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MEGS Version6.

ManythankstotheThursdaynightgamecrew,mostnotablyBrandonwhocanbreakanything,Jen whomakesitalllookgoodandDebforthemath. ThankstothenewcrewfromtheSatPMDreaming.Theytookstorytellinginadvanceofprocess MikeWinklerNov3,2009

The world and how it works.

This section contains all of the rules you will need for play. In any role playing game everybody plays a part. One of the participants is always the "Gamemaster (GM for short), while the others are "Players." Each of the Players takes on a character. The character role can be of a Hero, Villain or other protagonist. The Characters and stories can be from comics, movies, books, TV, or The GMs own imagination. In effect, the Players temporarily become the character. They decide what the heroes will do in a series of situations. Should Batman swing down on his Bat-rope to knock the thug unconscious or should he just throw down a Bat-a-rang to do the job? Is it better for The X-men to go and confront the Reavers now, before any more people are injured or killed? Should they wait until they have more hard evidence of the Reavers involvement in the epidemic of violence that is sweeping the Eastern seaboard to stop their master plan? These are the kind of questions that the Players playing Batman and various X-men must answer. The Gamemaster does not take on the role of an individual character. Instead, s/he sets the stage for the adventure in which the Players' heroes will participate. S/he functions like the writers who script the story. The GM decides which villain(s) the heroes will encounter during the adventure, what the villains are after, and how they hope to accomplish their goals. The GM also plays the roles of the villains and the minor characters that the heroes encounter along the way. Suppose, for example, that you are playing Batman and you decide to go ask Captain Gordon for help on a case. The GM would then assume the role of Gordon and decide whether or not he can be of any help to you. The GM keeps play flowing smoothly, interprets the rules, and designs the challenges that the heroes must tackle. One of the Gamemaster's other responsibilities is to serve as a sort of referee. S/he must make sure that all the Players are following the rules of the game, and be prepared to make snap decisions as to what the Players' Characters can and cannot do. The Gamemaster also ultimately decides the outcome of the heroes' actions. In short, the Gamemaster functions as a sort of storyteller.

The rules are a framework that helps the GM decide what will happen in certain situations. Let's say for example, that you and a friend are playing Cloak and Dagger. After an exhaustive search you finally manage to find the slave traders hideout. As you enter the hideout, however, the Underboss sends ten thugs out to kill you. What happens now? Well, instead of just making some arbitrary decision like, ''it's a hard battle, but you win," the GM uses the Combat rules in to actually play out the situation and see how things resolve. Suppose that Cloak and Dagger win the battle against the thugs, but by the time the battle is over, the GM decides that the Underboss has left the hideout and escaped. Cloak will probably want to interrogate one of the thugs and see if the thug can tell him where the Underboss may have gone and if the girls are held nearby. Cloak is terrifying. Is he scary enough to make the thug tell him what he wants to know? Instead of just pulling an answer out of thin air, the GM can use the Character Interaction rules to figure out how much information the Cloak gets out of the thug. There are rules for all of the activities that the heroes commonly perform in the comics, in order to help the GM decide what happens whenever the heroes (or villains) try to perform those activities. If a Player wants his/her Character to take an action that is not covered in the rules, it is up to the GM to decide what happens next. The rules cover such a broad range of possible actions that this rarely happens. You should also note that the GM can choose to supersede or change any of the rules. If you do not like something as GM go ahead and change it. If you think that the way the Players interacting and rolling the dice is spoiling the adventure, feel free to step in every once in a while and supersede the roles. But take extra care in situations like this. You should probably only change a rule or overrule a dice roll when you have a very good reason to do so. The GM's key responsibility is always to make sure that everyone (including him or herself) is having fun!

Beware the Munchkin!

A Munchkin, or a player who becomes an expert in obscure rules to gain advantage, can be a Game Masters worst enemy. As MEGS is a very open system there is potential for a munchkin to do grievous damage to a game. Even if a player does not break the rules they can break the game. Think about that a second. We would like to suggest you be open with players in character design about what you do or do not want in a game. Flight, a cheap and easy power can bend a street level game. Mind Probe can destroy a good investigation plot. Time Travel can break anything. It may mean vetoing a character concept. It might mean adjusting your game concept. The biggest piece of advice we can give to a new game master is to have the character concepts and abilities in mind when designing the scenario and vice versa. The Easy Way and The Detailed Way MEGS has grown very detailed through dozens of revisions and technical editing. For a New GM or a group of less sophisticated (Or math-headed) players sometime the extent of the rules can become cumbersome and take away from play. The Detailed way allows a lot of Advantages and complex Power usage to portray complex circumstances and detailed adventures. The Easy way is built so with a minimum of detail and reference the characters can get into their super hero identities and head off for their super punch-outs the quickest. Throughout the book you will see sections marked The Easy Way or The Detailed Way. They will illustrate the different way that rules can be used. Feel free to mix and match Easy and Detailed Sections as works best for you. Some Sections of Rules Will have The Detailed Way written in the middle of a body of text. This means you can stop reading right here if getting that far works for you needs. Read on if you want the full rich details.

A third option, most often seen with Gadgetry and Occult Objects, is by GM Fiat. Rather than use the numeric systems at all the GM can decide that the Ritual will summon the daemon Negral. S/he can determine that a magic sword [Body: 08 Magic Blast: 08 EV: 06] for a character will cost 45 XPs to build. In adventures that are themed like the Sandman or Gravel that are less about conflict and more about story telling this method is most often used.

Character Creation Tool

There is an attached tool to keep you from having to do the math on a character, gadget and ritual creation. This tool is in an XLS workbook that comes with this guide. If you are a Detailed Way kind of GM you can modify the MEGS tools to fit your custom campaigns with a little tinkering. It is much quicker and easier than the use a calculator and a pencil. There are a number of simple ideas behind the rules for the MEGS RPG. In order to play the game, Players must be familiar with these concepts.

Attribute Points
Attribute Points Just about everything in the MEGS RPG is measured in Attribute Points or APs for short. It is the AP system which allows the rules of the game to function cleanly. Examples of quantities that are measured in APs include: time, weight, distance, information, volume, and money. APs 0 0 0 0 0 Measure Weight Distance Information Time Money Amount 50 lbs. 10 feet 100 Kb 4 seconds $25

APs are entirely interchangeable. A Character who has 6 APs of Strength, for example, can lift an object that weights 6 APs (about 3000 lbs); while a Character who has 6 APs of Flight can travel 6 APs of distance (600 feet) every 0 APs of time (4 seconds or a single phase of action). Note that zero is always used as a unit of measurement, and for all

quantities, zero represents the base value around which the individual measurement system is designed. Only Information is measured slightly differently Each additional one AP of a quantity doubles the amount measured by the previous AP. For instance, 0 APs of weight is equal to 50 lbs, 1 AP is 100 lbs, 2 APs is 200 lbs, 3 APs is 400 lbs, and so on. With his Strength of 25, Superman can lift 25 APs of weight, or approximately 972,800,000 lbs (about 81,000 tons). Example: APs 5 5 5 5 5 Measure Weight Distance Information Time Money Amount 1,600 lbs. 320 feet (about 100 yards) 1 Gigabyte 4 minutes, 16 seconds $800

These examples prove very helpful during play. Suppose, for example, that Superman wants to lift a large house. The GM probably has no idea exactly how much a house weighs, but could guess that it would weigh more than a battle tank (11 APs) and less than a blue whale (12 APs) meaning that the house probably weighs about 12 APs. Since Superman has a Strength of 25 APs, he can easily lift the house. The information exception is that each AP of data is 10 times the prior AP level and not 2 times. The vastly rapid advance of data technology has mandated this fudge in our otherwise elegant mechanics. Dont get hung up on the math of this in the last few pages of the book the AP chart will do the hard work.

The Detailed Way. Sometimes APs will reach negative values. APs below zero divide real world value. Some powers will divide APs (like dispersal or gravity control). Some things are just small and need to be measured. To determine the effect of a power on a negative AP value object the negative AP is considered an AP doubler. Example Telekinesis of 01 can move 100 lbs. (1AP) 10 feet (1 AP) in 1 phase. The same power could move 25 lbs 4 APs of distance in the same time A sample negative AP chart would start: One last important caution about APs: APs are not added together in the same way as real world measurements. This means that 3 APs plus 3 APs is nut 6 APs! Look at the real world measurements. 3 APs of weight is 400 lbs, and 6 APs of weight is 3000 pounds; 400 lbs plus 400 lbs is not 3000 lbs. 3 APs plus 3 APs is actually 4 APs (800 lbs). In order to add together two quantities measured in APs, take the larger of the two AP values and add one to get the proper result: 7 APs plus 3 APs is 8 APs; 9 APs plus 9 APs is 10 APs; 1 AP plus 14 APs is 15 APs; and so on.

Every Character in the MEGS AP Level 0 APs -1 -2 -3 Time 4 sec 2 sec 1 sec .5 sec Distance 10 ft 5 ft 2.5 ft 18 in Weight 50 lbs 25 lbs 12 lbs 6 lbs Volume 1 Cu foot 6 cu in 3 cu in 1 cu in Information Speed Paragraph 500 bites 1 mph 2500 ft/hr RPG has nine natural abilities called Attributes. These are:

Dexterity (DEX), Strength (STR), Body (BODY), Intelligence (INT), Will (WILL), Mind (MIND),

A sentence 1200 ft/hr A few 600 ft/hr words

Influence (INFL), Aura (AURA), and Spirit (SPIRIT).

Each Attribute measures a different aspect of a Character. Dexterity is a measure of a Character's quickness and agility. Batman and Wolverine are very good here. Strength reflects a Characters physical power and is a measure of the amount of weight that s/he can lift or move. Superman and Thor both have a very high strength. Body is a measure of a Characters toughness and represents his/her resistance to physical injury. This is an Attribute where Colossus and Captain Marvel excel. Intelligence is a measure of how smart a character is. Charles Xavier and Oracle are examples of very intelligent heroes. Will gives an in indication, of the strength of a Character's willpower, and his/her ability to draw conclusions from facts. Hal Jordan of the Green Lantern Corps has one of the strongest forces of willpower m the known universe. Storm of the X-men is very strong willed as well. Mind determines how mentally tough a Character is and how likely s/he is resist mental damage. Luke Skywalker and Morpheus of the Matrix have very strong minds. Influence measures the strength of a Character's personality. A Character with a high Influence is Cloak has a very powerful personality as does Viril Dox. Aura indicates how easily a Character can affect the emotions of others, and how effectively s/he could take command of a group. Wonder Woman has an exceptionally high Aura as does Ultimate Nick Fury

Spirit is the strength of a Character's spirit and a measure of how likely s/he is able to resist fear and mystical or magical damage. The Spectre has one of the highest Spirit ratings around. Dr Strange is near invulnerable here as well.

Attributes are measured in APs. This means that a Character with an INT of 5 is about twice as smart as a Character with an INT of 4, and so on. Remember, each AP of measurement doubles the quantity being measured. Normal humans like innocent bystanders and minor Characters that frequently crop up during the course of an adventure, have ratings of 2 APs in every Attribute. By looking at Batman's Attributes, it becomes obvious that Batman is much stronger than a normal man (he has a STR of 5 APs), much faster than a normal man (his DEX is 10), and much smarter than a normal man (Batman's INT is 12). In fact, Batman is a lot better at everything than a normal man! In fact, very few heroes have ratings of 2 APs or lower in any of their Attributes. This is because heroes in MEGS are almost universally faster, smarter, tougher; and in general, better than a normal man could ever hope to be. Each Character's Attributes are arrayed in a special three by three pattern: BATMAN DEX INT INFL 10 12 10 STR WILL AURA 5 12 8 BODY MIND SPIRIT 6 12 10

The top row of the Attribute box (DEX, STR, and BODY) is made up of a Character's Physical Attributes. Physical Attributes are used when a Character is facing (or making) a Physical Attack such as a punch in the mouth, or a bolt of lightning; or whenever a Character is performing physical activities like jumping over a fence or swinging on a flagpole.


The middle row of the Attribute box (INT WILL and MIND) is made up of a Character's Mental Attributes. Mental Attributes are used when a Character is facing Mental Attacks such as a psionic blast, or mind control; or whenever a Character is performing mental activities like solving a riddle or trying to remember a fact. In some settings machines (computers and Androids and AIs) will have a full set of mental powers and mental attributes that can interface other electronic systems but not with conventional minds (see Psyberpath)


The bottom row of the Attribute box (INK, AURA, and SPIRIT) consists of a Character's Mystical Attributes. Mystical Attributes are used when a Character is facing Mystical (or magical) Attacks such as Magic Blasts or enchantments, and whenever a Character is performing activities that depend upon the force and quality of his/her personality, like dealing with other people. Anyone (or anything) with an AURA above zero is self aware and is an independent mind.

Each of the Attributes is also grouped a second way, in COULMNS BATMAN DEX INT INFL 10 12 10 STR WILL AURA 5 12 8 BODY MIND SPIRIT 6 12 10

The left column of the Attribute box (DEX, INT, and INFL) is made up of a Character's Acting and Opposing Attributes. DEX, INT, and INFL are called Acting/Opposing Attributes because they are most frequently used as Characters' Acting or Opposing Values on the Action Table. DEX is used as the Acting Value if a Character is trying to carryout a Physical Action, like striking an adversary; while DEX is also used as the Opposing Value if a Character is trying to oppose a Physical Action, like the adversary striking back. Similarly, INT is used as the Acting or Opposing Values if a character is trying to carry out or thwart a Mental Action, and INFL is used as Acting or Opposing Values if a Character is trying to carry out or halt a Mystical Action. The Acting Value indicates how likely a Character is to succeed at a given action, and the Opposing Value indicates how likely his/her opponent is to fail in the attempt to oppose the action. If Manhunter was trying to punch someone, for example, his DEX would be his Acting Value and would tell the Player how likely Manhunter is to strike his target. His opponent's DEX would be the Opposing Value and would tell the Player how likely the adversary is to avoid Manhunter's blow. BATMAN DEX INT INFL 10 12 10 STR WILL AURA 5 12 8 BODY MIND SPIRIT 6 12 10

The middle column of the Attribute box (STR, WILL, and AURA) is made up of a Characters Action Attributes. STR, WILL, and AURA are called Effect Attributes because they are most frequently used as a Character's Effect Value on the Result Table. STR is used for Physical Actions, WILL for Mental Actions, and AURA for Mystical Actions. The Effect Value is a measure of how well a Character will perform an action that is successful. In the previous example, Manhunter's STR would be his Effect Value, and would determine how hard he would hit his target if the punch connects.



Finally, the third column of the Attribute box (BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT) is made up of a Character's Resistance Attributes. Resistance Attributes are most frequently used as a Character's Resistance Value on the Result Table when s/he is opposing an action. Resistance Values are compared with Effect Values in order to determine how great an effect any action has. Also, Resistance Attributes represent how much damage a character can sustain before losing consciousness. BODY represents Physical damage from punches and energy bolts; MIND stands for mental damage from psionic blasts, and mental strain; and SPIRIT shows Mystical damage from magical bolts or enchantments. In the example, Manhunter's opponent's BODY would give the Player an indication of whether the villain will be kayoed, merely stunned, or not affected at all by the punch.

Putting the Two Groups Together A chart that shows how the two classifications of Attributes are related is as follows: First Group Physical Mental Mystical Acting/Opposing DEX INT INFL Effect STR WILL AURA Resistance BODY MIND SPIRIT

One final note: all of the previous paragraphs said that a Characters Acting/Opposing Attributes are usually used as his/her Acting/Opposing Values, and that a Character's Effect Attributes are usually used as his her Effect Value, and so on. This is because certain special cases might require a Player to use a Character's Acting/Opposing Attribute as his/her Character's Acting and Effect Values, for example; or s/he might be asked to use the Character's Resistance Attribute as his/her Opposing and Resistance Values, and so on. All of these special cases are detailed later in this rulebook.

Rolling the Dice

There are two types of actions that Characters can perform in the MEGS RPG: Automatic Actions and Dice Actions. Automatic Actions are actions that are automatically successful. Batman can always walk across a room, for example, or call Commissioner Gordon on the phone. Dice Actions are actions that have some chance of failure, no matter how small. Punching an adversary, interrogating a thug, and trying to convince Commissioner Gordon to loan Robin a police car are all Dice Actions. In order to decide whether a Dice Action succeeds or not, a Player consults the Action and Result Tables and rolls dice. If a specific Action is not spelled out here in the rules, the GM must decide whether it is an Automatic Action or a Dice Action.

Each of the dice that came in the box has ten sides and is referred to as a D10. When the rules instruct a Player to roll 2D10, s/he rolls both dice and adds the numbers together. The side with the 0 on it is considered a ten, not a zero, when it comes up on a roll. Therefore, a roll of double 0s would be read as a twenty, a 0 and a 4 would be fourteen, and so forth. If doubles are rolled on the dice, the Player has the option of rolling the dice again, and adding the result to the original roll. Some Genres allow unlimited doubling in the main stream a 30 is the highs possible roll. The only exception to this doubles rule is a roll of double ones. Whenever double ones are rolled, whatever action the Character was attempting automatically fails. The Player may not follow the doubles rule and roll again. Even if a roll of double ones follows one or earlier doubles rolls, the action still fails. If a Player rolls double sixes, then double fours, then double ones, for example, that action fails. Whenever someone rolls the dice and consults the Action and Result Tables, it is called an Action Check.

The Action Table

The Action Table is used to determine whether or not a Dice Action will succeed. The Action Table is almost always used in conjunction with the Result Table. Both the Action and Result Tables can be found in the screens. Every time a Character attempts a Dice Action, the Player must make what is called an "Action Check." Every Action Check involves four factors: the Acting Value (AV), the Effect Value (EV), the Opposing Value (OV), and the Resistance Value (RV). The rules describe what is used as the Acting, Effect, Opposing, and Resistance Values for most of the Action Checks that will come up during play. If a Character is trying to perform a Dice Action that is not covered by the rules, the Gamemaster must decide what to use as the AV, EV, OV, and RV of the Action Check Remember that the leftmost column of a Character's Attribute box contains the Attributes that are most frequently used as Acting or Opposing Values, the middle column contains the Attributes that are most frequently used as Effect Values, and the right hand column contains the Attributes that are most frequently used as Resistance Values. The Action Table is made up of

numbers organized in Columns (up and down), and Rows (side to side). The Acting Values are located in the leftmost Column, and the Opposing Values are located in the top Row. The other numbers represent "success numbers for Dice Actions. In order to explain the Action Table, let's take an example. Suppose that Frank is playing Batman and wants to punch the Joker. This is a Physical Action that uses Batman's DEX as the Acting Value and the Joker's DEX as the Opposing Value. In order to see if Batman's Action succeeds, Frank follows the step-by step procedure below: Step 1: Locate the correct Acting Value Row, using the guide numbers on the left side of the Table. Attempting to strike someone in simple hand to- hand combat is a Physical Action, so Batman's Action Attribute is his DEX of 10. Frank locates the 9-10 Row on the Table. Step 2: Locate the correct Opposing Value Column. The Joker will try to physically dodge Batman's blow, so the Joker's Opposing Attribute is his DEX also, which is 4. Frank finds the 3 to 4 Column on the Table. Step 3: Locate the Success Number by finding where the 9-10 Row intersects the 3 to 4 Column. The number they intersect at, 5, is Batman's Success Number. Frank must roll 5 or above on 2D10 both dice) for Batman to strike the Joker. Step 4: Roll the dice. Let us suppose that Frank rolls double 2's. He can roll again. Now he rolls a 3 and a 7. Add the numbers from both rolls together: 2 + 2 + 3 + 7 = 14. Since the total of 14 is greater than the 5 needed to hit, the Action is considered successful. Step 5: Check for a Column Shift. Anytime a Character rolls greater than his/her Success Number and the roll is 11 or over, s/he is eligible for a Column Shift. Frank rolled over 11, and above his Success Number, so he may be eligible for an Effect bonus, called a Column Shift. In the example above, Frank rolled a 14 when the Success Number was 5.

Step 6: Determine the number of Column Shifts. Since the dice roll was at least 11 and higher than the roll needed for success, Frank can begin to count his Column Shifts. He puts his finger on the spot where the Acting Value Row intersects the Opposing Value Column at the number 5. If he moves his finger one Column to the right, the new number Frank is pointing to (7) is still lower than the number he rolled. He can continue moving to the right until he reaches 11, the point where Column Shifts begin. Frank has made one Column Shift. 11 is marked in red on the table to remind the GM and the Players where Column Shift bonuses start. Rank can now move one more Column further to the right, since the dice roll of 14 is greater than the number (13) in that Column, too. He now made two Column Shifts. The number in the next Column to the right is 15. Since 15 is greater than the dice roll, he does not earn a third Column Shift. The Column Shifts earned will increase Batman's results in the next step, The Result Table.

Important Rules on Column Shifts

Column Shifts Start at 11 Start counting Column Shifts at 11. For example: if the Success Number is 3 and a 12 is rolled, the Player only receives 1 Column Shift, even though s/he moves over many Columns. The Detailed Way. Turning the Corner or Going off the Edge of the Action Table Sometimes, the dice roll for an Action Check is so high that when counting Column Shifts, a Player goes all the way to the right edge of the Action Table. Look at the Action Table and find the 46-60 Row of the Acting Values. If a Player has a Character with a Strength of 50 APs and s/he rolls above 15, s/he will go off the chart. In this case, s/he "turns the corner and counts upwards along the right hand edge as if it were the continuation of the Row. S/he keeps going until the dice roll number is smaller than the next entry. For example: the Character with 50 APs of Strength first rolls double 6's, then rolls double 5's, then rolls 7 for a total of 12 + 10 + 7 or 29. Suppose his/her Success Number is a nine. For the correct Column Shifts, s/he counts

one to eleven, two to 13, three to 15, then s/he "turns the corner" and counts four to 18, five to 21, six to 24, seven to 28 and stops. S/he must stop because the next number is 32 which is larger than the dice roll of 29.

The Result table

The Result Table is always used in conjunction with the Action Table. Once the Action Table has determined whether or not a Dice Action succeeded, the Player then looks to the Result Table in order to figure out how well the Action was performed. If the Action Table indicated that the Action failed; there is no need to look at the Result Table at all. In the previous example, Batman successfully hit the Joker; but what happens now? Did Batman knock the Clown Prince of Crime out cold or just scuff him up a bit? This is where the Result Table comes into play. The Result Table works like the Action Table, except that the Player compares Effect and Resistance Values, instead of Acting and Opposing Values. If Batman were attempting to punch the Joker, his Effect Value would be his STR and the Resistance value would be the Joker's BODY. Let's continue with the example: 1) Locate the Effect Value ratings on the left side of the Result Table. Since punching the Joker is a Physical Action, Batman's STR is the Effect Value in this case. Batman's STR is 5, so Frank should look to the 5-6 Row of the table. 2) Locate the Resistance Value ratings along the top of the table. In this case, the RV is the Joker's BODY. The Joker's BODY is 4, so Frank should look to the 3 to 4 Column of the table. 3) Column shifts. Now the Player must take into account any Column Shifts that were earned on the Action Table. Do this by adjusting the Column that is being used for the Resistance Value a number of Columns to the equal to the number of Column Shifts earned on the Action Table. Since Batman earned two Column Shifts against the Joker, Frank would count two Columns over to the left from the 3 to 4 Column (Joker's original RV), leaving him on the 0 Column. Notice that the leftmost Column is labeled 'x," and that each entry in the "x Column reads "+1." If the Column Shifts are carried further to the left than the "x Column, pretend that there are an infinite number of Columns to the left of the "x,"

and that all of the entries in the first imaginary Column read "+2," all of the entries in the second imaginary Column read "+3," and so on. Therefore, if the RV of an Action Check was 1 and the Action received six Column Shifts, the Result would be in the imaginary Column that reads "+5." 4) Find the number of Result APs (or RAPs) by cross-indexing the Effect Value with the final Resistance Column. Unlike the Action Table, the Player does not roll any more dice to use the Result Table. If the Result is "A," (which stands for "All") the number of RAPs earned is equal to the full Effect Value of the Action Check. If the result is a +1 (or +2, +3, etc. in one of the "imaginary" Columns), the number of RAPs earned is equal to the full Effect Value of the Action Check plus one (or two or three, etc.). If the result is an "N," the Resistance Value of the Action was just too high, and the Action fails. In the example, Batman would have earned 5 RAPs against the Joker (remember that the Joker's RV was shifted down two Columns which yield an N result; since Batman's EV is 5, he earns 5 RAPs). Result APs, or RAPs, are a measure of how well an Action was performed. RAPs are measured like normal APs, meaning that an Action that earns 3 RAPs was performed twice as well as an Action that earned 2 RAPs and four times as well as an Action that earned a single RAP. RAPs are used for all sorts of things, depending upon the type of Action Check being performed. In combat (like Batman punching the Joker), for example, the RAPs that Batman earns indicates the amount of "damage" he does to the Joker. The Joker can only take a certain amount of damage before he becomes unconscious and unable to fight back. The rules in this book detail what the RAPS mean for most of the Actions that are likely to be performed. If an Action is not covered in the rules, it is up to the Gamemaster to decide what the RAPs mean, if anything. Sometimes, the RAPs earned in an Action Check will be unimportant; the rules or the GM will simply state that one or more RAPs indicates success. For example, suppose Blue Beetle is trying to jump over a tall fence. This is a Dice Action because it is possible that he will fail. It does not really matter if Beetle clears the fence by one foot or ten feet. He will either make it, or he will not. This is an example of an Action in which the GM will tell a Player that s/he must earn one or more RAPs for success; if Beetle receives one RAP, twenty RAPs, or any RAPs, he successfully jumps over the fence, and otherwise he fails.

The Detailed Way. +5/Column/Row. At the very end of both the Action and Result Tables is a +5 Column. This number is used when a Character is completely off the chart either in number of Column Shifts, comparison of Attributes, or just plain dice rolling. On the Action Table, the Opposing Values, Acting Values, and the Success Number increase in five point increments. The same is true for the Result Table's Effect and Resistance Values. For example: Characters with a DEX of 61-65 as an Opposing Value are off the chart. Just add +5 to the Opposing Value for every 5 APs. Therefore, a Character with an Acting Value of 1-2 would have to roll an 85 to hit a Character with an Opposing Value of 61-65, a 90 to his a 66-70, and so on. C stands for Cancel. Anytime two Characters are off the table, they cancel each other's advantage. A 70 Effect Value against a 70 Resistance Value is resolved as a 60 against 60. A 75 Acting Value against a 70 Opposing Value is resolved as a 65 against 60, and so on.

Stacking powers
There are some cases where a power is added to an attribute to increase Acting, Effect, Opposing or Resistance value. Examples would be Dex and Dodging for increased OV in a Dodge, Force Field and Body to increase RV, or Claws/Natural Weapons and Str to increase EV. So what happens if you get a third power to stack? The Easy Way: Powers stack once in AP math only. (Ex. Force Field of 8 plus a Body of 9 yields an RV of 17) any additional powers or skills do not change this. The player can pick which two powers, attributes or skills to stack if there is a choice of more than 2 The Detailed Way: When there are more than two stacking attributes the values add in linear math and not AP math. Simply said add the two highest AP values and the third and subsequent stacker powers add 1 AP each. Example Mobius Has a 5 Body and a Forces Shield of 6. This gives him an RV of 11(6+5=11). Attribute plus stacker.

If he added skin armor of 4 his RV would be 12 (5+6 +1 AP=12). Attribute plus 2 stackers. If his Skin Armor was 8 his RV would be 14 (5+8 +1AP) Attribute plus 2 stackers. If on top of this Mobius was inside a Force Field of 3 His RV would be 15 (5+8+1AP +1AP=15)

Powers, Skills, Advantages, and Drawbacks

Take a look at some of the Characters in the index. There are listings of Powers, Skills, Advantages, and Drawbacks. Characters have these elements because many of the heroes in the Comics can do things that their Attributes alone cannot explain. Superman's STR of 25 allows him to bend steel with his bare hands and change the course of mighty rivers, but what is it that gives him the ability to fly, or to use X-Ray Vision? The answer, of course, is his Powers. Powers are Abilities that are never possessed by ordinary people. Examples of Powers include Superman's Flight and X-Ray Vision, Green Lantern's Force Manipulation, and Black Canary's Sonic Beam: an ordinary Joe on the street will never have these abilities. No matter how hard he tried, Jimmy Olsen could never learn to use X-Ray Vision like Superman. Powers are measured in APs just like Attributes. Some heroes, like Batman, don't have any Powers at all. Skills, on the other hand, are special heroic Abilities that can be learned by ordinary, everyday people. It is conceivable that Jimmy Olsen could learn to be as good a detective as Batman if he were to put in the years and years of rigorous study and training. Examples of Skills include: Dr. Fate's Occultist Skill, Black Canary's Martial Artist abilities, and Blue Beetle's Charisma Skills are also measured in APs. Advantages are special capabilities that are not measured in APs. Some Advantages may be found in ordinary people, while others are not. Examples of Advantages include Starfire's Attractive Appearance, Batman's Connection with the Gotham City Police Department, and even Captain Marvel's ability to instantly change into his heroic identity.

Drawbacks are special situations that are unique to an individual Character. Unlike Powers, Skills, and Advantages, however, Drawbacks (as their name implies) are harmful to the Character. Examples of Drawbacks include Superman's Vulnerability to Kryptonite, Aqua mans inability to remain out of the water longer than one hour, and Batman's singleminded pursuit of justice. Rules governing all of the individual Powers, Skills, Advantages, and Drawbacks can be found in the later sections. Usually, Powers and Skills will function as a Character's AV, EV, OV, or RV while making certain Action Checks. Advantages tend to modify Action Checks, or permit a Character to make certain Action Checks s/he could not make otherwise. Some even allow a Character to perform certain Automatic Actions s/ he could not make without them. Specific details regarding the effects of Powers, Skills, Advantages and Drawbacks are covered in the section two. Take some time now to look up a couple of examples of Powers, Skills, Advantages, and Drawbacks and read their descriptions before going on.

Hero Points
So far, we have shown that whether or not a Dice Action succeeds is dependent upon a combination of the Characters' Abilities and the Players' luck. But in the comics, the heroes always seem to have luck on their side whenever they need it most. Wolverine has no problem stretching his Abilities past their limits in a dire situation, and Batman never seems to miss an important clue. The MEGS RPG accounts for this phenomenon by giving Players some control over their Action Checks through the use of Hero Points. Hero Point Pool is an Attribute each character has. The number of points in the pool refills at the beginning of each new adventure. Hero Points in the pool function like money: once a Player or the GM decides to use them, they are gone, although there are ways of getting more Hero Points during play. Hero Points allow a Player to temporarily increase his/her Character's Acting or Effect Values whenever s/he is attempting a Dice Action, thus giving him/her a greater

chance of success. Hero Points may also temporarily increase a Character's Opposing or Resistance Values whenever s/he is resisting a Dice Action, causing his/her opponent to have a lesser chance for success. In the example of Batman punching the Joker, Frank (Batmans player) would have the option of spending Hero Points on his Acting Value to increase the likelihood that he will hit the Joker, or spending Hero Points on his Effect Value to increase the amount of damage he will do if he does hit the Joker, the Joker could spend Hero Points on his Opposing Value to decrease the chance that Batman will hit him or Resistance value to reduce the amount of the damage (villains have Hero Points too). Each Hero Point that is spent increases the Acting, Effect, Opposing, or Resistance Value by one AP for that Action Check only. The Players decide when to have their heroes spend Hero Points, and the GM decides when the villains and minor Characters will spend Hero Points; although many minor Characters will not have any Hero Points to spend. The number of Hero Points that each Character begins with is listed on his/her Character. The following rules pertain to the expenditure of Hero Points: First of all, the Players and/or the GM must decide whether or not they are going to spend Hero Points before rolling the dice for the Action. Neither the Players nor the GM are allowed to wait and see how well they do without spending Hero Points and then decide to spend afterwards. Once the dice have been rolled, it is too late to spend Hero Points. Similarly, once someone has decided that s/he is spending Hero Points, s/he must spend the points. Even if the dice roll would have achieved the desired result without the Hero Points they are still gone, and may not be taken back. Whenever Hero Points are used, the Player must clearly announce to all of the other participants exactly how many Hero Points s/he is going to spend, and which Value (AV, EV, OV, or RV) is going to be increased with them: 'I am spending 2 Hero Points on the Acting Value, or I am spending 3 on the Effect Value," for example: Spending Hero Points. Once a Player or the GM announces that s/he is spending Hero Points on the Acting or Effect Values, his/her opponent can

decide to spend Hero Points on the Opposing or Resistance Values. Once hero point expenditure is declared it cannot be changed. There is a limit to the number of Hero Points that may be spent on any one Action. A Player may never increase any of his/her Character's Values (AV, EV, OV, or RV) to more than 50% of its beginning value through the use of Hero Points. Also only one combat characteristic may be increased per phase. This differs slightly on other Genres. For example, Batman can never spend more than 5 Hero Points on his Acting Value in combat with his beginning DEX of 10; nor can he spend more than 3 Hero Points on his Resistance Value due to his beginning BODY of 6. A more detailed example will demonstrate everything we have explained about Hero Points so far. V-man is going to punch Ed Delovian. V-mans beginning AV and EV are 10 and 8 respectively (his DEX and Self link Warp) and Eds OV and RV are 8 and 10 (his DEX and BODY). Since Frank (V-mans player now) wants to make sure that he will take Ed out right here and now, he decides to spend 3 Hero Points on his Acting Value. The GM now has a chance to spend his own Hero Points, and since the Ed likes being conscious, the GM decides to spend 3 Points on his Resistance Value. The dice are then rolled with the new values. Both Characters HP pools are reduced by 3 points.

Automatic Actions
There are two types of actions in the MEGS RPG. Previous sections gave details on how to resolve Dice actions. The other kind of action is called Automatic Actions. Automatic Actions are automatically successful. If the Flash wants to run at the speed of sound or Superman wants to fly, they automatically succeed. The Action and Result Tables are not used for Automatic Actions. The only possible problem is determining exactly which actions are Automatic Actions and which are Dice Actions. Here are some simple guidelines: 1) If a Character is using a Power, Advantage, or Skill to perform an Action, the appropriate description in powers and skills section will indicate if the Action is a Dice Action or an Automatic Action.

2) Any Action that involves Characters' Attributes is automatically a Dice Action. If the GM decides that Nightwing can use his INT to try to solve one of the Riddler's riddles, for example, it is a Dice Action. In this case, using Nightwing's INT/WILL as the AV/EV because it is a Mental Action, against whatever OV/RV the GM decides is appropriate, with one or more RAPS necessary for success. There is one important exception to this rule. Using the STR Attribute to lift an object is always an Automatic Action. If a Character has a STR of 7 APs, he can automatically lift any object that weighs 7 APs or less. If neither of the first two guidelines is applicable, the GM should always fall back on the old rule that any Action in which there is a chance that you will fail, no matter how small, is automatically a Dice Action. Speaking, for example, is an Automatic Action because there is no chance of failure; Characters can almost always talk. Trying to convince Commissioner Gordon to lend someone a police car, however, is a Dice Action because there is a chance that the commissioner will not grant the request. It is always up to the GM to determine whether or not any Action is a Dice Action or an Automatic Action. The Detailed Way: Pushing Automatic Actions Sometimes, a hero needs to fly faster, jump farther, or lift more weight than s/he is normally able to do. In these situations, the hero must 'Push" his/her Abilities, straining his/her capabilities to their limit. A Player may only push when s/he is attempting to perform an Automatic Action that is based on a Power or Attribute. To "strain Abilities is attempting a Dice Action In order to push, the Player must make an Action Check using the APs of the Ability that s/he wants to push as the AV/EV. An Action Check is made because pushing itself is a Dice Action since there is a chance of failure. Since the Character is essentially fighting against his/her own limits, the APs of the ability the Player is pushing also serve as the OV/RV. The RAPs from the Pushing Action are temporarily added to the ability being pushed. Hero

Points may be spent to increase the Acting or Effect Values of the Pushing Action Check. RAPS that are added to an Ability only last for 0 APs of time (about 4 seconds, or one phase of combat). At the end of that time, the Ability returns to its original level; although the Player may immediately try to push the Ability again, if desired. If a Player fails in an attempt to push Ability, the Ability instantly "burns out" and is reduced to zero APs (the Character is exhausted from the effort). Burned out Abilities must be regained through the use of Recovery, which is explained later. Example of pushing ability Marv is playing Cyborg when an Army tank is dropped on top of him in the middle of a fight. According to the Benchmark APs Table, Cyborg would need a STR of 9 to be able to lift the tank off of himself. Cyborg's STR is only 7, but if he were to strain his Abilities to the utmost, he just might be able to lift the tank anyway. Since lifting the tank would normally be an Automatic Action, Marv can Push Cyborg's STR to try and get it off his back. Marv must make an Action Check with an AV/EV of 7/ 7 (Cyborg's STR) and an OV/RV of 7/7 (again, Cyborg's STR). Just to add a little insurance, he decides to spend 2 Hero Points on his Acting Value, raising it to a 9. If Marv rolls an 11, he will receive one Column Shift and 2 RAPS. He may then add these two RAPS to Cyborg's STR for 0 APs of time (4 seconds), temporarily raising his STR to 9. If Marv rolls a 7, however, he will fail his Push attempt, and Cyborg's STR will be instantly reduced to 0 APs until it can be recovered.

Automatic Actions versus Dice Actions

The differences between Automatic and Dice Actions have already been explained at great length. However, there are several situations where the distinction between the two becomes unclear. Guidelines for distinguishing between Automatic and Dice Actions are as follows: Most Automatic Actions assume that a Character is trying to perform the action under optimal conditions. Sometimes, however, Players will be forced to attempt Automatic Actions under unusual circumstances. The Flash can always use his Super-speed Power to run at incredible speeds, for example, but what if he is trying to run across a slippery oil slick or through a patch of rubbery glue? Similarly, Superman can always lift an object

that weighs 25 APs, but what if he has been poisoned by a special drug that causes his Power to keep fading in and out? In situations like these, the Automatic Action becomes a Dice Action instead. Remember that any Action in which there is any chance that a Character will fail is a Dice Action, and in the previous examples, there is certainly a chance that both Superman and Flash will fail. In this case, use the APs of the Ability in question (Flash's Super-speed or Superman's STR) as both the AV and the EV of the Action Check the OV/RV of the Action Check is derived from the Universal Modifiers Chart. In order to use the Universal Modifiers Chart, the GM must decide how difficult the Action is that the Character is trying to perform, using the terms listed as a guideline. The terms describe the Action from the perspective of a normal man. Running across an oil slick, for example, might be a "Strenuous" action with an OV/RV of 6/6. If the drug plaguing Superman was quite potent, the GM might rule that lifting a heavy object is Herculean," and thus has an OV/RV of 12/12. For all Automatic Actions that are turned into Dice Actions by special situations, the RAPS of the Action Check then temporarily function as the APs of the appropriate Automatic Ability. If Flash gets 5 RAPS on his Action Check, he runs across the oil at a speed of 5 APs (the RAPS temporarily substitute for his APs of Super-speed). If Superman gets 10 RAPs on his roll, he can lift a 10 AP object. As soon as an Automatic Action is turned into a Dice Action, the Ability upon which the Action is based may no longer be pushed. Instead, the Player may now spend Hero Points on his/her AV and EV if s/he wants to increase the chance for success. There are often special circumstances that will influence Dice Actions in a similar fashion. Whenever Green Arrow shoots his bow, it is a normal Dice Action; but what if Green Arrow wants to shoot the bow while he is dangling from a trapeze? In cases like this, look to the Universal Modifier Table's Dice Action column in order to find a Column Shift modifier that is applied to the Action's Opposing Value. Shooting an arrow while dangling from a trapeze might be an "Extreme" Action with Column Shift modifier of +4. This means that the Opposing Value of the shot is automatically increased by four Columns.

The Universal Modifier Table is only invoked when the GM feels it is appropriate, and it is always up to the GM to rule upon the difficulty of the Action in question.

The Universal Modifier Table

Description Easy Average Challenging Difficult Strenuous Extreme Pushing the limit Herculean Beyond the limit Standard Action modifier -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 Automatic action OV\RV N/A N/A 2 4 6 8 10 12 15

Listed following are many of the basic terms used in the MEGS Role-Playing Game system. Since reading through a general glossary of information can be interminably boring, Players are encouraged to briefly review this list.

Ability: A Power or Skill. Advantage: A special capability possessed by a hero or

villain Advantages are not measured in APs - the hero/villain either possesses the Advantage or s/he does not.

Movement constitutes a typical Automatic Action. The RAPs of an Automatic Action are normally equal to a Character's APs of Power or Skill.

Automatic Power or Skill: A Power or Skill that

functions as an Automatic Action during play (i.e., no dice roll is required). Automatic Powers and Skills may be pushed (see rules section).

Alternate: A Power presented in a different way,

sometimes with a different Factor or Base Cost. Essentially a bonus or limitation that is specific to a given Power.

Base Cost: The cost in XPs for acquiring 0 APs of a

particular Power or Skill. A Player creating his/her own Character must also pay the Base Cost of each of the Character's Powers and Skills. If a power is taken twice (ex. once with area effect and once without), the base cost need only be paid once.

Attribute: One of nine basic characteristics possessed

by every living thing in the MEGS RPG (DEX, STR, BODY, MIND, WILL, MIND, INFL, AURA, and SPIRIT). In addition, many non-living objects possess one or more Attributes (a table would possess STR and BODY, for instance).

Bonus: A special modification that increases a Power or

Skill's effectiveness (for example. the usable on others Bonus allows a Character to temporarily bestow the modified Power or Skill upon another Character.)

Automatic Action: Any action which has no Opposing

or Resistance Values and does not require a dice roll.

Detailed Way: This is an interpretation of the rules that

allows for the most intricate interpretation for complex characters and circumstances.

Factor Cost: A measure of the relative effeteness of a

Power or Skill. Factor Cost influences the number of XPs a Player must spend to purchase APs of a Power or Skill during Character's creation and Growth stages.

Dice Action: An action performed against Opposing

and Resistance Values and, as such, makes a roll of the dice.

Gadget: High tech or magical devices that heroes and

villains use

Drawback: A special penalty suffered by a hero or

villain who affects his/her effectiveness in play. Drawbacks are not measured in APs - a hero or villain either possesses the Drawback or s/he does not.

Gamemaster (GM): The person who acts as referee

for the game. The GM should be well versed in the MEGS RPG rules and especially familiar with the events, locations, and Non- Player Characters in the particular adventure being played S/he is the ultimate authority on what occurs during an adventure.

Easy Way: An interpretation of the rules that is less

complicated for quick play

Experience points (XP): Numerical reflections of a

Character's adventuring experience. Experience Points can be used to permanently obtain additional Powers and Skills to reflect a Character's growth as a hero. XPs are also the unit of measure of creating a character, 750 by default. During Character creation spend as many XPs as you can. They are worth more at the pre-beginning than at any other point in the game.

Genre Rules: Guidelines for play specifically designed

to accurately reflect the feel of a particular adventure environment (such as the oppressive storylines of the Watchmen or the zany circus atmosphere of Ambush Bug) for additional information, see Genres.

Hero Points (HPs): pool of reserve used to provide a

Character with a temporary increase in Attributes, Powers, and/or Skills during an adventure.

Knowledge Points: RAPs received from successful

use of an information-gaining Power or Skill (such as Mind Probe or Detective). The Knowledge Points gained governs the amount of information learned by a Character 1 RAP reveals very little information, 1/2 RVs in RAPs reveals a fairly-detailed amount of information, and Full RV RAPS reveals everything available regarding the inquiry.

Psyberpath: Psyberpathy is Mental Powers that affect

computers and electronics rather than biological minds.

Range: The maximum distance (measured in APs) at

which a Power or Skill is effective. Normal" Range Powers can function at a distance equal to the user's APs of the Power. A Range of '+3" indicates that a Power can function at a distance of 3 APs greater than the user's APs of the Power. A Range of self indicates that a Character possessing the Power or Skill can only use it on him/herself, while a Range of Touch indicates that the Character can use the Power or Skill on anyone s/he touches.

Limitation: A special modification, which decreases a

Power or Skill's effectiveness. The 'Power Burnout' Limitation occasionally, causes a Power or Skill to become inoperable for a time.

Link: A way to use a high attribute to Power a gadget. Object of Power: Gadgets that are self-powered and
the mightiest.

RAPs: Result APs this is the effective number of APs

produced by any action which seeks resolution between forces (combat, Knowledge rolls, etc.).

Occult Object: A term used to differentiate a magical

from a technical gadget

Skills: The human abilities (driving, shooting, drawing) to

interact with circumstances and things.

Power: The superhuman abilities (Flight, Time Travel,

Shape Changing) possessed by characters and sometimes items.

Stacker: A power or skill that adds to another Attribute

or Power

Sub skills: Separate abilities which comprise an entire

Skill. A Character with APs in a Skill automatically possesses an equal number of APs in each Sub skill unless s/he has chosen to specialize (see the following Character Design section in this book.

Wealth: A ranked value purchased with XPs at game

start for how much spending power the character has.

Heroes and Villains: The art of creating Characters. An important note before we begin.
largely here as an example Character Paradigm Some heroes are star-spanning and ultra powerful like the Green Lantern or Silver Surfer. Others are more dangerous, more human scale and are the thing of nightmares like Wolverine or Batman. There are serious heroes like The Avengers or the X-men, or comical ones like Ambush Bug or the Tick The first step in character design should be the discussion with the GM about the world the heroes will live in. The GM will be, for the most part, the story teller in this discussion. Some input from the players adds important spice. GM The Game setting is called sky crossing. It is a world of barbaric splendor with an overtone of lost technology and an ancient Luddite war when the machines fought for dominance against man. It is Thousands of years later there are dozens of breeds of men across the vast uncharted world. Angel like Falcon men, Big eyed sub-dwellers, and sun aquatic anfibi-men. Each kingdom must bow down before the crushing might of the emperor, Lo Wu Tan. The Characters enter sky crossing in quest to save the earth (which I will tell you about when the game starts) In the design exercise listed below we do out the math the long way. Rarely, if at all, will your players do things out long hand. Use the Character Creation tool every time you can. The math is

Setting The setting for an adventure will be predetermined by the GM. It may be an effigy of DC Comics Universe, the X-mens NYC, or the backdrop from the Matrix. You may like the 9 Worlds scenario or the international intrigue of Steeles People. The GM may decide to exclude certain powers (like Time Travel) that will potentially disrupt the setting. S/he may also decide that the players (for example) only get one power and automatically get the inexperience drawback in an attempt to emulate the early New Mutants campaign. Although the GM is always the ultimate arbitrator in a discussion with

players, some of the best settings have come from the synergy between the two. For a first time adventuring group, it is suggested to start with a setting and Genre (see Genres) that is already a known quantity for both parties. GM play opens on the world of Mai Li in the City of Tarrash. Brutal physical warriors, Tech Priests, Desert monsters of staggering power are common. Physical infighting is a part of standard negotiation and tavern brawls often end in looted bodies being tossed into back alleys. Although game play opens in a large city the scenario will take the characters all over the world, perhaps to many worlds. Since the fall of the machines many generations ago large portions of the land are mysterious blank spots on the map.

Concept and Genre The GM will determine the number of XPs that are available to the players to create their characters. Start with a base idea of what you want your hero to be like: A beautiful heiress with a gift for making things explode? An Alien who looks human but who is ultra dense and ultra strong? The spirit of a fallen Civil War solder raised in his descendants body, bringing back the things he learned beyond the grave? Before attacking the charts and lists in the book, find out more or less how many XPs youll have - then dream out the character. GM: the characters are 750 XP and are from a Marvel or DC like generic super hero setting. Supers catapulted into a neo barbarian world. No teleporters and no time travelers other than that all options are open. Player #1: I want to play a psychic who manifests mental wings Player #2: I want to be a shape shifter with an attitude problem. GM: I like them! Lets do it

Motivation There are many things that drive a person. For purposes of the game, they can be distilled into 3 basic types: The Easy Way: Motivation is not something that the characters need to spend a lot of cycles on. If the characters know that they are vigilante, a caped crusader or a bomb throwing anarchist nothing else really matters. Heroes. Heroes have many motivations. Some will uphold the good. Others will seek justice for the downtrodden. A few heroes are out there for the fun of it. Overall a hero is motivated by doing what is right for society and the people who live in it. Heroes loose Experience (see XPs) for destruction beyond what is necessary or killing at all. Only heroes will ever receive the accolades and acceptance of a society. Parades and statues go to heroes. Superman, the Fantastic Four and the Green Lantern are great examples of heroes. Outside the comic context, Flash Gordon, Dr. Who, and John Carter (or Mars) are heroes. There are some more unsure heroes like Hawk and Dove who are less confident of what they are doing but their hearts are all in the right place. Anti-Heroes. Anti-heroes are men and women with their own agenda and purpose. The things they do may serve the greater good but only as a by-product. They may be described as selfish. An anti-hero may be seeking revenge, searching for some personal goal or doing what they see as doing their job. Often they have their own iron code of ethics that they will not breach even if it costs their lives. They will never do openly villainous things but there will sometimes be bodies as a result of their actions. Anti-heroes do not loose Experience Points for killing or destruction but will never be more than tolerated by society. Some of the darker tellings of Batman, The Shadow and Wolverine are some classic comic book anti-heroes. Outside of comics, the movies are full of ant-heroes. Dirty Harry, Ripley 8 (Aliens), or Rambo are anti-heroes. Villains. Villains are those who take what doesnt belong to them. They take power, money from bank vaults, lives, or world domination. Villains are those who may act out of power lust, madness, political loyalties, or just for the joy of it. The defining characteristic is not why a villain takes but that s/he does. It is not out of need like an Ant-Hero might, or

because its the right thing to do as a hero might. It is only because they want to. Villains will be tolerated by society to the absolute minimum possible. If their identity or actions become known they can face police action or the intervention of pesky Heroes. Magneto in his darker moments is a classic villain, as is Lex Luther. These are the dark and calculating types. The Wrecking Crew, Killer Croc, Doc Oc, and Galactus are other types. Outside of Comics the Terminator, Hannibal Lector, or the agents from The Matrix are great villains. Depending on the moral density of an adventure, the passions of hero and villain may blur. The mark of a true hero is that s/he does his/her best to achieve what is right. Villains can sometimes look creepily heroic if we can see life from their side. Anti-heroes can go over the line either way. A GM may decide to slide a character from one category to another if the players actions support it. Also depending on the moral complexity of the adventure a conflict may be between two heroes of different causes. There are many cases of Heroes, Anti-Heroes and Villains changing rolls (Magneto, Hank Pym, Jason Todd, Phoenix, Dead Shot and many others.) Any such major character change should be considered a subplot and be played through as part of a lengthy adventure. No amount of HPs effect Motivation status.

Player #1: Im going to name her Stray Thoughts. She is kind of a waif looking woman. When hard pressed instead of mind combat she flies like an angel and flings bolts of psychic force. Stray Thoughts reads minds and then acts in judgment. Poetic justice type GM: an anti-hero. I like her. Player #2: Mega-Morph! He loves to play brinkmanship and partially transform in peoples faces. In the end he likes to be a hero but doesnt mind a bar fight either. Especially an unfair fight. Then he turns into a Rhino GM: ooh. A bit brutal. Can you tone him back a bit? Player #2 ( laughing) ok no bar fights in Rhino form

Note: The sample character, Stray Thoughts, tweaks her powers and skills up and down by adjusting points during character development. Until the start of play all stats are adjustable. Once play is started there is no taking back of XP usage.

Purchase Attributes When creating a Character, every Attribute, Power, Skill, and Advantage must be purchased using Experience Points. In a standard game Players begins with a base of 750 XPs for character design. You may want to start with as little as 450 XPs for a street level campaign. The GM may want to triple or higher the starting point total to create an ultra powerful group. The first thing to actually purchase is the new Character's Attributes. Everything a Player purchases toward designing his/her Character that is measured in APs (Powers, Attributes, Skills, and Wealth) is given a Factor Cost, which is a measure of how useful the Power, Attribute, Skill, or Wealth rating is during actual play. Initial Factor Costs range from 1 to 10. Abilities which have a minor usefulness possess a Factor Cost of 1, while those which are extremely useful possess a Factor Cost of 10 with the others in between. The Factor Cost of an Attribute, Power, or Skill determines how many XPs a Player must pay to purchase APs of that Attribute, Power, or Skill (the higher the Factor Cost, the more expensive in XPs the Attribute, Power, or Skill). On the AP Purchase Chart, by cross-referencing the Factor Cost of an Attribute, Power, or Skill with the number of APs desired, a Player can see how many XPs s/he must spend (for example, 5 APs of a Power or Skill at Factor Cost 5 costs 20 XPs). Action Attributes (DEX, INT, and INFL) always possess Factor Costs of 7. All other Attributes (STR, BODY, WILL, MIND, AURA, and SPIRIT) possess Factor Costs of 6. To purchase a DEX of 7, for example, a Player must spend 56 XPs, while a STR of 7 costs only 48 XPs.

The next step is for the Player to select the number of APs to purchase for each of the new Character's Attributes. The Player should determine the number of XPs s/he must spend for these Attribute APs and total the entire XP cost for all nine Attributes. This is where a Character Design Worksheet will come in handy. Expect there to be multiple rounds of scratching things out and changing values ad ideas gel The following paragraphs present guidelines for purchasing each of the nine Character Attributes: DEX Dexterity represents a Character's physical agility and nimbleness. Most heroes have a DEX that falls in the 5-7 AP range. A DEX of 10 represents the absolute peak of un-augmented human performance (as possessed by Batman, for instance). If a Character has a DEX greater than 10 s/he is either not a true human (like Superman or Wonder Woman) or his/her agility has been somehow augmented (Elongated Man, for example, has a DEX of 12 APs because his rubbery body boosts his agility to superhuman levels). (Factor Cost 7) STR Strength represents a Character's ability to lift weight and withstand duress. Most heroes who do not possess a measure of super strength have a STR in the 3-5 AP range. A STR of 5 APs represents a human in peak physical condition (such as Captain America). The absolute strongest normal men and women in the MEGS have a STR of 6 APs (the greatest weightlifters who ever lived, for example), but these persons are extremely rare. Characters with superhuman strength have a STR of 6 APs or greater. The AP Weight Benchmarks on the index show how much a Character with superhuman strength can lift. With a STR of 25, Superman is without a doubt one of the strongest men on 21st century Earth (being able to effortlessly lift nearly 500,000 tons). (Factor Cost 6) BODY This Attribute represents a Character's standard resistance to physical damage. Typical human heroes usually have a BODY that falls in the 4-5 AP range. A BODY of 6 represents un-augmented human perfection (Daredevil). If a Character

has a BODY greater than 6, s/he is either not human (like Hawkman) or his/her stamina and physical resilience have been increased (Deathstroke the Terminator has a BODY of 8 because his stamina was enhanced by a serum developed by the U.S. Army). (Factor Cost 6) INT Intelligence represents a Character's ability to think rapidly and his/her knowledge of facts. Most heroes have an INT in the 5-7 AP range. Extremely wise or resourceful heroes can run much higher (Batman has an INT of 12; the Chief from the old Doom Patrol had an INT of 15). It is possible to have a barbarian with a high INT (like the Viking Prince) or a scientist from a futuristic society with a rather low INT, as their own knowledge of available facts can obviously differ greatly. INT is an Action Attribute (Factor Cost 7) WILL This Attribute represents a Character's ability to draw conclusions and his/her willpower in general. Most heroes have a WILL in the 3-6 AP range. A particularly perceptive or dedicated hero will have a higher WILL (Wolverine, who is an exceptionally dedicated hero, has a WILL of 11). (Factor Cost 6) MIND This Attribute is a measure of a Character's resistance to mental stress. Most heroes have a MIND, in the 4-6 AP range, while those who are particularly resistant to mental damage possess much higher MIND). Charles Xavier has a very formidable MIND of 18 APs. (Factor Cost 6) INFL Influence represents the power of a Characters personality and presence. Average heroes have an INFL in the: 3-5 AP range. Those with particularly strong personalities (like Amanda Waller or Guy Gardner) have higher Influences. Mystically oriented heroes typically have higher-than-normal INFL, as these heroes often exhibit an extremely powerful presence. (Factor Cost 7)

AURA This Attribute represents a Character's ability to intercede with his/her personality to affect the actions of others and also indicates his/her level of magical power. Most heroes have an AURA in the 3-5 AP range. Although those who are exceptionally convincing (Green Lantern Hal Jordan) or intimidating (The Punisher) often possess much higher AURAS, as do mystically-oriented heroes. (Factor Cost 6) SPIRIT This Attribute represents a Character's ability to withstand mystical stress and is also a reflection of the Character's general spiritual resolve. Most heroes have a SPIRIT in the 3-4 AP range, while more mystically resistant and resolute heroes possess much higher SPIRIT. Roland the Gunslinger had massive a spiritual resolve of 12 APs. (Factor Cost 6)

Stray Thoughts 268 of 750

DEX INT INFL INIT 05 07 06 18 STR WILL AURA 02 05 04 BODY MIND SPIRIT 04 06 05

Purchase Powers and Skills After purchasing of Attributes for a new character, the Player selects Powers and Skills. These are purchased in much the same fashion as Attributes. Each Power and Skill has a Factor Cost listed in its description. See Powers and Skills sections for description. To purchase a Power or Skill, a Player should simply cross-index the Power/Skill Factor Cost with the number of APs desired on the AP Purchase Chart. The resulting number will be the Experience Point cost to purchase that many APs of the Power/Skill for the new Character. Some powers have Alternate ways the can be used or purchased. Most of the time there will be a Base cost or a factor cost change. Each of these will be marked under the Power description (see Powers) as Alternate. If a character takes the alternate of a power it cannot be used in way described in the base power description in any place where the two conflict. A power taken as an alternate is that alternate forever.

Base Cost and Factor Cost When purchasing Powers and Skills, a Player must also pay an XPs fee called the Base Cost for each Power and Skill purchased. The Base Cost represents the cost of acquiring the Power or Skill at 0 APs; the Player only pays the Base Cost once, no matter how many APs of the Power or Skill are purchased. For example, if a Player buys 10 APs of the Flame Project Power (Factor Cost of 3, Base Cost of 15), s/he must spend 63 Experience Points (48 HPs for 10 APs of a Factor Cost 3 Power plus a Base Cost of 15). If a power is taken twice (ex. once with area effect and once without) the base cost need only be paid once. If a character gets new sub skills of an existing skill s/he must only pay the +1 FC per sub skill and need not pay Base cost again.

Stray thoughts
DEX INT INFL INIT 07 07 06 20 STR WILL AURA 02 05 04 BODY MIND SPIRIT 04 06 05

Flight: 06 Projectile Weapons: 11 Mind Probe: 09 Telepathy: 07 Mental Shields: 06 Force Shield: 07

Skills: Soldier (Detect Ambush, First Aid, Small Unit Tactics, Survival, and Tracking): 06

Tweaking your Powers Advantages, Bonuses, Limitations, Power Modifiers and Drawbacks A Player can purchase one or more Bonuses or Limitations in conjunction with each of the Character's Powers. In some cases the GM may require a certain number of drawbacks or limitations. Bonuses are modifiers which increase the effectiveness of a Power while Limitations decrease a Power's effectiveness. In the description of each Bonus and Limitation is a Factor Cost Modifier listing. This modifier is applied to the Factor Cost of the respective Power at the time of AP purchase.

The "No Range Limitation, for example, has a Factor Cost Modifier of -1. This means if a Player were to purchase the "No Range" Limitation in conjunction with Energy Blast, for example, the Power would possess no Range (its Range becoming Touch," the Character's DEX becoming the AV) and its Factor Cost would decrease to 2. Similarly, the "Usable on Others" Bonus has a Factor Cost Modifier of +5. This means if a Player were to purchase the "Usable on Others" Bonus in conjunction with Energy Blast, the Power would be transferable to another Character and its resulting Factor Cost would increase to 8. Factor Costs can never be decreased to less than 1 through the adoption of Limitations. The next step is to purchase any Advantages necessary for the Character. Each Advantage has an Experience Point cost listed in its description. To obtain an Advantage for a Character, the Player must simply pay the Experience Point cost. Power modifiers are much in the same vein but are a bit more like special effects than actual changes to the power structure. Use them like a costume, to personalize the powers and make the character unique.

Alter Egos

Fiction is ripe with heroes that physically transform from a mundane self to a super human one. Good examples would be The David Banner to Hulk, the 70s TV version of Diana Prince to Wonder Woman, or Doctor Donald Blake to Thor. This variety of transformation would be expressed as Loss Vulnerabilitys that effect powers and Physical Attributes. When the limitations can be voluntarily triggered at will they receive only the XP bonus of the transformation that can be hostilely triggered (Examples of a hostile trigger being required would Be Ultimate David Banner needing to be traumatized to transform or a classic werewolf needing the moon to change forms). Bonuses gained by the transformation are still full price. Alter egos are all considered having no intrinsic range. They have no common or rare bonus in most cases.

It is recommended this if a GM allows alter egos s/he should create a world where the character needs to take his unpowered form regularly or else it is an exercise in free character build XPs Thor would have the Limitations that all powers (complete) [+50 XP] are lost and partial attributes (physical) [+18 XP] Thor would also need to purchase the insta-change [-5 XP] advantage as he is not recognizable as the same person after the change. The player would receive 63 bonus points to his character design Hulk would be the same as Thor with two additional modifiers Major Psychological instability [+15 XP] For his wellknown rage disorder and his mental attributes drop while in hero form from his human form, one attribute set (mental) [+18 XP]. The player would receive 96 bonus points. The vampire from Brams Stokers Dracula had no powers during the day but still had skills mental attributes. His physical attributes were also reduced and he was much prettier during the day. He would receive full bonus points for his daylight vulnerability as he could not control the change. His alter ego would be: All powers (complete) [+100 XP] and one set of attributes (partial) [+35 XP] and Insta-change [-5 XP]. The player would receive 130 bonus points to character design Although none of the examples include skills they could be available in one form the same way. In a rare case like David Hailer (Legion) or Everyman with more than one alter ego would require a few APs of Chameleon power to represent the multiple changes of physical form [-18 XP for 5 APs]

Stray thoughts
DEX INT INFL INIT Init: 20 HP Pool: 08 HP: 24 Powers: Flight: 07 Projectile Weapons: 11 Mind Probe: 09 Telepathy: 08 (FC 09) Mental Shields: 06 Force Shield: 07 Psychic Cleansing: 05 Telepathy can alter memories Telepathy can transfer mass data 07 07 06 20 STR WILL AURA 02 05 05 BODY MIND SPIRIT 04 06 05

Skills: Soldier (Detect Ambush, First Aid, Small Unit Tactics, Survival, and Tracking): 06 Advantages: Attractive Scholar (Sociology) Gift of Gab

Bonuses and Limitations: Flight Manifests Spectral Wings Mental Blast is contingent on Flight Hands must be free to use Projectile weapons; power manifests as psychic javelins Mind Probe and Mental Shields are contingent on Telepathy Telepathy is greater

Purchase Wealth The next aspect of Character Design to consider is a Character's available finances and standard of living (measured as Wealth). Wealth comes in several levels (see wealth). Stray thoughts Picks comfortable and gets 10 XP back Purchase Gadgets and Devices Does your character need something exotic like a compressed air gun or a living helmet? Does he/she need things that are a bit more mundane like Kevlar or a fast car? Calculate the amount of HPs you have left and the amount of starting funds you have and outfit your character with the tools s/he will need to succeed. Were not going to complicate either of our example characters with Gadgets. There are plenty of examples in the gadget Index. As neither character has military of heavy industrial contacts large scale weapons will be unavailable but neither character seems to be the type to want them to

Character Personality, background and description The last phase for character design closes the circle of the first. Look at the character youve designed and discuss with the GM the fit to the campaign s/he has in mind. S/he may suggest some modifications or just enjoy what youve created. Some of the Powers (flight, telepathy, cold immunity), Power Modifiers (married, power only works at night, power attracts rats), Skills (vehicles and martial arts), and Attributes (STR of 12, INT of 11) suggest how a character lives. Take a moment before play begins to imagine a day in the life of your new hero. Does s/he wear a costume? What is it like? What job does s/he do? Does s/he like it? Does s/he have family? Enemies? Pets? Go into your first game with your new hero like they have been living this way all their lives. Stray thoughts is all about poetic justice. Her powers and her imagery are of judgment and retribution. She tries to never let her power maker her arrogant. The number of other super powered beings in the world makes that easier. Her

projectile weapons powers manifests in the form of javelins in her hands. She does not war a costume but she does tend to wear a long coat that goes well with her wings and javelins.

The Easy Way: Dont sweat this stuff. Alternate Character Design Methodologies There are a few other ways to start a game if the urge so strikes the GM when he is designing a Concept and Genre. Although there are no real hard and fast rules about this, here are some of the methods weve had fun with as time and games have gone by. As players and GMs build up experience with a game system sometimes mechanic characters, or built for success characters emerge. Sometimes the numerics start to get in the way of the fun. Or sometimes its just a fun alternate way to play. It is worthy of note, that the GM needs to make sure not to take so much control that the players dont have fun or feel connected to their characters. When assigning characters or making the players pick from a limited group, it is often best to run a mini-adventure for each player to give them an experience with the character. 1) GM picks a set of characters s/he wants for his/her game world. It may be a group of Avengers, Titans, Outsiders, X-men, etc. The GM may decide to assign characters to players or lay out the Character sheets and allow the players to pick. 2) The GM may design a scenario with a group of unique characters to it and assign them. A group of Steels people s/hes built for a specific plot, or a what if? scenario staring Batman and Captain America. 3) There is a variant where players get a short description of the characters and must pick based on just this. The GM may write them out or just read them off. This tends to lead to a more story telling and less super punch-out kind of game. Example: Trailblazer: Legend of the boarder patrol. He almost always gets his man. They almost always regret it.

Disc: Book critic and Meta human with control of energy disks. Strong-Arm: Geneticist infected with his own nano-creation. Viewed as a bit mad but with arms that conform to his every desire.

4) The GM modifies the available powers (EX. No fliers or no time travelers) or modifies point schedules. To guide the characters to spend XPs in a way that conform to a certain game style (EX. Action attributes above 08 are +2 FC. Powers with their own AV are +10 BC). The character generations rules do not by necessity apply to the rest of the setting, only the characters. 5) The GM can make vague character sheets (see below) and run the first adventure without telling the players very much at all. How the players use their abilities is how they will manifest in the end. This is a lot of story telling burden and should only be attempted with experienced GMs and characters. Characters should pick code names as part of the discovery process. In the end, the same number of points is spent as any other method but the points are spent in two sections. First, the players will play the creation adventure with this character, experimenting with what abilities he can guess at. Can Brandon change back to normal size? What energy can Jose Control? How strong is Brandon? Will there be hidden powers not suggested at first? After the starter adventure, the GM will spend the remaining points and distribute the completed characters. Beyond that point, advancement and improvement is in the players hands.

Example Character Sheets:

Brandon Myers DEX INT INFL INIT 5 4 6 17 STR WILL * BODY * 4 2



Wealth: Comfortable Your Meta gene when activated your strength and body increased beyond normal Powers: Brandon seems to be able to leap farther than expected. Advantages: Drawback: Strange Appearance. Brandon has grown to 9 feet tall

Jose Brooks DEX INT INFL INIT 7 5 7 17 STR WILL 4 BODY 5 MIND 3 3 5


Wealth: Affluent Jose has the ability to perceive some energy phenomenon as well as control them. Powers: Jose can now see in the dark

The Easy Way: Dont sweat this stuff either. As a GM you can just do a single adventure and let the world develop organically or steal from your favorite fiction. Designing the Universe When designing a campaign setting, often it is required to design the world around it. If you are imitating a genre like the Matrix or the X-mens NYC then much of the work is done for you. Even in this case you need to ask some questions. How is the world different from ours? Are there different countries that wed expect to see? Is someone different president? Are there government agencies or secret societies that exist because of the presence of super humans? Not everything needs to be decided up front. Often fun things will suggest themselves after a few sessions of play. Some suggestions to think about are: Government agencies: Super powered police: In a world were super-humans are common the police will have some way of dealing with them. Some ideas are: o Super cops like Savage Dragon o High tech battle suits for super SWAT o Full on military level capacity (tanks, gunships,, etc) o A secret federal agency like Suicide Squad Who investigates crimes involving the invisible, the flying, or walking through walls? Are the police capable? Do they need to reach out to the Players for help? Super villains on the world stage: are there nations of the world run by a super human like Magneto or Dr Doom? Are there places where it is a crime to be a superhuman or an unregistered one? Some ideas are: o A Genoshia like nation (from the X-men) where mutants are subjugated property. o The royal family of a European kingdom are hereditary super-humans and rule buy power and tradition

o A powerful criminal has become the elected leader of a small African or South American nation. Someone with nefarious plans for the future. Alien worlds: Do aliens know about the earth? Do we know about them? Are there space craft (or the similar) on earth? Are there aliens living on earth? Some ideas are: o A Stargate similar to the TV series opens to as network of alien worlds o A covert invasion from space similar to the Skrull invasion of the Marvel Universe or the invasion of the Body snatchers is going on o An overt invasion in the style of the Zentradi (Macross) or the Posleen is in the offing o A Star Wars style balkanization of world exist that are largely disinterested in Earth. If the players can visit they can interact o Players are out to make first contact with new technologies. Time Travel: Time Travel is the scary one. The classic plots of accidentally wiping out the dinosaurs or killing your grandfather are operative. Time Traveler can also make story telling VERY confusing. If you allow time travel at all it is best to have some plans for how it works. o If someone travels back in time and changes the present, is it the actual present or another time line? o If you kill your own grandfather are you caught in that paradox forever or do you exist after wiping out your own past? o Are there Time Cops or monsters in Time? Who are going to be the foes for the heroes in the time stream? o Will time travel behave consistently? Will it be different every time? Are there places outside the flow of time that will be unaffected by time travel? Dimension Travel: Work out what dimensions there are and Dimension travel distances. o EX: the Phantom Zone: Travel OV/RV 06

Counter Earth: Travel OV\RV 08 Plane of Daemons: Travel OV\RV 09) o What alternate worlds are there? How easy are they to get to? o Are there micro-worlds or are all full universes? o Do the players have duplicates? Evil twins? Dont feel as a GM starting a new Campaign you need to design a Peter Hamilton or Robert Jordan style world. Many games never touch any of the areas detailed above. Feel free to borrow from your favorite fiction. As always the final rule is if its not fun dont do it.

Super Heroes and Wealth

Money doesnt fix any of the big problems in life but it does make them a lot easier to tolerate. Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark use their wealth to empower their alter-egos. They have massive Information resources, design facilities for their gadgets and have a nice place to relax after a battle. Peter Parker as well a Cloak and Dagger are dirt poor and often live from hand to mouth. They sometimes need to make decisions based on getting the rent paid rather than stopping the supper-baddies. There are six levels of Wealth: Struggling. Comfortable, Affluent, Multimillionaire, Billionaire, and Ruling Monarch The Wealth rating is a dollar amount received for each Hero Point spent. This amount is considered discretionary income. It is the money left after the basic needs, food, shelter, and clothing, have been taken care of.

Struggling A character who is Struggling is constantly worried about his expenses. Rent, food, and bills mount up to bother him. Spider man, Cloak and Dagger, and Desolation Jones are all Struggling. A struggling character need have some low end source of income. Ex. Peter parker is a college student. Cloak and Dagger are virtuous vigilantes who eke out a living on the charity of the church. Jones takes disturbing PI assignments. A struggling character can buy $25 worth of goods and services for each HP spent.

If he is unemployed, he receives no goods or services per HP. He also runs up debts at a rate of $125 per week. If the debt reaches $500, he will lose a service (electricity, gas, water, or telephone) determined by the GM. No gadgetry or occult objects can be made on a Struggling budget. There is no access to exotic materials.

A character who is struggling receives a 25 XP Bonus

Comfortable A character that has a comfortable existence has no particular advantages, but he does not have to worry about his next meal either. Punisher, Gravel, and Green Arrow are comfortable. Each HP spent buys $100 worth of goods and services.

A comfortable character must be employed. The Comfortable character should have a blue collar occupation. Ex. Green Arrow runs a florist shop and Punisher robs the criminals he kills. If the comfortable character has no occupation, or is temporarily unemployed, each HP spent buys just $50 of goods or services. A character with a Gadgetry Lab or Occult Studio Advantage can make up to 5 AP creations. Once a month the character can access exotic materials with a body of 10 or less for their creations A character who is Comfortable receives a 10 XP bonus

Affluent An Affluent character is well-off but not loaded. Wolverine, Daredevil, and Animal-man are affluent. This Characters professional connections give him some influence. An affluent character may purchase up to $5,000 worth of goods and services for each HP spent.

This character should have a white collar occupation. Ex. Daredevil is a lawyer and Wolverine does shady investigation and elimination deals. If the Affluent character is temporarily unemployed, each HP he spends buys $500 worth of goods and services. An Affluent character receives 4 APs of Connections at no cost. A character with a Gadgetry Lab or Occult Studio Advantage can make up to 10 AP creations. Once a month the character can access exotic materials with a body of 15 or less for their creations

There is no cost for designing an Affluent character.

Multimillionaire A Multimillionaire's wealth is Impressive. He has a lot of influence in certain circles. Daniel Rand (Iron Fist), Professor X, and the Avengers are multi-millionaires. A Multimillionaire may purchase up to $500,000 worth of goods and services for each HP spent.

A character must pick the source of His wealth. Ex. Iron Fist owns a company that manufactures trains and aircraft; the Avengers have vast mutual fund holdings. The Character should have some variety of expertise in the running of this business venture. The running of the Multi-millionaires affairs are a full time job. A Multimillionaire receives one 6 APs of Connections at no cost. A character with a Gadgetry Lab or Occult Studio Advantage can make up to 15 AP creations. Three times a month the character can access exotic materials with a body of 15 or less for their creations

To make a character a Multimillionaire costs 50 XPs

Billionaire A Billionaire commands vast personal resources. He can afford the best of everything. Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor, and Tony Stark are Billionaires. A Billionaires wealth and business connections give him considerable influence. A Billionaire may purchase up to 5 million dollars worth of goods and services for each HP spent.

A billionaire character must pick what companies or areas that his vast wealth is generated from Ex. Bruce Wayne has vast real estate holdings and owns the technology company Wayne Tech. The Billionaire character need no separate occupation as running his boards and foundations are a full time job. A Billionaire receives 8 APs of Connections at no cost. A character with a Gadgetry Lab or Occult Studio Advantage can make up to 20 AP creations. Three times a month the character can access exotic materials with a body of 18 or less for their creations

To make a character a Billionaire costs 125 XPs

Ruling Monarch A character will in rare cases have the wealth of an entire nation or world. Darksied, Braniac or some incarnations of Black Panther have this level of wealth. A Ruling Monarch receives 25 million dollars worth of resources for each HP spent.

A Ruling Monarch requires no separate occupation as ruling his vast holdings is consuming full time. The Ruling Monarch character receives 4 APs of Connections with their nation or world. The character also receives 8 APs of other connections associated with their monarchy A character with a Gadgetry Lab or Occult Studio Advantage can make creations beyond 20. Three times a month the character can access exotic materials with a body of 22 or more

To make a character a Ruling Monarch costs 250 XPs

Wealth and Institutions In some cases an institution (the Justice League, the Hellfire Club or the CIA) will have its own wealth and resources that can be made available to characters. These will be self sustaining and managed assets which can act as the Rich Friends Advantage under some circumstances.

APs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 24 28 32 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 150 175 200 225 2 0 1 2 4 6 8 12 16 20 24 32 40 48 56 64 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 300 350 400 450

3 0 2 3 6 9 12 18 24 30 36 48 60 72 84 96 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 450 525 600 675 4 0 2 4 8 12 16 24 32 40 48 64 80 96 112 128 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 600 700 800 900 5 0 3 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 750 875 1000 1125

Non Action Action Attribute Attribute

6 0 3 6 12 18 24 36 48 60 72 96 120 144 168 192 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 900 1050 1200 1350 7 0 4 7 14 21 28 42 56 70 84 112 140 168 196 224 280 315 350 385 420 455 490 560 630 700 770 840 910 1050 1225 1400 1575 8 0 4 8 16 24 32 48 64 80 96 128 160 192 224 256 320 360 400 440 480 520 560 640 720 800 880 960 1040 1200 1400 1600 1800 9 0 5 9 18 27 36 54 72 90 108 144 180 216 252 288 360 405 450 495 540 585 630 720 810 900 990 990 1080 1170 1350 1575 1800 10 0 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 120 160 200 240 280 320 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1500 1750 2000 2500 11 0 6 12 23 34 45 66 88 110 132 176 220 248 308 352 440 495 550 605 660 715 770 880 990 1100 1210 1320 1430 1650 1875 2200 2725 12 0 6 13 24 35 48 72 96 120 144 194 240 272 336 384 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 1800 2050 2400 2950 13 0 7 13 26 39 52 78 104 130 156 208 260 312 364 416 520 585 650 715 780 845 910 1040 1170 1300 1430 1560 1690 1950 2400 2600 3175 14 0 7 14 28 42 56 84 112 140 168 224 280 336 392 448 560 630 700 770 840 910 980 1120 1260 1400 1540 1680 1820 2100 2450 2800 3400 15 0 8 15 30 45 60 90 120 150 180 240 300 360 420 480 600 675 750 825 900 975 1050 1200 1350 1500 1650 1800 1950 2250 2625 3000 3625 16 0 8 16 32 48 64 96 128 160 192 256 320 384 448 512 640 720 800 880 960 1040 1120 1280 1440 1600 1760 1920 2080 2400 2800 3200 3850 17 0 9 17 34 51 68 102 136 170 204 272 340 408 476 544 680 765 850 935 1020 1105 1190 1360 1530 1700 1870 2040 2210 2550 2975 3400 4075 18 0 9 18 36 54 72 108 144 180 216 288 360 432 504 576 720 810 900 990 1080 1170 1260 1440 1620 1800 1980 2160 2340 2700 3150 3600 4300 19 0 10 19 38 57 76 114 152 190 228 304 380 456 532 608 760 855 950 1045 1140 1235 1330 1520 1710 1900 2090 2190 2380 2670 3100 3575 4300 20 0 10 20 40 60 80 120 160 200 240 320 400 480 560 640 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 3000 3500 4000 5000

Powers are the super human abilities that set heroes apart from the common man. Anyone can have skills but only a super can have Powers. Power descriptions all follow a standard format. The Color of the block dictates the type of Power. Blue for Mental Acuity
Version: 6.0 RANGE: Special TYPE: A/D BASE COST: 65 FACTOR COST: 9 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 Green for Physical,

Version: 6.0 RANGE: (-2) Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: A and Orange for Mystical

Animal Creation
Version5.3 RANGE: Distance TYPE: AUTO BASE COST: 75 FACTOR COST: 7 Gadgetry Type: B Alternates: 4 The fields will be standard if a bit varied. Power name (optional) a version number for powers that have gone through changes Range. This field will tell if the power effects time, volume, distance, information, etc. if will also include any range modifiers that are native to that power. Type: Automatic, Dice, Both or Special Base Cost ( see glossary) Factor Cost ( see glossary) Gadgetry type. If a character with gadgetry or occultist skills wants to make a Gadget with this power this code rules how it will work. Shows the number of Alternates. An alternate is a special Bonus, limitation, or an alternate presentation that applies to just that one power. Detail listed in the alternate section always overrides the Power Modifier rules for that power. A few alternates (Power reserve, Stretching) will show alternates that require other powers to use. Consider these to be Detailed way to use and can be ignored Below the Block will be a description of how the power works.

Version: 6.0 RANGE: (-2) Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: A A Character with this Power can shoot streams of Acid from his/her body. It is considered a normal physical attack If Acid is used to attack a metallic object (such as an android Character), the target's RV is decreased by one column. Alternate: -2 FC: the characters bodily fluids (blood) are corrosive. Anyone touching the characters wounds is subjects to the Acid attack in a fashion similar to poison touch. The power remains active even if a character is unconscious. The power will remain active for the APs of the power (time) if the character is killed. Caress of the Fatal Five has this Power with the "No Range Limitation, as does Plasmus of the Brotherhood of Evil.

Version: 6.0 RANGE: Special TYPE: A/D BASE COST: 65 FACTOR COST: 9 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 Acuity grants a Character many forms of extra-sensory perception and information-gathering powers. The Character may mimic any power used to gain information, or divide his/her APs of Acuity among several powers. No use of Acuity may have a physical effect, or an effect other than the transfer of information to the Character using it. Acuity may sometimes automatically activate (at GM discretion, even overriding current attempts to use the power), in cases where there is information of interest to the Character. In such cases, the exact source of the information is often hidden; the Character suddenly has an astounding insight into his/her situation. Powers mimicked through Acuity are subject to all limitations and rules normally associated with them. When Detect is mimicked through Acuity for example, it is limited to a physical object, energy form, or condition. (For instance, Detect the Best Way to Vanquish the Evil Villain will not work. Using Microscopic Vision to spy out the weak point in his armor will be much more effective.) The powers that may be mimicked by use of Acuity include: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent, Directional Hearing, Empathy, Extended Hearing, Full Vision, Hypersensitive Touch, Life Sense, Microscopic Vision, Radar Sense, Super hearing, Telescopic Vision, Thermal Vision, True sight, Ultra Vision, the Weakness Detection function of Weakness exploitation, and X-Ray Vision.

Alternate (1): +1 FC. With the following bonuses: Distance Bonus, which enables the mimicking of Sonar, Remote Sensing, Detect, Object Awareness and Danger Sense. Alternate (2): +1 FC. With Supernatural Bonus. Enables the mimicking of mystical the detection powers: Awareness, Comprehend Languages, Danger Sense, Eye of the Cat, Magic Sense and Postcognition, and Temporal Awareness. Star-hawk of the guardians of the Galaxy has this power as does the cosmic version of Adam Warlock.

Adaptation (D)
Version 6.0 RANGE: Special TYPE: DICE BASE COST: 125 FACTOR COST: 9 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 6 This Power allows a Character to duplicate any existing Attribute, Power or Skill from any other Character. The Adapting character must make a successful action check against his/her opponent. To Adapt Mental Powers, Attributes or Skills, the AV\EV is against Int/Mind. To adapt Physical Powers, Attributes or Skills roll against Dex/Body. To Adapt Mystical Powers, Attributes or Skills roll against Inf and Aura. A single RAP is all that is required for success. APs of Drain Resistance apply in defense against Adaptation. All adapted Powers Attributes and Skills retain all bonuses and limitations of the Character adapted from. Ex. Kat has Shape Change of 08 with the Limitation that she can only take cat forms. If Shiver (Adaptation 10) adapts her power he can only shape cats as well. It is possible to be successful at adapting the Mental but not Mystical or Physical Powers, Attributes or Skills of a given target (or vice versa). Each type (Mental, Mystical, and Physical) are a separate action check. A Character may adapt any number of Powers, Attributes or Skills, provided the cumulative APs do not exceed his/her APs of Adaptation. The character receives APs of the Adapted Power equal to those of the Character from whom the Power was Adapted for the Aps of time equal to the Aps of Power.

