I. PROSE. "The Fall of The House of Usher" and "The Most Dangerous Game." (Questions 1-15, 30%)

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Students Name and Number: I. PROSE. The Fall of the House of Usher and The Most Dangerous Game.

(Questions 115, 30%) A. Usher. 1. What does the narrator say Ushers house looks like? A. A coffin B. A face C. A grave D. A bear 2. What was Rodericks chief complaint in his sickness? A. His senses were B. He was chased by a C. He was coughing all D. He felt dizzy and oversensitive huge dog day could not walk 3. What was Madelines sickness like? A. She would vomit all B. She could not sleep C. She sometimes D. Her legs were very the time at all seemed to be dead painful 4. Aside from Roderick and Madeline, how many members of the Usher family still were alive during most of this story? A. Four B. Three C. One D. None 5. While the narrator reads a book to Roderick, he and Roderick hear some strange sounds that reminds the narrator of the events in the book hes reading. What real-world sound does the narrator hear when he describes the shriek or scream of the dragon in the book? A. Madeline opening her coffin B. Madeline crying out in terror C. Madeline opening the iron door D. Madelines horse being hurt 6. The title of this story can have more than one meaning. Of course, at the end, the actual house Roderick had lived in collapses; what other meaning can the title have? In other words, what sort of house of Usher falls at the end of the story? Please restate the title in a way that makes the other meaning clear. One line of writing should be all you need to use. B. The Most Dangerous Game. _____ 7. Why does Whitney disappear after the first three pages of the story? A. He is shot by a gun and dies. B. He is sleeping for the rest of C. Rainsford leaves Whitney on the story. the boat when he falls out. _____ 8. Where is Rainsford from? A. Cossack B. New York C. Russia _____ 9. Who is a famous hunter? A. Rainsford B. General Zaroff C. Ivan _____ 10. What is Rainsford's first feeling about General Zaroff? A. He thinks Zaroff is a B. He thinks Zaroff is a good C. He thinks Zaroff is strong and murderer. host. scary. _____11. What kind of animal does Zaroff like to hunt now? A. Tigers B. People C. Cape buffaloes _____ 12. When Rainsford and Zaroff both go outside, which is true? A. They are both hunting animals. B. They are both hunting people. C. Zaroff hunts for Rainsford. _____ 13. What can Rainsford smell when Zaroff comes close? (book) Introduction to American Literature s12 Final Exam June 19, 2012 page 1

A. Zaroff's cigarette B. Zaroff's perfume C. Zaroff's dogs _____14. What does Rainsford's Burmese tiger pit kill in the story? A. A dog B. Ivan C. Zaroff _____ 15. Which of these is true of the story? A. Rainsford kills Zaroff in the jungle. B. Zaroff kills Rainsford in the jungle. C. Rainsford kills Zaroff in Zaroff's house. D. Zaroff agrees that Rainsford is the winner and lets him return to the mainland.

For each item, please indicate whether these details describe the story (S), the movie (M), both (B), or neither (X). (25%) _____ 16. The main character's name is Bob. _____ 17. The main character believes that animals have no understanding. _____ 18. Rainsford says that there are two types of people: the hunters and the hunted. _____ 19. Rainsford meets Ivan, a mute giant whose beard is long enough to reach down to his waist. _____ 20. Rainsford is given some of his host's clothing to wear. _____ 21. The host's name is Count Zaroff. _____ 22. The host's name is General Zaroff. _____ 23. There are still two survivors of the previous wreck on the island when Rainsford arrives at Zaroff's home. _____ 24. Rainsford has written a book about hunting snow leopards in Tibet. _____ 25. Zaroff has a scar on his head that he got when hunting a Cape buffalo. _____ 26. Now Zaroff is bored of hunting regular animals, and now hunts humans instead. _____ 27. Zaroff has a trophy room in his home where he shows off his latest human heads. _____ 28. Zaroff decides to hunt Rainsford. _____ 29. Rainsford is given three nights to avoid being killed by Zaroff; if he survives that, he will be returned safely to the mainland. _____ 30. Rainsford and Miss Trowbridge go out together to be hunted. _____ 31. Rainsford sees some of Zaroff's recently-killed victims' heads. _____ 32. Rainsford's first attempt to escape from Zaroff involves a "Malay deadfall." _____ 33. Ivan is killed by a dead tree that falls on him. _____ 34. Rainsford goes off a cliff into the sea. _____ 35. Zaroff, arriving at the cliff, assumes that Rainsford must be dead. _____ 36. Rainsford drowns in the sea after jumping from the cliff. _____ 37. Rainsford reappears in the bedroom of Zaroff's home later that evening. _____ 38. Zaroff plays the piano in the evening after failing to catch Rainsford in the jungle. _____ 39. Rainsford and Zaroff agree that they will fight, and that the winner of the fight will sleep in Zaroff's excellent bed. _____ 40. Rainsford and Miss Trowbridge leave the island in a boat II. DRAMA. Our Town, by Thornton Wilder. 27% 1. In what US state is the action of Our Town supposed to take place? A. New England B. New Jersey C. New Hampshire D. New York 2. What is the character name which sounds more like a job name than the name of a person) of the narrator, the person who speaks directly to the audience and sometimes represents various people in the town? ___________ Introduction to American Literature s12 Final Exam June 19, 2012 page 2

