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Ken Slaw Jun 1 Dear COM Members: I hope this finds you all well and bracing for

a great Summer! It has been an all-out sprint from our meeting April 20-21 through the Board meetings May 16-20. Membership has been an almost daily priority discussion within the AAP. We now have the District Meeting Cycle beginning next week June 7-10, with Districts 5 and 7, and Districts 9 and 4 in three weeks. ACBOM, and the Board, have taken several actions on membership so I am writing to brief you in advance of your District Meetings. If you have any questions about the following summary, do not hesitate to call Terri or myself. Have a wonderful weekend! Actions Taken by the Board in May on COM Recommendations AAP Bylaws The COM recommendation to change AAP Bylaws such that Fellowship Trainees who have taken and passed their ABP exam may be permitted to retain Fellow privileges i.e. voting, was approved to go to referendum. This change will appear on the AAP election ballot in September, 2012. The COM recommendation to change AAP Bylaws raising the age of eligibility for emeritus membership to 70, was discussed at length and referred back to the COM for further review. The Board recognized the need to take swift action for the 13-14 Fiscal Year to address the increasing number of members electing emeritus membership and paying much less dues. The Board directed staff to make the first correction through a pricing strategy, considering a dues increase for emeritus, or a tiered "ramp down" of dues over several years. The COM will be asked to engage the Section For Senior Members in dialogue to help establish a pricing strategy for 12-13, and develop any further recommendations on age of eligibility. Membership Growth Strategy The COM recommendation to invest in a membership growth blueprint and strategy led to over two hours of Board discussion last January and another four hours at various points in the May meeting. There is great consensus that the world is changing around our members, their needs and lives are changing, the way they use and value the AAP is changing. After much discussion there was strong agreement that traditional direct-marketing approaches alone, will be insufficient in the future to generate interest and engagement in membership. Industry data demonstrates clearly that "word of mouth" or "peer to peer" networking is the single most effective method to recruit or re-engage members. The Board considered, and then directed, that the AAP begin its investment by organizing a year-long "District Membership Drive" to be launched at the upcoming District meetings. I have attached a guidance document that will be distributed at each District Meeting. The program will be outlined in the Executive Director's presentation and either the District Chair or COM member in attendance will likely be asked to present more of the details. We are working on some standard slide decks and District/Chapter data to help you with these discussions.

Additional Actions Taken by ACBOM in May (Updates in Italics) 1. ACBOM approved the COM recommendation to amend the FY 12-13 invoice adding a statement that the Academy is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. Implementation is underway. 2. ACBOM referred the COM recommendation to establish a national medical student category back to COM for further deliberation with the SOMSRFT and Medical Student Subcommittee. 3. ACBOM approved the COM recommendation that the DOM staff convene meetings with relevant Departments to examine existing product pricing structure, determine current level of membership incentives, explore new models to strengthen incentive and benchmark to other medical societies, and report back to the COM and ACBOM. Implementation is underway. 4. ACBOM referred the COM recommendation to expand membership criteria for Resident Member to include Residents in i-ACGME accredited programs to the International Office of the AAP for further analysis and deliberation. 5. ACBOM approved the COM recommendation that staff develop and present a budget proposal to the Board in May to conduct extensive "on the ground' recruitment of lapsed members that balances revenue potential against required investment with a projected ROI. This was implemented and led to the Board directive outlined above and creation of the guidance document attached. 6. ACBOM deferred discussion of the COM recommendation to convene a work group comprised of Academy staff, chapter EDs, and national and chapter leaders to discuss the overall structure and culture of national-chapter relations, and map out the details of a potential pilot to evaluate the need for national/chapter restructuring of dues and working relationships, to a closed session of the Board. Discussion occurred in closed session. The Board will discuss again following District Meeting Cycle to gather further input. 7. ACBOM approved Tyler Smith MD, FAAP and Alexandra Cvijanovich MD, FAAP serve as the COM representative from Districts III and VIII respectively. Welcome Tyler and Alex!!

Kenneth M. Slaw, PhD Director, Department of Membership Director, Strategic Planning Initiatives American Academy of Pediatrics 141 Northwest Point Blvd Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 (847) 434-4772 (847) 228-7035 FAX

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