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Volume 1, Issue 1

Newsletter Date

Salem Chronicle
H o r r o r

i n

S a l e m

An interview with Elizabeth Proctor in prison! Expose- Abigail Williams a victim or a villain? Horoscopes- Find out what type of week you will have!

Is Halloween All Year Round in Salem?

Spooky thrill seeker? Well there is a small town in Massachusetts called Salem. Salem is no ordinary town with ordinary attractions. Located slightly north of Boston, Salem can be described as witch capital due to the many odd and spooky attractions. Salem is just a sort 40 minute drive from Boston, but from the regular cities you would find there. One main attraction is the Salem Witch Village, though the attraction is only 20 minutes it takes you on a journey back into time to learn the truth of the myths and superstition

Salem Witch Village

from this time. A second but small attraction is the Witch House, which dates from the days of the first Puritans (1642) and was the home of a witch trial judge. A MUST SEE attraction of this town is the Salem Witch Museum. This attraction shows reenactments of the witch trials, as well as informational shows regarding the witch trials.

I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

Headline- Is Halloween All Year Round is Salem? That would explain why things are so spooky

Hollywood Writer Blacklisted

Read to leave yet? Well dont forget to visit the final attraction of Salem, The Old Burying Point. This old cemetery contains the bodies of many Puritans dating all the way back to the late 1600s. The bodies of the people who were hanged are not here, but there is a memorial site for these individuals. Think you know all about witches from only Halloween? Well experience a Halloween thrill like never before. Visit Salem Massachusetts!

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S a l e m

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H e a d l i n e
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H e a d l i n e
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H e a d l i n e
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V o l u m e

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Hollywood writer blacklisted

Dear Michelle, It is 1953 and as you know Hollywood is in the midst of another witch hunt. Fifteen years ago I attended a few political meetings that I thought were about voicing new ideas in politics and now because of this everything since then has gone wrong for me including being unemployed. I am unemployed because the House of Un-American Activities Committee has blacklisted me. Besides them having blacklisted me even though I have written some of the bets scripts in Hollywood, no one will hire me let alone correlate with me due to the fear of being called a communist themselves. Ever since the blacklist started and if you ask me life has been total hell and also a world wind of trouble. I had been told that there was this play that came out called The Crucible B Arthur Miller and that it was about the Salem Witch Trials of Salem, Massachusetts bit it was along he lines of the Senate hearings that were cruelly being conducted by the Senator McCarthy himself. As a result and being the devoted reader that I am just had to get my hands on it. As I read The Crucible I noticed many similarities to that of the McCarty Trials. Some of the similarities were that in the Crucible people claimed that there were witches and that people were possessed by the Devil. In McCarthyism random people were accused of being communists by McCarthy himself. If you didnt like someone all you had to do was lie and say they were communists just like in the Crucible if you didnt like someone or wanted to get rid of someone like Abigail and Elizabeth Proctor for example all you has to do was accuse them of witchcraft . I realized after reading the play that it was designed to tell people about McCarthyism and to show just how ridiculous it really was in a very smart way. By the end of the play the people begin to realize that it has gone to far like wise in McCarthyism, his "witch hunt" ended because people lost faith in what he was doing and realized that it was wrong and also cruel. As a result of Millers bravery in writing the play it has given me grave appreciation for the man and for also opening my eyes and showing me that he was fearless when it came to facing down with McCarthys committee. Although he was convicted of contempt by the court for not testifying against his friends he was blacklisted for some time. His conviction was soon reversed and he was not imprisoned for his resistance to the committee. His strength and courageousness made me start to believe that there is hope for me and finding a job so that I can continue doing what I love most and best. Your blacklisted friend, Kashauna


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h e l p

Dear Sasha, Hello my dear Sarah, how is life in New York? I for one have been experiencing nothing but a complete nightmare here in Salem. As you may have heard, times are rather unpleasant and painful here. Right now the entire town is experiencing a time of severe hysteria. You are a witch!, I saw you dealing with the Devil! is all one needs to say to cause a rather large commotion as well as a death. So far, I have counted twenty one people who have been +hanged and thirty six were recently accused. The rule to this game is simple, deny being a witch and be hanged, admit you have been involved with witchcraft and your life will be spared. Of course you may be wondering, what if it was a false accusation? The

rule muse be abided, you deny the claims; the shadow of death will overcome you. As you may find it hard to believe, I am one of those thirty six people. Revered Parris is the minister for this community. He is a ruthless man who will stop at nothing to prove you guilty. Everyone fears and are feared by each other, do you find this to be an acceptable way of living in a community? Tituba was a woman who confessed being a witch and her life has been spared, the others such as Sarah Good, and Sarah Osburn denied the claims and was sentenced to death. You must be wondering how I got myself locked in this hell hole. My good friend Betsey was secretly jealous of me and my family. I have gotten myself a decent husband and two beautiful children. Her hatred for me burned her internally until she took it out on me. This poor woman allowed

one of the seven deadly sins to overcome her, all three men in the past left her as I have had faithful husband. The scoundrel pointed her dirty finger at me I saw her conjured the spirits, I stood there dumbfounded. I was dragged away by the officials and locked into this cell along with several other women. I screamed my innocence, prayed for mighty lord to aid me, and cried until there was no tears left the shed. I know that you must have been falsely accused for something, but I bet no one has ever decided to do the

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