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Invulnerability ForceField Flight Sealed Systems Ultra Vision Telescopic Vision

(Schism world Superman)

10 12 11 7 5 5 7 4 5 6 9 24 3 SKILLS
(FC9) FC6 100,000mph (Mach 130) FC3 (AP20: 1 Month) FC1 FC2 FC1 AP 16 Range (60 mi) FC1 AP 9 Range (1/2 mi) FC1 FC3 (FC4) (1 Hour recover BOD/MIN/SPI)

Ranged 10 13 / 17 10 (17) 11(19)
+8 FF only after 1st (12+1 MA) / Flight

AV EV OV ($80K) 27 26
Truth, Justice and the Federated Way Motivation: Responsibility of Power / Uphold the Good Occupation: Singer / Writer

10 12 10 (17) 11(19)



Detective (Law, CR, PP) Detective (CA, LW) Artist (Music (Singing), Dance) Artist (Acting, Writing) Martial Arts Science

3 3 7


10 9 10 13 6 1 4

1 1

Extended Hearing Super Hearing Water Freedom Tactile Telekinesis


Force Field self only, can attack through it. Performances are +1CS for all female audience members. Invulnerability is effective against Physical, Mental and Mystical damage. Invulnerability is Skilled (Double stacked) (+2CS, AV/OV) TTK has Chain extension. Can use touch for 30 yards along anything in contact. Tactile Telekinesis is Contingent w/ FF (cannot be used in the same round) If ambushed or surprised, FF cannot be used until the second round of HTH combat and does not stay up at all times. (Feature only, no FC deduction). Sealed Systems not effective against Gas/Radiation Attacks Invulnerability takes 2 full rounds to take effect. Meaning that RM will look dead for 2 rounds, then recovers via Invulnerability. This happens for each scene. Once hes used his power it stays active until combat ends for more than 1 minute.

Stabilization (ALL ) Attractive (+1CS against women, PERS) Iron Nerves (+2CS vs. Fear / INTIM) Scholar (Military History / Tactics) Slowed Aging True Faith (Christian) Sharp Eye Instant Change

Philadelphia Enquirer (Low) Daniel Archer (Low) Prince Camron (High) Genosha Head of State

Enemy (Adonirack Sorcerers) Weirdness Magnet

Hates slavers. Not too fond of governments Totally trusts his agent, Thomas Wopat

Scouts out! CHARGE!!

You wanna play rough?? Fine, lets play by your rules.

Not on my freakin watch mister.

Real name: Konrad Stephen F Austin Edward Kent, Konrad Kent on-stage Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Mom, Dad (Matilda Austin Kent & Jesse Jonathan Duke Kent) Group Affiliation: Sentinels of Justice Base of Operations: Philadelphia, Pa, Eastern States Coalition, Federated States of America Height:61 Weight: 235 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Age: 19 Chronological, 24 physical

Powers and Abilities: Konrad is a young man with superhuman agility and strength and senses. He
can see like a owl and a falcom and hears better than most dogs or bats. He is able to fly faster than many meteors and is able to fly into solar orbit .. but only prefers to fly above the speed of sound (faster = better), so he mainly just jumps to where he needs to go. He also needs to be careful around populated areas. Konrad flies himself for anything long distance. His speed is now capable of outrunning anything on planet Earth that he's encountered (Mach65) with one exception (Pro-Active). Konrad has started breaking orbit and has already amazed and/or pissed off a lot of pilots in his spare time. He found that he can stay underwater for quite some time but he gave up after a day spent exploring the bottom of the lake. Roughly capable of picking up and throwing a modern M-60 Patton Panzer, hes got a punch that can tear through a panzer, but will most certainly pull it back for normal looking people. He is extremely confident in his abilities as an artist or a brawler and will not hesitate to exploit them. Fortunately, thanks to his faith / morals he is not taking undue advantage just skirting the edges of it. His strength is just unearthly and at certain times he gets much tougher just by getting really pissed off (his words). At full power he can tear open the skin of an M-60 Patton Main Battle Panzer and can shrug off a HEAT armor piercing round if I know its coming. So far no one has ever used a battle panzer in an ambush against him.

