Source Based Skills Inference - Questions That Require You To Draw Conclusions From

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e weekend, I have received countless messages from many of you asking me the weirdest, scariest questions that you should NOT be asking 2 days before your paper. Therefore, I have decided to prepare this last minute revision guide for you to read through just before your paper so that you do not get too confused. This will mostly focus on SBQ skills. Enjoy, and all the very best for tomorrow. I am confident you will do well

Source Based Skills 1) Inference - Questions that require you to draw conclusions from the sources a) Examples What is the message of this source? What can you infer from this source? What is the source trying to say? Does the cartoonist approve of the policy?

b) How do you answer the question? Most of the time, you can use the issue statement. The issue statement will give you a focus and help you to craft a proper statement. Make sure your inferences are not too long out of point. Ensure that your evidence is relevant to the source Make sure you explain the evidence and link it back to the source.

2) Inference with purpose Questions that require you to not just infer what is being said, but also why its being said. a) Examples Why did the cartoonist draw this cartoon? Why did the minister make this speech? Why did the author make this speech? b) How do you answer the question?

CHUNG CHENG HIGH YISHUN SECONDARY 4NA SOCIAL STUDIES CRASH COURSE As you can see, the questions follow a trend of asking you WHY Whenever you are asked why, you have to provide a reason Therefore, you provide a reason for the source Use 3As + M to provide the reason for the source Audience (Who is the source targeted at) Action Word (Convince, persuade, influence etc) Message (What is the source saying) Anticipated Outcome (What does the author hope to achieve by saying this) Provide relevant evidence Explain the evidence and link it back to the statement

3) Comparison Questions that require you to find a common factor (usually the issue) between 2 sources and determine if the sources are similar or different in talking about that issue. a) Examples How similar are these sources? (Both similarity & difference) How different are these sources? (Both similarity & difference) How are these sources similar? (Only similarity) How are these sources different? (Only difference) How similar are these sources? (Only similarity) How different are these sources? (Only difference) b) How do you answer the question? Determine if you have enough time to do both similarity & difference or just one. If you only have time to do one, do the one that will allow you to use the issue statement Most of the time, you can use the issue statement to come up with either a difference or a similarity, so do that first. Look at the issue statement and then each source, and determine if the sources are different or similar with respect to the issue statement. Evidence from each source Explain the evidence and link it back to the statement.

4) Reliability Questions that require you to check if you can trust what a source says (usually by looking at who said it) a) Examples Does this source prove that?

CHUNG CHENG HIGH YISHUN SECONDARY 4NA SOCIAL STUDIES CRASH COURSE How reliable is this source ? Can you believe what this source says? Can you trust this source? Are you surprised by what this source says? Does Source D prove what Source E says?

b) How do you answer the question? First determine if the source is reliable or not reliable If the source is unreliable, there must be 7 things present in your answer. Source A is not reliable as it is by a Sinhalese and therefore he will be biased. He will be trying to convince the international community that the conflict is caused by the Tamils so that the international community will support the Sinhalese and take action against the Tamils. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Stand Source A is not reliable Provenance By a Sinhalese Biasness And therefore he will be biased. Audience International Community Action word Convince Message Conflict is caused by the Tamils Anticipated Outcome So that the international community will support the Sinhalese and take action against the Tamils. 8) Evidence 9) Explanation If the source is reliable Elaborate why it is reliable. It is objective. Well researched. Neutral. Has facts and evidence. etc

5) Utility Questions Questions that require you to check if a source is useful or not useful Examples How useful is this source? Is this source useful? Is this source useless?

CHUNG CHENG HIGH YISHUN SECONDARY 4NA SOCIAL STUDIES CRASH COURSE How do you answer the question? Follow the same steps as with reliability questions If the source is reliable, it is useful If the source is not reliable, it is not useful

6) Evaluation Question English comprehension question. No need to check reliability or to cross reference * Refer to SS Workbook

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