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Doru Catalin BOSTINA

Date of birth: 10.10.1968 Nationality: Romanian E-mail: Telephone: 021 211 48 00

Management Business Administration Financial management Institutul Romano Francez de 1995 Administrare a Intreprinderilor [Romanian French Institute for Business Administration] Bachelor of Laws 1992 Faculty of Law, Universitatea Bucuresti [Bucharest University]


UK Open University Training courses 2006 - 2007 organized by CODECS Romania, Bucharest Course in Project Management Federatia Institutul Roman de Asigurari 2003 - 2004 [Romanian Insurance Institute] General Course in Insurance Law


Managing Partner Societatea Profesionala cu Raspundere 2000 present Limitata Bostina si Asociatii [Bostina & Associates PLLC]

Managing Partner Cabinetul Individual Doru Catalin Bostina 1992 - 2000 [Individual Law Office Doru Catalin Bostina] June 2000 Councilor of the Minister of Public Finance November 2000 Ministry of Public Finance

2004 Member of the Bucharest Bar Association

English French Speaking Good Good Writing Good Good Reading Good Good


Relevant experience in civil, commercial and administrative litigations and in legal consulting related to civil, commercial and contentiousadministrative matter, including in public Project works, constructions, utilities contracts, supply agreements, services agreements, transport, telecommunications, financial services, information services, advertising services agreements;

Member of the team of lawyers selected by the Central Finance and Contracting Unit Ministry of Public Finance with a view to providing legal assistance and representation in connection Project with the contracts financed within the preaccession ISPA and PHARE programmes managed by the Central Finance and Contracting Unit;

Relevant experience in legal services agreements concluded with public authorities: Autoritatea pentru Valorificarea Activelor Bancare (AVAB) [Authority for Banking Assets Recovery], Autoritatea pentru Valorificarea Activelor Statului (AVAS) [Authority for State Assets Recovery], Ministry of Public Finance, Project Ministry of Economy and Commerce, Ministry of Environment and Water Management, Ministry of Development and Forecast, National Control Authority, Ministry of European Integration, Romanian Civil Aviation Authority, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology;

Relevant experience in legal services agreements concluded with companies / public corporations with fully / partially state-owned capital: Administratia Nationala Apele Romane [Romanian Waters National Administration], S.C. Termoelectrica S.A., Autoritatea pentru Valorificarea Activelor Bancare (AVAB), Autoritatea pentru Valorificarea Activelor Statului (Avas) S.C. Electrocentrale Bucuresti Project S.A., S.C. Electrocentrale Deva S.A., CFR Calatori, CFR Marfa, CFR Infrastructura, Casa de Economii si Consemnatiuni [CEC Bank], Compania Nationala Posta Romana, Compania Nationala a Sarii, Electrica S.A., Hidroelectrica S.A., Fondul Proprietatea, ISPCF, Radiocomunicatii S.A. S.N.Tc Romtelecom S.A., S.C. Conpet S.A, S.C. Cos Targoviste, S.C. Oltchim S.A., S.C. Petrotrans S.A., S.C. Telecomunicatii CFR S.A., S.C. Cosmorom S.A.;

Representing clients in several international litigations before the Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and of Bucharest, in many arbitration Project procedures conducted under the rules of arbitration of courts of arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce of Bucharest, Galati and Sibiu counties and provided legal assistance in international ICC arbitration proceedings;

In addition to the management position he occupies, he heads and takes responsibility for Project consulting, procurement and merger projects conducted by the firms clients, in numerous industry sectors in Romania and in the region.

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