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(SCHISM world)

9 3 7 7 5 5 6 5 5 6 7 22 0 SKILLS
7 13 9 6 9 14 6 1 Water Elemental, FC8 RR (AP6, 200yd) FC1 450 mph (in water) , FC2 (AP 13 depth, 8 miles), FC3 1/2 mile (AP9) FC2 Holds water 16K cu ft, FC1 FC2 FC3 Scientist

Water 9 3(0) 9(16) 7(14) 9/7 (drowning attack) Ranged 13 13 16 14 see special

AV EV OV (80K) 21 22
Motivation: Seeks Justice Occupation: Oceanographer / Fisherman


Body of Fluid Projectile Weapon Swimming Water Freedom Sonar Tesseract Speak w/ Animals Colld Immunity


Tessaract holds 16,000 cubic feet of water / fish Fluid move 3AP / round out of water Projectile weapon is a very high pressure water jet Tessaract functions as material for projectile weapon Empties in 16 uses of her power

Attractive Scholar (Ocean Science)


AV (FIRE) -2 CS MIA (Sailors) MIA (Ocean) Enemy (Nippon fishing fleet, wanted villain in Nippon)

Wary and distrustful of Nipponese. Nervious around lit cgarette lighters. Uses inhalation to fish. Loves whales.

Real name: Felicia Rachel Connor Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: John Connor, FS Navy; Jenine Connor-Carlson, step-mother, Annette Connor, sister Group Affiliation: None Base of Operations: Norfolk, Va, Eastern States Coalition, Federated States of America Height: 5'5" Weight: 105 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Black

Powers and Abilities: Fathom is for lack of a better word one quarter an elemental. She is able to turn into an animated body of water, survive at the bottom of the Mariannas Trench even as a human form, is mostly immune to arctic cold waters and can hold extreme amounts of water/life within her body. Her last test showed she could 'drink' up roughly 1/5 of an olympic sized regulation pool. (88K cu ft). She can also project water at superhigh pressures enough to cut steel I-beams in half. Her speed in water is faster than any torpedo ever developed and anything which mankind has been able to send into ocean. She is also capable of communicating with animals but prefers to only talk to sea life. However, Fathom is very susceptible to fire attacks and has very little defense against it. She will never voluntarily come within 10' of an open flame like a fireplace or campfire. Family: Felicia's father; John Connor is a Captain (promotable) working for the Federated States Navy as the CO aboard the battleship USS Montana which is part of the Atlantic Fleet. She has no other known living relatives. History: Felica Connors was born May 24th 1952. She was the product of a union with her father and her mother was a Nereid, half woman / water elemental. Even Felicia does not know the exact nature of how her father and mother met as John refused to ever discuss it. Her Nereid mother gave her to her father to be raised as a child of man as she was unwilling to raise a human with no water abilities. Her father, a young ensign with the FS Navy on shore duty in the territory of Puerto Rico immediately contact his sister Emily. Emily lived further up the coast in the city of Norfolk and her father purchased a home for permanent quarters. Felicia's early life was relatively normal as a young child and as a Navy Brat.

Her father met and eventually married Jenine Carlson, who was young but probably not the most wonderful step mother possible. Her step-mother generally regarded Felicia as a bright child but a bit of a burdern. But her husband was exciting, even if away and a good breadwinner for the family. Felicia's sister, Annette, was born in October 1956 after her father had just made Lieutenant. John Connor's family travelled to several naval bases such as San Diego, Hawaii and one slightly nervewracking tour in American occupied Cuba, (Guantanamo Naval Base) after the FSA Gulf Fleet was reinforced after the border skirmishes of the southern nations during the mid 60's. Early on Felicia was recognized as being an extraordinarily smart and gracful young girl with a fascination for the ocean and a pretty little precocious child. Felicia discovered that she was more, or maybe less, than human when she was swimming in the Gulf of Mexico during her stay on Cuba. She was struck and dragged under during a shark attack. As the shark continued to bite down on her leg and drag her for the depths she drowned to death. It was only after she began to inhale water that her elemental nature and abilities awoke with a fury. She immediately transformed without realizing it and inhaled the shark itself along with a huge amount of water. Flatly stunned and still hurting / (seeping?) from the bite she immediately swam over to the beach and angled up out of the water where she was practially spit out onto the beach like a watermelon seed. Fearing for her safety she ran home in tears. Eventually her father explained to her that she was not entirely human (and infuriatingly refused to discuss her conception) and that she would have to conceal her powers until she was more mature. Of course, local police were baffled by the tiger shark that had mysteriously appeared over a mile inshore in a public swimming pool one night. It had died from the chlorine, but CID detectives put it up to a sick joke (par for the course) by some of the SEAL teams stationed on the base. Felicia eventually graduated from her high school studies and went on to study at Old Dominion Univerisity located in Norfolk, Va. She majored in physical sciences and oceanography. After a time her father revealed to Felicia that while she did possess some gifts, she was missing the almost absolute command of the water that her mother possessed. Her father has refused to discuss any further information.

