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Stress the reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands Stressors anything that causes stress. Can be real, imagined, anticipated or unexpected.

My top 10 Stressors :

How stress can work in a positive way: Builds excitement, gives an extra burst of energy, keeps you on edge just enough to perform at your peak. Can inspire you to work harder if you have a deadline approaching. Examples of positive stress (Eustress) Falling in love Going to a new school Grades, if doing well Roller coaster Recital or performance How stress can work in a negative way: Can interfere with your ability to perform. Might cause you to feel distracted, overwhelmed, impatient, frustrated, or even angry. Can also harm your health. Examples of negative stress (Distress) Illness Divorce Death Financial problems Grades, if not doing well Breaking the law Rocky relations

STAGES OF STRESS: 1) ALARM : Your mind and body go on high alert. Fight or flight response. Hypothalamus , a small area of the brain, receives danger signals from other parts of the brain. The hypothalamus releases a hormone that acts on the pituitary gland and inturn stimulates the adrenal glands. Fight or Flight Physical symptoms Dilated pupils Increase in perspiration Faster heart rate and pulse Rise in blood pressure Narrowing of arteries to internal organs and skin Increased blood flow to muscles and brain Increase in muscle tension Release of blood sugar, fats and cholesterol Increased blood clotting ability Hearing ability increases Urinary and digestive processes slow down Adrenaline is released 2) RESISTANCE : If exposure to the stressor continues, your body adapts and reacts to the stressor. HOMEOSTASISMay perform at a higher level and with more endurance for a brief period. 3) FATIGUE/EXHAUSTION : If exposure to stress is prolonged, your body loses its ability to adapt. You begin to tire and lose the abililty to manage other stressors. The immune system WEAKENS and makes you more susceptible to illness. (Cold, Flu, etc)

Psychosomatic illness A physical reaction that results from stress rather than from injury or illness. Psych=Mind Soma=Body headache high blood pressure bruxism (clenching jaw/teeth grind) Stress- Related Illnesses Stress is not the cause of these illnesses, but stress does negatively affect them! Asthma: rashes digestive disorders-indigestion chronic pain-back/shoulders



Heart Disease:


Nowlets learn how to manage our stress!!!



How stress can work in a positive way:

Examples of positive stress (eustress)

How stress can work in a negative way:

Examples of negative stress (distress)

Response to stress: Alarm:

Hypothalamus , a small area of the brain, receives danger signals from other parts of the brain. The hypothalamus releases a hormone that acts on the pituitary gland and inturn stimulates the adrenal glands.
Physical symptoms Resistance:


Ongoing effects: Psychosomatic response

WARNING SIGNS OF STRESS: SEE HANDOUT Handling stress: Practice relaxation techniques Redirect your energy Seek support WAYS TO DEAL WITH STRESS: SEE HANDOUT Managing stress: 1. Time management plan ahead 2. Stay away from caffeine and other substances 3. Laugh 4. Pamper yourself physically (rest, exercise, diet) 5. Keep a positive perspective 6. Do something that you enjoy 7. Talk it out with someone 8. Be assertive (dont assume people can read your mind)

Coping with Loss

Have you ever lost something that could not be replaced? Maybe a pet died or ran away. Perhaps you lost an important athletic contest, such as a championship game. These are all loses. So are break-ups in a relationship, rejection by a once close friendship, or the loss of a job by you or a parent. Maybe you have had to change apartments, schools, or neighborhoods, feeling the loss of whateveror whomeveryou had to leave behind.

Your reactions to each loss may vary. Any loss requires change and that change can be stressful. Depending on its value to you, you may respond to any loss as a minor or a major stressor. Note that a loss does not have to have a dollar value to be important. Sometimes, your emotional attachment to an object situation, pet, or person can make its loss even more painful. Grieving is a common and natural reaction to any loss that brings on strong emotions. This reaction can take many forms and includes many stages from feelings of emptiness or deep sadness to feelings of intense anger. Loss feels hurtful, but it does not have to be harmful. Immediately after the loss, you may feel that your life may never be the same and that you may never recover. Again, these feelings are natural. Acknowledging and understanding your grief will help you begin the healing process.

Stages of grief: Denial or Numbness Emotional release Anger Bargaining Depression Remorse Acceptance - closure Hope Coping dealing successfully with difficult changes in your life Mourning the act of showing sorrow or grief

WARNING SIGNS OF STRESS: SEE HANDOUT Handling stress: WAYS TO DEAL WITH STRESS: SEE HANDOUT Managing stress: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Coping with Loss

Have you ever lost something that could not be replaced? Maybe a pet died or ran away. Perhaps you lost an important athletic contest, such as a championship game. These are all loses. So are break-ups in a relationship, rejection by a once close friendship, or the loss of a job by you or a parent. Maybe you have had to change apartments, schools, or neighborhoods, feeling the loss of whateveror whomeveryou had to leave behind.

Your reactions to each loss may vary. Any loss requires change and that change can be stressful. Depending on its value to you, you may respond to any loss as a minor or a major stressor. Note that a loss does not have to have a dollar value to be important. Sometimes, your emotional attachment to an object situation, pet, or person can make its loss even more painful. Grieving is a common and natural reaction to any loss that brings on strong emotions. This reaction can take many forms and includes many stages from feelings of emptiness or deep sadness to feelings of intense anger. Loss feels hurtful, but it does not have to be harmful. Immediately after the loss, you may feel that your life may never be the same and that you may never recover. Again, these feelings are natural. Acknowledging and understanding your grief will help you begin the healing process.

Stages of grief: Coping Mourning

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