Reporter-Melisa Rosario: Writers: Melisa Rosario, Gurleen Hothi, Alayasia Layout & Design By: Gurleen Hothi

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Reporter- Melisa Rosario If you are a person who loves mysterious adventure and witch like attractions Salem

is the town you certainly want to visit. Salem Massachusetts is located somewhat north east of Boston along route 1A. Salem is easy place to get to considerately a 40-minute drive from Boston. Salem is located along the Atlantic Ocean, which made it accessible to the early Puritan settlers who arrived by boat from England. Salem soon became a Puritan colony. Another must see tourist attraction is The Salem Witch Museum were reenactments of the witch trials are performed. Along with being entertaining it is also an informational show. Books are sold in the museum that cannot be purchased anywhere else pertaining to that time period. Outside of the museum is a sculpture of the famous Roger Conant, one of the founding fathers of the Puritan colony in Salem dressed in full Puritan attire. One of last places you must visit once you arrive in Salem is The Old Burying Point. This is where most of the bodies in the Salem witch trails are kept. The tombstones are dated from the late 1600s. Bodies that were hung have their own memorial site along the cemetery. The words Oh Lord, Help me! I am a wholly innocent were the last words said by a woman who has going to get hung for being accused of being a witch. These words are on a tombstone in the entrance of the cemetery. Walking around the cemetery some names would be recognizable if one has the read The Crucible by Arthur Miller.

You may be asking yourself, but where is the mystery? It started with the name Salem. Soon enough after the Puritans came forth to Salem, witch conspiracy occurred. This is where Salem got its nickname from, The Witch City. A lot of witch trials occurred during the 1600s that made Salem famous for its weird and wicked ways. Instead of hiding this history from others, the Salem people capitalize on it. They capitalize this history by holding many tourist attractions such as tours and museums. One of the must see tourist attractions is The Witch House. The Witch House is the house were the 1st Puritan settler arrived at in 1642. This was the house of a witch trail Visiting these tourist attractions can give shivjudge, Jonathan Corwin. The house still remains spooky ers through any bodies spine but learning about Salem and haunted as it did during its time. history is a day well spent in the witch city of Boston.

The fog represents the prevention clear vision or thinking; represents isolation; mist is often the symbol of the indeterminate phase in development when shapes have yet to be defined. The color black is seen as a cold and negative aspects suggesting passivity, death, ignorance or evil. Hens or cats used in Writers: Melisa Rosario, Gurleen Hothi, Alayasia Layout & Design by: Gurleen Hothi

Even though it is sunny on Monday , the weather seems to be stormy throughout the rest of the week.

Reporter-Gurleen Hothi

Its a goal of a writer to make his reader expect the unexpected, for his/her work to be recognized, to incorporate in his imaginations to have the viewers look at the world from a different perspective. Never in a million years would I, as a writer thought that it would become reality for me. Its Monday afternoon, I had just finished another script, now had look for some producers who would be willing to work with me. I had known that finding a producer wouldnt be such a plight since I have written some of the best scripts in Hollywood. This new script was about an idea I had when I had attended a political meeting. Hearing that individual voice his opinion on that matter ad given me inspiration on my upcoming script and now it was done.

The next few days were worse, even the neighbors and my friends had stopped associating with me. I couldnt make sense out of such behavior, that was until I heard some walking past me whisper, Dont you know, he has been blacklisted, dont talk to him or theyll blacklist you too. That one sentence had me stopping in mid step, as I turned and searched for that voice and saw my neighbor pointing at me and talking to another. All of sudden, everything started to make sense except the fact that I had been blacklisted. Days went by, still no one was willing to hire me, what I hadnt expected was that even my wife had left in fear of being called a communist. I would try and get myself busy by working on a new script, thats when I heard about the uproar of a new play written by Arthur Miller called The Crucible. The uproar got me curious so went ahead and read the book, which was about the witch trails in Salem Massachusetts during 1692. I realized how brave Miller was since it was obvious that he was using the witch trails as a metaphor for the blacklisting of innocent people who were being called communist spies( McCarthyism). It was clear that both the witch trails and the communist hunts were meant to inform how wrong McCarthy was with his false accusations, it was obvious that miller wanted everyone to have a taste of the consequences of false accusations. I was very grateful to Miller, his play gave an inspiration for to stand up and not just sit and watch. His play also gave a sense of the future if had continued to ignore that I had been blacklisted, as dark as that future was, it woke me up from my dream and told me to face the reality. Even if McCarthy had captured two communists spies that didnt make me one, so I had come to a conclusion to give them the unexpected rather