Her powers continued to grow and slightly accelerate. She learned that her abilities allowed her to survive in the absolute stygian depths and was much tougher than she appeared. She also learned that she could kill all but the largest predators with a water jet and is capable of holding well over a hundred thousand gallons inside her as a result of her heritage. Felicia never encountered her mother and has yet to encounter any of the really strange life forms under the oceans. Out on her own she managed to aquire enough money to purchase a used fishing boat and slowly converted it to a floating apartment. She has also been known to supplement her income by catching fish using a variation of the technique she first caught the shark that "killed" her. She also learned that she could communicate with sea life and fell in love with the whales. Listening to their cries she learned to despise whalers. Donning the identity of Fathom she has started hunting whaling boats on vacation and ran afoul of the Japanese fishing fleets in the Pacific. She always did enough damage with water jets to the hull or cutting the propellers to only cause loss of property and never killed the sailors. Eventually she became such a menace that the Japanese surface fleet attempted to catch her with the intention of studying her / killing her to stop her fishing fleet predation. So far they have only succeeded in driving her out of the Northern Pacific. Any other oceans are fair game for her. She currently lives in Norfolk and is toying with the idea of moving to Philadelphia to continue her studies. She is almost as passionate for science as she is for the ocean and sees the first as a method of eventually developing the second. She would like to see the FSA colonize their coastal waters if only to protect them from the Nipponese fishing fleets.

Personality: Fathom is a young woman who realizes that she is there to be a hero, an example and needs to protect the oceans. She is not a fanatic about zero impact, she only gets pissed off when human nations drop toxic waste into places where people might want to live in the future. She gets REALLY pissed off at excessive whaling. She has heavily damaged / sunk at least one ship of the Japanese Navy for attempting to drop depth charges on her. She loves life and LOVES the sea. She admires the men of the FSA Navy and is always willing to buy a beer for them (when she has the cash). If one catches her eye she is more than willing to make the first move. Equipment: Diving Knife Car: Felicia has a small 30' Boston Whaler fishing boat as her living space above water. It is not in wonderful shape but the engines work and she keeps it running.

Planned improvements XP AWARD (Remainders)

Original attribute

Modified attribute

XP expenditure

"You look like shark bait"

Recommended upgrades Increase Tessaract 14 to 20 (115 pts) Body of Fluid, raise Swimming Speed, raise Scientist 6 to 7 (70 pts)

Attributes DEX STR BOD

Rank 9 3 7

COST 84 12 48

Power Body of Fluid Projectile Weapon Swimming Water Freedom

B 75 15 0 5 10 35 5

FC 8 1 2 3 2 1 3

Rank 7 13 9 6 9 14 1

COST 139 43 24 23 34 67 7

MODS Object Required, (water)

Advantages Attractive


Drawbacks AV (FIRE) -2 CS MIA (Sailors) SIA (Ocean)

COST -25 -10 -30


Scholar (Ocean Science) 1/4 mile Hold water 32K foot



7 5 5

56 24 24

Sonar Tesseract Cold immunity Speak with Animals


6 5 5

42 24 24



6 7 22

24 24 21 22 0 SS EI MA Scientist 10 7 6 52

HTH AV EV OV RV TOTAL 9 3 9(16) 7(14) 386

Water 13 13 20 16 TOTAL 406 TOTAL 25 TOTAL -65 752

Remove (5 times)

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