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Ascending the Heights Keeping Our Mouths Shut Step 10 Part 1 On Slander 1. What is Slander? a.

Slander is an offspring of hatred, a subtle yet coarse disease , a leech lurking unfelt, wasting and draining the blood of love. It is simulation of love, the patron of a heavy and unclean heart, the ruin of chastity. b. Slander is the child of hatred and remembrance of wrong sometimes covered by pious intentions 2. How does Slander appear? a. It puts on the appearance of love and is the ambassador of an unholy and unclean heart. 3. Can love help us? a. Love will cover a multitude of sins (1Pet 4:8) 4. How many times have you fallen into the trap of criticizing someone? a. James 3:9,10 With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. b. I have known a man who sinned openly and repented secretly. 5. How many hard feelings do you harbor for what others have done to you? 6. John condemns slander because of the attitude which lies behind it. Slander is the fruit of a judgmental spirit. 7. Should you condemn someone? 8. How do I stop slandering others? a. Remember all are created in Gods image. b. Remember all are subject to fall and most if not all have already fallen. 9. How do I stop my brother from slander? a. Begin when it starts by telling your friend to stop it. b. Say something positive about the person being slandered c. Pray for the one slandered and the slanderer.

Accomplish these two and you will have ascended the tenth rung of the ladder!!

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