3. Which characters father is a newspaper editor? A. George B. Emily C. Howie D. Joe 4. According to Wilders indications in the script, what is notable about how Wilder wants most of the sets and props to be like? A. Theyre all blue B. They are made of C. They are imaginary D. They are only paper metal pictures. 5. Which character in the story is rumored to be an alcoholic, and commits suicide? A. The church organist B. The town doctor C. The milk man D. The schoolteacher 6. How does Emily die? A. Old age B. Car accident C. Sickness D. Childbirth 7. After Emilys death, Mrs Gibbs and others encourage Emily not to return to earth, but Emily wants to do so anyway. What sort of day does she choose to relive? A. Her marriage day B. An ordinary adult day C. A girlhood birthday D. A wonderful Christmas 8. About when does Our Town take place? A. The 1770s B. The early 20th century C. The 1950s D. The 1860s 9. Which of these things is supposed to be put into the time capsule described by the narrator? A. A camera B. An alarm clock C. A copy of Our Town D. The narrators body III.Poetry. 18% A. Matching. For each item, choose one (or more) of the poets namesor one (or more) of the poems titlesthat corresponds with the description. A. Robert Frost B. T.S. Eliot C. William Carlos Williams D. Stopping by Woods... G. The Love Song of J. ... 1. 2. 3. 4. E. Mending Wall H. The Red Wheelbarrow F. The Road Not Taken I. This is Just to Say

He moved from the USA to England and lived there He had a goal of becoming Americas most famous living poet...and succeeded He is famous for short poems that are basically just images without much action This poem describes the poets neighbors philosophy, and suggests that a tradition without a reason is foolish. 5. This poem is the confession of a minor crime. 6. This poem contains an odd mix of the romantic with the clinical, and the modern with the ancient. 7. This poem features the poets ideas of what his horse is thinking about. 8. This is a brief and vivid image of items on a farm. 9. This poem focuses on a metaphor for the poets feelings about his choices and decisions he made in his life; some suggests it evokes regret for lost opportunities. EXTRA CREDIT: The makers of The Most Dangerous Game (1933) made the movie because they didnt have enough money to finish making the movie they had already been making. What was the title of that other movie? __________________________________ Introduction to American Literature s12 Final Exam June 19, 2012 page 3

ANSWER SECTION. I. Fiction. 2 points each 1 2 6 2 points each 7 12 1 point each 16 17 26 36 27 37

8 13

9 14

10 15


18 28 38

19 29 39

20 30 40

21 31

22 32

23 33

24 34

25 35

II. Drama. 3 points each 1 4 7

2 5 8

3 6 9

III. Poetry. 2 points each 1 2 3

EXTRA CREDIT (optional) ____________________________________________________

Student Name and Number: ___________________________________________________ Please put ALL the test pages together with the answer sheet on TOP, fold them in half, and pass it to the teacher with your name showing on top (e.g. this bottom half of the page). Not following instruction will result in lost points. Take care and have a great summer. Introduction to American Literature s12 Final Exam June 19, 2012 page 4

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