Family: As far as he knows he was raised in Kent, Texas with one of the leading families, and has

grown up there all his life. His father was a huge Texas and Maine history fan (Hence his long fucking name) His great-uncle was Edward Kent (Maine governor during the Aristook War), and his mother named him Konrad after Saint Konrad von Parzham (German Saint who had a reputation for industry, strength and endurance). Moms always been a little obsessive about matters of faith even if Konrad used to wonder a lot.

And Justice for all

Freedom is the right of all sentient beings With great power comes great responsibility

1958: Meteor storm and minor asteroids strike West Texas SouthEast of El Paso. Hundreds injured and several people killed. Balmorhea, Tx water tower destroyed by meteorite impact. Konrad is not sure who or exactly what he is, but he knows he can sing and dance the pants off any woman in the audience where he might be playing. Of course he also knows he can fly, shrug off a panzer round and throw a tractor across the field, and if a plasma gun or two does blow throw his chest hell be okay about an hour later (that one scared the sh*t out of him) . Based on his growth and development, Konrad has not completed manifesting his full range of abilities as of yet. Is he an alien or just another Superman manifesting into the world? If he is, how does he compare? No one knows but so far he has yet to meet anyone stronger. The Lone Star Coalition governments installation of a weapons research lab finally put Kent, TX on the map with a little more importance than bustling cities like Pecos or Ft Stockton. Konrads strength, stamina and powers started manifesting in new and generally disturbing ways all through high school (Balmorhea, TX Go Bears!). He was extremely strong throughout high school and was a star football player. Unfortunately he was kicked out of his Boxing classes after accidentally body punching his trainer right out of the ring. Now his strength and speed are unearthly. He also took dance (Disco / Country) and music all through school winning awards at state level competitions and unknowingly stealing a few hearts along the way. Konrad is also a semi-practicing, devout Catholic but does not attend church nearly enough according to this mother. As a reporter for his high school he has always managed to get into and out of more trouble than any 10 other students. Of course this did not endear him to the high school staff, so he is taking his senior year of HS studies elsewhere. Mom and dad are actually a little secretly relieved to not see weird things happening every other week, but they come and visit him and he is always coming home for the holidays. Konrad has had to let his fists settle a few arguments with the school bullies, but after they got out of the hospital everyone decided a singing powerhouse could be a odd but very good friend to have. So his friends watched his back and partied hard with him while he kept nastier things from happening to his friends. Hes a very trusting guy and tries to see the good in everyone. Even his friends would tease him about trying to be some kind of boy hero but he just blushes and keeps his nose clean to some extent anyway. Konrads still really curious about women but he had the good sense to avoid the school slut Larissa Lancaster. His friend Courtney works with him on the school paper. But shes totally infatuated with Robert Ludlums work. His recently released Bourne Conspiracy which makes for interesting reading (Spies against Dai-Nippon and such). In his junior year of high school his singing and acting / stunt work have actually started to pay off with some club gigs (which was hard getting a 16 year old in a bar), record company deals (country and western) and walk on parts with some of the smaller teen series on various television networks.

Unfortunately Konrad has been unwittingly taken advantage of and even now fails to notice it (his deals would be much more lucrative if he had better a better agent, but so far, he refuses to replace his fathers friend Thomas Wopat). Hes still a new kid on the block with the supermen and has never really had much luck contacting any new heroes. So far hes happy to just stop the occasional mugging or bank robbery (even those usually get the thugs shot this is Texas still) Just before leaving home, one of his oddball birthday gifts was a gag shirt with stylized S and shield on it from his mom. Jesse and Matilda also gave him a collection of old family memorabilia and books. Of course when asked about the stupid shirt, she had to go and state "Because you're a named for a Saint my dear boy. Konrad Stephen now get over here!" She's gotten into the habit of choosing outlandish but conservative looking t-shirts for her son to wear. Konrad also started studying his family history as a hobby and picked up some very interesting variant designs for the S based on Great Uncle Karl's exploits in the Indian Wars of the FSA during the late 19th century. Seems that Karl Kent was Cavalry officer commanding a troop of horseman riding in to save the day. His historical and military studies are starting to payoff as he begins to apply his intellect and what he's learned into possible real world applications with his powers.

