affecting forced migrant teachers are compared to voluntary migrant teachers, and what policies are necessary to ensure their welfare. Noting the research gaps around the role and status of refugee teachers in emergencies, it is found that teachers are significantly under-represented in the refugee population. Following a review of how the learning from the application of the CTRP might be applied to efforts to improve institutional frameworks for the management of teachers in emergencies, the paper concludes with recommendations for policy-makers aimed at protecting the professional role and status of teachers forced to migrate and enhancing their ability to operate constructively in emergency conditions. Download

Library Newsletter
UNESCO Office, Jakarta

Article Alert!
Duh 81 Persen Anak NTT Seharian Nonton Sinetron. Kompas 16-11-2011
KUPANG, Ketua Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Daerah Nusa Tenggara Timur Mutiara Mauboy mengatakan, sebanyak 81 persen anak di provinsi kepulaun itu menghabiskan waktunya setiap hari menonton televisi bersegmen hiburan dan sinetron. More

Govt to fast track development after release of UNDP report. Jakarta Post 16-112011
The government will focus on improving the accessibility and quality of health and education after a recent UN report placed a spotlight on Indonesias development achievements. More

Govt to register tenun songket with UNESCO. 14-11-2011

JAKARTA: The Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry says it will soon petition UNESCO to register tenun songket, a golden fabric, as part of Indonesias cultural heritage. More

Indonesia Dorong Tari Saman Diakui Unesco. 17-11-2011

JAKARTA, akan upayakan Tari Saman asal Provinsi Aceh mendapat pengakuan UNESCO dalam Sidang Tahunan Komite Pemerintah-UNESCO Keenam untuk Perlindungan Warisan Budaya Tak benda di Nusadua, Bali, 22-29 November. More

Indonesia should see glass as half full in studying HD reports. Jakarta Post 12-112011
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) said on Friday that it was not all doom and gloom for Indonesia when it came to human development. More

Indonesian can be international language. Jakarta Post 17-11-2011

JAKARTA: Indonesian has the potential to become an international language, more so than many European languages, the Indonesian Commission for UNESCO says. More

Mempertanyakan Kontribusi Candi Borobudur. 12-11-2011

MAGELANG, Borobudur sejak dimasukkan sebagai situs warisan dunia pada 1991 belum banyak memberikan keuntungan bagi sebagian besar masyarakat sekitar, kata perwakilan Kantor UNESCO Jakarta, Masanori Nagaoka. More

Library Newsletter
UNESCO Office, Jakarta
Ministry denies borobudur to be taken off UNESCO. AntaraNews 11-11-2011
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - A senior Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry official has denied allegations that the ancient Borobudur Temple in Central Java is to be scrapped from UNESCO`s world cultural heritages list. More

Science Film Festival Indonesia Digelar 16-30 November. 15-112011

JAKARTA, - Untuk kali kedua, Science Film Festival (SFF) digelar di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2011 ini, festival yang menggabungkan pendidikan dan hiburan untuk anak-anak dan kaum muda ini akan digelar tanggal 16 - 30 November. More

Tenun Songket Akan Didaftarkan ke UNESCO. Kompas 13-11-2011

PALEMBANG, Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Mari Elka Pangestu menyatakan akan segera mendaftarkan tenun songket sebagai warisan budaya layaknya batik ke Organisasi Pendidikan, Ilmu Pengetahuan, dan Kebudayaan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (UNESCO). More

Traditional dances proposed to be world. Jakarta Post 16-11-2011

The Indonesian government has proposed to UNESCO nine traditional Balinese dances to be recognized as worlds heritage and be included in the organizations list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, a senior ranking official disclosed. More

UNESCO has made its mark on a global scale. Financial Express 15-11-2011

As UNESCO -- the specialised agency of the United Nations and the heir of the League of Nations' International Commission on Intellectual Cooperation - now enters the 68th year of its operations, it is worthwhile to take note of its activities on a global scale over the years. More

Women in Science. Jakarta Post 13-11-2011

Microscopes, dirty clay and scorching heat not to mention trial and error are routine for Indonesias top women researchers. They all share one goal: to improve the knowledge of mankind. More

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