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(SCHISM world)


7 2 6 5 4 5 9 7 5 7 10 22 13 SKILLS
13 10
5 13 7 7 8
FC4 (120 tons) FC6 AP 15 (1 day) FC1 7,200mph FC3 FC4 (AP10 1 mile Range) FC1 FC2

Ranged 7 13 7(17) 6(16)
(23 Flight + Dispersal)

Dead or Alive, yall are coming with me.

7 13 7(17) 6(16)


30 22

Motivation: Uphold the good Occupation: Detective / Supercop

Tactile Telekinesis Dispersal Sealed Systems Flight Chameleon: Greater Extended Hearing Comprehend Languages

Detective (CA, LW, PP) Thief (Stealth,LS,SS) Artist (Acting)

7 5



Sealed systems not effective against Gas/Radiation

Attractive (+1CS Persuasion against men) Sharp Eye (-1CS to OV of all PER checks) Scholar (History)

Baltimore Police Department (Low) FSA : Team Vengeance (Medium Government Agency)

DRAWBACKS MIA(Patriot) Exile, Voluntary (Deep South, FSA) Secret ID MIA(Alcohol) MPI (Short Temper with criminals)

Hates supervillains Hardbitten supercop Ultra Patriotic to FSA Heavy Southern Drawl

Real name: Victoria Joan Wayne DeVilling Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Dad - Donald Devilling (Mother [Justine Francis Devlling nee deceased) Group Affiliation: FSA: Team Vengeance Base of Operations: Baltimore / Washington DC, Eastern States Coalition, Federated States of America Height: 57 Weight: 115 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde

Powers and Abilities: Ms Victory is a telekinetic mutant. Her tactile telekinetic abilities manifest by virtue of the appearance of great strength and the unsettling ability to pick up and thow objects to evil effect. Her body can telekinetically phased out of our reality stepping sideways as her molecules disperse. This makes her much more difficult to affect via physical combat. Her features are completely mutable and she is the perfect undercover agent. She is also capable of flying using her TK abilities at roughly Mach11. Family: Her father, Donald Devilling is still around and kicking as a minor business executive with the Atlanta based company Dr Pepper. Her mother unfortunately was killed in a car crash during a criminals attempt to escape the scene of a crime. This was one of the reasons she was driven to fight crime. History: Victoria Joan Wayne Devilling was born into a moderately properous family in the Deep Southern Coalition of the FSA. Her powers were dormant until she hit puberty so childhood was pretty normal except for a healthy interest in piano and acting in the school plays where Vicky always took the lead roles. She has always been able to charm her way into most men's hearts and was extremely popular as a child. Interestingly enough, she showed a remarkable gift for languages even as a toddler and could speak french or even spanish to her nannies.

Daddy was also a bit of a warhero from the Pan European war as a volunteer fighter pilot for free Europe. He always took little Vicky to the air shows and made no bones about how Vicky should always salute the flag and stand tall for the Federated States (and not to forget her Confederate heritage as well). Mother was much more mellow but never, ever said anything that didn't support her father's positions.

An idea ... too ... skimpy?

New costume for Baltimore / DC Little racier and more with the times

Atlanta costume (People are much more straight laced there)

Then her powers appeared. Being a superman in the deep south is no picnic. Being a woman with super powers was even worse. At first, she was unable to mask her powers as they appeared while she was on stage in a middle shool play. Flying and accidentally knocking a piano through the walls was a dead giveaway. So Vicky got to experience the revulsion and hatred that a lot of humanity seems to express to the supermen. Daddy lost his job and mom was scandalized. Their family was subjected to increasing and harsher discrimination as time went by. A positive development was that Victoria quickly learned to control flying and her strength. Mom was despondent and almost took her life. Good thing her daddy was there to get rid of the sleeping pills. Fortunately, over the summer, they were able to move from Birmingham to Atlanta to escape the backlash. Victoria registered for her school and with a lot of proficiency exams, never had to produce her out of state records for school. Thank God for states' rights and their stubborn independence this one time. Victoria started school and life continued and got back to normal, but Vicky had to keep her powers secret. Continuing to perform drama, she was looked at as a possible acting extra but turned the role down flat when a producer showed her the casting couch. Another nice thing was that her boyfriends were never able to take advantage of her. More than one was suprised at how well she pushed her way out of a backseat. Graduation came and went with no great suprises and she finished her education at the Univeristy of Atlanta for a triple degree in History, Drama and Foreign Languages (her abilities helped with that one). It was during her junior year of college that her mother, Justine, was killed. Mother of course always needed to head down to the bank and pick up cash for doing the groceries picking up Donald's cleaning and other assorted errands. So of course she happened to be in First State Bank of Georgia when some super criminal decided to rob it. He broke in and over powered the guards using some form of wind powers. Then it went bad.