With great power comes great responsibility

Countries Last, Legends are Forever

Freedom is the right of all sentient beings

Summer of 1971 Konrad has relocated to Philadelphia in order to complete his schooling and to complete a few new acting jobs that threaten to become possibly some serious money later in life. Even he is still a little confused about the demand for C/w music in the Eastern States Coalition but he is trusting his manager to keep things covered. (As a side hobby he is singing some of the oldies songs and learning about some new wave of music called disco its kinda catchy and could get bigger as time goes by). He keeps his investigative reporting / crime fighting activities separate from his personal life and no one is aware of his powers with the exception of his father and mother. His lack of confidantes is driving him crazy. Hed like to meet up with the some hero groups but has never confided in anyone so he has no idea how to find / contact them.

Konrad's been growing up. In the last year his life has taken several rather dramatic turns and upsets. His Konrad's Krew band was a great hit until he was murdered. After a series of adventures with time traveling maniacs throwing him around Philadelphia, Konrad as died/not died a few times actually. His band has been broken up. And he has traveled to Africa to assist a friend for some unknown reason. While in Africa he witnessed the horrible evils of enslavement of the supermen and had his powers stripped by the arch villain of Genosha who was in the process of taking over the country. He returned and wrote a devastating series of articles for the Philadelphia Inquirer and won several accolades for exposing the evil of modern-day slavery to the rest of the world. Returning back to Africa for several months, he was instrumental in releasing the nation's supermen and returning Prince Camron to power after his exile. It was there that the group was tagged the Sentinels of Justice. After his return Konrad learned that he has been murdered again by the villains calling themselves the Red Wave, his band broke up and Tom was more than a little despondent over

his loss for some reason. Writing a book over the whole subject, Konrad has become critically acclaimed, and he was awarded the Nobel prize for literature. Recently Konrad and his friends Lynx, John Brooks and Mobius have started chasing down what appears to be another evil conspiracy forming in the heart of the FSA. Foiling a bank robbery and tracking down a series of unscrupulous conspirators, Konrad battled what people are calling a Death Knight. Fortunately it was driven off by John and his mystical abilities. Unfortunately Konrad was incinerated and apparently killed in the next battle by two plasma wielding mercenary killers, 30 thugs with machine guns and 4 nasty gentlemen toting anti-panzer rockets. Luckily, Konrad's a bit harder to kill than that. He woke up in Scranton General's emergency ward just after they'd put the sheet over his head and prepped him for the morgue. This pretty much has Konrad out for justice and perhaps vengeance. Recently Konrad received a large royalty award on his book regarding the Genoshan crisis. He donated 500K to the Red Cross.

Konrad is a decent hardworking if nave C/W singer / actor arrived in the big city and has finished up school. Along the way, he's turned into a decent writer and has landed a freelance job with the Philadelphia Inqirer as a reporter covering the supercrime beat. Learning to not quite swear like a salty chief petty officer (except around mom and any woman he doesnt know well [exception: when fighting]), and knows he can steal the hearts of the ladies (most of the time) but never does anything bad with that ability. Still drops the F bomb when surprised or pissed. Likes to brawl and win. This works against him in a fight if super villains come at him with everything at once. Fortunately they tend to do stupid things like give him a chance to recover or leave him for dead. They usually dont get a chance to make that mistake ever again. Hes a nice guy, but hes not stupid and will beat super villains to near-death if theyve really pissed him off; ask the Arch Engineer if he enjoyed the wall trip. Of course he figures prison medicine is good enough for them. Konrad has started to develop his own symbol which is a derivative and blending of the Cavalry symbol from the 1st Armored Division of the FSA (Cavalry always arrives in time and Great Uncle Karl fought the Apaches) and the symbol that his mom game him on his birthday (Stylized S for Saint ... go figure, at least it was in a diamond ... ). It is yellow and black and is quite distinctive. He figures that someones got the be the panzer. Still trying to figure out a real costume though. Konrad recently got back from Africa and is growing much more comfortable with being a hero and is ready to liberate more than just one country (even if he didnt get much credit for the work over there; hes willing to let that slide for more justice). He parties as hard as he possibly can while still coming across as a bit of a wet behind the ears punk some days. Will not be intimidated by his elders at all (except Mom, Dad, and Tom in that order). Konrad's finally settling into the idea that the world needs superheroes. He's ready willing and able to step up to the plate and despises those who would treat others as property. Anyone who enslaves others will earn his instant enmity.