Alternate (1): +1 FC. The character with Adaptation can memorize the profile of previously adapted characters and can revert to that Character powers at will. Example: Shiver has adapted Karl Kents flight, high Body and Str. 3 weeks later after Shiver has used his power to Adapt to others he can recall Karls powers at will. At any time the Adapting character can dump the powers memorized for a new set. This alternate can be taken multiple times. Note: An adapted profile will always be the Powers, Attributes or Skills of a single character. If the character has this Alternate taken twice (and has enough APs of Adaptation) s/he can use the full powers of both memorized profiles at once. Alternate (2): +2 FC. The Adapting character can adapt powers from as many characters as s/he wishes (selective area effect) but can only use the number of APs of adapted power equal to the APs of Adaptation Example: Shiver (Adaptation: 10) is confronted by Mobius Konrad and Kat. Between them they have Shape Change, flight, Magic Blast, and Karma Manipulation. Shiver may each phase use 10 APs of any of these powers as long as he doesnt exceed the power APs of the adapted character. Alternate (3): +1 FC. All three areas (Mental Mystical and Physical) can be adapted in a single dice roll and a single action. Alternate (4): -2 FC. Characters can only Adapt Powers, Attributes OR skills. -1 FC if s/he can Adapt 2 out of 3. Alternate (5): -2 FC. The Character can only Adapt Mental, Mystical OR Physical Powers, Attributes and Skills. -1 FC if s/he can Adapt 2 out of 3. Alternate (6): +100 BC. Any Power ever adapted can be recalled with one Phase of Concentration.

Powers and Skills with Base Costs greater than 100 XP or a FC above 10 can never be Adapted. If the character is attempting to Adapt a power that duplicates the effects of other powers (Ex. Sorcery, Continuum Control, Time Control, etc.) a specific effect ( EX. Energy Blast or Temporal Singularity) can be Adapted when the whole power is to high BC or FC. The Super-Adaptiod has this power as Does Ultimate Charles Xavier for skills only

Adrenaline Surge
Version: 6.13 RANGE: SELF TYPE: AUTOMATIC BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 4 (special) GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 4 Adrenaline Surge is the ability of a character to push themselves beyond even normal superhuman limits. It allows a character to perform with a Powers, Skill or Attribute at a higher level, which can then be immediately used to resolve a Dice Action. Adrenaline surge can only be used once per combat sequence of scene. This power can only be applied to non-action attributes, or Powers or Skills with an FC of 6 or below. The APs Adrenaline Surge are added to the Aps of the Ability for a single effort, this effort may last several phases but will always be a single effect: Ex. Josie use adrenalin surge to raise her strength from 5 to 8 to pull a buss back from a precipice. It takes her 3 phases to do so. The surge will last for the duration of the effort. In this way it varies from the spending of HPs. Any direct attack power or attribute used in an attack last one phase only. Adrenaline surge is considered a stacker power and is subject to all stacker rules. HPs can be spent based on the attribute plus Adrenaline Surge. Ex in the case above Josie could spend 4 HPs ( of 8) to 12 APs Note that PCs using Adrenaline Surge will display unnatural and/or obvious features consistent with pushing abilities beyond normal limits. For mental powers this may be bulging veins around the temples, for physical attributes it will manifest and bulging muscles, straining tendons and such. Mystical powers may have shimmers and/or glowing effects as determined by the GM and player during character creation.

When Adrenaline Surge is purchased, the Player must define two (2) Attributes, or Powers that it affects. The use of Adrenaline Surge does not count as the Character's Dice Action for the phase. Marv of Sin City has this power as does the Ultimate version of the Hulk. Alternate(1): +1 FC. The character can add an additional Attribute, Power or Skill of the two affected by Adrenaline Surge. This alternate may be taken multiple times Alternate(2) +1 FC. The character has no obvious effects related to using Adrenaline Surge. Alternate (3) +1 FC This power can be applied to Action attributes or power as high as FC 10 or Action Attributes Alternate (4) +2 FC This power can be applied to Action attributes or power as higher than FC 10

Air Animation
VERSION : 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 100 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to summon into existence a swirling whirlwind creature who will follow the characters instructions for a length of time equal to the Character's APs of Air Animation. At the end of this time, the creature will disperse into normal air. A Character using Air Animation divides the APs of Power into two numbers as desired. The first number serves as the air creature's DEX, STR, and BODY while the second number serves as the creature's INFL, AURA and SPIRIT. Such air creatures do not possess Mental Attributes and as such, are immune to all Mental Attack. The air creature occupies volume equal to its APs of its physical attributes. Its speed is Aps of the same number. Due to the turbulent nature of this creature, any Physical Attack made against it automatically suffers a +1 Column Shift modifier to the OV. Dr. Strange and The Asguardian Enchantress use spells with this power. Alternate: Powers can be purchased for Animation at -1 FC. The powers cost the same as if buying them for a character but are used by the Animation instead of the caster. Ex. Dr. Fate purchases 3 APs of energy blast (lightning) for Animation. Any time he animates Air they will be able to throw lightning in addition to their innate powers.

Air Burst/Super Breath

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: -2 (Distance) TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 1 Air Burst is the Ability to make a column of air to force a Knock Back (see combat tactics). A one AP wide corridor of force is generated by airflow similar to being caught in a hurricane or the slipstream of a jet. Objects are moved a distance of the Air Burst power minus the objects weight. Alternate +1 FC. The character can shout with the power of the air burst (Super Breath option) and can be heard for the APs of power in of distance Ultimate Hulk has this power as does Superman.

Air Control
Version: 6.2 RANGE: Distance TYPE: A/D BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 9 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to control the movement of a volume of air. A Character with Air Control may utilize the Power toward a number of applications. Unlike Continuum Control Air Control allows only one dice action per phase. (D)The user may aim forceful wind gusts at an opponent in a standard physical attack. (D)The user may summon winds to attack all targets. The winds affect everyone and everything (except the user) within a volume equal to the APs of Power The target does not sustain damage directly but will take a standard physical attack if they impact sold objects on landing. The AV/ EV is the APs of Air Control. The OV/RV is DEX/STR of the opponents. A movement power can be substituted. APs of Cling and Joined apply. The distance in APs the defending character is moved is equal to the RAPS received minus the target's weight in APs (most humans weigh 2APs, see the combat section). (D)The user can remove existing volumes of air to create a vacuum. This attack requires a successful Action Check with the user's APs of Air Control as the AV/EV against an OV/RV equal to the volume of air to be displaced. The OV/RV receives a special +2 Column Shift modifier due to the difficulty of creating a vacuum. Characters caught in a vacuum suffer from a conditions attack ( see combat rules) (A)The user may propel him/herself in a way that duplicates the Flight Power. (D)The Character can move others or other masses at his/her APs of Air Control minus their APs of weight. Every object within 1 AP takes a 2AP air burst attack due to crosscurrent when this is done.

(A)The user may simply move a volume of air. OV/RVs of such an attempt are the APs of volume to be moved: RAPs equal to the distance the volume is displaced. For example; a Character with Air Control could use the Power to push a cloud of poisonous or radioactive air away from a crowd of spectators or toward a group of villains. It is Worthy of note that moving an area of air made visible by smoke or steam can combine with the skill Fine Arts: Paint and Clay

(D)The Character can Duplicate the Airburst Super/Breath Power (A)The character can duplicate the Tornado Power

If the character chooses to perform multiple effects s/he must split the APs of Air control between them. EX. Red Tornado (Air Control 12) can fly at a rate of 4, have 5 APs of Tornado and move 3 APs of mass. Alternate: +1 FC. The character can use multiple dice actions in the same round with a single dice roll in a fashion identical to continuum control Storm of the X-men has this Power, as does the Red Tornado

Analytical Smell\Tracking Scent

Version: 6.0 RANGE:-2 (Distance) TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 2 A character with this power has a vastly superior sense of smell. The Analytical Smell portion of this Power allows a Character to identify an item or person by scent alone. The tracking scent allows a character to follow or locate another character by left chemical queues, similar to a hound dog. The OV RVs of particular scents vary: common scents have OV/RVs of 0. Uncommon scents have OV/RVs from 2 to 4; rare or masked scents have OV/RVs from 6 to 8; and unique, faint, or alien scents have OV/RVs of up to 15. If three or fewer RAPs are earned on an Analytical Smell Action Check, the Character identify from what or where the smell is coming. If 4 or more RAPs are earned, the Character can identify the source of the smell precisely With Tracking Scent the Character can track a being or object by scent alone. OV/RVs of a Tracking attempt are at 6/6 for a generic type of scent (such as human, horse, or cypress tree) and 8/8 for an individual scent (such as Mobius, Secretariat, or the dusty smell of the villain's warehouse). RAPs received on the Check equal the length of time (in APs) a Character can follow the movements of his/her quarry without needing to re-roll on the Tracking attempt. Inclement weather can increase OVs to an attempt from 1 (fog or a light wind) to as much as 8 (torrential rains and high winds). Alternate (1): -1 FC: The Power is Limited to Either Analytical Smell or Tracking Scent. Alternate (2): -3 FC. Power may be taken as Analytical Taste and cannot be used to track with. Wolverine of the X-men has this power as does Daredevil

Animal Control
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to gain control over and cooperation from members of the animal kingdom. To take control of an animal, a Character must make an Action Check with an AV/EV equal to the APs of Animal Control and an OV/RV equal to the target animal's INFL/SPIRIT. Any RAPs earned indicate the length of time (in APs) that the animal will serve the Character. Animal statistics can be found in the Animals Index. A controlled animal will never perform any action contrary to the Character's wishes. However, for the Character to actually instruct the animal, s/he must have a method of communicating with the animal (such as Speak with Animals). If s/he does not have any other methods the character may attempt to communicate in raw empathy. A basic INF/AURA vs INF/ SPIRIP action check will allow the character to relate primal messages (hunt, stay, run etc.) to the controlled animals. Control over an animal is lost when the Character's RAPs of time expire, or whenever the Character willingly relinquishes control, falls unconscious or moves out of Range. Animal Control gives the Character control over forms of animals, categorized as follows: Amphibians Birds Fish Insects Mammals Reptiles

Animal Control will not function on humans. Alternate (1): -2 FC. Power Only Usable on One Animal Category. Alternate (2): +2 FC. The character has no multi-attack penalty when controlling a swarm (Flock, Pride, Murder, Gaggle ECT) of the same animals Aqua-man has this Power as does The Ultimate version of Giantman.

Animal Creation
Version: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: AUTO BASE COST: 75 FACTOR COST: 7 Gadgetry Type: B Alternates: 4
This Power allows a Character to summon into existence a creature of flesh and blood that will mimic the form and function of a known animal. The invoked creature will follow the Power user's instructions for a length of time equal to the Character's APs of Animal Creation. At the end of this time, the creature will disperse. No AP of power or skill in the conjured animal can be higher than the APs Power. Example: Node Zero (5 APs Animal Creation) needs to track down a fugitive. He invokes a bloodhound. The Dog will form but have an analytical smell/tracking scent of 5 instead of 7. A Character using Animal Creation divides the APs of Power into two numbers as desired. The first number serves as the Animals DEX STR and BODY while the second number serves as the creature's INFL, AURA and SPIRIT. Such invoked creatures do not possess Mental Attributes and. As such, are immune to all Mental Attack. Alternate (1): -3 FC. The Character is only able to create one type of animal (mammal, reptiles, birds, etc.) Alternate (2): +3 FC. The Character is able to create mythical creatures as well as ordinary creatures. If the GM allows this advantage the stats for `common' mythical creatures should be ready. Alternate (3): +3 FC. Attributes of created creatures are split between MENTAL, MYSTICAL, and PHYSICAL and can be sentient life. Alternate (4): +3 FC. Created animals do not disperse at the end of duration.

Animal Mimicry
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows the user to mimic the Powers, Skills, and Physical Attributes of any animal. The Character takes on the necessary aspects. Ex, claws, gills or horns, wings, etc in a spectral vaguely visible overly. No actual changes happen to the characters body. The powers possessed by many animals can be found in the Animals Index section. The Character can Mimic as many powers as a specific animal has at up to his/her APs of power. EX an alligator has Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 02, Claws: 01, Density Increase: 01, Extended Hearing: 02, Extra-limb: 07, Growth: 02, Jumping: 01, Sealed Systems: 06, Skin Armor: 01, Swimming: 04, Ultra Vision: 03, Water Freedom: 03(12 powers). Character can also mimic physical attributes. Ex. Dex: 01 [03] Str: 06 Bod: 05 for that same alligator. The Character need not mimic any attribute or power that they do not want. The character could mimic each of the powers and attributes of the animal up to the APs of power they have. Ex. With 3 APs of Animal mimicry the Character can have 3 APs of each of the alligators powers, up to the max level the gator himself has. With 7 APs of animal mimicry the character can have the full powers and attributes of the Alligator. If all an animals Powers (but not by necessity attributes) have been mimicked to their full extent, and the character still has APs of power unspent, these APs can be used to enhance the Animals powers. Ex 7 APs for the Alligator. The

unspent APs of power can be added to the individual animal abilities in a fashion identical to power reserve. Each Point augments only one ability (Ex. 1 AP to extra limb and one to ultra vision with an animal mimicry of 9) Xerox (Animal Mimicry: 12) has mimicked a chimps Physical Training skill (6 APs). He uses his other 6 APs of power to double it to 12.He could do similar things with an elephants strength. As the mimicked animals grow to higher power levels the spectral effects of the power use will grow more pronounced and of more powerful animals. Alternate (1): -2 FC. The character can only mimic a specific type of animal (EX. Shark, wolf, eagle) Alternate (2): +1 FC. The character can split the APs of power and mimic more than one animal at a time. In the case of duplication of ability, ex. running speed or high STR, the Ability is taken at the higher level +1 AP (like the stacker rules). If the character wishes and has the APs of power. They can mimic as many animals as they choose. The character cannot mimic a second animal until the first is mimicked at full power.

Animal Summoning
VERSION 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES:1 This Power allows a Character to invoke animals of a specific type (sharks, falcons, rabbits, etc.) within the Range of the Power. As many animals of the specified type as the Character desires will answer the summons automatically. They will travel toward the Character at best speed. Animal Summoning may not be used to summon an animal with a BODY greater than the Character's APs of Power, nor may it be used to summon creatures with human or greater intelligence. Animal statistics can be found in Animals Index. Alternate: Psyberpathy option: This power may be taken in a way that allows a character to summon machines instead of people. If a character wishes to summon in both realms he must purchase the power twice. Aquaman has this power as does the Marvel version of Dracula.

Animate Dead
VERSION 6.0 RANGE: Distance\Time TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to animate the corpses of dead creatures and call upon them as servants. Animation of the dead requires an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the Character's APs of Animate Dead against OV/RVs equal to the INFL/SPIRIT of the creature when it was alive (most normal humans have Attributes of 2). Positive RAPs indicate successful animation. A corpse will remain animated and serve the Character for a length of time (in APs) equal to the RAPs earned. An animated corpse will possess all of the Physical and Mystical Attributes it had in life, including Physical Powers except that three (-3) is subtracted from the corpse's DEX (to a minimum of one) and (-3) is added to the corpse's BODY. Animated corpses possess no Mental Attributes, Mental or Mystical Powers, or any Skills, and suffer a (-2) Column Shift modifier to their RV when attacked by fire. Animated dead are extremely stupid, mindless creatures who can take no actions without direct orders from the Character, who must spend one Automatic Action each phase to maintain the animation. The maximum number of dead that a Character may animate at any one time equals the APs of the Power. Note: If a character possesses Both Animate Dead and Flesh Manipulation s/he can manipulate the flesh of the dead as well as the living

Alternate (1) +50 BC +2 FC. Demonic Animation. The Dead are animated at their original Physical stats with no deficits. They are still mindless but physically capable. The Demonic Dead still possess any Mystical Powers the possessed in life. Alternate (2): -1 to FC to a Physical or Mystical Power can be purchased for the walking dead to use. Koshi the Deathless of the Jihad (Suicide Squad) has this power as does the vampire Varnet.

Animate Objects
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 75 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to cause inanimate objects to move and behave as if they were alive. Animated objects are always under the total control of the Power user. The APs of Animate Objects equal both the maximum BODY of any individual object is to be animated, and the maximum number of objects, to be animated at any one time. An animated object will possess a DEX and STR equal to the APs of Power but retains its own BODY. The object also possesses Mystical Attributes equal to the Character's APs of Animate Objects. An animated object possesses no Mental Attributes and is immune to Mental Attacks. Animated objects cannot change shape but if the object has any limbs or appendage-like constructs, these can function as arms and legs, allowing the object to move and fight. Intrinsic powers of the Object (circular saws will cut, Helicopters will fly) will be usable by the object in its animated function. Animated Objects will gain no additional powers aside from motion. Alternate: Powers can be purchased for Animated Objects at -1 FC. The powers cost the same as if buying them for a character but are used by the object instead of the caster. (Ex. Dr. Fate purchases 3 APs of flight for animated objects. Any time he animates objects they will be able to Fly in addition to their innate powers. Mr. Mixelplix has this Power as does Dr. Fate.

Animate Shadow
Version: 6.0 RANGE: Volume TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 75 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATE: 1 This Power allows a Character to turn an existing shadow into a living creature. It will follow the Character's instructions for a length of time equal to the Character's APs of Animate Shadows. There must be existing shadows around to use this Power, and the APs of Animate Shadows equal the maximum volume of shadows that can be animated. A Character using Animate Shadow divides the APs of Power into two numbers as desired. The first number serves as the creature's DEX and STR. The second number serves as the creature's INFL, AURA, and SPIRIT. The BODY of a Shadow Creature equals its original volume in APs but may not exceed the APs of Power. Shadow creatures do not possess Mental Attributes and, as such, are immune to all Mental Attacks. A shadow creature has Shadow Form (see Power: Shadow Form) equal to its APs of Aura, occupies a volume equal to its original size in APs, and moves at a Speed equal to its DEX. Shadow creatures suffer a -2 Column Shift modifier to their RV against light-based attacks and are destroyed when their Body is reduced to zero. Alternate: -1 FC. Animated shadow is Light Sensitive. Light Sensitive animated shadows suffer a -4 Column Shift modifier to RV against light based attacks. The Shadow Thief has this power as does Obsidian.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Special TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to be "in tune" with the cosmos while possessing a certain faculty for anticipating events on the cosmic scale and recognizing when the cosmos is threatened. Whenever a cosmic event or catastrophe is imminent, the GM should allow a Character with Awareness to make an Action Check. The AV/EVs equal to the APs of Power and OV/RVs normally, the more calamitous the catastrophe or significant the event, the lower the OV/RVs. Positive RAPs on an Awareness attempt indicate the Character has a "feeling" something is destined to occur and knows who the primary participants in the event will be. Note: Awareness may only be used to detect events on the "cosmic scale" (i.e., those that could potentially affect life across an entire planet or cosmos), and only events that are the result of the conscious manipulation of sentient beings. For instance, Awareness would not enable a Character to detect that the Earth was to be struck by a giant meteor, unless some exterior force purposely aimed the meteor at the Earth. Awareness also has no effect upon events without Mystical significance. Alternate: in campaigns with a Star Wars or other universal force feeling to them Awareness can be taken as tuned to that rather than the magical nature of the cosmos John Constantine has this power as does Pariah.

Blunting (D)
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: SELF TYPE: AUTO BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power turns RAPs of Killing Combat damage into Bashing Combat Damage. A number up to the APs of power can be converted each phase. The remaining RAPs remain Killing Combat. Ex. a Character with Blunting: 04 receiving 06 RAPs of Killing damage still receive 6 RAPs of damage, but four of those are Bashing and two are killing. APs of Blunting power can be used against any Physical attack that causes damage to BODY through direct damage. Blunting cannot defend against gas attacks, radiation, MIND attacks, etc The Killing combat RAPs are applied first. The Bashing combat RAPs are applied. This is important if a Character is reduced to 0 BODY or less. If the Killing combat RAPs are not enough to reduce him to 0 and it is the Bashing combat that reduces him/her to zero, he's simply knocked out as per a Bashing attack, not a Killing one. This Power is often used to represent flexible, lightweight but puncture-proof body armor - such as the costume of some super-heroes, and early generations of concealable body armor. Moon Knight and Nightwing both use armor with Blunting

VERSION:6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 30 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 4 The Bomb Power allows a Character to cause explosions. The explosion radiates outward from the character in all directions out to a distance equal to the the APs of Power (round fractions down). The character can choose to not affect the ground the stand on. The Character possessing the Bomb Power is not affected by the use of their own explosion. The effects of the bomb vary according to circumstance. The character of the explosion depends largely on the creative desire of the character, shrapnel, fire, pressure waves or combinations. Bombs beyond 14 Aps can be considered nuclear in nature. Bombs beyond 22 can be considered antimatter. If a target character is inside the bomb radius and cannot move beyond it in the phase of the explosion it is automatic +2 CS damage. Use of this power will cause collateral damage, striking every target in the effected range. The character may attempt to use less APs of power but not be selective about targets. Alternate (1): -2 FC. Effects are diminishing with Range. Alternate (2): +1 FC. The character can choose what kind of bomb effects s/he emits each time. Ex. In one phase the character can detonate a flame bomb. In a subsequent use s/he explodes in shrapnel. Alternate (3): -1 FC. The character cannot avoid affecting the ground beneath them.

Alternate (4): +2 FC. The character can Shape in a rough fashion the directions struck by the explosion. Ex only the left side, only upwards etc. The limitation of the control is to a minimum of a 45 degree arc. The Shrapnel of the Suicide Squad has this Power as does Cannonball of X-Force.

Broadcast Empathy
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to make another Character feel any emotion the Power user wishes. For example, the user could make an opponent run in total fear, feel too sad to do anything, or feel blissful and calm. The use of Broadcast is treated as a normal Mental Attack with AV/EVs equal to the user's APs of Power. A successfully attacked victim takes no mental damage. Instead, if the RAPs earned by the attack roll are greater than or equal to the opponent's MIND, the opponent succumbs to whatever emotion the user broadcasts. This emotional state will last for the RAPS of time (or the Power user may choose to release the opponent at any time beforehand). A Character affected by Broadcast Empathy can break free of the effect by making a successful Action Check with INT/WILL as AV/EV and the RAPs of the Broadcast Empathy attack as OV/RV. Alternate (1): -2 FC. The Character can only project a single emotion (Love, Fear). Scarecrow has this variant. Alternate (2): -3 FC. User can only broadcast their own current emotion. Mother of the Morlocks had this power as did Badib, the Suicide Squad villain.

Cell Rot
Version: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None This Power gives a Character the ability to cause any formerly living material to decompose. For this purpose, "formerly living material" is defined as any natural substance derived from a once living source, including leather, hemp rope, cloth, paper, and wood products. A Character with Cell Rot can completely decompose an inanimate object in an amount of time equal to the object's Body minus the Character's APs of Power. For example, a Character with 8 APs of Cell Rot can destroy an object with a Body of 10 APs in 2 APs of time (10 - 8 = 2), or 16 seconds. An object need only be touched once for the continual Cell Rot effect to occur. An object with a Body less than or equal to the Character's APs of Power can be completely decomposed in a single phase. Cell Rot can also be used as a normal Physical Attack against living creatures. In such a case, AV/EVs are equal to the Character's Dex/APs of Power, while OV/RVs are equal to the opponent's Dex/Body. Damage from this Cell Rot attack is normal Physical .damage, which ceases at that phase with no continuing damage in subsequent phases (unless target is re-attacked). The Villain Half life has this power as does Terror Inc.

Version: 6.11 RANGE: SELF TYPE: AUTO BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 2 A Character with this Power can alter his/her appearance to resemble any other person. On any change the character will appear to be the targeted person to under a casual examination. The larger the difference between the Power user and the targeted character the more difficult it will be to duplicate flawlessly. The Chameleon's clothing also transforms to resemble that of the target. Weapons and special gear are not duplicated. When the chamelioned Character interacts Condition
The impersonated Character is the same height, weight, and build as the Power user The impersonated Character is the opposite gender, and build as the Power user The Power user is interacting with someone that knows the duplicated person very well The impersonated Character has highly elaborate tattoos, clothing or other details.

Modifier -2 OV\RV +1 OV\RV +2 OV\RV +1 OV\RV

with others the APs of power are the AV/EV of the attempt to fool the perception check of those interacted with. The OV/RV are the INT/WILL of those being deceived subject to the following conditions (see table).Chameleon is a Stacker with the Fine Arts: Actor skill in attempts to convince others that the power user is the targeted character. Most secret identity changes will only require the use of Insta-change. Only characters with more than 2 forms or require extreme changes will need to use the chameleon power. The most extreme changes allowable by this Ability without additional Powers would be in similar to Bruce Banner change to the Hulk (add 300 lbs. of muscle, changes skin color and features) or Wolvesbane ( Full body fur growth and lupine characteristics). Powers (such as Skin Armor for the Hulk or Claws/Natural weapons for Wolvesbane) can be contingent (-1 FC) on use of chameleon

Alternate (1): +1 FC. Cellular Chameleon: The Chameleon Power can be used as the OV/RV of fooling any variety of medical or body scan tests. Alternate (2):-1 FC. The users Clothing Does Not Transform to Resemble Target's Clothing.

Chemical Attack
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Volume TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a character to spray a highly irritating chemical which can blind and choke a target without actually damaging him/her. The choking and blindness cause the target to lose orientation, becoming easier to hit and makes it harder for the target to effectively perform any Actions. The initial attack is determined as a Physical Attack with the AV\EVs equivalent to the APs of power. The OV\RV are equal to the targets Dex and Body. The targets APs of Sealed Systems, systemic antidote, or Controlled Secretions can be stacked to the RV. Due to disorientation and pain the RAPs add to any success RAPs to the OV against all subsequent actions against the target. The effects last for a number of phases equal to the RAPs achieved. Subsequent chemical attacks are duration cumulative but do not add to the OV penalty. This power is most often see in gas grenades.

Claws/Natural Weapons
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None A Character with the Claws/Natural weapons Power possesses claws or other attack methods (teeth, spines, bladed back fin etc). The APs of Power add to the APs of EV from any physical attack method. Ex. STR, Martial Arts etc. dependent on form function and logic. Ex 1: Yondo (STR: 04 C/NW: 03) has back fin that extends over the top of his head that is wickedly sharp. When he swims under someone or head-butts them he can add APs of Claws natural weapons to an EV of 07. Ex 2: Hepsaba (Close Combat: 04 C/NW: 02) has cat-like claws that extend from her fingers. When she cuses her claws extended in a Close Combat attack her EV is 06 Depending on which set of Genre rules are in play, (see the Genre Section) use of the Claws Power on another Character could automatically constitute Killing Combat. Claws is unique as it is the only EV Stacker Power. It is subject to all stacker limitations. Wolverine of the X-men has this power as does Molly from Nuromancer.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Touch TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: none Cling allows a Character to traverse perfectly vertical or even inverted surfaces (like most walls and ceilings) as if they were level ground. For attempts to cling to any unusually slippery substances -1 CS (ice) to -4 CS (Oiled Teflon). Each AP of Cling allows the Character to carry 1 AP of weight. The APs of Power must be sufficient to support the weight of the Character and any objects being carried; the collective weight of objects carried while the Character uses Cling cannot exceed the Character's STR. If the character has the climbing skill as well this is +1 AV to any cling rolls. Spider-Man as well as Night Crawler have this power.

Cold Immunity
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to protect him or herself against cold weather conditions or cold-based attacks. A Character with Cold Immunity adds the APs of Power to his/her RV when defending against such attacks. Cold immunity is a stacker power. Beast of the X-men, is his Blue furred incarnation, has this Power as does Elijah Snow.

Version: 6.0 RANGE: Special TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to communicate with the Great Beyond. In context, this is the collective consciousness shared by Angels, Deamons, Spirits of the dead, Deva, Avatars, or Manatu, exc. The Consciousness communed with by the character is picked when s/he acquires the power. Ex. Jarrod has a Commune of 06. He reaches out to the Elemental Spirits for knowledge. When he receives the data it comes from some view of one of the four elements. If he was seeking information that was not preset to one of these elements (such as in the vacuum of space) the Elemental Spirits would be unable to help. The contacted spirits are not made more intelligent by the communion, just accessible. The nature of the communion will be non hostile, but not by necessity friendly. It is worthy of note that This Power only allows communication and no other interaction unless either Character has appropriate additional powers. If a character is attempting to Commune with a Spirits that have been Banished (Dimension Travel) the RAPs of the banishment are added to the OV/RV of the attempt. Commune has two primary applications: The Character may Commune with their consciousness to track down an individual or object located anywhere in the realm of their knowledge. AV/EVs of such an attempt equal the APs of Power while OV/RVs equal the distance between the Character and the target sought. The target of the search must be known to the user. OV RVs are modified by the level of knowledge

Level of Knowledge In possession of something strongly connected with Intimately familiar Commonly exposed to Passingly familiar Familiar with the type of object

OV/RV modifier -2 -1 0 +2 +3

RAPs are subtracted from the distance between the Character and the target to determine how long the search lasts (down to a minimum of 0 APs or 4 seconds). The Character using Commune need not remain inactive while the search is in progress, the Spirits will contact the Character when it has found the target. Example: Jarrod has Commune of 11APs. If he is in Genoshia and wants to locate Mobius, who is somewhere in Zimbabwe (15 APs away), he would need to make an Action Check with an AV/EV of 11/11 against an OV/RV of 15/15. If Jarrod rolled an 18, he would receive 3 RAPS and it would take the Elemental Spirits 12 APs of time (15-3), or four hours to locate the Monk. The process would be identical if he were trying to locate his wifes wedding ring or his car from high school. Once the Spirits have located a target, they do not constantly monitor it. Taking the example above, if Jarrod traveled to Zimbabwe, the Elemental Spirits could not tell him Mobius exact location as it is likely that he had moved. Jarrod would need to make another Action Check to relocate him. Second, the Character may Commune with Spirits for information about a given area. AV/EVs are again equal to the APs of Power and OV/RVs are equal to the distance between the Character and the area in question. RAPs are used to determine the amount of time that the query takes as previously stated.

In this case, however, RAPs also equal the number of Knowledge Points gained. One RAP generally indicates the Character receives a fuzzy impression of the area; RAPs equal to 1/2 RV indicate a fairly detailed picture; and full RV RAPs indicate a crystal clear view of the location. APs of Obscure by the target will add to the OV/RV of Commune attempt. If the target is in an area that is opposed to the spirits (Ex. Asking Angels about things in Hell) can increase the difficulty significantly. Alternate (1): +2 FC. Commune can extend to other dimensions as similar levels of the Power Dimension Travel. Alternate (2): +2 FC Commune can extend in time up to the APs of power to tell where something will be or was.

Comprehend Languages
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None A Character with this Power may attempt to communicate with another intelligent being who speaks a different language. The AV/EVs of such a communication attempt are equal to the Character's APs of Power; OV/RVs are determined relative to the degree of difference between the user's language and the target creature's language, as summarized in the following chart. Positive RAPs indicate the Character can understand and communicate in the language completely. Silver Surfer has this power as does Adam Warlock. Language Relation Same Group (ex: romance language Same world (ex: Swahili and Greek Alien language Nonverbal (ex. Lasers, waking tentacles, microwave pulses) OV/RV 2 8 10 12

Continuum Control (D)

Version 6.2 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 100 FACTOR COST: 12 GADGETRY TYPE: SPECIAL ALTERNATES: 2 Phenomenally potent, this Power provides a Character with the ability alter the very nature of matter, energy, and the time/space continuum. A Character with the Power of Continuum Control is able to automatically use the effects of each of following Powers, each with its listed Bonuses: The APs of Continuum Control function as the APs of any of the listed Powers. A user wishing to use the effects of more than one Power at a time must divide the APs of Regeneration Regeneration is Usable on others Regeneration heals all damage Time Stop Super Speed Full control of environmental effects Energy Control Trans-dimensional

Matter Manipulation Teleportation Ranged

Continuum Control between the Powers as desired. All uses of Powers effects used by Continuum Control during a phase are treated as

Dimensional Anchor Usable on others Range

Electromagnetic Perceptions Time particle bonus Magical bonus

a single dice action when determining the number of actions in that phase (thus, regardless of the number of Powers mimicked via Continuum Control, the collective attacks serve only as the Character's Dice Action for that phase).

Several of the functions of Continuum Control have subsidiary functions of their own. Some are automatic and some are dice actions (Ex Flame Immunity as a subset of Energy Control is Automatic). As a use of Continuum Control, any number of the listed Automatic Actions are usable taking up one Automatic Action to do so. Alternate (1): +2 FC. The Omega Sanction. Energy blasts will use Teleport and Time Stop to target with, a kind of ultrapowerful indirect attack. APs of Continuum Control can be used to subtract from APs of Time Stop or Time Travel that may be intervening. For each AP of Continuum Control applied one AP of time power is negated. If the Full APs of time travel are negated then the targeted character drops out of Time Travel or Time Stop and is struck by the Omega Sanction APs of each still need to be allocated to each use. No intervening objects including Force Fields will count as OV or RV against the attack. Skin Armor and Blunting apply as normal. The attack can be used against time travelers who are passing though the moment of the attack. If used this way Continuum Control cannot be used in any other way that phase. Alternate (2) Special. Any of the Alternates of the mimicked powers can be taken at special costs o Regeneration: +5 BC Not usable on others o Regeneration: not usable on mental and mystical damage -5 BC each o Single Energy Control only -10 BC o Enhanced Matter Manipulation +1 FC o Touch Teleport +10 BC o Combat Teleport +1 FC o Teleport as OV +10 BC o Teleport Fusillade +1 FC Darkseid as well as Lord Garth have this Power.

Controlled Secretions
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: 0 APs Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 75 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 A character with Controlled secretions has immense control over the chemical makeup of sweat, spit and the similar. The character must concentrate (use an automatic action) for 4 APs (1 min) of time and can produce any of the following effects: APs of Controlled Secretions can be subtracted from AP of Web/Glue Acid, Poison Touch, Poison Fog, Analytical Smell and Tracking Scent, or the similar. Each effect must be programmed to individually Can duplicate the poison touch power. The character can program the effect of the poison on demand. Can duplicate the Acid Power with the range of touch The character can destroy forensic evidence left by their passage. APs of Controlled Secretions are added to the OV/RV or any Investigator or similar skill used later. If the character is exposed to a contagious disease the APs of power are stacked to the RV against being affected. This element of the Power is considered a Stacker. The Bene Geserit manifest similar abilities to this as did the Vulture from the Lord of middle Dark novels. Alternate: +25 BC. The character can produce pheromones. If they can touch another character the APs of power are stacked to the APs of a persuasion attempt.

Damage Capacity (D)

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None Damage Capacity increases the amount of damage the user can sustain and still function, without increasing their resistance to damage(RV). Damage Capacity can be purchased separately for each type of damage, raise the user's Current ability to take punishment (Body, Mind or Spirit) condition by the APs of the power. This Power has no affect on the user's RV. It simply adds more APs to the character at the same RV to determine unconsciousness or death. This power is most often seen in animals that can take a large amount of damage (like elephants) but are not super tough. As Damage Capacity does not affect RV at all it is nor a Stacker Power and is not subject to Stacker limitations. The aliens from The Hidden have this power as does the Savage Dragon.

Damage Transference
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Touch TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 3 This Power allows a Character to heal physical wounds. The character can heal up to his/her APs of Power in BODY damage to him/herself or others. The Character using this Power runs the risk of injury each time s/he uses it. The number of APs of BODY damage the user heals in any phase becomes the AV/EV of an Action Check against OV/RVs equal to the user's INT/MIND RAPs from this Action Check equal the amount of damage sustained by the user, who may distribute this damage between MIND and BODY in any desired fashion. Alternate (1): -2 FC. Not usable on others. Alternate (2): +1 FC each. The power can be used on Mental and Mystical damage Alternate (3): +100 BC. The master healing ritual: The character, in addition to normal uses of the power can conduct a master healing ritual. This ritual takes 10 APs (1 hour) per AP of body healed. It can also repair age related defects (deaging) addictions, old injuries, and beyond. Any powers that were once possessed by the character but have been Neutralized or Power Drained are restored. Each AP of power resorted ads 1 hour to the ritual. It can duplicate the effect of Psychic Cleansing. Use of this power to remove Physical drawbacks will incur a karmatic burden. Half the XPs earned by the Healed character must be spent to buy off the drawback until it is completed. The Character using Damage Transference can choose to spend all or some of the XPs himself. If the character using the power is damaged by its use he/she will get the physical drawbacks until they can be addressed. Note: this not a ritual in the Occultist sense of the word. Raven of the New Titans has this Power as does Nexus.

Danger Sense
VERSION:6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to sense the fact that she faces imminent danger. When such a Character is in a situation where some person, item, or presence poses an immediate threat. The GM must make an Action Check using the Characters APs of Danger Sense as AV EVs against OV/RVs determined by the intensity of the danger (as Summarized on table). If this Action Check earns between 1 and 7 RAPS, the GM must indicate that the Character is in danger. If the Action Check receives 8 or more RAPs, the GM must reveal the exact source of the danger. Note: A Character may never spend Hero Points to increase his/her Danger Sense in any fashion. Also, use of this Power never costs the Character an action in combat. The Power automatically activates if danger is present. The Skill version of this power reflects hard trained resources from many combats instead of any kind of psychic sense. Spiderman has this power as does Hawksmoore of the Authority. Minor: Attack by weak foe or minor accident 8 Major: Attack by even matched foe; serious accident 4 Danger intensity Critical: Attack by superior foe; imminent major attack OV\RV 2

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 Darkness allows a Character to generate a field of darkness through which no normal light can pass. Powers requiring light (Infravision, Telescopic Vision, etc.) are completely blocked and the APs of Darkness become the OV/RV of an Ultravision attempt to see through the Darkness. The field of generated Darkness extends a distance equal to the Character's APs of the Power. Anyone within the Darkness field has his/her AV and OV of all Physical Actions reduced by the APs of Darkness. Darkness remains in effect as long as the Character wishes (through the expenditure of an Automatic Action each phase) or until the Character either falls unconscious or exits Range. Use of Darkness does not affect the vision of the Character using the Power. Nightshade of the Suicide Squad has the Darkness Power as does Obsidian. Alternate (1): -2 FC. Darkness affects the generating character.

Defensive Adaptation (D)

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES:4 Defensive Adaptation allows a Character to defend against any Physical assault by adapting to each threat. The Character does not have conscious control over Defensive Adaptation. To use Defensive Adaptation, the Character must be attacked. The character can deactivate the power at will. A successful attack against the character causes his/her body to change in ways that make him/her resistant or immune to the attack. Along with the toughening there will be cosmetic changes as well to their body. Ex. Fire Resistance may cause the body to glow red or look like the tiles on the space shuttle or the scales of a dragon. Kinetic adaptation may cause their body to resemble the ablative planes of a tank or the riveted steel look of a battleship bulkhead, etc. The character may uncontrollable grow taller, heavier, or take on animal features or grow fur. The RAPS achieved against a character with Defensive Adaptation are allocated to that attack type to both RV and Damage Capacity. Essentially this raises Body against the attack type. Ex: Gooseman (Body: 04 and Defensive Adaptation: 08) is hit by a flame thrower. The action is resolved with his RV of 04. 3 RAPs are scored. Goose takes no damage and in the following phases he is considered to have a Body of 07 VS flames.

If the target continues to be attacked in the same manner, the APs of Defensive Adaptation will continue to add to the Body until all the APs of power are used. EX: Goosemans RV vs. fire can reach as high as 12 if he is attacked by higher amounts and intensity of fire. If the Character is attacked in a different type, APs will shift to be used in defense against the new type. These APs will come from the oldest attack style used against the Character. (EX: if Goosman is hit by projectile weapons for 3APs of damage his Defensive Adaptation will split to 5 for fire and 3 from projectile weapons for an RV of 9 against fire and 7 against bullets). Defensive Adaptation is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. In the case where a character has more than one body value ( Ex one for cold and one for kinetic impact) and has taken damage in multiple categories use the highest body value to determine if the character has fallen unconscious or is killed. Alternate (1): +1FC. Adds to Mental RV Alternate (2): +1 FC. Adds to Mystical RV Alternate (3): +1 FC. The character takes on no cosmetic changes by the use of the power Alternate (4): +1 FC. Defensive Adaptation is fully effective against Conditions Attacks, vacuum, and drowning. The Borg of Star Trek, the Phalanx, and Goose of the Galaxy rangers have this power.

Version: 6.2 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 30 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 0 The character with this power can subtract the moisture from a target. This can be used to emulate a dehydration condition attack. If used as killing combat a character can literally be reduced to dust. It may also be used in a benign fashion to dry the water out of an area without collateral damage (beyond what is already done).It can be used to dry someones clothes or as a method of staying dry in the rain.

Density Control
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to increase or decrease his/her mass at will. Each AP of Density Control used to increase density engaged by the Character initiates the following effects: One AP is added to the Characters RV against Physical Attacks. One AP is added to the Characters weight (most human Characters begin with a weight of 2 APs). One AP is subtracted from the Character's DEX for every two APs of Density Increase engaged.

The APs of Power equal the maximum amount of density the Character can increase or decrease his/her density. The effects of decreased density are If the character decreases his density beyond 4 APs he/ she can float like the glide power (at 3 AP lower). One AP is added to opposing and one is subtracted from resistance for every AP decreased. For every AP beyond 6 the character has reduced his density he starts being able to pass through solid objects. The effect is equivalent to Dispersal (at 4 APs lower) as far as object effects. The Character need not activate all of his/her APs of Density Increase at any given time.

Density Control is a Stacker power. Alternate (1): BC 10 FC 5. Density increase only. Vision of the Avengers has this power. Alternate (2): BC 25 FC 07 Density Decrease only. Nuklon of Infinity Inc has this power

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: AUTO/DICE BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power gives a Character the ability to detect any one specific item, presence, or quality (termed IPQ). Exactly what it is the Character can detect must be specified When the Power is purchased (i.e. Detect Evil, Detect Lies, Detect Radiation, etc.). The IPQ selected must be fairly specific and is subject to GM approval. Detect is treated as an automatic action unless there is an intelligent creature attempting to mask the IPQ from the Power user. In such a case, Detect becomes a dice action where the detector must make an Action Check using the APs of Power as AV/EVs against OV/RVs equal to the opponent's INT/MIND. Positive RAPS indicate success. For example, Detect Radiation is normally an Automatic Action because there is little anyone can do to hide radioactivity, while Detect Lie is always a Dice Action because the liar is obviously trying to hide the truth from the Character. Detect may be purchased as often as desired. Galactus has this power, as do the Sentinel robots.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Touch TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None Digging enables a Character to tunnel through an assortment of substances. The AV/EVs for a Digging attempt are equal to the Character's APs of Power; OV/RVs are determined according to the following table. The RAPs of a Digging action Check equal the volume of substance removed. The Abomination has this power as does The Armadillo Sand Dirt Rocky Soil Soft Rock (limestone) Hard Rock (Granite) Steele Diamond Substance OV/RV 2 4 6 8 10 12 15

Dimension Travel
VERSION : 6.0 RANGE: Special TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 100 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 5 This Power allows a Character to travel between various dimensions and realms, which comprise the Multiverse. The Travel Value of a dimension is a measure of how difficult the dimension is to reach through the use of Dimension Travel. Time required for Dimension Travel will be highly variable. Once a location is known (EX. Counter Earth 4 APs) it can be traveled to in one phase. If a dimension is vaguely familiar the transit will take up to 10 APs of time. In most cases the Character has no way to see into other dimensions (see Alternate to Remote Sensing) so sometimes the Character will need to travel to a place to find out what is there. Depending on the nature of the campaign Dimension travel may require exploration, as the realms are largely unknown. Each game setting may have its own set of parallel dimensions. The 52 DC universes after Final crisis would be a good example, as would the multiverse patrolled by the Exiles. By definition, these dimensions are separate planes of being, which parallel one another but do not connect. Dimension Travel can be used in three different ways: TRAVEL: Dimension Travel is most frequently used to allow a Character to personally traverse dimensions. AV/EVs to such an attempt equal the APs of Power. The OV/RVs are equal to the Travel Value of the dimension which the

Character is trying to reach. A traveling Character may bring along any willing Characters within 0 APs (10 feet) of his/her person (unwilling Characters must be banished). The combined weight of all traveling persons/objects cannot exceed the Character's APs of Dimension Travel (most human Characters normally weigh 2 APs). BANISHMENT: Dimension Travel can be used to strand an object or living being in a dimension of the Character's choice. The Character must first choose the dimension s/he is attempting to send the target to. The character then makes an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Power/ The OV/RVs are equal to the target's INFL/SPIRIT. If RAPs are greater than or equal to both the target's RV and the Travel Value of the selected, the target has been successfully banished. Otherwise, the banishment fails. In the case of an inanimate object as long as the RAPs exceed the travel value the banishment is successful. SUMMONING: A Character can use Dimension Travel to pull a person or object from another dimension onto the Character's own plane. If the target is a living being and is unwilling to be summoned, the Character must make an Action Check. The AV/ EVs are equal to the APs of Power. The OV/RVs are equal to the target's INFL/SPIRIT. RAPs from this Check must equal or exceed both the target's INFL/SPIRIT the Travel Value of the dimension from which the target is being pulled. If the target is willing to be summoned or is an inanimate object, OV/RVs of the attempt are equal to the Travel value of the target's dimension, with positive RAPs indicating success. Items or Characters which have been "banished" (see previous section) may not be summoned onto the plane from which they were originally banished unless the summoner has APs of Dimension Travel greater than the RAPs earned by the original banishing Action Check.

Summoning may not be attempted on any item or Character with a weight or volume greater than a Character's APs of Dimension Travel. Alternate (1): -1 FC. For each of the three basic functions (travel, summon, and Banish), which a character is unable to utilize. (-2 if s/he can only use 1) Alternate (2): BC: 25. The Character is only able to travel to one specific dimension. Alternate (3): +100 BC. Location hopping. The character can in two phase hop in and out of another dimension to anywhere in the world they choose. Functionally it allows them to teleport to any known location in two steps. Alternate (4): Instead of being a Mystical attack, Dimension Travel is a physical one. AV/EVs or Banishment or Summoning are the APs of Power. The OV/RVs are Dex/Str Alternate (5): +3 FC. Guillotine Warp. Identical to the Warp Alternate of the same name. If a game is going to involve Dimension Travel the GM should prepare for the effects in the campaign. See Designing the Universe Nightshade of the Suicide Squad has this power, as does the Hyprex.

Dimensional Anchor
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: SELF TYPE: AUTO BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None Version 5.3 This Power allows a Character to resist being transported through the use of super Powers. This includes movement by an opponent using Teleportation, Warp, Time Travel, Dimension Travel, Shadow Cloak, etc. The APs of Dimensional Anchor are added to the Character's RV against such Powers. Characters may turn this defense on and off at will. Dimensional Anchor will not prevent a Character from being moved physically through Knock back, Super Breath, Bomb Power, Charging Attack, etc. Dimensional Anchor is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all stacker limitations. Bishop of the X-men has this power as does the creature Proteus.

Directional Hearing
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: A/D BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power allows Character to pinpoint the exact location of the source of a sound. This is an Automatic Action unless the source of the sound is a Character or gadget with the Stealth Sub-skill of Predator or some Power which allows silent movement. In such a case, the use of Directional Hearing is a Dice Action, with OV/RVs equal to the opponent's Skill or Power (positive RAPS indicating success). This Power does not allow the Character to hear sounds at an increased distance, as does Extended Hearing. Hearing, it merely locates the exact location of a normally audible sound. Superman has this Power as does Hyperion. =

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to disperse his/her atoms to become intangible to the point of being able to pass through solid objects. Each AP of Dispersal engaged by the user has the following effects: One AP is added to the Character's RV against Physical Attacks. One AP is subtracted from the Character's STR (to a minimum of 0 APs) and weight One AP is subtracted from any Physical attack that does not have the trans- dimensional bonus (see Power Modifyers). This includes attacks from gadgets or other characters that are dispersed via the power. All Mental and Mystical power function as normal In addition, a Character with APs of Dispersal greater than or equal to the BODY of an object may freely pass through that object, meeting with no resistance whatsoever. Dispersal is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. Alternate: +2 FC. Dispersal adds to both OV and RV Shadow Cat of the X-Men has this Power, as does Ed Delovian.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: 1 AP Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This power allows a character to crate doodads and magic artifacts from thin air. A Doodad (Body: 00) is an item of absolutely no use and may be created as an Automatic Action. Typical Doodads include rubber duckies, streams of paper, balloon animals, pixie dust, fake quarters, corks, and other things a stage magician might create. Doodads have no actual use and are for role-playing purposes only. Fabricated Doodads exist for APs of time equal to APs of Doodad Power. Morph of the Exiles has this power as does the Impossible Man

Drain Resistance
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 1 A character with this power is abnormally resistant to attribute draining powers. The APs of Drain Resistance are added to the RV against Powers that increase, attempt to reduce (Drain) or otherwise alter the Attributes, Powers, and Skills of a Character. This includes attacks from powers such as Neutralize, Power Drain, Psychic Vampirism, or Vampirism. Drain Resistance does not work against Powers that lower Resistance Attributes through damage, such as Energy Blast or Magic Blast. Nor does Drain Resistance work against restrictive powers (Web, Vertigo, and Sensory Overload) that cause DEX to temporarily equal 0. Dispersal is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. Alternate (1): -1 FC. Cannot Protect against Mental, Physical, or Mystical powers. Loki of the Asguard has this power as do the Mark IV Sentinels.

Dual Minds
Version: 6.01 RANGE: Self TYPE: AUTOMATIC BASE COST: 100 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 3 A character with Dual minds has a compartmentalized Brain and literally has a second consciousness. In essence the ultimate benign split personality with its own abilities. The second mind is in communication with the primary, it remains secondary as long as the primary is functional and in normal control. The second Mind can have its own Mental or Mystical powers or Skills. The INT, Mind and WILL of the second mind are the APs of power. The Applications of Dual Mind are: If the characters primary mind is disabled (zero mind) controlled (possessed, Mind Controlled, under the influence of Broadcast Empathy) the secondary mind can act in using its own Powers and the Mystical and Physical powers normally available to the character. While the primary mind is active the secondary mind can perform up to 3 automatic actions per round. The secondary mind can maintain or interact the Powers in use by the primary mind. If desired the character can take 3 automatic actions and the Duel mind can take two automatic and a dice action The secondary Mind can have secret knowledge from the primary mind for purposes of fooling Mind Probe or the similar If engaged in mental combat the secondary mind can act as a separate character( 1 dice and 2 automatic action), either by dealing with the mental combat, or by taking control of the physical body while the primary mind engages in mental combat. The dual mind can initiate this.

The secondary mind can pay attention to a different thing than the primary, thus creating a massive attention span Super senses can be used by either mind equally, in the case of conflict the primary mind always has priority

The secondary mind may be a duplicate of the primary or may have its own personality. Susanna Dean (the last Gunslinger) and Brainiac 5.1 both have this power Alternate: (1): -3 FC. The secondary mind is closed to the primary mind and is only active if the primary mind is incapacitated. Alternate: (2) -4 FC The Secondary mind is not in control of the player, functionally an NPC. It may have its own agenda or disagree with the character, but not be actively hostile to character. The Annihilation wave version of Richard Ryder had this alternate. Alternate: (3) +3 FC. The character can have a third mind. This advantage can be taken multiple times

Dumb Luck
Version 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Special BASE COST: 75 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to invoke Mystical forces, which cause the Character to be exceptionally fortunate in his actions. For any Action check made against the character or by the character s/he may roll a special roll using Dumb Luck as AV/EV and either 1) the APs of power used against him, or 2) the OV/ RV of any action s/he initiates as normal. The RAPs of this special roll are added to the AV, EV, OV or RV of his normal action that round. Example: the roadrunner (DEX: 6, Dumb Luck: 5) is being a targeted by a dropping anvil. The dropper of said anvil has precisely calculated the speed and location of the roadrunner with a device from ACME (AV: 6 EV: 7). the mad Anvil dropper rolls an 11, high enough to score a hit. Road Runner rolls his dumb Luck against the Wile-E-Anvil-Droppers DEX and rolls a 15 (lucky for him!). This is enough to score 1 RAP. This RAP is subtracted from the required to hit number (11 down to 10) and the Road runner cruses by the now missed Anvil. This power, at the GMs discretion, may only be used in Action or Humor/Cheese Genres. Dumb luck is not considered a Stacker Power Johnny Thunderbolt had this power as does the Road Runner.

Earth Animation
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 100 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to summon into existence a creature of rock and earth who will follow the Power user's instructions for a length of time equal to the Character's APs of Earth Animation. At the end of this time, the creature will disperse into normal earth. A Character using Earth Animation divides the APs of Power into two numbers as desired. The first number serves as the earth creature's DEX STR and BODY while the second number serves as the creature's INFL, AURA and SPIRIT against magical attacks. Such earth creatures do not possess Mental Attributes and. as such, are immune to all Mental Attack The earth creature occupies volume equal to its APs of STR and moves at a Speed equal to its DEX. Alternate: Powers can be purchased for Animation at -1 FC. The powers cost the same as if buying them for a character but are used by the Animation instead of the caster. Ex. Dr. Fate purchases 3 APs of energy blast (lightning) for Animation. Any time he animates Earth they will be able to throw lightning in addition to their innate powers. Manatu Raven of the Justice League has this power the Daemon Sym.

Earth Control
VERSION: 6.20 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 9 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 4 This power allows a Character to cause and control the movement of a volume of earth, rock, or sand.

(D)The Power user may fling earth at an opponent in an attempt to damage him/her/it. In a standard physical attack. This Power may be used indirectly by opening cracks in the ground and crushing characters by closing it.

(D)The Power user may create a powerful dirt storm (sandstorm) in an attempt to blind Characters within a volume equal to the user's APs of Power. In this case, the Player must make an Action Check with an AV/EV equal to the APs of Earth Control. The OV/RV is equal to each target's DEX/DEX. RAPS earned are then subtracted from each target's DEX and Initiative total for a number of phases equal to the RAPS of the attack. All targets within an affected volume are attacked separately and without Multi-Attack penalties.

(D)The Power user may simply move a volume of Earth. This requires an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Earth Control and OV/RVs equal to the mass of earth the user wishes to move. RAPS equal the distance the user may move the volume of earth.

(D)The character can form rock into any construct capable of supporting its own mass. If the Character has Fine Arts: Paint and Clay then the constructs can be made beautiful.

(D)The character can create hands or other appendages of rock. These can be used as a normal physical attack or to restrain another character. The Body of the construct will be the body of the rock used.

(A)The character can create a fountain of rock, if enough rock is present, and use if for transport. The tower can reach the APs of power in height. The speed is the APs of power. The max speed the column can move at is 8APs so the attached character can still breathe. As the traveling character is obscured by the column they gain +1 Column to OV and RV to anyone attacking them from the ground. Travel this way can cause a great degree of collateral damage.

(D)The character can tunnel through solid rock. S/he can move at the speed of Power level -4 APs ( maximum, of 8 APs of speed) per phase through rock with a body as high as His/her Earth Control Power.

(D)Create earthquakes. These earthquakes are centered on the Character. S/he who is immune to the direct effects but not incidental ones such as falling buildings and other earthquake hazards. Note that in some regions, near tectonics edges, an artificial earthquake may well trigger an actual quake. (See the Earthquakes under the rules section). The character can also diminish the intensity of earthquakes.

Alternate (1): BC: -15. FC: 03 this power can be taken for the sandstorm effect only Alternate (2): +1 FC. The character can use multiple dice actions in the same round with a single dice roll in a fashion identical to Continuum Control Alternate (3): +1 FC. Character has awareness of major conditions underground within a distance equal to the APs of Power. The Character can determine local volcanic activity, presence and location of fault lines, and underground temperature. It allows for the detection of large caves of any origin, presence of specific minerals or bodies of water.

S/he can detect large beings moving underground or other large sources of underground vibrations, etc. Alternate (4): +1 FC. Grow Volcano. This feat takes about an hour. The maximum above-ground height of the volcano is half the APs of Power. Ex. 8 APs will create a volcano that is about 150 feet high. This may be accompanied by an

earthquake effect as above, at the Character's discretion. The artificial volcano appears in a state of eruption, and can remain eruptive for APs of time equal to the APs of Power. If the region has no history of volcanism, the volcano will then cool and shut off. Terra of the New Teen Titans had this Power as does the mutant Avalanche.

Electrical Being
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to create and cover himself with a field of electricity. The APs of Power are added to the characters RV against electrical attacks. This aspect of the Power is considered a stacker. Conversely, the Character's RV receives a -2 Column Shift penalty against conductive attacks such as water, rubber, or grounded metal cables. Anyone touched by (or touching) a Character with an activated Electrical Being Power (including contact made in hand-to-hand combat) incurs a Physical Attack from the electricity. This special attack does not count as an Action for the Electrical Being Character. The APs of Electrical Being may also be considered a weapon (STR+1 or Power +1, see weapons) for a Character's EV of any hand-to-hand attacks. It is worthy of note that the Electrical Being obscures the characters identity. Jenny Sparks has this power as well as some tellings of Marvels Photon.

Electrical Control
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: AUTO/DICE BASE COST: 30 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to control the flow of electricity. Electrical Control does not grant a Character the ability to generate energy (as Lightning does) but only the ability to manipulate existing electricity. Electrical Control may be used each phase toward a variety of effects. Using more than one effect in a phase requires a distribution of APs. The Character may increase or decrease the intensity of a source of electricity (including thunderclouds). Electrical intensities are measured in terms of their AV/EV. Household Current has an AV/EV of 4; Industrial Current has an AV/EV of 8, while the output of a power plant might have an AV/EV as high as 12. The Character makes an Action Check using the APs of Electricity Control as the AV/EV against OV/RV equal to the source's AV/EV Add or subtracts (as desired) the RAPs earned to/from the AV and EV of the source. This can be used to discharge or recharge batteries, as well as overheat, shut down, or even explode (GM discretion) electrical devices. The Character may attempt to disable or damage electrical systems, including the power and control systems of devices and the nervous systems of artificial intelligence. This is treated as a Physical Attack with AV/EV equal to APs of Electrical Control and OV/RV equal to the target's Body/Body. A Character with Electrical Control may cause existing electricity of intensity up to the Power's APs to arc between points. This is normally treated as a Physical Attack on the target, which gains a +2 Column Shift defensive Bonus to the RV, since the path being taken is not normally conductive.

Electrical Control may be used to deflect attacks based on electricity, magnetic, or metallic objects (this includes charged particle beams). In this case, the APs of Power are added to the Character's OV against these attacks. This portion of Electrical Control is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. This Power may also be used as the AV/EV of any attempt to jam Radio Communication by causing massive feedback. The OV/RV of the attempt is the APs of Radio Communication. If RAPs achieved are greater than 1/2 the APs of Radio Frequency (round up), the signal is effectively jammed and no information can be sent through.

Alternate :+1 FC. The character can generate lightning and can use the power as a standard physical attack. The Villain Zzap and Magneto the X-men foe have this power.

Electro Telepathy
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: +5 Distance TYPE: AUTO/DICE BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to establish mental contact with computers and electronics. An electro-telepath may automatically establish a mental link with any non-resisting computers within range. Unlike the Interface power Electrotelepathy does not allow for the control of mechanical devices or perform any operations that are not physically normal for the device. Ex. Most cars need something that physically pushes the pedal to accelerate. There is no electronics in place to do so. The Character in mental link may communicate as if they were at an unrestricted terminal access to the machine(s) Based on the resistance table below, the character can remove themselves from surveillance systems (not be seen), receive money from ATMs or control a jets auto-pilot. Note: a character computer (android) or and AI computer could engage in mind to mind combat in a fashion identical to Telepathy. Alternate: +30 BC +2 FC. The Electro Telepath can alter the memories of a computer system they have contacted. This may be removing records from a surveillance camera or changing a name in a police file. For every RAP earned as a result against a system 1 AP of data may be changed. If the character wishes to remove a memory and replace it with a ATM/ paranoids home PC Government 5 Unsecured/ home PC 2



installation/ 8

major corporate security

false one this is two changes. The APs of Electro Telepathy are the OV/RV of any attempt to detect tampering minus the the APs of data changed. A skilled enough Tecnologist or Electro-Telepath can recover the data. The OV/RV is the APs of the original ElectroTelepath who changed the data. A self-aware system (all mental and mystical stats are above zero) will receive a recovery check if it becomes aware of an inconsistency in its memory. APs of changed memories are considered Mind damage in this context. Example: Psimon (Electro Telepathy: 12) changes a security video to show that Nightwing had broken into a facility instead of him. Later when Robin (Technologist: 06) tries to detect if the memory has been tampered with the OV/RV he faces will be 5/5 (12 minus of 13). . The GM informs him that this is 13 APs of data. If Robin tries to recover the original image His AV/EV will be 06 and the OV/RV will be 12 (Good luck Robin!) The Drummer of Planetary has this power, also this is a standard feature in the Steeles people Armors.

Electromagnetic Perception
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 3 TYPE: AUTO GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows the User to perceive the entire electromagnetic spectrum (gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared rays, radar waves, microwaves, radio waves and extremely low frequency or ELF waves and even neutrino flux) through one of the normal sense. The character can see X-rays but does not have X-ray Vision. The character can detect the use of Radar or Sonar Powers. The Powers Ultra Vision, Thermal Vision, and many of the functions of Super Hearing at will The ability to detect radio waves only allows the User to know when a radio or television signal is being broadcast and to locate its source. The User can select which electromagnetic wavelengths he wishes to perceive, in any combination, and filter out the rest. Alternate (1): +1 FC. The character can perceive Chronotron and Tachyon particles as well. This will detect most time travelers and time distortions. Alternate (2): +1 FC. Detection of magical energies. The character can detect when an object or character has been affected by magic or is under a spell

VERSON: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to feel the emotions of others and determine the person's exact emotional quality: happy, sad, angry, afraid, or experiencing any other basic emotion. An Action Check with OV/RVs equal to the target's INT/MIND is necessary for this Power to function. Positive RAPS indicate the Character "tunes in" on the target's emotions. If the Check earns 5 or more RAPs, the Character also discovers the cause of the target's emotions. The results of a successful Empathy Check will reveal actual feelings and emotions; no method of masking true feelings (such as a Character utilizing the Fine Arts Skill) will subvert this Power. Raven of the New Titans has this Power as does Jean Gray.

Energy Absorption (D)

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 3 This Power allows a character to absorb damage from Physical energy attacks (Energy Blast, Flame Projection, Lightning, etc.), with the exception of those resulting from impact ex: hand-to hand combat, bullets, falling rocks swords and axes etc. A character with the Energy Absorption Power must come into contact with the attack for the Power to function, at which point the Character's APs of Energy Absorption are subtracted from the RAPS of the attack. If damage inflicted exceeds the Character's APs of Energy Absorption, the Power fails and the Character sustains full damage to his/her Current Body. The energy absorbed is gradually dissipated throughout the character's system with no ill effect. Example: A Character with 7 APs of Energy Absorption is struck by a Lightning Attack that receives 7 RAPs the Character takes no damage. If the same attack received 10 RAPs, the Energy Absorption Power would fail and the Character would sustain the full 10 RAPs of damage. A Character may use Energy Absorption on more than one attack per phase. In this case, the Character must divide the APs of Power between each of the attacks at his/her discretion; the Character does not receive full AP protection against each attack. Energy Absorption is not a Stacker power and cannot be used as an RV. The defending Characters normal RV (Ex. Body) is used to determine resistance even if it is lower than the Energy Absorption. The Player may stack an RV (Ex. Force Shield +Body) and still get full value from Energy Absorption

Alternate (1): -2 FC. Usable against one energy type (i.e., electricity, magnetism, light, etc.) Alternate (2): +3 FC. Absorbed Energy Adds to Power Reserve. A Character with both Energy Absorption and Power Reserve may acquire this Bonus. APs neutralized by this type of Energy Absorption may be immediately assigned as desired among the Powers and Attributes eligible for augmentation (see Power Reserve). This increase lasts for APs of time equal to the Character's APs of Energy Absorption. A Character may never have more total RAPs absorbed at one time than his APs of Power Reserve. Alternate (3): +1 FC. Energy Absorption can be used as a RV. Machine Man had this power, as does Marshal Law.

Energy Blast
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to fire a bolt of pure energy from any one particular part of the body, such as the eyes or hands. A Character should define which type of energy blast is fired when purchasing this Power. Some examples are: Lightning: The character projects bolts of electricity from his/ her fingertips Laser vision. The character projects Lasers from his/her eyes Flame Projection: the character has nozzles in his/ her power armor that project gouts of flame

This power allows for a lot of undefined energy forms such as cosmic power, zeta beams or blaster as well as the more defined. This power is a Physical Attack, with APs serving as both AV and EV. Cyclops of the X-men has this power as does Starman.

Energy Control
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 75 FACTOR COST: 9 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 2 A character with Energy Control can invoke, alter, negate or summon electro-magnetic energies of all types in all forms. Unlike Continuum Control Energy Control allows only one dice action per phase. Examples include: Heat/Fire, light, Electrical, Radio waves, Gamma-rays or Exotic high energy particles. The character can split the APs of power between uses (example: Attack and Defense). The character can also split the APs between types of energy (Ex some electrical and some light in the same phase) A character with Energy Control Can: (D)The user may fire beams or bursts of energy at an opponent in an attempt to damage him/her/it. This is treated as a Physical Attack using the APs of Energy Control as AV/EV and the target's DEX/BODY as OV/RV. Note: Whatever resistances the target may have are applicable to Energy control attack. Example: A character with Energy Control aims a heat beam at an opponent with Flame Immunity. The target would be able to use the Flame Immunity as normal. If the Attacking Character had chosen an electrical attack the defensive power would not apply. (A) The Character can us Energy Control as a defense against any energy based attacks in a fashion similar to flame immunity (Add APs of Energy Control to RV) but to any energy type. This portion of Energy Control is considered a Stacker Power. (D)The character can control ambient energy up to a Normal Distance range. This includes blocking or jamming TV and radio signals (both wired and wireless). S/he can simply shut down power to any or all devices in range. OV/ RV to this attack are as a normal physical attack. Any positive RAPs will indicate Shutdown for the same RAPs of time. (D)The character can cause a Flash as the power of the same name at the APs of Energy Control.

(D)The Characters can use this power as the equivalent APs of Light Bending or Sound Nullification. (A)The character can broadcast TV or radio signals like a normal transmitter inside their normal range. OV/RV of 3 for radio and 8 for TV.

Jessie Bedlam has this power as does Galactus.

Alternate(1): BC 30 FC 5. Single Energy Control, the user can control one energy type only.

Alternate(2): +1 FC. The character can use multiple dice actions in the same round with a single dice roll in a fashion identical to Continuum Control

Enhanced Initiative
Version: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power enhances a character's Reaction speed. APs of Enhanced Reaction are added to the character's APs of Initiative when determining order of actions. Since this is applied automatically at Initiative, Enhanced Reaction does not require any Actions. A character cannot have both enhanced Initiative and Lightning Reflexes. Enhance Initiative is not considered a Stacker Power. Batgirl III and Spiderman both have this power

Extended Hearing
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: +3 Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to increase the range of his/her normal hearing. A Character with active Extended Hearing subtracts the APs of Power from the distance between him/her and a sound, the result being the apparent distance between the Character and the sound. For example, a Character with 8 APs of Extended Hearing who is listening to a sound 9 APs away (one half mile) will hear that sound as if it were only 1 AP away (20 feet). A whisper can be clearly discerned at a range of 0 APs, normal conversation at a range of 3 APs, and loud shouts at a range of 7 APs. If someone shouts within an effective 1 AP distance of a Character using Extended Hearing, the Character is temporarily deafened, an effect which will last for a number of phases equal to the APs of Extended Hearing which were active. The Guarded Senses Power can counteract this. Superman has this Power as does Daredevil

Exploit Weakness (D)

VERSION: 6.2 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: None This power allows the character to analyze his/her opponent's physical defenses in order to launch a targeted attack against him/her. The character can target BODY or any power of skill. Any RAPs of success are subtracted from the RV (BODY) for a single attack. A probe is made first to assess the opponents weakness, this is an automatic action. In the case of a weakness being exploited on a defensive power the RV is considered the lowered value of the RAPs for the attack. Any further conflicts with the character who has detected the weakness will give a -1 CS penalty to RV going forward. If the Exploit Weakness is directed against any other power or skill the RAPs of Success are subtracted from the APs of power until there is a chance to recover it. If the RAPs of attack exceed the AP of power then the power has failed. It is important to note that the attack with the learned weakness attack does not need to take place in the next phase, just eventually. Example: The Wondrous WD Boy (Detect weakness 20) is fighting Martian Manhunter. He makes an Action Check with 20/20 against 15/15 (the Manhunters BODY). He gets 11 RAPs, which are deducted from J'onn's BODY next Phase. After the attack (which Jonn will have a RV of 4 against) the Martian Manhunter will be considered to have a -1 CS against any further attacks from WD. King Peacock of the Top Ten has this power as does Karnak of the Inhumans.

Extra Limb
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None A Character with the Extra Limb Power has a fully functional limb or appendage, which is not possessed by a normal human (such as a prehensile tail, extra arms, etc.). The Character used Dex or a skill as normal for AV. APs of Extra limb are used for the EV. In addition, a Character with one or more Extra Limbs receives a -1 column shift to the, opponents OV for each additional limb when making grappling attacks. This Power may be purchased more than once for Characters with more than one Extra Limb. It is worthy of note that certain advantages like Paired Firearms or Paired Melee Weapons can be take in an additional iteration for each extra limb. Night Crawler of the X-men has this power as does Doc Oc.

Eye of the Cat

VERSION:6.01 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 5 This Power allows a Character to see through the eyes of an animal. Eye of the Cat will not function unless an animal exists within the Power's Range. If more than one animal is within Range, the Character may choose which animal to use for purposes of the Power. Once Eye of the Cat is active, the Character can see everything the animal sees, including things the animal can see only through the use of special vision Powers, such as a cat's Ultra Vision. Statistics for various animals can be found in the Animal Index Eye of the Cat will not allow a Character to see through the eyes of a human. Alternate (1): +1 FC. All vision powers (full vision, ultra vision etc) that the character has apply to the animal during use of the power Alternate (2): -1 FC. Only 1 type of animal can be viewed through (cats only, bats only etc.) Alternate (3): Psyberpathy option: This power may be taken in a way that allows a character to perceive machines senses instead of peoples. If a character wishes to travel in both realms he must purchase the power twice. Alternate (4): The character can hear through the ears instead of see through the eyes of the target animal Alternate (5): +2 FC the character gets full sensory input from the target animal. The Beast Master has this power as does Moya of Farscape

Version: 6.1 RANGE: Volume TYPE: A\D BASE COST: 100 FACTOR COST: 10 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 4 Fabricate may be used to create Artifacts out of thin air. Literally anything that the character can imagine s/he can create. The Player must first design the object. All Artifacts must have at least a BODY of 01. No ability (Attribute, Power, or Skill) of a fabricated item may have a Base Cost greater than 50 or a Factor Cost greater than 7. This includes the adding of bonuses or limitations. Example The Character could make an Object with Air Animation (BC 30 FC 08) with the limitation of Fatiguing (-1 FC) The Limitation Object Dependant never applies to the use of this power. The Object is created by using a Dice Action with AV/EV equal to the APs of Fabricate. OV/RV of the Fabrication attempt equals the highest AP value of the Artifact, plus one (+1) AP for each non-zero Ability the Artifact has beyond the first. Any Advantages added will add +1 to the OV/RV. If any positive RAPs are achieved, the Artifact is created. Fabricated Artifacts disappear after an amount of time (in APs) equal to RAPs achieved or whenever the creator wishes. Example: Haven wants to fabricate a Flying Hat of Invisibility (Body: 5, Flight: 3, Invisibility: 8). OV/RV of the attempt equals 10; 8 for the APs of Invisibility, plus 1 for having a Body, plus 1 for having Flight. Haven gets 4 RAPs. The Hat has will exist for one minute (4 APs of time). The character can fabricate as many Objects as S/he chooses but must Split the APs of Fabricate between devices

The design of these items is limited to the Fabricator's imagination. The creating a specific item, such as the appropriate key for a door, will not work without knowing the lock design. The character could however create a device with Telekinesis or Thief: Locks and Safes. A Fabricated Artifact with at least 1 RAP in both the Mind and Spirit Attributes may be treated as a Pet (see Advantages: Pet). A character with the Fabricate power can duplicate the Doodad Power at will. Windstorms Mr. Majestic has this power. Dr Strange often simulates it by Sorcery Alternate (1): -2 FC. The character requires some form of raw materials to work from to create objects. Any objects created will reflect the raw materials in some esthetic way. Characters taking this limitation must respect conservation of mass and cannot work in a vacuum Alternate (2): -2 FC. The character can only fabricate items from images from an external source (Animate Image). Ex Cartoons, playing cards, or magazine ads. Alternate (3): +2 FC. Fabricate can be used in lieu of the Mysticism or Technologist skill. Rating is dependent on the APs of power not character wealth or Lab/Studio Advantage. If the Fabricator wants an invoked object to remain permanent s/he must pay the XP cost of the gadget before the duration of Fabrication expires. Alternate (4): +5 FC. As with Alternate (3) but the fabricator can create Objects of Power.

Flame Animation
VERSION : 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 100 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to summon into existence a creature of fire that will follow the Power user's instructions for a length of time equal to the Character's APs of Flame Animation. At the end of this time, the creature will disperse into normal flame. A Character using Flame Animation divides the APs of Power into two numbers as desired. The first number serves as the flame creature's DEX STR and BODY while the second number serves as the creature's INFL, AURA and SPIRIT against magical attacks. Such flame creatures do not possess Mental Attributes and. as such, are immune to all Mental Attack. The flame creature occupies a volume equal to its APs of STR and moves at a Speed equal to its DEX. In addition, an animated flame creature suffers a -2 Column Shift modifier to its RV against cold-based attacks. Alternate: Powers can be purchased for Animation at -1 FC. The powers cost the same as if buying them for a character but are used by the Animation instead of the caster. Ex. Dr. Fate purchases 3 APs of energy blast (lightning) for Animation. Any time he animates fire they will be able to throw lightning in addition to their innate powers. Some telling of the Human Torch has this power as does Pyro.

Flame Being
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to create and cover himself with a sheet of fire. The APs of Power are added to the characters RV against fire and heat attacks. This aspect of the Power is considered a stacker. Conversely, the Character's RV receives a against -2 column shift penalty against ice- or cold-based attacks. Additionally, Anyone touched by (or touching) a Character with an activated Flame Being Power (including contact made in handto-hand combat) incurs a Physical Attack from the fire. This special attack form does not count as an Action for the Flame Being Character. The APs of Flame Being may also be considered a weapon (STR+1 or Power +1, see weapons) for a Character's EV of any hand-to-hand attacks It is worthy of note that the Flame Being obscures the characters identity. The Human Torch of the Fantastic Four has this Power as does Firehawk.

Flame Control
VERSION : 6.12 RANGE: Distance TYPE: A\D BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES : 2 This Power allows Character to control both the intensity, spread and Behavior of flames. Flame Control does not give the Character the ability to generate fire (as does Energy Blast), only the ability to manipulate pre-existing flames. Unlike Continuum Control Flame Control allows only one dice action per phase. Flame Control can produce the following effects:

(D)The user may increase or decrease the intensity of a volume of flame. Flame intensities are measured in APs A normal fire might have an AV/EV of 6/6, while the flame at the heart of a volcano might have an AV/EV of 12/12. A Character with Flame Control can make an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Power against OV/RVs equal to the flame's intensity.

(D)The user can simply move a volume of flame. The OV /RVs of such an attempt are equal to the AV/EVs of the flame; RAPs earned indicate the distance which the flames may be moved. (A)The character can use this power in a way identical to Flame Immunity except it requires a use of an automatic action. This portion of Flame Control is considered a Stacker Power. (D)The Character can create Walls, spheres or rough figures from flames. The intensity and volume of the constructs is the APs of power. It is worthy of note that APs of Artist: sculptor will allow for flame constructs of beauty or great complexity.

If the character chooses to perform multiple effects s/he must split the APs of Flame Control between them. Ex. The Human Torch (Flame Control: 11) increase a flame 5 APs and use 6 APs of Flame resistance.

Alternate(1): +1 FC. (D) The character can generate flames and can use the power as a standard physical attack. Alternate(2): +1 FC. The character can use multiple dice actions in the same round with a single dice roll in a fashion identical to Continuum Control

Flame Immunity
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to protect him or herself against fire and heat based attacks. The APs of Power are added to the Character's RV against any and all such attacks. Flame Immunity is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. Polar Boy of the Legion of Super- Heroes has this Power as does Colossus.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to produce a burst of bright light. If the target Character is not prepared for his attack (by having his/her eyes covered, filtered glasses, secondary vision, Guarded Senses, etc.), s/he may be blinded. To determine this, the APs of Flash act as the AV/EV and the target's DEX/DEX as the OV/RV. RAPS are subtracted from both the target's DEX and Initiative totals for a number of phases equal to the RAPS of the Flash attack. Additionally, Flash may be steadily produced at a lowered intensity to effectively create a bright glowing light. Alternate: -1 FC. Flash incapable of Multi-Attacks (Usable on only one target per phase). Doctor Light of the Justice League has this power as does Northstar

Flesh Manipulation
Version: 6.0 RANGE: Touch TYPE: A/D BASE COST: 100 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 3 Flesh Manipulation allows a character to form a psychic link with living flesh of others and make alterations to it. The Power user can twist, heal, kill, improve and alter. This Power can be used in a number of ways: Healing: It can be used identically to the use of Damage Transference at the same AP level. It can also be used as equivalent APs of Medicine: Surgery or Medicine: Forensics but requires no facilities or equipment to use. It can be used to heal scaring, old injuries or cosmetic damage. These effects are all permanent. A character can be changed in a way identical to the Chameleon Power. Theoretically this function could be used offensively (AV of a normal physical attack to make contact. EV is the APs of power Vs. the Body of the opponent. Any positive RAPs allow the change) Disrupt tissue: In the same way the power can heal it can rend or disrupt flesh. The character can make a normal physical attack and use the APs of Flesh manipulation as an EV. Augment Strength: For every 3 APs of Flesh Manipulation the Character can add 1 AP to the Body and Strength of another character. The boost will last APs of the power. Although this function can be used on multiple target characters it cant be used again until the prior Augmentation expires.

Deformation: An opponent who is successfully attacked can physically be made ugly or crippled. The EV of the

attack is the APs of power as directed against Dex, Str or Body. The attribute will be reduced by the RAPs until the power expires. If any of the attributes reach zero the character is a crippled mass of flesh and incapable of motion. To deface the appearance of a character 1 RAP needs to be scored against Body. As part of a deformation attack bodies could be melted together or horribly transformed but will revert to their natural state at the expiration of the attack. If at any time the Character using Flesh Manipulation falls unconscious, dies, leaves the range of power or rescinds the effects all manifestations ( except healing) cease and all manipulated flesh returns to normal. Alternate(1): +1 FC. The power is usable on self as well as others. Alternate (2): +2 FC. The Flesh Golem. The character can take the melted flesh of his victims and meld them into a single form. The victims must be reduced to zero Body by earlier use of Flesh Manipulation before they can be combined. The Golem will have the Dex, Str, and Body of the APs of Flesh Manipulation and the mind of one of the forms within it. Any super powers, including Str and Body, are retained by the Golem at -1 AP. The Flesh Manipulating character does not get any kind of control over the monster. S/he must have Animal Control, Possession, Mind Control, Hypnosis or the like to control the beast. Any Character with Regeneration may make a recovery check at their normal interval to disjoin themselves from the beast. At the expiration of the power all subsumed forms return to normal.

Alternate (3): A character possessing this power and Animate Dead will be able to use flesh manipulation on the dead and dead flesh. The Witch from Justice League: Obsidian Age has this power as dose Madison Jeffries, the Alpha Flight Villain.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 2 Flight allows a Character to move freely in any direction through air or space. Flight by itself does not allow a Character to survive in outer space but does provide him/her with the ability to move through it. The APs of Flight are the APs of distance that the Character can travel each phase. In addition, a Character may use the APs of Flight as the OV against any Physical Attacks provided s/he performs no Dice Action during that phase. It is worthy of note that the Skill: Arial Superiority can greatly affect flight. Also under the combat rules Flyby Attack, Ramming Attack, Charging Attack, and High Speed effects under Offensive Combat Rules greatly define how Flight can be used in battle. Alternate (1): +1 FC. A character can suppress the environmental effects of their flight regardless of genre. (See combat rules) Any pushing or enhancing of the power will cause atmospheric effects for the APs above normal. Alternate (2): +2 FC. The character has full control of the environmental effects and can turn them on and off at will. Martian Manhunter, Superman, and many other heroes have this power.

Fluid Form
VERSION: 6.13 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 75 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a character to transform his/her entire physical form into a liquid. Fluid Form is a buffer against Physical Attacks since they will essentially pass through the Character or he simply flows around them. The APs of Fluid Form add to the Character's OV and RV against these Physical Attacks, but due to lack of cohesion reduce his Strength by 1 AP per AP of activated Fluid Form, down to a minimum of 0. Fluid Form does not offer a RV bonus against Physical attacks that do not use impact such as Energy Blast, Frostbite, Electrical Form, etc. An Automatic Action is required to both enter and leave Fluid Form, and a Character may not transform both into and out of Fluid Form in the same phase A Fluid Form is not necessarily a watery liquid and may even be gelatinous or made of small granules like a sand creature. By flowing as a wave or pouring himself, a Fluid Form may travel at a speed equal to the APs of Fluid Form (maximum movement is 6 APs per phase). In Fluid Form, a Character may flow through the cracks and holes of physical structures at a speed equal to slower speeds. Fluid Forms do not allow water breathing or the similar. Nor does it allow the character to break into constitute parts without additional powers. A Fluid Form may attempt to smother an opponent by flowing into his nose and mouth to drown him. This attack is considered Killing Combat. The AV/ EV of the attack is the APs of power, the OV/RV is DEX/ STR with a +1 CS bonus to OV. Fluid Form( OV and RV bonus) is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations.

Alternate (1): +2 FC. Character does not lose APs of Strength in Fluid Form Alternate (2): +1 FC. Partial Solidification allows the Character use an Automatic Action to solidify parts of his body while keeping the rest fluid. While partially solid, the Character does not lose any Strength, but the solid parts may be attacked with an appropriate Trick Shot based on the amount of solid body. The APs of Fluid Form only add to the RV of partially solid parts. Partially solid Fluid Forms may still flow as normal but might not be able to move entirely through cracks and holes until fully liquid. Sandman, the Spiderman foe has this power, as does the X-men foe Tar Baby.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Volume TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 Fog allows a Character to use any atmospheric moisture to form a dense fog, which obscures vision and vision-related Powers. The OV/RV of an attempt to see through the fog using one of these Powers is equal to the Character's APs of Power. Any attacks made by Characters within the fog receive a +2 Column Shift modifier to the OV. The APs of Fog also equal the volume (in APs) of fog cover. The fog created by this Power will travel with the Character if so desired. Provided the Character is not traveling at a speed of (APs of distance per phase) surpassing The APs of Fog Power. A wind or volume of air moving faster than the APs of Power will quickly dissipate the fog. Alternate (1): +1 FC. Fog does not inhibit user's vision. Alternate (2): +2 FC Fog extends to APs of distance instead of volume Storm of the X-men has this power as does the Vampire Varnet.

Force Field
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Volume TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to create a field of physical energy to protect himself. APs of Power are added to the Character's RV against Physical Attacks. Force Field is a sphere in form and is centered on the character of origin as a default posture. A field shelter may be generated at the same APs of volume as the Power's APs. With an automatic action the character can change the shape of the field within the APs of Power of volume. The Power user can include or exclude character or objects around him. No Physical Attacks with exterior targets can be made from within the Field. Force Field is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. If the Force Field Power is taken with the Ranged bonus (+1 FC) the character can extend beams of force from his/her person to any target within range. The APs of power must be split between the various bubbles constructed. If the character choses s/he can project their entire Force Fields power over a remote target. Alternate (1): -2 FC. Field protects power user only. Alternate (2): +2 FC. Attacks may be made from within the field. Ultimate Iron-man has this Power, as does Braniac 5.1

Force Grip
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Touch TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: none Force Grip is normally allows the user to anchor to an object they are in physical contact with. It maintains structural integrity of the object for as long as the character remains in contact with it. Force Grip can be used on objects up to its APs in weight. When a character uses Strength, or a similar power (Telekinesis, Magnetic Control, Force Manipulation) it keeps it from crumbling due to rough handling or unusual force vectors The character must still use Strength or a Power to lift the object (Ex. Superman lifts a 3 story brownstone). Instead of breaking apart or sagging under its own weight it will remain together. This power can be used as equivalent APs of joined. Some telling of Superman have this power as do Captain Marvel and the Martian Manhunter.

