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(Absolute Crisis world)

9 2 (10) 3 (10) 9 10 6 5 5 5 6 9 23 27 32
Motivation: Seeks Justice / Unwanted Power Occupation: Unemployed Scientist


9 9 9 3 (5)

9 10 9 10


9 10 9 10

10 9 4 4 4 5 7 5 5
L L 1 Dilustel-378 / Link Will Link Dex 50 yards

Molecular Chameleon Super Speed Jumping Sealed Systems Enhanced Hearing Telescopic Vision Comp Languages Stealth Field Obscure


Lnk : INT

6 1 1

(16 Hours) +50 yards +100 yards

2 3 4 Superspeed provides no running powers Jumping cannot be enhanced (hard limit) MC: Can only transform into Element DILUSTEL-378


Stealth Field APs are subtracted from APs of extended normal senses MC: Explosions will auto-trigger transformation before damage

Regenerative Transformation Tireless Intensely Trained Genius Scholar (Biology)

Traumatic Flashbacks (Explosions) Innocent/Gullible Altered Anatomy

Cambridge University Credentials (High)

If IronAngel uses Regenerative Transformation, loses all hair. Traumatic flashback automatically triggers change.



Real names: Anvil Henry Jenkins Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None, Deceased. Extended family in Texas and Wyoming. Group Affiliation: None Base of Operations: Cambridge, England (allows protection of several huge English cities) Height: 6' Weight: 195 lbs Apparent Age: 27 Eyes: Blue Hair: Black / Bald

Powers and Abilities: IronAngel has the singular ability to transform himself into an
Element DILUSTEL-378 based life form similar to Captain Atom and the villain Major Force. Based on this physiology he is capable of many superhuman feats. He now physically moves and thinks faster, leap half a football field, can throw a bus and is able to shrug off almost any sort of physical damage short of an antitank weapon. He is also almost immune to gas and radiation even in human form thanks to his altered biochemistry. His transformation has also affected his senses as they are now more acute than normal humans. Apparently the element also absorbs radiation and sensory emissions as it is now impossible to detect IronAngel when he is not physically standing still. Even mental abilities are losing their grip on him. Before the explosion / accident, Anvil was a fairly bright man, the combination of the metallic interference in his nervous system has accelerated his neurological chemistry to superhuman levels as his cognitive abilities are roughly 500 times faster than normal humans. His learning capabilities are also enhanced with the ability to rapidly absorb and learn new information. A primary drawback is that even in human form, Iron Angels anatomy could now be used as an exobiology textbook case. X ray and other tests performed on himself have shown metallic filaments and components to his brain and nervous system. Even his muscles retain metallo fibrous bundles that appear to radically (512 times faster than normal) reduce the stress/recover time allowing for his ultra-fast movement and jumping. Strangely enough he does not run or sprint any faster than a regular human but in close quarters he is very fast with explosive power levels. He is also able to remain awake for up to 10 days at a time as necessary. So far the observations over time performed on his body indicate that further changes may be possible. Anvil also has a major problem with explosions. The accident that created his powers also created a weakness; anytime Anvil is inside an explosion that can hurt a human being, he suffers traumatic flashbacks as his mind goes back to the time of his rebirth. It will also involuntarily trigger his metamorphasis into Dilustel alloy as a means of self-protection.

Family: None. Killed in the Kansas Apocalypse. History:

Anvil Henry Jenkins was in Kansas during the Apocalypse working as a medical technician while learning to be a scientist/doctor. When Captain Atom was by killed by Parasite in the massive burst of radiation, Anvil Jenkins was within a thousand feet attempting to save innocent bystanders as an EMT volunteer during the fighting. Fragments of the alien metal that covered the Captain Atom embedded themselves into Anvils body. The blast of Radiation should have killed him outright. Instead, it threw him into the Quantum Field where he vanished for only a few weeks instead of years. During the later stages of the cleanup of the massive Kansas Wasteland over the next several weeks Anvil was found, apparently transformed to an metallic extremely reflective status. Everyone was greatly surprised when a few months later the statue started moving. Anvil, whose mental and physical abilities were catalyzed by the radiation and alien metal, had retained Captain Atoms ability to take metallic form. He also gained/inherited some other abilities. Since that day, Anvil, now known as IronAngel, has carried an undercurrent of hatred against super villains and murderers that continues to this day. During the Exodus to Supertown, and due to the medias intervention in his life, Anvil was associated too closely with the traumatic events for him to remain in the US but not powerful enough to relocate to Supertown. He quickly relocated to the Sorbonne in Paris and completed his studies in all branches of sciences (Physics, Chemistry and Biology triple graduate studies). In the face of so much death, Anvil dropped his medical studies, but he carried on with everything else. After graduation Anvil VERY quietly relocated to Las Vegas, Nevada after taking a vacation there and realizing they were in a butt load of trouble. It was during this time that the almost sinister properties of the alien metal began to manifest. As it was designed to shield radiation it is a very strong and durable metallic composition. What went unmentioned were the changes to Anvils neurology that continued to mutate. His reflexes, already fast became almost superhuman and other changes to his cognitive centers have given him the abilities think qualitatively better and much faster as his nerves are firing and conducting signals at almost light speed (electron axon to dendrite flow). The metal also absorbs electromagnetic radiation and now IronAngel is almost completely undetectable when not under direct observation. Anvil considers Dilustel-378 sinister because it is still not finished with changing his body and is worried about his own mental state as the metal continues to infiltrate his body.

