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1] ________ principle defines exactly what the system is supposed to achieve a) system input b) system output c) Goal-setting d) system

boundary [2] The creation of a new system in business involves which of the following activities a)choosing the right problem to solve b)proposing a feasible way to solve c)describing solution in a system specification d)all of the above [3] A system which provides information to people in an organization is called _________ a)processing system b)information system c)communication system d)privileged system [4] _______ approaches are used to build simple informational support needs like address book orspreadsheet for accounting. a)formal b)informal c)ad-hoc d)none of the above [5] A system can be made of any number of ________ a)super systems b)subsystems c)processors d)system boundaries [6] ________ is a set of interacting components that operate together to accomplish a purpose .a)System b)processing c)programming d)Printing

[7] A computer system is made up how many components? a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4

[8] Which of the following computer system components provides interface for user interaction? a)terminal b)computer c)processor d)F i l e [9] A computer system is made up of which of the following components a)a computer b)a fi l e c)a terminal d)all of the above [10] Which of the following computer system components is used for data storage? a)computer b)terminal c)f i l e d)Processor [11] ________ processes help to organize manpower that carry out the system development work forsystem efficiency & effectiveness. a)formal b)management c)informal d)ad-hoc [12] An information system that uses computers is __________ system. a)information system b)computer-based information system c)communication system d)processing system

[13] Anything outside the system boundary is known as the _________. a)system input b)system output c)Goal-setting d)system environment [14] The _________ acts as input to the system and the_________ acts as output to the computer system. a)terminal, data storage b)data storage, terminal c)processor, terminal d)terminal, processor [15] _______ principle defines the components that make up the system a)system boundary b)system input c)system output d)goal-setting [16] ________ approach is needed to develop larger systems, which are becoming increasingly complex. a)formal b)informal c)ad-hoc d)none of the above [17] An important principle in system behavior is ________ a)goal setting b)system boundary c)feedback d)system output [18] A computer based information system (CBIS) involves which of the following elements a)procedures b)data c)both 1 & 2 d)Processes

[19] _________ produces operational and strategic reports for effective management of the organization a)MIS b)DSS c)TIS d)EIS [20] Business process re-engineering means ---a)Increasing the use of computers in the business process. b)Reducing the manpower in the business process. c)Changing an existing business process. d)All of the above [21] EIS stands fora)Executive Information System b)Extension information system c)extensive information system d)expansive information system [22] The block which deals with business knowledge in the IS architecture framework to maximize profit foran organization is a)Knowledge b)Process c)Communication d)Data [23] How does the subsystem communicate with each other? a)through DMA b)through processor c)by passing messages between themselves d)all of the above [24] Which of the following are the principles of systems which are with system structure and systembehavior? a)Goal-setting b)System boundary c)systems inputs d)all of the above

[25] _________ helps us to understand complex system in nature a)System theory b)project theory c)process theory d)information theory [26] A _______ are the physical objects & information that cross the boundary to enter it from itsenvironment a)Goal-setting b)systems inputs c)system boundaries d)system environment [27] _______ is the idea of monitoring the current system output and comparing it to the system goal a)feedback b)goal-setting c)message passing d)system environment [28] Which of the following functions are common to the various types of information systems? a)Communication system b)Collaboration System c)Office Automation Systems d)all of the above [29] In an information system the business process is devoted to a) capturing b)transmitting c)storing data as input d)all of the above [30] Documents include a)system specifications b)actual programs c)designs d)all of the above

[31] A system which provides information to people in an organization is called _________ a)processing system b)information system c)communication system d)privileged system [32] Before learning the process of building information systems you would need to understand the_______ that you are trying to build a)product b)process c)project d)all of the above [33] The _________ building blocks capture and store business data using database technologies a)process b)communication c)knowledge d)all of the above [34] Which of the following are the types of information system? a)Transaction processing systems b)Management information systems c)Decision Support Systems d)all of the above

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