Force Manipulation
Version 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 75 FACTOR COST: 10 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 4 This Power gives a Character the ability to shape energy into solid constructs. The constructs can have many Physical Powers or abilities. Literally anything that the using character can imagine can be willed into existence. The Force Manipulation Constructs will be shaped from a vaguely glowing energy of some primary color, picked when the power is first taken. The Characters ability to make realistic or artistic force constructs is limited by his/her skills and intellect. The creation of a Force Manipulation object requires a Dice action and then an automatic Action each phase to keep it manifest. The character can create as many objects as he chooses but must split the APs of power between them. APs of Force Manipulation can be split between Physical Attributes of the Construct and Physical Powers it possesses. All powers are form function limited. Ex. A car made from Force Manipulation could have the running but not the swimming power. A Character using Force Manipulation divides the APs of Power into two numbers as desired. The first number serves as the constructs STR and BODY while the second number serves as the constructs APs of Powers. The size of the construct is up to the APs of Force Manipulation Power. No construct will ever have Mental or Mystical Powers or Attributes. No Construct can have skills. Force Manipulation however can be used to mimic the tools for any skill.

This rule allows the emulation of the Projectile Weapons or Bomb powers to be used in a single phase by creating the vaguest forms and moving them energetically. Force Manipulation allows for the use of Basic Shapes and rough forms. This includes Giant Hammers, flying platforms, walls, giant hands or other cartoonish objects. These rough objects will have Str and Body only. Movement powers (Flight, Running, Swimming, etc but not Super-Speed), blasting Powers (Energy Blast, Projectile Weapons, Willforce Weapon, Bomb, etc) or some protective Powers (Sealed Systems, Shielded Senses, Cold Immunity etc.) can be incorporated into the construct. The APs of Power devoted to this number must be split into APs of these Powers. EX. The Blue Bomber (Force Manipulation: 10) can make a car with a Body and Str of 6 and a running of 4. He also could make the car so it has Physical Attributes of 4, 4 APs of running and 2 APs of Projectile Weapon. At no point can Force Manipulation duplicate a Stacker Power (Force Manipulation APs never stack to APs of another power or attribute). Even if the power duplicated is a Stacker normally, Ex. Flame Immunity, the Constructs powers do not stack. The Character can create a suit armor from the construct and wade into battle using its STR, and BOD. The character can create weapons using its Full APs of power as APs of an attack power. Any construct with no body falls apart at first hostile contact. Vehicles can be created, limited only by volume, that can fly, swim or run

Alternate (1): +2 FC. The Force Manipulation Constructs can be controlled for color and are functionally solid illusions Alternate (2): +1 FC. The Force Projection construct can emulate super senses. APs of power must be allocated as normal.

Alternate (3): -2 FC the character can use the only basic shapes and rough forms. Alternate (4): +1 FC. If the charter has the Technologist skill, S/he can make a Force Projection that will mimic the creation of that Gadget. This use allows for the Force Projection to have Mental Powers, Skills, or powers not otherwise available to Force Projection. At no point does it allow for Mystical powers. This cannot be applied to the occultist skill. The character does not spend XPs creating the Gadget. It will cease to exist as soon the character stops expending the automatic action. The Green Lanterns possess this power as does Sue Storm of the Fantastic Four.

Force Shield
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to create a shield of physical energy, which provides protection from Physical Attacks. Anyone protected by a Force Shield has the APs of Power added to his/her RV against Physical Attacks. The Force Shield called into being is circular in shape, possesses an approximate diameter the APs of volume, and can be projected at range. Such a shield is useless against attacks, which originate from behind the Character unless the Character establishes the shield there, in which case the character is unshielded against frontal assault. Force Shield is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. The shield is visible as a discoloration or translucence when it is active. Alternate: Battle Disk Option BC 25 FC 06. The Force Shield can be used as an edged weapon. It has an AV\EV of the power level but cannot be used to block attacks in the same phase as it used to attack with. Thors Hammer has this power, as does Mobius

Frictionless Field
VERSION: 6.1 RANGE: Self TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None A character with Frictionless Field can control the molecular cohesion between him/herself and surrounding objects. This can be used in a number of ways: The character can skate along even uneven surfaces as if on ice skates or roller blades. The character can travel up to the Aps of speed as high as 8 Aps (the highest speed he/she can still breathe), faster if s/he has sealed systems or the similar. S/he can skate uphill. The character can use this power to skate on walls and ceilings for the number of phases equal to the APs of Power. The APs of power can be added to the OV of any grappling attacks. This aspect of the power is a Stacker. APs of this Power can be used as APs of escape artist or as a Stacker if the character possess the skill as well

Alternate (1): +1 FC. If this power is taken with the range option any surface or option can be made frictionless. The APs of power are subtracted from Dex in the case of trying to grab something. If the ground is made frictionless the APs of power are subtracted from the movement speed. Skids of the early X-factor had this power

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 A Character with Frostbite can cause his body to become so cold that he can damage others simply by touching them. This field of cold will continue for as long as the Character with Frostbite desires or until he falls unconscious. Any APs of frostbite are added to RV against cold attack. Any person or object touched by, or touching a Character with an activated Frostbite Power (including contact made in hand-to-hand combat) incurs a Physical Attack. The AV/EV are equal to APs this special attack form does not count as an Action for the Frostbite Character. The APs of Power may be substituted for a Character's STR as the EV for a hand-to-hand attack. +1 AP weapon rules apply (see weapons) Frostbite causes the air around the Character to chill. For every 3 APs of Frostbite, add 1 AP of distance from which others can feel the coldness generated by the Character. A Character with 10 APs of Frostbite, for instance, is so chilly that characters 3 APs away can feel the air cool down. Frostbite is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. Alternate: +1 FC. Fine point control. The character has no detectible cold field unless they want to. The character can extend the field as far as the APs of power if he so chooses. It is important to note that the field does no actual damage it is just discernable changes in temperature Lionheart the Justice Machine foe has this power, as does Killer Frost.

Full Vision
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power allows its user to see anything within a full 360 degrees around his/her person. It is impossible to blind-side someone with the Full Vision Power that originates within range. For example: A Character with 6 APs of Full Vision would be able to be surprised by an Energy Blast originating 7 APs away from behind in time to react. The APs of Full Vision is the maximum Range at which an object can be seen using the Power. Sensor Girl of the Legion of super heroes as does Mega Man X

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to glide through the air like a bat or a hang glider. The APs of distance equal to the sum of the APs of Power and the APs of height the Character begins above the ground. Example: A Character with Gliding of 2 APs jumps from the roof of an eight-story building (which is approximately 3 APs above the ground). From this height, s/he may glide to the ground 5 APs distant. A Character with Gliding travels at a speed equal to the APs of power in distance per phase (it would take the Character in the previous example 3 phases to travel the full 5 AP of distances). A Gliding Character may encounter winds and updrafts. 2 APs (5mph) of wind speed is enough to keep an average character (2 APs of weight aloft and circling as long as the wind lasts. Every AP of wind speed in excess of 2 adds 1 AP to the distance that the character can glide. If the character chooses to glide in the direction the wind is blowing the additional APs of wind speed add to gliding speed as well. If Jumping is combined with Gliding then the character can glide the distance of the combined APs. Ex. Silk Specter has a Jumping of 03 and a Gliding of 4. He can travel 7 APs at a speed of 4APs before setting down. In this specific case Gliding is considered to be a stacker power. Alternate (1): +1 FC. A character can suppress the environmental effects of their flight regardless of genre. (See combat rules) Any pushing or enhancing of the power will cause atmospheric effects for the APs above normal. Alternate (2): +2 FC. The character has full control of the environmental effects and can turn them on and off at will.

Grapple Link
VERION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 1 A Character with this power can extend a line from the user to adjacent objects or structures for purposes of grabbing on. The STR and BODY of the line are the APs of power. The possessing character must make either a power A roll (APs of power as AV\EV), or can use DEX, against the difficulty of attaching. Target Normal building: Glass and Steel Tower Car or plane OV\RV 2/2 2/5 2/4 To grab a moving object (Car, spaceship, superhero in flight) the APs of speed are added to the OV. APs of Friction control (lower) can be added to RV. Once a Grapple Link is established the character can swing from, climb the line, tie things to it, or use otherwise as he sees fit. A character with this power can attempt a special defense against high speed attacks. If the character is thrown, Repelled, knocked back or the similar they can use the Grapple link to attach to things as they go by to slow the speed of impact. The APs of power stack to the RV in these cases. It requires the use of a dice action.

The character can attempt to stop a flying object by catching it, or attaching him/herself to it and then slowing it to a stop. If the objects weight plus speed exceeds the characters strength he will be subject to a Body/Body physical attack of the difference. RAPs are subtracted from the objects speed. Ex. Gyro (Str: 08 Grapple link: 13) is trying to stop a plane (11 APs of weight 6 of speed) that is crashing down oh Detroit. He flies to it and throws many grapple links to the buildings around it on the way down. The OV/ RV of the plane are 17. His AV EV is 13. If he rolls well enough stop the plane he takes a 4 AP Body/Body attack as result of the strain. It requires the use of a dice action. Alternate: +1 FC. Advantages of Judo throws, Dupe and Grapple (if the character possesses them) can be used with the Grapple Link power. Batman and Daredevil all use objects with this power, ultimate Spider man has them naturally.

Gravity Control
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 75 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 3 This power allows the Character to control the force of gravity around him. A Character with Gravity Control may utilize the Power toward a number of applications. Unlike Continuum Control Gravity Control allows only one dice action per phase. (D)The Character can decrease the pull of gravity on an object. The Character can subtract the APs of Gravity Control from the weight of any object (most humans weigh 2 APs). An object whose weight has been completely negated through the use of this Power will float in place unless somehow propelled. If fewer than the full APs of Power are needed to cancel the weight of an object, the Character can propel the object at a speed equal to the remaining APs of the Power. o If this is used as an attack against a character s/he must make a reaction check where his DEX/DEX is OV/RV against being trapped in mid air. Flight type powers may be substituted for DEX. o If this is used to help the character the APs of speed can be used as an OV. (D) use gravity in a crushing maneuver as a standard physical attack (D)The character can increase the pull of gravity on an object, the Character simply adds the APs of Power to the target's weight. If the target is another Character, the Power user must make an Action Check against an OV/RV equal to the target's STR/BODY.

If the Action Check succeeds with RAPs equal to or exceeding the target's STR, the target is considered to be immobilized (STR zero). In addition any RAPs that exceed the targets STR are taken as damage to the target's Current BODY. (A)The character can vary gravity around him as a defense. Any physical attacks have the APs of Gravity Control subtracted from their AV. Some attacks, such as energy beams, will be unaffected by gravity. (D)A character that uses gravity decrease and achieves 14 or more RAPs can launch an object into orbit. Objects launched that high will go into orbit or escape velocity in extreme cases. The will literally never come down. Alternate (1): BC 20 FC 4.Gravity Increase only Alternate (2): BC 50 FC 05. Gravity Decrease only Alternate (3): +1 FC. The character can use multiple dice actions in the same round with a single dice roll in a fashion identical to Continuum Control Graviton, the Avengers foe, has this power as does Nuklon.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 Growth allows a Character to increase his size. When APs of the Growth Power are activated, the following occurs: Every 3 APs of Growth add 1 AP to the height of the Character, from a base height of 0 APs Every 3 APs of Growth add 1 AP to the reach of the Character, from a base reach of -1 APs Every 1 AP of Growth adds 1 AP to the weight and volume of the Character, from a usual base weight and volume of 2 APs (3 for characters weighing more than 200lbs) Every 1 AP of Growth adds 1 AP to the Character's STR Every 1 AP of Growth adds 1 AP to the Character's BODY (see below) Every 3 APs of Growth add 1 AP to either the Character's land speed Every 5 APs of Growth add 1 AP to either the Character's water speed Each 5 APs of Growth allow for more easily attacking groups of opponents. 5 APs allow the Character to perform Sweep Attacks without any object; 10 APs to perform full Area of Effect (1 APs) attacks; 15 APs to perform full Area Of Effect (2 APs) attacks, etc.

Every 2 APs of Growth decrease the Character's OV against Perception Checks by one AP. If the entity attempting the Perception check also has Growth, subtract its active Growth APs from the Character's to determine the bonus.

Every 4 APs of Growth decrease the Character's OV against Physical attacks by one AP. APs of growth can be substituted for INF in Intimidation attempts.

Ultimate Hank Pym (Giant Man) and Colossal Boy both have this power Alternate (1): -4 FC: Growth Does Not Cause STR Increase. Alternate (2): +1 FC. The character can shrink down sizes as an OV to physical attacks. The OV is the APs of Growth. Giant-man of the Ultimates has this power as Colossal Boy of the Legion.

Guarded Senses
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 1 A character with guarded senses has one of the four senses protected from overload. When this power is purchased a character must pick which of the 4 (taste and scent come together) senses is guarded against attack. The APs of the power are added to the OV/RV against and Flash, Sensory Overload, Chemical attack, etc. If a character picks touch as a Guarded Sense, this is the kind of person that can be said to be immune to pain at 5+ APs. The character will still be aware of any combat damage but will not react to pain that causes RAPs of damage lower than the APs of Guarded Senses Power. This is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. The protection extends to all super (Ex. Extended Vision, Super Hearing, Ultra Vision) versions of the protected sense. This power may be taken multiple times (as many as 4) to guard multiple senses. The skilled version of this power is a response to hard training and conditioned reflexes. Batmans devices have used this power, as does Giant Mans goggles.

Hands of Power
Version: 6.01 RANGE: Self TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to transform his/her hands into manifestations of magical energy. In a physical attack the EV of the use of hands of power is the APs of Power. The powers Acid, Ultra Vibe and Energy Blast can be mimicked with a range of touch. Heat, cold, electricity, etc can be delivered on touch. The player can vary the effect each time it is used. Changing the effect takes an automatic action. The APs of power can be used as a an EV crushing or choking attack the hands are visibly changed by the use of this power. Characters from Critical mass had this power as has Manos Alternate: +2 FC. APs of power can be used as APs of dispersal, as far as the elbow only, to reach through solid objects.

Hypersensitive Touch
VERSION: 6.1 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This power allows a character to see with his/her fingertips. The character can read a newspaper by feeling the ridges of the ink, feel the vibration of a smoothly running machine through a thick wall, or listen to phone conversations by touching the phone lines. Hypersensitive touch is not limited to the finger tips. It also applies to sense of balance and motion. A character with Hypersensitive touch Character will be able to detect even sensitive changes in position. S/he will know things like boats or spacecraft pulling away from dock or if the room they are in are is sinking or rising. A character using Hypersensitive Touch makes an Action Check using the APs of Power as AV/EV against OV/RV determined on the table. Positive RAPS indicates success in an attempt. Daredevil has this power as does Superman. Task Read Newspaper Identify Machine by vibration Tap phone line OV/RV 3 5 10

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to mesmerize a victim. The use of Hypnotism is an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Power and OV/RVs equal to the opponent's INT/MIND. The Character may then implant suggestions as s/he wishes, up to the number of RAPs received on the Check. The Character must divide the RAPs earned between each of the implanted suggestions as desired. The completion of each suggestion is then treated as a separate Action Check. The AV/EVs are equal to the RAPs allocated by the Character with OV/RVs equal to the opponent's INT/MIND. If an Action Check succeeds, the victim carries out the suggestion. A Hypnotism victim will not do anything completely against his/her motivations or beliefs but a clever Character can often get around this restriction. If someone attempted to Hypnotize Batman into injuring Commissioner Gordon, for example, the attempt would fail. The Hypnotist could possibly Hypnotize Batman into believing that Commissioner Gordon was actually the Joker, probably creating the same result. Example: A Character with 10 APs of Hypnotism tries to hypnotize another Character, who has an INT/MIND of 3/2. First, the Power user makes an Action Check and receives 10 RAPs. The user then tries to implant three suggestions, allocating 3 RAPs to each of the first two suggestions, and 4 RAPs to the third. The first suggestion is that the victim will carry a bomb made by the Power user into the victim's office; the second suggestion is that the victim will activate the bomb and leave the office; and the third suggestion is that the victim will

forget everything, which occurred. Each of these suggestions must be resolved as a separate Action Check. Note: use of Telepathy has similar and more comprehensive memory altering powers. The Power user first rolls to see if the victim will take the bomb into the office (AV/EVs of 3/3,OV/RVs of 3/2, 1 RAP necessary for success); the user then rolls to see if the victim will activate the bomb and leave the room (similar AV/EVs and OV/RVs); and finally, the user rolls to see if the victim will forget everything which occurred (AV/EVs of 4/4,OV/RVs of 3/2). If any of these suggestions is failed, the victim will break the Hypnosis and all ensuing suggestions will be obliterated. Alternate: Psyberpathy option: This power may be taken in a way that allows a character to affect machines instead of people. If a character wishes to travel in both realms he must purchase the power twice. Professor X has this power as does the villain Mezmero.

Ice Animation
VERSION : 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 100 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to summon into existence a creature of ice who will follow the Power user's instructions for a length of time equal to the Character's APs of Ice Animation. At the end of this time, the creature will disperse into ice and water. A Character using Ice Animation divides the APs of Power into two numbers as desired. The first number serves as the ice creature's DEX STR and BODY while the second number serves as the creature's INFL, AURA and SPIRIT against magical attacks. Such ice creatures do not possess Mental Attributes and. as such, are immune to all Mental Attack The ice creature occupies a volume equal to its APs of STR and moves at a Speed equal to its DEX. In addition, an animated flame creature suffers a -2 Column Shift modifier to its RV against heat-based attacks. The scary version of Blizzard I this power as does some tellings of The X-mens Iceman Alternate: Powers can be purchased for Animation at -1 FC. The powers cost the same as if buying them for a character but are used by the Animation instead of the caster. Ex. Dr. Fate purchases 3 APs of energy blast (lightning) for Animation. Any time he animates Ice they will be able to throw lightning in addition to their innate powers. .

Ice Being
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 Icing allows a Character to cover him/herself with a sheet of ice and not incur any damage. The APs of Ice Being are added to the Character's RV against ice- or cold based attacks. 1 Column per 4 APs is added to the Character RV due to protection by the hardened ice

It is worthy of note that the Icing power obscures the characters identity. Ice being is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. Alternate (1): +3 FC. The ice being character can do freezing damage by touch in a fashion identical to the frostbite power It is worthy of note that this power obscures the characters Identity. Iceman of the X-men has this power as does Killer Frost.

Ice Control
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Normal TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to move and control volumes of ice. Ice Control does not give the Character the ability to generate ice (as does Ice Production), only the ability to control and manipulate preexisting ice formations. Ice control has a number of useful effects, including: (D)The ability to hurl ice at a target to cause damage. This is treated as a Physical Attack with AV/EVs equal to APs of Power and OV/RVs equal to the target's DEX/BODY. (D)The ability to move volumes of ice. AV/EVs are equal to the APs of Power while OV/RVs are equal to the APs of ice volume to be moved. RAPs equal the distance (in APs), which the ice is displaced. (D)The character can form ice into any construct capable of supporting its own mass. If the Character has Fine Arts: Paint and Clay then the constructs can be made beautiful. (D)The character can create hands or other appendages of ice. These can be used as a normal physical attack or to restrain another character. The Body of the construct will be the body of the ice used. (D)The character can tunnel through solid ice. S/he can move zero (O) APs of distance per phase through ice with a body as high as His/her Ice control skill.

Alternate (1) +1 FC. The character can use multiple dice actions in the same round with a single dice roll in a fashion identical to Continuum Control Alternate (2): +2 FC. The character can create ice in a fashion Identical to the Ice Production Power Iceman of the X-men has this power as does Polar-Boy

Ice Production
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: AUTO/DICE BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to create volumes of ice from thin air. The ice produced may be formed into any shape the user desires, Such as a wall, an ice dagger, a bridge, etc. Ice Production has a number of useful applications: The user may trap a target in a block of solid ice. Make an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Power and OV/RVs equal to the target's DEX/STR. RAPS from this Action Check equal the ice APs which have trapped the target as well as the volume of ice created. While the target is trapped, his/her DEX is reduced by, the APs of ice and s/he cannot move. To break free, the target must make a successful Physical Attack (i.e., earn positive RAPs) against OV/RVs equal to the RAPs of successful ice production attack. The user may make solid ice constructs, such as walls, bridges, etc., with volume and BODY both equal to the APs of Power. The user may create an ice sled to move along the ground at a distance per phase equal to the user's APs of Power (maximum movement rate is 6 APs per phase, regardless of the Character's APs of Power) The user may use Ice Production to create an ice shield. In this case, the user's APs of Power are added to the RV against Physical Attacks. Such a Character will be unable to enter Physical combat while within the shield. This portion of Ice Production is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations.

The user can make a simple physical attack using APs of power as AV/EV Volumes of ice created with this Power will melt after APs of time equal to the Character's APs of Power All constructs created by this Power have -2 Column Shift modifiers to their RV against fire- or heat-based attacks

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 30 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to make others see what s/he wants them to see. The Illusion Power does not create matter where there is none but it may alter the appearance of existing matter. An illusory staircase could not be climbed but a rickety staircase could be made to look as good as new. Since an illusion is unreal, it cannot negate material reality. A wall could be disguised or made invisible but anyone who tried to pass through the wall would still hit it. The APs of the Illusion Power serve as both the amount of time an illusion will remain believable and the maximum volume the illusion can occupy. The Power user could create an identical illusion just before an illusion was to expire, effectively resetting the clock on the illusion's believability. The APs of Illusion also serve as OV/RVs to any Perception Checks made to determine whether or not an object is real. If a character suddenly saw a huge golden city in the middle of the desert where a moment ago there was none, s/he could make a Perception Check to determine whether the city was real or illusory. The GM should make all Perception Checks for the Character in secret. In this manner, a Character who attempts to detect an illusion and fails will be unable to tell if the object truly exists or if it is simply beyond his/her powers of detection to penetrate the illusion. An illusion itself cannot cause Physical damage but a living target can believe that s/he has been hurt, causing great mental strain (RAPs of the illusion doing normal Mental damage). If the Illusion Power is used to create an illusion of a living creature or anything

else capable of damaging an opponent, the creature or object created will fight with Attributes, Powers, and Skills equal to the user's APs of Illusion (an illusory dragon cast by someone with 10 APs of Illusion would have: DEX, 10 STR, 10 BODY, 10 APs of Flight, and 10 APs of Energy Blast; an illusory bomb would have 10 APs of the Bomb Power). Damage from illusory objects is sustained by the target's MIND although the target may believe the damage to be Physical. Anyone attempting to mentally attack an illusion will automatically get a perception check. If that check succeeds the character will be able to direct the mental attack against the illusion caster. Sensor Girl of the Legion of Super- Heroes has this Power as does certain versions of Iron Mans Armor.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 3 Immunity is the ability to be unaffected by the direct effects of super powers. Blasts fail to fire, probabilities do not change danger sense does not go off. Any super powers that will impact the character directly such as Mind Probe, Extended Hearing, Energy Blast, Karma Manipulation or Magic Blast will be reduced or all together negated. Any power that indirectly affects the character like using Magnetic Control to drop a car on a foe, or Earth Control to open a crack in the ground will work normally. In no way or at no time does Immunity affect Attributes or Skills. The APs of Immunity are subtracted from the APs of any direct effect Power used on the character. Ex. Poet (8 APs of Immunity) is fired at by a 5 AP Magic Blast. The blast fizzles before it reaches the character. If it had been a 12 AP Magic Blast a 4 AP blast would strike him and resolve as normal. A Character may use Immunity on more than one attack per phase. In this case, the Character must divide the APs of Power between each of the attacks at his/her discretion; the Character does not receive full AP protection against each attack. Immunity is not a Stacker power and cannot be used as an RV. The defending Characters normal RV (Ex. Body) is used to determine resistance even if it is lower than the Immunity. The Player may stack an RV (Ex. Force Shield) and still get full value from Immunity.

Gadgets or Occult Objects will not be affected by this power. Alternate (1): +2 FC. Immunity works against gadgets and occult objects as well. Alternate (2): -4 FC. Power Immunity works only on Mental, Mystical, or Physical Powers. Alternate (3): -2 FC. Power Immunity works on 2 out of 3 Mental Mystical and Physical Powers. Bink of the Xanth novels has this power (magic only) as does Roger Zelaznys version of Anubus.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Touch TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 9 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None Interface enables the user to link mentally to all but the simplest gadgets and mechanisms, controlling them at the lowest level. Rather than just turning the wheel and pressing the pedals of a car, part of the Character's mind is one with the vehicle and he can move it with his will, but the device cannot do a is not normally capable of doing. Upon touching a Gadget, the Character can utilize the abilities of the Gadget on his own. The APs of Interface acts as APs of whichever Skill is appropriate to use the object or Gadget. If the Character has the Skill, he may use his Skill's APs if they are higher than his APs of Interface. If the Characters attributes are higher s/he may it Unskilled. Any normal Unskilled use penalties apply. Example: When interfacing with a car, the interface Skill is Pilot (Ground) Skill. Some gadgets will resist the interface and control. Mechanical devices with no intelligence have an OV/RV of 0/0 as they have no will to resist. Generic electronics that have programmed security will have OV/ RV based on the table (above) Gadgets that have Mental Attributes may use them to resist the interface power as per the Telepathy rules. Resistance Unsecured/ home PC ATM/ paranoids home PC Government OV\RV 2 5

installation/ 8

major corporate security

Objects of Power gain +1 AP to all OV/RV attempts. As they gain recovery checks as characters do after a normal recovery interval the Object of Power can attempt to throw off the control of the interfacing character.

Any knowledge gained through interface use is relating to the workings of the particular object. The Skill gained may only be used to work the object touched, and as soon as the Character lets go of the object, he loses access to any Skill. The Interfacing character may attempt to shut down a device or gadget. An action check is made (using the above rules). The RAPs of the attempt must exceed the Full RV of the device to do so. As soon as the interfacing character disengages his power a normal attempt can be made to restart it. APs of interface must be distributed among multiple interfaced devices and multiple device skills, and the maximum number of devices a Character can interface at one time equals his APs of Power. Example: Agent 13 (Interface: 07) can split his power to mimic 3APs of firearm skill interfacing with an AK-47 and 4 APs interfacing with the car he is driving. If he crashes the car, doing 4 APs of damage to it, he takes a 4 AP mental attack. In the next phase he can shift all 7 APs of power to the weaponry skill. Because they are interfaced, if the object the Character is connected to takes damage, he may receive dangerous feedback. The RAPs of damage the object receives acts as an AV/EV against an OV/RV of Mind/Mind. The interfacing character is vulnerable to any Psyberpathic attacks directed against the device he/she is interfaced with. Breaking the interface will end this vulnerability. If the gadget has any Psyberpathic or Mental powers it may fight back against the use of the interface Power Note: The terms Object of Power, Gadget, Occult Object, and Device are defined in the gadgetry section The Engineer of Planetary and Count Zero from the Gibson novels have this power.

Version: 6.0 RANGE: Touch TYPE: DICE BASE COST: 100 FACTOR COST: 8 Gadgetry Type: C Alternates: 3
This Power allows the character to grant powers to others. The Granting character need not have the power himself to Invest another with it. This power can be used in two ways, permanently and temporarily. To Invest another character with temporary powers the Powers granted must have a Base Cost of 65 or lower. The Investing character can grant as many APs of power to other characters as he has APs of Power. The temporary powers last the APs of time of the investing character Ex. Magitar has 12 APs of Investment. He grants 3 APs of flight to one character, and 4 APs of energy blast and 5 APs of X-ray vision to a second character. The two characters powers will last 12 APs or 4 hours. Investment of temporary powers can be done in one phase per character Invested in. The investing character can grant permanent powers to others. The Powers granted must have a Base Cost of 65 and FC: 08 or lower. The Investing character must pay of the normal BC and FC (see Increasing Attribute XP cost chart) of the power granted to another (the equivalent of Object of Power cost). Those powers will be permanent. Permanent powers take 1 hour per character invested in. There is no limit to the number of power investments the character can make as long as he has the HPs to spend In either case the new powers brought about by the investment will be contingent on the Investment power of the granting character The investing character can remove theses powers at will and from any range. This power can only be used on other characters. it cannot be used on ones self or inanimate objects. Alternate (1): -2 FC. The character can only invest one type of Power, Mental, Mystical, or Physical.

Alternate (2): -3 FC the character can only invest one of the three Power types Mental, Mystical, or Physical. Alternate (3): -2 FC when the character Invests others with powers they gain monstrous or bestial features, thus the drawback strange appearance. Alternate (4): -3 FC. The investing character can only invest others with one power (Ex: Flight) Rose of the Ultraverse has this power as does Galactus.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to be impossible to detect with normal vision. Invisibility affects the ability of other characters or mechanism to perceive him; it is not a mental effect. An invisible character can go anywhere they can normally travel but in an unseen fashion. Telltale signs of their passage or presence, foot prints on the floors or the noise of passage, are diminished as APs of power increase. The APs of Invisibility can be used as an RV against any later forensic attempts to detect the character had ever been there. Characters are automatically surprised when initially attacked by undetected invisible opponents (see Combat Rules). Invisible characters can add APs to their AV and OV against attacks up to doubling their normal AV and OV. EX. Jerrod (Dex: 05 Invisibility: 08) Will have an AV and OV of 10 by any character that cannot see him. Invisibility is considered a stacker power. Invisible Characters largely can only be detected by Super Powers. APs of Invisibility act as the OV/RVs to any detection attempt. Positive RAPs indicate the invisible Character is located. Once the invisible character realizes that they are located they can make an attempt to re-disappear. The AV/EV of the attempt is the APs of invisibility. The OV\RV of the perception power used to locate them. An attempt can be made to throw paint over the invisible character or something similar. With properly prepared props (-1 to -3 CS based on circumstances) a character can attempt to bring an invisible character visible. The AV/EVs or this

attempt are the INT and Will of the ambushing character. The OV/RVs are the APs of invisibility. The invisible character can attempt to re-disappear as normal. If an invisible character is located by indirect senses (Ex. scented, paint thrown on them, Extended Hearing) s/he loose the AV\OV bonus but is still unrecognizable. Even so revealed the APs of invisibility can be used as an OV/RV against being identified. A character that is fully revealed Ex. True sight. With Infra Vision the character does not retain the identification bonus. Alternate (1): +1 FC the character can extend their invisibility to a Volume in APs of area and make other things invisibly. This area of invisibility can be extended to objects and people in the range in APs. Alternates (2): BC 30 FC 6. The character can only turn other objects and people invisible but not themselves Sue Storm of the Fantastic Four has this Power as does the Martian Manhunter.

Invulnerability (D)
VERSION: 6.12 RANGE: Self TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 3 A Character with this Power is very difficult to kill. When such a Character has suffered damage from Physical attacks, which would cause him/her to die under normal circumstances (the Character is reduced to negative APs of BODY), he makes an Action Check. Using current BODY APs (absolute value) as OV/RVs and the APs of Invulnerability as AV/EVs. RAPS from this roll equal the number of BODY points the Character regains. Alternate (1): +1 FC Each. The Power counteracts mental damage, and the Power counteracts Mystical damage (+2 FC for both). Alternate (2): +1 FC. Immortality. Character is not subject to ageing and death in the way of normal mortals. Anything that can be survived will be healed. And although the character can be killed by massive enough application of force even after dead the character will often heal. The mechanics of this are the character has a healing factor of 0 and instead of being killed at the negative value of their body they do not die until three times the negative of their body. It is worthy of note that such a character who is near death could be weeks or months between recovery checks if left without medical attention. The player will pick the apparent age of the character and the character will be frozen at that level for the ages. Although Immortality implies the wisdom of the ages a player could play a 16 year old Immortal.

Alternate (3): +1 FC bodily integrity not required. The character can, for each AP of invulnerability, have the body separated one time (Ex. With an Invulnerability of 5 the character could be separated into 6 pieces). A character with this invulnerability bonus could pick up their own severed head and place it back on his shoulders. If the body parts are separated they will require 1 phase per AP of distance they need to cover to rejoin. The parts will always have a directional sense to all other severed parts. Superman as Well as Ultimate Ironman have this power.

Iron Will
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to resist all forms of Mental control Powers, including but not limited to, Broadcast Empathy, Mind Control, and Hypnotism. The APs of Iron Will are added to the Character's RV against such Powers. Iron Will is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. This Power does not protect a Character from Mental Attacks (such as Mind Blast). Due to Xaviers training most of the X-men have this power.

Version: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES:None This Power allows a Character to "join" himself to the ground. While so joined (normally at the feet), a Character cannot be Knocked Back, blown away, or otherwise moved easily. A Character with this Power adds the APs of Joined to his RV against potential Knock back attacks made against the Character (the Planned Knock back maneuver, Super Breath, etc.). Joined is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. The Juggernaut has this power as does the Blob

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: SELF TYPE: AUTO BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to leap across great distances or to great heights A Character with Jumping can traverse a distance or leap to heights equal to the Character's APs of Power. When jumping is combined with high speed movement (an unaugmented human can run at up to 4 APs) the character can jump the distance equal to the highest of the two values +1 AP. Ex. Agent 0013 [Jumping 05 Running: 06] could run at his max speed and jump up to 6 APs in distance. If he had not had a running power he could get a +1 AP to his jump power (6 APs by normal running. A running start does not help you jump higher. If Jumping is combined with Gliding then the character can glide the distance of the combined APs. Ex. Silk Specter has a Jumping of 03 and a Gliding of 4. He can travel 7 APs at a speed of 4APs before setting down. In this specific case Jumping is considered to be a stacker power Unlike Super-speed or Flying, Jumping is not subject to atmospheric effects. The character will in cases of extreme jumps experience hang time before descending Cyborg of the Titans has this power as does Spiderman.

Karma Manipulation (D)

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES:None A character with Karma Manipulation can manipulate the chance of success or failure of one action per phase. The chance can be increased or decreased. Any AV of Power, Skill, or other miscellaneous AV can be affected with Karma Manipulation. The AV/EV of the attack are the APs of Karman Manipulation. The OV/RV are the APs of the affected Power. The RAPs are either added or removed from the AV of the targeted Power or Skill for one phase. Karma Manipulation is not considered a Stacker Power. Even though Karman manipulation involves rolling dice it is considered an automatic action. Example: The Cosmic Cowboy (Karma Manipulation: 8) is out on patrol with his partner the Chrome Dome (force projection: 9). A sniper attacks them with a missile (weaponry skill: 7). The Cowboy uses his Karma Manipulation on the attack. He rolls a 17 yielding 4 APs. The weaponry APs are reduced to 3 for this attack. The attack misses as a result. In a later phase Chrome Dome is using his force projection to stop a falling building. The Cowboy uses his Power to increase the AV of his partners force projection. The Cosmic Cowboy could use Karma Manipulation on his own abilities if he so desired. If Karma Manipulation is used to lower an AV below zero (0) then a double ones fumble reaction will occur. It is worthy of note that no power failure actually occurs due to Karma manipulation so no recovery is required of effected powers.

Kinetic Absorption (D)

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: SELF TYPE: AUTO BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES:3 This Power allows a Character to absorb damage from kinetic- or impact-based Attacks with Physical results. This includes most Hand-to-hand attacks and Powers like Projectile Weapons, Ultra Vibe, Mental Blast etc. The kinetic energy absorbed is gradually dissipated throughout the Character's system. Kinetic Absorption can absorb damage due to Knock back, Collisions, or High Speed Movement. Up to half the RAPs from an Explosion (such as a Bomb attack) can be absorbed. Characters with this Power are affected as normal by energy based powers (Energy Blast, Mind Blast, Flame Project, Lightning, etc). The Character's APs of Kinetic Absorption are subtracted from the RAPs of a Kinetic attack (resolves as normal). If damage inflicted exceeds the Character's APs of Kinetic Absorption, the Power fails and the Character sustains full damage to his Current Body. If the APs of power are higher the character takes no damage. Kinetic Absorption is not a Stacker power and cannot be used as an RV. The defending Characters normal RV (Ex. Body) is used to determine resistance even if it is lower than the Kinetic Absorption. The Player may stack an RV (Ex. Force Shield +BODY) and still get full value from Kinetic Absorption A Character may use Kinetic Absorption on more than one attack per phase. In this case, the Character must divide the APs of Power between each of the attacks at his discretion. Alternate (1): -2 FC. Useable Against only One Type of Kinetic Source Sources include Knock back, High-speed Damage, hand-to-hand attacks, etc.

Alternate (2): +3 FC. Absorbed Kinetics Adds to Power Reserve Only a Character with both Kinetic Absorption and Power Reserve may acquire this Bonus. APs neutralized by this type of Kinetic Absorption may be immediately assigned as desired among the Powers and Attributes eligible for augmentation (see Power Reserve). This increase lasts for APs of time equal to the Character's APs of Kinetic Absorption. A Character may never have more total RAPs absorbed at one time than his APs of Power Reserve. Alternate (3): +1 FC. Kinetic Absorption can be used as an RV Bishop of the X-men has this power as does Marshal Law.

Life Sense
VERSON: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows Character to exact the exact locations of any living beings within range. The Character may attempt to detect the location of a specific living being or merely the presence of life in general. In the former case, the Character is informed of the target's exact location; in the latter, the Character is informed of the number of life forms within range and their type (i.e., three humans and one dog). Life Sense becomes a Dice Action if the Character is attempting to detect the location of someone who is avoiding detection. In this case, the Character must make an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Life Sense against OV/RVs equal to the target's INT/MIND. Positive RAPs indicate success and the Character is then entitled to the appropriate information. A specific living being who avoids detection and is unfamiliar to (never encountered by) the detecting Character receives a +2 Column Shift modifier to his/her OV/RV. Alternate (1): -1 FC. Detection is of either Specific Life Forms or Life in General. Alternate (2): The Psyberpathy option: This power may be taken in a way that allows a character to perceive machine life instead of people. If a character wishes to travel in both realms he must purchase the power twice. Alternate (3): +1 FC. The character can detect mutants, super-humans, aliens, etc. in a differentiated way Ex. There are 4 mutants And 2 humans in the building. 2 of the mutants are extremely powerful ROM the space Knight had this power as does Charles Xavier.

Light Bending
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Normal (Distance) TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES:None This ability allows the bending of light toward and away from the object desired. It also allows for some ability to shape the quanta of light. Some notable applications for this are: Mundane objects can be made to glitter. Shiny objects can be made dull. The color and quality of the sparkle can be manipulated as well. For every 2 APs of Light Bending subtract 1 AP from any power or skill attempting to identify the items being masked. Light can be bent away from a character not wanting to be seen. For every 3 APs of light bending add 1 AP to Stealth attempts A character can use Light Bending to appear in a soft glow +1 AP to EV of any persuasion attempts. The character can place themselves or any selected object in dramatic backlighting so they are sure to be noticed and look really cool. The character of light (Ex. Florescent glare, sunrise, star shine, etc) can be changed. Largely this is just the cosmetic ability to make light more or less pleasing to the eye. Use of Light Bending requires an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Power against base OV/RVs of 0/0. Actual OV/RVs to a Light Bending attempt are modified

according to the table below. Each change level adds I CS to the OV/RV. Example. Andrew wants to change starlight to noonday sun. This will be 3 column shifts for the difference. This puts the OV/RV into the 5-6 column

Condition Dim Artificial light Neon lights Starlight Moonlight Sunrise or Sunset Noon Sunlight Red Sunlight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Transparent items such as glass or some plastics can be made to not have telltale glints. APs of Light Bending can be used as Invisibility when used on the transparent.

If the character is attacked by magical darkness Light Bending can be used as a defense. Cloak, of Cloak and Dagger fame, or places like astral darkness where the darkness itself is magically damaging APs of Light Bending can be used as APs of Drain Resistance

It is worthy of note that Light Bending cannot create light in places where there is none

Magic Blast
Version: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to emit a powerful bolt of eldritch energy. The manifestation can come from eye, hands or the similar. Magic Blast is treated as a Mystical Attack with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Power and OV/RVs equal to the opponent's INFL/SPIRIT. Doctor Strange has this Power as does Dr. Fate

Magic Sense
Version: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto\Dice BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to detect all magic and magic-using creatures. Some possibilities of magic sense are: Occult objects (made by the Mysticism skill) Use of the Ritual Magic skill Use of Mystic Powers Magical creatures (Dragons, pixies, ogres, etc.)

These instances will be detected automatically by the power: Character possessing Mystic Powers Magical places ( story element)

Inactive magic will be harder to locate. They must be actively looked for. A character with a high Attributes can attempt to hide themselves from magic sense while not actually using their magics. The AV EV of the detection attempt is the APs of power. The OV/ RV are the hiding magical characters Aura and Spirit. Concealing themselves in this way will take an automatic action. Any use of magic powers or spells will move detection to automatic.

Use of Magic Sense will only reveal that an item or Character has some form of Mystical abilities; no information will be available relative to what those abilities might be or how powerful they are. Alternate (1): +1 FC Magic sense will give a general determination of how powerful the detected magic is. Ex. World class sorcery, a minor hedge wizard, an ultra powerful magic circle, exe. Alternate (2): +1 FC. Magic sense allows for determination of kinds of magic. This will largely be campaign dependent. Ex. Order or Chaos magic, Demonic, Angelic, Earth Magic, shamanic magic, etc. Meat Hook has this Power as does Dr. Strange.

Magic Shield
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Range/Volume TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES:None This Power allows a Character to create a shield of arcane energy, which provides protection from Mystical Attacks. Anyone protected by a Magic Shield has the APs of Power added to his/her RV against Mystical Attacks. The Magic Shield called into being and can be projected at Range (distance). Such a shield is useless against attacks, which originate from behind the Character unless the Character establishes the shield there, in which case the Character is unshielded against frontal assault. Magic Shield is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. Dr. Fate has this Power as does Dr Strange.

Magnetic Control
Version 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows Character to create and then control the Magnetic flow around his/her person. A Character with Magnetic Control may utilize the Power toward a number of applications: (D) The character can manipulate metal objects as if they are in hand with the Strength at the APs of power. Any skill the character has except Close Combat can be exercised by the correct remote manipulation tools (EX. The character could perform surgery with the Medicine Skill at a distance by manipulating the surgical tools.) (D)The ability to hurl metal objects at a target to cause Physical damage. For such an attack to occur, metallic objects must be present. AV/ EVs of the attack are equal to the Character's APs of Power while OV/RVs are as per a normal physical attack (A)The ability to defend oneself from attacks involving metallic objects (swords, bullets, Physical Attacks by Characters in metal battle-suits, etc.). In this case, the Character adds the APs of Power to his/her OV. This portion of Magnetic control is considered a Stacker Power. (D) The ability to use metal to construct shields and obstacles against non metal based attacks. Ex. Polar is attacked by and Energy Blast. He pulls a big screen TV in the way. The APs of Magnetic Control can be used as an RV. This is not considered a Stacker Power.

(D)The ability to move metals and metallic objects. AV/EVs are equal to APs of Power, while OV/RVs are equal to the weight of the object(s). RAPs will equal the distance (in APs) that the metallic mass may be displaced in one phase. The APs of power minus the APs of the objects weight are the speed it moves.

(A)The character can create a spire of metal, if enough metal is present, and use if for transport. The tower can reach the APs of power in height. The speed is the APs of power. The max speed the column can move at is 8APs so the attached character can still breathe. As the traveling character is obscured by the column they gain +1 column to OV and RV to anyone attacking them from the ground. Travel this way can cause a great degree of collateral damage.

Cosmic Boy of the Legion of Super- Heroes has this Power as does Magneto the X-men Villain. Alternate (1): +1 FC. The character can use multiple dice actions in the same round with a single dice roll in a fashion identical to Continuum Control. Alternate (2): +1 FC. (A) The Character can substitute Magnetic Control for Strength

Matter Manipulation
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 100 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 3 ThisPowerallowsaCharactertoalterboththebasicshapeandthemolecularstructureofnonorganic(i.e.,nonliving)matter.The morecomplexisthechangethemoredifficulttheaction.TheCharactercould,forexample,turnabolderintoacorvette;createan iron cage out of thin air, or a 5 course meal out of a clay tablet. It is essentially a more intricate and nuanced version of the Transmutationpower.Simplegastogasistheeasiest(Ex.oxygentonitrogenorHeliumtoHydrogen).Morecomplexchangesare moredifficult(Ex.nervegastooxygen).Levelofdetailaddsmoredifficultystill.AtnopointdoesMatterManipulationworkonliving creaturesofanykind. AswithTransmutation,theOVofaMatterManipulationattemptisthematterlevelsofthesourcematter.TheRVisthematter levelsoftheresultmaterials.TheRAPsarethevolumeofmatterChanged.MatterLevelsaremadeof3criteria:Complexity,State, andDetail.BothOVandRVgetavaluefromalltables.Destroyingdetailneveraddsdifficulty.ThevolumeoftransmutationisAPs perPhase.EX.TransmutoLad(MatterManipulationof02)canchange2Cubicfeet(2APs)perphase. Atitsmostbasicuse MatterManipulationcanbeusedasanattack(attemptingtoformablockofsteelaroundsomeoneorturningallthe
oxygenintonitrogenaroundafoetomakehimsleep).TheAV/EVsaretheAPsoftheMatterManipulation.TheOV/RVsaretheDexandStrof theopponent.Thismodelstheabilityofanopponenttofighttheirwayfreeoftheformingobstaclebeforetheycanbetrappedoraffected.The volumeManipulatedisuptotheRAPs. ThispowercanbeusedinafashionidenticaltoProjectileWeaponsorbombinasinglephase


Complexity Largelypureelement(Ex.Iron,Oxygen,Carbon,Plutonium) BasicCompound(Ex.water,basicsteel,sand,stone,Crudeoil,Tile,air) ComplexCompound(Ex.plastics,complexalloys,advancedpolymers,hightechceramics) UltraAdvancedorScificompounds(Adamantium,Vibranium,Promethium,DwarfStarMatter) State GastoGas LiquidtoGasorviceversa SolidtoGasorviceversa LiquidtoLiquid SolidtoSolid Liquidtosolidorviceversa Detail Ingots,clouds,orpuddlesofunconfiguredmatter Basicformation(roughfigures,rails,cages,trenches,clearedwalls,removedobstacles) ComplexDesigns(radiocircuitry,wingdesign,poisons,precisestatues,cars,planes,etc.) Ultra advance designs (CAT scanners, DNA extractors, rail guns, specific chemical antidotes or poisons,specificdrugs)

OVorRV 02 04 06 08+ OVorRV 02 03 05 03 04 04 OVorRV 00 01 04 06+

Examples:Firestorm(MatterManipulation:18)couldmakeasteelcageoutofthinair.TheAV/EVoftheattemptwouldbe18/18, and the OV would be 09 (Gas to Solid basic complexity, no detail). The RV would be 10 (Gas to Solid, Basic compound Basic compound)IftheActionChecksucceeds,thecagesiscreated(aslargeastheRAPsofsuccess)withabodyofsteel(13). IfFirestormwantedtocreateaspeedboatfromapileofbricks,theAV/EVwouldbe18/18.TheOVwouldbe06(largelypure,solid to solid, no detail) the RV would be 14 (Complex compounds, solid to solid, Complex design). A successful roll would create a Speedboatwithtypicalproperties.Thisisassuminghehasthe8RAPsorsoofsuccesstomakehiscreationlargeenoughtouse.Ifhe wantedanexcellentspeedboattheRVwouldincreaseby2(ultraadvanceddesigns) IfFirestormwantedtoturnasectionofareinforcedbankwallintothinairsohecouldpassthroughit,theOVwouldbe09(basic compound,solidtogasnodetail)TheRVwouldbe11(Complexcompound,solidtogas,nodetail) Acharactercanneutralizeespeciallydangerousmatterbymakingitlesscomplexthematterbecomesnormal.Radioactivematerials are+2CStoRV.Thereversecanbedoneaswell.TheGMmayrequiretheplayertohavecertainknowledgeintheformsofPlansor Technologistskillsinordertocreatehightechdevices.Thegeniusadvantagemayberequiredaswelldependingongenre. Bycreatingenergyabsorbentorresistantmaterials(Ex.Rubberforelectricity,asbestosforheat,leadforgammarays)thecharacter cancreateabarrierthathashis/herAPsofpowerasanRVagainstthatenergyform.Thisrequiresadiceaction.TheRVisnota stackertootherRVpowers

IfthecharacterhasTechnologistorMysticisimskills/hecanuseMatterManipulationinsteadofaTechnologistorMysticismLabs andStudios.ThisdoesnotallowforthecreationofObjectsofPower. Alternate(1):+2FC.Thecharactercancreateenhancedmatter.Bymodifyingthematterontheatomiclevelorthesimilars/hecan createtougherandstrongerversionsofthenormal. Forevery3APsofMatterManipulationthecharactercanadd1APtothebodyofamaterial(EXglassIron,stone,etc) beyondwhatitwouldiffoundelsewhere. Forevery2APsofMatterManipulationadevicecanhave1APofAccuracyforitsuse. Thecharactercancreatesuperiorqualitytoolsforanyskill. Forevery4APsofmattermanipulationthecharactercanadd1APofSharpnesstobladedobjects APsofMattermanipulationcanbeusedasAPsofshrinkingtocreateminiaturizedornanotechdeviceswiththesame functionasthefullsized Mattercreatedbythispowerwillreverttonormalmatterstateattheexpirationoftheeffect(durationinAPsofPower) Alternate(2):+2FC.Enhancedmatterremainsalteredafterthedurationofthepoweruse. Alternate(3):+1FC.TechnologistorMysticismresourcesfunctionisextendtothecreationofObjectsofPower MatterMaster,anoldfoeofHawkman's,hasthisPowerasdoesFirestorm.

Matter Production
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Volume TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 4 Description: Matter Production allows a character to produce a volume of material seemingly from nowhere. This material may be of any non-living substance, and in any form. Matter Production may create solid material constructs, such as walls, bridges, etc., with Weight, Volume and BODY equal to the APs of Power. These constructs may not have abilities of any kind other than BODY. The material exists for an amount of Time (in APs) equal to the APs of Matter Production minus the APs of BODY. Use of the Fine Arts: Paint and Clay skill can make things construct beautiful. The APs of Matter Production are the total APs of material (in Weight or Volume) that can exist at any one time. If the Character wishes to produce additional material and does not have enough APs left, he must wait until the necessary amount of material already Produced dissipates. Alternate (1): +1 FC. The Character may dissolve Produced Matter at will. Alternate (2):2 FC. May Only Produce One Specific Kind of Material. The material must be chosen at the time Matter Production is purchased. Examples of this would include: Water, Crystal, Sand or Mud, or Glass. Alternate (3): +1 FC. The character can create matter in high pressure streams or as high velocity projectiles. APs of power are AV/EV of a normal physical attack Alternate (4): +1 FC. The character can use his/her dice action to create defensive barriers to an attack. APs of matter production are added to RV for that phase. In some circumstances (creating a steel wall between yourself and an opponent with a rifle) the defenses will persist. This Alternate is considered a Stacker Power

Mental Blast
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: None Mental Blast is a physical attack using psychic energies. AV/EV of the Attack is the APs of power. The OV\RVs are as a normal physical attack. Unlike Telekinesis this power can be used without an object to use as a weapon. It can blast a target directly. Phoenix II (Rachael) had this power as does Primus of the Omega Men

Mental Freeze
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Normal TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to psychically restrict an opponent. AV/EVS of such an attack equal the Character's APs of Mental Freeze while OY RVs equal the opponent's INT/MIND positive RAPS indicate success. With the opponent held fast and unable to move (DEX = 0). A Mentally Frozen opponent may attempt to free him/herself through an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the opponent's INT/WIL against OV/RVs equal to the RAPS of the successful Mental Freeze attack. If cumulative RAPS from this Action Check equal or exceed RAPS from the Mental Freeze attack, the opponent is released. Alternate(1): This power can be taken as a Magic Power (Mystic Freeze). The OV/RV will be INF and AURA Alternate (2): +1 FC. Breakout RAPs are not cumulative. To break a Mind Control attempt full RAPs must be achieved in a single action. Professor X has a version of this power as does the movie Version of Jean Grey

Mental Illusion
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows its user to alter the perception of its target, causing him to perceive (see, hear, smell, etc.) whatever the user wishes. The mental illusion is visible only to its target, but that person will react to it as if it were real. To project a mental illusion, the user must make an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Mental illusion against OV/RVs equal to the target's INT/MIND. If the RAPs exceed the victim's Mind, the victim perceives whatever the user wishes (no telepathic or verbal contact is necessary). The illusions will endure for a time in APs equal to the amount of RAPs exceeding the victim's Mind. A subsequent check can be made before this time is up to continue the illusion. A victim of Mental illusion can subconsciously combat its effects each phase by making an Action Check using his INT/WILL as the AV/EV against OV/RVs equal to the APs of the user's Mental illusion Power. Hero Point expenditure on the OV/RV is not allowed. lf the victim's cumulative RAPs exceed the user's APs of Mental Illusion, the victim's perception returns to normal. A target under the effects of mental illusion can sustain damage if he is "attacked" by the illusion he is experiencing (see illusion Power).Any illusory danger created will fight with Attributes, Skills, and Powers equal to the user's APs of Mental Illusion. Damage done by illusory assailants is sustained by the target's Mind, although the target may perceive it as physical damage.

Anyone attempting to mentally attack an illusion will automatically get a perception check. If that check succeeds the character will be able to direct the mental attack against the illusion caster. Alternate: Psyberpathy option: This power may be taken in a way that allows a character to deceive machines instead of people. If a character wishes to travel in both realms he must purchase the power twice. Jason Wynguard of the Hellfire club has this power as does Ultimate Xavier.

Mental Shields
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Volume TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows Character to create a field of mental energy to protect him or herself. When using the Power, a Character adds the APs of Mental Shields to his/her RV against Mental Attacks. A Mental Shield is a spherical in form and is centered on the Character. A field shelter may be generated at the same APs of volume as the Power's APs. It will protect any Characters located within that volume from exterior Mental Attacks. No Mental Attacks with exterior targets may be made from within the Shields. Mental Shields is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. Alternate (1): -2 FC. Field Protects Power User Only. Alternate (2): +2 FC. Attacks may be made from within the Shield. Professor X has this power as did the first Phoenix.

Metal Manipulation
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Normal TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 This Power grants the Character the ability to reshape metal and form it into any shape desired. The Character could, for example, turn iron ingots into an iron cage. However, the Character must have material resources to work with and could not, for example, create an iron cage out of thin air, nor can s/he change the type of metal used. Gold ingots cannot be manipulated into a steel cage. Use of the Fine Arts: Paint and Clay skill can make thing construct beautiful. To use Metal Manipulation, the Character must make an Action Check with AV/EV equal to the APs of Power and OV/RV equal to the BODY of the object to be manipulated. If this Action Check succeeds (any positive RAPs), the Character can create a new object made of the same metal, assigning the APs of Metal Manipulation as desired to the object's Physical Attributes and Physical Powers. The BODY of the new object is equal to the BODY of the original target metal and cannot be changed. Manipulated metal retains its shape for time equal to the APs of Metal Manipulation. Alternate: Variants of this Power include "Substance" Manipulation such as Rock Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, or Crystal Manipulation. Magneto has this power as does Box (Boches) of Alpha Flight

Microscopic Vision VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: 0 APs Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power allows Character to see extremely small objects. See the table above which lists the objects that become visible at various activated AP levels of Microscopic Vision Superman has this Power as do all Kryptonians.

APs 1 3 5 8 10 12 23 26 28 30 35 40

Object Visible Cloth weave Hair Follicles Tiniest insects Human Cells Metal Fatigue Bacteria Viruses DNA Structure Molecules Atoms Electrons Quarks/ Photons

Mind Blank
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to negate any and all mind reading or mind-scanning attempts made upon him/her. The Character adds the APs of Mind Blank to the RV against attacks utilizing Powers such as Life Sense, Mind Probe, and Telepathy. Mind Blank is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. Magneto has this power as does Gambit.

Mind Blast
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Normal TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to launch a powerful psychic attack upon another Character. The AV/EVs of this attack equal to the user's APs of Mind Blast while OV/RVs are equal the target's INT/MIND. RAPS from the attack represent the Mental Damage sustained by the target from the attack. Alternate: Psyberpathy option: This power may be taken in a way that allows A character to attack machines instead of people. If a character wishes to travel in both realms he must purchase the power twice Professor X as well as Martian Manhunter have this power.

Mind Control
VERION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 3 This Power allows a Character to mentally attack an opponent and then dictate all of the opponent's actions. When a Character successfully uses this Power on another, s/he is able to completely control the victim's body. To control a target, the user must make an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Power and OV/RVs equal to the target's INT/MIND. If RAPS exceed the opponent's MIND, the opponent falls under the user's control and will remain controlled until the user voluntarily releases the Opponent, falls unconscious or the Opponent succeeds in breaking free of the Mind Control. While controlled a victims actions are entirely dictated by the Power user. The user must expend an Automatic Action each phase to transmit instructions to any and all Characters under control. There is no need for direct communication (instructions are given mentally with an unlimited range). A victim of Mind Control is entitled to combat the effect. Mind Control, by default, lasts the APs of time equal to the Mind Control power. Periodically the possessed character will be able to attempt to break free. S/He receives an attempt in the APs of Mind Control minus the APs of Will. No more than one attempt every 4 Phases can be made. An attempt can be made on the first phase if the possessed character has a high enough Will. Breaking free of a Mind Control is resolved as a Special mental attack. The AV/EVs are the Mind Control characters Int/Wil. The OV/RV are the Controlling characters Int/Mind or APs of Mind Control. HPs can be spent as normal. The Mind Controlled character may defer an attempt and wait for the most inopportune moment for the possessing character. EX. during combat or an interview on CNN. If the Mind Controlled character scores 1 or more RAP on effect the Mind

Controlled character will have a -1 CS on all actions, including initiative for that Phase. If s/he scores full RAPs the Mind Control is broken. Breakout RAPs are cumulative. Alternate(1): Psyberpathy option: This power may be taken in a way that allows a character to control machines instead of people. If a character wishes to travel in both realms he must purchase the power twice Alternate (2): +1 FC. Breakout RAPs are not cumulative. To break a Mind Control attempt full RAPs must be achieved in a single action. Alternate (3): +3 FC. The Mind Controlled character is unconscious during the Control and can make no breakout attempts. No communication with the Controlled is possible. Xian of the New Mutants as well as Trigon have this power.

Mind Probe
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to read the thoughts and memories of other Characters. When using Mind Probe, a Character must be searching for a specific subject or memory. There is no limit to how far into a target's memory a Character may search. Use of Mind Probe requires an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Power and OV/RVs equal to the target's INT/MIND. RAPS are the number of Knowledge Points gained by the probing Character. even know that his memories are being probed An example knowledge points would be: 1 RAP: Targets surface thoughts (Yea I know the Joker. I dont like him much) total RV: Thoughts easily recalled by the target ("The Joker is hiding out near Clark and Addison. I always thought his complete irrationality was his greatest weakness. ) Full RV: Distant thoughts or Memories ("Joker and I first met on May 21, seven years ago. We were in a warehouse in Manchester.) And items the target may not even realized he knows about the subject ('The Jokers Left leg twitches when he is nervous. It would make logical sense for him to kill me after our next heist.) actually knows Mind Probe can never reveal more information than the character actually knows.

If the Probing character has more APs of power than the defending character has of INT the Probed character will not even know that the probe is happening. Alternate: Psyberpathy option: This power may be taken in a way that allows a character to gain information from machines instead of people. If a character wishes to travel in both realms he must purchase the power twice. Phoenix and Martian Manhunter both have this power.

Mind Shield
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance/ Volume TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to create a shield of mental energy, which provides protection from Mental Attacks. Anyone protected by a Mind Shield has the APs of Power added to his/her OV against Mental Attacks. The Mind Shield called into being is circular in shape, is The Volume in APs of the power, and can be projected at Range. Such a shield is useless against attacks, which originate from behind the Character unless the Character establishes the shield there, in which case the Character is unshielded against frontal assault. Mind Shield is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. The Alternity of Cable known as Ahab has this power as does some tellings of Rachael-Phoenix.

Modular Functionality
VERSION: 6.13 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 3 The character is, due to some intrinsic technical or magical in nature, as functional divided into discreet sections as when they are normally attached. The Characters separated parts continue to function as if they attached normally. All powers an skills function normally and range is determined from the body party executing them (Ex. The character fires an energy blast from a detached hand. Range is determined as from the hand). Regardless of separation the character has only one dice action and two automatic actions per round as normal The effects of this power are: The character can act, including attacks, with their full attributes and powers at the APs in range of their powers. Ex. A character with 10 APs of Modular Functionality could project his arms, hands, legs, etc forward 100 yards and use them as normal. The APs of power are the OV/ RV of any attempt to detect the character playing dead this is considered a Strenuous act to detect happening The APs of power can be substituted as an EV in a surprise attempt If the character has flight, running, super-speed or the similar all body parts all have the power when separated

The APs of the Modular Functionality represent the maximum time that a part may be animated while disconnected from the main body. If a body part is removed beyond the time limit, it becomes inert until re-attached. If a body part moves

beyond the Range from the Character, it becomes temporarily inert until the Character moves back within Range of the body part. An inert body part may no longer be controlled by the Character and is effectively paralyzed. As long as the body parts are in range the character has full awareness of what each part is doing and where it is located, subjected to the sense available to that portion of himself. Ex. A leg has sense of touch but no sight or sound. If it is removed from range the character will always be able to tell the direction his body parts are, located regardless of the distance. Alternate (1): -1 FC. Only one specified body part may be separated (this includes the just hands or arms option similar to Weapon X). Alternate (3):-1 FC Each. Powers can be purchased for just the detached parts. Poison Touch that works from a disembodied hand only, or teleport that only applies to the eyes once they have separated. The Second Weapon X has this power as does Vampire Hunter D.

Molecular Chameleon
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Touch TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 75 FACTOR COST: 9 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 6 This Power gives a Character the ability to restructure his/her own molecules into any material touched. A Character may use Molecular Chameleon to assume the shape of any existing gas, liquid, or solid. When Molecular Chameleon is engaged, both the Character's STR and BODY instantly assume AP levels equal to the BODY of the substance touched, but neither may be raised higher than the Character's APs of Molecular Chameleon. Ex. if a Character with 8 APs of Molecular Chameleon were to touch reinforced steel with 12 APs of BODY, his/her STR and BODY would each become 8 APs, not 12 APs. The Character will be cosmetically changed by the material that she touches. Ex: if Ed Delovian touches a rusty steel tugboat that is painted red, he will receive the full 12 APs of Body and Str but appear to be covered in peeling red paint and with lines of bolts or seams across his body. If he took the form or sewer water he would retain the smell of it. A Character using Molecular Chameleon has complete control over his/her body. The Character's molecules do not "leak away" if they change to fluid nor are they completely rigid if the Character changes into a solid. This Power allows automatic transformation at will (including reversal to normal Character form). Alternate (1): BC 50 FC: 07. The character can only transform into one alternate form and can do so without needing to contact the material. Colossus of the X-men has this power Alternate (2): +3 FC. The character can change form without any material to copy.

Alternate (3): BC: 50 FC: 07. Character can only take solid, liquid or gaseous form. BC 65 FC 08 if the character can take two out of three states.

Alternate (4): +1 FC. Character is considered to have APs of Invisibility equivalent to the APs of power when s/he takes on the form of an invisible gas or as a liquid when dispersed into other liquids.

Alternate (5): +2 FC Gaseous Characters are considered to have APs of Dispersal equal to the APs of power. Alternate (6): +2 FC Characters taking liquid form are considered to have the equivalent APs of the Fluid Form Power

Amazing Man of the All-star Squadron had this Power, as does Ed Delovian.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: +10 Time TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 A character with Necropathy can speak with the spirits of the dead. The APs of power +10 is the maximum duration of time the person can be deceased and still communicated with. The spirit of the dead will contain their knowledge and mental faculties, although sometimes at a diminished state (GMs discretion). Sometimes the dead will volunteer their information, sometimes they will need to be coerced. The character can use normal character interaction, Charisma skills, or the APs of Necropathy in an attempt to gain information from the deceased. Depending on the circumstance some spirits of the dead will persist beyond normal duration (Hauntings, unquiet dead, poltergeists, etc). These active spirits will be contactable regardless of how long they have been dead Alternate (1): -1 FC. Use of the power requires actually speaking out loud to the dead and the dead will speak out loud back to you. Alternate (2): +2 FC. Body is not required. Places where the spirit died or were a great impact on his/her life are sufficient. Objects of great personal significance will suffice as well. Mudib has this power as does the movie version of Hellboy

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to negate one of his or her opponent's Powers. Such an attack requires an Action Check with an AV/EV equal to the APs of Neutralize. The OV/RV is equal to the opponent's APs of the Power to be negated. RAPS are then temporarily subtracted from the opponent's APs of the Power. Powers neutralized in this manner must be recovered normally (see the Rules section). Neutralize can also negate Powers possessed by a gadget and a Character's STR Attribute to a minimum of 4 APs. Alternate (1): BC 75 FC 10. Greater Neutralize: the use of this power effects all powers of a target at once Alternate (2): -3 FC: Neutralize is only effective against one particular power. Leech has the greater version of this power, as do the nullifier weapons of the Genocians.

Object Awareness
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: AUTO BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to tune in on any familiar object and become aware of its location and surroundings provided the object was in physical contact with the Character An amount of time less than or equal to the APs of the power. Only one object may be tuned into by the Character at any one time. If more than one object is tuned into to then multiattack penalties apply. Once the object is tuned in, the Character can use any sense (sight, hearing, smell, etc.) as if s/he were standing alongside the object. The APs of Object Awareness equal the maximum distance over which an object can be detected. The mental presence of the Character using Object Awareness cannot be sensed in any way at the object's location. Further, no attack of any kind can be projected or received through the object. Alternate (1): +2 FC. Powered senses operable through Object Awareness. Alternate (2): -1 FC. No multi-object sensing (multi-attack) possible. The Silk Spectre has this power, as does Dr Stranges All Seeing Eye of Ammagatto

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power protects a target Character from detection by mental powers or mystical means. The ability Obscure affords protection from all forms of mental detection (Ex: Detect, Life Sense, Precognition, Telepathy, Remote Sensing, or Object Awareness). Each AP of Obscure adds to the OV/RV of the attempt to Sense or Precognition on or about the target. To use this Power for more than one target at a time, it must be purchased with the Area Effect Bonus. Anything within this Obscured Area of Effect gains the benefits of the Power so long as they remain within range. Obscure is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. Magnetos helmet has does this power as does many secret lairs of many super villains.

Omega Force (D)

Version 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: A/D BASE COST: 100 FACTOR COST: 12 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 1 Omega Force gives a character immense power over matter and energy in the area surrounding him. In some ways it is an ultra-powerful version of Reflection/Deflection combined with Energy Blast and Power Reserve. Erecting the Omega Force field takes one phase in which the character can conduct no other actions. This power can be used both offensively and defensively in the same phase without splitting APs but it does take up the use of Automatic actions as well as dice action. If used only defensively only Omega Field is an automatic action. Omega Force is not a stacker power Used defensively the Omega Field is both OV and RV against physical attacks other than HTH combat. RAPs or damage that exceeds APs of power are taken normally by the character. RAPs less than he APs of Omega Force are stored in the area around the character. Stored power will be visible, often in a spectacular way. The Power using character can absorb attacks indirectly within his APs of power. Ex. Barnstormer has 12 APs of Omega Force. He can use it to absorb any attack within 6 APs of him. Used offensively Omega Force can mimic the powers: o Energy Blast (any) o Projectile weapons o Frostbite o Flame Being o Electrical Being

The bonuses Indirect, Ranged, or Area Effect can be used at will. Absorbed attack RAPs can be used as APs of Power Reserve for using a like force offensively. The stored energy or matter last for the APs of time equal to the energy absorbed. Ex. If Barnstormer (from the example above) stores 4 RAPs of gamma rays from an Energy Blast he could use a 16 AP energy blast of gamma rays for the next 4 APs of time ( 1 min) Alternate: Can be fueled by Solar Sustenance in a fashion identical to the use of Power Reserve.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 The Omni-Arm Power allows a Character to transform the physical shape of his/her limbs into anything desired. Material and mass of the transformed object remain roughly the same but shape and function can vary. Arms can be converted into lobster claws, hammers, or giant scissors, for example. When using Omni-Arm a Character may substitute the APs of Power for STR (including EV when performing an action.). Omni arm outside of a few odd cases does not increase the characters ability to lift (Hydraulic Jack hands). The power allows the character to rend, crush, contain and split with power at their AP level. All manifestations of Omni-arm will be less than 0 APs in size (distance) unless the player also has stretching. Alternate (1): +1 FC. Omni arm can be used as RV in blocking attempts. Alternate (2): See Stretching for special actions usable by characters with both powers Metamorpho, of Justice League Europe fame, has this Power, as does Plastic Man.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 4 This Power allows a Character to physically restrict an opponent. This is resolved as a standard physical attack, positive RAPs indicate success, with the opponent held fast and unable to move (DEX = 0). A Paralyzed opponent may attempt to free himself through an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the opponent's STR/STR against OV/RVs equal to the RAPs of the successful Paralysis attack. If cumulative RAPs from this Action Check equal or exceed RAPs from the Paralysis attack, the opponent is released. Alternate (1): +1 FC. The Power can be used on specific parts of the target's body (brain, heart, left arm, etc); positive RAPs indicate success with the opponent's DEX halved (round up). If this is done to a vital organ or system, RAPs resulting from use of Power are applied as Killing Combat damage. Alternate (2): BC 75. and resistance checks to break free of paralysis are made against the full APs of power not just the success APs Alternate (3): Psyberpathy option: This power may be taken in a way that allows A character to paralyze machines instead of people. If a character wishes to travel in both realms he must purchase the power twice. Alternate (4): +1 FC. Breakout RAPs are not cumulative. To break a Paralysis attempt full RAPs must be achieved in a single action.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to create a great irrational fear in the mind of an opponent. Use of Phobia automatically manifests an illusion of whatever is most feared by the opponent (this illusion can only be seen by the opponent). Use of Phobia requires an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Power and OV/RVs equal to the opponent's Int/Mind. RAPS must equal or exceed the opponent's Mind for the attack to succeed. The opponent can do nothing but quiver in fear for a time (in APs) equal to the RAPS earned. A Character subject to Phobia can attempt to free himself from the effects of the Power each phase by making a Mental attack with AV/EVs equal to his Int/Mind against OV/RVs equal to RAPs scored by the original Phobia Action Check. If one of these rolls succeeds, the Character is released from the Phobia with no residual effects. Alternate: +2 FC. To break free a character must score all RAPs In in a single action check. Daniel Moonstar of the New Mutants has this power as does the Batman foe Scarecrow.

Plant Control
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows Character to take complete control over local plant life. A Character with Plant Control may utilize the Power toward a number of applications: The ability to cause an appropriate plant (vine, tree, etc.) to whip out one of its appendages to attack an opponent. This is treated as a Physical Attack with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Plant Control and OV/RVs equal to the opponent's DEX/BODY. The ability to cause an appropriate plant to wrap itself around an opponent in order to restrain him/her. This is treated as a Grappling Attack with the AV/EV being equal to the APs of Plant Control and STR equal to the plant's BODY The ability to move a mass of plants from one area to another. AV/EVs of such an attempt equal the APs of Plant Control while OV/RVs equal the volume of plants to be displaced. RAPS indicate the distance the plants may be moved. Note: Plant Control only controls pre-existing plant life. It does not summon new plant life into being, as does Plant Growth. In addition, appropriate plants must be present for a Character to implement any of the attack forms previously described A Character could not attempt to Grapple someone with the short grass of a putting green for instance. Alternate: anyone wishing the Plant Trifecta , Plant Control, Speak With Plants and Plant Growth, Can have all 3 Power functions at BC 100 FC 10 . Swamp Thing has this Power as do some versions of Poison Ivy.

Plant Growth
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Normal TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to rapidly increase the growth rates of natural plant life. AV/EVs of such an attempt equal the APs of Plant Growth while OV/RVs equal the volume of plants to be grown. RAPS are instantly added to the plants volume (either increasing the plants sizes or the area over which they grow Character's choice). Plants grown through this Power will remain grown and can later be controlled using Plant Control. Example: A Character with Plant Growth of 30 APs is attempting to use his/her Power on a 20 AP volume forest (the AV/EV is 30/30; the OV/RV is 20/20). If the Character were to roll an 11, s/he would net 15 RAPS, and the forest could grow up to a volume of 35 APs, at the Player's discretion. In addition, a Character with Plant Growth of 15 APs or more can make a special Physical Attack in which s/he causes the microscopic plant life, which resides in the intestines of a living creature to expand, thus damaging the opponent. The Character must decide how many APs of Plant Growth to use in the attack (between one (1) and full APs). This number is used as AV/EVs of the attack, with OV/RVs equaling the Opponents STR/BODY. Alternate(1): Psyberpathy option: This power may be taken in a way that allows a character to cause machines instead of plants to grow. If a character wishes to use the power in both realms he must purchase the power twice Alternate (2): anyone wishing the Plant Trifecta , Plant Control, Speak With Plants and Plant Growth, Can have all 3 Power functions at BC 100 FC 10 . Swamp thing and Poison Ivy both have this power as well.

Poison Fog
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: 2x volume TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 45 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None Identical to the Power: Fog except being in the cloud is Poisonous and considered a conditions attack (see special combat conditions). The AV/EV of the attack is the Aps of the Power. Like Poison Touch the damage from the cloud is persistent. The OV/ RV is Body/Body unless the character has the ability to remove him/her from the cloud. In that case the OV is transit speed (or Power) and the RV is Body. The Area of effect is the 2x APs of power in volume, As with Poison Touch, the Player must pick at creation whether the poison is lethal or not. Leaving an opponent in a lethal cloud is considered killing combat. Anyone caught in the AP (distance in volume) of the outer layer of the poison cloud gets a +2 CS to their RV. Human Skunk of the Aces has this power, as would any Gas grenade device.

Poison Touch
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Touch TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 30 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 1 A Character with this Power is able to generate a caustic nerve agent ( or the similar) that causes damage on contact. The initial attack is made with the user's DEX/APs of Power as AV/EV and the opponent's DEX/BODY as OV/RV. If the opponent sustains RAPs of damage, in successive phases, the opponent is further attacked by the APs of Poison Touch. The AV/EV against the victim's BODY/BODY as the OV/RV is the APs of poison touch. These attacks continue each phase until the character lose consciousness, dies, or the poison fails to do further RAPs of damage. These continuing attacks simulate the spread of the poison through the opponent's body. Alternate: This power may be taken as non fatal but this must be designated at character creation. Poison Ivy has this power as would any stinging insect.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 30 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: B This Power allows a Character to take possession of an opponent's body. A successfully use of the Power takes and can use total control over all of the opponent's Physical Attributes, Powers, and Skills. Use the Possession Power requires an Action Check. The AV/EVs equal to the APs of Power. The OV/RVs equal to the opponent's INT/MIND. RAPS must be greater than or equal to the opponent's MIND for Possession to succeed while possessing an opponent. This may take multiple phases of attack to accomplish, RAPs are cumulative. Ex: Jarrod (Possession: 09) wants to take control of The Walking Dude (Will: 07, Mind: 08). He scores 4 RAPs against The Dude in the first phase while The Dude shoots at him. In the second phase Jarrod scores another 5 RAPs and possesses The Walking Dude. If the Dude had escaped his mind would have recovered as normal. The Possessing Character moves his/her own Mental and Mystical Attributes, Powers, and Skills and all his/her own Skills into the opponent (temporarily replacing the opponent's own). Physical Attributes and Powers of the Possessing Character are not transferred to the opponent. The Possessed character is aware of what is happening to him/her but is completely unable to act. Possession, by default, lasts the APs of time equal to the Possession power. Periodically the possessed character will be able to attempt to break free. S/He receives an attempt in the APs of Possession minus the APs of Will. Ex. 9 AP of Possession Will 07 =02 from the Example above). No more than one attempt every 4 Phases can be made. An attempt can be made on the first phase if the possessed character has a high enough Will. Breaking free of a Possession is resolved as a Special mental attack. The AV/EVs are the possessed characters Int/Wil. The OV/RV are the possessing characters Int/Mind or APs of possession. HPs can be spent as normal. The possessed

character may defer an attempt and wait for the most inopportune moment for the possessing character. EX. during combat or an interview on CNN. If the Possessed character scores 1 or more RAP on effect the possessing character will have a -1 CS on all actions, including initiative for that Phase. If s/he scores full RAPs the possession is broken. Breakout RAPs are cumulative. The Possessed character cannot be communicated with by the possessor unless s/he has Telepathy, Mind Probe or the similar. If an external character attempts to use mental powers to contact the possessed the Possessing character may use his/her mental attributes and powers to attempt to block the effect. While this Possession Power is active, the body of the Possessing character lies in a comatose state and is defenseless. When the Character leaves the opponent, his\her own body immediately reanimates regardless of range. Alternate (1): +1 FC. Body of possessor disappears during use of the power. It reappears within zero APs or the possessed when s/he emerges. Alternate (2): Psyberpathy option: This power may be taken in a way that allows a character to possess machines instead of people. If a character wishes to travel in both realms he must purchase the power twice. Alternate (3): +3 FC. The possessed character is unconscious during the possession and can make no breakout attempts. No communication with the possessed is possible. Alternate (4): +5 BC. A single physical power or attribute is transmitted with the possessor to the new body. This alternate may be taken multiple times. Alternate (5): +1 FC. The possessing character can use the possessed characters mental or mystical powers and skills. This alternate can be taken twice. Alternate (6): +1 FC. breakout RAPs are not cumulative. To break a possession attempt full RAPs must be achieved in a single action. TJ of the Exiles has this power as does the Former Titan Jericho

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: +4 Time/Touch TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to touch an object or character and sense what has happened to them in the past. Such an attempt requires an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Postcognition +4 and OV/RVs equal to how far back (APs of time the Character wishes to probe. RAPS from a Postcognition Check equal the number of Knowledge Points gained by the user. One RAP would be a series of fuzzy impressions. RAPS equal to one-half (1/2) the Check's RV would give a fairly detailed picture. RAPS equal to or greater than the Check's RV would give the Character a mental image as strong and clear as if the character had firsthand observed the event. Traumatic or powerful events can be sensed for longer periods than normally possible, sometimes much longer. Example: A Character with 5 APs of Postcognition wants to know what happened to a bullet two hours ago. The AV/EV would be (5+4) 9/9 while the OV/RV would be 11/11 (two hours in APs). A successful Action Check might reveal that the bullet was loaded into a revolver by a man with scarred hands, darkness was followed by an explosion, and then the bullet impacted with a young person. Postcognition is a measure of the "psychic imprints left on an object; as such, unless the object was handled by someone, no information can be derived from use of this Power. A bullet, which has been sitting in a gun on the dresser for five months, could elicit no information regarding a crime, which occurred in the same room. Dr Manhattan has this power as Does Long Shot.

Power Drain
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 40 FACTOR COST: 9 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 5 This Power allows a Character to absorb the Powers of an opponent. During this time the attacking character has access to some of all of the APs of the defenders powers and the defender does not. Such an attack necessitates an Action Check. The AV/EVs equal to the APs of Power Drain. The OV/RVs are equal to the victims DEX/BODY if the Character is attempting to absorb a Physical Power. The OV/RVs are INT/MIND if the Character is attempting to absorb a Mental Power or INFL/SPIRIT if the Character with a Mystical Power. The Character then receives a number of APs of the opponent's drained Power equal to the RAPS received from the Action Check. An equivalent number of APs are also temporarily subtracted from the opponent's APs of the drained Power. At no point can a character absorb more APs of power than the defender possesses. With the right dice rolls it is possible to drain more APs of a power then the APs possessed of Power Drain. Power Drain cannot be used to drain and Power with a FC 10 or Higher or a BC of 100 or higher. If the character is attempting to Power Drain a power that duplicates the effects of other powers (Ex. Sorcery, Continuum Control, Time Control, etc.) a specific effected ( EX. Energy Blast or temporal singularity can be Drained when the whole power is to high BC or FC. Elements of the cosmetic appearance move from the Drained character to the Draining. In many cases this will be minor Ex. Characters eyes or hair change color. Any power with a form function limitation (Wings, prehensile feet, excessive height or weight) will cause the draining character to take on those gross physical changes.

Any bonuses or limitations applied to the drained power apply to the use of it by the draining character. Ex. Psi-phon drains Omni-mans projectile weapons (usable on living things only) power. Psi-phon will only be able to use it on living things The Character using Power Drain maintains any drained APs for a time equal to the RAPS of the Power Drain Action Check the opponent must regain lost Power APs through normal Recovery. Multi-attacks are possible with this power with normal Multi-attack penalties applying. The villain Parasite and the X-man Rogue both possess this Power. Alternate (1): +1 FC. The Draining character takes on no cosmetic changes from drained targets

Alternate (2): -2 FC. The Draining character must stay within range (APs of Power) of the drained to keep the powers.

Alternate (3): +4 FC. Power Drain affects all the targets Powers at once

Alternate (4): +3 FC the character can drain powers from the dead. All dice rolls are made against the stats that they had when they were alive. There is no FC modifier if the character can only drain the dead. Alternate (5): +5 FC. The Reaper Option. Once an opponents power has been Drained it may become permanent. If the donor character dies before The Drain expires the Draining character keeps the powers at the RAPs earned. These new powers will be contingent on Power Drain. Each time a Power is permanently Drained a bit of the donor characters appearance or mannerisms is grafted onto the Draining character. This Alternate should be restricted to the darkest Genres as it tends to promote fatalities.

