BH023332 HNCD L45 in Engineering Units 070610

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Unit 41:
Unit code: QCF level: Credit value:

Fluid Mechanics
T/601/1445 4 15

The aim of this unit is to extend learners knowledge of the principles of fluid mechanics and the techniques used to predict the behaviour of fluids in engineering applications.

Unit abstract
This unit will begin by looking at the forces exerted by a static fluid on immersed surfaces and the concept of centre of pressure. It also examines a range of hydraulic devices and systems that incorporate the transmission of hydraulic pressure. Learners will then examine viscosity in fluids, its measurement and the characteristics of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. The unit then examines fluid flow phenomena. These include the estimation of head loss in pipes, viscous drag around streamlined and bluff bodies and the concept of Reynolds number. It also introduces learners to the techniques and applications of dimensional analysis. Finally, learners will examine the operational characteristics of hydraulic machines, in particular the operating principles of water turbines and pumps.

Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit a learner will: 1 2 3 4 Be able to determine the behavioural characteristics and parameters of static fluid systems Understand the effects of viscosity in fluids Be able to determine the behavioural characteristics and parameters of real fluid flow Understand the operating principles of hydraulic machines.

BH023332 Edexcel BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals specification in Engineering Issue 1 May 2010 Edexcel Limited 2010



Unit content
1 Be able to determine the behavioural characteristics and parameters of static fluid systems Immersed surfaces: rectangular and circular surfaces eg retaining walls, tank sides, sluice gates, inspection covers, valve flanges Centre of pressure: use of parallel axis theorem for immersed rectangular and circular immersed surfaces Devices: hydraulic presses; hydraulic jacks; hydraulic accumulators; braking systems; determine outputs for given inputs 2 Understand the effects of viscosity in fluids Viscosity: shear stress; shear rate; dynamic viscosity; kinematic viscosity Viscosity measurement: operating principles and limitations of viscosity measuring devices eg falling sphere, capillary tube, rotational and orifice viscometers Real fluids: Newtonian fluids; non-Newtonian fluids including pseudoplastic, Bingham plastic, Casson plastic and dilatent fluids 3 Be able to determine the behavioural characteristics and parameters of real fluid flow Head losses: head loss in pipes by Darcys formula; Moody diagram; head loss due to sudden enlargement and contraction of pipe diameter; head loss at entrance to a pipe; head loss in valves; flow between reservoirs due to gravity; hydraulic gradient; siphons; hammerblow in pipes Reynolds number: inertia and viscous resistance forces; laminar and turbulent flow; critical velocities Viscous drag: dynamic pressure; form drag; skin friction drag; drag coefficient Dimensional analysis: checking validity of equations such as those for pressure at depth; thrust on immersed surfaces and impact of a jet; forecasting the form of possible equations such as those for Darcys formula and critical velocity in pipes 4 Understand the operating principles of hydraulic machines Impact of a jet: power of a jet; normal thrust on a moving flat vane; thrust on a moving hemispherical cup; velocity diagrams to determine thrust on moving curved vanes; fluid friction losses; system efficiency Operating principles of turbines: operating principles, applications and typical system efficiencies of common turbo-machines including the Pelton wheel, Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine Operating principles of pumps: operating principles and applications of reciprocating and centrifugal pumps; head losses; pumping power; power transmitted; system efficiency


BH023332 Edexcel BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals specification in Engineering Issue 1 May 2010 Edexcel Limited 2010


Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit a learner will: LO1 Be able to determine the behavioural characteristics and parameters of static fluid systems

Assessment criteria for pass

The learner can: 1.1 determine the hydrostatic pressure and thrust on immersed surfaces 1.2 determine the centre of pressure on immersed surfaces 1.3 determine the parameters of devices in which a fluid is used to transmit force

LO2 Understand the effects of viscosity in fluids

2.1 explain the characteristics of and parameters of viscosity in fluids 2.2 describe viscosity measurement techniques 2.3 describe the effects of shear force on Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids

LO3 Be able to determine the behavioural characteristics and parameters of real fluid flow

3.1 determine head losses in pipeline flow 3.2 determine Reynolds number for a flow system and assess its significance 3.3 determine viscous drag of bluff and streamlined bodies 3.4 apply dimensional analysis to fluid flow

LO4 Understand the operating principles of hydraulic machines

4.1 evaluate the impact of a jet of fluid on a moving vane 4.2 identify and explain the operating principles of water turbines and pumps.

BH023332 Edexcel BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals specification in Engineering Issue 1 May 2010 Edexcel Limited 2010




This unit has links with Unit 2: Engineering Science and Unit 61: Engineering Thermodynamics.

Essential requirements
Learners will need access to laboratory facilities suitable for the investigation of viscosity, Reynolds number for pipeline flow and the measurement of drag forces on bluff and streamlined bodies.

Employer engagement and vocational contexts

Liaison with industry can help centres provide access to relevant industrial facilities and related plant. Where possible work-based experience should be used to provide practical examples of fluid systems. A visit to a utilities water treatment plant, pumping station or hydro-electric generating installation will enhance delivery of the unit.


BH023332 Edexcel BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals specification in Engineering Issue 1 May 2010 Edexcel Limited 2010

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