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Librarians for Tomorrow

LAS Conference 2012

Will librarians still make sense in the future? Will it make sense to still have librarians and will librarians still be making sense of content in tomorrows world? This years conference looks to explore the challenges experienced by Information Professionals and Libraries in the face of changes in technology and media landscape, and even more piquantly, how people now relate to each other socially and find their information. In this big gathering of local and regional Librarians, the conference aims to build stronger ties and relations that would prepare Librarians and propel the profession onwards to tackle the challenges of tomorrow and the years beyond. And being the open profession that we are, the conference will also invite other guests outside the profession to debate and discuss the issues facing us.

Call for Proposals

So dear librarians, we are seeking your contributions towards the LFT2012 by submitting presentation proposals that will cover competencies, services or even just ideas that are our best bets at being future-proof. With this years conference theme centering on Librarians of Tomorrow, we would like the presentations to be exploratory of projects or thoughts that you or your organization are working on to face the future.. We hope that these presentations will be a platform to share inspirational ideas with our fellow librarians who will be attending this event. The scope of your presentations can include any of the following: Proof-of-concepts Testing of ideas Collaborative project proposals Trials that you are doing or attempting to set in place.

We are looking for presentations that can be done within 10 minutes onstage together with a poster that is displayed for off-line discussion during tea-breaks and lunch. All presentation proposals should be submitted to by 16 July 2012. Please submit your proposals using the template provided in Appendix.

Key dates to note:

Closing date for Call for Proposals 16 July 2012 Short-list of proposals 31 July 2012 Submission of first draft presentations 19 August 2012 Submission of final presentations 18 September 2012

Selected presentations may be invited to submit as papers for the 2012 Singapore Journal of Library & Information Management (SJLIM).


LFT 2012 - Submission for Call for Proposals

Title: Abstract:

Corresponding Author:

Name: Organisation: Email address:

Other Authors:

Name: Organisation: Email address (optional):

Name: Organisation: Email address (optional):

Name: Organisation: Email address (optional):

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