Power Reserve (D)

VERSION: 6.13 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 100 FACTOR COST: 10 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 4 Note: Power Reserve is one of the most powerful abilities in the game. By corollary it is the most prone to abuse by the munchkin. Whether you are playing closer to the Easy Way or the Detailed Way the biggest rule with Power reserve is that any time player wants to use it in a way the GM doesnt feel 100% comfortable with the GM should remove the power from the game. This power allows a character to establish a pool of APs s/he can later divide as desired and add directly to specific Attributes and Powers. APs allocated to various Attributes and Powers through Power Reserve can be redistributed by the Character at any time. Doing so in combat is an Automatic Action. Example: A Character with a STR of 8 APs, 8 APs of Force Field, 8 APs of Flight, and 8 APs of Power Reserve could enter battle with a STR of 12 APs, Force Field of 10 APs, and Flight of 10 APs. During the next phase, the Character could use an Automatic Action to place the entire Power Reserve of 16 APs, returning his/her STR and Flight to 8 APs. When Power Reserve is purchased, the Character must specify exactly what Attributes and Powers are eligible for augmentation by the Power Reserve. +1 FC must be added to the Cost of Power Reserve for each eligible Power or Attribute past the second. Detailed Way Power Reserve is an Exception to the Stacker rule. Power Reserve may be added to an AV,EV,OV, or RV Power and still have a Stacked ability Ex. Power Hawks (Dex: 09 Power Reserve: 05 and Force Shield: 04) would have a

maximum OV of (9+5+4=18)18 not (9+ 5+1) 15. In the unusual case that a character is affected by more than one Power reserve in a given phase they stack in a linear, not an AP fashion (Higher AP level of the 2 +1 AP). Detailed Way It is worthy of note that a character can have APs of both standard Power Reserve and the Power Reserve fed by Kinetic Absorption or Energy Absorption. Ex. Maximus has 8 APs of Power Reserve, 4 Fed by Kinetic Absorption. The other 4 would be available all the time. This contingency does NOT require the linear math exception listed above. Detailed Way If a character wishes to apply power reserve to a power with a FC above 10 the Power reserve is less effective. For every one FC above ten a power is the Power augmented is the Power reserve is one AP lower. Ex. Applying a Power reserve of 9 to Continuum Control (FC 12) the Power reserve will only be 7 APs. Alternate (1): BC 50 FC 5.This Power can be purchased with a special Limitation: Must Be Fueled By either Kinetic Absorption or Energy Absorption. This Limitation can only be used if the Character has the Kinetic or Energy Absorption Power with the Power Reserve Alternate. With this Limitation the AP rating of the Power Reserve only represents the maximum RAPs that can be utilized at one time. Without any absorbed energy, the Power Reserve is empty (0 APs). The APs of Kinetic Absorption or Energy Absorption still dictate how much can be absorbed. The Power reserve boost will last time equal to the APs of Power. Ex. Dr Bart (Teleport: 05 Power Reserve: 06 Kinetic Absorption: 08 KA feeds PR.) is being smacked around by Konrad. In the first Phase Bart takes 5 APs of impact. He takes no actual damage as Kinetic Absorption takes it all. His Power Reserve goes to 05 and his teleport can be raised to 10. In the next phase he takes a 7 AP hit. His Kinetic Absorption absorbs it all but his Power Reserve can only take 1 more AP to 06. His teleport goes to 11. Bart teleports away, because if Konrad managed to score 9 APs his Kinetic Absorption would fail and he would be squished flat. The boost will last for 4 min (6 APs) Alternate (2): BC 75 FC 6. Both Kinetic Absorption and Energy Absorption can fuel the Power Reserve.

Alternate (3): Solar Sustenance can feed Power Reserve in a manner identical to of Energy Absorption. Alternate (4): The characters Power reserve can be fed by an exotic circumstance. Gama radiation, Being near mount Fuji, only works at night, etc. are some examples. The Base cost will go as low as 40 and FC as low as 03 depending on how sever the limitation is to the power. The GMs approvals is required.

Lobo of the Legion possesses this Power as do the Vampires of the Buffy-verse.

Power Scrambling
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Touch TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 3 Power Scrambling is the Ability to affect the Super Powers of an opponent. The nature of the malfunction is picked at creation. The AV is as a normal physical attack. The EV is the APs of power Scramble. The APs of the defenders Power are the OV/RV. APs of Drain Resistance apply. It will vary by power affected but it will generally be to the detriment of that power user. If the Scrambling character is aware of the defending characters powerless s/he can pick what power s/he wants to effect. Otherwise the effected power is chosen at random by the GM. Effects of the Power Scramble can be: RAPs of success are subtracted from APs of power in a partial or total burn out. Defender must recover the power normally. If APs of the defending power are achieved in RAPs of Scramble, the defending Power acquires Always On drawback. RAPs of scramble are added to APs of Power. The Power is boosted beyond the defending characters ability to control it and can only be used at maximum APs. Any RAPs of success beyond the natural APs of the power are taken as damage by the defending character (BODY, MIND, or SPIRIT accordingly) If APs of the defending power are achieved in RAPs of Scramble, the defending Power acquires major burnout.

If 1 RAP of Scramble is achieved the defending Power functions at normal range or area. This can lead to some bizarre effects for powers with a range of self. Any offensive power affected this way will subtract the RAPs of Scramble from the AV of the power as it reacts differently than it does normally.

If APs of the defending power are achieved in RAPs of Scramble The Power skitters up or down scale (electrical power becomes microwaves, Telepathy becomes Speak with Animals, Warp becomes Time Travel etc.) in a fashion picked by the GM

If 1 RAP of Scramble is achieved the defending Power, the Power becomes area effect. If it is already area effect it becomes touch range.

RAPs of Power Scrambling are subtracted from Resistance or defensive power. If the power reaches zero, it functions in reverse (Cold immunity becomes Cold vulnerability). Body, Mind or Spirit be affected this way.

If APs of the defending power are achieved in RAPs of Scramble, the Power Backfires. (Energy Absorption becomes Energy Projection with a range of self, Fly becomes Joined, and Telepathy becomes Mind Blank etc.)

The power will remain scrambled for the amount of time equal to the RAPs of success. Any additional Power Scrambling attempts before the first has expired will only serve to lengthen the time of the first effect. Power Scrambling can be used to scramble additional powers of an effected character. Alternate (1): FC -2. The power has a random scramble effect as determined by the GM. The character cannot control or predict which effect. Alternate (2): FC-1. The effect will be random as above by the character can predict the effect before the action. Alternate (3): FC +2. The Character can use any of the effects of scramble in a selected manner.

Precognition (D)
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Time TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 75 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to view the future. AV/EVs to such an attempt are equal to the APs of Precognition while OV/RVs are equal to how far into the future (APs of time) the Character is trying to see. RAPS from a Precognition attempt equal the number of Knowledge Points earned. Example: A Character with 7 APs of Precognition tries to see what will occur to him/her in one hour (10 APs). The AV/EV is equal to 7/7, while the OV/RV is equal to 10/10. A Character may only use the Precognition Power to learn what will happen to him/her self or another living being. Images perceived will represent images of the most likely possible future. The images will be of the most important event in which the appropriate Character will be involved during the time period probed. Clarity of the vision is determined by the number of Knowledge Points (RAPS) earned on the attempt: 1 RAP reveals an extremely fuzzy representation. 1/2 RV in RAPS gives a fairly detailed picture, yet one which still may be difficult to interpret. Full RV RAPS means the Character receives a crystal clear vision of future events. Events which are perceived through Precognition represent a likely version of the future but one that is by no means absolute. Exact details could resolve quite differently. When you look at the future it changes. Because you looked.

Probability Control (D)

RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 100 FACTOR COST: 9 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows control over the force of chance itself. It is similar to an ultra-powerful version of Karman Manipulation. Probability Control may be used to control the probability an event occurring (Ex. drawing a Royal Flush, or all the traffic lights being green). If Probability Control is used on a character it is considered a mystical attack. APs of Probability Control vs. Influence and Spirit. RAPs resulting from this are taken as APs of a physical attack from random surrounding events (see table below). Power lines will fall or cars will crash into the character. In extreme cases gas lines can rupture or meteors can fall from the sky. Probability Control can be used as identical to Karma Manipulation but as a dice action. Probability Control can be used to effect non-character actions like the lay of cards or the chance of a device failing. The difficulty of achieving a random effect will be variable based on difficulty using the Universal Modifier Table. The Hellion Tarot had this power as does the part time Justice Leaguer Major Disaster. Alternate (1): +1 FC. Probability control can emulate Karma Manipulation as an automatic action

Alternate (2): +3 FC. Selective area effect. The power can be used to selectively cause some things to have events manipulated an area effected and others not without a multi-attack penalty, Ex. Some guns fail to fire and others to fire normally in an area surrounding the character. Rain only falls around the path the character is walking on. An underground steam line erupts hitting only the foes in a mixed group, etc. Influenced Event Coin Toss manipulated, Lighter Lost Vending Machine acts without being paid, Dice manipulated, Keys lost OV/RV 2/2 4/4

Firearm misfires, 5 card poker hand manipulated, Lost plane tickets. Spontaneous rainbow. Cause earthquakes 6/6 in an earthquake zone. Spontaneous flat tire, slot machine manipulated, 7 card poker hand manipulated, cause or stop rain. Construction accident or failure of phone system, Slots Jackpot Military grade weapons system (Tanks and planes) fails. Cause rain in the desert. Spontaneous thunderstorm. Reliability failure for a R#0 Gadget/Object. Cause an earthquake In a non earthquake zone. Failure of a multi-redundant system (passenger aircraft, city water supply etc.) 8/8 10/10 12/12 14/14 16/16

Projectile Weapons
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to fire projectiles from his/her own body at an opponent or target. Some options of for projectile weapons are: Quills from a porcupine like character Bullets from onboard guns, either single projectile or auto fire. Blasts of Ice, sand or hard light that do impact damage and not energy damage

The AV/EVs of an attack using Projectile Weapons equal the APs of Power while OV/RVs equal the opponent's DEX/BODY. Depending on the application the character may want to consider Anatomical division Shrapnel has this Power as does the War Machine armor.

Protection Circle
VERSION : 6.0 RANGE: Volume TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to create a field arcane energy to protect his or her body. The APs of Power are added to the Character's RV against Mystical Attack. A Protection circle is spherical in form and is centered on the Character of origin. A field of shelter may be generated at the same APs of volume as the Power's APs and protects all Characters within the field's volume. No Mystical Attacks with exterior targets can be made from within the field. Protection Circle is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. Alternate: -2 FC. Field Protects Power User Only Alternate: +2 FC. Mystic Attacks can be made from within the field. Manatu of the Justice League has this power as does Jason Blood.

Psychic Blade
RANGE: 0 APs Distance Version 6.0 TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 2 A Psychic blade is a mental attack given apparent physical form. When a player picks Psychic Blade as a power s/he must decide on a melee weapon manifestation (katana, brass knuckles, whip, mace etc) for the Psychic Blade. When the power is used a ghostly weapon will appear in the users hands. It cannot be parried or blocked (see combat circumstances) and is useless for blocking as it is a psychic manifestation. The AV of the attack is a standard physical attack. The EV will be against the targets Mind. The OV is Physical but the RV is Mental. Ex. Mobius swings his Psychic chain (Weaponry: 09, Psychic blade: 08) at Kat (Dex: 10, Mind 06). Kat would be try to dodge the blade physically (Mobius would need to roll an 11 to hit) but any damage would be to her Mind (EV 08 RV: 02) or 3 APs of damage on a roll of 11. If the power user looses consciousness or is disarmed the Psychic Blade disappears. Alternate(1): +5 BC. The Psychic Blade can take the form of any Melee Weapon on demand. Alternate (2): +10 BC. The Psychic Blade can be formed as Bows, Crossbows or the like. It can also be used as a thrown weapon to the limits of the users normal combat skills. Psylock of the X-men has had two versions of this power as does Mobius.

Psychic Bubble (D)

VERSION : 6.2 RANGE: Special TYPE: A/D BASE COST: 125 FACTOR COST: 10 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None This power allows a character to create a mass hallucination in which whatever they envision the world to be becomes believable as true. Anyone entering the area is automatically attacked by the Mental Illusion. The Power user must stay within the power area to maintain the affect. The area of effect is dependent on the number of powers used. In its most basic function the Psychic Bubble is an area equal to the APs of power in distance in diameter (Ex. 10 APs of Psychic bubble will yield a 1 mile across sphere.) At this level it is identical to the use of the Mental Illusion power with no multi-attack penalties. The Psychic Bubble power can also be used to have additional Mental effects. This Power can mimic Telepathy with the data transfer and Memory Alteration Bonus, Mind Probe and Mind Blast Power. For every AP of power used for a secondary effect 1 AP of power is lost from the potency of the illusion as well as the range. Ex. Xavier, Psychic Bubble: 14 has created an illusionary world 16 miles (14 APs) across. He uses 6 APs mind Probe to extract data from one of the characters in his Bubble. The area of the Mental Illusion will drop to of a mile until he relinquishes the extra power. The character can use this power at zero APs of Mental Illusion (10 feet) and use the full APs of Psychic Bubble as an extremely short range instance of one of the listed Mental Powers

Psychic Cleansing
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: 0 APs Distance TYPE: DICE BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to remove a person from the effects of Mind Control or Possession (i.e., Control, Hypnosis, and the possession Powers), or restore memories. The Character must make an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Psychic Cleansing against OV/RVs equal to RAPs from the original control or possession Action Check. Positive RAPS indicate success, with the target no longer affected by the Mind Control or Possession Power. Alternate: Psyberpathy option: This power may be taken in a way that allows the character to cleanse machines rather than people. If a character wishes to affect people and machines he must purchase the power twice Professor X has this power as does the Soul Sword of Magik.

Psychic Vampirism
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to drain Mind APs from his/her Opponent and add those APs to his/ her own MIND. Use of Psychic Vampirism is treated as a Mental Attack with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Power and OV/RVs equal to the opponent's INT/MIND. RAPS are subtracted from the opponent's MIND and added to the attacker's MIND. Results of a Psychic Vampirism are treated as normal mental damage (the victim's Current MIND Condition must be recovered normally). A Character may never use this Power to increase his/her own MIND higher 50% higher than its normal AP level. The Demons of the Dark Baptism (Justice League) had this power.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: None Pyrotechnics is the Power to use one's mind to accelerate a target's molecular motion. If the Power user so desires the heat can be raised until the target becomes uncomfortably hot, or bursts into flames. If used in combat Pyrotechnics is resolved as a normal physical attack. Jubilee of the X-men had this power early in her career as would many devices such as flares and fireworks

Radar Sense
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None Power allows a Character to emit radar waves and "see objects and persons in the vicinity as detailed outlines. When in use, Radar Sense will automatically be detected by Characters with 3 APs or more of Super Hearing. A Character with Radar Sense projects a radar beam in the direction s/he is facing. Any object greater than inch in size located along this beam (and within Normal Range) is automatically distinguished by the Character (even if the area is darkened, the object is invisible, etc.). Radar Sense may be jammed electronically. OV/RVs to such an attempt are equal to the Character's APs of Radar Sense. Many vehicles have this power including the X-mens Jet. Daredevil has this power (although it is often referred to as Sonar).

Radio Communication
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: +5 Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 3 This Power allows communication over radio waves. A Character with this Power can receive any radio signal and transmit to any radio (or Character with this Power) within Range. Locating a specific frequency requires an Action Check using INT as the AV and the APs of Radio Communication as the EV against OV/RVs determined by the GM (using the Universal Modifier Table).The OV/RV to locate a Scrambled signal is equal to its APs, modified by the GM if necessary. Alternate (1): +1 FC. Encrypted. Any attempt to intercept communications is +5 to OV\RV Alternate (2): +1 FC. Video and data can be transmitted along with voice Alternate (3): +1 FC. The character can attach to satellite and cell networks when available. Effectively this makes the range world wide Many devices including the Steels People armors have this power

Reality Bubble (D)

VERSION : 6.2 RANGE: Special TYPE: A/D BASE COST: 150 FACTOR COST: 11 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None This power allows a character to create a wish fulfillment area in which whatever they envision the world to be becomes true. The Power user literally creates an area where their will dictates reality. Anyone entering the area is automatically attacked by the Illusion The Power user must stay within the power area to maintain the affect. The area of effect is dependent on the number of powers used. In its most basic function the Reality Bubble is an area equal to the APs of power in distance in diameter (Ex. 10 APs of Reality bubble will yield a 1 mile across sphere.) At this level it is identical to the use of the Illusion power with no multi-attack penalties. The Reality Bubble power can also be used to have a more tangible physical effect. This Power can mimic Flesh Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, or Matter Manipulation within the area of the Power. For every AP of power used for a secondary effect 1 AP of power is lost from the potency of the Illusion as well as the range. Ex. Legion, Reality Bubble: 12 has created an illusionary world 4 miles (12 APs) across. He is attacked by a 4 AP Energy Blast and uses 4 APs of Energy Control to counter it. The area of the illusion will drop to of a mile until he relinquishes the extra power. The character can use this power at zero APs of illusion (10 feet) and use the full APs of Reality Bubble as an extremely short range instance of one of the three manipulation powers.

VERSION: 6.121 RANGE: Self\Information TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to mentally retain and access vast amounts of Information (i.e. s/he has a photographic memory). It can also represent computer storage. The amount of information which can be retained is equal to the Character's APs of Recall. A Character with Recall of 6 APs, for example, would recall every word of every conversation, sights, sounds and smells. A person with 8 APs of recall would have a full internal video of every experience. Data storage beyond 8 APs are beyond the human sensoriums ability to obtain. Truly vast amounts of data represent things like Googles server farm, the library of Congress, or the SETI data base. In fiction we often see super computers with mega data recall capacity. Data storage interfaces APs of information 5 APs (1 Gb) 6 APs (5 Gb) 8 APs (1 Tb) 10 APs (100 Tb) 11 APs (1Pb) 12 APs (10 Pb) 15 APs (1 Eb) 20 APs (1 Yb) interestingly with a number of other mental powers. If the character has the telepathic ability to send video s/he can mentally replay the stored data Example 1 hour standard definition TV. 115 min CD quality music Person with total recall. DVR disk Person with Photographic memory. 2000 hours of CD music 40 years of Hubble telescope observation. 1/3 of Library of Congress Storage capacity of the human brain Human brain capacity. BBC monthly data output 10 days of total internet transactions. 50,000 Bluray disks Total volume of the Internet

with perfect clarity. Both Illusion and mental Illusion allow the character to display data in the given formats. Radio Communication and Energy Control allow the broadcast of stored data. Data can be obtained in all the ways it can be distributed. Recall and Telepathy can be used as a psychic phone tap. Super Hearing or Radio Communication can record electronics signals. Even tactile data can be relayed by powers like telepathy and Metal Manipulation. Oracle, Batmans ally, has this power as does the JLA villain Brainiac

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 40 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 3 This Power allows a Character to deflect incoming physical attacks (excluding any normal hand-to-hand combat blows). It can be used in two major ways: Deflection: A special action check is made with Reflection/Deflection substituted for RV against normal physical attacks. Multi-attack penalties apply as normal. Incoming attacks not scoring positive RAPs are deflected away

harmlessly. Any RAPs that do succeed subject to a normal Dex/Body action check as a new attack. Reflection: The Character has the option of attempting to reflect an attack toward the original attacker or another selected target. First, a normal action resolution is made against the character. The AV/EVs are that of the incoming attack. The OV/RVs are the APs of Reflection/Deflection. If zero RAPs are scored then the attack is reflected back at the attacker. On a Trick Shot the attack can be reflected back to any target in range. The AV of this special attack is the APs of Reflection Deflection. The EV of this attack at its original APs of power. If the attack scores positive RAPs then the reflection has failed, resolve as a normal physical attack Alternate (1): This Power may be purchased with a special Factor Cost Limitation: Power Limited to Deflection only or reflection only (-1 FC). Alternate: (2):+2 FC. Reflection deflection can be used against normal Hand to hand attacks Alternate (3): +2 FC. The character can use both Reflection and Deflection in the same phase Nimrod the Sentinel has this power as does the Blob.

VERSION: 6.12 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to accelerate his or her own natural recuperative powers, enabling him/her to regenerate Current BODY, MIND, or SPIRIT Conditions at an exceptional rate. The Character's APs of Regeneration are added to the APs of time spent Recovering, (see the Rules section), meaning that the Character can make Recovery Checks with increased frequency and thus heal more quickly. A Character with 8 APs of Regeneration can make a Bashing Recovery Check each 2 min combat (doing so counts as a Dice Action). A Character with 11 APs of Recovery can make two Bashing Recovery Checks each phase, one with 12 APs can make three Checks, etc. Attempting multiple Recovery Checks during one phase counts as a single Dice Action regardless of how many Checks are made. By the same logic a character with 15 APs of regeneration can make a killing combat check every phase A Character with Regeneration need not be conscious to utilize this Power. Alternate (1): +1 FC. Regeneration can heal any damage that is not outright fatal. Limbs and organs will be regrown over time. The exact amount of time will be variable depending on the extent of tissue needing to be regenerated 1 year (25 APs) Minus APs of Power will regenerate any loss of tissue. Ex. Regeneration of 9 will allow for a severed arm to be completely regenerated in 16 APs (2 Days) of time. No injury will so much as leave a scar. Alternate (2): 1 FC bodily integrity not required. The character can, for each AP of regeneration, have the body separated one time (Ex. With a Regeneration of 5 the character could be separated into 6 pieces). A character with this

Regeneration bonus could pick up their own severed head and place it back on his shoulders. If the body parts are separated they will require 1 phase per AP of distance they need to cover to rejoin. The parts will always have a directional sense to all other severed parts. Alternate (3): -2 FC. Regeneration only heals Mental, Mystical or Physical damage. -1 FC if it heals 2 out of 3 damage types.

Remote Sensing
VERSION: 6.12 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to use normal senses (sight, hearing, touch, and taste, smell) to observe an area from afar. Such a Character may choose any specific location within normal range to remotely sense, receiving sensory input just as if s/he were actually at that location. Remote sensing does not automatically give the character the ability to find what they want to see. The OV/RV of a place or unmoving object is 02 The OV/RV of a person or moving object is 05 APs of Invisibility, Stealth skill, Stealth Field ( with the applicable Bonus) add to OV/RV If Remote sensing is mystically linked APs of Obscure add to OV/RV The GM may assign an OV/RV to particularly difficult to find or well hidden object.

Each new observation attempt requires a new roll to acquire the target The maximum amount of total time (in APs) that Remote Sensing may be used to observe an area equals the Character's APs of Remote Sensing minus the APs of distance over which The Character is using the Power.

Example: Hector Hammond has Remote Sensing of 45 APs. The Range of his Power, therefore, is equal to 45 APs of distance. If Hammond were in prison on Earth, he could observe what was occurring on Saturn (39 APs away). Hammond could then see, hear, and smell everything that happened on Saturn for four minutes (6 APs of time) as if he were actually present. Similarly, Hammond could observe the events in the cell next to his (1 AP away) for 2,097,152 years. Alternate (1): +2 FC. Super senses can be used via remote senses. Alternate (2): +10 BC. If a character has both Remote Sensing and Dimension Travel then s/he can use it to view other dimensions as well as remote locations. The APs of Dimension travel are added to the APs of distance to determine how long the vision will last. Ex. Marcus (Remote Sensing: 09; Dimension Travel: 03) wants to view something in dimension 5 APs travel distance away. He will be able to View that location for 7 APs of time. Alternate (3): -1 FC. The character must send some part of himself as a probe to use the power. This may represent a robot extension, the separating of an eye and leaving it to spy for you, or an earth creature leaving a section of his body that reports back. The probes have no motive power of their own. Powers can be bought for the remote sensor ( Flight, Invisibility, running, etc) at BC and -1 FC. Alternate (4): -3 FC. As with Alternate (3) but the sensory powers (sight, sound, etc.) cannot be used by the character from their own body while the remote sensor is deployed Aside from Hector, Psylock has this power.

Version 6.0 RANGE: 1 AP Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 30 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 1 Use of the Restoration Power allows a character to restore the powers of others that have been Neutralized, Power Drained, or the similar. The APs of restoration are used as the AV/EV of the action Check. The OV is the APs of power that need to be repaired. The RV is the APs of the power causing the Neutralization. Ex. Psimon has had his Electro-telepathy reduced from 12 to 4 by Xerox using Power Drain on him. Xerox has 11 APs of Power Drain. The White Mystic, 9 APs of Restoration, attempts to restore him. The AV/EVs are9/9. The OV is 8 (the RAPs of power reduced). The RV is 11(the APs of Xerox Power Drain). Any RAPs scored are restored to Psimons Electro Telepathy. As in the above example, when Power Drain is restored the Power Draining character looses the drained power at the time of restoration. Alternate: +2 FC. Restoration can be used to offset loss vulnerability. Ex. A vampire during the day or the effects of green Kryptonite on a Kryptonian, The power will not offset a fatal vulnerability attached to these circumstances, just the power loss associated with it. The Restored Character needs to stay within the range of the character using the Restore power for the effect to remain active. Use of the power in this way requires a dice action to activate and an automatic action each phase to maintain.

RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 3 This Power allows a Character to move across level ground (and/or other surfaces that are normally traversable by the Character) at extreme speeds. The distance per phase that a Character who possesses Running can move is equal to his/her APs of the Power. Alternate (1): Running can be taken at the same costs and conditions but usable in the water, and not on land, as a Swimming power. Alternate (2): +1 FC. A character can suppress the environmental effects of their motion regardless of genre. (See combat rules) Any pushing or enhancing of the power will cause atmospheric effects for the APs above normal. Alternate (3): +2 FC. The character has full control of the environmental effects and can turn them on and off at will. Aquaman has the power variation (Swimming). Proudstar and Wonder Woman have the running power

Sealed Systems
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to sustain him or herself in any style atmosphere or environment, even those in which the Character could not normally survive. Sealed Systems lasts for a length of time in APs equal to the Character's APs of the Power +5. Beyond this time, the, Power fails and must be Recovered normally (see the Rules section). In addition, a Character with Sealed Systems can add the APs of Power to his/her RV against gas or radiation attacks. Alternate (1): -2 FC Power Ineffective against Gas/Radiation Attacks. Superman has this power as does Firestorm.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 9 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to shape his/her own body into that of any object s/he desires. The Character must divide his/ her APs of Self Manipulation (as desired) between the Physical Attributes and Powers of any objects assumed. However, any object formed retains the using Character's BODY and damage done to the object is sustained by the Character. Example: Plastic Man (Self Manipulation of 9 APs) can turn himself into a boat or car that possesses a STR of 4 APs and a Speed of 5 APs (the Swimming or Running Powers). With enough APs of power he could give it lights, (flash) a radio (Radio communication) or a parachute (Gliding) Similarly, he could assume the form of a spring with a STR of 4 APs and also possessed of 5 APs of the Jumping Power. The volume of any object assumed trough the use of Self Manipulation cannot exceed the Character's APs of Power. Self manipulation allows a character to launch projectiles. S/he can form guns to shoot, but needs the bullets to do so. The APs of Self Manipulation devoted to the gun function must be at least equal to the APs of attack. Explosive payload need not be factored in. The character can also launch objects as projectiles by forming slingshots, catapults or giant arms. This is considered a throw attack with the APs of self manipulation substituting for attributes. A character that has both Self Manipulation and Stretching can use the Omni-arm bonuses (see stretching).

Alternate (1): -2 FC. The character has a form function limitation. Any powers gained must be explicit in the form taken. Ex. He cannot move without spawning wings, feet, wheels or the similar. Turning into a car does not give FM radio, jets or rockets cannot be formed as there is no fuel to burn unless he picks up fuel and burns it. As mentioned Plastic Man has this power as does Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four.

Sensory Block
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to totally obstruct the senses of an opposing Character. Such an attempt requires an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Sensory Block and OV/RVs equal to the opponent's INT/MIND. If RAPs exceed the opponent's MIND, his/her senses will be completely blocked for an amount of time (in APs) equal to me RAPs earned (or until the using Character either falls unconscious, voluntarily releases the opponent, or moves out of Range). A Character with blocked senses has the OV/RV of any Action Check he/she attempts increased by the RAPs earned by the Sensory Block attack. In addition, such a Character suffers a -2 Column Shift modifier to his/her OV against Physical Attacks. Note: APs of Shielded Senses do not affect this power unless they are psychically linked as it is a mental attack that affects the ability to use the senses instead of the senses themselves. Mental Defenses powers apply to sensory block as to any other mental attack. Alternate (1): -2 FC. Power only blocks one particular sense. Alternate (2): Psyberpathy option: The character can affect the sensory inputs (microphones, cameras, seismic monitors, radiation detectors etc) instead of those of biological creatures. The Ultimate version or Sue Storm has this power as does Sensor Girl of the Legion

Sensory Overload
RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 1 A character with Sensory Overload can emit loud noises, bright lights, or release noxious chemicals in an attempt to overload an opponents senses. (Note: to overload sight the function is identical to the power: Flash). Only one sense can be assaulted per phase. Any attempts against smell or taste will affect both, The AV/ EVs of a Sensory Overload Power are the AV/EV of the attack. The OV/RV is Body/Body. APs of guarded senses add to the OV/RV. RAPs are removed from any Perception Check made by the effected character for duration equal to the APs of power. Any positive APs cause the effected character to lose 1 CS from all AVs and initiative until the effect passes. Success RAPs equal to the APs of any AV will cause the power to fail EX: Blast man (Sensory Overload: 07 attacks Beast-guy (DEX: 06 Body: 05) by overloading is sense of touch. If he scores 1 RAP against Beastguy all his AVs are dropped by 1 CS. If Blast Man can score 6 RAPs Beast guy will be unable to act until the power wears off or he can make a recovery against the failed powers. Alternate: -2 FC. The character can only overload one specific sense Effects of multiple sensory attacks (against more than one sense) are cumulative. This power is most often seen in flash and bang grenades, Speedball had this power as well.

Shadow Claw
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: 0 APs Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 2 A Shadow Claw is a Mystic attack given apparent physical form. When a player picks Shadow Claw as a power s/he must decide on a melee weapon manifestation (katana, brass knuckles, whip, mace etc) for the Shadow Claw. When the power is used a ghostly weapon will appear in the users hands. It cannot be parried or blocked (see combat circumstances) and is useless for blocking as it is a magic manifestation. The AV of the attack is a standard physical attack. The EV will be against the targets Spirit. The OV is Physical but the RV is Mystic. Ex. Wraith swings his mystic rapier (Weaponry: 09, Shadow Claw: 08) at Kat (Dex: 10, Spirit 06). Kat would be try to dodge the blade physically (Mobius would need to roll an 11 to hit) but any damage would be to her Spirit (EV 08 RV: 02) or 3 APs of damage on a roll of 11. If the power user looses consciousness or is disarmed the Shadow Claw disappears. Alternate (1): +5 BC. The Shadow Claw can take the form of any Melee Weapon on demand. Alternate (2): +10 BC. The Shadow Claw can be formed as Bows, Crossbows or the like. It can also be used as a thrown weapon to the limits of the users normal combat skills. Wraith of the New Inheritors has this power as does Magik of the Mew Mutants

Shadow Cloak
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: 1 AP Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 75 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 3 Shadow cloak is a mystical void that forms around the characters body that links with inter-dimensional space. A Shadow Cloak forms around the user and covers much of his/her body. The manifestation is most ordinarily like the opening of a full length coat like Cloak of Cloak and Dagger fame, or Raven of the Titans. It could just as easily be a surrealistically large mouth, or a magical hat that can swallow a bus. The character can use the Shadow Cloak as an attack in a kind of sweeping into the void. The shadow space is empty save the ground that is under foot. The AV is the characters Dex and the EV the APs of Shadow Cloak. OV/RV are Dex/Str. Full APs mean the target passes within the aperture of the Shadow Cloak disappears into the endless space beyond. Partial RAPs result in a partial swallow where the opposing character is partial in this world and can attempt to wrestle free. Consider a grapple with the APs of shadow cloak as the STR of the opponent. Multiple swallow attempts will result in cumulative RAPs against The opponents Str until s/he is swallowed or breaks free. The Shadow Cloak can be used defensively by whisking attacks away. APs of Power are added to the OV of the character possessing it. This portion of Shadow Cloak is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations.

Anyone trapped inside the shadow space inside the cloak cannot re-enter the real world unless they have a dimension travel power or they wait for the cloak to reopen. APs of Shadow Cloak are the OV/RV of any dimension travel attempt. Leaving an opponent inside the cloak for more than 48 hours is considered killing combat. Anyone attempting to leave the cloak may stand and wait for it to reopen. The must roll DEX/DEX or motion power (ex. flight) against the APs of Shadow Cloak. Positive RAPs indicate the trapped character has escaped. Escape Artist skill may be used as well. Alternate (1): +1 FC. Shadow Cloak used with The Advantage: Dupe will cause enemies to fall into the Cloak Alternate (2): +1 FC. The edge of the Shadow Cloak is not material and can be used as a guillotine Warp (see Warp) Alternate (3): Powers operate on things in the void. Powers that operate on people or things inside the inter-dimensional void can be had at a -1 FC (only usable inside the void) possibly an additional -1 FC with the always on mod: always on. Effect powers will need to be area effect (+1 FC if it is not area effect already) Ex. One: Vampirism (FC: 08). -1 FC (07) for usable inside the Cloak only, would need a +2 Factor cost (09) to go from touch to area effect. For a -1 FC (08) it would be always on. By doing this anyone or anything inside the Shadow cloak is subject to vampirism. The Possessing character is healed and augmented by trapping foes on the inside. Ex. Two: Poison Fog (FC: 07) can be used so simulate a conditions attack of a hostile environment on the inside (-1 FC for usable inside the Cloak only) for FC 6. It can be had for FC 05 if it is always on. Cloak of Cloak and Dagger has this power as does Bigmouth.

Shadow Form
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 75 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 3 This Power allows a Character to move along the surface of objects as a Shadow. While using the power if the character is observed he will look like a Shadow cast by nothing. While a Character is using Shadow Form the Character is immune to most forms of physical attack. H/she can be physically attacked by another Shadow Formed character, or a Trans-dimensional attack. The Character will take full damage from any visible light (Lasers, Flash etc.) attacks. The character can move in Shadow Form at whatever speed they can in normal form. A Character using this Power is invisible when viewed from the side. The APs of Shadow Form are subtracted from the RAPs of any perception check used to find the character. This power can be combined with the advantage Shadow Self. It can also be combined with the Power Shadow Hop. The Shadow Thief and Obsidian have this Power. Alternate (1): BC 25. No physical attacks can be made while in Shadow Form Alternate (2): +2 FC. The character is not affected by light powers while in Shadow Form. Alternate (3): +1 FC. The character can travel across walls and ceilings in Shadow Form without concern for gravity.

Shadow Hop
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 3 This Power allows a Character to instantaneously travel from one darkened spot to another. Only a trace of shadow moving from darkness to darkness is seen. The APs of power are the distance of lighted space that the character can cross between shadows. There must be some form of darkness for this power to be used. The character cannot use their own shadow for this. The character can travel into a shadow that is too small to normally conceal his body. Ex. The Jack of Shadows wants to spy on a conference room. He Shadow Hops and hides under the projector on the table. The character is considered to have the equivalent APs of shrinking to determine how small of a spot s/he can hide in. A Character using this Power very hard to see. The APs of Shadow Hop are subtracted from the RAPs of any perception check used to find the character. light is shined on the Shadow Hopping Character s/he is restored to human form and size on the spot. The character cannot involuntarily transport another character this way. Alternate (1): +1 FC. The character can use the Shadow Hop power as either an OV to normal physical attack, If used this way it can be used no other way that phase. Alternate (2): This power can be combined with Shadow Form for the Prince of Night Variant. A character possessing both powers can travel the darkened parts of the world (night side) or underground in lightless areas at APs of speed of If a

Shadow Hop. S/he is formless. Sighting him is as nearly impossible. APs of Shadow Hop power are considered APs of invisibility. A character with 21 APs of Shadow Form could be literally anywhere on the night side of the world at any time. A bright light will not force the character out of Shadow Hopping. dimensional attacks work as normal. Alternate (3): +2 FC. Shadow fusillade: the character can micro-transport multiple times in a phase. All of these small transits are within the same room or area (3 APs max). The characters attacking this way can multi-attack at a +2 CS to AV due to being everywhere at once. S/he can use Int/Shadow hop as an AV/EV of a surprise attempt. If the character is located light based or trans-

Shape Change
Version 6.13 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 5 This Power allows a Character to alter his/her Shape into that of an animal. The Character automatically gains the animal's Attributes, Powers, Skills, and natural attack forms while also maintaining all of his/her own Powers and Skills. The BODY of the animal form assumed cannot exceed the Character's APs of Shape Change. For animal statistics, see the Animals index. In addition to assuming animal form, the Character may add the APs of Shape Change to any of the animal's Attributes, Powers, or Skills. The character can divide the APs of Power between several different Attributes, Powers, and Skills, as desired. No Power skill or attribute of the animal can be raised above the APs of Shape Change power. This limit does not affect an animals powers that are already above the animals Body (Ex. a scorpions poison touch). Example: Beast Boy of the Titans has Shape Change of 10 APs If he becomes a gorilla Changeling could add 3 APs to the Gorilla's DEX (doubling it to 6) and 5 STR to the gorilla's STR doubling it to 10). A Character with this Power can automatically assume a new animal form (and thus new statistics) each phase, if desired. Any damage taken by one animal form is carried over to any other forms assumed, including reversion to the Character's original form. Alternate (1): -10 BC -2 FC 05. The user can only change into a single alternate form.

Alternate (2): -1 FC. The character can only turn into a single class of creature (Ex: Fish, Cats, lizards, Birds, etc.) Alternate (3): +15 BC +1 FC. The character can turn into Mythical and unknown creatures (Flying horses, Mermaids, dragons etc. see source book) Alternate (4): +15 BC. The character can ONLY turn into mythical creatures. Alternate (5): +1 FC. If, in changed form, the character takes enough damage to be knocked unconscious or killed they revert to human form. Any RAPs of damage beyond zero are taken as Mind damage. Beast Boy of the New Titans has this power as did the New Mutant Warlock.

Sharpness (D)
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 4 Description: Sharpness enhances one of a Characters Physical Powers be able to shear through armor. The APs of Sharpness are subtracted from the RV of any Attacks made with the enhanced Power. Ex. attacking a target with a Physical RV of 14 with Claws enhanced by Sharpness 5 leaves the target with an RV of 9. The Power with which Sharpness can be used must be specified at the time that Sharpness is purchased. Sharpness cannot reduce the RV provided by Force Field or Force Shield, nor can it reduce the final RV of any Attack to less than 0APs Alternate (1): +25 BC: Sharpness may reduce the RV provided by of Force Fields, Force Shields or other energy barriers. Alternate (2): +25 BC: Sharpness may reduce the RV whenever the Character makes a striking Attack using STR or Martial Artist as EV. Alternate (3): Mental: Sharpness enhances a Mental Power instead of a Physical one Alternate (4): Mystic Sharpness enhances a Mystical Power instead of a Physical one.

Wolverines claws and the force planes of Justice have this power.

VERSON: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to decrease his/her size. For each AP of Shrinking that such a Character engages, one AP is added to the Character's OV against Physical Attacks. A Characters attributes, including Str and Body are not altered by the use of Shrinking. Ex. Micro-guy (Shrinking 08 Str 06) reduces himself to the size of a mouse. He still has a 6 Str and will be strong enough to lift 1.5 tons while his tiny size. A Character with Shrinking will be hard to notice in certain situations, depending on the Character's size. If a Perception Check is made to notice a shrunk Character, the APs of Power, which the Character has engaged, serve as the OV/RV to the Perception attempt. The APs of Shrinking reduce the Character in size as detailed on the following chart: The Atom has this power as does Hank Pym. Alternate (1): FC: 02. The characters Body and Str are decreased by APs of Power. Strength can become fractional (See negative APs). Body will not Drop below 01 Alternate (2): +1 FC. The character can shrink down sizes as an OV to physical attacks. The OV is the APs of Shrinking. 25 32 Virus Atom 8 12 Mouse Insect APs 2 5 Size Small Human Cat

Skin Armor
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to add his/her APs of Skin Armor to the RV (BODY) against those Physical Attacks that cause injury through force or impact. Possession of this Power makes a Character extremely resistant to these forms of Physical damage. However, Skin Armor has no effect against Physical Attacks such as gas or radiation. Skin Armor is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. The Hulk has this power as does Iron Man.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 3 This Power allows a Character to put an opponent into a deep sleep. The interaction is a standard Mental Attack. Positive RAPs indicate that the opponent falls asleep (Dex 0). The APs of the Sleep Power are the maximum number of phases that the deep sleep lasts. At the end of this time the character awakens. A sleeping opponent may attempt to wake himself through an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to his Int/Wil against RAPs of the Sleep Attack. If cumulative RAPs from this Action Check equal or exceed RAPs from the Sleep Attack, the opponent wakes up. A sleeping Character may also be awakened if he takes 1 or more RAPs of damage.

Alternate: (1) Mystic Power. This power can be taken as a Mystical Power. All the interaction values (AV, EV, OV, and RV) move to Mystical from Mental. Alternate(2): Psyberpathy option: The character can cause machines to go into sleep mode instead of people

Alternate (3): +3 FC. Breakout RAPs are not cumulative. To break Sleep attempt the full RAPs must be achieved in a single action.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to entangle a target in rope-like bonds. Once snared they can be crushed. To Snare a target, a Character makes an Action Check using the APs of Power as the AV/EV. Positive RAPs indicate that the target has been caught in the Snare and has his Dex and Initiative reduced by the RAPs of the Snare Attack until he can break free. If the attack is successful the RAPs are subtracted from both the target's Dex (and Initiative) and his movement speed. Once Snared a target can be crushed. The snaring appendages can be wrapped around the target neck or the similar. The RAPs of snare are taken as damage. A character can be either restricted or snared in a give phase. If a crush attack is used immediately then the targeted character does not have their OV reduced. If the target character is snared in one phase and crushed in the next then the OV is reduced by the APs of the entangling attack. Under certain genres this Attack is considered Killing combat. Characters immune to strangulation (They don't breath, have Life Support Advantage, No Vital Areas Advantage, or Sealed Systems Power) are not affected by the strangulation attack.

In order to break free of a Snare attack, the snared Character must make a successful Action Check (i.e., gain one or more RAPs) using Str as both the AV and EV against OV/RVs equal to the RAPS gained by the original Snare attack. This Power may be purchased with the following Alternate (1). +1 FC. Tightening Snare option. When a snared character is attempting to free himself the snares tighten. The Escaping character is subject to attack. The AV is the APs of snare. The EV is the RAPs gained to escape the Snare. The tightening ocurs each round that escape is attempted until the character stops struggling or is released. Alternate (2): +2 FC. The power gains Sticky Snares. The Snare affects the original snared target as usual. Any other Character touching the Snare will also be affected by the snare attack. This happens if the later character is trying to help the first target or is thrown into it. Characters so entangled receive a -1 CS Bonus to OV to any Action Checks used to free themselves of the Snare. Gypsy-moth has this power as does some telling of Plastic Man.

Solar Sustenance
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to derive nourishment directly the sun. Before this Power can take effect, a Character must be exposed to sunlight for 10 APs of time, at which point s/he will feel immediately replenished. No other form of sustenance (neither food nor water) is required by a Character while this Power is in effect. The APs of Power +5 equal the length of time in APs a Character can remain sustained without either traditional nourishment or exposure to sunlight. Alternate (1): +2 FC. The character requires no air as well as no food or water. Alternate (2): +3 FC. Solar Sustenance feeds Power Reserve. A guideline of values would be 1 AP Starlight 2 APs Grey Daylight 3 APs Noontime sun 8APs Close solar Approach

Starfire of the New Titans and Swamp Thing have this Power.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: A/D BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to "see" nearby objects through the emission of high frequency sound pulses. Sonar is accurate enough for a Character to receive all information normally received through sight, with the exception of color. This Power can be blocked by a Character or device emitting sharp sounds at the same frequency upon which the Sonar operates. In this case, Sonar is treated as a Dice Action with an OV/RV equal to the APs of the Power used in the jamming attempt. Note: This use does not count as an action when determining the number of actions the Character may perform each phase. Most sea mammals have this power.

Sonic Beam
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: None A Sonic Beam is a coherent stream of sonic energy, which has the ability to shatter solid objects. Projection of a Sonic Beam against a living being is treated as a Physical Attack with an AV/EV equal to the APs of the Power. If Sonic Beam is projected against an inanimate object, the target will vibrate, crack, and finally shatter upon receiving damage equal to twice its BODY. If a Sonic Beam is directed against a Character using a hearing Power (Extended Hearing, Super Hearing, etc.), It acts as the equivalent APs of Sensory Overload. If an inanimate object is destroyed by a Sonic Beam Trick shot (see the Rules section), the resulting vibrations may cause the object to explode with a force equal to its original BODY APs. If no Trick Shot is utilized, no explosive damage is inflicted by this Power. A Sonic Beam must have a medium' through which to travel. This Power does not work in a vacuum. Cyborg of the Titans as well as Black Canary have this Power.

Sorcery (D)
VERSION : 6.0 RANGE: Special TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 250 FACTOR COST: 10 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to; effectively wield the forces of magic to produce a staggering variety of powerful effects. Primarily, Sorcery enables a Character to mimic the effects of other Powers, subject to certain restrictions. Utilization of Sorcery is commonly referred to as "casting a spell," which is a four-step process: First, a Character decides what effect s/he wishes to accomplish and determines which Power most closely duplicates the desired effect. The Character then receives that invoked Power at the chosen AP level (up to his her APs of Sorcery). The GM must approve Powers invoked through Sorcery before they can be used. Second, the Character decides how many APs of Sorcery to use in creating the effect (full APs need not be used). Since spell casting is extremely taxing on the psyche, the Character must immediately cross-reference the number of APs of Sorcery s/he is using as EV against his/her SPIRIT as RV on the Result Table. RAPS are immediately inflicted as Mystical Bashing Damage upon the Character and subtracted from the Character's Current SPIRIT Condition. Third, if the character wishes to invoke an effect that is higher than the FC of Sorcery (10 by default) then s/he must pay one AP of power for each additional FC. Example: Technomancer (Sorcery: 11) wants to use Molecular Chameleon without needing a source material (FC 12) He would be able to us it at 9 APs (-2 for the FCs beyond 10). If he had wanted to use Adaptation (FC 10) usable on others (+5 FC) he would have been able to use it at 6 APs.

Finally, the Character resolves the effects of the invoked Power. A Power invoked through Sorcery acts exactly as explained in that Power's description, with the notable exception of the Power affecting Characters who are vulnerable to magic (such as Superman). A Character with Sorcery can utilize an invoked Power for any desired length of time. For each phase beyond the first which the Power remains in effect, however, the Character will again suffer Mystical Bashing Damage associated with spell casting (see the second step).

A Character can invoke more than one Power at a time but the total number of APs the Character has placed in invoked Powers can never exceed the APs of Sorcery. A Character can automatically cancel any invoked Power to provide for the use of another. Note: Sorcery can be pushed (see the Rules section), but Powers invoked through Sorcery cannot be pushed. Similarly, the AV/EV of any invoked Dice Action Power cannot be increased by the expenditure of Hero Points. The sorcerer cannot spend Hero Points to raise his/her RV against spell casting damage. Example: Doctor Jones has Sorcery of 40 APs and a SPIRIT of 22 APs. With these statistics, he could: Cast a spell invoking Energy Blast with an intensity of 20 chosen APs. Cross-referencing 20 APs (as EV) against his SPIRIT of 22 (as RV) on the Result Table reveals an "N," so Jones takes no Mystical Bashing Damage from this spell. Every time Jones uses the Energy Blast still counts as a Dice Action, but he may use the Blast as long as he likes without taking any damage. During a later phase, Doctor Jones could also cast a protection spell invoking Skin Armor, also with a chosen intensity of 20 APs. Cross referencing again reveals that Jones takes no damage from the spell. Jones can then use the 20 APs of Skin Armor and the 20 AP Energy Blast as long as he likes. However, since he has used all 40 APs of his Sorcery, Jones must drop or reduce one of these Powers should he wish to invoke another Power.

Alternately, Doctor Jones could fire one 40 AP Energy Blast at an opponent. Cross-referencing an EV of 40 with Jones SPIRIT of 22 (his RV) on the Result Table reveals that this effort would cause Jones to suffer 19 RAPS of damage to his Current SPIRIT Condition. If he were to fire the same40 AP blast again during the next phase, Jones would fall unconscious following the effort, and his Current Spirit would drop to zero. Doctor Fate, Sandman, Zatana and many of the major mystical characters in the Marvel and DCU have this Power

Sound Nullification
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTENATES: none Sound Nullification allows a Character to generate a field through which no sound can pass. Normal hearing is completely blocked. The APs of Sound Nullification become the OV/RV of any attempts to penetrate the field through the use of Powers such as Directional Hearing or Sonar. Sound Nullification also reduces the effect of Sonic Beam, and other sound based attacks. Whenever a sonic attack is made from within a null-sound field, the APs of the attacking Power are reduced by the APs of Sound Nullification. If any APs of the attacking Power remain, they are applied normally. The null-sound field generated has a volume equal to the AP's of the Power. This field remains in effect for as long as the Character wishes (through the expenditure of an Automatic Action each successive phase) or until the Character falls unconscious. Silence of the Strike Force Mouratori has this power.

Speak With Animals

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Time TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None This Power gives a Character the ability to speak with all animals in their native tongues. It does not guarantee the animals will be friendly, just understandable. Speak with Animals does not make animals smarter, it simply allows a Character to communicate. The APs of Power equal the APs of time during which an animal may be questioned. The First Antman had this power as does Aquaman

Speak with Plants

VERSIOn: 6.0 RANGE: Special TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to communicate with "the Green," which is the massive collective consciousness shared by all plants in the Universe. Speak with Plants has two primary applications: The Character may call upon the Green to track down an individual or object located anywhere on the surface of the Earth. AV/EVs of such an attempt equal the APs of Power while OV/RVs equal the distance between the Character and the target sought. The target of the search must be well known to the user. RAPs are subtracted from the distance between the Character and the target to determine how long the search lasts (down to a minimum of 0 APs or 4 seconds). The Character using Speak with Plants need not remain inactive while the search is in progress; the Green will contact the Character when it has found the target. Example: Swamp Thing has Speak with Plants of 25 APs. If he is in California and wants to locate Abby Cable, who is somewhere near Houma, Louisiana (22 APs away), he would need to make an Action Check with an AV/EV of 25/25 against an OV/RV of 22/22. If Swamp Thing rolled an 11, he would receive 10 RAPS and it would take the Green 12 APs of time (22 - 10), or four hours to locate Abby. Once the Green has located a target, it cannot constantly monitor that target. Taking the example, if Swamp Thing traveled to Louisiana, the Green could not tell him Abby's exact location had she moved. Swamp Thing would need to make another Action Check to relocate Abby.

Second, the Character may call upon the Green for information about a given area. AV/EVs are again equal to the APs of Power and OV/RVs are equal to the distance between the Character and the area in question. RAPs are used to determine the amount of time that the query takes as previously stated. In this case, however, RAPs also equal the number of Knowledge Points gained. One RAP generally indicates the Character receives a fuzzy impression of the area; RAPs equal to 1/2 RV indicate a fairly detailed picture; and full RV RAPs indicate a crystal clear view of the location. For Speak with Plants to function, plant life must exist around the individual or object sought or the area subject to inquiry. If the plant life around the target is sparse, the OV/RV of all attempts suffers +2 Column Shift modifiers.

Alternate: anyone wishing the Plant Trifecta , Plant Control, Speak With Plants and Plant Growth, Can have all 3 Power functions at BC 100 FC 10 . Besides the Swamp Thing, Black Orchid has this Power.

Spirit Vampire
VERSION : 6.0 RANGE: Touch TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES None This Power allows a Character to absorb the APs of another Characters SPIRIT. An opponent must be touched for Spiritual Drain to take effect. The AV/EVs equal to his\her DEX\APs of Spiritual Drain against OV/RVs equal to the opponent's DEX/SPIRIT. If this attempt is successful, RAPs are temporarily subtracted from the opponent's SPIRIT and added to the attacking Character's SPIRIT. The Spiritually Drained APs will remain transferred in this away for a number of phases equal to the Character's APs of Power. A Character's SPIRIT cannot be elevated to higher than 150% his/her normal AP level through the use of Spiritual Drain. Dracula has this power as does the Black Queen

Spirit Steed
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: 2 APs TYPE: A/D BASE COST: 55 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 4 The Power of Spirit Steed allows a character to invoke a transport of an animal, mechanical or even a fantastic nature from the spirit world. When the power is picked the character must determine the form the steed will take. Examples could be a horse, a Motorcycle, skateboard, preposterously large sea horse, etc. When the power is invoked the Character must spend one phase summoning the steed and it will appear within 2APs of the character at the location of their choice. The steeds characteristics will be fixed (once a white horse always a white horse). The Steed will respond to the verbal commands of the character and perform as s/he commands. Any attacks Preformed are by ramming and are at the AV/EV of the power. Example: Ghost Rider has a Spirit Steed of 8. He calls forth his motorcycle. The player determines that it is a 1952 silver Black Phantom when he first creates Ghost Rider. When Ghost Rider calls it forth he can order it to run down his enemies (AV/EV 8) or rescue a friend. He could not command the bike to rescue a baby from a fire however as it has no hands. The APs of power is the Speed the Steed can travel. The Spirit Steed has no high speed side effects like Flight or Super Speed do. It is locomotion is magical. The steed may travel as far as 1/2 its APs in some aberration of physics way such as up walls or in impossible leaps, but not through walls or teleportation.

The BODY and STR of the steed are the Characters Current SPIRIT. As the Spirit Steed is damaged the character takes mystical damage. If the character takes mystical damage the Spirit Steed becomes damaged as well. At no point can the Steed travel more than its APs of power away from the character. Some tellings of Ghost Rider have this power as did the original Black Knight Alternate(1):+2 FC. Spirit Steed may be taken as Flying Spirit Steed. It will have a flying form such as an eagle, a flying carpet, a giant bat, or a flying surfboard. Note: water steeds cost identically to land based ones, they are just limited to the water and not the land. Alternate (2): The character can buy powers that are possessed by the sprit steed and not the character themselves. Each power is purchased at a -1 FC and would need to be feasible to a steed. Examples may include Energy Blast, Enhance or Extended Senses, Dimension Travel etc. Note: at no time will a spirit steed have Mental Attributes .Alternate (3): +10 BC. The Spirit steed has a certain amount of form malleability. It may become the piece of sporting gear that the character needs (rollerblades, skateboard, kite board, skis, snowboard etc). It could be that the steed can become any number of motorcycles. These variations will have little game effect and are mostly cosmetic. Alternate (4): -10 BC. The Character requires a normal vehicle, Ex. be surfing or riding a motorcycle, to summon the Spirit Steed the normal Vehicle disappears while Spirit steed is in use and reappears when the power is deactivated. Some versions of both Silver Surfer and Ghost Rider have this power as does the cowboy El Dorado.

Spirit Travel
VERSON: 6.0 RANGE: Time TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 4 This Power Allows a Character to separate the spirit from his or her body. The spirit may then travel at a speed equal to the Character's APs of Spirit Travel. A separated spirit can only observe the physical plane and can make no attacks but it can easily pass through any physical obstacles. A separated spirit is subject only to Mystical or Mental Attacks from the non-Spirit world while in this state. However, such a Character is subject to all normal effects (Physical, Mental, and Mystical) from other Spirit-Traveling Characters while in this state. The spirit when traveling appears as a ghost form of the players physical form lightly optimized by self image. While the spirit is separated, a Character's body is left barely alive (it cannot move and possesses no consciousness). The body remains susceptible to Physical damage during this time; although the bodys normal Physical defenses remain active. If a Character's body is destroyed while the spirit is separated the spirit will be trapped in its free state and will begin to dissipate at the rate of 1 AP of SPIRIT per day until it dies (reaches a negative SPIRIT: separated Character with a normal SPIRIT of 7 APs would die upon reaching -7 APs of SPIRIT). Alternate (1): +5 FC: Mystical or Mental powers can be used while in spirit form. Alternate (2): Psyberpathy option: This power may be taken in a way that allows traversal of cyberspace rather than astral. If a character wishes to travel in both realms he must purchase the power twice Alternate (3): Self linking spirit travel is a +5 FC instead of +1 as normal Alternate (4): BC 75. Spirit form is invisible. APs of Spirit Travel are useable as APs of invisibility.

Version: 6.0 RANGE: Self/Touch TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 9 This Power allows a Character to him or separates himself into 2 or more complete beings. Each Split being possesses the same Attributes, Powers, and Skills as the original Character at the Character's AP level, minus one (1) for each Split. Example: A Character with all his/her attributes at 6 APs, Split of 2 APs, and an Energy Blast of 8 APs could Split twice, resulting in three separate beings, each of whom would possess all attributes at 4 APs and 6 APs of Energy Blast. Duplicates created through the Split Power do not possess the Split Power themselves. A Character can Split a total number of times equal to the APs of Power. Rejoining of duplicates is instantaneous (requires an automatic action) at the original character's will. If any of the duplicates are damaged the original Character sustains the greatest amount of damage taken by any one of the duplicates. Do not add RAPs of damage from multiple damaged selves. Dead duplicates cannot rejoin with the original Character. If a duplicate is killed the character is subjected to mental attack for killing damage at the AP level of the Spilt power. It does not change the power of the character in any other way. The character is aware of all his duplicates and shares a common consciousness. The character is fully aware of each of the duplicates and their experiences at all times with a telepathy like link. Alternate (1): Split can be taken with the Regenerative Transformation advantage (see advantages) so when bodies are rejoined he/she gains a recovery check.

Alternate (2): -4 FC. No Awareness. The character has no awareness of the duplicates' location, and does not gain any of their memories on reabsorbing them. Alternate (3): -3 FC. The character is aware of all his duplicates, but has no direct knowledge of their experiences until he reabsorbs them. Alternate: (4): +50 BC and +3 FC. Split causes no attribute loss. Alternate (5): +2 FC. No Original Body, Split power is possessed by all duplicates. This enables the duplicates to create duplicates from themselves, in the same manner as they were created. The total number of duplicates in existence at any one time is still limited by the APs of the power. Alternate (6): +4 FC. Exponential Split. The character can split into a total number of beings decided by using the APs of the power as an exponent of two. Ex. 1 AP splits into 2. 2 AP splits into 4. 3 AP splits into 8, etc.). AP loss per split is one (1) for each active AP of Split active. Alternate (7): -3 FC. Time limit on splits. APs of Split equal the APs of time the Splits may be active. (Ex. A character with 8 APs of Split can have 8 duplicates, 9 total selves, for 15 minutes) Alternate (8): Mind Clone option. Any damaged, Splits subsumed back into the original character have their physical damage RAPs taken as a mental attack on the original character instead of as physical damage. If more than one damaged split is subsumed the RAPs of the mental attack are linear cumulative (3 RAPs + 3 RAPs =$ RAPs). Any Dead or Time expired splits simply disappear. All experiences of the dead split are lost. Alternate (9): +1 FC. When a character Splits his/her Powers go one at a time to each split undiminished and are usable by only that split. All skills stay with the Original character and are not diminished by the splitting EX. Sco/nce has Split:

04, Acid: 09, and Flight 10. When he splits off the first duplicate it has Flight of 10 and Sco/nce will be unable to fly until that duplicate rejoins. All attributes go undiminished to each Split. Alternate (10): +10 BC character can use Chain Extension along all Splits with the split power. By doing this the character can incarnate and disincarnate selves by extended touch, joining the chain of splits. See the Chain Extension Advantage for details. (Ex. A character with 10 APs of split could form a human chain across a raging river or a chasm by splitting) Alternate (11): +50 BC +2 FC. The character can Split to any location within line of site and has no original form. The character can use this as an ad hoc form of teleportation by looking in a window or across the street then looking back and subsuming the original to the copy. In the cases of camera coverage the Splitting character can project the new self to the far side of the screen. As in many cases this is not a two way circumstance it could not be used to subsume the original without line of site. A character with a large number of APs of split could be in a monitoring or security room and project himself into all the monitors. Splitting requires one automatic action, not one automatic action per split. Madrox the Multiple Man has this power as does Silent Majority

Stealth Field
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: 1 AP Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 1 A Stealth Field makes s a character immune to sensing technologies and powers. The APs of Stealth Field are added to the OV/RV of any surveillance attempt that is not direct observation. A Character using a Stealth Field will not appear on film or cameras of any kind. If 1 RAP of success is gained against the Stealth Fielded character then an indistinct blur or shadows will be seen. Although super senses, (those not normally possessed in any way by normal mortals) will be blocked by this power, in no way does stealth field effect direct observation by normal or enhanced senses. Stealth Field does not affect remote sensing or magical powers as does the Power: Obscure. Alternate: +1 FC. Stealth field APs are subtracted from APs of extended normal senses (ex: telescopic vision or extended hearing). The X-mens Jet has Stealth Field, as do Gigers Aliens

VERSION: 6.122 RANGE: Distance TYPE: A/D BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 2 This Power allows a Character to elongate and distort his/her body in startling ways. S/he can lengthen arms or legs, extend eyes or ears, or even things like forming a snorkel by extending his/her nose. The character can form catchers mitts, nets and parachutes from their body. The body is malleable enough to absorb kinetic impact weapons with no damage. Examples of how stretching can be used are: The character can move like a snake at up to their normal movement speed. A character with at least 5 APs of stretching can move through holes as small as 2 inches across. A character with more than 8 APs of stretching can pass through screens or a sieve in multiple streams as long as s/he stays connected on the back aside until he reconnects on the front side. Passing through obstacles this way requires a second automatic action in addition to the one used to move. A Character with Stretching can absorb most physical (kinetic) Attacks by stretching under the impact. Calculate the damage as normal for the attack. A number of RAPs up to the APs of stretching power are canceled out. For every AP of damage absorbed this way the characters AV is reduced by one AP in the next phase. This defense is voluntary and is considered the use of an automatic action. If the character is falling s/he can form parachute like air foils from his/her body. At 4 or higher APs the character will fall at a controlled rate for no damage. This requires the use of a dice action

A Character with Stretching can make long distance attacks. Normal HTH attacks, including grappling can be performed at the APs of stretching in distance. This requires an automatic action in addition to the normal dice action of the attack.

The APs of stretching can be used as EV in place of Strength. This EV may represent the wrapping of arms and legs around target or melting over them in a suffocation attack. This may also be used to represent the use of a giant fist or whip attacks in a non-grapple circumstance (increased leverage, not increased strength)

In either a rescue or grapple attempt he character can use APs of stretching as AV to catch another by forming nets or the similar. By extending eyes or ears closer to a target the character can duplicate the powers Extended Hearing and Telescopic Vision at the AP value. The character can extend his nose or mouth the APs of the Power to breathe from a remote source. APs of Stretching may replace both the OV and RV against an opponent's attempts to break the Grapple.

The Stretching power can be used for multiple functions in the same phase but APs of power must be split between uses. Some uses will be contradictory and thus impossible in the same phase. Alternate (1): +1 FC Sling-shot Response: With this bonus the Stretching character absorbs the momentum or a kinetic attack into himself and then expels projectiles or HTH attacks from his/her body at high velocities. The RAPs of the attack absorbed are the APs of the Slingshot response attack Alternate (2): If a character has both Stretching and Omni-arm s/he can use a number of special physical actions. An area effect physical attack can be made by growing bladed and spiked appendages and attacking all targets within their APs of stretching from their body. The AV of this attack are the APs of Stretching. The EV is the APs

of Omni-Arm. Nether power will change the OV or RV. Normal multi-attack rules apply. Unlike bomb the character can select which targets in the area to attack. In the case where a character has stretching and Omni-arm with the Block bonus, s/he can block as many attacks as s/he as APs of stretching without penalty. Stretching is not a stacker power. Mr. Fantastic as well as Martian Manhunter have this power.

Super Hearing
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: +3 Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: none This Power allows a Character to hear sounds of extremely high or low frequency. A Character with Super Hearing can detect sounds well outside the normal range of human hearing including dog whistles, radio and television transmissions, and radar waves. Superman and Daredevil both have this power

Super Speed
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 9 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 4 Super-speed gives a Character the ability to move, run, type, read or perform any other physical action faster than is humanly possible A Character with this Power can do a number of things: Add the APs of Power to Base intuitive when calculating Initiative. Travel at a speed equal to the APs of Power. Subtract the APs of Power from the time (in APs) necessary to perform a task, For example, if it takes 13 APs of time (8 hours) to read a book, a Character with 8 APs of Super Speed could read the book in 5 APs of time (2 minutes). A Character with Super Speed has the option each phase of substituting the APs of Power for DEX (using Super Speed APs as the AV/OV for/against Physical Attacks) OR substituting Super-speed APs for the EV when performing an action. a Character moving at a speed greater than 8 APs can become effectively invisible. The APs of Movement are the OV/RV for any Perception checks made against the Character. This allows them to be invisible by normal standards. This is commonly illustrated when speedsters or others fly past citizens at high speeds leaving only a confused wake.

Afterimages is the use of super speed to create illusions. By staying in one place for a microsecond and then moving elsewhere this cause an after image of a character being somewhere they arent. Creating Afterimages takes up both Automatic Actions. Anyone watching him/her attempt this stunt has to make a Perception Check with the AV/EV of Int and Will and OV/RV equal to APs of Super Speed to figure out which image is actually the Character. If the Perception Check fails, the speedster the speedster gains a Blindside bonus. The number of afterimages that can be created is equal to APs of Super Speed divided by 4 (round down). Super Speed cannot be used for movement in the same phase as using after images.

With a Super speed Power of 12 or higher the character can run on water. A speedster with 14 or more APs of speed can vertically traverse walls at a speed equal to APs the speed power minus the mass of the Character (typically 2).

A speedster must use 15 or higher APs of a speed power to run upside-down across ceilings.

Depending on Genre there are a number of High Speed Effects that can occur from the use of Super Speed (See Genre and Combat). In some circumstances even the use of high APs of Super Speed can be considered killing combat. Under the combat rules (Flyby Attack, Ramming Attack, Charging Attack) and High Speed affects rules it is greatly defines how Super-speed can be used in combat. The Speed of light is at 29 APs. Any number of strange effects can happen at or beyond light speed depending on the campaign. Maybe it is impossible to go beyond the speed of light. Maybe time travel occurs. Maybe the character will enter another dimension. Maybe nothing special happens. In any case where this is probable the GM should be ready

Alternate (1): +1 FC a character can suppress the environmental effects of their motion regardless of genre. (See combat rules) Any pushing or enhancing of the power will cause atmospheric effects for the APs above normal. Alternate (2): +2 FC the character has full control of the environmental effects and can turn them on and off at will Alternate (3): -2 FC. The character has no movement bonus. Alternate (4): -2 FC. The character does not have decreased time to complete tasks The Flash has this Power as does Neo of the Matrix.

Systemic Antidote
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None This Power gives a Character resistance to Physical damage caused by any chemical, poison, or drug attack. In such a case, the APs of Systemic Antidote are added to the Character's RV against such attacks. This is a Stacker power. It is worthy of note that Regeneration has no effect on the function of Systemic Antidote Paul of Dune has this power, as does Deathstroke.

Telekinesis (TK)
Version: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: A/D BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 5 This Power allows a Character to move objects with mind power alone. The Character can produce the following effects but only one dice action per phase. (D) The character can manipulate objects as if they are in hand with the Strength at the APs of power. Any skill the character has (except Close Combat) can be exercised by the correct remote manipulation tools (EX. The character could perform surgery with the Medicine Skill at a distance by manipulating the surgical tools.) (D)The APs of Telekinesis equal the weight (in APs) of any objects moved plus the distance (in APs) that those objects may be moved in a single phase. A Character or object may resist being moved by Telekinesis if s/he or it has an appropriately resistant Power (a Character with Flight could subtract the APs of Flight from the distance moved by Telekinesis). (D)Telekinesis may be used to fling objects at a target to cause Physical damage in a standard physical attack. (A)A Character may also use Telekinesis as a means of self propulsion, traveling a distance per phase equal to the APs of Power minus the Character's weight (most humans weigh 2 APs). The character cannot travel faster than 8 Aps (225 MPH) without some means to breathe. (A) The character can use APs of Telekinesis to duplicate APs of cling.

If the character chooses to perform multiple effects s/he must split the APs of Telekinesis between them.

Alternate (1): +1 (A) FC the character can use the Telekinesis Power to substitute for STR in Physical combat Alternate (2): +2 FC. (A) The APs of Telekinesis can be added to OV in physical combat by the character making himself hard to strike. The bonus can only be applied to attacks that can be affected by physical force Alternate (3): -1 FC. Use of Telekinesis requires some physical contact. Example Konrad (Str 04 Telekinesis: 05) could place one finger tip against a Harley Davidson soft tail and move it as if it where weightless. Characters with this alternate can use APs of Telekinesis to sub as APs of Climbing. This alternate can be taken at an additional +1 FC: Hyper sensitive touch extends along TTK. Alternate (4): +1 FC. The character can use multiple dice actions in the same round with a single dice roll in a fashion identical to Continuum Control Alternate (5): BC 15 FC 4. Attraction and Repulsion only. The character can move things toward or away from himself only. No fine manipulation Jean Gray of the X-men has this power as does Neo of the matrix

Telepathy (TP)
Version: 6.0 RANGE: +3 Distance TYPE: AUTO BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 6 This Power allows a Character to establish mental contact with another sentient being. A telepath may automatically establish a mental link with any other Characters within Range. Each additional Character past the first included in the mental link reduces the maximum telepathic Range between the linked Characters by 1 AP. Characters in mental link may communicate as if they were able to speak to each other as long as contact is maintained with the linking telepath. Telepathy only allows free communication; this Power does not allow a Character to read the thoughts of another against his/her will (as does Mind Probe). Characters who are mentally linked through Telepathy may engage in Mind-to-mind combat. Attacks made in this fashion (a form of mental combat) do Mental Damage using the attacker's mental stats or Powers as AV/EVs and the defender's mental stats or Powers as OV/RVs. The Character possessing the Telepathy Power may automatically disengage anyone from the mental link at any time desired. A mentally linked Character may attempt to sever the link using his/her INT/WILL as the AV/EV against the APs of Telepathy as the OV/RV. Positive RAPS indicate success, do damage to the telepath's current MIND condition and are subtracted from the telepath's APs of the Telepathy Power. Telepathy APs lost in this manner must be recovered as normal. Alternate (1): +1 FC. APs of Telepathy is volume of information that may be instantaneously shared by link participants.

Alternate (2): +1 FC. The character can create a mental conference room in which all participants manifest in their idealized self psychic forms. Exiting a conference room opposed requires a successful INT/WILL vs Telepathy action check. Positive RAPs indicate success. Mental Illusion and similar powers are usable in the astral conference. Alternate (3): +40 BC +3 FC. The Telepath can alter the memories of a person they have contacted. This may be removing memories of a witnessed event, changing a name in a the person remembers. For every RAP earned as a result against a person 1 AP of data may be changed. If the character wishes to remove a memory and replace it with a false one this is two changes. The APs of Telepathy are the OV/RV of any attempt to detect tampering minus the the APs of data changed. A skilled enough Telepath or use of the psychic cleansing power can recover the memories. The OV/RV is the APs of the original Telepath who changed the data. The person whos memories were changed will receive a recovery check if it becomes aware of an inconsistency in his/her memory. APs of changed memories are considered Mind damage in this context. Non-recovered APs of memory may be recovered if additional inconstancies are revealed (additional recovery checks) Example: Nathan (Telepathy: 12) changes a security guards memory to show that Nightwing had broken into a facility instead of him. Later when Rachel (Psychic Cleansing: 06) tries to detect if the memory has been tampered with the OV/RV he faces will be 5/5 (12 minus of 13). When Rachel asks The GM informs her that this is 13 APs of data. If Rachel tries to recover the original image Her AV/EV will be 06 and the OV/RV will be 12 (Good luck Rachel!) Alternate (4): +2 FC Telepathy is stellar range. Base range is +20 instead of +3

Alternate (5): Additional mental powers function at the range of Telepathy. Those powers become contingent on telepathy. Those powers do not receive the -1 FC for being contingent Alternate (6): +1 The Telepathic communication is encrypted so it cannot be listened in on by other telepaths of the similar Note: there is no Cyberpathy option for Telepathy, see Electro-Telepathy. Saturn Girl, Professor X as well as countless others have this power. It is perhaps the most common of all Meta powers

VERSION: 6.01 RANGE: +7 Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 4 This Power allows a Character to instantaneously travel from one location to any other without passing through intervening space. The maximum weight which a Character may teleport equals the APs of Teleportation. All objects or persons to be Teleported must be within 0 APs (10 feet) of the Character. No "partial" teleports are possible; a Character must teleport all of a specific object or none of it. A Character who does not wish to be Teleported may resist by evading, which requires an Action Check the following phase by the Character with Teleportation. The AV/EV of this additional Check equals the APs of Power, while the OV/RV equals the target's DEX/DEX. Positive RAPS greater than or equal to the resisting Character's MIND indicate that s/he is automatically Teleported; otherwise, the Character has dodged away. Alternate (1): +1 FC. Character is a touch-teleport. Opposing characters must evade being touched to avoid involuntary transport. AV/EVs are DEX/Teleport power. OV/RV is the defenders Dex/Dex. There is no range effect. Alternate (2): +3 FC partial teleports are possible. Any teleport attack is always considered killing combat. The AV is the Dex of the attacking character. The EV is the APs of teleport. OV\RV will be that of a normal physical attack. Positive RAPs indicate the defender was harmed by the partial teleport but left in place. No dismemberment is implied. RAPs equal to or greater than the APs of BODY of the defender mean that the teleport has removed the defenders head or

some other vital organ. This attack could also be used to break objects by teleporting a part of them away. Touch teleport is gained automatically by this Alternate. Alternate (3): +1 FC. The character can use the Teleport Power as an OV to normal physical attack (teleporting out of the way), if used this way it can be used no other way that phase. Alternate (4): +2 FC. Teleport fusillade: the character can micro-teleport multiple times in a phase. All of these small teleports are within the same room or area (3 APs max). The characters attacking this way can multi-attack at a +2 CS to AV due to being everywhere at once. S/he can use Int/teleport as an AV/EV of a surprise attempt. Night crawler possesses this power as does Blink of the Exiles.

Telescopic Vision
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance (Special) TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None Use of this power allows a Character to see objects at a great distance. When using Telescopic Vision to view a distant object, a Character can subtract the APs of Power from the distance to the viewed object, the result being the apparent distance between the Character and the object. Some weapons such as rifles and cannons can fire farther than the character can see accurately. These weapons are often equipped with scopes or range finders. If a character Has APs of telescopic vision that are greater than or equal to the max range of the weapon s/he receives no penalty for range. This does not apply to powers, just weapons Example .A Character with Telescopic vision of 5 APs is looking at an object 6 APs distant. Using this Power, the Character will see the object as if it were only 1 AP away from him/her. Objects the size of a car are generally visible at one unobstructed mile (10 APs), while man-size objects are visible at one-quarter mile (8 APs), and a small, hand-held item (such as a calculator) might be visible at 150 feet (4 APs). Superman has this Power as does Machine Man

Temperature Control
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Volume TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 30 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 The Power of temperature control allows a character to raise or lower the temperature for a volume of space around him/her self. This can be used as subtly as making a room more comfortable or boiling water for coffee. To maintain a comfort zone, the character with Temperature Control must expend an Automatic Action every phase. It can also be a physical attack. This power can be used omni directionally in a 360 degree bomb-like flash, or directed at a target. AV/EVs are equal to the level of power against BODY/BODY If an object or character reaches the negative of their body they are either flash burned to ash or frozen solid and then shattered. Alternate: FC 4. Raise only or lower temperature only. Elijah Snow of planetary has this power as did Dr Druid. APs of temperature rise 4 6 9 12 17 Water boils Plastic melts Lead melts Most metal wilts Concrete burns 3 9 18 Water freezes Oxygen freezes from atmosphere Absolute zero. -423 APs of temperature drop Effect

Temporal Awareness
RANGE: Special TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None Temporal Awareness is the power to tell whether time streams are moving toward or away from a changed future of even total annihilation. It only works when travelers have come back in time and are currently altering the past. It is most dependable at Event Time Traveler will directly cause total annihilation based on his/her actions within the next 10 APs (1 Hour) Time Traveler tilts things toward or away from destruction Time Traveler tilts things toward or away from a given future more than 100 years distant Time Traveler is about to commit an Asimovs Paradox Character tries to predict their own future outcome based on a travelers action OV/RV


detecting things that will cause the end of the world, or the changing of a major watershed event. Predicting things that will move events back to a given future or a desired future can be much more difficult. Most often the information gained will be of the yes or no variety. If the character gains more than 5 RAPs they will have a vision of the effects of the travelers actions. The APs of power are the AV/EVs of any attempt to determine the rightness of an action by or on a time traveler. The presence of multiple time travelers in an area will add from +1 to +5 to the RV of the awareness attempt. Some example RVs would be: Vala of the Citadel has this power as does the Vizir





Temporal Singularity (D)

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 2 Temporal Singularity is the ability to be unaffected by changes in time and time powers. The effects vary by the time effect mitigated. If A time traveler has caused a time change wave (Ex. Someone has gone back in time and murdered your grandfather, known as an Asimovs Conundrum). The farther back the time change the greater the effect. The APs of Temporal Singularity are the OV/RV of the Time Change. The distance in the past (ex: 2 years ago or 25 APs) is the AV/EV. If one or more RAPs are scored then the character is caught in the change wave. Unless full RAPs are scored the character will have some memory of the change and prior events. Example: Kid Quantum (Int: 06, Will: 05, Body: 08 Temporal Singularity: 08) is walking down the street when the Time Trickster goes back in time 2 hours (11 APs) and shoots Kid Quantum in the back, killing him on the spot. 11 APs of time (AV\EV) vs. Kid Quantums Temporal Singularity power (08/08). The Time Trickster would have to roll a 7 for Kid Quantum to be effected by the time change at all. If he had rolled an 11 (scored 1 or more RAP) then Kid Quantum would lose some of his memory of the old timeline. The more APs scored the more of the old time line is lost. If he had scored 2 Column shifts (rolled a 15) then Kid quantum would stay dead as the time change overwhelmed his defenses. APs of Temporal Singularity are subtracted from APs of Time Control, Time Stop, or Time Slow used on the character.

Example: Kid Quantum is attacked by Zip Guy with 13 APs of time control. Zip guy is using his power to simulate super speed. His normal 13 AP are reduced to 5 APs APs of Temporal Singularity are added to the RV against any aging attack. APs of Temporal Singularity are added to the RV against any involuntary transport though time

Temporal singularity is a stacker power Vala has this power as does the Hexamon. Alternate (1): -2 FC. Time wave defense only. Alternate (2): -3 FC. Time wave defense only, only the users mind is protected; any changes in physical reality affect the users body. Bishop of the X-men has this power with the second alternate

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Volume TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 A Character or object with the Tesseract power is larger on the inside than it is on the outside. For every AP of power 1 AP of volume is added to the extra space on the inside. The APs of weight placed inside are reduced by 1 for every AP of power. If a Tesseract containing object is damaged then there is an earthquake-like effect on the inside. If the object is destroyed (Body 0) or the character killed then anything inside the Extra Space inside is tossed into a Trans-dimensional void. If the object or Character is completely destroyed (Body at negative of original value) then anything inside is subject to a Tesseract Power level APs teleport attack before being deposited in limbo. Characters cannot be held against their will in a Tesseract. Anyone attempting to leave Tesseract can simply walk out through the opening. Similarly a Tesseract cannot be used to capture someone or something by scooping them into N space. Several bizarre character types are suggested by this. Sorcerious characters that could hold the sea in their mouth or truly alien beings that store weapons in an N space on their person. Alternate: +5 FC. Tesseract can be used to capture characters by a scoop maneuver. AV/EV of the attempt is the APs of Tesseract. OV/RV are Dex/Dex. A movement power may be substituted for EV. If a character attempts to escape from the N space the OV/RV against a physical forcing of the doors is the APs of power. It is worthy of note that any time the character opens the Tesseract space anyone trapped within will be able to attempt escape. The AV/EV of s slip out style escape is Dex or movement Power. The OV RV are the APs of Tesseract -2 CS.

Thermal Vision VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 1 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to see the variations of temperature across a given area. A Character using Thermal Vision will see variations of the color red in warm areas and variations of blue in cool areas. For example, while uniformly cool surfaces such as a cave wall would not register on Thermal Vision, if someone had recently touched the wall, a red, blurred handprint would be visible. Footprints are detectable with Thermal Vision for a time equal to the Character's APs of Power. A source of intense heat, such as a torch flame, will completely "white out" all Thermal Vision in its vicinity. A Character can use Thermal Vision to detect Invisible Characters or objects (see Invisibility). However, all items viewed through this Power will be blurry and lack detail, making definitive identification difficult. Many animals have this power as well as Military night vision gear

Time Control (D)

VERSION: 6.2 RANGE: Time TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 100 FACTOR COST: 11 GADGETRY TYPE: Special ALTERNATES: None Time Control allows the Character to control the effects of time itself on his local environment. To that end, Time Control may be used to mimic the effects of each of the following time related Powers: Invulnerability, Immortality Bonus only Super Speed, Super Speed does not always automatically add to the Hero's Initiative. The Character must activate APs of Super Speed before intuitive bonus occurs Time Stop Time Slow including aging attack Alternate Temporal Singularity

The APs of Time Control function as the APs of any Power that Time Control can mimic. A user mimicking more than, one Power at a time must divide the APs of Time Control between the Powers as desired. All uses of Powers mimicked with Time Control during a phase are treated as a single Dice Action when determining the number of actions in that phase (thus, regardless of the number of Powers mimicked via time Control, the collective attacks serve only as the Character's Dice Action use for that phase). Time Control is only used to control the flow of time, not to travel through it. Vala has this power as did Wave Ryder.

Time Slow
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Time TYPE: A/D BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 Time Slow allows a Character to slow the flow of time around himself and/or others. A Character who uses Time Slow on himself must state the specific amount of time he wishes to remain in stasis or what event will trigger his revival. While under the effects of Time Slow, a Character may subtract the APs of Power from the amount of subjective time that passes for him. Such a Character will age, heal and consume food and air at the same subjective rate. For instance, Kid Quantum (Time Slow 8) slows time around herself for two hours (11 APs). For her, 3 APs of time (30 seconds) pass. To slow time around another Character, make an Action Check using APs of Time Slow as the AV/EV and the target's Dex/Body as OV/RV. Targets with active Super Speed, Time Travel, Continuum Control, or Time Control may add their APs of power to the RV. RAPs are subtracted first from the APs of Super speed (as long as it is active). Then, any remaining RAPs are subtracted from the target's "subjective time" as stated above. While in stasis, a Character's OV against any attack is reduced by the APs (or RAPs if the target resists) of power. The APs (or RAPs) are also added to the OV of any opponent the Character in stasis attacks. The Character may participate in combat, but experiences rounds every 0 APs of time plus APs of Time Slow. Therefore, a character with 3 RAPs of Time Slow acting on him experiences a round every 3 APs (30 seconds, or every 8 rounds). A Character may declare and take actions normally, but suffers the OV restrictions mentioned above. In addition, the RAPs of Time Slow affecting the Character are subtracted from his/her initiative. The stasis effect lasts for as long as the Character desires (through the expenditure of a Dice Action each turn), or he may make subsequent checks with the RAPs from these checks replacing RAPs from previous checks. The length

of any subsequent effect is determined from the last successful check, not the first. To choose a new target or set of targets, stasis must be dropped on the current target (the current target may be reselected within a Multi-Attack if the user desires). Alternate: +1 FC. Bonus Aging Defense. APs of Time Slow can be added to the Character's RV against Aging Attacks to slow down the effects.

Time Stop
VERSION: 6.20 RANGE: Distance minus Weight TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 150 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 0 This Power allows the user to "step outside of time," effectively stopping time for the world around him. While outside of time, the character is separated from the rest of the space/time continuum. He can, in a limited fashion, change the stopped objects and people. Cosmetic changes like putting makeup or hats on the stopped figures can be done in a few phases. Energy is halted during the time stop as well as matter. Bullets can be picked out of the air but they will be returned to motion when time restarts. Barriers can be inserted to interrupt an attack. Attacks can be set to happen when time restarts (Ex. The character places a vault over the head of an enemy then restarts time) count as normal attacks. While time is stopped if a character passes through an area and does not interact they are invisible to both normal and super sense. If the Power user interacts in an area that is recorded or subjected to super senses the APs of time stop are added to the characters RV against being detected. A character can Time Stop a bomb or the similar and move it through normal space to a safe location. S/he could use this power to simulate Super Speed by arriving at a location first. If a character makes a standard physical attack against another character while time is stopped the attack will not occur until time restarts, although it is likely to get a blindside bonus. If a character uses stopped time to set up a fusillade of attacks (EX. Fire 10 energy blasts at an enemy during 10 stopped phases) Time stop is considered to be a Stacker power in this context. Ex. Drake freezes time for 4 (4 APs) phases. He then fires his quantum pistol (EV: 06) at a foe in the stopped area. When time restarts the foe would take a 10 (6+4) AP attack. It is worthy of note that not all attacks can be set to fusillade like this. Fusillade can be done with any

non-touch range Physical attack powers (Energy Blast, Projectile Weapons). Mental or Mystical attacks as well as extended touch weapons (Willforce weapon, C/NW) cannot be used this way The number of phases a Character with Time Stop may stop time is equal to his APs of Time Stop. The area experiencing the Time stop is the distance of APs of power minus the APs of weight (beyond the characters own body) s/he is traveling with. This has the effect of recalculating how long he and what he's carrying or touching can remain "outside of time". To determine the length of time, subtract the APs of weight from the APs of Time Stop. The difference is how many phases they can remain "outside of time." Once he re-enters time, time begins moving again at its normal rate, and the hero can again affect others in time. Ambrose Chase has this power as does the watch from the movie the girl, the gold watch, and everything Alternate (1): BC: 100. the character has the time compression (fusillade effect) only Alternate (2): BC: 50. All objects are frozen while time is stopped and cant be changed or attacked.