I remember turning on the television to watch some news and there he was Joseph McCarthy, he stood on the plat form holding up a list-a list of people who he and the intelligence thought were communists. I remember how shocked I was, since the list called blacklist didnt look like that there were only few people. As far I could see the blacklist seemed to go on and on. I did have thought that this could make a good story but though better not to associate myself with these matters. I informed my wife that I would be home late that I had to go meet some producers. What I hadnt expected was having each and every producer or director I knew shut their door on my face. I remember feeling utter confusion as I walked through the street towards my house. A sense of betrayal rose, I didnt understand what was happening, my thoughts were clouded, I remember thinking that maybe those producers had found better writers that. I didnt like any of those conclusions, I came up with as a reason to why they behaved this way.

A worker is needed to do farm work from the age of 20-38, preferably male.

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Go online at Take the test and find out whether you are a witch

Reporter Alayasia

Dear Autonomy,
I beg you comprehend my innocence, for I am no witch. I need not know what a witch is. I have no kinship or relevance to a witch but I shall not fear the devils work, for I am a Christian old fearing women. I have been inequitably accused of witchery. For I am not assimilated to these closing confining barriers. At the dark of night I dread my life. Its stony, cold, and morose spirits awake here to influence my values. I shall not let them win for I believe in the veracity of my incorruptibility and goodness. Every time I seal my eyes I see chains and ropes, and each time it gets closer and closer. It gets so near to the point where I have imperfect chamber for air to shed permission through my healthy lungs. I gasp for my life filled with self pity attempting to befriend the Devil, for then he will dance upon my grave, and I forbid it to chance. I will not give in to fear, but I need


relief. Autonomy it isnt my time to leave this village. I shall be set free, see I have no power of a witch, to accuse me should be the crime, its licentious! And village dwellers should take a walk of shame. I cant bear to see my figure sway at the knots of ropes while my feet dangle in a disorganized circle formation. I will not let a paper determine my fate. Yet, if I say that Ill be a walking contradiction in the hopes that this epistle would spare my breathe. As I mark away my contemplations I can hear the shackles and the pattering feet closing in and mimicking one another hour after hour who come in costume as the devil snickering at me and voicing that my time is almost here, I feel as if I am marked with an expiration date. Anger unfolds for his laugh is so murderous I have no choice but to shed tears, for he has me in his grip to play in his un just Supreme Court. What an abysmal plight I am in here. My only recourse so ignorant to the village, how is Autonomy going to spare my life. I have become diligent with every breathe I take. How dare I live vicariously through the living who fools the court? I will not prevaricate for my life. I snarl for who has called me imprudent, oh how easy it is to judge if your not accused. The judges act in capricious manner for they allow some to be free and others to rot in jail until they meet their fate at the end of the rope.

This domicile offered no forbearance for sunlight. There is no goodness permitted in this interior residence. The fashion of how the devil plays hide and seek in each cell trying to corrupt our souls. Hiding behind every crack and every corner in due course he confidently catches tiresome. What a pest he is. We have surely put up a good combat but its not adequate for they have no more stage to waste and lives to spare. Oh curse the devil shadow for I want to skewer at him and rescind the grounds he tries to walk. He is a keen and envious devil living a cannibal life feeding off the body of the living. He is a parasite who has power to control the fate of the weak. I wont hand him my life. His career will no longer be that damned opportunist, then again if you do not shine your mercy upon me Autonomy and I dont leave here soon for, I will be dancing at the end of the rope with both toes pointing to the ground like a beautiful ballerina conducting a pirouette for her audience. Autonomy, ought to piece charity and deem my purity for the judge would hold no mercy on me? My trial hearing frolicked no significance to Judge Danforth cognizance. The town has gone barbaric and wild. Those who were accused and confessed has been blacklisted and wont live another day. Irrational beggars I will not go out like that if anything I will perish like Giles Corey my only lyrics whistling More Bricks refusing to enter a plea. What a brave soul, for he should have the key to open those golden gates, but I need not employ my vigor that way, I need a metamorphosis that will show the devil actors and him personally that he is an interloper. I shall now position arms akimbo and face him head on. Sincerely, Goody Faith

Denisse Smith Mark Jacobs Veronica White Paul Blake Victor Collins Tim Johnson Bob Miller Samantha Anderson Wilson Davis John Walker Peg Gray Taylor Brown Clark Baker It is advised that all those who are blacklisted report to court before due date to avoid further consequences.
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By-Gurleen Hothi

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