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(Schism Variant Flash)

11 3 5 5 4 5 6 5 4

Ranged 11 11 11 5
+1 CS MA


11 11 11 5


Superspeed Jumping

10 7 22 21 34

Streak stopped and moving full speed. Motivation: Seeking Justice / Thrill of Adventure


11 6 4 2 2 5 Scientist MA (Assault,Battery,Blocking) Artist ( Painter, Sculptor) Weaponry 5 3 9 2

Sealed Systems Gliding Water Freedom Telescopic Vision


Sealed Systems not effective against Gas/Radiation attacks.

ADVANTAGES Popularity (+1CS Persuasion) Attractive (+1CS effect Persuasion, females) Connosieur Scholar: Geology DRAWBACKS Limelight Public ID Attack Vulnerability: Cold (-2CS)

None (But has a good reputation as an artist)

Quirks Hates the Nazis Despises the supervillains that stole his fortune.

Background Real name: Cecil Young Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Group Affiliation: none Base of Operations: None Age: 31 Height:61 Weight: 180 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown Powers and Abilities: Cecil has a variety of powers all related to movement abilities. He
is capable of dodging bullets, moving faster than the speed of sound, can survive for extended periods in hostile areas and water parts like air for him. Other than that he appears to be a marathon running human in every other way. Cecil has been gaining power steadily since his rebirth (SS08 -> SS11). Hopefully hell top out before he is living too fast to relate to anyone.

Cecils an artist. He always has been decent, but over the last decade became phenomenal. Its amazing that happens when you can do 100 years of practicing in a month. Ironically his name, Cecil, means blind in Latin Cecil was a normal guy that grew up, went to school, and was ready to graduate from the University of fine arts. The all hell broke loose. His Riverside University (Pittsburgh) was running an East State Coalition Physics experiment (Ironically called the Philadelphia Experiment) which went off and discharged into his body Something happened, nobody is sure. Was it an experimental weapon? A confluence of weapons and defenses? Whatever it was killed everyone in the area ... except him. He was the apparently an inadvertent bullseye for the experiments output. Everyone else looked like they had aged 1000 years in a second. Ever seen mummified neighborhood? Cecil has. The drawback is that it killed everyone on near the river beach and destroyed most of the buildings and wiped what little computers were there. Ever since that day Cecils been on the move so to speak. After the war his studies were completely lost. His transcripts and everything for the last 4 years were wiped clean. Even his personal records were destroyed in the explosions as hed lived on campus. Since no one would grant him a degree based on lost records, he went into independent art production. He is one of the most prolific painters as he used to be able to produce a near masterwork every two hours. As his works proliferated his methods were called into question. Too many critics called him a fraud and stated that he outsourced his works to starving students and stole their credit. Thats when he filmed himself on camera making a performance. To most people it looks like extremely jerky stop motion time lapsed film. Mainly because his camera was operating at 1/24 sec shutter speed. He just moves about 3200 times faster than normal. Thats when his work REALLY caught on. A super powered artist with a public ID? The draw was unique and the first, it also helped that he was a handsome devil so the novelty became tradition over time.
A masterpiece by Streak? I just HAVE to have one. - Anonymous Eastern State Coalition socialite

Lucky for the world Cecil has been able to keep up with the demand. Usually he does landscapes from some of the most inhospitable places on earth. East of Everest The Reich Below Me and The Trench are considered some of his best works. However, for

enough cash he has been known to take a commission and does portraits in about 2 hours. One quirk is that he does not do derivatory work from other media. Hes branched into sculpture and has done quite well performing mega repairs and commissions for replicas as well. Hes had to learn quite a bit about rock and materials science in order to produce some of his larger works. Fortunately reading a college textbook course is a couple hours worth of work to him now. (AP22-> 11) He is one good terms with many governments for helping to quickly repair (and cheaply restore) several items like the Great Wall of China after the Tsar / Dai Nippon Border Conflict of 1969, restored the Kremlin and St Basils Cathedral for the Imperial Tsar, and the replica of the Great Pyramid he built in Dubai for a really eccentric sheik, fortunately he was using tiny 100# granite blocks, so most people say the Pyramid looks even better than the one in Egypt. Much smoother anyway. Recently he was contracted by the Egyptian government to repair some of the damage to the Pyramids after they foolishly threatened the Israelis (again). Recently he has lost a huge fraction of his fortune from a super villain robbery/scam that eliminated 99% of his fortune. Thats when Cecil hung up the brushes and the chisels and decided to start kicking bad guys a$$es for the good of the world. He has been working solo so far. Being robbed REALLY pissed him off seeing them get away with it in court pissed him off even further. Recent adventures have also ensured that he absolutely despises Nazis of all kinds.