Time Travel (D)

Version : 6.0 RANGE: Special (+5) TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 150 FACTOR COST: 9 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 1 This Power allows a Character to venture forward or backward along the time stream. The APs of Time Travel +5 are the maximum length of time (Distance in APs Character may move in either direction). To use Time Travel the character must concentrate one full phase (no action possible). In this way the character is always tied to their own present. Ex. Mr. Fantasy has 5 APs of Time Travel (a total of 10 APs of time or 1 hour). He can travel back as far as an hour and experience each moment at one hour is his past. He cannot jump farther back than that hour. The Character can target the moment he wants to travel, to the exact AP -15. Ex. Prophet is traveling back one month in time (20 APs) He will arrive within 5 APs (2 min) of the exact phase he targeted. Time Travel of one day or less can target the exact phase. The Effects of Time Travel on the past may cause the future to change in some game contexts. It may cause parallel time streams to develop in others. It may cause a paradox loop that the character cannot escape from without intervention of another time traveler. The GM may choose to inform the characters in advance of traveling to the past. The use of the Temporal Awareness power can often make this less perilous. Travel to the future has no effect on the present but that future can be populated by any variety of monsters, disasters or advanced societies. The Character may be traveling to one of a number of possible futures. Maybe the future is changed

every time someone travels to it and comes back and makes changes because of the trip. It is possible that the future is fixed and all the actions of the time traveler are already factored in. There may be beings that live in the time stream. Also there may be time police, or monsters that stalk those who make too large of alterations to time. There may be highly alien creatures that stalk paradox. Appearing to a past or future version of yourself may be a problem that causes paradox and may not. Depending on context of the campaign there may be places outside of the time stream Ex. The Cristal Palace from the Exiles. There may be creatures like the Hexamon (possess the Temporal Singularity power) that are unaffected by changes in the time stream. The Effects of Time Travel are often not consistent. Time Travel is without question a most dangerous and unpredictable power. The Time Traveling Character may Transport any persons or objects within 0 APs (10 feet) of him/herself. Any Character within range of who does not wish to Travel may resist. The AV/EVs are the APs of time travel. The OV/RVs are the Will/Mind. Each RAP of success is 1 AP of involuntary time travel the defender will experience Ex. Davis is resisting being transported back 15 AP in time by Prophet. Prophet scores 5 RAPs in the action check. Davis is only transported 1 hour and Prophet is transported the full day. Alternate (1): +2 FC. The character is not bound to their present. The can continually hop backwards and forewords in time, in increments of their Time Travel APs (with the +5AP Bonus) without constraint. Journeyers into Mystery and the Legion of Super Heroes both possess Time Travel devices.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: 1 AP Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST: 6 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None The Tornado Power allows the character to spin at high speeds. S/he will appear as a small tornado while the power is active. Any targets within 1 AP of distance will be struck as if by equivalent APs of Air Burst/Super Breath and knocked back where applicable. The APs of Tornado can be added to the characters RV against physical attacks. Tornado is a Stacker Power. It is subject to all Stacker limitations. The Characters from G Force have this power as do certain tellings of Red Tornado.

VERSION6.0 RANGE:Volume TYPE:Dice BASECOST:15 FACTORCOST:8 GADGETRYTYPE:B ALTERNATES:1 ThisPowerallowsaCharactertoturnanyelementintoanyotherelementorcompound.Themorecomplexisthechangethemore difficulttheaction.Simplegastogasistheeasiest(Ex.oxygentonitrogenorHeliumtoHydrogen).Morecomplexchangesaremore difficult (Ex. nerve gas to oxygen). At no point does Transmutation work on living creatures of any kind. Changing matter state increasesdifficultyaswell. TheOVofatransmutationattemptisthematterlevelsofthesourcematter.TheRVisthematterlevelsoftheresultmaterials. TheRAPsarethevolumeofmatterTransmuted.MatterLevelsaremadeof2criteria:ComplexityandState.BothOVandRVgeta valuefrombothtables.
Complexity Largelypureelement(Ex.Iron,Oxygen,Carbon,Plutonium) BasicCompound(Ex.water,basicsteel,sand,stone,Crudeoil,Tile,air) ComplexCompound(Ex.plastics,complexalloys,advancedpolymers,hightechceramics) UltraAdvancedorScificompounds(Adamantium,Vibranium,Promethium,DwarfStarMatter) OVorRV 02 04 06 08+

State GastoGas LiquidtoGasorviceversa SolidtoGasorviceversa LiquidtoLiquid SolidtoSolid Liquidtosolidorviceversa

OVorRV 02 03 05 03 04 04

Transmutationcanbeusedasanattack(attemptingtoformablockofsteelaroundsomeoneorturningalltheoxygenintonitrogenarounda foetomakehimsleep).TheAV/EVsaretheRAPsoftheTransmutation.TheOV/RVsaretheDexandStroftheopponent.Thismodelstheability ofanopponenttofighttheirwayfreeoftheformingobstaclebeforetheycanbetrappedoraffected.ThevolumeTransmutedisuptotheRAPs. IfaTransmuterwishestogasanopponents/hemustcreateacomplexcompound.TheAPsofthepoisonareuptotheequivalentAPsofPoison Touch.Theeffectscanbefatal,knockoutormorewhimsicaloutcomeslikeNitrosOxide. UseddefensivelyaTranamutercouldusehisdiceactiontochangeanyincominginanimatematter(artilleryrounds,poisongas,swords,bullets, powerarmor)intosomethingharmlesslikeair.S/hecanusetheAPsofTransmutationasanOV/RV. ItisworthyofnotethattheTransmutationpowerdoesnotallowtheTransmutertoreshapematter(makestatuesfromingots)justchangeits elementalstatusinsitsu.Acharacterattemptingtoduplicateanyotherpowereffects(Flash,Icing,Glue,etc)doessoasastandardpowertrick

Ex.1Transmutolad(Transmutation:07)isattackedbyaPoisonGas.Thegasisacomplexcompound.Hewantstochangeittoair.Airisasimple compound.TheAV/EVoftheattemptare07.TheOVis08(complexcompound+gastogas)theRVis04(simplecompound+gastogas).Herolls a13.Thisclears3APsofgasvolume,or8cuft.ThisbuysTransmutoladsomebreathingroom(punintended)tocleartherestoftheareaofthe attack. Ex.2Transtar(Transmutation:15)isfightingThump(Dex:05STR:10).Thumpischargingathim.TransmutoLadformstheairaroundThumpto Lead.FirsthemustmakeasuccessfulTransmutationRoll.AV/EV:07.TheOV,Air,is09(simplecompound,GastoSolid).TheRVis07(Gasto solid,pureelement).Herollsan11.Hegets3columnshiftsfor11RAPsor2000Cuftoflead.Thisisan11/11attackagainstThump.HisOVRVis 05/10.Transtarrollsa12.Thumpistrappedinsidetheleadmass. Ex. 3 Elemental Guy (Transmutation: 09) is on a battleship that has a huge Torpedo hole in it (10x 10) and water is gushing in. he wants to Transmutetheincomingwaterintoasteelpatch.TheAV/EVis09.TheOVis08(liquidtosolid+simplecompound)theRVis08(liquidtosolid+ simplecompound).Elementalguyrollsan18.Hescores10RAPs.TheGMrulesthisiseasilyenoughtopatchthehole. Alternate(1):+2FC.ThecharactercanchangetheformofthetransmutedmatterinafashionsimilartoMetalManipulation

True Sight
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to see through any illusion or other mental concealment (including an Invisible Character). If a Character's APs of True Sight are greater than or equal to the RAPs of Illusion (or other concealment), the Illusion fails to fool the Power user. Others with the Character may believe the concealment. If a Character's APs of True sight are insufficient to automatically penetrate an illusion (or concealment), The Characters APs are added to the APs of any Perception Check aimed at revealing the illusion (see the Illusion Power). Use of True sight will have no effect on natural (non- Powered) forms of concealment such as the Military Science: Camouflage and Thief: Stealth Skills. Note: the Stealth Field Power will not be affected by True Sight but the Obscure will. Dr Stranges Eye of Amagatto has this power as does Phoenix.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: DICE BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: None Ultra-Vibe is the use of ultrasonics to cause an object to vibrate in a physical attack. The AV/EV are the APs of power the OV/RVs are as a normal physical attack with a few exceptions. Ultra-vibe is a kinetic attack, nor an energy attack. Ultra-Vibe can only be used in an atmosphere as air (or the similar) is needed to carry the vibration. In a vacuum it is only usable at a range of touch Dispersed Characters only receive 1 column Shift of bonus to RV ( OV is un effected) as Ultra-Vibe can compensate for the dispersed nature Vibe of the Justice League has this power as do the ultra-Vibe Cannons used by Takeshi Korvachs

Ultra Vision
VERSION : 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to see at night or in the dark just as if it were daylight. This effect is created through the Intensification of existing luminary sources (radio waves, electrical impulses, etc.). A Character can use Ultra Vision to spot Invisible objects (see Invisibility). Wolverine of the X-men has this power as does Iron Man.

RANGE: Touch TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to transfer APs of BODY from an opponent to his or her own BODY. The AV/EVs of a vampirism attempt are APs of Power and OV/RVs equal to the opponent's DEX/BODY. RAPs gained are APs transferred through the Vampirism attack to the vampires Body. Vampirism will repair damage a Character has received. However, the total BODY of a Character may never raise above 150% of his/her normal AP level through the use of this Power. A fully healed (Physically undamaged) Character may still use vampirism as an attack form to damage an opponent. Blade and Dracula both have this Power.

Vermin Form
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 7 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 Vermin form allows a character to disperse into a swarm of rats, bats or insects. Entering Vermin Form disperses the characters body into a nonspecific number of small pest animals or insects. The character once transformed can disperse his/her components creatures up to his/her APs of power in range. Anything seen by the component creatures is considered to be seen by the hero. While in vermin form the character cannot physically attack or be attacked. Any attempt to physically kill off the vermin will be considered a mystical attack against the hero. If the Vermin Formed character reaches zero Spirit he/she appears unconscious at the center of the area where he/she was dispersed. The Vermin will have a physical OV/RV of the Vermin Form power. While in Vermin form the character can enter the smallest spaces in the form of a rat or insect at a speed of 3 APs. In the form of bugs or bats the Vermin can move at up to 4 APs. Alternate: +1 FC. The character can change the form of vermin ever time the power is used. Dracula has this Power as well.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: B ATERNATES: None The Vertigo power causes anyone within range to become disoriented and functionally impaired. Vertigo is a mental attack AV/EV of power against INT/MIND. Guarded senses (hearing) can be added to the RV. APs of Sound Nullification can be subtracted from the APs of attack. Any RAPs of success are subtracted from the AV of any Dice action, for one phase per AP of power. While under the effect of vertigo if the RAPs of vertigo exceed the characters DEX they literally cannot move without falling over. Count Vertigo of the Suicide Squad has this power.

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance (Special) TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 50 FACTOR COST: 5 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 3 This Power allows a Character to open an extra -dimensional rift between points of real space, with instantaneous travel then possible by stepping through the warp. A warp may not be opened into solid matter. While a warp is open, there is no limit to the number or weight of objects which may pass through the warp. A warp collapses the instant the Power user steps through the rift, wills it to close, or falls unconscious. The OV/RVs to an attempt to open a warp equal the distance (in APs) between the locations connected by the warp. If a Character were trying to open a warp one thousand miles long, for example, OV/RVs would be 20/20. RAPs from the Warp Action Check equal the length of time (in APs) the warp will remain open (unless the Power user steps through, wills it to close, or falls unconscious, as previously explained). A warp may be used to attack another Character after the warp has been created. In such a case, RAPs from the roll which opened the warp function as AV/EVs of the attack with the target's DEX/DEX serving as OV/RVs. If RAPs from this attack equal or exceed the distance (in APs) between the target and the warp, the target is instantly drawn into the rift. APs of movement powers can be substituted for EV in this evasion attempt. The effect of the Attack is the simple transportation of the defending character. The attacking character can put him/her in a number of compromising circumstances if he so chooses. Ex. 1000 feet in the air, bottom of the ocean, the main combustion chamber of a coal plant, etc.

Alternate (1) + 2 FC. The character can establish, leave open, or pass back and forth through a Warp as long as s/he remains within range. Alternate (2): +1 FC. The character can create multiple Warps at once but must divide the APs of power between the Warps. Alternate (3): +3 FC. Guillotine Warp. To establish a Guillotine Warp the Warping character must execute a successful involuntary warp (above). A special second Dice action is executed AV\EV will be that of a Warp Power the OV/RV will be Body/Body Positive RAPs indicate the defender was harmed by the partial Warping but left in place. No dismemberment is implied. RAPs equal to or greater than the APs of BODY of the defender mean that the Guillotine Warp has removed the defenders head or some other vital organ. This attack could also be used to break objects by Guillotine Warp a part of them away. Warp (LSH) has this Power, as do the Boom Tubes from Apocalypse and New Genesis.

Water Animation
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 100 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to summon into existence a creature of Water who will follow the Power user's instructions for a length of time equal to the Character's APs of Water Animation. At the end of this time, the creature will disperse into normal water. A Character using Water Animation divides the APs of Power into two numbers as desired. The first number serves as the water creature's DEX STR and BODY while the second number serves as the creature's INFL, AURA and SPIRIT against magical attacks. Such water creatures do not possess Mental Attributes and, as such, are immune to all Mental Attack The water creature occupies a volume equal to its APs of STR and moves at a Speed equal to its DEX. In addition, an animated flame creature suffers a -2 Column Shift modifier to its RV against heat-based attacks. Alternate: Powers can be purchased for Animation at -1 FC. The powers cost the same as if buying them for a character but are used by the Animation instead of the caster. Ex. Dr. Fate purchases 3 APs of energy blast (lightning) for Animation. Any time he animates WATER they will be able to throw lightning in addition to their innate powers. The Weather Wizard has this power as does Tempest.

Water Control
VERSION: 6.2 RANGE: Distance TYPE: A/D BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: 3 This Power allows a Character to control the movement and flow of water. Water Control does not give a Character the ability to create water, however, only the ability to control pre-existing water. A Character with Water Control may utilize the Power toward a number of applications but can perform only one dice action per phase. (D)The ability to summon a large wave to attack an opponent in a standard physical attack. This requires that the character be near a source of water. (D)The ability to sweep an opponent underwater in an effort to drown him/her. This attack requires an Action Check with an AV/EV equal to the Character's APs of the Power against an OV/RV equal to the opponent's DEX/STR. If this Check yields positive RAPs, the target is dragged underwater and suffers a drowning attack (see conditions Attacks) To resurface, the opponent must gain positive RAPs on an Action Check, using his/her DEX/STR as the AV/EV, and the RAPs from the original Water Control Attack as the OV/RV. Needless to say the character must be in the water to start with to use this attack (A)The ability to summon forth a large wave for propulsion. The character can duplicate the swimming power at the APs of Water Control.

(A)The character can add the APs of water control to their RV against a conditions attacks being crushed by deep water. It does NOT allow the character to breathe water. This aspect is a Stacker power.

(D)The ability to move volumes of water. AV/EVs to such an attempt equal the Character's APs of Water Control while OV/RVs equal the volume of the water to be displaced. RAPs indicate the distance the volume of water may be moved.

Ex Tempest (Water Control: 12) can launch a 7 AP wave attack while propelling himself at 3 APs and using 2 APs of crush resistance. Fathom of the Elementals has this power as does Tempest. Alternate (1): +1 FC. The character can produce water like the Matter Production in its Alternate 2. A character with this alternate can attempt to explode an opponent from within by filling him/her to bursting. This is a standard physical attack Alternate (2): +1 FC. The character can use multiple dice actions in the same round with a single dice action in a fashion identical to Continuum Control Alternate (3) +1 FC. The character can use the APs of water control to subtract the moisture from a target. This can be used to emulate a dehydration condition attack. If used as killing combat a character can literally be reduced to dust. This alternate may also be used in a benign fashion to dry the water out of an area without collateral damage (beyond what is already done).It can be used to dry someones clothes or as a method of staying dry in the rain

Water Freedom
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to move through water and other liquids as easily as the average human moves through air. A Character with Water Freedom does not suffer any under-water combat penalties. While submerged, a Character with this Power can breathe freely and may substitute his APs of Water Freedom for Dex (recalculate Initiative score). The APs of Water Freedom can be added to the characters Body for purposes of the deep sea conditions attack that happens at deeper than 5 APs. The Running: Swimming Power is necessary to enhance the Character's underwater movement Speed beyond normal movement. Aquaman of the JLA has this power as does his WW counterpart Maco

Weather Control
Version 6.0 RANGE: +5 TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 35 FACTOR COST: 8 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None This Power allows a Character to control the patterns of local weather. A Character with Weather Control may utilize the Power toward a number of applications. Unlike Continuum Control, Weather Control allows only one dice action per phase. (D)Use of Weather Control requires an Action Check with AV/EVs equal to the APs of Power against base OV/RVs of 0/0. Actual OV/RVs to a Weather Control attempt are modified according to the table below. Calculate the present weather conditions by adding the "Weather Levels of precipitation, temperature, and wind for current weather. The difference between this calculated figure and the total Weather Levels of the condition the Character decides is the number of Column Shifts made to the OV/RV of the attempt, from the base OV/RV of 0/0. Example: Central City is currently experiencing Dry, Cool weather with a Slight Breeze off the lake (total Weather Level of 2 + 2 + 2 = 6). Mystech wants to change these conditions to Monsoons with Record Weather Condition Precipitation Drought Dry Muggy/Damp Rain Monsoon Temperature Record Cold Cool\freezing Mild Hot Record Heat Wind Still Slight breeze Windy Gale Hurricane Tornado Weather Level 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6

Heat and Tornadoes (Weather Level of 5 + 5 + 6 = 16). In this case, the OV/RV would receive +10 Column Shifts (16 6 = 10) from the base 0/0, moving it to the 22 to 24 Column. (A)RAPs from a Weather Control attempt indicate the length of time (in APs) the modified weather will persist. The Character has the option of automatically returning conditions to normal at any time. (D)A Character using Weather Control to create hurricane force winds can attack opponents in a direct physical attack. (D) A Character who summons monsoons can attack opponents in Range with APs of Lightning equal to his/her APs of Weather Control (such attacks are at -2 to AVs for uncontrolled lightning.) (A) The character can use APs of Weather Control to resist damage from conditions or natural effects. Heat, Cold and lightning are examples of this. This resistance does not apply to other effects that cause these types of damage Ex. Resistance works against Lightning but not against being electrocuted by a power line. It works against the heat of Death Valley but not a heat ray cannon, etc. APs of power are added to normal RV. This is a stacker power and subject to all stacker limitations. (D) The character can reduce the humidity to near zero (drought) over an a area equal to the normal range, including the +5. Everyone in the affected area is subjected to a 3/3 AP conditions attack every hour due to dehydration. This can be combined with record heat and raises the conditions attack to 5/5 (A) The character can use equivalent APs of the Fog Power (D) If the character is near a large enough body of water s/he can establish a storm as per normal. Once the storm is established Waves of up to 8 APs in force (RAPs of weather control) will sweep inland up to the APs of power in distance Unlike Air Control, Water Control, or the other emulated powers Weather Control does not allow for fine manipulation of effects. It is very powerful but it affects areas indiscriminately. It is worthy of note that Weather Control cannot be used to fly

Storm of the X-men has this power as does the Thunder God Thor Alternate (1) +1 FC. Weather Control can be used in fine point micro areas. The character can create storms over individual places, rain indoors over a particular plan, or dry areas on a rainy day. A character with this alternate can do a standard physical attack via any mechanism based on weather (Ex. wind, lightning, heat, Cold/ice etc.)

VERSION: 6.01 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 4 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES:1 A character with the Glue/Web power can emit a sticky substance which glues/webs the target to the ground or surrounding terrain. A character struck by the webbing will either become entangled to nearby terrain features or to their own arms and legs. The AV/ EV of the attempt are APs of power. The OV/RV are the Dex/Str are the OV/RV. APs of Frictionless Field or the similar can be added to the resisting characters OV. Positive RAPS indicate that the target characters movement is inhibited. His/her DEX reduced by the APs of the Glue/Web attack. If the targets Dex is reduced to zero he/she is completely immobilized. The character can create lengths of rope or globs of glue with the body of the APs of power. A break free attempt can be made from the webbing each phase. AV/EV of STR can be used against the APs of webbing. Each RAP earned reduces the RAPs of webbing holding the character in place. The Escape Artist skill can be used as well. The Webs will start to deteriorate after the APs time equal to the power level. One AP will fail each 8 APs (10 min) until they dissolve completely. A character with this power can attempt a special defense against high speed attacks.

If the character is thrown, Repelled, knocked back or the similar they can use the Web to attach to things as they go by to slow the speed of impact. The APs of power stack to the RV in these cases. It requires the use of a dice action. The character can attempt to stop a flying object by catching it, or attaching it to nearby objects as it passes them in and then slowing it to a stop. The Objects APs of Weight plus speed are the OV\RV the AV is the APs of web. This can be attempted in successive phases to cumulative results. RAPs are subtracted from the objects speed. It requires the use of a dice action. Ex. Wrapper (Web/glue: 13) is trying to stop a runaway truck (7 APs of weight 7 of speed) that is crashing through a neighborhood. He jumps on it and webs it to the buildings it passes. The OV/ RV of the truck are 14. His AV EV are 13.

Spider-man has this power, as do Venom and Carnage Alternate (1): +1 FC. The power user can release an enzyme at will that dissolve the Webs at any time

Will Force Weapon

VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: 0 APs Distance TYPE: DICE BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: A ALTERNATES: 2 A Will force Weapon is the will of the character given physical form s a weapon. When a player picks Will Force Weapon s/he must decide on a melee weapon manifestation (katana, brass knuckles, whip, mace etc) that I will take. When the power is used a seemingly solid weapon will appear in the users hands. It may have unusual or seemingly impossible characteristics such as being made of cold light or like its surface is constantly flowing. It may appear to be flaming or as a hole in space. Once a weapons form is set however it is fixed. The AV of the attack will be a normal physical attack (Dex, Weaponry, Martial Arts etc.) and the EV will be the APs of power. The OV/RV will be as be a normal physical attack. If the power user looses consciousness or is disarmed the Will force Weapon disappears. Alternate(1): +5 BC. The Will Force Weapon can take the form of any Melee Weapon. Alternate (2): +10 BC The Will Force Weapon can be formed as Bows, Crossbows or the like. It can also be used as a thrown weapon to the limits of the users normal combat skills. Dakkon of Torment has this power.

X-ray vision
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Distance TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST: 3 GADGETRY TYPE: C ALTERNATES: None A Character with this Power see can through virtually any material. OV/RVs of an X-Ray Vision attempt equal the BODY of the object through which the Character is attempting to see. When purchasing this Power, a Character must select a common substance through which the X-Ray Vision will never function. APs of Obscure add to RV against X-ray vision attempts. Superman has this power as does Captain Ultra

Zephyrs Walk
VERSION: 6.0 RANGE: Self TYPE: Auto BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST: 2 GADGETRY TYPE: B ALTERNATES: 1 This power allows a character to negate their own weight down to nearly zero. The character can then move along any surface that would bear the weight of a mouse or an insect. The character can walk on water. The character can move at up to the APs of power across these surfaces (usually a max of 4 APs). For example Master Bai (Zephyrs Walk: 05) could run at full tilt across the tops of peoples heads, a pool of quicksand, across tree branches and out over Boston harbor. The APs of weight that is negated is the APs of power (include the APs of the characters own weight, usually 2). APs of power may be subtracted from APs of knock-back damage as the character exerts control over his/her own mass. (This does not change the distance pushed by knockback, just the damage) Alternate: +1 FC APs of power may be added to APs of Stealth or Climbing Maser Bai from Crouching Tiger has this power as do many of the characters from the movie Hero .

Like Powers, Skills are special abilities, which are measured in APs. The difference between Powers and Skills is that only super-humans generally only possess Powers, whereas nearly any normal human can possess a Skill. A locksmith might have a few APs of the Locks Sub skill of Predator while a doctor would poses the Medicine Skill. Format: Skills are presented using similar format as Powers. Each Skill is given a Base Cost, and a Factor Cost. The Range of all Skills have always "Self" and a Skill's Type is almost always a Dice roll.

Unskilled Use
A Character can often attempt to use a Skill or Sub skill, even if s/he does not possess that Skill/Sub skill. A Character who is attempting to Unskilled Use must substitute his/her matching attribute (DEX for physical, INT for Mental or INF for Mystical) for the APs of the appropriate Skill and add -2 Column Shifts to the values of the action. Skills which have their name followed by an asterisk (*) such as Martial Artist) can never be attempted through Unskilled Use. Particular Sub skills, which may not be attempted in Unskilled Use, are denoted with asterisks prior to the Sub skills listing (one example would be *Forensics). Example: A Character with an INT of 7 who does not possess the Scholor Skill is attempting to identify a Gadget; an Action which the GM decides has an OV/RV of 5/5. In this case, the Character would use his/her INT as the AV/EV of the

Action Check and would receive a +2 Column Shift penalty to the OV/RV, resulting in an effective OV/RV of 9/9. The Character may still opt to spend Hero Points to increase his/her AV or EV when making an attempt at Unskilled Use. A skill will note the number of standard sub skills that come with it under the stated costs. In some cases there will be sub skills that a character wishes to have that are beyond the allowed number. To buy the additional sub skill a +1 factor cost is added to the skill. Taking one less sub skill will decrease the Factor cost by 1 A Certain number of APs in a Skill automatically has that many APs in all of the Sub skills.

Gadgets with Skills

Some gadgets will have skills (See gadgetry). For the gadgetry type of a skill see the skills description. As each skill has its own gadgetry type a gadget with a skill that has all the sub skills the duration is determined by the rules that apply to Powers. Spells with Skills: same as gadgetry rules (see Magic)

Tools and Equipment

Many skills will require the use of some kind of gear. Weapons and Vehicles are the obvious examples. Technologist and Mysticism require special places to do their work. These are covered under the Gadgetry section. Generic tools are covered under the devices index, but sometimes heroes and villains have extraordinary tools. In some cases these will be available with wealth or connections. In some case they may require a specific use of Gadgetry. In some cases they are pursuable as part of the skill.

Lack of quality of equipment will modify the ability of a character to exorcize those skills. Some individual sub skills will be noted about equipment. Additional data is available under the device index. The ability to improvise tools is a check against INT/WIL. The OV/RVs will be based on the Universal Modifier Table Sometimes be will be impossible (Ex. A cardiac surgery will not be improviseable in the deserts of Death Valley but a set of climbing irons might be.) All improvised tool sets will add +1 or more to the OV/RV of gadgetry attempts. Superior tools and equipment can be made by use of Technologist and Mysticism skills. The OV/RV of the attempt will be for the sub skill addressed alone (Ex. Bill wants a superior set of Physical Training: Climbing gear. Physical Training comes with 3 sub skills at an FC of 5. One sub skill would be (5-2) 3. The OV/RV to making better climbing gear would be 3.) Each AP achieved will reduce the OV OR the RV of any sub skill attempt by 1 AP. (Bills superior climbing gear gets 3 RAPs he uses 2 for OV and 1 for RV reductions). His good climbing gear retains these stats. Sometime tools apply to more than one sub skill (Ex. Medicine: Surgery and Medicine First Aid). Use the same math as above but for 2 (or more) sub skills. Charges (or lack thereof) use the standard Gadget, Object of Power, and Intrinsic Power rules (see gadgetry). Cost of superior tools and equipment are as per standard Gadgetry. Cost of enhanced equipment per RAP equivalent to APs of skill. All costs are in XPs

Connections ( Credentials)
Many of the skills have attached Credentials (or Connections). The may have a press pass, police identification, government papers, Military rank, FBI badges, or other Credentials allowing them to gain entry into areas and items that

have been deemed restricted by authorities. Normally, restricted areas include crime scenes, areas where VIPs are present, operational facilities within police headquarters, military compounds, Government facilities, etc. In the case many credentials, such as Airport, movie set, or business and industry, equipment can be made available for the characters use. Depending on the context operators of the gear will be available too. The biggest value of a connection is most often for information. Most connections will be easily reachable by phone of the similar and answer questions provide data based APs of connection The character can be compelled by the Organization they hold connections to do (or not do) something in an adventure setting (Stay away from Jimmie the Earl, or look into the matter of the disappearing Rihatsu Diamond.) This shouldnt happen more than once per adventure. The use of connections allows a character to attempt to invoke an action once per game of the organizations forces. This use requires the action to be within the organizations objectives (invoking the police to stop a villains plot to rob a bank). Misuse of this can lead to demotion (loss of Connection APs). Example: Kid Quantum is a Noctoropolos police patrol officer (3 APs connection). In the stopping of super terrorists he fries a police car with his quantum rays. The NPD will just issue him another one. If he fries three cars in two months this will buy him trouble. Further example: Vinnie the Fish is a high rank in the Patron crime family. He calls out the boys in response to an impending enemy gang incursion into a Patron operation. The GM determines that 3 carloads of 4 thugs each with pistols and shotguns turn out for his call. As this is in line with the originations aims, nothing is counted against him.

Close Combat
Version: 6.0 TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST 7 GADGETRY TYPE:C Sub-skills: 4\4 Sub-skills Striking Breaking Blocking Hardening

Close combat is the ability to fight. Nearly every fictional hero has some form of this. It can be a formal skill such as Karate or Judo. It might be a untrained wild ability. It could also be modeled as some meta-fictional martial art. Only one of the four sub-skill can be used in any given phase

Striking represents a characters ability to strike an opened with accurate blows Substitute APs of Striking skill for AV of any hand-to hand or melee weapon attacks. If the Characters Dex is higher than the Striking skill s/he gains +1 CS to Dex for use as a close combat AV. Having the Striking skill adds a permanent +1 to the Character's Initiative.

The Breaking skill represents knowledge on how to cause damage in hand-to-hand combat. The APs of Breaking may be substituted for Str in hand-to-hand or with a melee weapon combat. If the Characters Str is higher than the Breaking skill s/he gains +1 CS str used as EV If the Characters Breaking Skill is higher than his Strl s/he gains +1 CS Breaking used as EV

The Blocking skill represents the ability to avoid being damaged during combat. The APs of Martial Artist may be used as the OV against hand-to-hand combat attacks. If the Characters Dex is higher than the Blocking skill s/he gains +1 CS to Dex for use as a close combat OV Having the Blocking Sub skill adds a permanent +1 to the Character's Initiative (cumulative with the +1 Initiative from the Assault Sub skill).

The Hardening Sub skill represents a physical toughness the Character has accumulated through training and experience. Hardening allows the Character to substitute his APs of Martial Artist for his RV against hand-to-hand combat attacks. If the Characters Body is higher than the hardening skill s/he gains +1 CS to Body for use as a close combat OV

Con Artist
Version: 6.0 TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST 5 GADGETRY TYPE: C Sub-skills: 4\7 Sub-skills Concealment Persuasion Counterfeit Recognition Security Systems* Forgery ( low tech)* Voice and Mannerism* Lawyers and Cops Underworld Connections*

The con artist skill is the sometimes subtle psychological side of gaining advantage over your fellow man. It is the ability to hide things in plain sight, affecting a different self, or dealing with people is a way that makes them think they won. Con Artist has 7 separate subs skills. This skillset does not have associated credentials as in subcultural interaction everything is unofficial.

Concealment allows a character to hide items on his person. This includes disguising objects effectively and moving without revealing the extra weight or bulge. The GM must judge what items may be reasonably hidden. A short man cannot hide a missile launcher in his pocket, but a large and heavy person could strap it behind his back. Perception Checks made in an attempt to spot Concealed items have OVs increased by up to the Concealing Character's APs of

Skill minus a Universal modifier for large or bulky objects. APs of Concealment may be used as the OV/RV against any Pick pocketing attempts.

Counterfeit Recognition
Counterfeit Recognition enables a Character to identify phony money, fake art, forged signatures, or anything that is a fraudulent copy. The APs of counterfeit recognition can be used as the AV/ EV of a perception check, the OV/RV is equal to the RAPS of Forgery, Artist, Film and Theater, etc, which made the object being identified. If this Check gains positive RAPS, the object is uncovered as a fake, otherwise the Character believes the article to be genuine. Counterfeit recognition also allows the character to spot of faked use of new media. Altered photos and videos and covered up news stories will often lead to patterns of incongruity that can be spotted by a skilled Con Artist. Depending on the resources used to create the subterfuge a significant negative modifier may be assigned to detecting it. Forgery (low tech) Forgery is the low tech method of creating or modifying excellent copies of signatures or works of art. This is literally the duplicating of handwriting or artistic style by hand. The AV/EV of Forgery equals the forger's APs of skill. The OV/RV for signature duplication is 4/4; the OV/RV for copying a work of art equals the original creator's APs of Artist and the OV/RV for monetary counterfeiting is 8/8. The RAPs from a successful Forgery Check act as the OV/RV against Counterfeit Recognition skill and/or Perception Checks made to expose the Forgery. Forgery is a skill that interacts often with other skills. If the character possesses additional skills or powers Forgery can be augmented APs of matter manipulation can be used as EV If the character possesses Forgery ( High Tech) both sub skills operate at +1 AP If the character possess Identification systems ( high or low tech) Forgery adds +1 AP to AV Microscopic vision adds +1 to AV

Artist (Paint and Clay) or Computer Graphics can be used as an EV when applicable Some areas of knowledge will add +1 AP

Forgery is the low tech method of creating or modifying excellent copies of signatures or works of art. This is literally the duplicating of handwriting or artistic style by hand. The AV/EV of Forgery equals the forger's APs of skill. The OV/RV for signature duplication is 4/4; the OV/RV for copying a work of art equals the original creator's APs of Fine Arts and the OV/RV for monetary counterfeiting is 8/8. The RAPs from a successful Forgery Check act as the OV/RV against Counterfeit Recognition and/or Perception Checks made to expose the Forgery.

Lawyers and Cops

The ability to deal with officialdom is sometimes an utter necessity. Police, bureaucrats, judges, and party officials can be a great help or a great hindrance. APs of Lawyers and Cops skill can be used as AV/EV of a persuasion attempt to deal with official parties without traditional negative modifiers by speaking their language. A character with this skill has knowledge of the law and can quote regulations to get out of trouble or into a secure area by using the system against itself. Ex. Wraith has the mistrust disadvantage. He wants to get into old court records and the clerk at the hall of records does not want to let him. He uses the exact rules of the county clerks office to require the clerk to let him in. He rolls a persuasion attempt using his APs of Lawyers and Cops with no -2 due to is disadvantage. This skill is common among trial lawyers and detectives.

This skill can be substituted for INF and AURA as an AV/EV of a persuasion attempt (see persuasion in the character interaction section).

Security Systems*
This skill allows a character to override electronic or mechanical security alarms. The AV/EV are the Character's APs of skill against an OV/RV equal to the RAPS of the system creator's Gadgetry Check. Positive RAPS indicate success in overriding the system. A standard security system has OV/RVs of 5/5 while complex systems have as much as a 12/12. It takes at least one minute (4 APs) to override a device through Security Systems. It may take MUCH longer.

Voice and Mannerisms

The character is adept at seeming like a different type of person then they actually are. This skill can be used to imitate accents or modes of dress. A character could use this skill to fit in at a black tie party or to sound like a heavy smoker in his late 50s. This skill is not so much about appearing to be a particular person but adopting general mannerisms. Ex. Carlos is trying to infiltrate a marine barracks in Afghanistan. He steals a uniform and then adopts the casual lope and the thousand yard stare of a force recon marine so as to not be questioned as he moves around. APs of power are used as OV/RV against being picked out in casual conversation or Interrogation.

Underworld Connections*
Characters with this Skill possess levels of access to specific underworld locations, shadowy figures or organisations.1-2 APs provide certain minimal access; your calls will be taken and your presence acknowledged. 3-4 APs provide access to computer and physical systems; your words are taken into account and you have limited access to the data an resources of the organization 5-6 APs allow access to all personnel, facilities, and data but the most sensitive; this a represents an under boss or similar level of involvement.7-8 APs if top level credentials to all areas; mob bosses, syndicate chiefs, top level enforcers The character may want to split APs of credentials at more than one organization. It is worthy of note that conspiracys inside an organization will hide from authorized users.

Fine Arts
Version: 6.0 TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST 6 GADGETRY TYPE: C Sub-skills: 5\8 Sub-skills Gymnastics Actor Musician* Artist ( Paint and Clay)* Photographer RAPs Effect 1-2 3-5 6-9 10+ The performance or work is accepted The performance or work is well received The artist receives critical acclaim (standing ovation) The artist gives an immortal performance the audience will never forget. Computer Graphics* Set Credentials* Film and Theater*

The fine arts are performances and productions intended to be appreciated by others. When a Character uses Fine Arts to perform or produce a work, OV/RVs are at 4/4 by default. Some audiences will be more or less critical or more susceptible to a given art form.. If the person possesses the Artist Skill, the APs of Artist will act as OV/RV to the attempt. Multi-attack penalties against Fine Arts are not applicable. RAPS on a Fine Arts action indicate the following effects:

An audience, which liked a Characters performance or work, will be Friendly (see character Interaction) toward the Artist. Utilizing While no fixed time exists for the fruition of genius, a standard guideline is two months (21 APs) per major work. Fine Arts has seven distinct Sub skills.

Actor gives the Character the ability to act in dramas and become adept at portraying many different personae. This Sub skill may be used to disguise a Character, in which case the APs of Actor serve as the OV RV against a Perception Check to detect the impersonation. RAPS indicate the degree to which the opponent is able to see through the disguise, if at all. A Character who uses Actor to impersonate a well-known figure receives a +2 Column Shift modifier to the OV. The impersonation of a generic individual, such as a guard at a military installation, receives no OV modifier. Use of the Actor Sub skill does not provide a Character with any information known by an impersonated Character, such as passwords or hide out locations. The Actor Sub skill may also be used to penetrate a disguise or to resist being fooled by another Character using the Actor Sub skill. In such cases, the APs of Actor serve as AV/EVs and OV/RVs, respectively.

Artist (Paint and Clay)*

The character is skilled in the old media arts. Sculpting, Paint, charcoals, pencils, etc. The character can produce quality artwork in from hours to weeks depending on medium. A character will have a discernable style in any art work. If a character has both Forgery (Low Tech) and Artist (Paint and clay) S/he can produce new artwork in the style of another artist.

Computer Graphics*
This is the skill to create and modify images and photographs, or video on a computer. It can be used in several ways. The APs of computer graphics can be used create original works. Computer graphics can be used to modify photographs so as to show something that is not true (Ex: make a picture of Bill Gates performing brain surgery). When an image is presented The AV\EV can be Perception check at Extreme (Universal Modifier Table) APs of Con Artist ( Counterfeit Recognition) APs of Computer Graphics skill

of someone examining the image. The OV/RV of the attempt is the APs of computer skill.

Film and Theater*

The character is skilled in the Direction and Production of Movies and stage production. S/he can show to good effect a story. A movie shown or a play performed each time will count as a separate performance by the artist. If an agenda exists in the film ( A la Michael Moore) the artist gets a separate attempt to influence the audience each time the story plays. This skill also applies to TV and News Direction.

Gymnastics* enables a Character to perform rolls, tumbles, flips, etc. This Skill gives no benefit in combat but will readily impress a crowd. An Olympic gymnast would possess 4 or 5 APs of this Sub skill. A normal tumbling routine has OV/RVs of 2/2 while an Olympic caliber routine has OV/RVs of 6/6. Examples of Difficulties: OV/RV Action 01/01 03/03 Perform a roll, perform a cartwheel Perform a flip or back flip, break a two story fall, bounce off a wall, use a grapnel or similar from a standing position, swing from a chandelier 04/04 retain your grip while on the top of a moving car, break a three stories fall, slowly walk a tightrope, bounce off two walls, swing to a specific place using a line 05/05 Perform multiple back flips, perform basic trapeze work, land on a street lamp and bounce off, break a four stories fall, briskly walk on a tightrope, bounce off three walls, use a grapnel or similar while hurtling through the air 06/06 Perform a double somersault, land on and bounce off from a telephone wire or similar, bounce off four walls, break a five stories fall, run or fight on a tightrope. 07/07 Perform a triple somersault, bounce off five walls, break a six stories fall If a Character who is performing for an interested or neutral crowd receives 1-2 RAPS, the audience was pleased; 3-4 RAPS means they loved the performance; and 5 or more RAPS indicates that the audience burst into frenzied applause. 8 or more RAPS gained indicates a truly electrifying performance that will be remembered

When estimating overall movement speed on the "rooftop express" (moving through the big city with rooftop acrobatics and a swing line), use gymnastics divided by two, rounding down - so a Character with Acrobatics (gymnastics): 9 could sustain a speed of 4 APs. The Maximum speed that can be reached this way is 4 APs.

Musician enables a Character to sing in a variety of styles. The character can play musical instruments, Woodwinds, string and percussion.

Photographer: is the art of creating photographic works. Fashion photographers and film directors would fit into this category.

Set Credentials*
Characters with this Skill possess levels of access to specific art locations, museums, galleries, and movie sets.1-2 APs provide certain minimal access. 3-4 APs provide badge access to computer and physical systems. 5-6 APs allow access to all personnel, facilities, and data but the most sensitive.7-8 APs if top level credentials to all areas. The character may want to split APs of credentials at more than one facility. It is worthy of note that criminal conspiracys inside a corporation or organization will hide from authorized users.

Version: 6.0 TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST 5 GADGETRY TYPE: C Sub-skills: 4\5 Sub-skills Search Patterns* Investigator is the skill if finding out what someone is working hard to keep you from knowing. It is the ability to make people talk about things they do not want to, or see things in small details that others would miss. This skill is the determining of the who, what, when, where, and why that something occurred. Investigator has 4 sub skills. Clue Analysis* Identification systems Interrogation (low tech)* Police Credentials*

Clue Analysis*
Clue Analysis is the ability to glean information from physical clues to a crime or criminal. RAPS equal the Knowledge Points gained and some pieces of information may require more than a single Knowledge Point to uncover. There is a three-tiered clue structure to the revelation of any clue. Each step contains a piece of information and has a Knowledge Point total necessary to reach it. Once a step is reached, all information available in preceding steps is automatically awarded as well. Revelation of information from a Clue Analysis is dependent upon how many RAPS the Analysis gained:

1 RAP (little information) 1/2the RV in RAPS (a good deal of information) Full RV RAPS (everything there is to know about the clue)

AV/EVs to a Clue Analysis equal a Character's APs of the skill. The OV/RV is determined by the complexity of the mystery. A simple who-done-it might have an OV/RV of 02. A multi-level conspiracy might have an OV/RV of 12. As new clues are gained the OV/RV will drop and the detective can reroll for more RAPs. Ex. Bruce encounters a multiple murder of 3 gang members from the White Lightning and one from the E street 5. None of the weapons used are present and there is no sight of a 3rd party having been on the scene. The OV/RV is 08. Bruce gets 1 RAP. He learns a two stage sniper rifle was used to appear to be pistol rounds. After investigating he finds the maker of the rifle and interrogates him. The OV/RV drops to 5 with the new information. Bruce gains full APs and determines that that the the shooter had to be a marine trained sniper with a millionaires resources.

Identification Systems (Low Tech)*

Identification Systems enables a Character to verify the identity of another Character from fingerprints or other low tech methods, if s/he has access to the proper equipment. If the target Character is unknown by any authority the Detective has access to, there is no chance to identify him/her through Identification systems. AV/EV are a characters APs of the skill while OV/RVs are caused by circumstance. A High quality audio tape or a clear set of fingerprints would be OV/RV 03. A strand of contaminated DNA or smeared and old photos would be OV\RV 08. A character may substitute the APs of Escape Artist may be used as an OV against Identification systems. Positive RAPS reveal the identity of the Character sought.

The Character can substitute the APs of power for AV/EV of a character interaction (interrogation). See the character interaction section for details

Police Credentials*
Police Credentials allow a Character to get very close to crime scenes and areas where security is high. A Character with Police Credentials is an officer, detective, chemist, secretary, or some other sort of police authority. At higher levels it might mean that the Character is, a Sheriff, Captain, Chief, or even Commissioner. Having a Police Credential will also allow a Character into Police Stations, access to crime files and criminal records, and even to lab equipment. Credentials allow access to even more secret areas of the Police stations including access to information on stakeouts, inter-Police organizations, undercover operations, and other information not normally available to the other members of the force. 1-2 APs provide certain minimal access. 3-4 APs provide badge access to computer and physical systems. 5-6 APs allow access to all personnel, facilities, and data but the most sensitive.7-8 APs if top level credentials to all areas. Using Police Credentials to gain access to normally restricted areas could raise suspicions about a Character. Police procedures may force a Character to require a search warrant before entering certain areas, as well as acquire a tendency not to break, the law. It is worthy of note that criminal conspiracys inside a corporation or organization will hide from authorized users.

Search Patterns*
The character is expert in limiting down a person, event or objects location and time. If the investigator is looking for someone or something they use APs of Search Pattern as AV/EV in an attempt to locate or at least narrow the field of

when and where the object of their search is going to appear. OV/RV of a simple search can be as low as 2/2. To find a felon hiding in a major city where he has connections the OV/RV would be as high as 14. May times full information is not available to the Investigator regardless of the dice action, just clues to the next leg of the search. Ex. Vampire John uses his search pattern skill to locate a practitioner of Voodoo in New York City. John makes a few calls and looks up police records of animal sacrifice. The OV/RV is 3. He rolls and gains full RAPs. He learns that Voodoo practitioners often go to the Sanitaria Church on 12th and Whitmore. Further Ex. Carlos is attempting to find when the next illegal street race is in old Chicago. He researches their old patterns and watches the behavior of a known racer. The OV/RV is 04 Carlos gets RAPs. He learns that the next race is on May 5th at 11 PM but not where it will take place.

Version: 6.0 TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 15 FACTOR COST 5 GADGETRY TYPE: C Sub-skills: 4\5 Sub-skills Search Patterns* Investigator is the skill if finding out what someone is working hard to keep you from knowing. It is the ability to make people talk about things they do not want to, or see things in small details that others would miss. This skill is the determining of the who, what, when, where, and why that something occurred. Investigator has 4 sub skills. Clue Analysis* Identification systems Interrogation (low tech)* Police Credentials*

Clue Analysis
Clue Analysis is the ability to glean information from physical clues to a crime or criminal. RAPS equal the Knowledge Points gained and some pieces of information may require more than a single Knowledge Point to uncover. There is a three-tiered clue structure to the revelation of any clue. Each step contains a piece of information and has a Knowledge Point total necessary to reach it. Once a step is reached, all information available in preceding steps is automatically awarded as well. Revelation of information from a Clue Analysis is dependent upon how many RAPS the Analysis gained:

1 RAP (little information) 1/2the RV in RAPS (a good deal of information) Full RV RAPS (everything there is to know about the clue)

AV/EVs to a Clue Analysis equal a Character's APs of the skill. The OV/RV is determined by the complexity of the mystery. A simple who-done-it might have an OV/RV of 02. A multi-level conspiracy might have an OV/RV of 12. As new clues are gained the OV/RV will drop and the detective can reroll for more RAPs. Ex. Bruce encounters a multiple murder of 3 gang members from the White Lightning and one from the E street 5. None of the weapons used are present and there is no sight of a 3rd party having been on the scene. The OV/RV is 08. Bruce gets 1 RAP. He learns a two stage sniper rifle was used to appear to be pistol rounds. After investigating he finds the maker of the rifle and interrogates him. The OV/RV drops to 5 with the new information. Bruce gains full APs and determines that that the the shooter had to be a marine trained sniper with a millionaires resources.

Identification Systems (Low Tech)*

Identification Systems enables a Character to verify the identity of another Character from fingerprints or other low tech methods, if s/he has access to the proper equipment. If the target Character is unknown by any authority the Detective has access to, there is no chance to identify him/her through Identification systems. AV/EV are a characters APs of the skill while OV/RVs are caused by circumstance. A High quality audio tape or a clear set of fingerprints would be OV/RV 03. A strand of contaminated DNA or smeared and old photos would be OV\RV 08. A character may substitute the APs of Escape Artist may be used as an OV against Identification systems. Positive RAPS reveal the identity of the Character sought.

The Character can substitute the APs of power for AV/EV of a character interaction (interrogation). See the character interaction section for details

Police Credentials
Police Credentials allow a Character to get very close to crime scenes and areas where security is high. A Character with Police Credentials is an officer, detective, chemist, secretary, or some other sort of police authority. At higher levels it might mean that the Character is, a Sheriff, Captain, Chief, or even Commissioner. Having a Police Credential will also allow a Character into Police Stations, access to crime files and criminal records, and even to lab equipment. Credentials allow access to even more secret areas of the Police stations including access to information on stakeouts, inter-Police organizations, undercover operations, and other information not normally available to the other members of the force. 1-2 APs provide certain minimal access. 3-4 APs provide badge access to computer and physical systems. 5-6 APs allow access to all personnel, facilities, and data but the most sensitive.7-8 APs if top level credentials to all areas. Using Police Credentials to gain access to normally restricted areas could raise suspicions about a Character. Police procedures may force a Character to require a search warrant before entering certain areas, as well as acquire a tendency not to break, the law. It is worthy of note that criminal conspiracys inside a corporation or organization will hide from authorized users.

Search Patterns
The character is expert in limiting down a person, event or objects location and time. If the investigator is looking for someone or something they use APs of Search Pattern as AV/EV in an attempt to locate or at least narrow the field of

when and where the object of their search is going to appear. OV/RV of a simple search can be as low as 2/2. To find a felon hiding in a major city where he has connections the OV/RV would be as high as 14. May times full information is not available to the Investigator regardless of the dice action, just clues to the next leg of the search. Ex. Vampire John uses his search pattern skill to locate a practitioner of Voodoo in New York City. John makes a few calls and looks up police records of animal sacrifice. The OV/RV is 3. He rolls and gains full RAPs. He learns that Voodoo practitioners often go to the Sanitaria Church on 12th and Whitmore. Further Ex. Carlos is attempting to find when the next illegal street race is in old Chicago. He researches their old patterns and watches the behavior of a known racer. The OV/RV is 04 Carlos gets RAPs. He learns that the next race is on May 5th at 11 PM but not where it will take place.

Version: 6.0 TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST 5 GADGETRY TYPE: C Sub-skills: 3\5 Sub-skills Surgery* Heroes spend most of their time in destruction or investigations. There comes a time where even the most hardened soldier or toughest alien needs to recover from battle. Medicine also includes the skills in repairing of non-combat damage or dealing with non-human or post human systems Medicine has four distinct sub skills: Forensics* Medical Credentials* Medical Treatment* Para-medicine*

Forensics* enables a Character to ascertain information regarding the manner of death by examining a body. Such analyses using this skill must be conducted in a laboratory in all but the most obvious of cases. In said laboratory, the exact cause and approximate time of death may be determined. APs off this skill can be used as Identification systems (High tech) to determine the identity of the deceased The time of death determined through a Forensics Check is accurate to within 5 APs of the length of time (in APs) the victim has been deceased. Ex. if a body had been dead one week (18 APs the time of death can be accurately determined to within 8 hours (13 APs).

If Knowledge Points are gained in examination of a corpse, Forensics may be used to gather this information The AV/EV of such an attempt equals the Character's APs of Medicine Skill, while the OV/RV equals 4/4 for a body dead one week or less, 8/8 for a body dead one week to six months, and 10/10 for a body dead more than six months. Positive RAPS reveal Knowledge Point information normally.

Medical Credentials*
Characters with this Skill possess levels of access to specific medical institutions they are associated with. The character is recognized as a doctor, cornier, nurse, pathologist or the similar. These credendas may be to a Lab, a Hospital or to a Clinic.1-2 APs provide certain minimal access. 3-4 APs provide badge access to computer and physical systems. 5-6 APs allow access to all personnel, facilities, and data but the most sensitive.7-8 APs if top level credentials to all areas. The character may want to split APs of credentials at more than one facility. It is worthy of note that criminal conspiracys inside an organization will hide from authorized users.

Medical Treatment*
Medical Treatment enables a Character to aid others in combating the effects of disease and injury. Medical Treatment may only be attempted once per day on anyone Character. RAPs are added to the patients EV (Body or Mind) in the Recovery check (see the Rules section: Damage) to determine how rapidly the Character heals. If Recovery is unsuccessful for any reason, Medical Treatment has no effect. Additionally a special recovery check can be made. The AV of medicine Check is the APs of Medical Treatment skill + the current Body of the character being healed The EV is the normal BODY or Mind of the character. This reflects the tougher a character is the easier he heals. The OV/ RV are the APs in total damage the character has taken.

The OV/RVs may equal the APs of the disease or poison which affected the Character. Positive RAPs from Medical Treatment indicate the patient Character stops losing points of BODY for a length of time (in APs) equal to the RAPs of the Medical Treatment. If any Medical Treatment is administered to a Character who has sustained MIND damage, the patient may only be treated once per week, regardless of whether or not the treatment was successful (received positive RAPs). Medical Treatment requires proper equipment and medicines, such as those available in hospitals and mental health facilities. If these are not available, Medical Treatment may not be administered and only First Aid may be given. A Character can use the Medical Treatment skill to mimic the First Aid Sub skill. If a Character fails a Medical Treatment attempt and his/her APs of Medicine are less than the absolute value of the damage sustained by the patient (in APs), the Medical Treatment has made the condition worse and the patient loses his/her next Resting Recovery Roll. If a Character's APs of Medicine are greater than or equal to the absolute value of damage sustained, no additional damage is done to the patient; the Treatment was simply unsuccessful. If damage sustained by a Character is to a specific organ or portion of the body and the Character's BODY has been reduced below 0, Medical Treatment is of no use; Surgery is required.

Para Medicine*
The Character is skilled at the near medical functions that exist in the super hero world. Para-medicine is the skill to deal with the implanting of cyber parts, removing of alien symbioses, or the healing of non-humans. Para-medicine does not have given use cases. It is the catch all skill of dealing with the weird.

Surgery enables a Character to repair extensive Physical damage sustained by another Character. It also allows the surgeon Character to perform normal surgery up to and including transplant operations and implantation of artificial organs. Surgery has several use cases: It can be used in a way identical to medical treatment with the following exception: o can only be conducted once a week for physical damage or once a month for mental damage o Requires hospital) o Acts at a +2 AP to medical skill extensive equipment (usually a Condition Appendectomy, transfusion OV/RV 02/02

Repair of a sucking chest wound or a belly 04/04 shot Organ transplant 06/06

Bring substandard body function to full 08/08 function, Face transplant Brain transplant, change in a basic bodily 11/11 function

Can be used for non-combat injuries such as transplants. The AV/EV is the APs of medicine. The OV/RVs are the difficulty of the treatment. Surgery can be used to change the appearance of a character. The attempt takes 3 months and the APs of surgery can be used as a permanent Chameleon Power

Version: 6.0 TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST 8 GADGETRY TYPE: C Sub-skills: 3/5 Sub-skills Spiritual Healing* In the super hero world Magic and daemons are as real as cars and guns. Some heroes can use rituals of staggering power or interface into the mystic world. Create object* Mentor* Premonition* Ritual Magic*

Create Magical Object*

This skill enables a Character to create mystical items and artifacts. Items created using this Sub skill are designed using the Gadgetry/occult object rules. For more information, see the Gadgetry section.

Mentor is the Ability to teach another character a magic ritual (See Magic) or Draw magical plans for Occult Objects. When creating an Occult Object the character may first draw up plans for their Object. They are not required but make the rolls easier as well as make further duplication of the Objects easier. When the Mentor makes plans they are for a specific Occult Object at specific AP levels (EX. Freeze Ring Body: 05 Ice Control: 08). The level of scientist required to make Plans is the Highest AP of the Gadget +1 for every non zero attribute

(EX. 9 APs for the Ice Control in the above example). The Mentor must Pay 1/10 the XP value of the Occult Object created to make the plans. Plans can be reused an endless number of times as the AV of an attempt to repair or build the specific Occult Object. No dice rolls are required for the making of plans. The creating Of Plans for Occult Objects will most often take the form of books or scrolls.

Premonition: The ability to read signs and symptoms, portents and oracles to determine good or evil or to predict the future. If you are playing a magical setting or magical character there will be occasional circumstances where clues can be interpreted before something occurs. Example: The Silk Specter has spent the last several weeks looking for the Dark Avatar when he comes upon townhouse in Soho. The GM asks him to make an Occultist roll. When he succeeds the GM tells the player that the Specter could feel the miasma of evil around the place, it could only be cause by the attempting to open the gate to Middle-dark That must be what the Dark Avatar is doing

Ritual Magic*
Ritual Magic* enables a Character to do two things: Create new rituals (see Magic) and cast magic spells by enacting magic rituals. To perform a ritual, a Character must possess a written description of the ritual and its components (physical items required to cast the spell). A ritual consists of a desired Effect, a Casting Time, and Necessary Components. The Effect of the ritual is a Power or Skill rated at a certain number of APs. A summoning spell, for example, might have an Effect of Dimension Travel (Summoning). The Casting Time represents the length of time (in APs) actually required to perform the ritual.

Necessary Components are items which a Charmer must possess to enact the spell, without which the ritual cannot succeed. A summoning spell for example, might have a skull and four iron rods listed as Necessary Components. To learn a ritual, the Character must make an Action Check with an AV/EV equal to his/her APs of Occultist against an OV/RV equal to the APs of Effect for a listed ritual. Once a ritual is learned it can be used like any other Power (respective of casting time and components) For example, if a Character sought an Effect of Dimension Travel (Summoning) at 15 APs, the OV/RV would equal 15/ 15. Positive RAPS indicate the successful learning of the ritual. Otherwise the ritual is not learned and all components are destroyed. The Character may attempt to learn the again provided the Character obtains new components. A result of a natural "2" (double ones) on a Ritual Magic attempt indicates that the ritual backfires, with effects at the GM's discretion. While a Character is performing Ritual Magic (Ex. the duration of the Casting Time), s/he may perform no other actions.

Spiritual Healing*
Spiritual Healing*: The character is skilled in using mystical herbs, tools and ceremonies to cure damage to the soul. APs of Spiritual Healing can be used in a way identical to Medicine: Medical treatment for Damage to Spirit only. If the Character wants to heal Physical or Mental Damage S/he needs a Magic Ritual. Spiritual Healing takes at least 1 hour to prepare and enact.

Physical Training Version: 6.0 TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST 6 GADGETRY TYPE:C Sub-skills: 4/6 Sub-skills Ariel Superiority* Juggling and Catching Climbing Sports Dodging* Hard Target*

Heroes are often the best trained physical specimens in the world. They have worked and fought hard to make themselves something beyond what most people think is possible. Physical training is the skill that represents those achievements. Physical Training has seven specific sub skills: Arial Superiority* Aerial Superiority: enables a character with the power of flight (Flight, Gliding, Shape Change etc.) to perform daring maneuvers - many in the style of dogfight duels - which are beyond what his DEX would allow. The Aerial Superiority Sub skill can be used in three ways: If the Character wants to perform an aerial maneuver that is difficult enough to require an Automatic Action on the Difficulty table (Ex. flying very quickly between obstacles), the Aerial Superiority Sub skill can be used instead of DEX as the AV/EV against the maneuver's difficulty. It can substitute for OV when performing aerial maneuvers and during aerial combat, provided the Character is not performing a Dodging Maneuver in that Phase. Aerial combat is combat conducted when the Character is fully in flight, included charging attacks on targets that are on the ground. When the Character is in flight, it can be used just like the Dodging Sub skill to enhance a Dodging Maneuver

Climbing enables a Character to climb walls, trees, buildings, etc. Guidelines for determining the OV/RV of climbing attempts can be found on the chart: A Climbing Action Check must be made prior to the climbing attempt. If this Action Check fails, the Character will fall when s/he reaches the halfway point of the surface (1 AP below the surface's total height).no one can climb faster than 3 APs per phase without additional powers. Object climbed The total time (in APs) required for a Character to reach the top of a climbed surface equals the RAPs from a Character's Climbing Action Check minus the height of the surface in APs. Climbing is treated as a movement "Power" for the purposes of determining movement in combat. Example: A Character with Climbing of 7 APs scales a sheer cliff, which is onehalf mile high (9 APs). The AV to the attempt is 7, and the OV is 8 (for a Sheer Cliff). The Player rolls a 13 and receives one Column Shift. On the Result Table, the EV of the Check is 7, while the RV is 8. Total RAPs (after the Column Shift) are 3. Subtracting three from the height of the cliff in APs reveals that the Character could climb the cliff in 6 APs of time (4 minutes). Telephone poll Sheer cliff Glass and Steel tower 4 8 10 Tree OV/RV 3

Dodging enables a Character to avoid a blow or other Physical Attack. In order to use this Sub skill, the Player must choose the Dodge maneuver in combat (see the Rules section). Instead of receiving a +1 Column Shift bonus to his/her OV for a Dodge, a Character with this Sub skill may add the APs of Dodging to his/her OV.

Hard Target*
The character is harder to hit in combat than DEX would seem to allow. This ability is most often seen used by cinematic gunfighters. AP as of this power can be used as an OV against normal physical attacks. It is worthy of note that if a character ha both this and the Dodging sub skill the two attributes Stack in dodge maneuver (no dice action that phase).

Juggling and Catching

This is the ability to deftly catch, throw, and keep in the air small objects and projectiles. In its most basic form this is the ability to juggle. Use the artist RAP table for the showmanship of juggling. If the Character using this skill also has Martial Arts: Blocking s/he can add +1 CS to RV by juggling sharp objects between him/herself and foes. If the character is being attacked by thrown (axes, swords, darts, knives) or launched (Bows, crossbow, spear guns) weapons s/he may attempt to catch them out of the air. Use the APs of Acrobatics as an RV. If zero RAPs are scored then the object is caught. The Character may then throw the object if s/he chooses. If the character attempts to catch more than 2 weapons per phase (one in either hand) The RV decreases by 1 AP for each catch as the projectiles are launched into a juggling pattern.

If the Character has the Weapons: missile or the Martial Arts: Assault sub skill S/he can spend 2 phases juggling weapons and perform a multi attack at +1 CS by throwing all the projectiles at a group of targets

The sports skill is the ability of a trained athlete in a particular discipline. The APs of this skill can be used as the AV/EV while performing the sport or an activity much like it. Example: Titan-X was a professional hockey player before his transformation to a super hero. He was standing in a bank while trying to stop a robbery and a grenade is lobbed into the room. He could use his sports skill to attempt a slap shot out the window using an AK47 as an improvised hockey stick.
7-10 11+ Noted top player in the field. True all star One of the greats to ever play the game APs of Skill 1-3 4-6 Reference Minor league or college player Professional athlete

Version: 6.0 TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 5 FACTOR COST 5 GADGETRY TYPE: C Sub-Skills: 4/8 Sub-skills Power Armor* Air Riding Exotic* Spacecraft* Ground Water Facilities Access*

The big machines are of often essential, Cars, bikes, trucks, planes, speedboats, cruise ships, space ships, sail boats, etc are the ways that heroes get where they are going, often in style. The Pilot skill Is about exceeding the recommendations in the owners manual, sometimes while being shot at. The Pilot Skill can be used as an AV for onboard mounted weaponry. The Pilot skill has seven separate sub-skills, one of which, Exotic, can be taken multiple times:

Air Vehicles is the ability to use of fixed wing (airplanes), rotary wing (helicopters), lighter-than-air (dirigibles) craft, etc. As the characters skill increases the more complex air vehicles that can be used. The APs of skill are used as an AV/EV in any related control of knowledge rolls. Examples include: APs of Skill 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 Proficiency Propeller and Glider Craft Jets and Helicopters Fighter Planes and Combat Craft Experimental Craft (x-planes)

Exotic vehicles is a catch all category for super-heros unique devices such as flying platforms, gravity boots, Sky cycles, The Fantasti-car, drilling machines, time ships. Etc. The APs of skill are used as an AV in any related control of knowledge rolls APs of Proficiency

Ground vehicles are the ability to drive cars, motorcycles and the like. As the characters skill increases the more complex ground vehicles that can be used. The APs of skill are used as an AV in any related control of knowledge rolls. Examples include:

Skill 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 Automatic cars and trucks Stick shifts, motorcycles and Semi-trucks Race cars and dune buggies Experimental and ultra-high performance vehicles

Facilities Access*
Characters with this Skill possess levels of access to specific air terminals, boat docks, garages or vehicle design facilities..1-2 APs provide certain minimal access. 3-4 APs provide badge access to computer and physical systems. 5-6 APs allow access to all personnel, facilities, and data but the most sensitive.7-8 APs if top level credentials to all areas. The character may want to split APs of credentials at more than one facility. It is worthy of note that criminal conspiracys inside a corporation or organization will hide from authorized users.

Power Armor*
Power Armor is the skill at operating the Gadgets of the same name. Power armor can substitute for the AV on any of a powers suits functions. This skill includes Gundams, Mecha, and the similar. The APs of skill are used as an AV/EV in any related control of knowledge rolls.

Riding enables a Character to ride any sort of animal that has been trained for it. This type of riding is Automatic. If the animal is untrained it requires a dice action. The AV/EV is the APs or riding skill. The OV/RV of the Riding attempt equals the DEX/STR of the animal. A Character who has made a successful Riding Action Check will not lose control of the mount unless an attack upon the animal is made which either knocks the beast unconscious or receives RAPS which exceed the Character's APs of Riding. The APs of skill are used as an AV/EV in any related control of knowledge rolls. Riding of exotic animals (crocodiles, giant pigs, tigers, dinosaurs, robots, etc) will most often have a CS penalty.

Spacecraft is the skill to pilot both modern real world spacecraft as well as alien or foreign craft. The APs of skill are used as an AV/EV in any related control of knowledge rolls. The GM may limit the availability of this skill depending on game context.

Watercraft includes every variety of craft that moves on or below the water. The APs of skill are used as an AV/EV in any related control of knowledge rolls. Examples include: APs of Skill 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 Proficiency Small motor craft or sailboats Passenger ships and tri-mast ships, cigarette boats Submarines and military ships Experimental and extreme craft

Version: 6.0 TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 20 FACTOR COST 6 GADGETRY TYPE: C Sub-skills: 4/7 Sub-skills Danger Recognition* Stealth Escape Artist Sabotage* Intimidation Tracking Locks &Safes*

In the urban arena, the deep woods, or wasted badlands a predator has the same menace. You dont see him coming until he is upon you. You cant keep her out of where she chooses to go. Predators are feared because of their mystique and manor. These abilities are about the physical side of subterfuge and deception and not confrontation. The Predator Skill possesses seven specific Sub skills, which are:

Danger Recognition*
Danger Recognition allows a Character to avoid an ambush by identifying and recognizing subtle peculiarities in a hostile environment. It even helps the character recognize that the environment IS hostile. The APs of the Danger Recognition Sub skill act as a Character's AV/EV when rolling to avoid the effects of Surprise (see Surprise) In addition, Danger Recognition functions exactly like Danger Sense Power (see Danger Sense) whenever the Predator is operating in a combat circumstance. As the nature of modern warfare has change the very definition of the battlefield has changed. The Danger recognition skill can be used to determine when a normal environment is about to become a battlefield. In other words, a Predator can use his Danger Recognition Sub skill to realize that there are thugs waiting in his favorite sushi house or snipers in the

mall. A super-hero would need the actual Danger Sense Power to detect the presence of a super-villain being in the area as opposed to laying an ambush. Danger Recognition does nothing to Prevent Blindside once Combat has begun.

Escape Artist
Escape Artist enables a Character to escape from close restraints: ropes, chains, handcuffs, etc. The AV/EV of such attempts equals the Character's APs of the Skill. The OV/RV for typical restraints can be found on the chart (right). Positive RAPs indicate a successful escape. Restraint type Quick Binding Tightly Bound Handcuffs Locked in a jail cell Chained to a Wall Locked in a safe Intimidation is the ability to get what you want by force of personality. Intimidation scares, bullies or shows how tough you really are. It can be done silently under some circumstances like Luke Cage, quietly like Batman, or screaming like the Rhino. APs of intimidation can be used as AV/ EVs of any character interaction, Intimidation. OV/RV 2/2 4/4 6/6 8/8 10/10 15/15


Locks and Safes*

This is the ability to open locks of all types. The AV/EV is equal to the Character's APs of Predator Skill. The OV/RV is equal to the APs Technologist of this (Locks and Safes) Skill of the locksmith who designed the lock or safe. Simple locks, such as those found in normal houses, have OV/RVs of 2/2. Complicated locks (time locks, for example) may possess OV/RVs of 10/10 or higher. A simple safe has OV/RVs of 4/4 while extremely complicated and secure safes

would have OV/RVs of 15/15. Positive RAPS on a Locks and Safes attempt indicate success. It takes at least one phase (4 seconds/zero APs) to open a lock and at least one minute (4 APs) to open a safe. It may take MUCH longer.

Stealth is a Character's ability to move silently and without being observed. The APs of this sub skill are used as the OV/RV against Perception Checks made to discover the stealthful Character. If or less RAPs are gained the stealthful character is observed but not identified Positive RAPS indicate success in locating the stealthful Character. Use of Stealth is most common at night or under other visibility obscuring conditions. It can be used in more directly observable conditions but more as avoiding being picked out as significant to watchers. Ex. Mobius is in a shopping mall
Circumstance OV/ RV -1 -2 -3 +1 or +2 +1 character is +1

watching his targets shop for hats. He uses his stealth skill to blend into the crowds. Stealth can be used to avoid identification by security cameras and the like. Subtle behaviors like knowing when to turn your head, wearing a hat that hides the face, or timing a passage to when other events are in the way of an electronic observance can all keep a character from being identified. The following are cumulative OV/RV column modifiers to detection of Stealth attempts pertaining to environmental conditions (right):

Active intruder search Day/ Bright light No cover available Camouflaging clothing Moonless night Stealthing

Knowledgeable of the area Crowded or Chaotic conditions +2

Sabotage is more than the ability to wreck things. A successful use of the sabotage sub skill will allow: A character to determine exactly when a device fails and how. Through use of this Moon Shadow could sabotage Dark Shears car so it doesnt fail until he tries to exceed 100 mph or use his left turn signal. A character can use this skill to break a large number of devices in a fashion that they cannot be used to cannibalize parts to fix each other. A character can at a +2 CS rig a device to explode or otherwise fail with a big bang. There must be a power source to exploit and the destruction will be in proportion to the power source. See example table. Passenger aircraft (ramming) Power source Full tank of gas Box of bullets Standard AC power Industrial machinery Effect Bomb 6, range 2APs Bomb 3 range 5APs Lighting 3 range 0APs Lightning 5 range 2 APs, Bomb 3 range 3 Projectile weapon 12, Energy blast 12

Tracking gives a Character the ability to follow the trail of another being. The AV/EV of a tracking Action Check equals the Character's APs of Tracking skill. The OV/RV equals the quarry's DEX/DEX or the quarry's APs of Predator skill if s/he also possesses the Tracking Sub skill. APs of Stealth may be used as an OV/ RV as well. Tracking can be used to follow but not actually see an invisible character.

The OV of a Tracking attempt receives a +1 Column Shift modifier if an unskilled quarry who attempts to conceal his/her path. If more than one Character is being tracked along the same route, the OV/RV equals the lowest DEX/DEX of the Characters being tracked. Positive RAPS indicate a successful Tracking location and equal the distance (in APs) the tracker may follow the quarry before losing the trail. A Character may re-roll at the end of this distance with a -1 Column Shift modifier to the OV/RV to continue Tracking. The OV of Tracking attempts may be modified by environmental situations, from a -3 Column Shift modifier for following a quarry who leaves easily visible footprints in the ground, such as in snow or mud; to a +7 Column Shift modifier for following a quarry at night over hard concrete in a blinding rainstorm.

Version: 6.0 TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST 5 GADGETRY TYPE: C Sub-skills: 5\9 Sub-skills Identify Gadget Academic/Social/ Business Credentials* Language* Area Knowledge Teacher Expertise* Research Identify (Magic) object* Writer

Heroes know stuff. People like Reed Richards or Bruce Wayne have an encyclopedic knowledge on dozens of topics. Some heroes speak a dozen languages, others are hyper intuitive at understanding anything they can get their hands on. Scholar has seven distinct sub skills. Multiple instances of Sub-skills are common with Scholar and tend to be different than other skills. A character may have a lot of APs of language or Area Knowledge and not want to be a language expert or an expert on an entire country. The character may want to know 4 languages to a lesser level and split area Knowledge across a number of different cities around the world. Aps of these Sub-skills can be split into as many subject areas (Ex. Scholar: 6 Languages German 3 Spanish 3)

Academic/Social/ Business Credentials*

Characters with this Skill possess levels of access to specific Academic institutions, Social Institutions or people they are associated with. This can still represent connections at a given company (Stark Tech, Lockheed Martin). These credendas may also be to a school (High school, a University or the similar), institution (MIT labs NFL, Red Hat society), or a person (Governor of California, a known super hero, a rock star). .1-2 APs provide certain minimal access; your calls will be taken and your presence acknowledged. 3-4 APs provide badge access to computer and physical systems; your words are taken into account and you have limited access to the data and resources of the organization or person. 5-6 APs allow access to all personnel, facilities, and data but the most sensitive ( as a applicable); The character is a top donor, a high level advisor or a trusted friend.7-8 APs if top level credentials to all areas; the character is among the most trusted advisor to the person or organization. The character may want to split APs of credentials at more than one institution. It is worthy of note that criminal conspiracys inside a corporation or organization will hide from authorized users.

Area Knowledge
Area Size Characters with this skill have thorough knowledge of the landmarks, terrain, and features dominating a specific area. While operating within this area, such Characters find it easier to hide, locate hidden Characters, notice changes, locate specific landmarks, etc. Characters with Area Knowledge are also presumed to be familiar with the area's customs and inhabitants. They know a Country Continent 10-12 13+ Neighborhood City State APs 1-3 4-6 7-9

little something about all of the area's most important residents (though they don't necessarily have any special contact with those residents) and can give good advice on dining, accommodations, nightlife, or any of the area's other amenities. A Character with Area Knowledge can automatically locate any major landmark within his area of expertise (Ex. "Where is the Statue of Liberty?", "Where can I find Union Station?", "Which way to police headquarters?). Less significant landmarks can be located with a successful perception check against an appropriate OV/RV. Additionally, a Character with Area Knowledge receives a +2 Column Shift bonus to his OV/RV against Perception Checks made to detect him while he is using the Stealth skill within the area. Similarly the Character receives a -2 Column Shift modifier to his target's OVIRV when making Perception Checks to detect others who are using Stealth in the area. Such Stealth modifiers are discretionary. A character with Area Knowledge of Washington, D.C., would aid him tracking a criminal through the back streets but probably would not help him sneak around inside a skyscraper. Likewise, A Striker who is intimately familiar with most of the United States wouldn't necessarily know every back alley and rooftop therein.

A Character with the Expertise skill has devoted a great deal of time to academic study of a particular subject. As such, the Character possesses an intricate knowledge of and scholarly insight in that area of learning. The Character with Expertise may recall extensive information on the subject studied at will. Any Action Check utilizing the Expertese skill can use the skill level as an AV/EV or receives a -2 Column Shift bonus to the OV/RV of the attempt using APs 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11+ Achievement Casual knowledge/HS Associates/ concentration Bachelors /years of experience Masters Degree / local expert PhD / world authority Complete available knowledge

Int and Will. This Advantage may be purchased in conjunction with information gathering or creativity based Skills (such as Investigator or Fine Arts). A Character may possess more than one area of expertise. but the Skill may only be purchased once to cover any particular subject. Thus a Character could not purchase the Scholar (Literature) skill three times to achieve a cumulative +6 modifier on literary subjects.

Identify (Magic) Object *

Identify Object enables a Character to identify the specific function of an unknown or unfamiliar mystical object. An Identify Object attempt is a Dice Action with the Character's APs of the skill being used as the AV/EV and the object's single highest AP value as the OV/RV. An attempt by a Character to identify a device which is particularly obscure or powerful should be modified upward. An attempt to identify an unknown device created by a known variety of magician might be -2 CS while an attempt to identify a device made by a great or truly alien sorcerer might be -7 CS If a Character receives 1 RAP on his\her Identify Object attempts he possesses a rudimentary understanding of the object and can operate it with a +3 Column Shift modifier against to all of its functions. If the Character receives RAPS equal to one-half (1/2) the RV of the Identify Object attempt, s/he understands the item and can control all its functions without penalty. If a Character receives RAPS equal to or greater than the RV of the Identify Object attempt, s/he completely understands the device, can control all of its functions without penalty, and could even modify or repair it, if necessary.

Identify Gadget
Identify Gadget allows a Character to identify the functions of an unknown or unfamiliar Gadget. Identifying a Gadget is a normal Dice Action, using the Character's APs of Scholar as the AV/EV and the Gadget's single highest AP value as the OV/RV. Attempts by a Character to identify a gadget, which is the product of an isolated or alien technology, should be modified by difficulty (-1 CS for difficult as much as -7 CS for near impossible) An attempt to identify a device built by aliens who are remarkably similar to humans might be Difficult while an attempt to identify a device constructed by aliens so different from humans that their thought patterns are completely incomprehensible to the human mind might be a lot more,. If a Character attempting such identification receives 1 RAP, s/he possesses a rudimentary understanding of the device and can operate it with a +3 Column Shift modifier to all of its functions. If the Character receives RAPS equal to one-half (1/2) the RV of the Identify Gadget attempt, s/he understands the device and can control all of its functions without penalty.

Language *
The character has the ability to communicate in a foreign language. The skill can be taken multiple times for multiple languages. APs of skill dictate fluency. 1-2 Beginner's knowledge in the use of a language. For a Language at this level normal life situations are no problem, but there is a strong accent and the use of language is sometimes hindered. Native Language at this level is considered to be impaired.

3-4 Intermediate knowledge at the level of a High School Graduate. Any Foreign Language at this level would be considered to be at a fluent level, but still with an accent. Other quite similar languages may be understood occasionally.

5-7 The University level of proficiency. An extremely good understanding of the Native Language and a Foreign Language at this level is better than most natives and is completely without accent. A character at this level may attempt to understand similar languages quite easily.

8-10 A level which is rare among normals. A character at this level knows nearly all there is to know about a language and may very easily use it to encrypt messages in other languages and extremely different languages with some effort.

11+ A rare level even among supers. Such a character may speak in ways that nobody understands and may, if listener is receptive, gain a -1CS to the OV/RV of any Persuasion attempt made. These levels are handled in all cases as if they were APs of knowledge and will be used as the AV/EV for dice actions involving Languages. Normal and simple conversation may be accomplished with an automatic action (such as player make a difference (such as encoding a code in a different language, trying to hide ones accent etc) are dice actions.

Trying to understand a similar language has an OV/RV as based on the 'Languages Chart' and is subject to significant AV/EV negative modifiers

Research is the ability to locate information on a topic if given access to appropriate resources. Researchers can filter through vast amounts of material, extracting any relevant information assuming said information is locatable. Places to

research include libraries (public, private, and colleges) and the Internet, among other places (file cabinets, offices, archives, etc). Connections and Credentials may be necessary to allow access to normally restricted archives. APs of Research equal AV\EV of the Research skill while OV\RV equals the APs of information the Researcher looks through in "Information" APs (see Benchmark APs) minus APs of that 'Information which is relevant to the topic at hand. (how big of a needle vs. how big of a haystack) The GM decides what information is available on the topic. A major value of the Research skill is rejecting false or irrelevant data. The research skill can be used to reject false correlation and irrelevant data. Research takes time in APs equal to APs of information searching through, minus APs of Research, minimum 6 APs. With success, knowledge on the topic is gained in a structure similar to Detective (Clue Analysis). The Researcher must specify the topic(s) he is researching, as Researchers may not just randomly research. College students know that Research is truly an acquired art. Characters with Detective may attempt to research Unskilled with only a +1 Column Shift penalty to OV/RV.

The Teaching sub skill is the ability to teach your skills to someone else. Elapsed 8 weeks (often between adventures) can be used to give another character a base of a skill possessed by the training character. In game terms Base cost will be normal. For every additional 8 Weeks spent in training the learning character gains a -1 FC to new. Skills that can be advanced by the use of Teaching are: Con Artist Technologist Fine Arts Scholar Investigator Medicine

Writer enables a Character to produce novels, screenplays, comic books, prose, poetry, or any other creation involving the written word. A character with character interaction skills or attributes can attempt to make a convincing or intimidating argument and it will be resolved against the reader when the written product is read. Multiple readers will not yield multiattack penalties.

Version: 6.0 TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST 5 GADGETRY TYPE: C Sub-skills: 5\9 Sub-skills Small Unit tactics* Detect Ambush* Stance assessment First Aid Survival Military Credentials* Training* Observation Weapon Systems*

Much of the art of the soldier is in the mind. It is discipline, skill and understanding. Soldiering requires understanding your environment and the people in it. It is the art of command and the science of observation. It is worthy of note that the actual physical mayhem skills of destruction are under weaponry or Close Combat. Soldier has seven separate sub skills.

Detect Ambush*
Detect ambush is an experienced soldiers ability to determine when hostilities are about to ensue. The APs of power are the AV/EV of the detection attempt. The AV/ EV are the INT and WILL of the ambusher, or use of a specific power. For every RAP gained one phase of prior knowledge of the upcoming ambush is gained. Ex. The Punisher gains 4 RAPs on a Detect Ambush Check. He knows what is coming 4 phases before the 1st shot is fired. The Nature of the information gained will be general. Ex. The Punisher sees that the windows across from his meet would be great place for snipers, or captain America saw car bombs used in circumstances just like this in Iraq.

First Aid
First aid is the immediate care that can be given to dangerous wounds. If a character has taken killing combat damage then s/he will take additional damage every hour and can be incapacitated or unconscious (see damage). First Aid can be used on Body or Mind Damage. Use of the first aid skill converts killing damage to bashing damage. Only one first aid attempt can be made per wound. Use of the first aid skill requires at least 4 phases and may take much longer. The AV/EV of the attempt is the First Aid skill APs. The OV/RV are the APs of damage. EX: Cannonball (Body: 04) takes 03 points of killing damage in a battle. Beast (Medicine: First aid: 05) tries to help him. AV/EV 05 (Beasts medical skill and OV/RV 03 (the damage Sam has taken). Each RAP he scores converts an AP of damage to bashing damage. If a character is unconscious because s/he is below zero Body or Mind and all RAPs are converted to bashing damage then the treated character will be left at Body zero instead of the negative number until they make a recovery check. EX: If Sam had taken 6 RAPs of damage and was at -1 BODY and Beast Scored full RAPs to restore him he would be at Body zero, not -1) Note: the GM may determine that some wounds are too severe for the use of First Aid.