Kent, Texas

Kent, Tx 79855. Not even a spot on the map.

The ironic S shirt from a B-day party. And back on the farm.

Hauling Ass

Oh damn you just really pissed me off You wanna play rough?? Fine, lets play by your rules. I am NOT being evil. Sometimes Im just a dick Im here for Truth, Justice and the Federated Way Not on my fucking watch mister. Lieutenant . Bowel? WTF Kinda name is that? Freedom is the right of all sentient beings Countries Last, Legends are Forever "17 hours to the moon. Be back for a late dinner" "If you ain't moving mach 2 with your hair on fire, you ain't living"

Car: 1972 Chevelle This is Konrads current Pride and Joy a 1972 Black Chevelle SS he picked up as a reward to himself for picking up the jobs in Philly. And yes he drives the hell out of it whever he gets the chance.


Carries spare shirt [against bullet-holes] and eyemask.

Try to bomb my city from the ocean???

Around the world in 80 seconds

I'm from WHERE???

You said WHAT crashed in Lone Star??

Saint symbol and the Cavalry

ADVANCEMENT CHART XP AWARD (Remainders) 63 (33) (18) + 96 (114) 114 (9) 69+236

Original attribute Flight 5 Flight 6 Flight 9 Invulnerability 8 Acting (A/W) 7

Modified attribute Flight 6 Instant Change Flight 9 Flight 12 Invul 9 A/W 9 Iron Nerves Slowed Aging mind 5 Flight 14 SS09 Stabil (ALL) Scholar (SmUnitTactics) FLT 15 TV 9 HP 9 SS10 Flt 16 UV 9 INFL 6 Removed EH13 HP 10 BOD 10 STR11 BOD 11 FF5 INFL7 Flight 17 0 FF8 STR 12 Tele Vis 10 HP 11 Sci 1 HP 9 INT 6 INT 7 DEX 10

XP expenditure 30 pts 15 pts 30+30+45 135 90 75 60 30 60 90 10 60 30 45 25 125 (30 + 45) 15 60 50 70 50 30 60 45 45 90 90 90 60 70 60 50 180 90 15 45 70 Game Effect (Plane of Justification) Game Effect (Plane of Justification) 70 105

5 points +210 pts 155 125 65 + 200 = 265 175 165 105 75 30 5 + 120 50 35 + 238 (273) 213 163 93 53 23 + 141 (164) 104 59 14 + 188 (202) 112 22 + 231 = 255 165 105 35 + 61 36 + 198 = 231 181 1 + 222 133 118 73 3 3 + 184 = 187 117 12

mind 4 Flight 12 SS 8 Stabil (BOD/MIN) Flight 14 TV 7 HP 7 SS9 Flt 15 UV 7 INFL 5 Innocent True faith EH9 Sharp Eye HP 9 BOD 9 STR10 BOD 10 FF4 INFL 6 Flight 16 Science FF5 STR 11 Tele Vis 9 HP 10 Sci 0 HP 11 INT 5 INT 6 DEX 9

Total points awarded : 2387

Scouts out! CHARGE!!

You wanna play rough?? Fine, lets play by your rules.

Not on my freakin watch mister.

Scouts out! CHARGE!!

You wanna play rough?? Fine, lets play by your rules. Not on my freakin watch mister.

And when all else fails ....

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