Personality: Cecil is a reluctant hero; hed rather do Art. Of course being a hero is also a
good way to maintain his popularity so branching out is a good thing. Hes not the nicest guy on the planet and has no qualms about unnecessary application of force to a super villains skull in order to get them to give up. Hes not very sporting when it comes to catching the bad guys. Generally he does draw the line at killing them but would not be THAT upset of it ever accidentally happens. So far hes been lucky. He doesnt get attached to most people mainly because no one can keep up with him. Running at mach 3 will do that to a guy.

Outlook on life: Streak/Cecil thinks that there is what weve got and not much else.
Believes in his morals and ethics as part of the social contract. Has never had a divine encounter but if he does he think he will paint it or sculpt it. Really enjoys the high life. Works hard and plays hard.

Do I look like Im doing this for my health? I could have been at a BBQ right now . But no, you had to come down here acting all big and bad!! Hold still this will only take a second no really I mean it!! Excuse me while I whip this out !! (Grabs pencil) Nazis I HATE these guys.

Cecils father and inspiration for his works

Notes: SuperSpeed is operating at roughly 3200 times normal speed. Changing from street clothes to costume (4 min .25 sec) Time for typical painting: 2 hours Time for typical sculpture work: 2 hours Time for a mega work (100 man years 2 weeks). Time for a sketch ? (32 minutes typical work) 1 second

Strength level: Streak possesses upper level human strength primarily in his lower body as part of his body's adaptations for running. With his upper body he can lift (press) approximately 400 pounds. He can leg press approximately one ton under optimal conditions (by pushing himself). Known superhuman powers: Streak is a changed man who possesses superhuman capacity to think and move at great speeds. His entire body has been adapting towards the rigors of high-speed running and movement. His cardiovascular and respiratory systems have become many times more efficient than those of a normal human being. He metabolizes an estimated 99.5% of the caloric energy content of foodstuffs (normal human use is about 25%). His joints became smoother and lubricated more efficiently than those of a normal human being. His tendons have the tensile strength of spring steel. His bones have incorporated/produced unknown materials significantly more durable than calcium to withstand the dynamic shocks of his feet touching the ground at speeds of over 1800 miles per hour. Streak's practical reaction time is about 3000 times faster than a normal human's and the speed at which his brain processes information is heightened to a level commensurate with his bodily speed, enabling him to perceive his surroundings while traveling at high velocities. Even Streak's lachrymose is more viscous than normal, thus preventing rapid evaporation and replenishment of surface fluids on his eyeballs under the influence of high wind velocity to occlude his vision. Some effects however appear to be related to an increased time flow or something similar

to it. When his body is fully charged up (meaning that Cecil is working and full speed or intends to run fast) his body emits low levels of radiations from infrared up to ultraviolet. Even when standing still he can almost emit what look like flames as he vibrates back and forth in one location. Streak has been timed at speeds of up to 1850 miles per hour, approximately thirty times faster than the fastest land animal, the cheetah. He has sufficient energy reserves to enable him to run at this average speed for about four hours, whereupon he must reduce his speed, replenish his body's store of energy, or do both. Streak has used his powers of acceleration for various feats. He has plucked bullets out of the air from a standing start, after the bullets left the machinegun and traveled a distance of about 50 feet. He has dodged machine gun fire, but presumably he was able to see the path of the bullets change as his assailant was attempting to track him with a burst. He is capable of leaping over 100 yards up to the top of buildings and can wave his arms fast enough to effectively glide while falling or on the down arc of one of his jumps. Water parts for the Streak as easily as air due to his nature and speed of movements.

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