Military Credentials*
Military credentials allow passage through Government Security Systems based upon the appropriate organization that the Credential represents. Military credentials grant access to Military hardware and assets. A higher Credentials means the Character has more responsibility. These credendas will be to certain bases be to or military units.1-2 APs provide certain minimal access (low level enlisted). 3-4 APs provide badge access to computer and physical systems (NCO). 5-6 APs allow access to all personnel, facilities, and data but the most sensitive (Low Level Officer).7-8 APs if top level credentials to all areas (Mid-Level officer). Military credentials, unlike other credentials, tend to be universal so there is less viability in splitting them. It is worthy of note that criminal conspiracys inside a corporation or organization will hide from authorized users.

Observation allows a Military Scientist (Observer) to use his vast experience and sharpened senses to draw conclusions and not apparent to the untrained eye. An observation represents educated guessing about the origins of a target Character's Powers or gadget thus enabling detection of any weakness. Observation allows the user to see an enemy or situation and deduce any exploitable weaknesses, such as a Power Limitation, a Drawback, or even unrevealed Powers. Observation can be used to realize' that an alien has a Loss vulnerability to Argon, something the Player will probably not figured out otherwise. Ex. The conclusion A villain's Powers require uranium, he only shoots fire when uranium is nearby without actually seeing him consumes uranium.

Before making an Observation roll, the Soldier must spend an entire phase (using one Automatic Action) observing the target in action before making a roll the subsequent phase (using a Dice Action). "In action" means the target must be using his\her abilities in order for the Soldier to gauge weaknesses. During the phase he uses his Automatic Action, the Soldier may still use his Dice Action as normal. AV\EV of the Observation Check equals APs of Scientist. OV\RV equals the target's ability to hide his weaknesses, represented by its Int/Will or APs of Obscure Power, stealth field or the similar. If the target does not have these Abilities, Body/Body. The No Vital Areas Advantage adds a +2 Column shift penalty to the OV and RV, and Altered Anatomy adds additional +1 Column Shift penalty to the OV. One weakness (Drawback, Limitation or Unrevealed Power) will be revealed to the Observer per RAP achieved, and all weaknesses are revealed upon achieving full RV. The GM determines the order in which weaknesses and unrevealed Powers are discovered. Once the Soldier points out his Observations, the target's OV is reduced by the RAPs of the observation Check (to a minimum of 1) for one attack only. Subsequent Observation attempts will again allow access to this weakness. It's possible that the target doesn't have any weakness or unrevealed Powers, therefore Observation will not reveal any an extraordinarily bad roll (a 3 or 2) could reveal (GM discretion) a faux weakness that the Observer should insist on exploiting.

Small Unit tactics*

Small Unit Tactics enables a Character to lead troops in Battle. Characters with this sub skill can create a special reservoir of HPs usable on the rolls of anyone in the unit [party].

Each party member can contribute as many HPs to the pool as the pooling character has APs of Small Unit Tactics. The Pooling Tactician can then spend these points as he desires on any party members power, attribute or skill. Normal spending limits still apply. HPs revert to their normal users at the end of the battle.

Stance Assessment
With this skill the Character is a keen judge the of skill levels of an opponent and often their intention. The Character does not actually have to see the target fight - he just looks at the way he moves, holds his weapons and so on. The AV/EV of the attempt is the Aps of skill. The OV/RV are the INF/Will of the opponent. The information gained based on the RAPs gained. All table results are cumulative

Survival is the ability to survive and thrive in hostile conditions without adequate supplies or preparation. A character with Survival skill could be dropped in the desert without water or in the deep woods in their pajamas and be reasonably expected to survive and even thrive. The APs of resistance are based on the conditions under which the character must acquire food, clothing and shelter. If the character must fend for others as well there is +1 to +3 Column shift modifier. 1 Positive RAP on a survival roll means the character has sustained him/herself for one week. 4 Positive RAPs means the character has established temporary shelter and gains +1 CS on further rolls. 8 or more RAPs and the character has established a permanent base of operation and no further survival rolls are necessary to stay there.

The Training sub skill is the ability to teach your skills to someone else. Elapsed 8 weeks (often between adventures) can be used to give another character a base of a skill possessed by the training character. In game terms Base cost will be normal. For every additional 8 Weeks spent in training the learning character gains a -1 FC to new skill levels up to the skill of the training character. Skills that can be advanced by the use of training are: Close Combat Pilot Soldier Weaponry Predator Physical Training

Weapon Systems*
The Character I skilled in Weapons that are remotely operated or computer controlled. This includes Predator drones, satellite weapons, camera mounted guns etc. the APs of skill can be used as the APs of attack. The APs can also be used as a perception check to detect the fooling of remote weaponry

Version: 6.0 TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 25 FACTOR COST 8 GADGETRY TYPE: C Sub-skills: 4\7 Sub-skills Analysis ECM Build Gadget* Forgery ( High Tech)* Computer Operations* Identification Systems (High Tech)* Cryptography* Technical Credentials*

Super heroes are made of Mind as well as body. They have tools that no one else has- they have secret headquarters with world class data systems. In the modern world command of information and technology allows immense power. Technologist has 7 separate sub skills.

Analysis enables a Character to identify the structure of any physical object (not Character), ranging from a computer console to an alien genetic code. A Character with this skill can discover how such objects are designed and can recognize even minor structural flaws. The AV/EV of Analysis attempts is the Character's APs of Skill., Are highly variable based n the circumstance. A familiar type of device that the Analyst has had time to work on would be OV/RV 02. A highly divergent piece of technology briefly glimpsed would be 14/14. RAPs are interpreted in Knowledge Points as described below:

1 RAP: The Character possesses a rudimentary understanding of the object sufficient to operate the object (if applicable) with a +3 Column Shift modifier to the OV of such an attempt (APs of technologist acting as the AV/EV). This penalty replaces Unskilled Use modifiers.

1/2 RV: The Character possesses a working knowledge of the object and can use it with a +1 Column Shift modifier to the OV of such an attempt. The Character is knowledgeable of any hidden weaknesses inherent to the object, allowing the Character to discover an Attack form to which the object is vulnerable and the location most like to cause the greatest damage. The object's OV is reduced by the APs of Analysis Skill (to a minimum of 1) for one attack only.

Full RV: The Character possesses complete knowledge of the object and may operate it with no penalties whatsoever. A Character possessing the Build Gadget skill may also devise plans to duplicate the object, which will function once created at an AP level equivalent to the original object.

Build Gadget*
Build Gadget enables a Character to design and build new Gadgets. For further information on the Gadgetry rules and how to build Gadgets, see the Gadgetry section.

Computer Operations*
Computer Operations is the skill that allows the computer user to compete in the cyber world. This skill can be used several ways. This skill requires undisturbed access to a keyboard and monitor (or similar interface) for at least 4 APs of time.

In a prepared system the Computer Operations skill can be used as a OV/RV defense against another computer user or an Electro-telepathy attack (etc.). In an unprepared environment the computer skill gives +1 CS to any existing defenses.

Computer Operations skill may be used to attempt to extract data from any connected system. The AV/EV of attempt will be the APs of computer skill. The OV/RV will be determined By the GM (See computers). The RAPs are the amount of data gained.

In the event of interfacing with an electro-telepath the computer skill may be used to attack the WILL/MIND of the Electro-telepath but once only per encounter

A computer can be programmed to execute instructions in an attached system. A Volume of data equal to the RAPs of the programming attempt is the volume of instructions that the machine will follow. The first time the instructions are executed a roll against double ones must be made against failure due to a bug in the code

Any double ones roll will cause the hacking attempt to fail and an evidence trail to be left pointing back to the character.

Cryptography allows a Character (Cryptographer) to encode and decode data with relative ease. A Cryptographer is familiar with encoding and decoding techniques, including coding algorithms, the use of Morse code, knowledge of useful hardware, and the use of various encryption/decryption computer programs. It allows the interpretation Data that can be encoded includes messages, drawings, radio and video transmissions, computer programs, satellite feeds, etc. Cryptography may also aid in solving puzzles that include anagrams, riddles, and wordplay of the sort left behind by certain demented criminals.

Cypher Decryption difficulty Primitive Replacement or basic logic puzzle WWII style single pad, numerical substitution, or complex logic puzzle ( 16 bit) Disposable pad encryption, book cipher, commercial grade internet encryption ( 128 bit) Government Grade VPN, Brilliant wordplay, corporate high security ( 512 bit) Quantum encryption, rotating key pad substitution

AV/EV 02/02 04/04 07/07 09/09 15/15

The AV/EV of an encoding attempt is the APs of Cryptography. The OV/RV is the Difficulty of the cipher. The use of a commercial Cipher succeeds as an automatic action. To create new and unique ciphers the OV/RV is 04 with a computer and 08 without. This value, if successful, will be the OV/ RV to decrypt by someone else. Decrypting information depends on the difficulty of the cipher. If you have the cipher key decryption is automatic. The minimum amount of time to decode the information is equal to (15 APs) 2 hours plus the APs of information to decode. It may take A LOT longer. A Cryptographer may automatically decrypt his own encryption. Achieving a single RAP on a decode results in a partial decryption and what is revealed is up to the GMr. RAPs equal to the full RV will fully decrypt the entire message.

Electronic Countermeasures*: (ECM) enables a Character to understand, operate, and detect the use of bugs, jammers, scramblers, decoders, etc. When searching for a bug or similar device, AV/EVs of an Electronic Countermeasures attempt equal the Character's APs of this skill. OV\RV are determined by the GM based on the complexity of the device. Positive RAPS indicate success in detecting or neutralizing the offending electronics Device complexity
Peep holes or acoustic listening holes 60s-70s era recording devices or transmitters 80s-90s era solid state devices

02/02 04/04 05/05 06/06 08/08

Forgery*: enables a Character to create excellent copies of, or modifications to, documents and signatures. The AV/EV of Forgery equals the forger's APs of the skill. The OV/RV for signature duplication is 3/3; the OV/RV for copying a work of art

Modern micro electronics Laser modulation or fiber optic cameras

equals the original creator's APs of Artist and the OV/RV for monetary counterfeiting is 5/5. The RAPs from a successful Forgery Check act as the OV/RV against Counterfeit Recognition and/or Perception Checks made to expose the Forgery. The more elaborate changes made to a document, or the more elaborate a false document or image the higher the OV/RV. A forgery takes a minimum of 1 hour (10 APs) to make.

Identification Systems*
Identification Systems* enables a Character to verify the identity of another Character from fingerprints, retinal or voice patterns, etc. if s/he has access to the proper equipment. If the target Character is unknown by any authority the computer user has access to, there exists no chance to identify him/her through Identification systems. AV/EV are a character APs of the skill while OV/RVs are caused by circumstance. A High quality tape or a clear set of fingerprints would be OV/RV 03. A strand of contaminated DNA or smeared and old photos would be OV\RV 08. A character may substitute the APs of Escape Artist may be used as an OV against Identification systems. Positive RAPS reveal the identity of the Character sought.

Technical Credentials*
Characters with this Skill possess levels of access to specific technical institutions they are associated with. These credendas may be to a Lab, a University or to a Corporation.1-2 APs provide certain minimal access. 3-4 APs provide badge access to computer and physical systems. 5-6 APs allow access to all personnel, facilities, and data but the most sensitive.7-8 APs if top level credentials to all areas. The character may want to split APs of credentials at more than one facility. It is worthy of note that criminal conspiracys inside a corporation or organization will hide from authorized users.

Version: 6.01 TYPE: Dice BASE COST: 10 FACTOR COST 6 GADGETRY TYPE:C Sub-skills: 4/6 Sub-skills Firearms Slings and bows Heavy Weapons Specialty weapons* Melee weapons Thrown Weapons

Weaponry has six Sub skills: Firearms, Exotic Weapons*, Melee Weapons, Missile Weapons, and Heavy Weapons. Except as noted each sub skill functions in an identical manner. The difference is the type of weapon wieldable through use of the Sub skill. The AVs for attacks made with Weaponry equal a Character's APs of the Skill, the EVs equal to damage inflicted by the weapon itself (see weaponry section for details). Weaponry Skill enables a Character to repair weapons, which become damaged or malfunction; a gun, which jams, or such a Character may automatically repair a bowstring, in one minute (4 APs).

The character possesses skill with all the various kind of Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, Submachine guns, etc. The APs of Skill can be used as an AV when using these weapons. In certain cases where weapons have their own AV (machine guns and the like) Firearm skill can be used as +1 AV instead.

Heavy Weapons
The Character is skilled with military scale weapons like Missile launchers, vehicle mounted machine guns, Anti-aircraft guns, flame throwers, etc. It specifically does not include fully automated weapons like the predator drones (Technologist:

Weapons systems), or actually piloted devices like tanks or planes (Pilot skills). The APs of skill can be used as an AV or as a +1 to the AV of weapons that have their own Acting Value.

Melee Weapons
The character is skilled with the various varieties of Hand to hand weapons including swords, knives, staffs, axes, etc. The APs of skill can be used as an AV. Instead it can be used to raise the EV (see Weapons section for details). Specifically not included are unique super hero weapons like the Man-hunters rods or Mockingbirds battle staffs.

Slings and Bows

The character is skilled with indirect weapons like the atl-atl, Bows and slings. The APs of skill can be used as an AV when using them.

Specialty Weapons*
Some weapons are unique and exotic. Things like Green Lanterns rings, Man hunter Rods, Cronos Clock themed weapons, etc are each their own iteration of the Specialty weapons skill. This skill can be taken multiple times for multiple weapons specialties.

Thrown Weapons Missile Weapons includes use of all manually propelled objects from thrown rocks and grenades or knives

Alternate: +1 FC. Flashing Blades. The Character is expert in deflecting incoming attacks with a melee

weapon. S/he can substitute Weaponry: Melee Weapons AV for OV against melee attacks and slowmoving projectiles such as thrown weapons or arrows. This is possible as long as s/he using the appropriate melee weapon. During any Phase when the character is using this advantage it consumes an Automatic Action. To be able to execute on this the character must be able whorl the blades around energetically. This Advantage must be taken for a specific kind of weapon (Ex. Swords). The Improvised Bonus allows them to use any object to deflect with. Note: the effects of paired weapons and Weapons Specialist are cumulative to this.
Alternate: +2 FC. Shooting bullets. The character is expert at the extreme stunt of shooting bullets out of

the air or shooting melee weapons to deflect their attack. The weaponry skill AV can be substituted for RV. A character with this alternate must have a suitable weapon to use this skill

Power Modifiers

Bonuses and limitations

Bonuses and Limitations are special modifiers which may be purchased to increase or decrease (respectively) the effectiveness of Powers. Each Bonus and Limitation has a Factor Cost Modifier included in its description which is added to (or subtracted from) the Factor Cost of the Power which it alters. In some cases, Bonuses may cause a Power or Skill's Factor Cost to be higher than 10, but Limitations may never reduce the Factor Cost of any Power or Skill below One. The CCT will do all the math for you, you just need to plug in the FC mod numbers. There will be times where a GM locks out certain Bonuses or Limitations. S/he may also determine a max factor mod (EX: no factor cost can be reduced more than -2 FC). Under the listings for some individual power are specific listings for greater and lesser forms of those powers. The power specific notations will always supersede the rules found here The East Way: Bonus and Limitations are the Heart of the Detailed Way of doing things. Any power or skill can be tweaked ad infinitium to be any ability envisioned by a player. This is an immense double edged sword. Bonuses like Permanent or Usable On Others can wreak havoc when used badly. As a GM feel free to eliminate any (or all) Bonuses and limitations. They are fun but not really needed

Area Effect Factor Cost Modifier: + 2
This Bonus allows a Power effect everyone within a spherical area around the Power user equivalent to the range. A single dice action is taken against all targets in the area with no multi-attack penalties. A Power with this Bonus must attack all targets within the stated radius, friend or foe. If the character wishes to have the power usable both with and without the area Effect Bonus they must buy it twice. Note if a character takes the same power twice he/she does not need repay the base cost.

+/- 0 FC. The character has an offensive power that they have no conscious control over. Because of this the power is Always On, the power will automatically activate in response to a given attack or condition. Ex. Reflector has an Energy Blast: 05 that he cannot take conscious control of. If anyone scores a mystic attack against him (RAPs inflicted or not) the energy blast automatically fires against his attacker. Normal multiattack penalties apply.

+1 FC As above but no multi-attack penalties apply +1 FC. The character has defensive power that enables by itself. EX.A Force Field that automatically executes. This need not be an actual attack,

conditions like thrown into a vacuum or submerged in water automatically cause the defensive power to activate. This power can be used normally as a well as Automated +2 FC the character has full normal control over an Offensive power and it functions as Automate Defense. In normal mode normal multi-attack rules apply

Automated Defenses Factor Cost Modifier +0 and higher

Automated Defenses is a power that activates itself in response to an attack on the character or certain hostile conditions being met. Like the functionality of Frostbite or Flame Form the use of automated defenses requires no use of a dice action. Most Offensive or Defensive powers can be attached this way.

Chain Extension Factor Cost Modifier: +1

A power with this advantage can pass along touching physical objects at a maximum distance equal to the Normal Range of the power. Each significant object in the chain (excluding the target) reduces the effect of the power by 1 AP (cumulative with Diminishing). The last object in the chain is what is targeted by the power. Example: 2 thugs are about to shoot Roxie Leech. Superboy has Mental Blast with Chain Extension and the thugs are within Normal Range of the power, so he touches a lamp post which touches the ground which the thugs are standing on, allowing him to use Mental Blast on them at -2 Aps

If two attack powers of the same kind (Physical, Mental or Mystical) are combined they will add together in linear math and function on the same dice action (EX Energy Blast 09 and Flame Projection: 08 will have a combine attack AP value of 10 APs. -1 FC.

If two attack powers different kinds (Ex one Physical and one Mystical) are combined they will both act with the same dice action and have their separate effects (EX Energy Blast against Physical RV, and

vampirism against Mystical RV) +1 FC to each power Two Defensive or utility powers (Ex. Detect and Force Field or Force Shield and Mental Shield) will start in the same automatic action. +5 to the BC of each power Offensive and Defensive (or utility) powers combined (Ex Force Field and Energy Blast) on use of the defensive power the offensive automatically occurs. Also the Defensive power will come into play without use of an automatic action. -. +5 to the BC of each power If a character want more than two powers can be combine. All costs are cumulative

Combined Powers Factor Cost Modifier: Variable

This modifier allows two powers to be combined into one. Neither power is per se changed but both function as a result of the same action. The two powers cannot be used separately once combined. Different power combinations will have varying costs and effects

Concealed Factor Cost Modifier: +1

A Concealed Power is hidden from cursory examination, Detect, and examination by Skill (Gadgetry Identify, Occultist Identify Artifact, or Scientist Observation). This Bonus is used if the Character wants to keep his Powers hidden due to role-playing or other reasons. The APs of the Power become the OV/RV of any attempt to detect the power. Concealed does not hide any visible effect the Power may emit when in use. It only aids in the prevention of detection of the Power.

behind a Force Field. Storm calls a lightning bolt from the sky and zaps the Sentinel. Another example is a laser guided missile, which flies around obstacles on its way to the target

Judo Throws Factor Cost Modifier: + 1

A character with this Bonus uses Judo style throws to use an opponents force against them. A throw maneuver may be attempted in either an offensive or a defensive manner. The Bonus can be applied to The Close combatt Skill, Weaponry: Exotic Weapons, Super Speed,

Indirect Factor Cost Modifier: +2

This represents an offensive Power that does not come directly from the attacker or does not follow a straight line from the attacker. Depending on the circumstances, the GM may award a Blindside bonus. The Character need not have sight of the target, but unseen targets acquire a +2 Column Shift defensive Bonus to their OV. The range the attack can reach is the standard range of the attack. Example: Storm has Lightning with Indirect bonus defined as calling lightning from the sky. A Sentinel traps Storm

Stretching, Self Manipulation, Omni-Arm, Grapple Link, or Dumb Luck. The AV/EV of this kind of Attack is as a standard physical attack. No throw may be attempted on a target whose weight is higher than the throwers physical EV (Str, Close Combat Skill, Super speed, etc,) Example: Mobius has a STR of 04 and a Close Combat of 08. He could throw a fully armored warrior with a heavy load out (4 APs of weight) using just his Str. He could throw a foe larger than an elephant (8 APs of weight) using Close Combat. (A GM may wish to subject the Close Combat skill to 150%

of STR) Wally West using his Super Speed of 29 could throw a mobile space fortress or Galactus with ease. Offensively a throw can be used as a near normal physical attack. The defender may substitute Str for Body as an RV if he chooses. The RAPs yielded from a successful attack are used as distance thrown instead of damage taken. The max amount of distance thrown is the attackers EV minus the defenders weight. (A GM may wish to subject the Close Combat to Str minus weight) Example: Karl Kent has a STR of 09. He throws Death Angel (4 APs of weight) and gains 9 or more RAPs. Death Angel will fly 100 yards and experience knock-back. Defensive throws can only be done if the thrower has the initiative. S/he can take no other dice action in that phase. This throw can be used against any attack requiring physical contact (normal physical attacks, Poison Touch, Will force Weapon, Vampirism, normal weaponry, etc). The thrower allows his opponent to attack as normal. The RAPs of damage are used as the OV/RV against the throwers skill. If the thrower fails then he takes the damage as normal. If he succeeds the blow is deflected.

The Thrower may take a 1 CS penalty against his AV and land his opponent in the location of his choice. Lava pits and cliffs are obvious choices. If the thrower directs the defender at another character they are subject to a ramming attack by the first opponent with the AV\EV of the RAPs gained in the throwing attempt. If the Throwers opponent is using a melee/martial arts weapon s/he takes a 1 CS penalty against his/her AV. Throws can only be made in what is normal physical range for the character.

Mental Link +10 Base cost

Mental link allows a character to purchase a Physical or Mystical Power and utilize that Power to cause Mental damage or effects. Mental Link must be purchased in conjunction with a Physical or Mystical Power.

Multi-Attack Bonus Factor Cost mod +1 and higher

Powers with the multi-attack bonus can attack two or more targets in the same phase with the same power and

receive no penalty. For each target beyond two the Bonus must be taken multiple times. In the cases of powers that do not do direct Damage (Mind Probe, Animate Shadow, Grapple Link, Radar Sense, etc) multiple instances of a power can be aimed at a single target. Multi-Attack in no way increases the APs of power of an attack on a single target. Example: Mobius wants to be able to use his Karma Manipulation (Factor Cost 6) on three targets at once. He would need to take the Multi-Attack Bonus twice raising the Factor Cost of his power to 8

Range Factor Cost Modifier: + 1

This Bonus allows a Power which normally has a Range of Touch or Self to possess an effectively Normal Range. Exactly how this alteration affects the Power's use will vary from Power to Power. Examples include: Energy Absorption/ Range enables' a Character to absorb energy released at a distance equal to the Character's APs of Power (not just energy which contacts the Character). This allows the Character to add his/her APs of Energy Absorption to any other Character's RV against energy attacks provided the recipient is within Normal Range. The Power may still only be used once per phase. Force Field/Range enables a Character to create a Force Field at a distance equal to the Character's APs of Power (not just around him/herself). This allows the Character to protect or entrap another Character with a Force Bubble" projected at Normal Range. OV/RVs of an attempt to break free of such a force bubble would equal the Force Field projecting Character's APs of Power.

Mystic Link +20 Base cost

Mystic link allows a character to purchase a Physical or Mental Power and utilize that Power to cause Mystic damage or effects. Mystic Link must be purchased in conjunction with a Physical or Mental Power. Any place the rules attached to a specific power work differently than this bonus uses the power rules.

Molecular Chameleon/Range enables a Character to assume the form of any substance within Normal Range (not just those substances touched).

Self-Link Factor Cost +1 (Variable)

A character with this advantage can assume an actual form related to that Self-Linked Power. Some individual powers will have their own Self Link details in the power description.

The Range Bonus can never be used to bestow Powers upon another Character (as the "Usable on Others Bonus allows).

Restricted use Factor Cost Modifier: + 1

This bonus, nearly always applied to gadgets, restricts the use to certain classes of people or individuals. It may be that only the brave of heart (as chosen by the Norse gods), agents of SWORD (as determined by DNA markers) or Bob (determined by fingerprints) can use a given object. For point of view of deceiving the objects determination the OV/RV is 8/8. This advantage can be taken twice for nearly impossible to deceive restricted use with OV/RV of 16/16

The effects of Self-Links are as follows: Attack Powers: (Acid, Darkness, Dimension Travel, Energy Blast, EMP, Flash, Fog, Sonic Beam, Time Travel, and Warp Etc.). The user is a living being composed of the attack form (i.e., Self-Linked Acid Characters are living pools of acid while Self-Linked Flash Characters are living balls of light).

Such Characters possess their Self- Linked Power at a Range of Touch (if the user wishes to project the Power at its normal Range, s/he must purchase the Power twice: once with and once without the SelfLink). It is worthy of note that when a power is purchased more than once the base cost needs to only be paid once.

Characters with Self-Linked Powers can move at a per phase rate equal to one-half (1/2) their APs of SelfLinked Power. Control Powers: Fire, Air, etc. Control powers make characters a disembodied for of their control form: A giant wave, Tendrils of Force, A burst of microwaves. The character can shape his\her body to anything the controlled elements can form. S/he can use the Control functions at a range of touch as well. Bomb, Projectile Weapons: The user is able to explode his/her own body at will (Self-Linked Projectile Weapons Characters fire away pieces of their own bodies). After "exploding," the user can automatically reform his/her body instantly at the beginning of the next phase or remain discorporate for a maximum length of time (in APs) equal to his/her APs of the Self-Linked Power. Characters totally discorporate as a result of this Power (utilizing more APs of Bomb/Projectile Weapons than their own BODYS) are immune to Physical Attack However; such Characters cannot perform any Dice Actions during the phase in which they reform.

Characters that have Self-Linked either of these two Powers do full normal damage upon explosion. Plant Growth: These Characters are living plant masses who can control the size of their own bodies through the use of the Self-Linked Plant Growth Power (Physical statistics do not alter unless Characters possess the Plant Growth Power as well). Spirit Travel: The Character is a disembodied spirit with no physical body. S/he cannot be physically or mentally attacked, except by other Spirit Traveling Characters; nor can s/he make such attacks. Spirit travel has a +5 FC instead of the standard +1 A character with both Self link Spirit Travel and any other Self Link can leave behind their body by traveling in spirit form destination Some additional Powers may be self linked as well. The FC will range as high as +5 for powers that effects multiple attributes. Self-Linked Characters are always susceptible to any special vulnerability inherent to their Self- Linked forms (Self-Linked Plant Growth Characters suffer damage from defoliants; Self-Linked Lightning Characters suffer and forming a new body at the

damage from water, etc.).Self link in no way makes a character immune to physical attack or damage unless specifically detailed in the power description. For an additional +10 Base Cost the character can be State Changed. The altered state becomes their normal at rest state. The character can spend the APs of power in human form before needing to revert to the altered state. State change does not make a character immune to neutralize or similar powers.

the attack is broad enough to include both normal and out-of-phase targets. If a Trans-Dimensional Power would not normally affect the Dispersed target (because its APs are less than the APs of Dispersal) it is treated as though its APs were above the AP level of Dispersal, and Dispersal will simply add to RV. If the APs of the Trans-Dimensional Power are greater than the APs of Dispersal, the target is treated as though it does not have Dispersal at all.

Skilled Factor Cost Modifier: +1

The character is highly skilled with the use of a power. All AV or OV rolls made with this power are at +1 CS. This Bonus may be taken multiple times for multiple powers.

Unlimited Hero Points Factor Cost: Modifier +2

A character can add to a single power or attribute a higher number of HPs. In the Comics Modern genre, the MEGS standard, allows Value of an attribute. Full value can be added with this advantage. In a genre allowing full value up to 2x the original AP value. This will transcend

Trans-Dimensional Factor Cost Modifier: +2

This Bonus allows a Physical Attack to ignore the protective qualities of the Dispersal, Shadow Form Powers, Spirit Travel or the similar. The assumption is that the energy density or dimensional transcendence of

any Genre rules. Example Dukat has the Unlimited HP Bonus on his Strength of 04. When he attacks he can add as many as 4 HPs to his EV value in a physical attack (8 total). If he was playing in a Silver Age genre game he could add 8 HPs for 12 total.

Usable on others Factor Cost Modifier: +5

This Bonus allows a Power to be temporarily transferred to another Character. Such a transfer attempt is automatically successful provided the recipient Character is within Normal Range of the Power to be transferred. A recipient Character automatically receives a transferred Power at the awarding Character's full APs of Power. A Character who transfers a Power to another Character cannot use of the transferred Power for a length of time (in APs) equal to the APs of the transferred Power. The transferring Character may recall the transferred Power prior to this time if the Character so desires.


This limitation is meant to model large space craft or sea vessels. If the character does not have the full space required to

Factor Cost Modifier: -1 or -2

A character with this limitation takes time to come up to speed with a power like flight, Super-Speed, Running, etc. It can take two forms: -1 FC. The character takes 3 phases to come up to max speed. Each phase they can move at one third more APs of speed. The character also takes three phases to slow down. If they do not decelerate the character will conduct an involuntary ramming attack against whatever they hit when stopping short. This limitation is meant to model cars or jet craft. Early Cannonball could be modeled this way as well.

decelerate they will perform an involuntary ramming attack against whatever is in front of them.

Affects Living Only Factor Cost Modifier: -1

This limitation is the mirror reverse of Affects Non living only. This Limitation can only be given to Dice Action Powers normally able to affect living targets. The power is ineffective against inanimate or non-living objects.

Affects Non-Living Only Factor Cost Modifier: -1

This Limitation can only be given to Dice Action Powers

-2 FC. The character takes 1 AP of time for each AP of speed to accelerate or decelerate to full speed. Ex. A character with 12 APs of flight would take 4 hours (12 APs of time) to get up to full speed. This character or vessel will also take a similar amount of deceleration time.

normally able to affect living targets. Plants and animals count as living. The Power now may only affect the nonliving.

Cannot Enhance Factor Cost Modifier: -1

A Power that Cannot Enhance may not be Pushed, nor may Hero Points be spent on the Power or be used to increase its values. It is up to the GM if this Limitation may be allowed for a specific Power, since quite a few Powers are never pushed or never have Hero Points added to them.

field is reduced by 2 as well. If Flight is neutralized so is Force Field

Diminishing Factor Cost Modifier: -1

The EV of this Power is reduced by range, losing 1 AP from its EV for every AP of distance traveled. This Limitation may only be purchased for Powers with Range.

Fatiguing Contingent Factor Cost Modifier: -1 Factor Cost -1

This Limitation causes a Power to be extremely tiring to A Contingent Power is one that is based on a Primary power. Until the primary is activated the second cannot. If the primary power is nuturlised or inhibited the contingent power is inhibited by the same number of APs. A contingent power cannot be a higher AP value that the primary power. The contingent Bonus applies to the powers that are contingent, not the power they are contingent on. Example: Firefly has Force Field: 06 Contingent on Flight of 08. The Force Field Cannot be activated until Firefly has started flying. If flight is reduced by 2 APs then Force use. After resolving the use of the Power normally, the Character must make an Action Check with the APs of Power actually used (which may be less than maximum) as the AV/EV. The OV of the Check is equal to the APs of Power (regardless of how many APs were used) while the RV is either the Character's Body, Mind, or Spirit, depending on whether the Power is Physical, Mental, or Mystical, respectively. RAPs scored are immediately applied to the Character as the appropriate type of Bashing Damage (Physical, Mental, or Mystical). The above procedure must be repeated for each phase the Power is in use.

Focused Factor Cost Modifier: -1

The Focused drawback represents a high level of concentration required to use an Automatic Power. The immense focus required to use the attached power prevents any action requiring any concentration while in use. While this Power is activated, the user cannot make any dice actions. This Limitation is normally assigned only to Automatic Powers. It may be assigned to Auto/Dice powers, but is only in use when the power is used as an Automatic Action.

Lethal Factor Cost Modifier: -1

Use of an attack Power with this Limitation is always considered Killing Combat, and its use by a Heroic or Anti-Heroic Character will result in the usual loss of Hero Points. Note that this Limitation cannot be applied to certain Powers which are already described as being Killing Combat only, such as claws.

No Acting Value Factor Cost Modifier: -1

A Power that normally has APs of Power substitute for AV now uses the Character's appropriate Action Attribute.

Form Function Factor Cost Modifier: -1

A Power with the Form Function limitation is manifest by physical changes in the character. The most obvious examples are wings or gills. This modified body part must be free to operate for the power to function. Form function powers are considered Innate and are not subject to being Neutralized.

Physical Powers use Dexterity, Mental Powers use Intelligence, and Mystical Powers use Influence. Mental and Mystical Powers which cause Physical results may instead use Dexterity, but this choice must be decided at the time of purchase.

No Range Factor Cost Modifier: -2

This Limitation causes a Power with Normal or greater Range to have its effective Range reduced to that of Touch. If use of a Power limited in this manner is a Dice Action, its AV becomes the possessing Character's DEX while the Action's OV becomes the opponent's DEX. Example: A Character with Mind Blast No Range would have to successfully touch his/her opponent to inflict damage. The EV/RV as normal

Object Dependence Factor Cost Modifier: -1 or -2

A character with limitation has a specific power skill or ability that cannot be used without the specific possession of a given object -2, or type of object -1 Example: Johnny Case has a Magnetic Control power that he can only channel through metal. He must be is contact with at least 3APs of metal to use the power. Further Example: Mirex has an Awareness power of 12. The power only works when viewing through his grandmothers reflecting pond.

Non-Variable Factor Cost Modifier: -1

A Non-Variable Power must always be used at maximum APs of Power. If Sorcery, Continuum Control, Energy Control, Time Control, or other powers with multi-effects are purchased as Non-Variable, then all of the APs of that Power have to be devoted to a single effect at a time. The GM has the final word on whether or not a Power may be taken as Non-Variable.

Power Always On Factor Cost Modifier: -1

This Limitation prohibits a Power from ever being turned off by the Character. Only Dice Powers (specifically, only those Powers which a Character can normally turn on and off) may be altered in this manner. (For example, Density Increase, Dispersal, and Energy Blast are Powers which can be turned on and off but Powers such as Comprehend Languages, Danger Sense, and Iron Will cannot.)

Power Burnout Factor Cost Modifier: Variable


Burnout number

Factor cost Modifier -1 -3 -5

Minor This Limitation causes a Power to be usable a limited number of times before the Power fails. When this Limitation is adopted, a character must specify the Limitation's severity relative to the following chart. Only Dice Powers may be altered by this Limitation. A Power susceptible to Power Burnout possesses a Burnout Number that reflects the severity of the Limitation. Each phase in which the Character uses the Power, the Player must make a special roll on 2D10 immediately following the Power use. If this roll is equal to or less than the appropriate Burnout Number, the Power fails and is reduced to 0 APs. In this case, the Power Fails and cannot be used again until it has been Recovered (Rules section). If the roll is over the Burnout Number, the Power can continue to be used. Serious

5 11

Catastrophic 18

A Character limited by Power Burnout must add one (+1) to the Burnout number for each phase in which the Power has been used but has not burned out. If the Character rests (performs no Dice Actions) for one hour (10 APs), all Burnout numbers automatically reset to their original levels. Example a Character possesses Energy Blast/Serious Power Burnout making the Power's Burnout Number 11. Following the Characters first Energy Blast use, s/he must-roll over an 11 on 2Dl0 to avoid Power Burnout. If this roll is successful, following the second Energy Blast use, the Character must rollover a 12 to avoid Power Burnout, and so on. If the Character fails any roll, the Power automatically burns out, and must be recovered. If the Character rests for one hour (10 APs) the Burnout Number resets to 11 and the process starts over. Hero Points may never be spent to affect the Power's Burnout roll in any way.

Power Restriction Factor Cost Modifier: 1- to -3

A Character with this Limitation possesses a Power which will not function against a specified class of objects or under a general condition (organic items -2, supernatural influence -1, nighttime -3, or in red sun radiation -1, for example). The object or condition which restricts a Character's Power must be specified when this Drawback is adopted. Similarly, a Power may be restricted by a special condition under which it will work; in this case, unless the condition is fulfilled, the Power will not function (a Power which must be recharged every 24 -1 hours or one which must be focused through a particular object -2, for example).

Time Limit Factor Cost Modifier: -2

A Power which normally lasts indefinitely, such as Invisibility or Water Freedom, may be give the Time Limit Limitation so that it now lasts no longer than a set number of APs of time, after which the Power fails and must be recovered normally, just like Power Burnout. The Time Limit must be equal to 1/2 the APs of Power or less to use this Limitation.

Unskilled Factor Cost Modifier: -1

The character is inexperience or unskilled with the use of a power. All AV or OV rolls made with this Power are at -1

Reduced Range Factor Cost Modifier: -1

This limitation is used to simulate an effect that is far in excess of its Range. The range of the Power is its normal (generally its AP value)


Advantages and Drawbacks

Advantages are Character capabilities which are not measured in APs; a Character either does or does not possess the Advantage. Listed with each Advantage is a Cost, which is the Hero Point cost to purchase the Advantage. If the level of a Character has been multiplied or divided from the normal Hero Point Base. The CCT does all the math for Advantages and Drawbacks The Easy Way: Some Advantages are complex. Others are straight foreword modifiers of other abilities. In a higher power game, Advantages and Drawbacks matter less than street level games. Unlike Bonuses and limitations it is not recommended that they be eliminated in any real circumstances. If a GM wants to run a less complex game, s/he can select a short list of Advantages (Connections, Pets, gadgets, areas knowledge, etc.) and let the players pick from what is really required to flesh out characters. The GM can then allow a few new advantages and drawbacks at the end of adventure segments To add richness to the expanding characters game experience

values. The character can change where the bonus is

Ambidextrous COST: 15
A Character who is Ambidextrous does not distinguish between his right and left hands. He may wield more than one weapon in combat but does not gain an extra Dice Action. When using two weapons at once Either the AV or the EV is increased by +1 AP above the higher of the two

applied each phase.

Assistant Cost: 25
The character starts the game with a non-super powered good friend who will help out anywhere s/he can. This includes transportation and legwork within the limits of their skills, Covering for the Characters absences as best as s/he can and causing timely accidents to allow the

Character some room to operate. The Player must determine if the assistant knows their secret identity or not when the Advantage is taken. The most famous example of this would be Alfred Pennyworth. Other examples may be Jimmy Olson, MJ Watson, Jarvis from the Avengers, or Ms. Arborgast from Iron Man. Assistants will have up to 8 APs of useful skills, in at least 3 categories, determined at the GM at the beginning of the game. Assistants will develop as game play evolves. The do not gain XPs but they do learn. This power may be taken at a cost of 50 XPs to have an assistant with 16 skills in 7 categories. Example: Ed Delovian (multimillionaire) owns a Bar, the Salty Dog, down on the waterfront. He purchases the Assistant advantage for his bartender Rocco. He wants Rocco to watch the place for him, and keep an eye out on the street scene. The GM determines that Rocco has weaponry of 3, a Investigator of 3, and a Soldier (survival) of 2.

Atmosphere Adaptation (L), (G) or (S) Cost 10/25/50

The Atmosphere Adaptation advantage allows a character to live in a hostile environment as if it were his natural habitat. A character could be Adapted to live under water or in the harshest desert climates. The character will still need to eat sleep and breathe in some form no matter what the Adaptation. If a character is adapted to live in a place that is poisonous however s/he must pay 25 points for the greater (G) version instead of 10 for the lesser (L) to be able to breathe normal air as well as the adapted air. Those with the superior version, (S) of this can breathe any atmosphere at all and can eat anything that provides enough mass. The Atmosphere adaptation can never be used to adapt to an environment that causes more than 5 APs per hour of damage for reasons other than conditions attack. A character could not be atmosphere adapted to live on the sun or to not breathe at all for example. Animals that can only live in a swamp or in high mountains would be described as the (L) form of this.

Attractive Cost: 15
A Character with this Advantage is extremely physically attractive. Such a character receives a -1 Column Shift modifier to the OV of any Persuasion attempt made against members of the opposite sex (or same sex inclined). See Character interaction for details

a Block as an automatic action and a Redirection as a second automatic action. A Blocking Expert still must have a weapon or the similar to block with that is suitable to the attack in question

Bloody Mess Cost: 10

This Advantage is unusual in many ways. It doesn't alter

Blind-Fighting Cost: 10
The Character has a strong training or gift enabling him to fight well in conditions where visibility is poor or absent. He can negates one CS (-1) of penalty due to poor visibility, whether in melee combat or for range attacks within 3 APs of distance.

dice rolls in any way, Bloody Mess, automatically alters the gaming environment so that people around the character always die violently. By some strange twist of fate, the player (and, others around him) will, regardless of the actual amounts of violence involved, almost always see the worst way a person can die when they do die. For example, a person killed by a small caliber gun shot will actually partially explode upon his death (making forensic analysis more difficult, by two column shifts). Other effects are mostly visual in nature. Combat and death always end up bloodier and messier than they normally would around this particular character. In battle, after Bloody Mess has manifested itself, the player can attempt Intimidation at -1 CS OV/RV against any remaining opponents that just witnessed the apparent slaughter. Rorschach has this Advantage as does The Shadow.

Blocking Expert COST: 25

This advantage portrays a character that is highly skilled with martial arts weapons, shields, and the like. The character is an expert at reflecting incoming attacks away from himself. A character who is a Blocking Expert can use

Connoisseur Cost: 10
A Character with this Advantage has appreciation and knowledge of life's finer things: antiques, the arts, food, jewelry, wines, and high fashion. A Connoisseur can appraise any item through a successful Perception Check (AV EVs being equal to the Character's INT/WIILL) against OV/RVs of 2/2. An attempt made by a Connoisseur to Persuade another Character receives a -1 Column Shift modifier to the OV if the Character has had the opportunity to exercise his/her Connoisseur abilities (wining and dining the subject, engaging in clever and articulate conversation, etc.).

Does Not Exist Cost: 15

A hero with this advantage is on file nowhere. S/he has no birth certificate, drivers license, or other legitimate IDs. The characters fingerprints, picture and DNA are on file nowhere. Although pictures can be taken and evidence can be gathered the character will never be shown to have any origin at all. The Thief: Forgery skill is a near must for this advantage. The Joker and The Men in Black from the movie of the same name have this advantage.

Dupe COST: 50
Dupe is the use of Brains over Brawn in a combat circumstance. The Character tricks his opponent into

Direction Sense Cost: 10

A character with this advantage will always know their exact location, down to the Degrees of latitude and longitude and compass heading. The character will also know the heights that they are above or below ground. S/he will know even if the character is unconscious or sleeping.

making a mistake while attacking him/her. The Mistake can be anything from an opponent hitting a comrade to missing and falling off a cliff. To perform a dupe a character must have initiative. S/he then performs a dodge attempt (normal Dodge bonuses apply) with a -1 CS penalty. The character then performs a Mental Action Check. The AV/EV is the attackers Int and Wil, the OV/RV is the defenders Int and Mind. If the

Duping character achieves positive RAPs then his opponent will make a mistake in combat. Use the Universal Modifier table for how precise or complex of an error that the attacker can be maneuvered into.

To make standard (charge based) gadgets this Advantage cost is 25 XP. To make Objects of Power the Advantage cost 50 XP.

Genius Cost: 25
A Character with this Advantage may use his/her Gadgetry Skill to create items or devices that use technology which is unavailable in the "real world" of the 21st century (i.e., teleportation machines, force field belts, etc.) or are outside of Genre rules. For a complete description of the Genius Advantage and its applications to Gadgetry, see

Gadget Cost: variable

The character begins his career with a Gadget. It must be created under normal rules but with the assumption that all creation rolls are successful. See the Gadgetry section for details.

Gadgetry Lab Cost: 25 or 50

A Gadgetry Lab/ is a place equipped for the making of the appropriate super devices. If the Character does not already have at least a Confined Headquarters one is included with the lab. The level of performance of A Gadgetry Lab is determined by the level of wealth (Ex. A multi-millionaire with this advantage could make 10 AP gadgets). It is worthy of note an item can however be created with a higher AP value than the Gageteer skill. require some good rolls. It would just

the Rules section.

Genre Bending Cost 75

A character with Genre Bending can pay a 25 HP fee and the next sequence (battle, Character interaction etc) will change Genres. By doing so the advantaged character can make use of higher or lower Genre rules. Other participants in the encounter will not have any warning of the Genre change. Ex. Blood fest becomes humorous. At the end of the sequence the Genre returns to normal In the

unlikely possibility that two characters with this advantage come into conflict the advantages cancel each other out. Stanly Ipkis had this Advantage in The Mask, as did Rodger Rabbit, although Rodger only used it to make things funny.

a major city or population center. A secret room in a Character's Headquarters An Expansive Headquarters is a well-hidden, vast (1500+ square feet) Complex located in an isolated, difficult-toreach area The Bat cave constitutes an Expansive Headquarters. Note: The inclusion of particular Gadgets apartment would constitute a Confined

Gift of Gab Cost: 20

A Character with this Advantage is a master of verbal interplay. Whenever such a Character successfully

(vehicles, computers, etc.) within the Headquarters is nor considered in this advantage's cost. Such devices must be purchased separately.

performs an Interaction Maneuver (see the Rules section), s/he receives a -2 Column Shift modifier to the target's OV/RV instead of the usual -1 Column Shift bonus.

Heart Stopper 5 XP
A character with this advantage can literally to stop their own heart. The largest use for it would be the ultimate way

Headquarters (L) or (S) Cost: 10 or 15

A Character with this Advantage begins his/her career with a serviceable headquarters. The Character must choose the extent of the Headquarters at the time of Advantage purchase: Confined or Expansive.

to avoid torture. Usually this power is combined with some form of invulnerability or else it would be a single use advantage.

Heavy Weapons Guy Cost 10

This Advantage allows the Character to wield a weapon

A Confined Headquarters is a small (approx. 400 square feet or less) building, apartment, or rented space located in

normally intended to be used with a bipod, tripod or vehicle








Lightning Reflexes Cost: 20

A Character with this Advantage possesses lightning-fast reflexes and reaction times. Possession of this Advantage allows a Character to permanently add two (2) points to his/her base Initiative score.

machineguns and to the lightest recoilless rifles (e.g., 20mm). The Character can shoot from the hip, carry ammunition as his STR allows, and does not suffer from any degree of penalty in his accuracy. John Wayne, Matrix Goldwing and John Rambo have this Advantage.

Instant Change COST: 5

Character with this Advantage can switch into costume instantaneously. Such a Character's costume normally possesses special molecules which transform at the hero/villain's will. Utilizing this Advantage costs a

Luck Cost: 15
A Character with this Advantage is unusually fortunate. Once per adventure, the Character may invoke the Advantage and receive either -1 Column Shift to an opponent's OV/RV when attacking, or +1 Column Shift to his/her own OV/RV when defending against an attack The Player may choose which of these bonuses to utilize and when to invoke the Luck Advantage. Example: If a Player decided to invoke Luck while his/her

Character one Automatic Action during the phase of InstaChange to change into costume. The Atom has the InstaChange Advantage.

Iron Nerves Cost: 20

A Character with this Advantage is unusually resistant to fear and intimidation. Such a Character receives a +2 Column Shift modifier to his/her OV/RV against the Aura of Fear and Phobia Powers, as well as any Character Interaction (Intimidation) attempts made against him/her.

lucky Character was attacking an opponent in hand-tohand combat, the Character's target would receive a -1 Column Shift modifier to his/her OV/RV for that attack. Conversely, if the lucky Character were defending against an attack, s/he could receive +I Column Shift to his/her

OV/RV for the defense. Luck may be invoked to alter any Action Check, not just combat rolls.

to Their Mind Attribute. At the end of this time, the Character will fall unconscious as the Mind Over Matter automatically fails. The Power must then be recovered normally. If a Character possessing Mind over Matter ever sustains damage sufficient to kill him/her, this Power will automatically fail. Alternately this power may be purchased for mental or mystical attacks.

Master of Disguise Cost: 20

The Character is a master of disguise. The character can completely change his clothing and features for that of anyone he attempts to impersonate This Advantage is a sort of combination of Insta-change and Chameleon. The change will occur in 2 phases. The clothing will be highly similar to the subject's, but will still have the same stats as the original clothes worn by the character. A character with this Advantage is assumed to be ordinarily caring a disguise kit with him This Advantage works well with the Voices and Mannerisms Skill.

Obscured Vital Areas Cost: 15

A character with obscured vital areas has an internal arrangement of organs and bones that is different from the norm. As a result all Critical or Devastating attacks are at 2 CS unless the specific anatomy of the target character is

Mind over Matter Cost 25

This Power allows a Character to neutralize the effects of damage sustained in Physical Attacks for a short period of time. After sustaining Physical damage sufficient to render him/her unconscious, a Character possessing Mind over Matter may continue combat for a number of phases equal

known in advance.

Occult Studio Cost: 30 or 60

A Design Studio is a place equipped for the making of the appropriate super devices. If the Character does not already have at least a Confined Headquarters one is included with the studio. The level of performance of A

Design Studio is determined by the level of wealth (Ex. A multi-millionaire with this advantage could make 10 AP Occult Objects). It is worthy of note an item can however be created with a higher AP value than the Occultist skill. require some good rolls. To make standard (charge based) Occult Objects this Advantage cost is 30 XP. To make Objects of Power the Advantage cost 60 XP. It would just

unskilled. To use this advantage the character must pay a 10 HP fee per occurrence. The skill is then usable for one scene of an adventure at the appropriate Action Attribute (Dex, Int, or inf) -1 CS.

Paired Firearms Cost: 20

Paired Firearms allows firing two small arms (including SMGs) in full coordination. Each weapon uses up the normal number of shots and adds +1 AP to AV due to the sheer amount of lead in the air. Ex. someone with

Omni-connection Cost: 50
This skill is meant to represent a truly mysterious character with a highly varied background. In any non-combat circumstance where there is a character interaction (see character interaction) the character possessing the

Weaponry (firearms): 08 could opt to fire both guns to get an AV of 09. Paired firearms also allows for negating one CS of penalty when multi-attacking with two appropriate firearms. Lara Croft, X, the Shadow and Chow Yun Fat have this Advantage

advantage can spend 15 HP and have a 3 AP connection with the character interacted with. The connection lasts for the duration of the adventure

Paired Melee Weapons Cost: 20

Paired Melee Weapons allows for wielding two melees weapon in full coordination. The effect adds +1 to AV. Ex.

Omni-skill Cost: 30
A character with Omni-skill can use any skill they do not normally possess, even skills that are not normally usable

Jake *Weaponry Melee: 08) could opt to use two Tai fighting sticks to get an AV of 09. Night Thrasher and Bruce Lee have this Advantage

Pet Cost: Variable

A Character with this Advantage begins his/her career with an animal assistant which will automatically follow all of the Character's instructions without error. This advantage has a variable cost, as it is dependent on the complexity of the pet adopted. The pet must be designed as a complete Character (i.e., calculation of costs for the Pet's Attributes, Powers, and Skills) and the Character must pay one-half (1/2) this Hero Point total (round fractions up). Sample statistics for different animals are available in of the Rules section. These statistics represent a typical member of the animal's species; most heroic pets possess additional APs of Attributes, Powers, and/or Skills. A Character with this Advantage may control all of his/her Pet's actions during play through the use of one Automatic Action. Example: Suppose that Beast Lord wants to purchase the Pet Advantage; his Pet will be a loyal elephant named Simba. Beast Lord decides that his elephant should possess the following statistics:


As a standard Character, Simba would cost 193 Hero Points to design. However, designed under the Pet Advantage, Simba only costs Beast Lord 97 Hero Points (193/2 = 961 1/2 rounded up to 97.

Popularity COST: 20
A Character with this Advantage is respected among the citizenry and the media. Such a Character tends to attract a huge crowd of well-wishers and autograph seekers wherever s/he appears. A Character with Popularity receives a special -1 Column Shift modifier to the OV/RV of all normal Persuasion attempts. This modifier may only be used on the first Persuasion attempt made against a particular person. A Character would not receive a Popularity modifier against aliens from Venus who just landed (as they probably haven't heard of the Character) Multi-Attack penalties on Persuasion attempts are reduced

by one Column Shift when made by a Character with Popularity

the deflection attempt is the APs of Weaponry Skill of the thrower

Prehensile Feet Cost: 5

A character that has this advantage can use his feet as hands. This gives a 1 OV on any climbing attempts. Note: This does not bestow the level of multi attack that extra limbs does.

Rich Family/Friends Cost: 15

A Character with this Advantage has a rich family member or friend upon whom the Character may call once every three months to request financial assistance (OV/RVs to this Persuasion attempt are at 7/7). The character can spend HPs at one wealth level higher for one sequence.

Regenerative Transformation Cost: 15

A character who has transformation powers (ex Shape Change, and Self Link, Molecular Chameleon) can gain an automatic Recovery Check when returning to human form. The character must pay a 10 HP fee each time this advantage is used.

Ritual Cost: Variable

The character knows a magic ritual that s/he has learned by rote. The Player can create a ritual (See Magic) that the character has learned before the start of play. In most cases the Ritual will require 2 or more common components or 1 rare one. Note: the character is not required to have the Ritual Magic skill to use this Advantage.

Returnable Weapon Cost 25

A character with this skill can throw a weapon in such a way it strikes and returns on rebound. The weapon will automatically bounce back to the thrower, unless caught or deflected by the target or another character. The OV/RV of

Roof Nails Cost: 10

A character with this advantage has hardened fists and has practiced the pounding of nails with his bare hands. On a blindside attacking the character can pound a nail into a hand or foot on and opponent and literally nail them down. The nailed down character only takes 1 RAP of damage but is stuck in place until 3 phases can be spent removing it or s/he rips free taking 1 additional RAP of damage. This most often used in combination with an intimidation attack

Self-Contained\Life Support Cost 75

A character with this advantage has no need for food, drink, sleep or air. S/he is modified from the human condition in some fundamental way as to gain sustenance from another source. As a corollary s/he is immune to any Gas attack and has a +1 CS to resist any powers that would make him/her sleep. Axel Brass has this advantage

Sharp Eye Cost 15

A character with this advantage has a keen eye for detail and is exceptionally perceptive. A sharp eyed character

Shadow Self Bonus: 05/10

This Advantage allows the character, when properly illuminated, to somehow project an altered shadow. Ex the shadow may clearly be that of a stylized giant cat, even though the character looks perfectly human. The animate shadow version of this Advantage allows them to change the shadow they project on each occasion. Ex. Shadow may be a cats one day and a hangmans gallows the next day.

automatically receives a -1 Column shift on all OV of perception checks.

Short Sleeper (Lesser) 5 HP or (Greater) 10 XP

A character with this advantage does not need as much sleep as the average person. This person can perform at their optimum for an unlimited duration. The Lesser form is one where nature has been kind to the character and s/he

is one of the eight percent of the population that simply never needs more than 4 hours of sleep a night. The greater form of this Advantage represents a character that has mastered a technique of polyphaisic sleep and gets a full nights rest in one hour. The technique will often be a learned scientific method or a form of martial arts Kata

attacks made when the character is unconcerned with hurting others around him/her. S/he will also negate 1 CS of penalty in a multi-attack. If there is any question there WILL be environmental damage after the fight, If a character uses this advantage with comrades in range of his her weapons those comrades are subject to one attack accidentally made by the character. The GM will determine when this attack happens. Ex. Solar Fire (Energy Blast: 19) goes all out in a crucial combat (uses

Slowed Aging Cost: 10

This advantage increases the life-span of a character by a factor of x4 to x10 (as determined by the Player and the GM at the Character Creation stage). Such characters normally age at this reduced rate throughout their lives. Aging attacks directed against the character, such as Spirit Drain with the Aging Bonus, will have their RV increased by 5 APs. Nick Fury has this Advantage.

Solo Warrior advantage) when Phoenix is nearby (within 500 miles). The GM will roll at some point a 19 AP Energy blast attack against Phoenix.

Stabilization COST: 75
A Character with Stabilization is not affected by the 'slow death' caused by Killing Combat wounds. He has a special physiology where Killing Combat wounds do not cause the Character to continue to take damage. Either the

Solo Warrior Cost: 15

A solo warrior is character that fight better by himself. The character will recklessly flail about with weapons and powers. As a result of this all damage will be +1 RAP to

Character does not bleed or his wounds instantly cauterize. If the Character's Body is ever brought below 0 Body, the Character does not lose the typical 1 Body point for every 8 APs of time that elapse. The damage to Body still exists, but there is no continuing damage. The

Character is still allowed Resting Recovery checks after one hour (10 APs) against Killing Combat instead of the standard twenty-four hours (15 APs) that Killing Combat normally required. Regeneration Power may be used to reduce these time limits as normal. For each Resistance Attribute (Body, Mind, and Spirit) that this Advantage affects past the first add 20 Hero Points to the cost.

An example of an extremely risky situation would be the hero making an escape through a hail of sub-machine gun fire by multiple opponents. He would NOT be subject to the bonus however if it was just an opponent or two armed with revolvers. Another example would be the hero driving a vehicle off of a bridge only to jump out midway to parachute onto another moving vehicle. GM's discretion as to when the Advantage can be used Characters that would have this advantage include Xander "xXx" Cage and

Stroke of Genius Cost: 10

This Advantage functions as Genius, but only for a specific item. That item can be modified as long as the modifications themselves would not require genius. For example, a character with Stroke of Genius (Battle suits) could add a standard computer to his power armor, but he couldn't add an artificial intelligence.


Subdue Cost 25
A character with the Subdue Advantage is extremely adept at subduing and stunning his opponents. Subdue can only be used from a surprise attack. This is done by striking nerve plexus, pressure points, or the similar. If the Subdue attack is used from a surprise s/he gains a -1 CS to the opponents RV. If he uses a Critical Blow, he may score -3 CS to the RV instead of the usual -2 CS RV. The No Vital Areas Advantage is still useful against a character with this Advantage.

Stunt Man Cost 25

The character is quite adept at pulling off the impossible (even more than your standard hero) by putting himself at extreme risk. Whenever this hero performs an action that is exceptionally risky, at least a -2 CS bonus to the OV/RV of the action.

The Baffler Cost: 35

Once per adventure a character with this advantage can attempt to confuse an opponent into doing what s/he wants. The Baffling Character needs to speak for at least three phases to the opponent before the effect occurs. The opponent takes a -2 CS to OV and RV of a single persuasion attempt. The opponent is not actually

Time Sense Cost: 5/10 (Lesser and Greater)

A character with this advantage will always know the exact time, down to the second. S/he will know even if the character is unconscious or sleeping. The character remains aware of the time even if distracted or in combat. The advantage may be taken at a 10 point cost and the character will be and human alarm clock and can wake at any predetermined time.

convinced that the character is right but goes along with him/her out of utter confusion. The GM should require the player to actually make the baffling speech

Tireless Cost 25
A character with the tireless advantage has near inexhaustible stamina. They can run, fight, study and use their super powers past the point when anyone else would have dropped over from exhaustion. For purposes of game mechanics they are considered to have +3 CS on any endurance checks. A tireless character may also stay awake and functional for 1 day per AP of will

The Horror Cost: 15

Characters with the horror have a history of graphic violence. The character is not necessarily the perpetrator of endless violence but has been around a great degree of it. No degree of violence or bloodshed will have any psychological effect on the character at all.

Trick shooter Cost 30

This Advantage allows a Character to have an abnormally high success rate when it comes to shots not intended to hit someone Ex. to shatter a held weapon, cut the line from which an opponent is hanging, and the like. The Advantage removes 2 Column Shifts of negative

Ultimate Accuracy Cost: 20

A character with this Advantage can use a killing attack for bashing damage. S/he could shoot another character in the chest and appear to kill them with an AK- 47 or runt then through with a sword doing only minor (bashing) damage.

adjustment for the action.

Unpredictable Style Cost: 15

This Advantage represents insane and iconoclastic, selftaught fighting style. Such fighters are not rational, and their strikes and parries are very hard to predict and not coherent from one second to the next. Each Phase, a person with this Advantage can impose a -1CS Penalty to a melee opponent's AV or OV. It is possible to ignore this penalty once you have fought (11 minus your Martial Artist score) times with a fighter using Advantage (unpredictable style). Note that the vast majority of insane, unpredictable fighters do not have this Advantage; they simply have good DEX or Martial Arts. It takes a strange mixture of talent, insanity and experience to have this Advantage.

True Faith Cost: 10

A Character with the True Faith advantage (typical of a horror Genre) is marked as being touched by God (or gods), and possessing enough faith in the Lord to actually affect some of the works of the Adversary. True Faith has no actual application in itself; however some creatures have Vulnerabilities to opponents with True Faith, some objects can only be used by wielders with True Faith, and so on.

The creeper has this Advantage as does Wild Child of Alpha Flight.

Weapons Grab Cost: 15

The Character prepares weapons in cache inside their Teleport or Warp range. In one automatic action s/he may summon the weapon to hand. The weapon must be something that the character has access to set it in cache. To use this Advantage a character must be in an area they are familiar with. Needless to say the character needs to have Warp or teleport to use this power

Vehicle Specialist Cost 10

The character is an expert at a particular vehicle or vehicle type. Examples include WWII planes, motorcycles,

Hydrofoils, 18 wheelers. Etc. The character receives a +1 CS bonus to all control rolls in their area of specialty

Weapons at the ready Cost: 5

Description: The character can find a weapon nearby, provided he's been in the area in the previous days. The caches will have up to four weapons. Use of this Advantage costs 10 HPs per occasion

Yoga Master Cost: 15

The Character has mastered the arts of body flexibility. S/he can bend his\her body in ways that far exceeds the norm.

Weapon Specialist Cost 15

A character with this Advantage has a +1 CS bonus to Weaponry Skill if using a specific type of Weapon (such as a hammer or a .45 revolver).

the character gains a +1 AP to any escape artist roll The Character gains + 1 CS to RV to any falling damage. The Character gains +1 CS to OV in any grapple attempt The Character gains a +1 CS to AV when attempting to grapple

Drawbacks are disadvantages, quirks, and foibles which maybe selected to increase a Character's initial Experience Point level Like Advantages, Drawbacks are not measured in APs: a Character does or does not possess the Drawback. The Experience Point bonus received for each adopted Drawback is listed in the Drawbacks description.

Age Bonus 15
A Character with this Drawback is of an unusual age for adventuring, being either old or young in comparison to traditional heroes and villains Unusually old Characters (those over 60 years of age) must always subtract two points (-2) from their Initiative scores. Unusually young Characters (those below 18 years of age are limited through the need to attend school regularly. a concern of adult authority, and being unable to enter certain pubic areas (such as bars). The Dark Knight and his sidekick, Robin (Carrie Kelley), possess this Drawback as old and young, respectively.

medical practitioner. S/he might have his brain in his left foot, his liver in his skull and an intestine in his nose. All Medicine Checks against a Character with Altered Anatomy incur a +2 Column Shift penalty to the OV/RV. Generally a Character with the Altered Anatomy is from a different planet or dimension than the one he currently inhabits. It is unlikely for a human to possess the Altered Anatomy back while on Earth. Unless his Powers have so changed his/her body he is no longer recognizable as human. The Player must account for the Altered Anatomy in the Character's Purchasing. The No Vital Areas Advantage is a good combination with this Drawback. For each Resistance Attribute (Body, Mind, and Spirit) that Altered Anatomy does not affect, reduce the Drawback's bonus by 10 Hero Points.

Altered Anatomy BONUS: 20

A Character with the Altered Anatomy Drawback has an internal anatomy entirely unrecognizable to the average

Arrogant Bonus 15
This drawback, similar to socially inept, is for characters who are exceptionally obnoxious, overconfident and, obviously, arrogant. They talk down to everyone, In

will never cause riots, just make people cross to the other side of the street.

Dark Secret Bonus 25

A Character with this Drawback harbors some deep secret which must be protected at all cost. The Character's secret must be specified when the Drawback is adopted. A Dark Secret is always of such a magnitude that its disclosure would effectively end the heroic career of the Character with this Drawback Example: A Character adopts the Dark Secret that he was once a hit man for the mob and assassinated hundreds of targets if the secret was ever revealed, the Character would face a long jail sentence and be the subject of terrible public backlash, ruining the Character's career.

believing they know best, whether they do or not.

game terms, the character has +1CS to the OV/RV of persuasion attempts, as people do not tend to appreciate their type of persuasion. These characters, being so full of themselves, will also not accept Hero Points from characters with the Leadership advantage: obviously, this character is the most qualified to lead, and should be the one giving orders, not taking them. Captain Britain following his rebirth and early Excalibur had this drawback, as did Guy Gardner, the One True Green Lantern.

Creepy Bonus 5
A character with the drawback creepy is just a bit unusual and puts people ill at ease. This is a much milder form of the drawback Strange Appearance. A -1 CS to persuasion attempts is incurred but a creepy character

Does Not Heal Bonus: 75

A character with this drawback never receives a physical recovery check. His/her nature precludes healing by natural process. The character must seek external aid

such as the medical skill or the damage transference power to recover from wounds

Irrational Attraction when this Drawback is adopted. The Character with an Irrational Attraction will go out of his/her way to find its source and satisfy his/her desires. If the attraction is for an object, for instance, the

Innocent/ Gullible BONUS: 10

A Character with this Drawback is exceptionally naive of the ways of society and the wiles of mankind. An Innocent Character believes in the inherent goodness of all creatures and assumes all other persons feel the same way s/he does. An Innocent Character sees the world through rose-colored glasses and cannot

Character will be unable to act in the object's presence; if the Character is attracted to a mannerism, s/he will frequently manifest that particular mannerism. Irrational Attractions come in three degrees of severity, Minor, Serious, and Catastrophic. The degree of Attraction must be selected when this Drawback is adopted. Associated with each degree is a Resistance Number. Whenever exposed to the object of the Irrational Attraction, the Character must roll greater than or equal to the Resistance Number to overcome the attraction. If the roll is successful, the Character overcomes the Attraction until re-exposed to- the stimulus at a later time. Otherwise, the Character succumbs to the Attraction and must allow the source of the Attraction to occupy his/her attention to the exclusion of all else, although the Character may again attempt to overcome the Attraction the following phase. Hero Points may never be spent to affect this roll in any way.

understand evil or inconsiderate actions. An Innocent Character suffers a -1 Column Shift penalty to his/her OV against Character Interaction (Persuasion and

Interrogation) attempts and manipulative Mental Powers such as Broadcast Empathy, Control, Hypnotism, and so on.

Irrational Attraction Bonus 10/30/75

Characters with this Drawback are unusually interested in certain objects, materials, animals, or forms of

expression (gold, silk, cats, or practical jokes, for example). A Character must specify the subject of the

Severity Minor serious Catastrophic

Resistance 5 11 18

Bonus 10 30 75

Drawback is adopted. Irrational Fears come in three degrees of Severity: Minor, Serious, and Catastrophic. The degree of Fear must be selected when this Drawback is adopted. Associated with each degree is a Resistance number. A Character encountering the source of an Irrational Fear must make a "Fear roll in each phase that s/he is exposed to the source of the Fear, rolling greater than or equal to the Resistance Number on 2D10 to overcome the Fear. Success indicates the Character does not succumb to the Fear and may act normally, not needing to roll again to defeat the Fear until exposed under different circumstances. Otherwise, the Character must attempt to withdraw from the location and flee in panic; if the Character cannot withdraw, s/he can take no action whatsoever, being immobilized with fear the entire phase. Such a Character may again attempt to overcome the Irrational Fear during subsequent phases. Hero Points may never be spent to

The above chart summarizes the varying degrees of severity for Irrational Attractions, their Resistance

Numbers, and Hero Points gained by adoption of the Drawback. Example: The Riddler, with a Catastrophic Irrational Attraction to Riddles and Puzzles, wants to commit a crime without leaving a riddle behind as a clue. Such an action would require a roll of 18 or greater on 2D10. If he fails, he must leave a riddle clue. Similarly, if available book of ancient Chinese riddles went on display at the Gotham Museum of Natural History, the Riddler would need to suppress his Irrational Attraction to resist the temptation to steal the book.

Irrational Fear Bonus 10/30/75

A Character with this Drawback has an unreasoning fear of a particular situation, condition, object, or animal (fear of heights, confinement, guns, or spiders, for example). A Character must specify the subject of the Fear when this

affect the Fear roll in any way. The following chart summarizes the varying degrees of severity for Irrational Fears, their Resistance Numbers, and Hero Points gained by adoption of

Severity Minor serious Catastrophic

Resistance 5 11 18

Bonus 10 30 75

The Character will be hounded by the media, mobbed by fans (if he has the Popularity Advantage), and might be investigated by government and police (especially if he has the Mistrust Drawback) more than your average vigilante. The GM and Player should agree upon reason that the character is in the Limelight before the Character is introduced. It is helpful if the other Players are made aware of the nature of the agreement as well.

the Drawback Example: The Martian Man hunter, with a Serious Irrational Fear of Fire, finds himself in a burning building and must roll an 11 or greater to remain in the area If this roll fails, the Manhunter will flee if possible, or stand paralyzed with fear, taking no actions and possibly sustaining damage from the fire during that phase. The Martian Manhunter could then attempt to overcome his Fear the following phase.

Married/Family Bonus 25
Despite what great poets have written, being married often poses definitive problems in the hero world. The spouse of heroes tends to be used as hostages against their husbands or wives with alarming frequency. When adopting this Drawback, a Character must specify many details about his/her spouse for Subplot use (his/her statistics, profession, interests, locations frequented, etc). Villains who discover a Married Character's identity will almost always attempt to use the spouse against the hero. Spouses also possess an uncanny ability to blunder into hero versus villain conflicts and to turn up at the wrong place at the wrong time. A Character who adopts this Drawback cannot also receive Hero Points for

Limelight BONUS: 20
A Character in the Limelight is always hounded by the Paparazzi, the media. Anything the character says or does in the public eye could be in the papers the next morning. A character "in the fishbowl" is a subject of intense public scrutiny and often (though not always) has a Public ID.

adopting the Secret Identity Drawback Further, a Character adopting this Drawback whose spouse is also a superhero receives no Hero Point bonus for the Drawback.

Mistrust Bonus 25
A Character with this Drawback is often mistaken for a villain by law enforcement agencies and other heroes. The Character is un-trusted among peers and is usually a fugitive from justice. Law enforcement officers and NonPlayer Character heroes will automatically be Hostile towards a Character with this Drawback Additionally; police will usually attempt to arrest a Mistrusted Character wherever and whenever they encounter him/her. Note: Villains never receive bonus XPs for adopting this Drawback. Batman had this Drawback during the first year of his career. Batman had this Drawback during the first year of his career.

Mass Consumption 15 HP
A character with this drawback will need to consume 20,000 calories a day or more. This is more than three world class bodybuilders in training, or more than a dozen normal meals a day. If the Character cannot get this level of intake it is considered a fatal vulnerability loosing 1 BODY point per day until his/her intake can be restored or s/he dies. As a side thought, in any pie eating or drinking contest, a character with this drawback will always beat anything human. Combined with a few APs of Systemic Antidote this character could drink an entire division of marines under the table. Fat Cobra, the Immortal Weapon has this mixed blessing as does Mile Teg from the Dune novels.

Physical Restriction Bonus 20/75/150

A Character with this Drawback has some sort of physical handicap. S/he might be blind, confined to a wheelchair or missing a limb. Physical Restrictions normally fit into two general categories: sensory

restrictions and physical handicaps. A Character with a

sensory restriction is missing one or more of his/her senses A blind Character with no special detection Powers (Radar sense Sonar) Must treat everything as invisible in combat, while a deaf Character who possesses no Mental communication Powers (such as Telepathy could only communicate through the use of sign language or lip reading. A character with a Physical handicap is physically









summarized in the guideline chart. A character with a these compensatory powers only (ex sonar for blindness, flight for wheelchair bound) only gains the normal HP bonus.

Psychological Instability Bonus 20/50/100

A Character with this Drawback is mentally unstable and subject to dramatic mood shifts, periods of extreme

impaired in some manner; such a Drawback may Severity Minor Example No sense of smell or taste; trick knee serious Hemophilia, Asthmatic, mute, deaf Catastrophic Wheelchair bound, missing a limb, Blind necessitate improvisation of specific rules for the physically handicapped Character (a Character confined to a wheelchair, for example, might be limited to moving only 1 AP of distance per phase). Hero Points received for a Physical Restriction depend upon the severity of the 150 75 Bonus 20

depression or even violent outbursts and schizophrenic behavior by a failure to deal with the real world A

character must state the nature of his/her instability and its effect when adopting this Drawback. The number and duration of incidents depend on the severity of the instability. Incidents are in occurrences per adventure. For the major and catastrophic the attacks last an entire scent of an adventure, regardless of how long that scene lasts. In the event of very short scenes the GM may determine that the insanity occurs more often. The GM can determine the bouts of madness start at any time. If the character proactively behaves insane it MAY head off less conveniently timed events.

S/he will break down and suffer consequences relative to the Instability's severity for a length of time indicated

Public Identity Bonus 5

A Character with this Drawback has taken no steps whatsoever to protect his/her alter ego and as such, his/her real name is known to the public at large. Possible effects of this Drawback might include crowds of

Memory lapse; mild mood swings


4 Phases



Severe Depression; selfarguments


1 scene


people gathering outside of the hero's home, villains attempting to strike at the hero through the hero's family and/or friends, or the government trying to get the hero to pay for damages caused during battles with villains. Any


Violent Rage, Multiple personality disorder


3 Scenes


Character removing this Drawback during his/her career must create a new identity of some sort for him/herself. A Character adopting this Drawback cannot also adopt the Secret Identity Drawback (see below). Dr. Manhattan of the Watchmen has this Drawback.

on the chart below. Most Psychological Instabilities, especially Minor and Serious, result in partial or total inactivity on the part of the affected Character.

Secret Identity Bonus: 10

A Character with this Drawback leads a dual life: in one guise the Character is a hero or villain while in, another s/he is an ordinary man or woman. Possession of this Drawback assumes a dramatic negative effect on the Character's heroic and personal life should the Secret

Catastrophic effects, however, may result in the display of extreme violence by the Character, sometimes directed at his/her own teammates or innocents.

Identity ever be revealed. A Character with a Secret Identity must take extraordinary measures to safeguard his/her secret. If a Character's Secret Identity should ever be revealed, the Character immediately loses 50 Experience Points. A Character adopting this Drawback cannot adopt the Married or Public Identity Drawbacks. Nearly every Character in the DCU has this Drawback.

Traumatic Flashback Bonus: 60

A Character with this Drawback is periodically subject to reliving a particularly distressing past event. A Character must specify the condition which triggers the Flashbacks when this Drawback is adopted. Acceptable examples include: mention of a specific word, sighting a specific object, hearing a specific song, smelling a specific scent, or the Character's presence in a specific location. Whenever the Character is exposed to the specified condition Traumatic Flashbacks occur. A Character exposed to the condition must make an Action Check with the AV/EV and OV/RV both equal to his/her WILL/WILL, thus requiring an 11 succeed. If this Check fails, the Character can take no actions daring that phase, as s/he is too absorbed in reliving the flashback events. Otherwise, the Character does not succumb to the trauma and may act normally. S/he must

Socially Inept Bonus: 15

The socially inept cannot interface with others well. They are shy, withdrawn, actively annoying, ore generally antisocial. Socially inept characters receive a +2 Column shift penalty to their opponents OV/RV during any form of character interaction. A socially inept character may inadvertently hinder a teammates character interaction by +1 or +2 depending on the circumstances.

Strange Appearance BONUS: 30

There is something about the characters presentation or appearance that triggers an instinctive revulsion reaction. All first impressions are -4 CS to the negative. Even if the character makes all further interaction rolls at -1 CS

continue rolling against the trauma each phase that s/he is exposed to the condition. Hero Points may never be spent to affect this Action Check in any way. Attacks made against a Character experiencing Traumatic Flashbacks automatically receive the - 1 Column Shift

Blindside bonuses to the Character's OV. See the Rules section. Example: The Batman has the Traumatic Flashbacks Drawback, tending to relive the deaths of his parents whenever he visits Crime Alley in Gotham City. If the Batman were to chase the Joker into Crime Alley, the Batman would have to begin making a Flashbacks Action Check each phase to determine whether or not he succumbs to the trauma. At the beginning of each phase, Batman must roll an 11 or better on 2D10 or simply stand in place and experience the Flashbacks. If the Joker were to swing at the Batman during this phase, the Clown Prince of Crime would receive the Blindside modifier to the attack. If Batman succeeded in his Flashbacks Action Check, he could act normally that phase, but would have to roll again every phase he spent in Crime Alley.

Unluck and record the result. When the Character has made a number of Action Checks equal to the result of the GM's die roll, the Character immediately suffers a +2 Column Shift modifier to the OV/RV of his/her next Action Check. If the GM's die roll was a 2, the Character would suffer the penalty on his/her second Action Check; if the roll was a 7 the Character would suffer the penalty of the Unluck Drawback on his/her seventh Action Check, and so on. Unluck will only affect a Character once per adventure.

Unlucky Bonus: 25
A Character with this Drawback is unusually

misfortunate; the chips never seem to fall the right way for this Character. At the beginning of each adventure, the GM must roll ID10 for each Character possessing

A Character with a Drawbacks is weakened under a given circumstances. Superman has a Vulnerability to Kryptonite (Rare substance) and the Martian Manhunter has a vulnerability to fire (Common substance). Vulnerabilities normally occur in three forms: Attack Vulnerabilities, Fatal Vulnerabilities and Loss Vulnerabilities Alter Ego transformations are a special form of limitations that are discussed in the character design section

Attack Vulnerabilities
Range of
An Attack Vulnerability causes a Character to suffer extreme damage from a particular attack form. The Vulnerability must be general in nature Ex. cold, fire, physical powers. The form of the Vulnerability must be specified when the drawback is adopted. A character with an Attack Vulnerability suffers a certain Number of Column Shifts penalties to his/her OV/RV against the Specified attack form. The number of Column Shifts the Character Is penalized determines the Experience Point bonus for adoption of the drawback

XP bonus

5 4 3 2 1 0 20 10 0 -10 -30 -50

Fatal Vulnerability
A Fatal Vulnerability causes a Character to suffer Killing Damage from exposure to a substance or condition which is normally harmless to everyone else Ex. Kryptonite, staying out of water for more than one hour. The object, substance, or condition to which a Character has a Fatal Vulnerability must be specified when the Drawback is adopted. A Character with a Fatal Vulnerability who is exposed to the specified substance or condition sustains 1 AP of damage to his her Current BODY Condition during everyone minute (4 APs of time) of exposure. This is initially treated as Killing Damage, but reverts to Bashing Damage once the Character is removed from proximity to the substance. Recovery is then performed normally (see recovery checks) When this Drawback is adopted, the substance or condition to which the Character is vulnerable must be categorized as either common or rare. A common substance condition is one which ordinary people encounters every day Ex. water, iron, darkness, or enclosed spaces. A rare substance/condition is one which only specific villains or elite organizations are likely to encounter Ex. Kryptonite, Elemental isotopes, having one's mind read, or being buried alive. A Fatal Vulnerability to a common object or condition is worth 200 A Fatal Vulnerability to a rare object or condition a worth 75 Experience Points. The range of a fatal vulnerability is 3 APs by default. Longer or shorter ranges will modify the XP bonus 4 65

Column shifts
2 3

XP bonus
25 45

Loss Vulnerabilities
A Loss Vulnerability causes a Character to temporarily lose APs of particular Powers, Skills, or Attributes. The Loss occurs in the presence of a certain substance or condition. The condition must be specified when the Drawback is adopted. The number of Experience Points gained for adopting a Loss Vulnerability depends upon which characteristics are reduced the Vulnerability Vulnerability Effect One Attribute Set (P, M, or M) All Attributes All Powers (Complete) All Powers (Partial) All Skills (Complete) All Skills (Partial) All powers and skills (Complete) All powers and skills (Partial) All powers skills and attributes Complete) All powers skills and attributes (Partial) Bonus 35 120 100 75 100 75 150 100 250 200 Attributes that are subject to Vulnerability are

reduced by 2APs, or to 4 whichever is lower. Ex. Schismatic (Dex: 08 Str: 04 Body: 06) is subject to Physical attribute loss in the presence of vanadium dioxide, a rare substance. His attributes would drop to Dex: 04, Str: 02, Body: 04 A Loss Vulnerability to a common object or

condition is worth 200 A Fatal Vulnerability to a rare object or condition a worth 75 Experience Points. Powers and Skills subject to Loss (Complete) are

completely not available to the character for the duration of the loss. Powers and Skills subjected to Loss(Partial) are treated identically to Attributes (reduced by 2 APs tor to 4 whichever is lower)

A Character who is vulnerable to a substance must decide at what Range s/he becomes susceptible to damage. The Range of a Loss Vulnerability affects the Experience Point bonus. A Character adopting a Loss Vulnerability with no intrinsic Range (such as losing Powers at night) receives no Range bonus.

Miscellaneous power modifiers and unusual Characteristics.

Heros and Villains are unusual. They are powerful but they are also different. Any number of odd side effects of powers can occur. The list below is just examples of the effects possible. None of these effects are required but the often are fun. Some will be no point cost or benefit and some will. Any Miscellaneous effect too strange will automatically buy the character the strange appearance drawback Character has heat shimmers or other mild distortions around him/her when powers are used. Zero XP. Character has shimmers all the time: + 10 XP Character causes everything to become black and white (or color variation) within zero APs of him/her when power is used. Zero XP. Character has color change effect all the time: Strange appearance. Use of power leaches color out of or dyes affected objects and people a given color. +10 XP. Use of Power causes barely heard voices to be heard but not understood by witnesses. Very creepy. Zero XP When using Power Characters eyes become a different color or become black holes, flames, mirrors etc -5 XP. Use of power gives character a particular strong smell. Zero XPs. Character has smell all the time +10 XP. Use of Power attracts some form of pests ( Rats, spiders, ants etc.) +5 XP Use of Power causes characters voice to acquire Zentradi warble, become extremely high or extremely low. Zero XP. Use of Power is LOUD. Normally quiet power is as loud as a motorcycle. +10 XP

Gadgetry and Occultism

Gadgets and Occult Devices, they are the hardware that makes heroes and villains tools and toys beyond that of the mundane world. Batmans Belt, Captain Americas Shield and Wonder Womans Ropes, They are the things that enhance the Super Heroes and Villains. For purposes of game play what is a Gadget or an Occult Object and whats not? In MEGS all items fall into one of the following categories. Important: There is a gadget generator that is included with this book .By default it is in hidden tabs on the CCT. You could do the math on gadget creation the hard way, but why would you?

A technological device that is not commonly available or understood in the Genre of the possessing character is a Gadget. Gadgets have charges of some limited usage and often possess a reliability that is less than perfect. All will have Physical Attributes and some will have Powers or Skills. Some Gadgets have intelligence (INT) but none are self aware (possess MIND and WILL.) They have a cost in Laboratory Resources and in XPs. Gadgets when they break or become damaged need to be repaired. Spidermans web shooters and Cables Guns are examples of Gadgets

not commonly understood or available. They have a limited number of uses and often a less than perfect reliability. They have Physical Attributes and some will have Powers or Skills. Some Occult Objects will have intention (INFL) but none will have a defined personality (AURA or SPIRIT). They have a cost in Design Studio resources and XPs. Objects, when they break or become damaged, need to be repaired. Magic potions or golden age Green Lanterns Ring are examples of Occult objects.