Captain Freedom, the super soldier, went in after him. The criminal, dubbed the Atlanta Assassin, whipped out nails and proceeded to kill everyone inside including Captain Freedom using a whirlwind of deadly projectiles. The Assassin escaped but is still wanted for over 20 murders and has not been seen since. Captain Freedom's death devastated Atlanta and the Deep South as he was one of the closest things to a goverment sanctioned hero. By the time Victoria found out it was too late to do anything, but she resolved that she would catch her mother's killer no matter what happened. She also took Captain Freedom's colors for her own. Calling herself Ms Victory, she started terrorizing the criminal element of Atlanta during the nights while she was finishing her degree. Ms Victory enrolled in the police academy and graduated with decent marks. As she was degreed, she was promoted to detective and sent for further instruction. Detective training came naturally, and she used her powers to enhance her disguises and to submerge herself in her undercover roles more effectively than any man around. She was not afraid to use honeyed words and deeds to get her target busted either. During her career she has picked up an addiction to drinking as almost all criminals have this vice. She just picked it up as collateral damage. Good thing most cops seem to share it with her. Over time, Ms Victory has spent the last several years staring up the backside of humanity as part of her job. She has become much more militant about stopping the bad guys and was suspended twice for police brutality during a particularly violent arrest of a known gunrunner and supervillain mastermind. The criminal kept claiming that she was super strong or some other such nonsense ... luckily Victoria plays the role of police detective normal so well. However, that last investigation was just too close to finding out more than Ms Victory was ready to show. Of course the scumbag rapist deserved being strung out from a 30 story building by his ankle, some people just call that justice. Victoria quit the force as a compromise to her superiors in lieu of possible charges. Maybe it's time to act again .... or something. Ms Victory has recently decided to relocate in light of the Deep South Coalitions support for the nationalization of supermen. With their annoucement that they intend to study the means and methods, it has gotten just a little too unpleasant to live in the Peach. As such, she decided the Eastern Coalition would be a better and safer place to live. So Baltimore / Washington DC it is. Ms Victory is currently working as an undercover detective for the Baltimore police department as an auxillary investigator (No rank, just freelance). She is also attempting to get into acting or some other line of work. Currently she lives off her savings and part time work, so she has plenty of time for crimefighting. Of all the supers in the region she identifies with and gets along with Thin Blue Line the best. Recently she has joined the Eastern Coalitions superman team Team: Vengeance in the wake of so many superman criminals recently arising.

Personality: Ms Victory is an iconic patriot of minor legendary proportions in the Deep South Coalition of the FSA. Her short temper with criminals however has hindered her acceptance from the general population. She is warm to other supermen and cold as ice to villains. In her eyes there are citizens, good guys and bad guys. Good guys follow the law. Bad guys don't. Ordinary citizens need protection. Not much room for gray in her world. Innocent people deserve all the protection she can give even if they still don't care for her. She still believes in her fellow citizens even while she is poisoned against her villain enemies. Perhaps in time people will accept her. Until then she is one of the few things that stands between citizens and supervillains. So be it.

Equipment Costume (and not much material at that) Car: 1972 Ford Thunderbird, Black w/ 454 big block

Ms Victory in winter costume

I don't play nice with bad guys Original attribute TTK9 Flight 9 BOD5 DISP9 HP7 Comp Lang 5 Modified attribute TTK13 Flight 13 BOD6 DISP10 HP10 Comp Lang 8 XP expenditure 240 45X4 -> 180 60 90 30+45+45=120 20+20+20

XP AWARD (Remainders) 210+200+120+238 -> 768 538 358 298 208 88 28 Lines

Dead or Alive yall are coming with me. Stars and Bars or Stars and Stripes, it doesnt matter to me.


New costume for Philadephia Little racier and more with the times

Ms Victory in winter costume

Recommended upgrades

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