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(Schism world)

Flight Flame Being Force Field

6 2 3 5 6 4 6 5 5 5 8 19 24 19
Motivation: Uphold the Good Occupation: Dog Trainer

Ranged 6 7 8 (16) 9 (16) Dex
(Flame Being) Flying + AS 16 vs Fire


12 12 8 (16) 9 (16)

7 (225 mph) Animal Handling Detective Acrobatics (AS / Gymnastics) 4 3

12 5 10 2 7
(FF and EB)

Energy Blast (Fire) Flash Bomb Power Reserve Energy Absorption

BONUSES and LIMITATIONS All powers are contingent of Flight Force Field and Flame Being are combined Powers Use of Flight automatically triggers Instachange. This is the only way it is triggered. Bomb takes 2 phases of inaction to trigger Firefly can attack through Force Field. Force Field protects firefly only. Energy Absorption fuels Power Reserve. 2 APs of Flash are automatically triggered by Insta-change

ADVANTAGES Insta-change Attractive Lightning reflexes Rank (Pittsburg PD-Low) DRAWBACKS Family Innocent/gullible Misc: music accompanies the use of Insta-change Secret Identity

CONNECTIONS Pittsburg PD (Low)


Real name: Heather Jones Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Mom, Dad Group Affiliation: None Base of Operations: Philadephia, Pa, Eastern States Coalition, Federated States of America Height: Weight: 109 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Red

Powers and Abilities: Fireflys abilities all activate when she takes to the air. Even without her fires she is a skilled flyer capable of maneuvers most pilots cannot duplicate. As soon as she takes to the sky she changes into a sexier version of the Firebug costume and gets an aura of heat around her that will incinerate most normal materials. She can shoot billowing gouts of white hot fire from her eyes or her hand for over a mile in distance. Firefly can also use her abilities to generate a bloom of light or heat around her in a sphere. No heat on earth is enough to hurt her. When she is exposed to external energies she can reroute portions of it to her own abilities. Her uncle was able to do so to a much greater extent so it can be assumed that her abilities will only expand with practice. Heather, in her human form, is a skilled animal trainer and a neophyte investigator. She is an all state gymnastics champion.

History: Firefly is the niece of the war hero Fire Bug. He served in the second Pan European War on the side of Free Europe. When he died in 1970 his powers and combat skills were inherited by his niece Heather. She even acquired a variation of his costume. It was never know the origins of firebugs powers so it is equally unknown the nature of Fireflys Heather, a beautiful high school student in intolerant Central Ohio, did everything she could to hide her powers at first. After a few months they became too delicious to resist. She did her best to keep her use of her flying quiet but the glowing nature of her powers made this difficult. Her High School Boyfriend, Cletus, had joined the sheriffs department an informed her that the Dept was chasing a red spy in the area: A slim young lady with flight and flame powers. Ironically Heather herself had joined the Sheriffs department. She was working as a dog trainer to put herself through veterinary school. On two occasions she was asked to bring the dogs to hunt for herself. Description: Heather is a petite smoking hot redhead that men cant help but want to protect. Her beauty and grace are memorable. When she transforms into Firefly she is a slightly taller redhead of slightly different features and a brighter shade of red hair. As Firefly she is still beautiful but does not evoke the cavemanprotection response from men. She is sexy as hell.

As an odd corollary to her power when she transforms back to Heather any cosmetic changes to her appearance are removed. Hair die, tattoos and makeup do not survive the transition. If she cuts her hair it is restored to full length when she transforms to Firefly and remains when she transforms back. Personality:



Planned improvements XP AWARD (Remainders) 15 points Language (German)

Original attribute

Modified attribute

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