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Issue No.

34, June 2012

Praise and Glory to God:

God continues to provide faithfully for Renewal in every way, encouraging us weekly as He continues to build our church body in number and spiritual growth. God consistently provides opportunities for us to love and serve our city well and our people have been faithful to eagerly engage. God continues to grow our church and people weekly through our discipleship clusters, Sunday gatherings, and small groups.

God has blessed us with another great opportunity to engage our people and our city through our upcoming outdoor worship and baptism service at Paris Mountain State Park on July 1st.

Renewal Church Prayer Needs:

Continue to pray for our elders, that He would guard and protect them as they shepherd well. Pray for our elders as they seek to know and discern Gods will for our church, particularly as they consider a more permanent meeting location. Pray that God would continue to grow our people and families daily, and pray that we would faithfully seek to multiply disciples in our neighborhoods and communities this summer. Pray for missions partnerships and opportunities, both locally and abroad, as we seek to multiply disciples for His glory. Pray that God would raise up missionaries among us.

the encouraging truth that we died to the Law and are now united with Christ in His perfect life, sinless death, and powerful resurrection. Even 1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of though we know we are not under the Law, and God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and have died to the Law, we are too often still acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the foolish enough to believe that if we keep the Law renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what well be right with God. Praise be to God for His is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. grace in revealing that we have nothing good in (Romans 12:1-2) us and no ability to keep the Law. However, in spite of that, He has united us to Christ who Our current series, Killing Sin, has been one of the perfectly kept the Law, satisfied the Laws most challenging and encouraging collection of requirements, and has transferred us to His sermons preached at Renewal. We continued kingdom of grace! working through Romans 5-8, examining the glorious truths of who we were apart from Christ Romans 7 taught us the difference between the and His sufficient work on our behalf to reconcile us Law and sin, and Sin (our inherent nature) and to God. sins (actions that we commit). Hugh confronted us with the question: Who is the biggest sinner you know? If your answer is anyone other than yourself, the gospel has nothing to offer you. When we clearly see the depths of our depravity through the mirror of the Law, we can only respond in gratefulness to the God who delivers us from this body of death!

Renewed Love for God

lives. Lastly, we were encouraged to rejoice in this truth of Christ as if we were liberated slaves, for so we are! Our Study/Serve class before the Worship Service will be taking a break over the summer, but will pick back up in the Fall. Many of these teachings are now on our website, as is the current sermon series at ( You can also subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.

Picking up in Romans 6:15-23, Paul instructs us that every living person is a slave to something or someone, as seen by what we choose to obey: our own fleshly desires or the God whos freed us from slavery, allowing us to voluntarily become slaves to Christ. Hugh continued teaching in Romans 7 with

The last week of May brought us the most amazing words of Scripture from Romans 8 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. As we heard the truth of this passage, we were encouraged to let this truth propel our love for Jesus, our confidence in God, and give us strength to pursue holiness as we fight the indwelling sin in our

Our next sermon series, Walking Wisely, will begin on June 17th. We will walk through a great study of the book of Proverbs during this series, and we are encouraged to see how God will use this series to grow our people and our church. As many of you know, God has entrusted us with several men who are completing pastoral internships at Renewal, and each of these men will be teaching parts of this series during the summer. Join us in prayer for these men as they prepare for this series and for their life missions to proclaim the Word.

Renewed in Relationships

Everyday they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts. (Acts 2:46)

Renewed in Community
As weve shared in the past, we continue to be amazed at how God is growing and using our Small Group ministry throughout the city. We strive to truly do life with one another, encouraging each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, together fighting the battles to kill sin in our daily lives.

Renewal Mens Ministry

Hands on Greenville Day

Renewal took part in our local Hands on Greenville service day on Saturday, May 5th. We had more than thirty folks who joined with other groups to complete various projects around in and around the city.

As follow-up to our Man Up mens retreat weve got an action-packed schedule for our mens ministry over the next few months. Well be getting together for several events and outings, including a Greenville Drive game, trout fishing, and another round of weekly Mens Coffee gatherings. Not be left out, our Womens Ministry will be gathering for several events as well. We cherish the time we have together in fellowship, prayer, and study and we trust God will continue to grow our men, women, and families through these activities and times together. We encourage you stay tuned to the website and our weekly E-Newsletter for more details and information about how you can get involved.

Hugh and Matt led our Small Group leader huddle this month, laying out specific plans for our intentional life-on-life discipleship model. We'll be getting together in clusters of three or four people, meeting weekly for the purpose of reading the Scriptures and doing intentional accountability together.

We look forward to this event each year as it gives us another opportunity to get out into our local neighborhoods with partners from various groups around the city, loving and serving our neighbors. In addition to completing much needed service projects, this time allows us to meet a lot of different needs, share the gospel, tell people about Renewal Church, and pray with folks we meet throughout the day. It truly is a special day, and we pray that God would use our efforts for His glory in the weeks and months to come.

How You Can Give to Support What God's Doing at Renewal

Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. (Acts 2:45)

Thank you again for your commitment to give to Renewal Church! Your faithfulness has been a blessing to our church and our efforts in the city. See the following information on how to give: Several of our groups got together this month for cookouts and outdoor outings as well and, with summer now upon us, we look forward to many more! These group and neighborhood cookouts and get-togethers provide us a great setting and opportunity to invite and spend time with neighbors, co-workers, non-believers and/or folks who arent connected to a local church. In addition, we have several corporate fellowship dates planned for our church body as a whole. By check Place a check in the pre-labeled envelope along with a stamp, and mail to Renewal Church 4 Davis Keats Drive, Greenville, SC 29607 Online Go to and click on Online Giving at the bottom of the home page. Click Register to give a one time gift. Automatic Draft Go to and click on Online Giving at the bottom of the home page. Click Register to complete your automatic draft. A few reminders: All gifts are tax deductible Please make us aware of any address changes or changes to your giving so we can make the necessary adjustments. Send an email to to update your information!

Partnership at Renewal

We also completed our latest partnership class for new Renewal members in May. We continue to be so grateful for Gods goodness and grace in building His church here in Greenville, and we pray that each new group of Renewal partners would consistently point others to His glory and the life-giving power of the gospel.

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