The good news is that the accident assisted his career, but unfortunately caused his current job loss and relocation. As an assistant forensic scientist / biologist IronAngel was able to crack many cases of murder using his new abilities and sometimes radically unorthodox insights. But during a trial against a particularly vicious mob boss the defense lawyers managed to get Anvil to crack into a rage. IronAngel appeared in court, and extracted terrible vengeance and very rough frontier justice against the mob boss. He did not kill him, but the mob boss, while found not guilty on the charges, will never look at mild mannered science geeks the same way ever again. The mob boss doctors indicate he may one day regain the ability to walk and chew solid food as well; future children, on the other hand are most certainly out. Unfortunately Anvils secret was out, his career was ruined, and he has reluctantly relocated to England one step ahead of Amanda Waller and her metahuman police. Ironically, the DAs office of Las Vegas cleared him of charges calling it excessive provocation, but apparently Amanda Waller vehemently disagreed and still wants him for her latest toy and/or throwaway. Fortunately he retains independent sources of income to cushion his unemployment. He may never be wealthy but now fights crime as his full time job. Typically he will stay up for as long as possible working and foiling crime on the streets and then will disappear for 24 hours to recover . His hobbies include finishing his French studies and debating / consulting/working with the faculty and staff in the University of Cambridge, England as he is one of the foremost biology scientists on the planet (AP13 effective in biology).

Anvil Henry Jenkins is a bit of a paradox. He is a genuinely helpful, idealistic, polite and a good man while wanting to help save lives in any way he can, but is tainted with a scarred psyche from the explosion and a visceral dislike for villains. He does believe that most people are good and decent and somehow retains his idealism in the face of what he now does. Most people are not sure if this is admirable or pathetic. This has already cost him a career, but naively, he is not all that concerned with the implications of his anger. He remains very polite and loved his work in the Las Vegas Police Department and general hospital. But if he gets pissed off, stand by; once a criminal or villain is identified IronAngel can become a bit fanatical about taking them down. People that prey on others are the subject of his rage. Anvil worries about himself and his place in the world since his abilities seem closer to the villain Major Forces powers rather than Captain Atoms. Other than his rages he will always take steps to ensure that he remains on the moral and just side of any conflict; rarely, but sometimes to the point beyond where he should act instead of collect more information. So far the only weapon Anvil gets nervous about is X-Ionizer treated blades and bullets. Anvil still retains his childhood faith and attends Old Cambridge Baptist church.

Equipment: Concealable Armored Vest (modern, Skin Armor2/Blunt2) Car: Kawasaki Ninja (Motorcycle)

Notes: Element DILUSTEL-378 seems to be an odd ultra heavy quantum combination of the
traits of osmium, iron, tungsten, rhenium and uranium. This is the same material that comprised both Captain Atom and Major Force. It appears that the level of explosives used when a subject is infected with the metal appears to change what abilities manifest. While IronAngel does not release radiation the density of this elemental metal is much higher than lead, the heat resistance of osmium and tungsten, and retains the tensile and ductile strength of ultra-high grade steels and is almost as damage resistant as adamantium. Unfortunately Parasite has demonstrated that this material can be broken, cracked and destroyed. Anvil currently has a theory that the more intense the heat generated during an explosion around Dilustel the faster the body/mind will operate. Captain Atoms original test was using a standard nuclear weapon. No one has ever published reliable thermonuclear yield reports from Captain Atoms death throes. Appearance: Anvil at a typical first glance looks like a well toned athletic academic in quasifashionable trousers and a long sleeve dress shirt. On campus at formal meetings he will don a suit of course. His laptop bag is actually closer to a man purse as all his gadgets and tech toys are loaded in there. He does not particularly enjoy the transformation process, so will attempt to remain human appearing unless expecting imminent combat or surprised by an explosion of any kind. If IronAngel transforms, his musculature and frame increase dimensions as he goes into his metal form. Not surprisingly, IronAngel/Anvils biggest living expense is replacing clothing that gets shredded in the inevitable fighting that he gets involved in.

Future Powers / Skills (?) Invisibility Stretching Telepathy Psychic Blade Magnetic Control Damage Transferrence Flight Medicine OR Vehicles Gadgetry Acrobatics Martial Arts Joined

Base/FC 10/7 (200+50) 10/6 (200 + 50) 20/4 (400+50) 20/3 (400+50) 15/7 (300 + 50) 15/5 (300 + 50) 10/4 (200 + 50) 5/x (100) 25/8 (250) 15/5 (150) 25/10 (250) 5/1 (50)

Link Dex Dex Int Int Will Will Dex Int/Dex Int Dex Dex

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