These are Single use Gadgets or Occult Object that can do nearly anything. An Omni-gadget represents a gadgeteer characters ability to have the exact tool he needs. Different Omni-gadgets duplicate different

Occult Objects
Occult Objects are Mystical devices that are the functional equivalent of Gadgets in many ways. They are

abilities. Batman or Reed Richards ability to have the

exact tool they need right when the need them are examples of Omni-gadgets.

superior tools and equipment. See Skills section for details. In most cases Tools and Equipment are considered Devices.

Devices are things that are part of the everyday world of the adventure Genre. Toasters and blenders, machine guns and tanks, ropes and paint buckets are all Devices. Devices when the break or become damage need to be repaired or replaced. As they are widely understood and commonly available they are much less expensive in dollars than a Gadget or an Occult Object. They have no XP cost. Some have charges and limited reliability and some do not. All the gear and equipment mentioned under skills are devices.

Objects of Power
Objects of Power are the highest order of things before they become beings in and of themselves. Objects of Power are fully reliable and do not have charges. Objects of Power self repair in the same way a character does. Whether they are of mystical nature or technical (Gadgetry or Occultist created) they are as reliable as a characters own powers, attributes and skills. They are very expensive in Lab Resources, expensive in XPs, and unique or highly rare in prevalence. Thors Hammer or Wonder Womans Bracelets are Objects of Power.

Tools and Equipment

Skills will sometimes require the use of tools or equipment. Gadgetry, or Occultism, can be used to make

The Easy Way: Make Gadgets and Occult objects as if they are characters and calculate the points. Divide the cost by 3 for all but objects of Power. Objects of Power multiply times .75. The Character must have Enough Wealth (see wealth) and APs of gadgetry higher than the highest value of the gadget. Charges are paid for at FC 2. A charge is used by each use of any function. Any of these things can be made at any time by a character with the correct skills and resources. The GM may wish to impose special material requirements (EX need a dragons egg to make a magic sword).

Ex. Dr. Occult (Occultist: 08 Wealth: Multi-millionaire) can make any magic object he can afford to pay the XPs for that does not exceed 8 APs in its highest attribute power or skills.

Hardware for beginning characters

Characters may start out with hardware of any type. As with all aspects of Character Design, Gadgets and Occult Objects are subject to GMs Approval. These items can be gifts from Aliens, Uncle Larry, God, god (etc.). Characters that start out with hardware do not need to be able to have manufactured them. Costs for beginning characters hardware are paid for on the AP purchase Chart (at .75 or .33 cost respectively), just like the beginning character. This includes Powers, Attributes, Skills, Charges and Power Modifiers. Gadgets or Occult Objects made or modified later are paid for off the increasing attribute chart. The Detailed Way:

Creating of Gadgets and Occult Objects

To create hardware the Gadgeteer or Occultist will need several things: A Gadgetry or Occultist skill, A supply of XPs and a place to work: A Gadgetry Lab or an Occult Design Studio. A Studio or Lab capable of producing Gadgets or Occult (including Objects of Power) is purchased as an advantage

The Detailed Way:

Properties of a Gadget
Gadgets and Occult objects have a few properties unique from spells or characters. Gadgets and charges: Gadgets and Occult Objects operate on charges. Charges are A FC 2 attribute. One charge is expended in each use. The function of a charge (use) depends on the individual power or skill. Each power will be rated A, B, C or Special. There are a few cases where Powers will be considered Innate

Type A powers and skills: These charges are used in one phase and generally are a single Action. Most of the various attack powers are Charge type A Type B Powers and skills: These charges are a single use of a power that will last as long as the APs of Power or skill. Mind Control, Weather Control and Adaptation are examples of type B Type C Powers and Skills: These may be used for duration equal to the APs of power just like the character has the Power or skill natively Innate Powers and Skills: At the GMs discretion some powers will be innate to a gadget and will not require charges. These should be things like the Blunting function of body armor or the grapple link function of a hook and rope. In nearly all cases this will be just a few AP in duplication of a real world piece of equipment. In the cases where a player and GM agree on a power as innate and its power level (Ex: Blunting: 03) the player needs pay object of Power costs (3/4) without any of the other pre-requisites of object of Power creation.

Reliability: Not all gadgets are fully reliable. Any Gadget or gadget function that fails 1 or more times in 10 has an R value. Each R #, or chance in 10, that a gadget will fail, up to 5, lowers the factor cost 1. No Factor Cost can ever drop below 1 Example: Ranger Ricks time ship is very unreliable. There are 3 Chances in 10 (R#3) that the time engine will fail when he turns it on (roll 1 die each time it is turned on). The Factor cost of Time Travel goes to 7 from 10. If every function of the time ship was unreliable (Sealed Systems, Flight, Full Vision, etc) then every power would be lowered by the same 3 factors.

Nanotech: Nanotech is machines of molecular size. It is generally difficult to spot and can be a powerful tool. To make a tool into a nanotech cloud of micro-machines all Powers Skills and attributes are a +2 FC. Nano Tools will be Pushing the Limit to spot when looked for and will not be apparent when not looked for. True Sight will reveal nanotech automatically. A nanotech gadget is as vulnerable to damage that can affect the cloud of micro machines (Water blast, Energy Blast, Fire, etc. Body of nanotech is 6 by default

Blueprints: When creating Gadget\Occult Object the character may first draw up plans for their Gadget\Object. They are not required but make the rolls easier as well as make further duplication of the Gadgets\Objects easier. When a Scientist makes plans they are for a specific Gadget at specific AP levels (EX. Pyro pistol Body: 05 Energy Blast: 08). The level of scientist required to make Plans is the Highest AP of the Gadget +1 for every non zero attribute (EX. 9 APs for the Pyro pistol in the above example). The Scientist must Pay 1/10 the XP value of the Gadget created to make the plans. Plans can be reused an endless number of times as the AV of an attempt to repair or build the specific device. No dice rolls are required for the making of plans. The creating Of Plans for Occult Objects is the same except it is performed by an Occultist with the Mentor sub skill. Occult Plans will most often take the form of books or scrolls.

Genius and Exceeding Genre Tech: Characters make Gadgets. Thats the whole point. Those Characters are limited to making things that are possible in the modern world with existing tech or Genre tech (see Genre) Limited that is, unless they have help. Genius is, as either a purchased Advantage of a character, or as a statement about life, is the ability to create something completely new. Plans are a blueprint to build by. If a character wishes to make technology based objects that are beyond what is currently Genre available they will need one of two things: A Genius (or stroke of Genius) Advantage or plans from somewhere (or some-when) else that does understand the technology. Genius can be picked as an advantage at the start of the game. Examples of Genius required Gadget would be Reed Richards flying car, indestructible costumes that the Legion wear, and FTL space craft from Star Trek. A character with Genius can make anything if they have the lab facilities, XPs and intention to make. For purposes of game sanity a GM may restrict certain Gadgets just as he may restrict certain powers (Ex. No time machines and no transmutation) Using Plans (see Scientist skill) to make a device of an unknown tech can be done but at a 1 CS to EV of gadgetry attempt

Depending on the parameters of a game a gadgeteer may learn to make devices of a new tech (Ex. Hovercraft). Use the real world as examples of what is and is not available tech. If a scientist in Bolivia has done something in a lab, even if just once, it is fair game. One last thought on Genius. It could be used, just like many other super powers, to make you rich. Although this is not generally a heroic adventure a Character could sell plans and designs or go to work for Wayne-tech. Garnering wealth in this way is a function of game play

Body of a Gadget
Body of a gadget is dependent on what it is made from as well as how it is used There are three use cases of how to Determine a Gadgets body: The Body of a gadget is free up to its normal material strength and costs per point beyond that. Ex. Pyrotica is making a flame pistol from the steel and alloys used to make a normal pistol. The GM determines that the flame pistol will have a BODY of 05 by default. If she wanted it to be higher she could pay for further Body APs off the chart. Exotic materials are allowed, by wealth rating, to build a device. Ex. Pyrotica could use exotic materials (according to her wealth rating) to make her flame pistol. If the gadgets body can be substituted for the users body ( mostly used for power armor) the character must pay full price ( at *.33 for charge gadgets and *.75 for Objects of power).

Objects of Power
An object of power is purchased at Factor and Base costs of what it would be to purchase for a native character power. Apply limitations and bonuses at the same point bias or factor cost modifier. Objects of power do not use charges. They function always in the same way a characters own power would. When an object of power is damaged is has its own recovery checks in the same fashion as a character.

Size of a gadget
Some gadgets will be huge, like the Tunnel machines from the movie Core, Ironman 6 from the Ultimates, or the steam fortress from Steam boy. Other will be tiny like a green lanterns ring or some of reed Richards gear from the Fantastic Four. The size of a gadget is determined: The size of the Gadget will be in APs of volume for The Highest AP of Non-Body attribute, power, or skill. (Ex: Pyroticas flame cannon has an Energy Projection of 12. It would be 4000 sq feet or the size of a large suburban house. Important: If devices can in the real world be made smaller than this math works out (Ex. 12 APs or recall is a thumb drive) the character can make the device at the size reflected by current science. The Character can use Nano-tech( see gadget properties) and pay the +2 FC on each power or attribute to make the gadget into an invisible cloud or micro machines. The character can buy APs of shrinking ( BC: 12 FC: 02) for the gadget. It will loose one AP in volume for each AP of shrinking. Ex: Pyrotica could add 6 APs of shrinking to her gadget and it would be reduced to 6 APs or the size of an Expedition SUV Depending on the individual gadgets properties nanotech will sometimes shrinking will be numerically superior, sometimes

Linked Objects
A special kind of Object of Power is one that is linked to the users attributes. It is made as a normal Object of Power with a few small alterations Build the Gadget as normal for Attributes, Powers and Skills that are not linked as normal. Ex. The Ruby Red Ring has a Body of 8 (60 XP) ( all design methods are options, exotic materials and nano) Pay base cost of Linked powers. Ex. Fire Control (10 XP)

Pick which attribute is used to power the Object of Powers Power. Ex. The designer has picked The Ruby Red Ring linked to INT There is a special onetime 50 XP cost Pay for the Powers linked at FC 5 Ex.32 XP for Flame Control

Once The Object is created the APs of power will be the APs of attached attributes. A different user will change the power level as will a change in the users attributes. Ex. Neruon (STR 04 INT 08) has been give the Ruby Red Ring (Body: 08 LFire Control (INT) L-Sealed Systems (BODY)) He would have 8 APs of fire control and a Sealed Systems of 04. If Nuron raised his body to 05 the APs of sealed systems would raise along with it

Each omni-gadget is a single function device. It can function as any power or skill at up to its APs of power level. 70s batman was famous for this as was the uses of the deflector disk on the USS Enterprise-D. Omni Gadgets come in five varieties: I: Gadgets that duplicate Attributes II: Gadgets that duplicate Physical powers III: Gadgets that duplicate Mental powers IV: Gadgets that duplicate Mystical Powers V: Gadgets that duplicate Skills.

Omni gadgets are a Factor 2 cost with no base cost for point of view of construction. Each can be used only once and is the rendered useless and cannot be recharged. Powers with a base cost of 75 XP or higher cannot be emulated via an Omni-gadget. Duration of the effect is as per gadgetry type. An Omni-gadget can be made for more than one type at a +1 FC per additional type

Omni gadget in one category: FC: 02 Omni gadget in two categories: FC: 03 Omni gadget in three categories: FC: 04 Omni gadget in four categories: FC: 05 Omni gadget in all five categories: FC: 06

Rolling the Dice: When creating a Gadget or Occult object after a character has started his/her career dice need to be rolled for success. The basic Formula is Gadgetry or Occultism are the AV/EV of the attempt. Plans (from Scientist subskill) or magical books (Mentor Subskill) can replace the AV. The OV/RV of the Occultist/Gadgetry attempt are the highest AP value of the gadget +1 for every non zero attribute of the gadget. Charges will never be considered the highest attribute and do not count against the number of non zero attributes. Repair Recharging and Rebuilding Repair: when a gadget is damaged a character can use Gadgetry, Weapons Tech, or Vehicle Tech to repair it. The function of how it works is identical to the use of the Medicine skill on characters without the deterioration based on lack of care. They need a minimum of tools. The repairing character receives a -1 or -2 CS penalty for lack of proper tools. +1 CS is applied to any repair attempts by having the original plans. Recharging: All Gadgets and Occult objects need to be recharged eventually. Any Lab\Studio can recharge a device that has no APs higher than its Lab value in 12 hour of time. Partial recharges are possible in lesser facilities. Recharge packs are the veritable clip for the gun for heroes Gadgets and Objects. Each Recharge pack is unique to the gadget it is designed for and can be purchased as a factor 2 gadget with no other attributes. Recharge packs can be as much as a max charge for a gadget but not higher without being a new gadget. No rolls are ever required to make a recharge pack

Rebuilding: Assuming that a character has the skills and the Lab or Studio and the proper skill, a destroyed gadget can be recreated at 1/10 the original XP cost. If a Gadget is destroyed it can be recreated in the time between adventures (not just game sessions) Creating a duplicate (for any purpose other than replacement) on an existing item costs full XPs. Upgrading a device: Sometimes a character wants to upgrade a gadget. This is functionally the same as creating it but the costs only apply to powers that are added or improved. The Character must roll to recreate the upgraded power (EX. Energy Blast 8 to 10) at the new AP level and pay the XPs for the full new level (EX. 48 XPs for Energy Blast 10). If the upgrade attempt fails the power is still available at the old level. The character need not repay the base cost

Devices are the easiest to define and acquire. They are standard items of the world. The kind of thing that is buyable in stores or orderable on-line. Devices can be duplicated by Gadgetry or Occultism if a Lab (or Design Studio) has APs of equal to or higher than the highest attribute of the device. It is worthy of note that you can buy a bulletproof vest from the internet for just money. If you want a Black Nightmare costume with a skin armor power it will cost you XPs as well. What about Gadgets with built in devices? In some cases gadgets will have ordinary technical functions as well as super ones. Iron Man may want an FM radio in his suit, or Mr. Fantastic could create a built in machine gun for the fantasti-car. In the cases of cosmetic effects that do not affect game play. These hybrid gadgets will add +1 CS to all resistance values for their creation. Each device function (machine guns and radar on your bubble car) adds one to the RV. Beyond this consider a normal gadget or object of power.

It is recommended that you read the Gadgetry and Occultism section before reading Magic. Many of the concepts are introduced there. Magic can take many forms in a super-hero setting. There are magic things like Wonder Womans Lasso, the Black Knights sword, or Dr Stranges many amulets potions and scrolls. There are practitioners of magic like Zatana, Dr Fate, or Dark Child. There are those with magic powers like Vampire Hunter D, the Iron Fists, or the Saint of all Killers. There are also those crafty hard to define users of magic like John Constantine or Mother Abigail from the Stand. The problem with the word Magic is it tends to be a catch-all term. We will need to divide this concept up quite a bit to get a system that is workable and fun. Important: There is a Ritual and occult object creation tool that is included with this book. You could do the math on creation the hard way, but why would you?

Magic Objects
There are two basic types of magic objects, Objects of Power and Occult Objects. These are covered under the Gadgetry and Occult Objects section. It is worthy of note that sometimes a character, like Blink of the Exiles, will have a prop object that is just a manifestation of their power. For point of game mechanics these prop objects dont exist at all.

Sorcerers and Wizards

The characters who can be said to be mages of some variety have Powers (Capital P) in the traditional sense. This may include the Sorcery Power or things like Air Control or Fire Animation. These Powers are defined in the main rules and need almost no special consideration for being magical in nature. A power Being Magical in nature is, from a game

mechanics perspective, the addling of the Advantage Mystic link to the power. This is the difference between a flame thrower and a magic fireball. The GM may also arbitrarily decide that a given characters powers are magical in nature.

Ritual Magic
This is the ceremonial process of doing things like the summoning of daemons or the convening of a circle to open a gate. Ritual Magic tends to be less about blasting enemies or flying and more about powerful ceremonies conducted by Characters with the Occult Ritual sub skill or the Advantage: Ritual. Rituals tend to be time consuming, require props to work, and be more complex in effect than Magic Powers. Just like the creation of Occult Objects an Occultist Studio is required. No AP of power can be higher that the studio APs. As With all other things a GM can operate outside these rules. S/he can make a ritual with properties that are different from these guidelines.

Example Rituals 1) Sky Journeyer spell: Sealed Systems: 06, Flight: 04, Ultra Vision: 05. The Sky Journeyer spell is cast on a person to allow him/her to cross the sky like a bird, being unbothered by altitude or darkness. To cast the spell the recipient and the caster must be in the dawn light. The caster must have three bird feathers. It takes one hour (10 APs) to cast. 2) The Black Pit Spell: Dimension Travel (Banishment): 09 Banishment sends to the Black Pit dimension only. The Black Pit spell is a powerful use of the Necrosis Stone to banish daemons to a black netherworld few have the power to return from. It requires the caster have the Necrosis Stone and spatter it with his own blood. The chant takes about 15 min (8 APs)

3) Example Three: Gaias Wisdom: Speak with Plants: 12 Post Cognition: 12. The Gaias Wisdom spell allows her priestesses to seek knowledge from the knowledge of the land. It requires concentration and chanting on the part of the priestess for most of a night (13 APs)

Mentoring A character with the Mentoring Sub skill of Occultist can teach rituals to another occultist. The AV is the Occultist skill of the teacher. The EV is the occultist skill of the student. The OV/RV are the Highest AP value of the ritual +1 CS for each additional effect. The Tall Student (Occultist 04) is learning rituals from the Short Master (Occultist 09) Creating Rituals A Simple Ritual A Simple Ritual is easy to devise. A complex Ritual combining multiple powers is a bit more time consuming. An appropriate Occult Studio (See Gadgetry and Occultism) is required to create Rituals. To make a simple ritual: Example one: Short teaching Tall the Sky Journeyer spell AV: 09 EV: 05 OV/RV 9-10 Example Two: Short teaching Tall The Black Pit Spell: AV: 09 EV: 05 OV/RV 9-10 Example Three: Tall teaching Short Gaias Wisdom: AV: 04 EV: 09 OV/RV 13-15

The Easy Way: Designing a ritual: 1) Determine Power or Skill effect 2) Determine type A, B, or C (see powers and Skills Descriptions) 3) Determine what common component or setting is required. All rituals have the Object Dependant (Common) Limitation by default. The character can take an additional -1 FC cost for a Specific Object Dependence Apply bonuses and limitations as normal. 4) Determine ritual cost. (1/3 the cost as a power or skill for a character). Roll to create simple ritual. AV/EV are the occultist skill. OV/RV are the APs of power or skill. Additional RAPs can be added to the APs of the power of the spell up to the limit of the occult studio. 5) Simple rituals take 1 hour to perform. 6) Rituals take 1 week to design A Complex Ritual The Detailed Way Multiple Effect spells Characters can pay a 10 XP fee and fold a second ritual into the first. By doing this the ritual becomes more powerful by adding power effects. Ex. The black mage has a ritual that creates a force field of 08. She wants to add a flight of 06 to it. She must pay the 10 XP fee. Then she designs a separate ritual for flight (identical in process to the design of the simple ritual). On completion of this she has a new ritual that has both Force Field and Flight. Rituals take 1 week to upgrade.

Lowering Casting Time. For a 10 XP fee characters with a high occultist skill can lower the amount of casting time as low as 4 APs (1 min). For every AP of Occultist skill above the AP level of the ritual ( the highest AP in the case of a complex ritual) the Occultist can lower the casting time of the ritual by 1 AP. This process takes 1 week. Ex. Vampire John (Occultist: 11) has acquired a 9 AP Spirit travel ritual. It has a default 1 hour casting time. Johns efforts lower its casting time by 2 from the 10 APs. To 8 APs or 16 min.

Combat rules
Sometimes Characters will fight. It is that kind of game. Few villains will give up without a fight, and vicious assassins who come gunning for heroes are an all too-frequent occurrence. Using the rules in this chapter, just about any combat situation can be played out in detail Most of the time, while playing the MEGS RPG time, movement, and specific actions are not really a problem. Usually, everybody simply keeps telling the GM what they want to do, and the GM tells them what happens as a result, using the rules as a guideline. Once combat begins, however, everything must slow down so the GM can determine the exact sequence of events. Suppose, for example, that Batman wants to throw a Batarang at the Punisher, while the GM decides that the Punisher wants to shoot a 12 gauge at Batman. Who gets to go first? Instead of arbitrarily making a decision, the GM invokes the combat rules. Suppose, for example, that a little girl falls off the roof of Combat is played out in a series of turns called phases. Each phase of combat lasts 0 APs of time, or about 4 seconds. The rules in this chapter will explain exactly an apartment building. Can Firestorm save her? In this case, the GM should probably invoke the combat rules in order to establish the exact positions of Firestorm and the what each Character can do once it is his/her turn in combat. During combat, the GM will also keep track of the positions of everyone involved in the battle, constantly updating the positions as the Characters move and stumble. The GM has the option of invoking the combat rules whenever s/he feels it is appropriate. There are times when the GM might want to invoke them even when there is not really any combat happening, in order to establish everyone's exact position and play out a sequence of events in which timing might be critical.

girl, and to figure out whether or not Firestorm will be able to act before the girl hits the ground. Before we outline the general combat rules, it is important to emphasize a few points.

three Actions may be performed in any order, the Dice Action does not have to come first or last, and a Character does not have to perform all three Actions if the Player so desires. The one-line quips that so often punctuate comic book combat are free and do not take up any of a Character's

Combat is always played out in sequential "phases." One phase of combat lasts approximately 4 seconds, or 0 APs of time. During each phase of combat, each Character will get a turn to do something. The following rules will explain how to decide who gets the first turn, and who gets the second turn, etc.

three allowed actions, but stopping to plan strategy or to carry on a lengthy conversation with a friend does count as an Automatic Action. In fact, during any phase in which a character discusses strategy or carries on a lengthy conversation, s/he cannot perform a Dice Action. If it is much longer than "Let's get him!" it should be ruled a conversation. A Character may never perform more than one movement Action in a single phase. Cyborg, for example, cannot run his full speed of 4 APs, and then Jump 7 APs all in one phase. Similarly, Superman could not run along the ground using his Superspeed and then fly away using flight in the same phase.

When it is a Character's turn in combat, s/he can perform up to three Actions; but only one of these Actions can be a Dice Action. A Character could, for example, move (Automatic Action), pick up an object (Automatic Action), and then throw the object at something (Dice Action); or move (Automatic Action), punch the villain (Dice Action), and summon the police via radio (Automatic Action). The

Keeping Track of Position

It is always up to the GM to keep track of the position of the various combatants during a battle. The easiest way to do this is to draw out a quick map of the terrain and pencil in the first initial of each Character involved in the appropriate locations at the instant the battle begins (the GM decides where everyone begins, based on the situation). Once the battle gets started, the GM can erase each Character's initial and reposition it as necessary. Another option for keeping track of positions is to set up small dioramas and use miniature figures for each of the combatants. A key rule to remember when plotting Characters' positions is to keep things moving. Do not spend a lot of time drawing out elaborate maps and diagrams once play begins. Rough sketches drawn in a minute or less will suffice. In fact, once everyone in the group has a lot of experience with the game, it is often unnecessary to keep written track of the combatants positions at all.

Combat Sequence
Each combat phase consists of four separate steps. Each of these steps is outlined below:

Roll for Initiative

This is the step where the order in which everyone will act during the current phase is decided. Each hero has a listed Initiative rating in his/her Attribute box. A Character's Initiative rating is equal to the sum of his/her Action Attributes (DEX, INT, and INFL). Though there are Powers, Skills, and Advantages that can temporarily or permanently affect a Character's Initiative rating. At the beginning of every phase of combat, each of the participants rolls a D10, adds the result to his/her Initiative rating, and calls the final total to the GM. The GM rolls for the villains and minor Characters, while the Players roll for their heroes. The Character with the highest total acts the first in that phase. The Character with the second highest total gets to act second, etc. If two Characters Initiative totals are tied, the character with

the higher INT is considered to have won the Initiative struggle. If the Characters are still tied, have them reroll their Initiative totals until the tie is broken. Before rolling Initiative for a phase of combat, each Player may choose to spend Hero Points to increase his/her Character's Initiative total. S/he may spend as many Hero Points as half (1/2) of the highest of their action attributes (DEX, INT, and INFL), and each Hero Point spent will increase the Initiative total by one for that phase only. Hero Points to be spent on Initiative must be declared before any dice are rolled. This allows the GM and the other Players a chance to spend their own Hero.

and detection, using enhanced senses. Any HPs spent on automatic actions are spent at this time. Resolving Dice Actions is a little trickier since it involves consulting the Action and Result Tables. Remember that any Hero Points that are going to be spent on Acting, Effect, Opposing, or Resistance Values must be announced before the dice are rolled Always apply the results of a Dice Action (such as damage to persons or property) immediately after the Action has been resolved. If a Character is knocked unconscious before it is his/her turn during the phase, s/he loses the chance to act. Important! HPs can only be spent on one function per phase.

Resolve Actions
Resolving Automatic Actions should be easy enough, just use the appropriate rules. Rules governing all of the Powers and Skills can be found in the powers section. Some of the common Automatic Actions that Characters will perform in combat, such as movement, observations

The Nuts and Bolts of Combat

Bashing someone, whether the Character is using a fist, a foot, or a fancy Power, is always a Dice Action. This means that every attempt to damage someone in combat has an AV, EV, OV, and RV. The AV/EV of a combat Action depends upon the sort of attack being made. If a

hero is simply attacking his/her opponent in hand-to-hand combat (punching, kicking, etc.) the AV/EV of the attack is equal to the hero's DEX/STR (DEX is the Physical Acting Attribute, and STR is the Physical Effect Attribute). Characters with the Close Combat Skill can often use APs of the Skill to enhance their Acting and/or Effect Values in hand-to-hand combat. Since this Skill is so common, all Players should be familiar with the Close Combat skill. If a Character is attacking his/her opponent with a Power, its description in the Power Section will describe what to use as the AV and EV of the attack. Usually the APs of the Power serve as the AV and the EV of such an effort. Figuring out the OV/RV of a combat blow is a little more difficult, since the OV/RV always depends upon the type of attack being made. Basically, there are three types of combat attacks in the MEGS RPG: Physical Attacks, Mental Attacks, and Mystical Attacks, which correspond to the three types of Attributes.

Physical Attacks
Physical Attacks attempt to damage the target's physical self. Physical Attacks include all hand-to-hand blows, gun shots, bomb blasts, and Powers such as Energy Blast, Lightning, or Sonic Beam. Physical Attacks are far more common than Mental or Mystical Attacks because anybody can make a Physical Attack, just by throwing a punch or a kick. A Character's OV/RV against Physical Attacks is usually equal to his/her Physical Opposing and Resistance Attributes (DEX/BODY).

Mental Attacks
Mental Attacks attempt to do damage to the targets mental well-being. A Character may only make a Mental Attack if s/he has an appropriate Power, such as Mind Blast or Mind Control. A Character's OV/RV against Mental Attacks tends to be equal to his/her Mental Opposing and Resistance Attributes (INT/MIND).

Characters like Brainwave from Infinity, Inc. make Mental Attacks.

Mystical Attacks
Mystical (or magical) Attacks attempt to damage the target's life force. Again, a Character may only make a Mystica1 Attack if s/he has an appropriate Power, like Magic Blast or Spirit Drain. A Character's OV/RV against Mystical Attacks is normally equal to his/her Mystical Opposing and Resistance Attributes (INFL and SPIRIT). Characters like Doctor Fate make Mystical Attacks all the time. When using a Power to attack, the Powers Section will describe whether the attack is Physical, Mental, or Mystical. Note that a Power that is classified as a Mental or Mystical Power does not necessarily cause a Mental or Mystical Attack. Many Mental Powers, for example, cause Physical Attacks. A Power only causes a Mental or Mystical Attack if its description specifically says so. If a Character is attacking without using a Power to attack, s/he is automatically making a Physical Attack. Certain Powers and Skills might alter a Character's OV or RV against any of the previously-described attack forms.

These include, but are not limited to Skin Armor, Force Field, Mental Shield, Iron Will, Force Shield, Acrobatics, Magic Shield, and Close Combat. Combat blows are resolved as normal Dice Actions. In most instances, the RAPS earned by an attack equal the amount of damage sustained by the target. When using certain Powers or attack maneuvers, however, the RAPS might have a different use. If so, the Power description found in the Powers Section will describe these effects in detail.

The maximum amount of damage that any Character can sustain before falling unconscious is equal to his/her Resistance Attribute (Note: Resistance Attribute, NOT Resistance Value) against a given type of attack. Batman, for instance, could take 6 RAPs of damage from Physical Attacks (his BODY is 6), 12 RAPS of damage from Mental Attacks (he has a 12 MIND), or 10 RAPS of damage from Mystical Attacks (he has a 10 SPIRIT) before he would fall unconscious.

All damage is cumulative. This means that if Batman receives 2 RAPs of Mystical damage this phase, and then 2 more RAPs the next, he will have taken a total of 4 RAPs of Mystical damage. In other words, once a Character takes damage s/he keeps it until it can be Recovered (described later). Players should keep a running total of the amount of each type of damage their Characters have sustained on a sheet of scrap paper. The GM keeps track of the damage sustained by the villains and minor Characters. Mark down the Character's Resistance Attribute against each attack form, and tick off damage as it occurs. If Fred were playing Batman, for instance, he would record a 6 for Batman's beginning Physical state (Batman has a 6 BODY). If Batman then takes 2 RAPs of Physical damage, Fred would scratch out the 6 and record a 4, to show that the Caped Crusader can take 4 more RAPs before Batman lies unconscious. The latest numbers that have been recorded in each category (Physical, Mental, and Mystical) are called the Current Conditions. Every

Character should have a Current BODY Condition, a Current MIND Condition, and a Current SPIRIT

Condition. If Fred was playing a Character with a MIND of 7 and a BODY of 4, for instance, and the Character took five RAPs of Mental damage and one RAP of Physical damage, Fred would record a new Current MIND Condition of 2 (7 - 5 = 2) and a Current BODY Condition of 3 (4 - 1 = 3). The instant that any one of the three Current Conditions reaches zero, the Character instantly drops unconscious. Once unconscious, a Character may take no Actions. Characters remain unconscious until their Current Conditions are all restored to levels above zero. Regaining Current Conditions is described under

Recovery. Unconscious Characters automatically have an OV of 0 against any further attacks of any type that are made against them. The damage that is sustained is never subtracted from any of a Character's Attributes in any way. If Batman took 2 RAPS of Physical damage, he

would still have a BODY of 6, and would still use 6 as his RV against Physical Attacks.

thinks like guns and blades will automatically be considered killing combat. Bashing Combat can never reduce any of a Character's Current Conditions below zero. If the Joker's Current BODY Condition has been reduced to 2, for example, and Batman punched him for 3 RAPs of damage, the Joker's Current Bony Condition would only drop to zero and the Clown Prince of Crime would fall unconscious. Killing Combat, on the other hand, can reduce a Character's Current Conditions to negative values. Once

Bashing Combat and Killing Combat

All combat in the MEGS RPG is classified as either Bashing Combat or Killing Combat. Characters that are engaging in Bashing Combat are not trying to kill one another, just drive each other out of the fight. Characters engaged in Killing Combat are deliberately trying to end their opponent's life. There are, in most cases, no separate Killing or Bashing Attacks. Genre greatly effects what is considered to be killing or bashing attacks (see Genre). In some Genres Any Attack can be either a Killing or a Bashing Attack at the whim of the attacker. This includes guns, knives, rockets, fists, Energy Blasts, Mental Blasts, and every other form of attack. Unless the attacker specifically states that s/he is entering Killing Combat before an attack is resolved, the attack is automatically assumed to be Bashing Combat. On other more severe Genres

a Current Condition reaches a negative value that is greater than his/her original Resistance Attribute for that category, s/he is dead. Forever. When Robin's Current BODY Condition was reduced down to -5, for example, it was the end of the Boy Wonder. Any time any of a Character's Current Conditions have been reduced below zero, s/he is badly wounded and slowly dying. The Current Condition in question will lose an additional 1 AP for every 10 APs of time (1 Hour) that elapses in game

time until the Condition has been raised back up to 0 or better Recovery, or through use of the Medicine Skill. Most of combat in the MEGS RPG is Bashing Combat. Most heroes simply do not kill when given a choice, and few villains are willing to escalate a battle into a killing situation. The Experience section will explain how Experience Points are given to each participating hero at the end of any adventure as a reward. Heroes that willingly engage in Killing Combat during the adventure automatically forfeit this reward and receive no standard award Experience Points, There is one other important rule concerning Killing Combat. Many forms of damage caused by the environment are automatically considered Killing

always specify when an attack automatically does Killing damage.

Lasting effects of Power use

Superheroes use their powers to change the world. That is what they are for! There are times where after a battle ensues and all durations expire that there will be lasting effects. Anything destroyed by a use of power will always remain destroyed. But what happens to huge bodies of ice created by ice production? When Weather Master causes a hurricane and is knocked out what happens to the 700 mile weather system? Greed Guy uses his Transmutation power to make gold and sell it, what happens? The answer is largely, it depends. As a rule of thumb any effect that would be self sustaining will continue. If Rock Guy uses his Earth Control power to make a tunnel underground and it is constructed in such a way it will be stable it will stay. If he creates a complex spired temple that will not bear its own weight then it will collapse.

Combat. These include: Knockback Damage (being knocked into walls and such), damage from falling great heights, damage from natural fires (not a Character's firebased Powers) and damage from remaining underwater for too long. The rules for each individual situation will

Basically lasting effects depend on whether the effects are supported by the conditions they are in when the Power use ends. Greed Guy can make gold, but that gold will always be subject to being neutralized. It is worthy of note that the Permanency Bonus will always cause lasting effects regardless of any other condition than being acted on by further powers. It is recommended that you do not bog down the game with excessive concern about this. Use lasting effects rules only when it is fun. The GM may choose to make a Genre rule that there are no lasting effects to any power after the duration expires. All things will be magically restored.

receives a Resting Recovery Check one hour (10 APs of time) after the last time s/he took damage. If the Character's Current Condition was reduced by a Killing Combat attack (even if the Current Condition was not reduced below zero), s/he receives a Resting Recovery Check twenty-four hours (15 APs of time) after the last time s/he took damage. Characters recover each one of their Current Conditions separately. Suppose, for example, that the Atom's Current BODY Condition is 1, his Current MIND Condition is 0, and his Current SPIRIT Condition is -1. His Current BODY and MIND Conditions were attacked in Bashing Combat, while his Current SPIRIT Condition was reduced by Killing Combat (that must have been a

Healing damage from attacks is called Recover. A Character automatically receives a Resting Recovery Check after a certain amount of time passes since the last time s/he was damaged. If the Character's Current Condition was reduced by a Bashing Combat attack, s/he

rough battle). One hour after he last took Physica1 and Mental Bashing damage, he gets to make Resting Recovery Checks to boost up his Current BODY and MIND Conditions. Twenty-four hours after he last took Mystical Killing damage, he may make a Resting

Recovery Condition. Resting







Medical Treatment
Another way that damage can be recovered is through







the application of medical treatment. This is covered under the Medicine Skill entry in the Character Handbook. Using the Medicine Skill is often the only way to save the life of someone who is dying because one of his/her Current Conditions have been reduced to below 0. Using the Medicine Skill can restore BODY and MIND. Using the Spiritual Healing Skill will heal SPIRIT damage.

appropriate amount of time has passed since the last time damage was sustained. If Nightwing takes 3 RAPs of Physical damage, and then receives another RAP of damage to his BODY 55 minutes later, he must now wait another full hour before he may make a Resting Recovery Condition. If, after making a Recovery Check, a Character is not fully "healed," s/he must wait the appropriate amount of time (one hour or twenty four hours, depending upon the type of damage sustained) all over again before s/he may make another Resting Recovery Check. Incidentally, a Character may only recover if s/he has actually taken some sort of damage. A Character can never increase his/her Current Conditions above their starting value. Check to increase his Current BODY

How to Roll Recovery Checks

Recovery is a Dice Action. To make a Recovery Check, a Player makes an Action Check using the appropriate Resistance Attribute (BODY for Physical damage, MIND for Mental damage, and SPIRIT for Mystical damage) Recovery is a Dice Action. HPs can be spent as normal. To make a Recovery Check, a Player makes an Action Check using the appropriate Resistance Attribute (BODY for Physical damage, MIND for

Mental damage, and SPIRIT for Mystical damage) as both the AV and EV. The OV and RV of the Action Check is the APs of damage. EX Hellboy (Body 09 has taken 2 APs of Physical bashing damage. His recovery check would be AV/EV 09/09 and OV/RV 02/02. If he scores at least 2 RAPs (pretty easy) then he is completely recovered. If he does not he will get a new check every hour until he does recover. If the Current Condition is below zero, this only happens with killing damage As an example, let us say that Batman's Current BODY Condition is 0. One hour after he last took Physical damage, he gets to make a Resting Recovery Roll. The AV/EV of this roll is 6/6 (Batman's BODY); the OV/RV is 6/6. The Player rolls an 11, and Batman receives 1 RAP, thus restoring his Current BODY Condition to 1 and consciousness.

Mental damage is taken in a fashion identical to Physical damage. When a character has taken enough mental damage to die there is a special option to go into a coma. A character can choose to spend 25 HPs and go into a coma. The state is permanent or until rescued by the use of Damage Transference, Psychic Cleansing or a similar power.

Damage to Powers and Attributes

If a Player attempts to push a Power or Attribute and fails, the Power or Attribute "burns out" and is instantly reduced to 0 APs. Powers and Attributes that have been reduced in this way are recovered just like Current Conditions. One hour after the Power or Attribute burns out, the Player may make a Resting Recovery Check, using the APs of the Power as the AV/EV against an OV/RV of 0/0. Any positive RAPs are restored to the AP level of the Power or Attribute being recovered. Similarly,

certain rules and Powers call for "damage" to Powers and/or Attributes. If the Martian Manhunter's Flight Power takes 5 RAPs of damage, for example, it is temporarily reduced by 5 APs (to a minimum of zero). Powers and Attributes that have been damaged like this are recovered as though they were Current Conditions. Note, however, that in the case of Powers and Attributes, any damage that is sustained is actually subtracted from the APs of the Power or the appropriate Attribute until Recovered. In other words, if Starfire's Energy Blast Power of 12 APs takes 3 RAPS of damage, she will only have a 9 AP Energy Blast until she Recovers the damage.

Hero Death
The great game over this character can never be played again in this setting. The player will need to create or adopt a new character. Any inheritance will activate. Grudges will begin. Vendettas form. In most cases Death is final and absolute. A GM may however start an adventure seed where the character can return from the dead by Du Ex Machina. This has happened to Green Arrow, the JLA, Jean Grey, and Electra. These circumstances should be exceedingly rare and require a hiatus of the playing of that character during the adventure. There have been cases of a parallel character coming from other dimensions or a new champion takes up the mantel of an old one. These should be considered new characters and be subjected to starting character XPs

There are times and conditions that will result in death. After all the invulnerability and recovery checks are done sometimes you dont get to go home after a mission. There will always be consequences resulting from a fatality some more obvious than others.

Opponent Death
If the Player kills an enemy or a bystander there will be legal repercussions, A police investigation and perhaps

trial and imprisonment. The Punsher has spent some time in jail as has Amanda Waller and Deadshot. Sometimes this will be a new adventure direction, or a kind of character retirement as the stream of the adventure will continue without them. Many connections and advantages can be reduced or lost by a murder conviction. The player may have the option of going on the run (becoming a Villain or Anti-hero with the Mistrust drawback) or taking Exile (leaving the country) Even if the Character is cleared of the murder there will be the weight of a trial and the potential damage to reputation. In some Genres the characters will be at war or have government sanction as solders or police. Killing in those cases comes with the territory. In the case where, for example, a hero kills a force of attacking ninja who were attempting his death and the hero is well known as a force for good in the community there will be a quite investigation and a self defense verdict issued. Even a great champion however couldnt do this every week.

It is possible to cover up a killing with a combination of powers and skills. These things however have a way of coming back to haunt you.

Initiative Maneuvers
Finally, there are two special Initiative maneuvers available to the one Character that has the highest final Initiative Score during each phase of combat. The Initiative winner may choose to use one of these two maneuvers, or neither of them, but never both. Both of the maneuvers are Automatic Actions and can be used in conjunction with all of the previouslydescribed combat maneuvers.

After winning intuitive a character may wish to wait for other characters before acting. A character can choose to take any lower intuitive number. This is most often used to wait for a teammate with a lower initiative to complete an action.

Pressing the Attack

If the Initiative winner chooses to Press the attack, any targets that s/he attacks during the phase have their Opposing Values decreased by -1 Column Shift, but the Initiative winner also has his/her OV decreased by -1 Column Shift against any attacks that are directed at his/her. Pressing The Attack can be used in conjunction with any sort of Attack (Physical, Mental, or Mystical), or any special attack maneuver.

Laying Back
Laying Back is the opposite of Pressing the Attack The Initiative winner has his/her OV increased by +1 Column Shift against all attacks made against him/her during the phase, but any targets that s/he attacks have their OVs increased by +1 Column Shift as well. Laying Back can also be used in conjunction with any sort of attack or defensive combat maneuver.

Combat tactics
So far, all of the combat rules have assumed that the attacker was making a simple, straightforward attack. In the comics, however, heroes and villains tend to employ a number of unusual or extraordinary combat tactics. Every time a Character makes any kind of attack, s/he has the option of employing any one of the following combat maneuvers. Some maneuvers are limited to certain types of attacks, as explained in their descriptions. The Player must declare which combat maneuvers his/her Character is using, if any, at the time s/he declares actions for the phase.

Offensive Combat Maneuvers.

These maneuvers allow the hero some versatility and flair in attacking their foes. Each of them must be declared before trolling the dice in a given attack

Whenever a Player declares that his/her Character is attempting a Critical Blow, his/her adversary receives +2 Column Shifts to the Opposing Value. For example, a Character with a 7 DEX defends against Critical Blows in the 11 to 12 Column. If the attack succeeds, however, the defender receives -3 Column Shifts to his/her Resistance Value. For instance, a Character with a BODY of 8 defends against Critical Blows in the 1 to 2 Column. These Column Shifts to the defender's RV are in addition to any received on the Action Table, but are not counted when figuring the Knock-back caused by the attack. Critical Blows can be used in conjunction with any sort of attack.

Critical Blow
A Critical Blow is an attempt to direct an attack at a weak point in the target's defenses. Critical Blows are harder to connect with. When they do connect, they do a lot more damage. In hand-to-hand combat, a Critical Blow can also be used to represent kicks, elbows, haymakers, or any other attack that has a relatively small chance for success but a high damage potential.

Charging Attack
A Charging Attack is an attempt to run, fly, or leap into an opponent in order to use the velocity of the move to cause additional damage. In order to make a Charging Attack, the attacking Character must move at least 1 AP and end his/her movement with a hand-to-hand attack upon the

damage sustained by the attacker. The attacker's RV against a Charging Attack never suffers any Column Shifts due to Critical Blows, Devastating Attacks, or good dice rolling. The attacker only takes damage from a Charging Attack if the attack actually hit its target (i.e. the attacker rolled his/her Success Number on the Action Table), although the attack need not have actually damaged the target to damage the attacker. Important Note: on all charging and high speed effects: If APs of speed are used as an EV in any way that the equivalent APs of space be available to use it. Example: Konrad wants to ram a Gundam. His movement speed (Flight) is 16 APs. He would need 60 miles of space to conduct the attack Example: Suppose that while flying through New York, Starfire spots an escaping villain and decides to make a Charging Attack. During her turn in the phase, Starfire dives out of the air and flies straight into the fleeing villain. First, the Player would resolve the Charging Attack against the villain. Starfire's AV is her DEX and

opponent, thus expending both an Automatic Action, and a Dice Action. The AV of a Charging Attack is equal to, the attacker's DEX; the EV is equal to the attacker's APs of movement or movement Power. The OV/RV is the defender's DEX/BODY, as usual. The problem with Charging Attacks is that they can be just as dangerous to the attacker as they are to the defender, since the attacker is using his/her own body as a weapon. An attacker making a Charging Attack has a chance of taking damage along with the defender. After resolving the Charging Attack upon the defender, look directly to the Result Table, using the EV of the Charge as an EV, and the attacker's BODY as an RV to find the amount of

her EV is her APs of Flight. The villain's OV is his/her DEX and the RV is his/her BODY. Suppose that Starfire rolled high enough to receive two additional Column Shifts to the villain's RV, and the attack inflicted enough damage to knock the villain unconscious. The Player would now check to see if Starfire herself took damage, by looking directly to the Result Table. The EV is equal to the EV of the Charging Attack (Starfire's APs of Flight), and the RV is Starfire's BODY. Starfires RV does not suffer the additional +2 Column Shifts for her good dice roll. The RAPs found on the Result Table equal the amount of damage Starfire takes from her own Charging Attack Charging Attacks can also be used to damage inanimate objects. Charging Attach may never be made in conjunction with a Multi-Attack.

Column Shifts; but decrease his/her RV by -6 Column Shifts, in addition to any earned on the Action Table. The Column Shifts to the opponent's RV do not affect the amount of Knock-back caused by the attack. Devastating Attacks can be used in conjunction with any sort of attack.

Escape Velocity
Escape Velocity is 14 APs. In most comic Genres highspeed running Characters who exceed this speed do not fly off the edge of the world they are running on. The Characters move perpendicular to the gravity well of Earth as opposed to away from it. In Certain Genres, (those with G and H restrictions, see Genre) a character can literally launch them self into orbit with high speed effects. A character may wish to buy 1 AP of Cling for

Devastating Attack
A Devastating Attack is an all-out attempt to overwhelm the target's defenses. Essentially, the Devastating Attack is a more powerful version of the Critical Blow. Devastating Attacks increase the target's OV by +4

each AP of running, super speed, or the like to counteract this.

Flyby Attack
A character can attack by throwing or shooting something from a high speed. A character traveling at high speeds can attack with an AV of weaponry, Dex or the like, and an EV of the speed traveled. Example: Konrad (Weaponry: 06) flies by Texas Twister at a flight of 10. He tosses a marble at the Twister. Texas Twisters is subject to an AV/EV 06/10 attack. If the character is moving at a speed higher than his/her AV he receives a 1 CS penalty as his reflexes are moving slower than his/her velocity. Anyone attempting to use a melee weapon is this way, aside from the use of Superspeeds specific functions, use the rules for a normal ramming attack. The attacking character receives a +1 CS bonus to RV due to the weapon absorbing some of the shock. Chain Weapons will add +2 CS RV. Some weapons, like lances, are designed to break after a maximum amount of impact to reduce recoil damage to users.

It is worthy of note that a character may be subjected to High speed atmospheric effects or AV modifiers due to the difficulty of attacking from an unstable platform

Focused Attack
Focused Attack is the opposite of a Critical Blow. It is a slow, deliberate attack that places a higher premium on striking the target than upon inflicting damage. The defender's OV against a Focused Attack is decreased by two Column Shifts, while his/her RV is increased by three Column Shifts. In hand to hand combat, a Focused Attack might represent a feint or a flurry of quick, less powerful blows. The Focused Attack may be used with any sort of attack, and can be employed in conjunction with Grappling Attacks, Multi- Attacks, and Team Attacks.

Grappling Attack
A Grappling Attack is an attempt to grab another Character and restrict his/her movements. Slow, strong Characters often prefer Grappling Attacks because they can be used to keep a quicker but weaker opponent in

one place, where s/he can be pounded into jelly. Grappling Attacks can only be made in close hand-tohand combat. It is impossible grab someone with a gun or an Energy Blast, but if the attacker has an appropriate Power, like Stretching for instance, s/he may make long distance Grappling Attacks.

be performing an action which is now illegal, s/he does not get to act in the phase at all. 2. Neither the attacker nor the defender can use any Power that does Physical damage to attack his/her opponent, unless the Power has a range of Touch. 3. Grappled Characters use their STR as their AV and

An attempt to Grapple another Character is resolved as a normal Physical Attack (DEX/STR as AV/EV, DEX/BODY as OV/RV). If this attack earns one or more RAPS, the target and the attacker become Grappled, and the defender takes damage as usual. The effects of a successful Grapple are as follows: 1. Until the Grapple is broken, both the attacker and defender can physically attack only each other, Mental and Mystical Attacks may still be made upon any target in range, including the Character with whom the attacker is grappled. If a target that becomes Grappled has not yet acted during a phase and has earlier declared that s/he would

OV, as well as for their EV, while engaging in hand-tohand combat. 4. Unless a Grappled Character has APs of movement that are greater than the STR of the Character with whom s/he is grappled, s/he cannot move. If the APs of movement are greater, s/he can move a distance equal to his/her movement APs minus the STR of his/her opponent. A Character with 8 APs of Flight that is grappled by an opponent with a STR of 7, for instance, could only fly 1 AP of distance per phase. Anyone that moves while Grappled takes his/her opponent with him/her, and the two Characters remain Grappled. Breaking a Grapple. Attempting to break a Grapple is a Dice Action; and the intention to do so must be declared

by either of the Grappled combatants during Step 3 of the combat phase. An attempt to break a Grapple uses the breaker's STR/STR as the AV/EV and his/her opponent's STR/STR as the OV/RV. If the Action Check earns one or more RAPS, the Grapple is broken and both Characters may begin to move and fight normally. An attempt to break a Grapple never causes any damage to the opponent. A Grapple is also broken at the end of any phase when all of the involved parties agree to stop Grappling, or if either of the Grapplers falls unconscious.

attack will strike all targets per AP of speed above 8. At 15 APs of Speed (7 AP sonic boom attack) there are additional atmospheric effects. Example: Flash runs across Montana at 11 APs of speed. He will have a ground level sonic boom for (3 AP sonic beam attack) on everything within 4 APs of his path. A character moving at faster than 15 APs will cause an Air Burst attack on everything within 8 APs in addition to the sonic boom. The range of the sonic boom expands to 8 APs. Each target takes 3 APs of airburst per AP of flight above 15. Example: Carl Kent flies over a city at 18 APs. Everything within 8 APs takes a 10 AP sonic beam attack. Everything within a mile (8 APs) takes a 12 AP air burst. A character moving at faster than 27 APs will do catastrophic damage to everything around him. His passage through the atmosphere causes plasma to fuse as a result of the energy released. Sonic booms are not a problem but massive energy release is. Everything within 16 APs is subject to a 5 AP EMP and a 5 AP Bomb.

High speed atmospheric effects

A character is protected from the normal use of their powers. Unfortunately anything he is carrying and the world around him are not. Some Genres will allow for spectacular atmospheric effects and some for none at all. See Genres. Some Bonuses allow characters to control the effects A character traveling faster than 9 APs of speed will have a sonic boom. It will form cylindrically around the character at a distance of 4 APs. 1 AP of Sonic Beam

Everything within 15 APs is subject to 12 AP air burst. Everything within 10 APs is subject to the APs of speed of energy blast. If a character is pushing a power (or spending HPs) to achieve the speed to cause the effects stated s/he becomes susceptible to the damage caused. The character can use the normal APs of the speed power as an RV for this case as required. (Example: boomer [Body: 08 super speed 15] runs past a line of tanks in an attempt to dislodge and disrupt them. He adds 7 HPs to Super Speed to yield 22 APs. This will yield a 13 AP sonic attack, a 7 AP air burst and no particle effects of approaching light speed. As he has pushed his power he is subjected to the effects. He can use his super speed (15) as an RV to the effects caused by his own wave of destruction. Note: No total RAPs of atmospheric effects damage can ever be above the APs of the power used to generate it.

A Multi-Attack is an attempt to attack more than one target in the same phase. Multi-Attacks are obviously more difficult to perform than attacks upon a single target. A Multi-Attack is resolved with one Dice Action. The OV of the attack is the highest OV of any of the defenders, while the RV of the attack is the highest RV of any of the defenders. In addition, the OV and RV are each increased by a number of Columns, as summarized on the below table:
Number of Characters attacked 2 3-4 5-8 9-15 16-30 31-60 61-125 OV/RV Column shifts +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7

Any RAPS earned by a Multi-Attack are suffered by all of the targets. The only restriction upon using Multi-Attacks with Powers is that all of the targets must be within the user's Range. Multi-Attacks can be used with any type of attack (Mental, mystical or Physical). Multi-Attacks can be combined with other forms of special, in which case all Column Shift bonuses and penalties are cumulative. Example: Mento wants to use his Mind Control Power on a group of 8 thugs, each with an INT/MIND of 2/3. The OV of the attempt is 2 (the highest OV of any of the thugs), and the RV is 3 (the highest RV of any of the thugs). The OV and RV are then each increased three Columns because Mento is attacking 8 targets. If just one single thug with a higher INT or MIND was present, the OV and RV would both use the single thug's higher values.

declare that s/he is pulling at the beginning of the phase. The player can use any number up to their normal EV Ex. Konrad Kent needs to subdue some protestors. His normal STR, 09, would pulp them. Konrad Pulls his punch and only uses 5 APs.

Sweep Attacks
Sweep Attacks are basically a form of Multi-Attack employing physical objects. The object is swung or rolled in an attempt to strike as 1 CS of the penalties of a regular Multi-Attack. Sweep attack represents things like the swinging of a telephone pole at a crowd or rolling a log downhill at an incoming force.

Team Attack
A Team Attack is an attempt to gang up on a single defender in order to overwhelm his/her defenses. Since the defender has more than one adversary ganging up on his/her, his/her Opposing Value receives

Pulling a Punch
Pulling a Punch is used by a Character who does not want to accidentally do fatal damage. The Player must

Column Shifts to the left on the Action Table that follows. Number Of Opposing Value 2 3-4 4-8 9+ Team Members Column Shift -1 -2 -3 -4

to his/her RV. If the Take Away attempt earns one or more RAPs, the attacker automatically gains possession of any one item formerly in the possession of the defender. The attacker must specify which item s/he is trying to Take Away before rolling the dice if there is more than one possibility Manga Khan could not take Away Booster Gold's battle suit in the middle of combat, for example, but he might be able to Take Away Blue Beetle's BB gun.

Each team member in a Team Attack rolls his/her own Action Check, and applies the Column Shifts separately. In order to attempt a Take Away, a Character must obviously be in close hand-to-hand combat position,

Take Away
Take Away is an attempt to grab an object or item away from another Character in combat. Take Always are most frequently used to deprive an opponent of his/her weapons or Gadgets. A Take Away is a normal Dice Action using the attacker's DEX/STR as the AVIEV, and the defender's DEX/STR as the OV/RV, though the defender automatically receives a special +2 Column Shift bonus to his/her OV, and a +1 Column Shift bonus

unless s/he has an appropriate Power, like Stretching. Take Always never inflict any damage upon the defender.

Throwing Things
Strong Characters like to pick up heavy objects and heave them at their opponents in combat. In such a case, the AV of the attack is equal to the thrower's DEX, and the EV of the attack is equal to the thrower's STR. See the previous chapter for the rules regarding whether or

not a Character can pick up an object, and how far s/he can throw that object.

Weapons are sometimes used by Characters. NonPlayer Characters use weapons all the time. You will find a complete listing of normal weapons and their effects in the devices section. In general, weapons which are thrown by a Character have no STR or DEX APs. Batman's Batarang or Nightwing's Combat Disc are two examples. Instead, they use the STR and DEX APs of their thrower as the Acting and Effect Value plus a + FC based on the weapon (see weapons) Guns and missiles are different. They can have EV APs which must be substituted for the STR of the firer. Some guns even have AV APs which may be substituted for a Character's DEX.

Trick Shot
Trick Shot is an attempt to hit a specific part of a target for a particular result. Batman using his Batarang to capture the Pyrotica is a Trick Shot, as are most of Green Arrow's stupendous arrow shots. This type of attack gives the defender +2 Column Shifts to the right for his/her opposing value. RAPs are applied as damage to a defender only if the Trick Shot is an offensive action. Otherwise the action is considered successful if the RAPS are 1 AP or greater. If Batman did not want to hurt the Pyrotica with his TrickShot, for example, he could just entangle the villain in his Batarang line by earning one or more RAPS on his Trick Shot. The +2 Column Shift rule may be modified by the GM to reflect the particular circumstances and difficulty of a shot, by using the Universal Modifiers Chart.

Defensive Combat Maneuvers

Defensive Combat Maneuvers are employed like regular offensive maneuvers: a Player must declare which maneuver s/he is using during Step 3 of the combat phase. Defensive Maneuvers, however, go into effect immediately after they are declared. Even if a Character has a lower total Initiative Score than his/her attacker, the Character employing a Defensive Maneuver still gets to use the maneuver to fend off the attack Defensive Maneuvers only affect Physical Attacks.

A Block is the characters ability to use their Dice Action to interpose an object between themselves and an attack. A Block maneuver is sometimes followed by a Redirection maneuver. To execute a Block the character must have an object close at hand that would be capable of stopping the attack Ex: An engine block to stop a rifle shot, a mirror to Block a Laser. The Body of the Blocking object must be at least the APs of the incoming attack. If the Blocking object has a lower body it is automatically destroyed after a single use. The GM may determine some objects (a paperback book to block a laser) have no blocking value at all.

When using a Block character uses the normal OV with the RV of the interposed object Ex: Mobius (DEX 11 STR: 04 BODY: 06) use a section of armor plate (Body 12) to Block an incoming SRM missile. His OV/RV will be 11/12 against that attack and it will use his dice action. The blocking object need be something the character can move easily Ex: Mobius could not use a battleship to block with unless his strength was much higher. A character can use an unsupported object weighing 3 APs lower than his STR or less to block with. If a defending character is Blocking, the attacking character can attempt to attack the Blocking object itself to remove the shield. If its body is reduced to zero it can no longer be used to block.

As many as +3 CS can be added to the character OV for particularly good or well suited blocking objects (actual shields an industrial grade telescopic mirror for a laser, a riot shield for knives, etc.) It is worthy of note although this uses a dice action it does not involve the defender rolling dice Note: several advantages can affect the way blocking uses actions in combat

Exotic Parry
Eyebeam battle over the lava pit: there are times when a character has a great deal of offensive power but limited defensive power. In this case an offensive power may be used as a defensive one. If a character gains initiative and wishes to block an incoming attack s/he can use an offensive power (energy blast, flame projection, water Control etc.) to meet an oncoming attack with a -2 RV (challenging). This will use the character dice action for that phase. If no positive RAPs are gained against the defending character then the attack fails. Ex. Solar Girl (Energy Blast: 11) is being shot at by machine gun fire (projectile weapons: 06) She uses her dice in an Exotic Parry. The machine gunner would have to roll against her Energy blast as OV/RV to affect her. If he does not score RAPs his bullets are burned out of the air. Any RAPs scored go directly against the power in the form of Burnout. Ex. If the gunner had scored 2 RAPs of damage against Solar Girl Her Energy Blast would be reduced to 09 until she can recover it.

A Player who declares a Dodge has his/her Character's OV against all Physical Attacks increased by +1 Column Shift for that phase. Characters with the Dodging skill may add their APs of Skill to their OV instead of the one Column bonus. Dodging is an Automatic Action, but a Character may never perform a Dice Action of any sort during a phase in which s/he dodges. Use of Acrobatics to Dodge is a stacker function. It is worthy of note although this uses a dice action it does not involve the defender rolling dice

It is worthy of note although this uses a dice action it does not involve the defender rolling dice

rules in that the character will use both Automatic Actions for the Redirection in the addition to the dice action used above. The Redirection character can attempt to aim the energy (or projectile) blocked by the incoming attack and

A Redirection maneuver can only be attempted after a successful Block (see above). It can only be used on non-melee physical attacks. It changes the normal action

aim it another target. The AV is the characters AV -2 CS for the Trick Shot. As always the GM has final reality check on whether a Deflection can be made.

Special Situation Combat tactics

There are a few combat situations with their own unique rules. There may be others that evolve along with your campaign

Surprise can occur when a Character is not aware of his/her attackers. Surprise happens before combat begins. Characters who are already engaged in combat may not be surprised. Before a Surprise is sprung, the GM must give his/her Players a special Perception Check that allows them to detect the Surprise, be it a hidden bomb, an ambush in a warehouse, or a sudden attack on their headquarters. The GM does not need to tell his/ her Players why they are making the roll, or even what the Opposing Values are; the Players can try to figure out the Success Number for themselves. For this special Perception Check, the INT/WILL of the defender is the AV/EV, and the INT/WILL of the attacker who set the ambush or traps is the OV/RV. Any positive RAPs means that the ambush, trap, or Surprise has been detected one phase before it occurs. Characters might

have Powers that make the Surprise easier or more difficult to detect. The effects of Surprise are: 1) Surprised Characters may not make any Dice or Automatic Action during the first phase of combat (they have no Initiative) 2) Surprised Characters receive a -2 CS penalty

Blindsides are a type of Surprise that can happen during combat when a Character is struck from behind or from advantage point which s/he cannot see. The defender must not be aware of the precise location of the attack or attacker for a Blindside to be called. It is up to the GM to rule whether or not an attack is a Blindside. Sensory Powers such as Full Vision, or perhaps a lucky glance in the right direction at the right time could make a

Character aware of an attacker's position, but if the attack comes from out of sight or beyond the range of the Sensory Power, then the Character is blindsided. When a Character is blindsided, his/her Opposing Value is shifted -1 Column Shift to the left on the Action Table for all attacks from that attacker until s/he can locate the source of the attacks.

as +3 CS increase to the attack depending on how close the exposed character is to a radiation source (sun, quasar, fusion source etc.) If the character does not have an air source the attach increases to 12/12 after 4 APs due to suffocation. The suffocation attack increases +1 every 4 APs until the Character dies or is returned to survivable conditions. Vacuum Adapted characters are Immune to the exposure attack and all but the severest radiation. They will still

Conditions Attacks
Any attacks on a character by harsh conditions are on OV/RV of BODY/BODY. The attacks will continue as long as the character is in the inhospitable conditions. Truly tough Characters will be able to shrug off the conditions but will never be comfortable in them. Other than Adaptation (advantage), Sealed Systems, or Self

suffer from suffocation attack at 5/5 every phase after the first 8APs (15 min) +1 for every 6 APs (4 min). Sealed Systems or Life Support/ Self Contained will counteract any effects of vacuum exposure When Adventures take characters to far places in space or other realities they will encounter poisonous

Contained/ Life Support no resistance powers/skills will ever drop a conditions attack below 1/1; there will be a constant low level assault on the character. Effects of vacuum exposure: unadapted character suffer an 8/8 attack against them per phase. As much

environments and harsh conditions. The following example is of two alien worlds that are in the same adventure.

Examples of Alien world exposure: Effects of Centus 2 exposure: Centus 2 is a frozen ice-covered world with an average wind speed of 65 mph. non natives will need thermal clothing and breather masks to survive. Characters with neither suffer a 6/5 Poison Fog attack every 10 APs (1 hour) they are exposed to the atmosphere and temperature. Any unfortunate Darakk (see Planet Darakk) natives will take 8/5 attacks every 8 APs (15 min) of exposure.

natives will take 8/8 attack every 8 APs (15 min) during the day and every 2 hours at night. Flame immunity applies to RV as normal A character with Sealed Systems or Life Support/Self Contained will take no damage. Any number of effects of temperature, toxicity and gravity are possible from annoying (a mind airborne mold 1/1 AP attack per day) out to catastrophic (surface of the sun, 14/14 AP energy Blast per phase plus vacuum exposure)

A character with Sealed Systems or Life Support/Self Contained will only face a 2/2 AP attack hourly from the cold. APs of Resist Cold apply as normal Effects of Darakk exposure: Darakk is very hot and dry. The average temperature is above 110 and humidity is less than 10%. Non native characters will need stil-suits to survive. All other Characters suffer a 5/5 attack every 10 APs (1 hour) they are out during the day. The same applies at night but the attacks occur ever 11 APs 2 hours instead. Any Centus 2 Not felt except by a very few under exceptional conditions. Felt only by a few persons at rest, especially on upper floors of buildings. Delicately suspended objects may swing. Earthquakes can be caused by nature or certain powers. The lower ranks of earthquakes (those without AP ratings) can be cause by Earth Control, Geoforce, or the like on a roll against a fumble (non- double 1s)

Felt quite noticeably by persons indoors, especially on the upper floors of buildings. Many do not recognize it as an earthquake. Standing cars may rock slightly. Vibrations are similar to the passing of a truck.

considerable damage in poorly built or badly designed structures; some chimneys broken. Noticed by persons driving motor cars. Standard Action modifier: Difficult. Difficult: OV/RV 04/04. Damage is slight in specially designed structures. It is considerable in ordinary substantial buildings with partial collapse. Damage great in poorly built structures. Fall of chimneys, factory stacks, columns, monuments, walls. Heavy furniture moved. Strenuous: OV/RV 06/06. General panic. Damage is considerable. Even to specially designed structures. Well-designed frame structures thrown out of plumb. Damage great in substantial buildings, with partial collapse. Buildings shifted off foundations. Extreme: OV/RV 08/08. Some well-built wooden structures destroyed. Most masonry and frame structures destroyed with foundations. Rails bent.

Felt indoors by many, outdoors by few during the day. At night, some awakened. Dishes, windows, doors disturbed. Walls make cracking sound. Sensation is like a heavy truck striking building. Standing cars rocked noticeably.

Felt by nearly everyone. Many awakened. Some dishes and windows broken. Unstable objects

overturned. Pendulum clocks may stop. Felt by all. Many frightened and run outdoors walk unsteadily. Windows, dishes, glassware broken. books fall off shelves. Some heavy furniture moved or overturned. a few instances of fallen plaster. Challenging. OV/RV 02/02. Furniture broken. Damage negligible in building of good design and construction; slight to moderate in well-built ordinary structures;

Pushing the Limit. OV/RV 10/10. Few, if any (masonry) structures remain standing. Bridges

An attacker can compensate for the natural darkness penalties by using an appropriate Power, such as Ultra Vision, Thermal Vision, or Flash.

destroyed. Rails bent greatly. Herculean. OV/RV 12/12. Damage total. Lines of sight and level distorted. Objects thrown into the air. Standard Action modifier: Pushing the Limit.

When Characters are taking part in an underwater adventure; the following rules should be applied. However, the Water Freedom Advantage or using the Adaptation Advantage to the underwater area in question

When a Physical Attack occurs in natural darkness, the attacker must be able to see the defender in order to hit him. In the dark, normal sight can recognize shapes up to 100 yards away (5 APs distance). A full moon will double this range to 6 APs. Even if seen, the defender receives +2 Opposing Value Column Shifts to the right in natural darkness. This rule covers only naturally occurring darkness. The darkness that results from the use of the Darkness Power is discussed in the power description.

negates all underwater penalties except for thrown items. Add +1 Column Shift to the right on any Dice Action's Resistance Value involving movement. Subtract 2 from all movement rates except Swimming. Submerging to great depth will harm Characters. Each AP of depth over 5 causes the descending Character to suffer a Physical Attack with the APs of depth as the AV/EV and the Character's STR/BODY as the OV/RV. This is

automatically a Killing Combat attack. A new attack is made every time the Character descends an additional one AP of depth. Subtract 5 from the Initiative score of each Character that is underwater.

A Character may hold his/her breath for 5 APs of time (two minutes). For each additional AP of time that s/he remains underwater, the Character must make an Action Check using his/her STR/STR as the AV/EV and his/her BODY/BODY as the OV/RV. Hero Points may be spent on both the AV and the EV. Any positive RAPS, up to a maximum of 5, are the APs of time that the Character may remain underwater before having to make another Action Check. If the Character does not receive any RAPS, s/he has 5 APs of time (2 minutes) to either resurface or find a source of oxygen. If the Character does not do this, s/he will lose consciousness and drown in 2 more APs of time if not rescued, for a total of eight minutes since the Action Check failed. Regardless of die rolls, a Character cannot stay underwater for more than twice the APs of his/her BODY. Water is not always clear. Normal vision underwater is 5 APs (300 feet). For every 2 APs of depth, 1 AP is subtracted from the normal range of vision due to

darkness. At the GMs discretion, vision may also be impaired by mud or dirt suspended in the water. Items which are not continually propelled, such as thrown rocks or arrows, have a range that is 2 APs shorter than normal when fired through water. Thus, a Character with a SRI of 11 who could normally hurl a stone weighing 4 APs 7 APs of distance (11 - 4 = 7) may only throw the same stone 5 APs of distance underwater (11 - 4 - 2 = 5). All attacks made using Powers or Skills underwater suffer a +2 Column Shift penalty to the OV. The GM may rule that some Powers are inoperative underwater, or s/he may use the Universal Modifiers Chart to determine any further penalties when performing Actions underwater. If a Character has Running or Super speed of 12 APs or greater, s/he may run across the surface of water as if it were solid.

Whenever a Character falls a distance greater than 10 feet (0 APs), s/he runs the risk of injury. Make an Action

Check using the APs of distance that the Character falls multiplied by 2 as the AV/EV, and the Character's BODY/BODY as the OV/RV. If the distance that the Character is falling is greater than 7 APs, treat it as 7 APs: 14/14 is the highest possible AV/EV of a fall. Falling damage is automatically considered Killing Combat.

target area reduces the blast's AV/EV by 2 APs. Thus, if a Character is standing 3 APs from the target area of a 10 AP howitzer blast, the AV/EV is reduced by 6 APs to 4/4. A Character who is standing 4 APs away from the same blast would be attacked with an AV/EV of 2/2. If double ones are rolled for the attack, the explosive was a dud. Explosive attacks are not considered Multi-Attacks, and there are no Column Shift penalties if the explosion

Explosives are area effect attacks; they do full damage to everyone in the target area (a circular area with a diameter of 10 feet, or 0 APs) and less damage in the area around the blast. Explosions are always considered Killing Combat. Each target Character is attacked equally and separately. Each Character can receive RAPs from a successful attack, although the RAPs are still determined by using the Acting and Result Tables. The effect of an explosion diminishes rapidly as distance from the blast increases. Each AP of distance from the

affects more than one target. Each individual in the radius of an explosion is attacked separately.

Power tricks
*** Important. Power trick establish no precedents and do not behave consistently. Because Kid Quantum can us his light powers once to create a solid photon stream (catastrophic) to knock out Island Crime Lord on Tuesday does not mean it can be done on Wednesday although it might. Power tricks are always going to be fluky and high risk*** In the comics and movies we often see powers and abilities bent to do something a little bit different. Sometimes truly desperate heroes will use a power or attribute drastically differently than its original purpose. For purposes of the game these feats are known as power tricks. As a general structure power tricks: 1) All power tricks must be approved by GM 2) Cost from .5 to 1.5 base cost of the power to use. 3) Power will need to roll against failure after trick is completed. When a character wants to attempt a power trick he must describe the effect desired to the GM. S\he will then determine if it is a Minor, Major, Catastrophic Push or No Way 1) Minor Push: Cost Base of power (ex 5 for Air Burst). 5 in 20 (minor) chance of power burning out after Trick is attempted. Examples might be using electrical (energy blast) to charge a battery, using detect (birds) to Detect (mammals), or using Joined as Cling. 2) Major Push: 1x Cost of base power. 11 in 20 (major) chance of power burning out after Trick is attempted. Examples could include: Spontaneous Chain

Extension, Area Effect or other modifiers, Animal control of a different type, Using a form power (air, electrical, air, earth etc) to change to a different variation (rock to sand, electricity to light, air to oxygen) for a few phases 3) Catastrophic Push: 1 and x Base Cost of Power. 18 in 20 (Catastrophic) chance of power burning out after Trick is attempted. Examples may be: Using

Web/Glue to deflect a missile, altering Acid power to produce a specific drug compound, Using animate shadow to animate a reflection.

4) No Way. The player has asked too much and the power cannot be bent this way

Character Interaction
In addition to bashing heads, heroes spend a lot of time talking. They threaten villains; they pump witnesses for information, they talk to other heroes, some even talk to themselves. In MEGS, talking is simple. If Player wants his/her Character to say something, s/he should just go ahead and say it. The GM talks for all of the villains and minor Characters. If Stan wants to tell Commissioner Gordon that he thinks Gordon has a nice haircut, Stan just says, "Hey Commissioner Gordon, you have a nice haircut!" The tricky bit comes in when the GM is forced to figure out how a villain or minor Character will react to what the Players say. In the previous example, it's pretty obvious that Commissioner Gordon would probably answer something like, "Oh, thank you;" but what happens if Batman is interrogating one of the Penguin's thugs: "Where is the Penguin's hideout? Tell me m, you diseased scum!" The thug obviously does not want to talk, but Batman has methods of convincing these types to cooperate, so who wins? It is pretty obvious that rules are needed to help the GM figure out what happens in situations like these, so here they are. Welcome to Character Interaction. Types of Character Interaction Character Interaction are usually a Dice Action. There are three different types of Character Interaction: Interrogation, Persuasion, and Intimidation.

Interrogation is used whenever someone wants to gain information from somebody else. A successful

subject's own best interests. Batman usually does not have to Persuade Commissioner Gordon to arrest a criminal, for instance, since Gordon wants to capture criminals himself. However, Batman might have to Persuade Gordon to lend him men or equipment that could be employed elsewhere. Likewise, after

Interrogation is a combination of asking the right questions, correctly interpreting the answers, and

applying whatever pressure is necessary to get results. It is only necessary to resort to the Interrogation rules when the subject is unwilling or unable to reveal information. A police officer investigating the scene of a crime, for instance, would have to use Interrogation to gain information from a hysterical victim because the victim is unable to think clearly and answer the officer's questions. Similarly, Batman would have to use Interrogation on the Penguin's thug in the prior example, because the thug does not want to reveal the location of Penguin's hideout.

Commissioner Gordon's men have surrounded a street criminal and trained their weapons upon him, the Commissioner usually does not need to use Persuasion to talk the street criminal into dropping his weapon and surrendering.

Intimidation is used when one Character is trying to scare or panic another. Batman is great at Intimidation. Intimidation is the only one of the three types of

Persuasion is used whenever one Character is trying to convince another to believe something or to perform some service. It is only necessary to resort to the Persuasion rules if the service or belief is not in the

Character Interaction that is used with any frequency in combat.

Resolving Character Interaction

The AV/EV of an attempt to use Character Interaction is equal to the INFL/AURA of the Character that is using Interaction, while the OVIRV is equal to the target's INFL/SPIRIT. The RAPs earned by a Character

the target's SPIRIT, the target will reveal all of his/her information. If the thug in the example has a SPIRIT of 3, for instance, Batman would learn the first point of information (the bit about how the thug was hired) if the Caped Crusader earned at least one RAP during the Interrogation, the first two points of information if he earned at least two RAPS (half the thug's SPIRIT rounded up), and all four points of information if Batman earned three or more RAPs. Oftentimes, it is far too

Interaction Action Check function differently depending upon the type of Character Interaction being used. Interrogation: Before beginning play, the GM should make a list of all the important information known by each of the villains and minor Characters that the heroes are likely to encounter. Compare the RAPs earned in an Interrogation effort to the target's SPIRIT. If the Interrogation effort only receives one RAP, the target will reveal his/her first point of knowledge to the Interrogator. If the Interrogation effort receives RAPS equal to at least one half the target's SPIRIT (round fractions up), the target will reveal the first half of his/her information (round fractions down if the target has an odd number of information pieces). If the Interrogation effort receives RAPs that equal or exceed

much trouble to make up an information list for every single Non-Player Character in an adventure. In these cases, the GM can often make snap decisions during actual play. If the GM had not made up an information list for the thug in the previous example, for instance, s/he might simply decide just before the Batman Player rolls the dice that the thug will reveal the location of the Penguin's secret hideout if Batman's Interrogation effort receives 3 or more RAPs. In any case, a Character obviously cannot reveal anything to an Interrogator that the GM decides s/he does not know. Persuasion: All of the Non-Player Characters in an adventure start off with a basic attitude toward the

Players' heroes which influences how difficult it is for the heroes to persuade the NPC in question. It is up to the GM to figure out the attitude of each of the NPCs before the adventure begins. Each of the attitudes is discussed below:

employer, as long as the information is not vital to their own safety. A Neutral Character will not go into detail, and ifs/he is pressed, s/he will become Suspicious. A Neutral Character will not interfere with the actions of Player Characters, as long as the actions do not endanger him/her, but they will not help a Player

Awestruck or Enamored
Awestruck or Enamored Characters are willing to help the Player's hero in any way they possibly can. They will take considerable risks for the hero. Best friends and lovers will fit in the Awestruck/Enamored category.


Suspicious Characters will give a Player's hero the time of day, but not much else. They will not let the Persuading Character try anything which looks as though

Friendly Characters are willing to help the heroes by giving them any assistance or information they can, as long as revealing the information is not suicidal, and will be willing to run errands or get help for the Persuading Character. They will not voluntarily risk their lives for the heroes.

it could cause trouble. Suspicious Characters are prone to calling the authorities or some other help.

Hostile Characters, including those Characters Opposed to the motivation of a Player Character, will not normally cooperate in any way with the Persuading Character. This does not mean that they will be mulish and silent . . .

Neutral Characters are willing to give some information to the hero, such as directions or the name of his/her

they may be talkative and deceitful. They will try to further their own interests at the expense of the Persuading

Character. Villains, as well as their allies and thugs, always begin at least hostile to Player Characters.

Whenever a hero tries to persuade a Character, the


OV/RV Column Shifts

Personal Vendetta
Personal Vendetta indicates that the Character in question has a personal reason for wishing the Persuading Character dead, injured, or otherwise

OV and RV of the attempt both receive Column

Awestruck/Enamored Friendly Neutral Suspicious Hostile opposed

-2 -1 0 +1 +3 +5 +7

Shift modifiers as indicated on the Attitude Adjustment Table. A

mutilated. S/he will go out of his/her way to lead the Player's hero into death traps, ambushes, and other deceptions. These attitude descriptions also serve as a guideline for figuring out when a Persuasion attempt is or is not necessary. According to the description above, for example, it is unnecessary to use Persuasion to convince Friendly Characters to give hero information, since they will do so automatically. Awestruck Characters rarely need to be persuaded to do anything for the hero.

Personal Vendetta

Persuasion attempt against a suspicious Character, for example, has its OV and RV both increased by +1 Column. If the RAPs earned in a Persuasion attempt equal the target's SPIRIT, the target will agree to the hero's request, or will believe what the hero is saying. If APs earned in the Persuasion attempt exceed the target's SPIRIT, the target's attitude is permanently changed one step in the Persuader's favor (from Suspicious to Neutral, or from Neutral to friendly, etc.). Characters that begin with an attitude that is Hostile or worse can never have their attitudes increased higher

than Neutral in this fashion, and all such Characters will automatically return to their original attitudes after an amount of time equal to the APs earned by the original Persuasion roll has e1apsed. Again, the GM may find it too troublesome, or even impossible, to assign attitudes to each and every one of his/her NPCs before play begins. In these cases, it should be no problem to make snap decisions during actual play for most of the minor Characters that the heroes encounter. If Superman stops and asks an innocent bystander on the streets of Metropolis for directions to the nearest bookstore, for example, the GM may assume that the bystander is probably friendly, since most of Metropolis' residents revere Superman. Also, the GM should feel free to rule that a Character has a separate attitude toward each one of the Players' heroes. The Penguin, for instance, is probably opposed to everyone in Justice League International, except for Batman, against whom he has a Personal Vendetta.

Finally, the GM should keep strict control over exactly what the heroes are and are not allowed to accomplish through the use of Persuasion, taking the comics as a model. Under normal circumstances, Superman cannot Persuade Lex Luthor to build a giant machine that will destroy all of the Kryptonite on Earth, just as Batman cannot persuade the Joker to suddenly become a good guy. However, Superman might be able to Persuade Luthor to help him track down one of Lexcorp's inventions that has gone awry before it kills off half of Metropolis, and a captured Batman might be able to persuade the Joker to delay his execution for awhile, giving the Caped Crusader time to devise a daring escape. Intimidation: A target is intimidated if the RAPs earned by the Intimidation Action Check equal or exceed his/her SPIRIT. An Intimidated target remains Intimidated for an amount of time equal to the RAPs earned by the Intimidation Action Check, minus his/her SPIRIT. During a combat phase, any Intimidated Characters always take their turn after all non-Intimidated

Characters, regardless of Initiative totals. The Intimidated

Character with the highest Initiative total moves first among the Intimidated Characters, and so on. Also, an Intimidated Character may be automatically prevented from taking hostile actions or moving by his/her Intimidator, although the Intimidator cannot perform any Dice Actions in a phase that s/he exerts control over an Intimidated target. The Intimidator's control over the target is limited to preventing him/her from taking hostile actions or moving: the Intimidator can never compel the target to act in any other way or dictate actions to the target. For example: Batman comes across a thug robbing a jewelry store. The Caped Crusader spreads his cape out to form a silhouette against the moonlight and leaps down upon the thug with a vicious howl (a classic Intimidation attempt). The AV/EV of the attempt is equal to Batman's INFL/AURA, and the OV/RV is equal to the thug's INFL/SPIRIT. First, Batman must earn RAPS that equal or exceed the thug's SPIRIT for the Intimidation to have any effect. The thug has a 3 SPIRIT, and Batman receives 5 RAPs. The thug would then remain

seconds (4 combat phases). During any combat phase during which the thug is still Intimidated, Batman automatically moves first, since non-Intimidated

Characters always move before Intimidated Characters. In addition, Batman can prevent the Intimidated thug from attacking or moving during any combat phase ("Don't you dare move, you squirming maggot!"), as long as the Caped Crusader is willing to forego his Dice Action during that phase.

It takes one combat phase (4 seconds or 0 APs of time) to make an Intimidation attempt. Interrogation and Persuasion attempts, however, normally take about fifteen minutes (8 APs of time). Attempting to Interrogate or Persuade someone in less time increases the OV and RV of the effort. There are no bonuses for taking more time than is necessary. Add one to both the OV and RV of an Interrogation or Persuasion effort for each 1 AP of time less than 8 spent making the attempt (attempting to interrogate or Persuade someone in a single combat

Intimidated for 2 APs of time (5 - 3 = 2) or about 16

phase, or 0 APs of time, therefore, adds 8 to the OV and RV of the attempt).

Persuasion, Interrogation, and Intimidation attempts. All of these maneuvers are optional. A Player may always choose to make a straight Interaction roll without using

Skills that effect character interaction

Characters with certain Skill have advantages in Character Interaction. The APs various skills

any of the maneuvers, if s/he so desires. Note: In order for Character Interaction Maneuvers to be truly effective during play, the GM should keep the Attributes of all the villains and minor Characters hidden from the Players until someone actually tries to use one of these special maneuvers on a target.

(interrogation, persuasion, Cops and Lawyers, etc) may substitute for the AV and EV while making a Character Interaction Action Check. Optionally, the Character Possessing a character

A Bluff is an attempt to fool or trick someone. If Lois Lane is holding a pistol that she knows is unloaded on a mugger, she might try to bluff her assailant into believing that the pistol is loaded (an Intimidation attempt). A Bluff attempt must be announced before the Dice are rolled. A

interaction skill may still use INFL and AURA but with +1 CS for all attempts due to skill. Also Characters with the Charisma skill may substitute APs of Charisma as the RV against Charisma attempts against them (they know the game)

Interaction Maneuvers
As in combat, there are certain special Character Interaction Maneuvers that can be employed while involved in Character Interaction. Unless otherwise stated, each of these maneuvers can be employed in

Bluff may be performed in conjunction with Interrogation, Persuasion, or Intimidation. When a Character attempts a Bluff, compare his/her INT score to the INT of the target. If the Bluffer's INT is higher, the target receives -1 Column Shift to his/her OV and RV against the

Persuasion, Interrogation, or Intimidation attempt. If the Bluffer's INT is lower, however, the target receives +2 Column Shifts to his/her OV and RV against the attempt. If both the Bluffer and the target have equal INTs, there are no Column Shifts to the OV or RV, and the Interaction Action Check is resolved normally.

