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Pong con Arduino y tellyMate.

#define RIGHT_PIN 2 // pins connected to pots (2 and 0 are sliders 1 and 3 on dangershield) #define LEFT_PIN 0

#define BUZZER_PIN 3 // digital pin connected to a piezo buzzer or speaker #define PADDLE_SOUND 200 #define EDGE_SOUND 500

// define the edges of the screen: #define HEIGHT 25 #define WIDTH 38 #define LEFT 0 #define RIGHT (WIDTH -1) #define TOP 0

#define BOTTOM (HEIGHT-1)

#define PADDLESIZE 1 #define SPEED 2000

// this how many pixels the paddle extends top and bottom // how many milliseconds it takes the ball to move across the screen

#define BALL


// character code for ball

#define PADDLE 219 // character for paddle (see

#define CHAR_ESC "\x1B" // escape character used in TellyMate commands

int ballX = WIDTH/2; int ballY = HEIGHT/2; int ballDirectionY = 1; int ballDirectionX = 1;

// X position of the ball // Y position of the ball // X direction of the ball // Y direction of the ball

int rightPaddleY = 0; int leftPaddleY = 0;

// X position of the center of the right paddle // Y position of the center of the right paddle

int prevRight = -1; int prevLeft = -1;

// holds previous paddle position // set to -1 to force display on startup

long timeStamp = 0;

// time stamp to control the pauses between ball moves

long interval = SPEED/WIDTH ; // interval in milliseconds between ball moves boolean gamePaused = false; // state of the game

void setup() { pinMode(BUZZER_PIN, OUTPUT); // if using speaker Serial.begin(57600); //57k6 baud screen_clear(); Serial.println("Pong Mauro"); cursor_show(false); // turn cursor off delay(100); screen_clear(); }

void loop() { // read input:

readSensors(); // move the ball: if (gamePaused) { if (millis() - timeStamp > interval*10) { // if enough time has passed, start the game again: gamePaused = false; } } // if the game isn't paused, and enough time between ball moves // has passed, move the ball and update the timestamp: else { if (millis() - timeStamp > interval) { moveBall(); timeStamp = millis(); } } }

void readSensors() { // read the sensors for X and Y values: leftPaddleY = map(analogRead(LEFT_PIN), 0, 1023, 0, BOTTOM); if( leftPaddleY != prevLeft){ drawPaddle(' ',0, prevLeft); // erase old paddle drawPaddle(PADDLE,0, leftPaddleY); prevLeft = leftPaddleY; } rightPaddleY = map(analogRead(RIGHT_PIN), 0, 1023, 0, BOTTOM);

if( rightPaddleY != prevRight){ drawPaddle(' ',RIGHT, prevRight); // erase old paddle drawPaddle(PADDLE,RIGHT, rightPaddleY); prevRight = rightPaddleY; } }

void moveBall() { // check to see if the ball is in the horizontal range // of the paddles:

// right: if (ballX >= RIGHT - 1) { // if the ball's next Y position is between // the top and bottom of the paddle, reverse its X direction: if ((ballY + ballDirectionY >= rightPaddleY - PADDLESIZE) && (ballY + ballDirectionY <= rightPaddleY + PADDLESIZE)) { // reverse the ball horizontal direction: ballDirectionX = -ballDirectionX; playSound(PADDLE_SOUND); } }

// left: if (ballX <= LEFT + 1) { // if the ball's next Y position is between // the top and bottom of the paddle, reverse its X direction:

if ((ballY + ballDirectionY >= leftPaddleY - PADDLESIZE ) && (ballY + ballDirectionY <= leftPaddleY + PADDLESIZE )) { // reverse the ball horizontal direction: ballDirectionX = -ballDirectionX; playSound(PADDLE_SOUND); } }

// if the ball goes off the screen bottom, // reverse its Y direction: if (ballY == BOTTOM) { ballDirectionY = -ballDirectionY; } // if the ball goes off the screen top, // reverse its X direction: if (ballY == TOP) { ballDirectionY = -ballDirectionY; }

// clear the ball's previous position: screenShowXY(' ', ballX, ballY);

// if the ball goes off the screen left or right: if ((ballX == LEFT) || (ballX == RIGHT)) { playMiss(); // reset the ball: ballX = WIDTH/2;

; ballY = HEIGHT/2; // pause and note the time you paused: gamePaused = true; timeStamp = millis(); } // increment the ball's position in both directions: ballX = ballX + ballDirectionX; ballY = ballY + ballDirectionY;

// if the game isn't paused, set the ball // in its new position: if (!gamePaused) { // set the new position: screenShowXY(BALL, ballX, ballY); } }

void drawPaddle(char paddleChar, int x, int y) { for(int i =-PADDLESIZE; i <= PADDLESIZE; i++) { screenShowXY(paddleChar, x, y + i); } }

void playSound(int period ){

digitalWrite(BUZZER_PIN,HIGH); delayMicroseconds(period); digitalWrite(BUZZER_PIN, LOW); delayMicroseconds(period); }

void playMiss(){ for(int i=0; i < 100; i++) playSound(400); for(int i=0; i < 100; i++) playSound(3000 + i); }

// TellyMate helper functions

void screenShowXY( char ch, int x, int y){ // display the given character at the screen x and y location cursor_move(y,x); Serial.print(ch); } void screen_clear( void ) { // <ESC>E Serial.print( CHAR_ESC "e" ); }

void cursor_move( uint8_t row , uint8_t col ) { // <ESC>Yrc

Serial.write( CHAR_ESC ) ; Serial.write( 'Y' ) ; Serial.write( 32 + row ) ; Serial.write( 32 + col ) ; }

void cursor_show( bool show ) { // <ESC>e or <ESC>f Serial.print( CHAR_ESC ) ; Serial.print( show?'e':'f' ) ; }

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