Forces work like Bluffs and Wear Downs, except the STRS of the Characters are compared. A Character automatically has his/her attitude lowered one step towards anyone who tries to Force him/her. Forces may be used in conjunction with all three types of Character Interaction. Charm Charm is an attempt to dazzle the target with the hero's personality. Charms work like the other three maneuvers already described, except that the AURAS of the involved Characters are compared. Charm may only be used in conjunction with Interrogation or Persuasion attempts. Multi-Attack It is possible to intimidate more than one target at a time. Treat this as a Multi-Attack as described in the Combat rules. It is not possible to Persuade or interrogate more than one Character at a time. Role-Playing

Wear Down
A Wear Down is an attempt to outlast the target and break his/her will through repeated requests or intense questioning. Wear Downs work exactly like Bluffs except the WILL of the involved Characters are compared instead of their INTs. Wear Downs may only be used in conjunction with Interrogation or Persuasion. The base time consumed by an Interrogation or Persuasion effort in which a Wear Down is being employed is increased to 10 APs (one hour).

A Force is an attempt to physically Force the target to do what the Character wants or to answer his/her questions.

If a character acts out the entire sequence instead of just summarizing (I threaten the thug) they gain +1 CS to the character interaction roll.

the target's INT/MIND. If the perceived is a mood or emotional state, the OV/RV is the target's INFL/AURA. If it is an event, clue or something which does not fit into the above categories, the OV and RV are taken by the

Perception Checks
One of the things that separate heroes from normal humans is their uncanny ability to perceive something happening in the world around them and deduce how to use that information to their advantage. Frequently, heroes will detect clues that would otherwise go unnoticed, spot hidden assassins trying to escape in a crowd, or make accurate deductions based on their gut instincts. In game terms, this phenomenon is simulated with the use of Perception Checks. A Perception Check is a Dice Action that is rolled by the Gamemaster to see if a Character is aware of something in the world around him. The Character's Acting Value is his/her INT and the Effect Value is his/her WILL. If what the hero may perceive is an item or a Physical Action that is hidden by a person, the Opposing Value and Resistance Values are

GM from the Universal Modifiers Table. This is an Action Check that should be made by the GM in secret, and the information should only be given to the Player if the roll yields positive RAPs. A Player may initiate a Perception Check by saying that s/he is on the alert, but this only happens during a situation where the Character would normally be alert, such as in a stakeout sequence. Hero Points may be added to increase the Character's INT or WILL up as normal. If there is nothing to be perceived in that phase, the Hero Points are lost. Depending on the RAPs received on the Action Check, the Character may perceive more or less information, according to the following chart. If the Action check receives only one RAP, the Character only learns a brief tidbit about the object perceived. If the RAPS earned are equal to onehalf of the Action Check's RV, the Character gains more

information, and so on. Over RV I Details about the object or event. If a character has as specific Sensory Power (Full vision, Extended hearing, Analytical Smell and Tracking Scent,

etc) s/he is attempting an active Perception Check s/he can substitute the APs of power for the APs of INT and Will. The GM will determine when a given power is


God like beings, Character Origins and Du EX Machina

There are circumstances, sometimes involved in a character creation, or an event in the climax of a major story, where a character does something not explainable by the rules. Instead of having a rule section or a hero point allocation we need to stand back, take a breath, and say Stuff Happens. Either the GM can declare a Du Ex Machina moment and tell a character after the Azair invests his Karma across your soul you have continuum control of 25 for the next battle. Any event that is involved in character creation can be seen as a Du Ex Machina moment There are, as part of some story lines, Godlike beings. Some are aliens, or demons. They will have abilities that are hard or impossible to explain. Just go with it. If the Daemons of the Eternal Void call up reality bubbles in which all powers fail except those of the Knights of Babagore, then thats how it is. The important point to remember is a GM when storytelling he is not responsible to the players or the rules to make the story explicable. The GM is responsible only to make it fun. Never sacrifice an interesting story line for an explicable one. With that said, be sparing with Godlike Beings and rule-smashing events. If they happen too often the players will loose touch with the context of the game or the empathy with their own characters. As an every once-and-a-while thing though, GLBs can make a game great.

Healing and Recovery checks

Healing damage from attacks is called Recovery. A Character automatically receives a Resting Recovery Check after a certain amount of time passes since the last time s/he was damaged. If the Character's Current Condition was reduced by a Bashing Combat attack, s/he receives a Resting Recovery Check one hour (10 APs of time) after the last time s/he took damage. If the Character's Current Condition was reduced by a Killing Combat attacks (even if the Current Condition was not reduced below zero), s/he receives a Resting Recovery Check twenty-four hours (15 APs of time) after the last time s/ he took damage. Characters recover each one of their Current Conditions separately. Suppose, for example, that the Atom's Current BODY Condition is 1, his Current MIND Condition is 0, and his Current SPIRIT Condition is -1. His Current BODY and MIND Conditions were attacked in Bashing Combat, while his Current SPIRIT Condition was reduced by Killing Combat (that must have been a rough battle!). One hour after he last took Physical and Mental Bashing damage, he gets to make Resting Recovery Checks to boost up his Current BODY and MIND Conditions. Twenty-four hours after he last took Mystical Killing damage, he may make a Resting Recovery Check to improve his Current SPIRIT Condition. Resting Recovery is always performed after the appropriate amount of time has passed since the last time damage was sustained. Regeneration or Healing Factor Will modify these times. If Nightwing takes 3 RAPs of Physical damage, and then receives another RAP of damage to his BODY 55 minutes later, he must now wait another full hour before he may make a Resting Recovery Check to increase his Current BODY Condition. If, after making a Recovery Check, a Character is not fully healed, s/he must wait the appropriate amount of time (one hour or twenty four hours, depending upon the type of damage sustained) all over again before s/he may make another Resting Recovery Check. Incidentally, a Character may only recover if s/he has actually taken some sort of damage. A Character can never increase his/her Current Conditions above their starting value.

Medical Treatment
Another way that damage can be recovered is through the application of medical treatment. This is covered under the Medicine Skill entry in the Skills section. The First Aid skill can take killing damage and making it into bashing damage. Using the Medicine Skill is often the only way to save the life of someone who is dying because one of his/her Current Conditions has been reduced to below Zero (0). Using the Medicine Skill can also restore BODY, or MIND, damage. The Occultist Skill: Spiritual Healing can be used in the same way for SPIRIT damage.

How to Roll Recovery Checks

Recovery is a Dice Action. HPs can be spent as normal. To make a Recovery Check, a Player makes an Action Check using the appropriate Resistance Attribute (BODY for Physical damage, MIND for Mental damage, and SPIRIT for Mystical damage) as both the AV and EV. The OV and RV of the Action Check is the APs of damage. EX Hellboy (Body 09 has taken 2 APs of Physical Bashing damage. His recovery check would be AV/EV 09/09 and OV/RV 02/02. If he scores at least 2 RAPs (pretty easy) then he is completely recovered. If he does not he will get a new check every hour until he does recover. If the Current Condition is below zero, this only happens with killing damage, then the OV/RV are increased by 2 CS. If Hellboy had taken 12 APs of killing damage he would be at Body -3. The recovery check would be AV/EV 09 and OV/RV 15. Spending of HPs and medical treatment make these rolls easier.

Damage to Powers and Attributes

If a Player attempts to push a Power or Attribute and fails, the Power or Attribute "burns out" and is instantly reduced to 0 APs. Powers and Attributes that have been reduced in this way are recovered just like Current Conditions. One hour after the Power or Attribute burns out, the Player may make a Resting Recovery Check, using the APs of the Power as the AV/EV against an OV/RV of 0/0. Any positive RAPs are restored to the AP level of the Power or Attribute being recovered. Similarly, certain rules and Powers call

for "damage" to Powers and/or Attributes. If the Martian Man hunters Flight Power takes 5 RAPs of damage, for example, it is temporarily reduced by 5APs (to a minimum of zero). Powers and Attributes that have been damaged like this are recovered as though they were Current Conditions. Note, however, that in the case of Powers and Attributes, any damage that is sustained is actually subtracted from the APs of the Power or the appropriate Attribute until Recovered. In other words, if Starfire's Energy Blast Power of 12 APs takes 3 RAPs of damage, she will only have a 9 AP Energy Blast until she Recovers the damage. Under no circumstances can APs of a Power or Attribute ever be reduced to less than zero.

Sleep and Fatigue

Everybody can only take so much and most characters, even superheroes need to rest. A character with a high Mind can delay the point s/he needs to rest. HPs can be added to these rolls as per normal. A character with a MIND of 2 would start needing to sleep after 15 hours awake (14 APs). Every further 10 APs of time awake would give him a -1 AP penalty to any task he tried, until he got a full 8 hours (13 APs) rest. With every 3 APs of Mind, the time the character can be asleep rises by 1 AP, starting at 3. Mind over matter adds 1 CS to Mind

2 3-5 6-8 9-11 12-14 15-17 18-20 21-23 24-26 27-29 30

Period of wakefulness
14 APs (15 hours) 30 hours 3 days 6 days 10 days 15 days 1 month 2 months 1 quarter half a year unlimited

Searching the world

Sometimes superheroes need to search the entire world, or large parts of it. Depending on context it could be looking for something, a given mind, or an object or place. This is a colossal job and it requires some high power levels or combinations of powers to achieve. Psychic searches Using Telepathy, Life Sense, Remote Sensing or the similar to look to examine every person in the world is difficult but doable. It requires several factors be addressed to succeed: To search the world the range of the power needs to be at least 8000 miles, 23 APs, the diameter of the Earth. Or the character must be able to move to different areas quickly to conduct searches. A private Jet, Super Speed, Flight, etc. can be used for this for psychic powers with a lesser range. The character must have the applicable search power: o Detect, Life Sense, or Magic Sense, can search their distance in APs. It can search an area equal to its distance (as detailed on the table below) with no perception checks required. o Electro Telepathy, Interface, or Telepathy can only be used to ping applicable minds or machines. They will not allow the user to find someone who is hiding. This variety of Telepathic sweep can alert other telepaths in the area or set of IDS (intrusion detection systems) in machines. It is generally assumed that a telepath can always contact known minds as an automatic action. o Eye of the Cat, Remote Sensing, or Mind Probe can be used to locate subjects at their distance in APs. It can search an area equal to its distance as detailed on the table below but with no perception checks required unless a specific subject or subject type is needed. o Full vision can search the area of the power in APs distance but Research skill or perception checks will be required to pick out details beyond the obvious

Searching the world is a 30 AP task to completeminus the APs of Psychic power. Ex. Nathan (Telepathy: 07, Astropath bonus for +20 range) would take 8 months (23 APs) to search for every mind in the world. This would be a Search Area World Continent Large city APs of task for mental quick check 30 08 05 APs of task for physical search 40-45 25-30 18-20 Time for perception checks 22 APs (3 months) 15 APs (1 day) 5 APs (2 min)

search to find a non-concealed mind. This time is not to identify something hiding or mind probe, or communicate in any way. o Keep in mind that people move and the world keeps changing. Even the 8 month search above would not be foolproof. In the case of very high values, Ex. life sense 25, with the detection type bonus would in 2 minutes be able to tell you the number of superhuman (non-hiding) on earth and their type For a concealed data, or someone hiding or resisting the searching, the character must make a perception check. APs of Stealth Field, Invisibility and Obscure apply as normal. o The GM will determine how similar the searched for data is (Ex. People who know a seven digit code similar to the one sought by the character) and determine the difficulty of the check. A multi-attack on as many as 125 people is at +7 CS to OV/RV. o Quick and dirty math would make this 50 million perception checks at +7 OV/RV. This would take 22 APs of time (3 months). Super Speed would modify the time to complete the task as normal. It is possible a group of telepaths could share the data and parse the perception checks. o If the character has the research skill it can also be used to reduce the amount of time required to parse the search. High APs of this could bring the number down drastically.

o Use of the Clue Analysis skill or leg work could be used to lower the search area considerably Searching lesser areas would be lesser timespans but still difficult. These time spans do not guarantee the success of perception checks. It is recommended that the GM make a few select dice rolls for the checks and not make the characters make 5 million perception checks! Physical searches Physical searches of the world are equally difficult. A physical search of the world is a 40 AP task for a quick look (this avoids the use of a complex volume equation). Examination in more detail, leafing through the pages on every book on earth or looking in everyones coat pockets would be a 45 AP task minimum. Ex. Jay Garrick (Super Speed 25) would take 15 APs (1 day) for a cursory check of the world and as long as a month (20 APs) for a more detailed check. As Jay is using Super Speed he would be able to use his power to divide the time required for the perception checks and be done parsing the data in real time. He would still need to make a potentially cumbersome number of perception tasks for any hidden data or difficult to figure out things he would just do them very fast. If Conrad (Flight 17) wanted to do a cursory search on North America, he would take 8 (17 APs, 25 AP task) APs (16 min). If he wanted to look at every tail pipe for green smoke it would take him a lot longer (17 APs 30 AP task) 8 hours. As Conrad does not have Super Speed or Split if he encountered something requiring analysis he would need to slow to human speeds to do so. The research skill would benefit greatly here as well. Extended Hearing or some version of Telescopic Vision and X-ray Vision would function identically to the flight example

Experience and Character Improvement

At the completion of an adventure, a Character will receive a Experience Point award for playing the game. These Experience Points can be used to improve the Character's abilities over time. The distribution of these Standard Awards is subject to the following guidelines:

Gaining Experience in Adventures

An adventure is defined in terms relating to a villain's plot and it is through the completion of adventures that Characters gain experience. Once the villain is encountered and the plot has either definitively succeeded or been foiled, the adventure is complete and Characters are awarded Experience Points based on their levels of success. An adventure may take several gaming sessions to resolve, depending upon its complexity. Until its resolution, no Experience Points are awarded. Experience Points are awarded relative to five basic levels of heroic achievement: 1.) Participation in the adventure. 2.) Role-playing the Character well. 3.) Saving the lives of innocent bystanders. 4.) Thwarting the plot of the villain(s). 5.) Role-playing Subplots. 6.) A sixth award (termed the miscellaneous award) may be granted at GM discretion to reward especially heroic actions not covered by the five primary categories. A Character who devised a clever solution to a problem should each receive a miscellaneous award. Each of these levels of heroic achievement is worth a given number of Experience Points called a Standard Award. These awards are a variable amount for judging each adventure. The Standard Award is a reflection of the level of difficulty the heroes encountered while completing the adventure. The more difficult the adventure is the greater the Standard Award.

Ex. participating in an adventure against street thugs would probably be less difficult than an adventure against Darkseid. An explanation of how Standard Awards are calculated can be found in later in this chapter.

Standard Awards
Participation: Any Character who takes part in an adventure receives one Standard Award for simple participation. Role Playing: A Character in the MEGS RPG should have friends, colleagues, or persistent foes with whom to interact.
If a Player's acts consistently with the Character's Motivation and personality S/he receives this award,.

Saving Innocent Bystanders: Characters who save innocent bystanders receive 1 Standard Award. Only Non-Player
Characters who happen into action by mistake are considered innocent bystanders. Ex. if the Joker plans to blow up Gotham, for example, and the Batman thwarts the scheme, the millions of Gotham citizens are not considered innocent bystanders.

Thwarting the Villain: This Standard Award is distributed to Characters who were able to successfully foil the plan of
the adventure's primary villain.

Subplots: Each Character possesses a unique personal history that includes personal experiences and acquaintances.
Often a Character will have opportunity to interact with these elements. A Character who is involved in his\her own subplot receives one Standard Award.

Misc:A Character may receive anywhere from 1 Experience Point to an entire Standard Award for actions which are not
covered by the five previously listed categories. The decision to attack a problem in a completely different fashion than expected would be an example. Miscellaneous Standard Awards are completely at GM discretion and need not be distributed at all.

Determining the Standard Awards

Guidelines When you are running adventures the GM will use the following Standard Award Guidelines to calculate the Standard Award. In determining a Standard Award, there are four aspects of the adventure that need to be considered: 1) the Level of Opposition, 2)Critical Points for completing the scenario, 3)the Area of Consequence of the villains plot, and 4)the Severity of the scheme.

1) The Level of Opposition

The first step in arriving at the Standard Award for the adventure is to determine the Level of Opposition that the Characters will face in overcoming the villain in combat. Depending on the intensity of the battle and the creativity required the GM may grant extra roll playing awards. To calculate this, you should look at your adventure and set up the last battle between the villains and the heroes. You should then estimate how long it would take for either one side or the other to win. Once this is done, apply your conclusions as follows: No match: Hero is expected to win in quickly. The villain has no realistic chance of success. If the opponent is very lucky or other forces intervene they may escape : 4 XP

Inferior: Hero is expected to win in after a short battle. The villain has some chance of success and a reasonable
possibility of escape whether successful or not in their plot:8 XP

Equal: There is an Equal chance for either hero of villain to win. The Battle may be of epic proportions with an arch
enemy or just one where the opposing sides have a limited ability to effect each other Both sides have equal chance success or escape:10 XP

Superior: Villain is expected to win after a short battle. The hero has some chance of success and a reasonable
possibility of escape whether successful or not they foil the villains plot:12 HP

Overwhelming: Villain is expected to win in quickly. The hero has no realistic chance of success. If the opponent is very lucky or other forces intervene they may escape: 20


2) Critical Points
The next step is awarding points for Critical Points that the Characters must accomplish in order to succeed. It might be a task for which failure could cause the adventure to end. Critical Points do not include defeating the villains in combat. These tasks could be clues that must be found and interpreted at the scene of the crime, thugs that have to be interrogated, or even a chasm that must be crossed to get to the villains mountain hideout. An adventure might have no Critical Points, one Critical Point, or several Critical Points. As a GM, you should be careful not to weigh down your adventures with too many Critical Points, as it may become impossible for the Players to finish the adventure. Be flexible in your adventure design. The difficulty of Critical Points should be evaluated according to the following chart. Critical Points are evaluated based on how difficult the task is for the character to accomplish. This is in terms of both dice rolls and how much effort it is for the player to accomplish. Using this metric, a less experienced Player who will need to work harder for the same effect will receive more points than someone who only needs to roll good dice.

Easy Point Seldom Fails Even Odds

No dice rolls involved just asking the right questions. minor logic leaps Non-fumble dice rolls. Interaction with NPCs in furtherance of the story. Rolls of an 11 or less. Investigative major points. Serious logic leaps. Extended NPC interaction. Major Detective or investigation events Great role or HP spend required. Dramatic event. Character sticks their neck out. Turning event of the story. The Character has to make a series of good rolls or interactions. HPs

Experience Points
1 2 3

Seldom Succeeds

Long Shots

are likely spent. Major event for the character or the story. Long shots 8 are the things you will be telling stories about after the game is over.


A catch all for fun things and minor moments that advance the adventure.

3) Area of Consequence
Experience Points are also awarded based on how large an Area of Consequence will be affected if the villain succeeds in his/her plan. Awards based on area are as follows:

Area of consequence
Personal City/Local State/Large region Nationwide Worldwide Multiple worlds ( to 25) Galactic Universal

0 1 2 4 7 10 12 25

4) Severity
The Final Evaluation for awarding Experience Points is how severe the consequences will be if the villain succeeds.

Fatal: The Villains Scheme could result in the deliberate deaths of innocents, such as a town being destroyed by
a fire storm that kills the inhabitants, the assassination of a political figure or the destruction of a world :15 XP

Permanent non-Fatal: The Effects of villains plans will remain in effect unless extraordinary efforts are taken to
undo it. The establishing of a fascist government, wrecking a bridge so that it must be rebuilt, or the framing of a hero for a crime he didnt commit. 10 XP

Temporary non-fatal: The effect of the villains plot will eventually dissipate, or the effects will be reversed by the
normal course of events. A bank robbery (the insurance company will replace the money), making the heros look like idiots in front of the media, or blowing a hole in a jail wall would be examples: 5 XP

Character Growth
As Characters progress through their careers, they become more experienced and skilled in the use of their superior abilities. In MEGS this aspect of Character Growth is represent by a Character using Experience Points to increase his/her APs of an Attribute, Power, or Skill. A Character wishing to increase his/her statistics purchases additional APs of Attributes, Powers, and/or Skills on the Increasing Attributes Chart below Ex. the chart reveals that raising DEX from 06 (FC: 7) of DEX of 07 cost 70 Experience Points. Raising it to again to 8 APs cost would cost an additional 70 Experience Points. Raising Dex from 8 to 9 APs cost 105 Experience Points. As a total to increase his/her DEX from 6 to 9 APsthe Character must pay 245 Experience Points (70 + 70 + 105 = 246).

Increasing Powers and Skills

Beyond growth of Characters through Attribute modification, a Player may occasionally want to diversify by adding totally new Powers and Skills to his her Character's abilities. Purchasing an additional Powers for an existing Character costs 10 times as much as the Base Cost listed in the power description. Adding a new Skill costs 5 times as much Base Cost as listed. This gives the character 0 APs of the new Power or Skill. The player must then purchase individual APs of the Power on the Increasing Attributes Chart, taking into account any Bonuses or Limitations which may affect the Power or Skill's Factor Cost.

Upgrading a Power
With a GMs approval, a power can be traded in for a more powerful one as a form of character advancement. The powers exchanged for should be a logical extension and fit into the story line. Life sense grows into Telepathy. Illusion becomes

matter Manipulation. Time Stop becomes Time Control. Gliding becomes Flight. It is recommended that a subplot be built around the change in powers. Upgrade of powers will be expensive. The character must pay a 100 XP fee. Beyond that the character must pay the AP cost difference between the old power and the new. S/he must also pay the new base cost in full. Any bonuses and limitations to the old power will be transferred to the new. In ALL cases cost are paid and calculated on the upgrade table. Any upgrade must be paid for all at once; a power cannot be incrementally upgraded. Example 1: Jax has Gliding: 05 (BC: 05 FC: 02) and wants Flight 05 (BC: 10 FC: 04). He has a partial control of atmospheric effects (+1 FC). Gliding 5 (with the bonus) would cost 200 XP to buy off the upgrade table. Flight 5 (with the same bonus) would cost 350 XP. The difference would be 150XP. Jax would need to the 100 XP fee plus the 150 XP difference (total 250XP) to upgrade. Example 2: Freeze Frame has Time Stop: 11 (BC: 75 FC: 08). He wants Time Control (BC 250 FC: 10). The cost of Time stop would be 1750 XPs. Time Control would be 3950. The difference would be 2200 XP. After the 100 XP upgrade fee Freeze Frame would need to pay 2300 XP to upgrade

Upgrading Wealth
A character can raise his wealth by experience. S/he must pay 3 times the bonus received for Low wealth. Ex. 150 XPs will buy a character to Affluent from Struggling. Equally the character can buy wealth buy paying 3 times the cost of the new wealth rank at character generation. Ex. To become a multi-millionaire from Affluent cost s 150 XPs.

Purchasing New Advantages

A Character may use Experience Points to purchase new Advantages. Purchasing a new Advantage for an existing Character is 5 times the listed Experience Point cost of the Advantage (see Power Modifiers)

Increasing Attribute Chart

Lab or AP Range 1-8 9-15 16-24 25-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56+ 1 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 2 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 HP Pool 3 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 4 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 studio 5 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Factor Cost Other Action Attribute Attribute 6 7 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 70 105 140 175 210 245 280 315 350 8 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 9 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 405 450 10 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 11 110 165 220 275 330 385 440 495 550 12 120 180 240 300 360 410 480 540 600

Removing Drawbacks A Character may also use Experience Points to remove any preexisting Character Drawbacks. Removing a Drawback from an existing Character costs 5 times the number of Experience Points the Character originally received for adopting the Drawback. Drawbacks cannot be removed without express GM permission.

The Easy Way: just use comics modern rules and ignore the rest

The laws of the universe in MEGS tend to operate differently depending upon which comic movie or books are under discussion. Some Stories are gritty and realistic; some are straightforward heroic fare, while others are far-fetched and fanciful. Genre rules are made to represent the flavor of these various games. Some game environments, depending on the world the GM wants to depict, will use the rules differently. Genres address both of these issues

Genre Types
There are many basic genres and as many extended ones as you want to write. The Basics are: Humor, Action, MockReal, Gritty, and Real. The GM should choose the one which s/he feels is most appealing to his/her Players. Once you decide upon the Genre for your campaign, however, it should remain constant, unless a special event warrants a temporary change. As a basis point, MEGS is played in a Genre called Comic Modern.

Comics Modern.
This Genre is meant to model the slightly fantastic world of modern comics and adventure movies. There is a lot of deadly force but the heroes tend to survive despite it. Bystanders and enemies die in the course of an adventure. Batman, Xmen, or The Titans would be in Comics Modern Killing Combat: Knives, Guns, bombs and Most things that Emulate them (ex: Energy Blast, Claws and Projectile Weapons) are Killing Combat by default. Many Powers can be used for Bashing only damage. All blades and bullets always killing combat. Any player that initiates Killing Combat before a foe does looses 1 standard award when XPs are granted.

Hero Points: x. The Characters may spend a number of Hero Points to improve their AV, EV, OV, or RV equal to one-half of the Ability in question rounded up. If a Character has a 7 DEX, for example, the Player may increase his/her AV or OV up to a maximum of 11 through use of Hero Points.

Resting Recovery Check: Every 24 hours. Speed Affects: Use of high APs of Speed have fill value unless the character purchases one of the alternates to control or eliminate it. Other Affects: none

Silver Age
Between the 1960s and the 1990s most of the Comics Books were set in this genre. Comics like Superman, Green Lantern and the Fantastic Four are sometimes still written this way. It is more over-the-top then Comic Modern. This is where basic hero-versus-villain punch-em-ups are found. Use of powers has relatively little collateral damage or secondary effects. Killing Combat: All use of Powers, Skills or Weapons are bashing damage by default. Any character that engages in killing combat looses 1 standard award when XPs are granted. Hero Points: 1x. The Characters may spend a number of Hero Points to improve their AV, EV, OV, or RV equal to the Ability in question. If a Character has a 7 DEX, for example, the Player may increase his/her AV or OV up to a maximum of 14 through use of Hero Points. Resting Recovery: 24 hours Speed Affects: No power has high speed effects unless it is pushed or enhanced with HPs. Other Affects: None

Movie Combat/Bloodfest
This is the genre with the biggest body count. Most enemies die from confrontations. Police responses are common. Many unpowered foes will attack the superheroes with military grade weapons or ram with cars. Gross violations of scientific reality rarely occur in these adventures. The Matrix movies Darkman, The TV show Alias are examples of this Killing Combat: Knives, Guns, bombs and Most things that Emulate them (ex: Energy Blast, Claws and projectile weapons) are Killing Combat by default. No XP penalty is give for use of Killing combat. Most lethal powers and weapons cannot be made nonlethal without use of special advantages or ammunition. Hero Points: No use of HPs can move a value more than 2 Columns Resting Recovery: 24 hours Speed Affects: Use of high APs of Speed have full atmospheric affects unless the character purchases one of the alternates to control or eliminate it. Other Affects: o Attacks can affect a maximum of 2 opponents unless the attacker is using a weapon with its own Acting Value. o Regardless of roll or circumstance no Action or Effect check can move into the blue range (see the Action and Results table). o Action Attributes cannot be substituted for Acting Values. o

This is a world that presents an even more accurate version of combat and psychological complexity. Characters will tend to be in the 400-500 XP range. Science works in these adventures almost exactly the same as it does in the real world. Great power brings great responsibility. Examples include the Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Underworld, and Hell Blazer.

Killing Combat: Killing Combat: Knives, Guns, bombs and Most things that Emulate them (ex: Energy Blast, Claws and projectile weapons) are Killing Combat by default. No XP penalty is give for use of Killing combat. Most lethal powers and weapons cannot be made nonlethal without use of special advantages or ammunition.

Hero Points: No use of HPs can move a value more than 1 Column Resting Recovery: 48 hours Speed Affects: All use of high speed powers will have full atmospheric effects

Other Affects: o Attacks can affect a maximum of 2 opponents unless the attacker is using a weapon with its own Acting Value. o Devastating Attacks are not allowed. Regardless of roll or circumstance no Action or Effect check can move into the blue range (see the Action and results table). o Action attributes cannot be substituted for Acting Values. o A 50 XP fee must be paid for each AP of any Attribute, Skill, or Power raised beyond 8 APs

Golden Age This genre reflects a time when the comics were least realistic and most fantastic. Pseudo science was at its peak. Any comic written from the early 1940s to the late 60s would fit in here. Characters will tend to be very powerful here, 20004000 XP, and tend to have black and white moral choices and almost no secondary effects of their actions Killing Combat: Nearly no action will be killing combat. People will be thrown clear of exploding cities and the heroes nearly always show up in time to stop Fatal actions. Any power or weapons will do bashing damage only. An extra 50 HP fee is required for a power to allow it to be used for killing combat. Hero Points: 2x. In the Golden Age abilities can Expanded to fit the need much of the time. Resting Recovery: 12 hours

Speed Effects: 1 AP only

Other effects: o Knockback damage is bashing only

These adventures are ludicrous even by comic book standards. The laws of science are often suspended in the humor genre: anything can happen and usually does. Roadrunner and Coyote, Tick, and Futurama are examples of this Killing Combat: Nothing ever cause killing damage Hero Points: Unlimited. In Humor Genre abilities can be stretched out of proportion on no notice and for no reason Resting Recovery: 1 hour Speed Affects: 1 AP only and only if it is funny

Other Affects o All Powers like Dumb Luck and the Baffler are usable here

Extended Genres
It is possible that none of the listed genres will fit quite right to the story that you want to tell. Many stories have some very interesting twists on reality. Some extended Genres could be: Hero School: In this game no power has its own AV. Characters need to learn to control their powers through things like the Accuracy skill. The New Mutants and the early X-Men are examples of this. Space Opera: The technology of this world will be different and futuristic. Some powers will be cheaper as they have become common place. Specifics of the genre can be found in the Spacecraft section

Sorcerer: A place where the casting of ritual magic is common and can be done at combat speeds. The base casting time of Occultist: Ritual Magic drops to 1 phase or 4 seconds (Zero APs) from 1 min (4 APs.)These are often mixed worlds of sorcery and science, or barbarian tales.

Modules and Custom Genres

Custom Genres are not restricted to what weve thought of or even to what weve seen in the comics on TV. When creating custom Genres the biggest rule is to be consistent and well defined. This does not mean that the players need to know the rules but that there needs to be some. If the GM decides s/he wants a world (lets call it Arabian Knights) where magic evolved in the Middle East, Djinn, Efreet, and Genies are common place. There are a number of powerful enchanted items in the world today. In this setting the western world has evolved technology on parallel. A union of cyber techs has evolved to keep the Djinn of the internet and out of the banking computers. Magic can only be practiced by members of 9 families of Arabian origin. All other super powers will be of a technically evolved Nature. The prior paragraph is all that the players really need to know at the beginning of the game. The GM needs to know much more. Not everything needs to be written out like the modules (see modules) at the end of this book but there needs to be some kind of logical framing. For example: are Characters allowed to be magic users (Sorcery power)? What is the limit of the technology evolved powers? Who are the cyber rats and can a player make one? How much effect does an Efreet have on the internet anyway? Answers could evolve this way but by no means is the only possible answer. See Modules for some other examples of custom genres.

Arabian Knights Genre rules: Arabian nights is designed to be played by 2-5 750 HP characters Genre is considered mock real as far as combat rules. All Sorcery (including Djinn) is subject to the loss vulnerability of being reduced to 4 APs outside the boundaries of the Middle East. Interfaced with the internet is a realm that is known as The Either. The Either is the home of the Efreet and other horrors. Characters can have the sorcery power but they will automatically have the Drawback of Exile. Players could also design characters around possessing a powerful mystic object, but this will make them hunted by the Genie (see genie). Cyber suits and high tech weapons will be open to the full gambit of powers. Some powers may be made available as bio mods (healing factor, Chameleon, empathy) At the GMs discretion. It is possible to play an Efreet character

The Djinn Djinn are powerful entities that have their own agenda. Occasion they are beholden to a mortal for some task they require done. Dealing with them is at best slippery. More than once it has been suggested that the expression making a deal with the devil came from Djinn. Djinn unlike Efreet do not interact with technology at all; they seem to have no understanding or interest in anything more complicated than basic mechanical structures. An example Djinn would be: Djinn DEX INT INFL INIT 12 18 10 40 STR WILL 7 8 BODY MIND SPIRIT 12 18 30


Wealth: NA

Powers: Self link, State Changed Air Control (12), Sorcery 20, mind probe 6, Skills: Charisma 15 Advantages: immortal, scholar (ancient world) Limitation: misc: Djinn are bound to promises made unto death. This is the black letter of promises only There is legended to be a mightier form of the Djinn called the High Djinn. No stats are included but they are powerful enough to come under the Du ex machena rules. Even the standard Djinn will be few and far between. Cyber techs are an evolved defense of technology against magic. Cyber techs will have gadgetry with the optional computer sub skill. Many will be in the employ of governments or major corporations. Commonly they will use Portals (see genre specific equipment) in their work. The rich friends advantage is common. Cyber techs will often have techno modified bodies (powers)

Efreet DEX INT INFL INIT Wealth: variable Powers: Energy Control 10, Electro telepathy 8 Skills: Weaponry 8 Advantages: Misc. Electro telepathy has a range of world wide; scholar: various; misc Energy Control range is world wide when used at 2 APs or less 6 8 12 STR WILL 6 8 BODY MIND SPIRIT 8 14 12


Drawback: strange appearance; catastrophic irrational attraction: thrill seekers; misc loss vulnerability: all attributes drop to 4 outside Middle East. The Efreet are hedonists and pleasure seekers. They use their powers and wealth to experience whatever imaginable pleasure the world can offer. They are comparable to red skinned; ram horned, 7 foot tall college freshmen. They will use their powers to cross into the internet for both robbery and adventure. They serve no master and know no loyalty beyond the immediate. The creative user of their energy control are legendary Genies are these practitioners of magic who have learned the inner secrets of the craft and rule a third of the world. They jealously guard the sorceries bloodlines and magical creatures and objects. All Genies will have a self link. Some will have a state change as the power has changed them all will have a sorcery of at least 8. Some are ageless (immortal?). All genie powers are subject to the limitation: reduced to 4 APs outside the Middle East. Some are old enough or changed enough that they cannot live outside the magic zone.

Genre Specific Equipment Portal BODY 3 Powers: Electro-telepathy 12, shared power 12 Charges: 12 (may be plugged into power grid and charges are considered unlimited) Limitations: 1 AP of computers per AP of Electro-telepathy is required for use The portal is the core piece of equipment used by cyber techs in their day to day activities. It allows them to meet the Djinn on even field. Banger Block BODY 5

Powers: Neutralize 5 Charges 0 (must be plugged into a citys power grid) Limitation: usable only on energy control The banger block is expensive and heavy (350 lbs) but it makes an area 5 APs wide relatively immune to the long distance effects of the Efreet. Symmetric field Array (SRA) STR 0

Powers: Detect magic: 6 Charges 25 The SRA is a cell phone sized device that detects the use or presence of magic. It will NOT detect the energy powers of an Efreet

Where does it go?

The GM then would have some kind of plans in mind as to what was happening in this world. Were the Genies making a break for power? Is there a western corporation trying to break the genetic code for sorcerers? Has a powerful magic object escaped into the western world? Is the magic zone expanding? Contracting? Are the Efreet organizing? There are plenty of possibilities and an explicable world. When first GMing in this system or any other it is recommended that you use an existing genre for a while. After you have some experience feel free to branch out. Build a world where gerbils are the dominant form of life on the earth or a space empire where an AI Nano plague is devouring the known worlds. Have fun!

Parallel Worlds, Multiple Dimensions and Alternities

This is the Great stuff of SCI-Fi and comic plots for generations. When using Shadow Road and Dimension Travel or some time just general game play the GM needs to know a bit about the cosmos. If you watch TV, read comics or pick up a novel you can easily find Parallel world Ideas. For game concepts the basics are: Alternate Earths:The cosmos can be made up of a series of what if worlds of our world. What if the 4 Kennedy brothers were big pop music sensation in the 60s? What if the Japanese negotiated surrender rather than fighting out the end of WWII and nukes were never used. What if Metas were hunted like pariahs? Star Trek did a great parallel universe plot about a dark Federation where every character had a dark counterpart. Sliders did a similar thing. If you want a game where parallel earths are featured The GM should set given RVs to each parallel for travel. Also depending on the power of the adventurers a dimension-hopping anti-force to the characters would be a good enemy. This dark force could be dedicated to certain evil goals or an altruistic protection of a nameless goal. Divine Cosmos. The universe is divided into a series of worlds that are the parallel of a given mythology. Greek and Norse are well defined and feature a lot of fun adversaries. If you have the time and creativity as a GM to create a new mythology those are fun as well. Generally it is a good idea to have a few surprises in the organization of heaven and hell for the players. The highest planes of angles and pits of daemons should be hard to get to. An additional RV, possibly a very high one, should be assigned to leaving hell. In a Divine Cosmos scenario the character can become involved with great forces of battle like Ragnarok, the scourging of hell, or the battle between Marduk and Tiamat Mystic Worlds: In a highly mystical campaign a group of higher planes would be little more than a series of swordsand-sorcery landscapes populated by magical beings. In a mystic worlds campaign Special alter-ego powers can arise, as well as power restriction rules by the plane The Lion, Witch, and the wardrobe is a good example of this.

Perhaps the Characters live in a mundane world but travel to sorceries ones where they possess power. A noble quest for a true uphold the good hero would fit well here Journey into The Unknown: The Characters are a group of parallel world astronauts with a Dimension hopping ship or devise. They travel the worm holes between dimensions where the rules of physics arent always the same. Each world is a kind of high tech puzzle. A grand quest is good for this kind of setting leaving the characters in a poison that they need to explore and solve a mystery. It could be to get home or to save the world. This type of game fits well with lower power characters When starting a dimension traveling game the GM should have at least a basic Idea of what the cosmos looks like and what trouble the characters could get into doing so. Avoid circumstances where the players can step sideways and avoid all their problems. Dark beings like the Tahistra or some form of Reality police make great opponents. Example: The players have access to Dimension Travel powers. There is a lot of Gray lands between the worlds that are there to be discovered. If the players stay too long between worlds they will attract vacuum screamers or worse (leaving the GMs options open). There is a plane called Qurat. It is a AV/EV of 7 to find the first time and 4 after that. Qurat fought the short war in 1963 instead of having the Cuban missile crisis. There are twisted versions of the characters there that will cause trouble if being mistaken for the heroes. The anti-characters learn of the world the characters come from and want to go there to escape their ruined world. There is a number of pocket worlds, places that are less than 100 yards across but are a whole universe. The AV/EV is 6 to find one. The AV/EV is 13 to find a particular one if you dont know where it is. Some of these can be mapped out and used as resting places or prisons. Some are populated by horrors of their own. In one of the pocket worlds lives a mysterious man named Hun-Hak-Lo. GMs discretion on when to find him. He has a lot of information about how the cosmos work but only speaks sparingly, infuriatingly sparingly. He has access to certain tech that keeps

him from being surprised or mind scanned. If physically threatened he will prove to be a fighter on par with Bruce Lee or the Batman. He will offer his hospitality. Discovered quickly will be a world where mankind was wiped out during the 1400s by the plague. This deserted place is not without its treasures.

D In If Init Powers: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 02 Claws: 01 Extended Hearing: 02 Extra-limb: 07 Jumping: 01 Sealed Systems: 11 Skin Armor: 01 Swimming: 04 Ultra Vision: 03 Water Freedom: 03 01 01 02 6 St W A 03 01 00 B M Sp 05 01 03

used once per encounter. Sealed Systems allows gators to submerge for several hours; it does not protect against gas, radiation, poison, etc. Water Freedom does not allow breathing underwater. Thief (Stealth) only works in water.

Background These large, lethal lizards (stats would also cover Asian crocodiles) are normally peaceable, but have been known to attack if hungry or if feeling their territory is threatened. Alligators are found in tropical or semitropical rivers and in swamps in Louisiana, Florida, and southern China; they are also found in the sewers of New York City (at least, in fiction). They may reach a length of 10 feet and a weight of 3-4 APs. Larger sizes are rare in modern times due to intensive hunting for alligator leather; in the past saltwater crocodiles have reached 16 feet. The largest American crocodile on record was 19 feet from snout to tail and weighed 6 APs (had 3 APs of Growth, and thus STR of 7 and BODY of 6). Crocodilians have a well-developed sense of smell which they use to

Skills: Stealth: 02 Bonuses and Limitations: Jumping is only from water to land it can only be

detect prey and identify potential mates. They have an acute sense of hearing and are always on the alert for prey-like sounds, especially when hungry; their ears are sharp enough to hear their young calling from inside their eggshells. They often hunt at night, and have night vision comparable to a cat or an owl.

Lightning Reflexes

Drawbacks: Attack Vulnerability: -1 CS vs. cold.

Background Large constrictor snakes like anacondas and boa constrictors attack with grappling attacks. They are sluggish in cold temperatures, being cold-blooded. They

D In If Init Powers: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 02 Stretching: 01 01 00 02 05 St W A 03 01 00 B M Sp 03 01 02

live in tropical forests and jungles

D In If Init Powers: Claws: 01 Cling: 01 Detect (Magnetic Fields): 03 Flight: 03 Shrinking: 07 Sonar: 06 Super Hearing: 03 02 00 01 03 St W A 00 01 00 B M Sp 01 01 01

Skills: Stealth: 03

Bonuses and Limitations: Lighting Reflexes only operates during the first phase of combat, after that, Init drops from 05 to 03. Thief skill is usable only when not moving


Skills: Stealth: 03

Powers: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 07 Claws: 01 Density Increase: 02 Mind over Matter: 03 Running: 05 Swimming: 03

Bonuses and Limitations: Detect has a Range of 0, and is primarily used to detect magnetic north. Background Bats often move in flocks. 9 or more bats receive a Team Attack bonus of 4 OV. If attacking more than one opponent, they may use this bonus to offset penalties for Multi-attacks. Background: Bats are nocturnal flying mammals. They sleep hanging upside down from cave roofs during the day, scavenging for food at night. Despite popular belief, bats almost never attack humans.

Background Bears can be found almost worldwide. They are omnivores whose weight ranges from 2 to 5 APs. The stats given above are for the largest bears, grizzlies, polar bears, etc. Smaller versions will have lesser APs of Density Increase and Growth, and thus lower Str and

D In If Init 03 01 02 06 St W A 06 03 00 B M Sp 06 03 02

Body. Full-grown bears can run as fast as a horse, and are extremely strong. Bears have an excellent sense of smell; the polar bear's nose is so powerful it can smell a seal on the ice 20 miles (32 kilometers) away, sniff out a seal's den that has been covered with snow, and even find a seal's air hole in the ice up to one mile (1.6 kilometers) away. Their eyesight and hearing are relatively poor, comparable to or a bit worse than

human. Polar Bears also have Cold Immunity: 04 and Swimming: 06, but get overheated in temperate areas (away from the arctic, physical actions become








manipulated by outside forces. (Or they're mockingbirds, which are pretty but evil.)


D In If Init Powers: Claws: 01 Flight: 05 Shrinking: 06 Telescopic Vision: 02 03 00 01 04 St W A 00 01 00 B M Sp 01 01 01

D In If Init Powers: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 02 Claws (Tusks): 02 Damage Capacity: 02 Mind over Matter: 03 Background The wild boar is indigenous to many parts of the world. Larger examples of the species are in excess of 650lbs. When cornered or if their young are threatened they can grow highly aggressive. A boar will fight on past the point any sane animal would drop over and die. The statistics above are for a large male native of 02 01 01 04 St W A 03 01 00 B M Sp 04 01 02

Background Birds often move in flocks. 9 or more birds receive a Team Attack bonus of 4 OV. If attacking more than one opponent, they may use this bonus to offset Multi-attack penalties. Background: This description applies to all non-hunting birds, from sparrows to ducks to geese. Ducks and Geese also have Swimming of 4 APs but lack

Germany or the Southern US

D 05 01 02 10 St W A 03 02 00 B M Sp 03 02 02 06 01 00 B M Sp 04 01 02 Powers: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 02 Claws: 01, Extended Hearing: 02 Running: 06, Ultra Vision: 04

D In If Init Powers: Claws: 02, Running: 04 02 01 01 St W A

In If Init

Background Use these stats for any of a variety of herd animals, including buffalo, gnu, and cows. By and large they are no offensive, but if spooked can stampede, making for a pretty formidable Team Attack. Buffalo can reach a weight of 5-6 APs. Claws are for those herd animals with horns.

Skills: Stealth: 03

Bonuses and Limitations: Running is Fatiguing.

Advantages: Lightning Reflexes

Background Cheetahs inhabit Africa and Southern Asia and are generally solitary. They can be trained to hunt. They are the fastest land animals alive, built for short, intense

sprints followed by a cool down time. After a single sprint, the cheetah will be panting intensely, and its body temperature can reach as high as 105 degrees Fahrenheit (41 degrees Celsius). It takes 20 minutes for its breathing and temperature to return to normal.

D In If Init 02 00 02 06 St W A 00 00 00 B M Sp 02 01 02

D In If Init Skills: Acrobatics: 06 03 02 01 06 St W A 02 01 01 B M Sp 02 02 02

Powers: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 07 Paralysis: 02-7 Poison Touch: 02-5 Shrinking: 04 Ultra Vision: 04

Bonuses and Limitations: Paralysis and Poison Touch have Combined Power bonus - this is for species that combine hemotoxins (represented by Poison Touch) with the more common neurotoxins (represented by Paralysis). Poison Touch does not attack every Phase, try having successive attacks every 3 minutes. Drawbacks: Attack Vulnerability: -1 CS vs. cold.

Background Chimpanzees are native to the jungles of Africa. They are surprisingly strong for their size: a 90pound chimp is much stronger than a normal man. Chimps are social creatures.

Background Cobras generally inhabit tropical and desert regions of Asia and Africa. They will attack if they feel threatened. They are sluggish in cold temperatures, being coldblooded. The virulency of their poison varies from breed to breed, between 02-7 APs. Most are quite large, reaching on average 1.2 2.5m (3.9-8.2ft) in length. The King Cobra may reach up to 5.2m (17.1ft), making it the largest venomous snake in the world. They kill their prey, usually small rodents and birds, by injecting a neurotoxin through their nearly hollow fangs. The neurotoxin blocks the synaptic communication between the victim's neurons and muscles, thus stopping movement and control. For a dangerously venomous snake, the cobra's strikes are quite slow when compared to the almost literally "faster than the eye can see" strikes of such species as rattlesnakes. The spitting cobra can incapacitate larger would-be predators by delivering venom to their eyes - their Poison Touch has a Range of 1 AP, used in a Trick Shot to attack the eyes.

D In If Init Powers: Cling: 01 Invulnerability: 2 Full Vision: 3 Systemic Antidote: 8 Suspension: 12 Radiation Immunity 4 Ultra Vision: 02 04 00 00 04 St W A 00 00 00 B M Sp 01 01 01

Bonuses and Limitations: Suspension only functions if the roach is frozen. Ultra Vision only allows the roach to see in the dark

Background Cockroaches may be found in any inhabitable corner of the Earth. Prolific and hardy, these insects have a high resistance to radiation and, it is believed, will live for millennia after man has become extinct.

D In If Init Powers: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 03 Claws (Antler): 02 Jumping: 00 Swimming: 04 Running: 05 04 01 01 06 St W A 02 00 00 B M Sp 02 01 01

exceptions). The largest of the antelope and deer species is the giant eland, with 4 APs of growth and a weight of 6 APs.

Dog (large)
D In If Init Powers: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 07 Claws: 01 Extended Hearing: 03 Running: 04 Shrinking: 01 Super Hearing: 03 Ultra Vision: 03 03 01 01 05 St W A 02 01 00 B M Sp 03 02 01

Background Check on their senses, habits, and antlers to vary for breeds. Deer generally have lithe, compact bodies and long, powerful legs suited for rugged woodland terrain. Deer are also excellent swimmers. Their lower cheek teeth have crescent ridges of enamel, which enable them to grind a wide variety of vegetation. Deer have antlers instead of horns. Antlers are bony growths that develop each year (usually in summer) and, in general, it is only male deer that develop them (although there are

Drawbacks: MPR (color-blind)

Background Dogs, domestic and wild, may be found worldwide. They are social animals which are gentle when domesticated.

In the wild, they congregate in fearsome packs; the wild dog packs of Africa are feared even by lions. The stats here are for a fairly large version of the breed, up to 100 lbs. (1 AP), though exceptionally large ones mastiffs, St. Bernards, Great Danes should have an additional AP of STR and BOD and no Shrinking. Small house pets should have 2 additional APs of Shrinking, with commensurate loss of Str and Body. The abilities of various breeds vary greatly; Attributes and Powers can range from plus or minus 1 AP from those listed here.

Sealed Systems: 09 Super Hearing: 05 Swimming: 05 Water Freedom: 06

Bonuses and Limitations: Water Freedom does not allow breathing underwater.

Skills: Gymnastics: 04

Background Dolphins live and play in schools of five to hundreds of animals, and often Team Attack. Some can swim and roll

D In If Init 01 02 02 10 St W A 03 02 02 B M Sp 03 02 02

in formation, just like synchronized swimmersa Team Attack to their entertaining. Dolphins also work together to help when one animal is sick, hurt, or giving birth. They take turns pushing the hurt or young dolphin to the surface so it can breathe. Pods of dolphins will attack an intruder as a group and can even kill a large shark by ramming it as a group! Dolphins also work together to

Powers: Extended Hearing: 05 Full Vision: 03 Sonar: 07

eat. They can herd schools of fish for group feeding. Some even use their clicking sounds for herding the fish. Dolphins may have their own society, and be usable as NPCs and even player characters, under the right

circumstances. Mutant dolphins won't show up, but there are dolphin wizards. (No, really!) Background: Dolphins are highly intelligent, aquatic mammals which inhabit most areas of the sea. They may sometimes be found in major rivers hundreds of miles upstream. They are communal, living in pods. They are very intelligent, playful, and friendly. All dolphins make sounds that travel underwater, bounce off something, and then return to the dolphins as echoes, making use of their excellent hearing, probably the best in the animal kingdom. This sophisticated echolocation system allows dolphins to find food or avoid predators, even in dark or murky water. Dolphins' natural abilities to swim fast and leap clear of the water are what make them such entertaining performers. They are the most agile and speedy of all marine mammals. They are known to travel with ships, leaping in front of the bow and swimming in the wake.

D In If Init Powers: Claws: 01 Flight: 05 Telescopic Vision: 09 05 00 01 08 St W A 01 02 00 B M Sp 02 01 02

Advantages: Lightning Reflexes Sharp Eye

Background Eagles may be found throughout most of America, Africa, and Eurasia. They are usually found in mated pairs. They stake out a territory that can extend to a hundred square miles. They will fiercely defend their territory from other large birds of prey (shape changers beware!). They are not dangerous to humans unless threatened or controlled. These stats are also good for condors.

Electric Eel
D In If Init Powers: Lightning: 02 Shrinking: 04 Swimming: 02 Water Freedom: 05 01 00 01 09 St W A 00 00 00 B M Sp 01 01 01

D In If Init Powers: Claws: 01 Damage Capacity: 02 Extended Hearing: 02 Extra Limb (x1, trunk): 08 Growth: 06 Running: 04 Super Hearing: 03 04 01 01 06 St W A 09 01 00 B M Sp 05 01 01

Bonuses and Limitations: Lightning has No Range. Background The electric eel inhabits the rivers of South America. On a good roll, their Lightning can kill humans.

Background Stats here are for the African elephant, which can reach a height of 13 feet and weighs more than 6 tons (8 APs). Asian elephants, which can be found in the forests of Ceylon, India, Burma, Southeast Asia, and Malaysia, have only 5 APs of Growth, Str: 8, Body: 6, a height of 9 feet, and weigh 5 tons. Elephants make many different

sounds. Some sounds cannot be heard by people. They can use these sounds to communicate with each other over long distances, hence the Super Ventriloquism.

Monsters this size generally live deep in the depths, and under normal circumstances would not be seen by humans more than a handful of times in a century. A squid this size can threaten a whale; they hunt and are

Giant Squid
D In If Init Powers: Damage Capacity: 04 Extra Limb (x4): 12 Fog: 05 Growth: 07 Stretching: 03 Swimming: 05 Water Freedom: 04 Bonuses and Limitations: Stretching only works in conjunction with Extra Limb, and only to extend attack distance. Background This is the stereotypical sea monster of literature. 02 00 01 06 St W A 12 01 00 B M Sp 08 01 01

hunted by sperm whales.

D In If Init Background Gorillas live in Africa in groups of ten to twenty. They can reach a height of 6 feet and a weight of over 600 lbs. (4 APs). 02 01 01 04 St W A 05 01 01 B M Sp 05 02 01

D In If Init Powers: Claws: 01 Flight: 06 Telescopic Vision: 07 Advantages: Lightning Reflexes Sharp Eye 05 01 01 09 St W A 01 01 00 B M Sp 02 01 01

self- propelled at these speeds, it is a controlled dive, and technically there is no faster animal. The fastest speed recorded is 390 km/h.

D In If Init Powers: Claws: 02 (bite) Running: 04 Sealed systems: 09 03 01 02 06 St W A 06 01 00 B M Sp 04 01 02

Background Hawks can be found throughout the world. They nest in pairs and feed on snakes and small rodents. They can be trained to hunt on command. These stats can also be used for falcons. The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest creature on the planet during its hunting dive, in which it soars to a great height, then free falls at speeds in excess of 300 km/h (185mph, 7 APs) into either wing of its prey, so as not to harm itself on impact. Although not

Bonuses and limitations: Sealed systems is only usable as time holding their breath under water Drawback: A hippos sight and hearing are limited to 3 APs Running is limited to 3 phase sprint. SPI: Hippos are psychotic and prone to random

violence Background Hippos are short tempered, dim sensed and easily aggravated. They live in marsh land all over Africa and India. Hippos are one of the most unpredictably aggressive animals in the word, they will sometimes be passive and sometime charge to attack for reasons all their own

rarely seen in herds in the wild these days. These stats can also be used for zebra. A zebra's eyesight at night is thought to be about as good as that of a cat or an owl. Zebras are equids, members of the horse family. They have excellent hearing and eyesight and can run at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour (56 kilometers per hour, 5 APs) by Pushing. They also have a powerful kick that can cause serious injury to a predator, like a lion, a hyena, or an African wild dog.

D In If Init Powers: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 02 Extended Hearing: 02 Running: 04 Ultra Vision: 03 Powers: Claws: 02 Damage Capacity: 02 Extended Hearing: 05 Growth: 04 Jumping: 01 02 01 01 04 St W A 05 01 00 B M Sp 05 02 01

Killer Whales
D In If Init 01 01 02 07 St W A 08 01 01 B M Sp 06 02 02

Background Horses are found throughout the world, though they are

Sealed Systems: 10 Sonar: 07 Swimming: 05 Water Freedom: 04

does not allow breathing

Extended Hearing: 02 Jumping: 01 Running: 04 Super Hearing: 02 Super Hearing: 02 Swimming: 03 Ultra Vision: 04

Bonuses and Limitations: Water Freedom

underwater. Background Killer Whales are the largest of the dolphins, killers of the deep, mammals adapted to the ocean environment as efficient predators. They can be trained and enjoy performing.

Skills: Acrobatics (Climbing): 04 Stealth: 03

Advantages: Lightning Reflexes


D In If Init Powers: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 02 Claws: 01 04 01 02 09 St W A 04 02 00 B M Sp 04 02 06

Leopards are closely related to jaguars, with a similar body structure and similar spotting. Scientists believe the coloring of spotted cats helps them hide from their prey, breaking up their outline in forests or grasslands. In the thick rain forests of Southeast Asia, nearly black leopards, often called panthers, can sometimes be found. Leopards can also be found in North Africa and Persia. Leopards usually rest during the heat of the day in bushes, rocks, caves, or even up in a tree. Unlike other

cats, leopards are strong swimmers and are one of the few cats that like water. They are great athletes, able to run in bursts up to 36 miles an hour, leap 20 feet forward in a single bound, and jump ten feet straight up. They have incredible strength. A leopard can climb as high as 50 feet up a tree holding a dead animal in its mouth, even one larger and heavier than itself! They stash food up high so other predators like lions or hyenas can't get it. Leopards hunt at night. They use their vision and keen hearing while hunting, not their sense of smell. Leopards stalk and pounce but don't usually chase their prey long distances. They grab their prey or swat it, using their retractable claws. Prey is killed with a bite to the throat. Leopards can hear five times more sounds than humans, even the ultrasonic squeaks made by mice.

D In If Init Powers: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 03 Claws: 02 Extended Hearing: 03 Running: 04 Super Hearing: 03 Ultra Vision: 04 04 01 02 09 St W A 04 02 00 B M Sp 04 02 02

Skills: Stealth: 03

Advantages: Lightning Reflexes

Background Lions roam the veldt of Africa and western India. They are the most sociable of the great cats, living in "prides" with one dominant male, several hunting females, and lesser males and cubs. They can be trained.

D In If Init Powers: Extra Limb (x1): 01 03 01 01 St W A 01 01 01 B M Sp 02 02 02

Fog: 05 Shrinking: 04 Swimming: 01 Water Freedom: 04

Background The octopus lives in the temperate zones of the worlds' oceans. A shy creature, it seldom bites, even when handled. They move either by wriggling their eight tentacles or by propelling themselves backward using a jet stream of water. In combat, octopi always attempt to Grapple.

Skills: Acrobatics: 04

Background Monkeys are native of South and central Africa. They are arboreal and are the smaller cousin of the Chimpanzee.

D In 03 01 01 05 St W A 02 01 00 B M Sp 02 01 01

D In If Init Powers: Extra Limb (x4): 02 02 00 01 05 St W A 01 01 00 B M Sp 01

If Init 01 Powers: 01 Claws: 01

Extended Hearing: 03 Flight: 05 Ultra Vision: 06

Skills: Stealth: 03

Jumping: 02 Running: 05 Super Hearing: 02 Telescopic Vision: 01 Ultra Vision: 04

Background Everything about an owl's body makes it the ideal bird for night living. They have the best night vision of any animal and their hearing is nearly as acute. An owl can hear a mouse stepping on a twig from 75 feet away. Another important adaptation for owls is silent flight. Where other birds have stiff feathers that make a whooshing sound when they fly, owl feathers have soft edges that allow them to fly silently. Their coloring fits the terrain in which they live, helping them to stay hidden.

Skills: Climbing: 04 Stealth: 03

Advantages: Lightning Reflexes

Background Found in western Canada and the western U.S., Florida, Central America, and South America, in forests, swamps,

D In If Init Powers: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 01 Claws: 01 Extended Hearing: 02 05 01 02 10 St W A 03 02 00 B M Sp 03 01 02

and grasslands, this cat is known by a number of namesmountain lion, puma, cougar, or panther (though "true" Panthers are Jaguars, as mentioned above). Pumas are solitary cats, except during breeding and when a mother has cubs. They live in overlapping "home ranges," which vary in size from 30 to 125 square miles (78 to 324 square hectares). Pumas are powerfully built, with large paws, sharp claws, and hind legs that are larger and more muscular than

their front legs to give them great jumping power. They can also run fast and have a flexible spine like a cheetah's to help them maneuver around obstacles and change direction quickly. Even so, they are mostly ambush hunters: they stalk their prey, then hide in trees, brush, or grass before leaping out to grab it. Some larger cats even bring down animals as big as an elk or a moose. Pumas can jump 18 feet from the ground into a tree, and they have been known to jump 20 feet up or down a hillside.

Background Found in most parts of the world, rabbits are prolific breeders. Rabbits are herbivores. Any reports of vampire bunnies are so far fictitious. If you encountered one it would have Vampirism:

D In If Init 04 00 01 05 St W A 00 01 00 B M Sp 01 01 01

D In If Init Powers: Running: 05 Digging: 02 02 00 01 03 St W A 00 00 00 B M Sp 01 01 01 Powers:

Claws: 01

Skills: Climbing: 02

Background Rats encountered by superheroes invariably move in swarms. 9 or more rats receive a Team Attack bonus of 4 OV. If attacking more than one opponent, they may use this bonus to make more effective Multi-attacks.

Skills: Stealth: 03

Background: Rats and other rodents and vermin are found in sewers in every city and town. Rats, while bold,

are not normally bold enough to attack humans, but will if the humans are injured or if the rats are controlled.

something coming suddenly into range, and when startled they will usually charge.

D In If Init Powers: Analytical Smell: 01 Claws: 02 Damage Capacity: 02 Growth: 05 Running: 05 02 01 02 05 St W A 06 01 00 B M Sp 06 01 02

Giant Scorpion
D In If Init Powers: Cling: 01 Poison Touch: 04 03 01 01 0 St W A 01 02 00 B M Sp 02 01 01

Skills: Stealth: 03

Drawbacks: Serious Physical Restriction: a rhino's maximum sight range is 3 APs Background Rhinos can be found in India, Africa, and Malaysia. They are the second largest land mammals alive. Rhinos have an undeserved reputation for bad temper. However, because of their poor eyesight, they can be startled by

Advantages: Lightning Reflexes.

These are the Hand sized giant Scorpions of the 50s and 60s movie fame. A single sting can be fatal. The Giant Scorpion is adept at hunting by quietly positioning itself and waiting for prey. Giant Scorpions are often found in large groups and have been known to team attack


D In If Init Powers: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 07 Claws: 03 Detect(Electromagnetic Fields): 04 Detect (Motion): 04 Directional Hearing: 04 Extended Hearing: 07 Swimming: 05 Super Hearing: 04 Ultra Vision: 05 Water Freedom: 05 01 00 02 07 St W A 04 00 00 B M Sp 06 02 02

Detect (Motion) is dependent on the moving object sending vibrations through the water. Detect (EM Fields) and (Motion) both have a Range of 0 APs.

Normal use of Directional Hearing does not consume an Automatic Action, though using Directional Hearing against a source trying to stay hidden still requires a Dice Action.

Super Hearing is only sensitive to low-frequency sounds. Ultra Vision relies on light enhancement and thus cannot be used in total darkness or to spot invisible objects.

Background Sharks may be found in all the major oceans of the world. There are thousands of species of shark, only a few of which are dangerous to humans. The "man-eaters" include the Great White, the Tiger Shark, and the Mako shark (which has been known to leap aboard boats and has Jumping: 1 and Swimming: 6 or more). Sharks are usually solitary, but some varieties, like the fearsome Hammerhead, live in packs. These stats are for

Bonuses and Limitations: Detect (EM Fields) can be used to pick up natural magnetic fields to aid in navigation or to sense electrochemical impulses in living beings' nervous

"everyday" killer sharks. More impressive ones have Growth, raising all their physical stats; the "Jaws" type sharks would have Growth 5. Of course, many sharks are also less impressive than presented here, and would have Shrinking.

D In If Init 04 01 02 08 St W A 04 02 00 B M Sp 04 02 02

Giant Spider
D In If Init Powers: Cling: 01 Poison Touch: 03 Full Vision: 02 Glue/Web: 01 04 01 00 05 St W A 00 01 B M Sp 01 01 01 Powers:

Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 03 Claws: 02 Extended Hearing: 03 Jumping: 01 Running: 04 Super Hearing: 03 Swimming: 03 Ultra Vision: 04

Skills: Climbing: 03 Stealth: 04

Background Of the thousands of varieties of spiders known to man, only a few are dangerous. These include the Black Widow and the Australian Red Back Spider. The stats above are for the larger and more poisonous variety.

Background: Native to Southeast Asia and Africa, tigers are aggressive creatures that generally live alone. They can stalk prey for hours silently.

D In If Init Powers: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 05 Flight: 05 Telescopic Vision: 08 04 00 01 05 St W A 01 01 00 B M Sp 02 01 01

D In If Init Powers: Damage Capacity: 06 Extended Hearing: 05 Growth: 08 Sealed Systems: 11 Sonar: 07 Swimming: 05 Water Freedom: 04 03 01 02 07 St W A 12 02 01 B M Sp 06 02 02

Background Vultures are carrion-birds which soar over temperate and tropical regions of the world. They can smell carrion from a mile up.

Bonuses and Limitations: Water Freedom does not allow breathing underwater.

Background Whales swim in all oceans and most seas of the world. They are some of the largest mammals on Earth. Some whales, with higher stats than shown here, are wizards, though dolphins make better mages as a rule.

D In If Init Powers: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 07 Claws: 01 Cold Immunity: 01 Extended Hearing: 03 Running: 04 Super Hearing: 3 Ultra Vision: 03 03 01 02 08 St W A 02 01 00 B M Sp 03 01 02

prey on field mice. They now inhabit only the northern portions of Earth's major continents .

Prehistoric Animals
Ankylosaurus D In If Init Powers: Claws: 02 Skin Armor: 02 03 01 02 06 St W A 06 01 00 B M Sp 08 01 02

Background The Ankylosaurus is the most familiar of the armored dinosaurs and looks much like a giant armadillo. Although totally herbivorous, the Ankylosaur could lash out with its club-like tail if cornered.

Skills: Stealth: 04

Advantages: Lightning Reflexes Drawbacks: MPR (color-blind)

Background Contrary to popular belief, wolves are generally not the enemies of humans unless starving. Wolves primarily

D In If Init Powers: Swimming: 6 Claws (Tail spikes): 02 04 01 02 07 St W A 07 01 00 B M Sp 07 01 02

D In If Init Powers: Claws: 02 Gliding: 05 Telescopic Vision: 02 01 01 02 04 St W A 02 01 00 B M Sp 03 01 02

Advantages: Atmosphere Adaptation (L);

Background The size of a large dog, the Pterodactyl was a reptile that could glide for long distances using the membranes under its arms. The pterodactyl was also incredibly clumsy on the ground and probably stayed in high places to avoid predators.

Background This creature may have been the prehistoric ancestor of the Great White Shark. Though similar in basic appearance, the Megalodon was much larger. Originally this creature was thought to be far larger than the Great White, but early estimates of its size were in error.

Giant Pterodactyl
D In If Init Powers: Claws: 03 Cling: 03 Flight: 05 Growth: 03 Telescopic Vision: 04 01 01 02 04 St W A 04 01 00 B M Sp 04 01 02

D In If Init Powers: Claws (Horns): 02 Damage Capacity: 03 Running: 4 Skin Armor: 2 03 01 02 06 St W A 08 01 00 B M Sp 06 01 02

Drawback: Skin Armor only affects attacks from the front.

Background The giant pterodactyl is the one out of popular mythology that carries away action heroes of horses to mountain top lairs full of eggs. They are fiercely carnivorous and constantly hungry. For some unknown reason they always take prey live back to the nest

Background One of the most famous of all dinosaurs is the triceratops or "three homed lizard." Its distinctive bony frill and horns protected it from predators. As it was an herbivore, it probably behaved similarly to the modern rhinoceros.

D In If Init Powers: Claws: 02 Running: 05 Damage Capacity: 05 04 01 02 07 St W A 08 02 00 B M Sp 06 02 02

Powers: Analytical Smell/Tracking Scent: 03 Claws: 03 Running: 5

Skills: Stealth: 04 Tracking: 04

Background Recently made famous by Hollywood, these dinosaurs existed in the Triassic Period long before the reign of larger dinosaurs like the T-Rex or Triceratops. As with the T-Rex, Raptors are bipedal, but they hunted in packs. (Team Attack) Raptors kill their prey with a large claw found on the hind leg.

Background Most well-known and frightening of all dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus was a monstrous predator that stood almost 20 feet (1 AP) tall. Its teeth were as long and sharp as daggers.

D In If Init 05 02 02 09 S W A 02 01 00 B M S 03 02 02

Many devices will be available to the characters on a day to day basis. Only a few will have attributes that matter in game reality. And of those most will never have a full set. It is absolutely possible (and even likely) that some weapons and devices will radically exceed the values discussed here. Like super heroes themselves super weapons and devices will be relatively normal. Those super weapons will be Gadgets, Occult Objects, or objects of power (see Gadgetry). Things discussed here will be Devices under gadgetry rules Some common devices in 21st century modern society are defined below. All device stats are to be considered guidelines only.

Hand to Hand weapons
HTH weapons come in several size categories. The use of any bladed or piercing weapon is considered killing combat in Many Genres (see Genre). There are Small HTH weapons such as knives or brass knuckles and Billy clubs. Medium sized weapons like the Roman short sword or a baseball bat. Large weapons would be the gupolian flail or the flamberge (two handed sword). Monstrous weapons are things not designed or meant for mortal man. The Effect Value of Hand to hand weapons is one basic formula. It will be different for each person using a weapon and as weapons vary.

EV is Weapon EV +1 or Str +1 whichever is higher. Ex Batman (Str of 5) with a large bladed weapon is EV 6 (Str +1 AP). Alfred E Numan (Str 2) with a large bladed weapon would have an EV of 4 (Weapon EV +1) because the weapons is the higher EV. Close Combat: Bashing, or melee weaponry work exactly as Strength. Melee Weapons skill can be substituted for Weapon EV Powers that raise Str itself (Adrenaline Surge, Molecular Chameleon, Power Reserve) are treated as Str No other physical power (claws, jumping, Acid, Omni-arm, etc) effect weaponry EV at all. Some powers allow the power to be used as an AV (Super Speed, Force Manipulation etc.) and an object as an EV. Weaponry EVs are taken as listed. Powers with their own AV/EV that use a weapons as an instrument (Magnetic Control, Telekinesis, Air Control etc.) use no properties if the weapon in most cases, just their own native AV/EV

HTH Weapons
Type EV* range Limitation Notes

Bladed small Small Bladed medium Medium Bladed Large Large Bladed monstrous Monstrous

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4

1 additional range 1 additional range 3 additional range 3 additional range 5 additional range 5 additional range 7 additional range 7 additional range Weaponry 2+ to use Weaponry 2+ to use 5+STR, weaponry 3+ to use 5+STR, weaponry 3+ to use

Killing combat to use

Killing combat to use

Killing combat to use

Killing combat to use

Firearms Pistols
Pistols will be light, medium, heavy, or hand cannons. As far as style and color think of a light pistol as a .22 or a .25, a medium as a 9mm or .38, and a heavy as .357 and .45. A Hand Cannon will be a .451 Webly magnum or the .50 Desert Eagle. Alternately a hand cannon can be thought of as the mini-Uzi or an H&K MP5 firing a burst. Pistols are limited in range to 5 APs in most cases. Characters with a weaponry skill of 8 or higher are limited to 6 APs in range. Scopes add 1 AP. Telescopic vision can be substituted for a scope. Charges for automatic weapons are to be considered approximate as fire is in bursts. A flare pistol is considered a hand cannon with 1 charge. Skills in Shooting represent higher AV and will cause column shifts. Skill does not directly affect EV with firearms. In Nearly all genres use of firearms constitutes killing combat. Type Body Power Charges Limitations

Light Pistol Medium Pistol Heavy Pistol Hand cannon

4 5 5 6

Projectile weapons: 2 Projectile weapons: 3 Projectile weapons: 4 Projectile weapons: 5

1 to 50 5 to 20 6 to 14 5 to 12

Min STR of 3 Min STR of 3 weaponry of 4

Rifles and assault rifles are similar to pistols but longer ranged and a bit easier to handle. A light rifle is a .22 or so, a medium rifle is similar to the Winchester carbine. A heavy rifle is a 7mag or a .303 savage. An Assault rifle is an M16 or AK47. A Big game rifle is something like an H&H .5050, or the Webly Magnum buffalo gun, they are roughly equivalent to AA fire. Most rifles are limited to 8 APs of range. Characters with a weaponry skill of 8 or higher are limited to 10 APs. Scopes add 1 AP. Telescopic vision can be substituted for a scope. Shotguns are considered heavy rifles with a range of 6 APs. The Barret .50 Snipers rifle with a scope has a range of 2 miles and requires a heavy weapons of 5 to fire at that range. Type Light Rifle Medium Rifle Heavy Rifle Assault rifle Big game rifle Body 4 4 5 7 7 Power Projectile weapons: 3 Projectile weapons: 3 Projectile weapons: 5 Projectile weapons: 6 Projectile weapons: 6 Charges 1 to 60 1 to 60 1 to 30 12 to belts (100 or more) 6 to 10 limitations Min STR of 3 weaponry of 3 Min STR of 4 weaponry of 5

Military Power weapons and vehicles

Heavy Military gear gets harder to define. As far as hand held weapons the stats for Big game rifle should be the limit. Vehicle mounted weapons like the .50 ma duce auto cannon would be Projectile weapons of 7. Heavy military gear that is armored vehicle mounted and crew served will be longer in range harder to come by and generally difficult to operate. Amount of charges is hard to determine as weapons like these will have reloading crews and ammo reserves. All heavy weapons will have a radius of damage represented by the bomb power; EV will be the projectile weapons value. Like firearms Skills in military weapons represent higher AV and will cause column shifts. Skill does not directly affect EV with military gear. In Nearly all genres use of Heavy military gear constitutes killing combat.

M1 tank/ Main battle tank

10/11 Projectile weapons: 10, Running 6, Bomb:4,

LOS up to 30 miles

Crew of 3 required. Skin armor protects tanks occupants not the tank itself.

Skills required
Vehicles 3, heavy weaponry 2

skin armor: 9, Radar 10, Hardened Defenses

Nuke round

As above

As above except Bomb AV/EV is 18

As above

As above

As above

Bradley FV/APC


Projectile weapons: 8, Running 6,, skin armor: 5, Radar 10, Hardened Defenses

11 APs

Crew of 2 required. Skin armor protects tanks occupants not the tank itself.

Vehicles 2, heavy weaponry 2

Bazooka/ LAW rocket 155 Howitzer/ German 88


Projectile weapons: 8

10 AP

Range of 11 APs with weaponry 5 or higher


Projectile weapons 10 12, Bomb 4-7, depending on ammo used, Hardened Defenses

Indirect fire. ballisticly can fire over objects as large as 8 APs

Crew of 3 required. Forward observer often required for accurate fire.

Heavy weapons 2

Grenades and bombs come in several varieties and are available to police or military personnel. They are generally hand launched and have a range as per the Throwing things rules. Some grenades are launched by combo rifles (40 mm over/under) or by launchers (the Vietnam era M62). Range is 8 APs. Heavy weapon skills above 6 add 1 AP of range. There is a giant revolver version of the grenade launcher that will lay down 8 grenades per phase; functionally this increases the area of effect to up to 8 APs or the EV to a +2 CS Heavy Weaponry of 3 and STR of 3 is required. Type Powers Details

Tear gas Concussion grenade (Bang Bomb) Flash grenade Fragmentation Grenade (classic hand grenade) Incendiary grenade (Willie Pete) Fog Grenade

Poison Fog 5, non lethal Repulsion 5.

Duration of attack is 8 APs knock back in effect

Flash 4 Bomb 6 Use is always considered killing combat

Bomb 5, attack continues for 5 phases after bomb detonates. Fog 3

Use is always considered killing combat

Duration is 4 APs

Body armor
Body armor varies depending on era of production and concealability. Some armor can be worn under the clothes and is difficult to spot. Some, like police riot armor is full covering. Armour beyond the first level requires police or military connections. The lightest armor would be threat 2 or 2+. Medium armor would be threat 4 or trauma plate, or military battle field armor. Heavy would be a full suite of police riot gear with helmet. Type AP mods Powers Concealable limitations

Light (80s) Light (modern) Medium (70s) Medium (modern) Heavy (80s) Heavy modern

-1 AV -1 OV -2 AV -1 OV -1 AV -2 AV -2 OV -1 AV -1 OV

Skin armor: 1 Blunting: 3 Skin armor: 2 Blunting: 2 Skin armor 2 Blunting: 3 Skin armor 2 Blunting: 3 Skin armor 4 Blunting: 5 Skin armor 4 Blunting: 6

-2 CS -1 CS Not Not 3 STR 3 STR 3 STR

Cars and vehicles

Cars and trucks are highly variable and should be viewed in ranges with style grafted on top. Some cars have a good airbag, crumple zone and seat belt system. If a character is in a vehicle equipped as such a one time Kinetic Absorption power of from 1 to 4APs is invoked on a crash Attribute APs Limitations Examples


6- 8 APs ( 75 to 225 MPH) Driving at beyond 70 mph requires a vehicles skill, Beyond 110 a skill of 3, beyond 150 a skill of 5

A Yugo on the low end and a Ferrari or Lamborghini on the top with all others in between. A smart car or pinto on the low end, a dump truck or cement mixer at the top. A smart car or pinto on the low end, a dump truck or cement mixer at the top.


4- 9

Heavy vehicles require a vehicles of 2 or higher



Heavy vehicles require a vehicles of 2 or higher

Exotic materials Table Material Gorilla Glass Reinforced Concrete Osmium Steel Polycarbonate Vanadium Steel Hyper-steel Chobham armor Duraloy Carbon mono-fiber Body 07 07 08 08 09 10 11 12 13 Material Multi-walled nanotube Enhance valance polymers Skrill ( Ring world foundation) Vibranium Adamantine Promethium Mitheral GP hull ( single molecule construction) Zero balance dwarf-star alloy Body 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 22

Computers are hard to pin down and highly subject to change. The skill of the user often makes a large difference in functionality. Range of computers is either world wide or zero in most cases. To anyone without gadgetry, or scientist skill, or a scholar advantage in computes will perform all functions at -1 to 3 CS with a computer INT: computers will have an INT from 0 to 8 depending on complexity. Recall: from 20 to 40. Electro Telepathy: 0. Range is worldwide (internet) BODY: in the case someone hides behind one. Most modern computers have a body of 3, 4. 6 for a server rack. Remote sensing and full vision: as high as 4 with a range of worldwide (cameras)

Odds and Ends

Furniture will weigh between 1 and 5 APs. Its body will be in the same range. Hardware, as in tools, will have an EV between 1 (small screwdrivers) and 4 for hand tools (sledge hammer). The body will between 2 and 7. Power tools will range from circular saws (EV 4) up to industrial presses that weigh 9, a body of 8 APs, and have an EV of 10. In general the bigger the machine the harder the punch. Heavy industrial equipment such as bull dozers or cranes are bigger, slower, and stronger than cars. As a rule of thumb a STR will be as high as 11 for towing in a large dump truck or hitting a foe with a big wrecking ball. A BODY will be as high as 9 for hiding behind a brinks truck or heavy construction gear.

Action Table
Opposing Value Columns
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 12-14 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-24 25-27 28-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 to 2 11 9 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 to 4 13 11 9 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 to 6 15 13 11 9 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 to 8 18 15 13 11 9 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 to 10 21 18 15 13 11 9 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 11 to 12 24 21 18 15 13 11 9 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 13 to 15 28 24 21 18 15 13 11 9 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 16 to 18 32 28 24 21 18 15 13 11 9 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 19 to 21 36 32 28 24 21 18 15 13 11 9 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 22 to 24 40 36 32 28 24 21 18 15 13 11 9 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 25 to 27 45 40 36 32 28 24 21 18 15 13 11 9 7 5 4 3 3 3 28 to 30 50 45 40 36 32 28 24 21 18 15 13 11 9 7 5 4 3 3 31 to 35 55 50 45 40 36 32 28 24 21 18 15 13 11 9 7 5 4 3 36 to 40 60 55 50 45 40 36 32 28 24 21 18 15 13 11 9 7 5 4 41 to 45 65 60 55 50 45 40 36 32 28 24 21 18 15 13 11 9 7 5 46 to 50 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 36 32 28 24 21 18 15 13 11 9 7 51 to 55 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 36 32 28 24 21 18 15 13 11 9 56 to 60 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 36 32 28 24 21 18 15 13 11

Acting Value Rows Effect Value Rows

Result Table
Resistance Value Columns
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 12-14 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-24 25-27 28-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1 to 2 1 2 3 5 8 10 12 14 18 21 24 27 30 35 40 45 50 55 3 to 4 N 1 2 4 6 9 11 13 17 20 23 26 29 34 38 43 48 53 5 to 6 N N 1 3 4 7 9 11 16 19 22 25 28 33 36 41 46 51 7 to 8 N N N 2 3 6 8 10 14 17 20 23 26 31 34 40 44 49 9 to 10 N N N N 2 4 7 9 12 15 18 21 24 29 32 38 42 47 11 to 12 N N N N N 3 5 8 10 13 16 19 22 27 30 36 40 45 13 to 15 N N N N N N 3 6 8 11 14 17 20 25 28 34 38 43 16 to 18 N N N N N N N 4 6 9 12 15 18 23 26 31 36 41 19 to 21 N N N N N N N N 4 7 10 13 16 21 24 28 34 39 22 to 24 N N N N N N N N N 5 8 11 14 19 22 26 32 36 25 to 27 N N N N N N N N N N 6 9 12 17 20 24 30 33 28 to 30 N N N N N N N N N N N 7 10 14 18 22 27 30 31 to 35 N N N N N N N N N N N N 8 12 16 20 24 27 36 to 40 N N N N N N N N N N N N N 9 13 17 21 24 41 to 45 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 10 14 18 21 46 to 50 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 11 15 18 51 to 55 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 12 15 56 to 60 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 13

AP Benchmark Chart
Aps 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time 4 sec 8 sec 16 sec 32 sec 1 min 2 min 4 min 8 min 16 min 32 min 1 hour 2 hours 4 hours 8 hours 16 hours 1 Day 2 Days 4 Days 1 Week 2 Weeks 1 Month Distance 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 80 ft. 150 ft. 100 yds. 200 yds. 1/8 mi 1/4 mi 1/2 mi 1 mi 2 mi 4 mi 8 mi 16 mi 30 mi 60 mi 125 mi 250 mi 500 mi 1000 mi Weight 50 lbs. 100 lbs. 200 lbs. (Average person) 400 lbs. (lion) 700 lbs. (Avg Grizzly, Large Siberian Tiger) 1200 lbs. (Horse, Polar Bear, Mako) 1.5 tons (sports car) 3 tons (HUMMER, Great White Shark) 6.5 tons ( semi Truck) 12.5 tons (school bus) 25 tons (MD 80 airplane) 40 tons (Loaded Tractor Trailer) 60 tons (M1 tank) 120 tons ( loaded 757) 240 tons (Airbus A350 loaded) 450 tons (freighter) 900 tons ( 5 story building) 1800 tons ( Space Shuttle on pad or loaded train) 3,600 tons (Saturn V rocket / USN Perry frigate) 72,000 tons (Navy Destroyer) 140,000 tons (WWI Dreadnought) Volume 1 Cu foot 2 Cu foot 4 Cu foot 8 Cu foot 15 Cu foot (Refrigerator) 30 Cu foot (Lg Car Trunk) 60 Cu foot (SUV cargo) 125 Cu foot 250 Cu foot (Apollo capsule) 500 Cu foot 1,000 Cu foot 2,000 Cu foot 4,000 Cu foot 8,000 Cu foot (Lg 1Bdr Apt) 15,000 Cu foot Info ( 10x) 10 Kilobyte (Kb) 100 Kb 1 Megabyte (Mb) 10 Mb 100 GB 1 Gigabyte (Gb) 10 Gb 100 Gb 1 Terabyte (Tb) 10 Tb 100 Tb 1 Petabyte (Pb) 10 Pb 100 Pb 1 Exabyte (Eb) Speed 1 mph 2.5 mph 5 mph 10 mph 25 mph 50 mph 75 mph 102 mph 225 mph 450 mph 900 mph (Mach one) 1800 mph 3500 mph 7,000 mph 14,000 mph 28,000 mph 50,000 mph 100,000 mph 200 k mph 400 k mph 800 k mph

32,000 Cu foot (5BDR House) 10 Eb 65,000 Cu foot 130,000 Cu foot 260,000 Cu foot 500,000 Cu foot 1,000,000 Cu foot (superstore) 100 Eb 1 Zettabyte (Zb) 10 Zb 100 Zb 1 Yottabyte (Yb)

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